#74 New Calendar UI
Merged 6 years ago by a2batic. Opened 6 years ago by thelittlewonder.
thelittlewonder/Fedora-app calendar-ui  into  master

add meeting detail page
Abhishek Sharma • 6 years ago  
rebase and fix conflicts
Abhishek Sharma • 6 years ago  
fix merge conflict and rebase
Abhishek Sharma • 6 years ago  
Add Empty States
Abhishek Sharma • 6 years ago  
fix relative path to icon
Abhishek Sharma • 6 years ago  
add toast on calendar subscribe
Abhishek Sharma • 6 years ago  
fix search icon
Abhishek Sharma • 6 years ago  
fix font
Abhishek Sharma • 6 years ago  
add notification page
Abhishek Sharma • 6 years ago  
fix type of meeting time
Abhishek Sharma • 6 years ago  
Update styles
Abhishek Sharma • 6 years ago  
Update styles
Abhishek Sharma • 6 years ago  
update fedocal ui
Abhishek Sharma • 6 years ago  
update fedo cal to fetch posts by date
Abhishek Sharma • 6 years ago  
add search modal
Abhishek Sharma • 6 years ago  
Add icons for the calendar page
Abhishek Sharma • 6 years ago  
file modified
+7 -3
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ 

  import { HomePage } from '../pages/home/home';

  import { MagazinePage } from '../pages/magazine/magazine';

  import { AskPage } from '../pages/ask/ask';

- import { CalendarPage } from '../pages/calendar/calendar';

+ import { CalendarPage, Search, meetingDetails } from '../pages/calendar/calendar';

  import { MorePage} from '../pages/more/more';

  import { NotificationsPage} from '../pages/notifications/notifications';

  import { WomenPage } from '../pages/women/women';
@@ -36,7 +36,9 @@ 




-     ViewPackagePage

+     ViewPackagePage,

+     Search,

+     meetingDetails


    imports: [

@@ -56,7 +58,9 @@ 




-     ViewPackagePage

+     ViewPackagePage,

+     Search,

+     meetingDetails


    providers: [


file modified
+66 -1
@@ -21,7 +21,9 @@ 

  .iframeWrapper iframe {

      width: 100%;

      height: 100%;

- } //tab icons-active

+ } 


+ //tab icons-active

  ion-icon {

      &[class*="fedora-"] {

          mask-size: contain;
@@ -141,3 +143,66 @@ 

  .pkg-devel {

    color: #FFEB3B;



+ //segment styles

+ ion-segment {

+     padding: 0px 24px 0 24px;

+     background-color: #fff;

+ }


+ .segment-button {

+     font-family: "Montserrat-Light";

+     font-size: 12px;

+     color: #9A9FA6;

+     text-transform: none;

+     padding: 0;

+ }


+ .segment-activated {

+     font-family: "Montserrat-SemiBold";

+     font-size: 12px;

+     color: #3C6EB4;

+     padding: 0;

+ }


+ //empty state styles

+ .emptystate {

+     display: flex;

+     flex-direction: column;

+     justify-content: center;

+     text-align: center;

+     align-items: center;

+     height: 100%;

+     img {

+         margin-bottom: 20px;

+     }

+     h1 {

+         font-family: "Montserrat-SemiBold";

+         font-size: 19px;

+         color: #79818B;

+         margin: 0;

+     }

+     h2 {

+         font-family: "OpenSans-Regular";

+         font-size: 14px;

+         color: #79818B;

+         line-height: 20px;

+         margin: 10px 0 20px 0;

+         img {

+             margin: 0 2px;

+             display: inline-block;

+             margin-bottom: 0px;

+         }

+     }

+     button {

+         padding: 12px;

+         width: auto;

+         background: transparent;

+         border: 1px solid #3C6EB4;

+         border-radius: 2px;

+         font-family: "Montserrat-SemiBold";

+         font-size: 14px;

+         color: #3C6EB4;

+         line-height: 14px;

+     }

+ } 

\ No newline at end of file

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ 

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+     <title>calendar-plus-o - FontAwesome</title>

+     <desc>Created with Sketch.</desc>

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+     <title>access_time - material</title>

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@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ 

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- <!--

-   Generated template for the CalendarPage page.


-   See http://ionicframework.com/docs/v2/components/#navigation for more info on

-   Ionic pages and navigation.

- -->


- <ion-content padding class="calendar">

+ <!--Calendar Page Template-->

+ <ion-header no-border>


-     <button ion-button menuToggle>

-       <ion-icon name="menu"></ion-icon>

-     </button>

+     <ion-title>

+       <img src="./assets/img/Fedora.svg" height="24px" alt="Fedora">

+     </ion-title>

+     <ion-buttons end>

+       <button tappable (click)="openNotificationPage()">

+         <img src="./assets/img/notification.svg">

+       </button>

+     </ion-buttons>


-   <img id="cal_icon" src="assets/img/cal_logo.svg" />

+ </ion-header>

+ <ion-content class="calendar">

+   <ion-label>

+     <span class="label">Select a calendar</span>

+     <div (click)="showSearch()">

+       <span> {{selectedCalendar.realName}} </span>

+       <img src="./assets/img/dropdown.svg">

+     </div>

+   </ion-label>

+   <ion-segment [(ngModel)]="showEventsBy" (ionChange)="onSegmentChange()">

+     <ion-segment-button value="upcoming">

+       Upcoming Events

+     </ion-segment-button>

+     <ion-segment-button value="past">

+       Past Events

+     </ion-segment-button>

+   </ion-segment>


-     <ion-item>


-       <ion-select [(ngModel)]="selectedCalendar" [compareWith]="compareCalendar" (ngModelChange)="updateMeetings()">

-         <ion-option *ngFor="let calendar of calendars" [value]="calendar" [selected]="calendar.realName == selectedCalendar.realName">

-           {{ calendar.displayName }}

-         </ion-option>

-       </ion-select>

-     </ion-item>

      <div *ngIf="meetings.length !== 0">

        <ion-card *ngFor="let meeting of meetings">

-         <ion-card-header>

-           <strong>{{ meeting.name }}</strong>

-         </ion-card-header>

-         <ion-card-content>

-           {{ meeting.description }}

-         </ion-card-content>

-         <ion-row center>

-           <ion-col width-67 padding>

-             <p><ion-icon name="calendar"></ion-icon> {{ meeting.time.toLocaleDateString() }}</p>

-             <p><ion-icon name="time"></ion-icon> {{ meeting.time.toLocaleTimeString() }}</p>

+         <ion-row>

+           <ion-col col-3 class="date" text-center (click)="openMeetingDetails(meeting)">

+             <p class="month">{{meeting.time.toLocaleDateString([], { month: 'short' })}}</p>

+             <p class="day">{{meeting.time.toLocaleDateString([], { day: '2-digit' })}} </p>


-           <ion-col width-33 padding>

-             <button ion-button class="add-button" small tappable (click)="addToCalendar(meeting)">

-               <ion-icon name="add"></ion-icon>Add

-             </button>

+           <ion-col col-8 class="details">

+             <ion-card-header class="body-title" (click)="openMeetingDetails(meeting)">{{meeting.name}}</ion-card-header>

+             <ion-card-content>

+               <p class="time" (click)="openMeetingDetails(meeting)">

+                 <img src="./assets/img/clock.svg">

+                 <span [innerHTML]="meeting.time.toLocaleTimeString([], { hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit'}) + ' - ' + meeting.timeEnd.toLocaleTimeString([], { hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit' })"></span>

+               </p>

+               <p class="add">

+                 <img src="./assets/img/calendar.svg">

+                 <button tappable (click)="addToCalendar(meeting)">Add to Calendar</button>

+               </p>

+             </ion-card-content>






- </ion-content>

+   <div *ngIf="meetings.length === 0" class="emptystate">

+     <img src="./assets/img/es-cal.svg">

+     <h1>We couldn't find any events</h1>

+     <h2>Seems like the schedule is light.

+       <br> Relax and Enjoy the moment</h2>

+   </div>

+ </ion-content> 

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file modified
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+             color: #3B6FBB;

+             line-height: 20px;

+             padding: 0;

+         }

+         .card-content {

+             font-family: "OpenSans-Regular";

+             font-size: 12px;

+             color: #535961;

+             line-height: 20px;

+             padding: 0;

+         }

+     }

+ }


+ searchpage,

+ meetingdetails {

+     ion-header {

+         padding: 16px 24px;

+         background-color: #fff;

+         span {

+             font-family: "Montserrat-Regular";

+             font-size: 16px;

+             color: #9A9FA6;

+             letter-spacing: 0.57px;

+             margin: 0 0 16px 16px;

+             text-transform: uppercase;

+         }

+         .toolbar-title {

+             padding: 0 !important;

+         }

+         .searchbar {

+             padding: 16px 0 0 0;

+             .searchbar-search-icon {

+                 right: 90%;

+                 background-image: url(../assets/img/search.svg);

+             }

+             .searchbar-input {

+                 box-shadow: none;

+                 padding: 8px 12px 8px 48px;

+                 line-height: 2.5rem;

+                 border: 1px solid transparent;

+                 font-family: "OpenSans-Regular";

+                 background: rgba(239, 240, 241, 0.50);

+                 &:focus {

+                     background: #fff;

+                     border: 1px solid rgba(#3B6FBB, 0.5);

+                 }

+             }

+         }

+     }

+ }


+ meetingdetails {

+     .header-md::after {

+         background-color: #ECEDEE;

+         background-image: none;

+     }

+     .scroll-content {

+         padding: 24px !important;

+         h1 {

+             margin: 0 0 12px 0;

+             font-family: "OpenSans-Semibold";

+             font-size: 16px;

+             color: #3C6EB4;

+             line-height: 20px;

+         }

+         hr {

+             height: 0;

+             background-color: none;

+             border: 1px solid #EFF0F1;

+             margin: 0;

+         }

+         .info {

+             margin: 12px 0;

+             max-width: 100%;

+             ion-label {

+                 margin: 0 0 6px 0;

+                 font-size: 11px;

+             }

+             p {

+                 margin: 0;

+             }

+         }

+         button {

+             margin-top: 12px;

+             background-color: #3C6EB4;

+             width: 100%;

+             padding: 14px;

+             font-family: "OpenSans-Semibold";

+             font-size: 14px;

+             color: #FFFFFF;

+             text-align: center;

+         }

+     }

+ } 

\ No newline at end of file

file modified
+185 -9
@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@ 

  import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  import { Calendar } from '@ionic-native/calendar';

+ import { ModalController, ViewController, NavParams, NavController, ToastController } from 'ionic-angular';


+ import { NotificationsPage } from '../../pages/notifications/notifications';

  import { FedoCalService, Calendar as CalendarType, Meeting } from '../../providers/fedo-cal/fedo-cal';




   * We default to the QA calendar


- const DEFAULT_CALENDAR = { realName:'QA', displayName: 'QA' };

+ const DEFAULT_CALENDAR = { realName: 'QA', displayName: 'QA' };



   * The FedoCal interface
@@ -22,9 +24,14 @@ 

  export class CalendarPage {



+    * Set the current active segment as Upcoming Events in the interface

+    */

+   showEventsBy: string = "upcoming";


+   /**

     * List of calendars in FedoCal


-   private calendars: CalendarType[];

+   public calendars: CalendarType[];



     * List of meetings in the selected calendar
@@ -34,9 +41,9 @@ 


     * ID of the selected calendar


-   private selectedCalendar: CalendarType;

+   public selectedCalendar: CalendarType;


-   constructor(private fedoCal: FedoCalService, private calendar: Calendar) {

+   constructor(private fedoCal: FedoCalService, private calendar: Calendar, public modalCtrl: ModalController, public navCtrl: NavController) {

      this.calendars = [];

      this.meetings = [];

@@ -45,7 +52,17 @@ 


    ngOnInit() {


-     this.updateMeetings();

+     /**

+      * Fetch upcoming meetings

+      */

+     this.updateMeetings('start');

+   }


+   /**

+    * Change the meeting view according to active segment

+    */

+   onSegmentChange() {

+     this.showEventsBy == 'upcoming' ? this.updateMeetings('start') : this.updateMeetings('end');



@@ -61,21 +78,45 @@ 



     * Update the list of meetings for the selected calendar

+    * @param type type of meetings to fetch, upcoming or past


-   updateMeetings(): void {

+   updateMeetings(type: string): void {


-       .getMeetings(this.selectedCalendar)

+       .getMeetings(this.selectedCalendar, type)

        .subscribe(meetings => {

          this.meetings = meetings;





+    * Opens up the search modal component

+    */

+   showSearch() {

+     let searchModal = this.modalCtrl.create(Search, { calendars: this.calendars }, {

+       cssClass: "search-modal",

+       showBackdrop: false,

+       enableBackdropDismiss: false

+     });

+     /**

+      * Update calendars when search modal closes

+      */

+     searchModal.onDidDismiss(data => {

+       //Update calendar only if choice is made

+       if (data !== undefined) {

+         let receivedCalendar = { realName: data.calendarChoice };

+         this.selectedCalendar = receivedCalendar as CalendarType;

+         this.showEventsBy == 'upcoming' ? this.updateMeetings('start') : this.updateMeetings('end');

+       }

+     });

+     searchModal.present();

+   }


+   /**

     * Add a FedoCal meeting to the system calendar


     * @param meeting meeting to add to the calendar


-   addToCalendar(meeting:Meeting): void {

+   addToCalendar(meeting: Meeting): void {



@@ -92,7 +133,142 @@ 

     * @param b Calendar

     * @returns boolean value indicating if both calendars are equal


-   compareCalendar(a:CalendarType, b:CalendarType) {

+   compareCalendar(a: CalendarType, b: CalendarType) {

      return a.realName === b.realName;




+   /**

+    * Open the notifications pane from the home page

+    */

+   openNotificationPage() {

+     this.navCtrl.push(NotificationsPage, { animate: true, direction: 'forward' });

+   }


+   /**

+    * Pushes the meeting details page for specific meeting

+    * @param meeting meeting page to open

+    */

+   openMeetingDetails(meeting: Meeting) {

+     this.navCtrl.push(meetingDetails, { meeting: meeting });

+   }



+ /**

+  * Search Modal Component

+  */


+ @Component({

+   templateUrl: 'search.html',

+   selector: 'searchpage',

+   providers: [FedoCalService, Calendar]

+ })

+ export class Search {


+   public calendars: any;


+   //to store the calendars in one place when reseting the list during search query

+   public allCalendars: any;



+   //Initialize array for showing calendar icon

+   calendarIcon: string[] = [];

+   //set icon values

+   activeIcon: string = './assets/img/star-active.svg';

+   inactiveIcon: string = './assets/img/star-inactive.svg';


+   constructor(public viewCtrl: ViewController, navParams: NavParams, public toastCtrl: ToastController) {

+     //store all the calendars in one place

+     this.allCalendars = navParams.get('calendars');


+     //initialise active list

+     this.calendars = this.allCalendars;

+     for (let i = 0; i < this.calendars.length; i++) {

+       //update src of icon

+       this.calendarIcon[i] = this.inactiveIcon;

+     }

+   }


+   /**

+    * Listens to input on the search bar

+    * 

+    * Returns calendars matching the query

+    * 

+    * @param query search query entered in the input box

+    */

+   onInput(query: string): void {


+     //reset the value of list

+     this.calendars = this.allCalendars


+     // if the value is an empty string don't filter the items

+     if (!query) {

+       return;

+     }


+     this.calendars = this.calendars.filter((v) => {

+       console.log(v);

+       if (v.realName && query) {

+         if (v.realName.toLowerCase().indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) > -1) {

+           return true;

+         }

+         return false;

+       }

+     });

+   }

+   /**

+    * Function called when someone taps the star to subscribe to the calendar

+    */

+   subscribeToCal(calendar: CalendarType, i: number): void {

+     /**

+      * Declare toasts for showing events

+      */

+     const subscribedToast = this.toastCtrl.create({

+       message: 'Subscribed to calendar: ' + calendar.realName,

+       duration: 2000

+     });

+     const unsubscribedToast = this.toastCtrl.create({

+       message: 'Unsubscribed from calendar: ' + calendar.realName,

+       duration: 2000

+     });


+     /**

+      * Fire event on the basis of selected icon

+      */

+     if (this.calendarIcon[i] === this.inactiveIcon) {

+       this.calendarIcon[i] = this.activeIcon;

+       subscribedToast.present();

+     } else {

+       this.calendarIcon[i] = this.inactiveIcon;

+       unsubscribedToast.present();

+     }

+   }

+ }


+ @Component({

+   templateUrl: 'meeting-details.html',

+   selector: 'meetingdetails',

+   providers: [Calendar]

+ })


+ export class meetingDetails {

+   private meeting: Meeting;

+   constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, params: NavParams, private calendar: Calendar) {

+     this.meeting = params.data.meeting;

+   }


+   /**

+  * Add a FedoCal meeting to the system calendar

+  *

+  * @param meeting meeting to add to the calendar

+  */

+   addToCalendar(meeting: Meeting): void {

+     this.calendar.createEventInteractively(

+       meeting.name,

+       meeting.location,

+       meeting.description,

+       meeting.time,

+       meeting.timeEnd

+     );

+   }

+ } 

\ No newline at end of file

@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ 

+ <!--

+ Template for the meeting detail

+ -->


+ <ion-header>

+     <ion-title>

+         <img src="./assets/img/back.svg" tappable navPop>

+         <span>Meeting Details</span>

+     </ion-title>

+ </ion-header>

+ <ion-content>

+     <h1>{{meeting.name}}</h1>

+     <hr>

+     <ion-row>

+         <div class="info">

+             <ion-label>Description</ion-label>

+             <p [innerHTML]="meeting.description"></p>

+         </div>

+     </ion-row>

+     <ion-row>

+         <ion-col>

+             <div class="info">

+                 <ion-label>Date</ion-label>

+                 <p>{{meeting.time.toLocaleDateString([], { month: 'long', year: 'numeric', day: '2-digit' })}}</p>

+             </div>

+         </ion-col>

+         <ion-col>

+             <div class="info">

+                 <ion-label>Time</ion-label>

+                 <p [innerHTML]="meeting.time.toLocaleTimeString([], { hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit'}) + ' - ' + meeting.timeEnd.toLocaleTimeString([], { hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit' })"></p>

+             </div>

+         </ion-col>

+     </ion-row>

+     <ion-row>

+         <div class="info">

+             <ion-label>Location</ion-label>

+             <p>{{meeting.location}}</p>

+         </div>

+     </ion-row>

+     <button tappable (click)="addToCalendar(meeting)">

+         Add to Calendar

+     </button>

+ </ion-content> 

\ No newline at end of file

@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ 

+ <!--

+ Template for the modal window for search

+ -->


+ <ion-header>

+     <ion-title>

+         <img src="./assets/img/back.svg" tappable navPop>

+         <span>Select a Calendar</span>

+     </ion-title>

+     <ion-searchbar [(ngModel)]="query" (ionInput)="onInput($event.target.value)" placeholder="Enter a team or calendar name...">

+     </ion-searchbar>

+ </ion-header>


+ <ion-content>

+     <ion-list>

+         <ion-card *ngFor="let calendar of calendars let i = index">

+             <ion-row style="margin-bottom: 6px">

+                 <ion-col col-1 style="padding-right: 4px!important" tappable (click)="subscribeToCal(calendar,i)">

+                     <img [src]=calendarIcon[i] height="18px">

+                 </ion-col>

+                 <ion-col col-11 tappable (click)="this.viewCtrl.dismiss({ 'calendarChoice' : calendar.realName});">

+                     <ion-card-header>{{calendar.displayName}}</ion-card-header>

+                 </ion-col>

+             </ion-row>

+             <ion-row>

+                 <ion-col col-1></ion-col>

+                 <ion-col col-11 tappable (click)="this.viewCtrl.dismiss({ 'calendarChoice' : calendar.realName});">

+                     <ion-card-content>{{calendar.description}}</ion-card-content>

+                 </ion-col>

+             </ion-row>

+         </ion-card>

+     </ion-list>

+     <div *ngIf="calendars.length===0" class="emptystate">

+         <img src="./assets/img/es-search.svg">

+         <h1>We couldn’t find anything</h1>

+         <h2>Maybe a little spelling mistake?</h2>

+     </div>

+ </ion-content> 

\ No newline at end of file

@@ -199,15 +199,21 @@ 

     * @param calendar FedoCal calendar name

     * @returns Observable which emits an array of meetings


-   fetchMeetings(calendar: Calendar): Observable<Meeting[]> {

+   fetchMeetings(calendar: Calendar, type: string): Observable<Meeting[]> {


-     return this.http.get(`${ENDPOINT}/meetings/`, { params: { calendar: calendar.realName } })

+     /**

+      * set search parameters to current date in order to get past and upcoming events

+      */

+     let todaysDate: any = new Date();

+     todaysDate = todaysDate.toISOString().split('T')[0];


+     return this.http.get(`${ENDPOINT}/meetings/`, { params: { calendar: calendar.realName, [type]: todaysDate } })


          map((data: any) => data.meetings.map(m => {

            // FedoCal splits an ISO8601 string and sends us the date and time,

            // combine them together

-           const mTime = new Date(`${m.meeting_date}T${m.meeting_time_start}Z`);

-           const mTimeEnd = new Date(`${m.meeting_date_end}T${m.meeting_time_end}Z`);

+           const mTime: Date = new Date(`${m.meeting_date}T${m.meeting_time_start}Z`);

+           const mTimeEnd: Date = new Date(`${m.meeting_date_end}T${m.meeting_time_stop}Z`);


            return {

              name: m.meeting_name,
@@ -227,10 +233,13 @@ 

     * request is persisted into the disk cache for further requests.


     * @param calendar FedoCal calendar name

+    * @param type Type of Meetings to fetch:

+    * - start(starting after today i.e upcoming meetings)

+    * - end(ended today i.e past meetings)

     * @returns Observable which emits an array of meetings


-   getMeetings(calendar: Calendar): Observable<Meeting[]> {

-     return merge(this.loadCachedMeetings(calendar), this.fetchMeetings(calendar).pipe(

+   getMeetings(calendar: Calendar, type: string): Observable<Meeting[]> {

+     return merge(this.loadCachedMeetings(calendar), this.fetchMeetings(calendar, type).pipe(

        tap(x => this.storage.set(getCalendarStorageKey(calendar), x))



file modified
+8 -1
@@ -39,7 +39,14 @@ 


  @font-face {

      font-family: 'OpenSans-Semibold';

-     src: url($font-path+'/fonts/opensans-semibold-webfont.woff2') format('woff2'), url('../assets/fonts/opensans-semibold-webfont.woff') format('woff');

+     src: url($font-path+'/opensans-semibold-webfont.woff2') format('woff2'), url('../assets/fonts/opensans-semibold-webfont.woff') format('woff');

+     font-weight: normal;

+     font-style: normal;

+ }


+ @font-face {

+     font-family: 'OpenSans-Bold';

+     src: url($font-path+'/opensans-bold-webfont.woff2') format('woff2'), url('../assets/fonts/opensans-bold-webfont.woff') format('woff');

      font-weight: normal;

      font-style: normal;


1 new commit added

  • fix type of meeting time
6 years ago

1 new commit added

  • add notification page
6 years ago

2 new commits added

  • fix search icon
  • fix font
6 years ago

1 new commit added

  • add toast on calendar subscribe
6 years ago

1 new commit added

  • fix relative path to icon
6 years ago

37 new commits added

  • fix relative path to icon
  • add toast on calendar subscribe
  • fix search icon
  • fix font
  • add notification page
  • fix type of meeting time
  • fix conflicts
  • Update styles
  • Update styles
  • update fedocal ui
  • update fedo cal to fetch posts by date
  • add search modal
  • Add icons for the calendar page
  • Fix Merge Conflicts
  • pass query parameters natively
  • fix type of date
  • Refactor auto generated pages
  • Remove Inline SVG images
  • Fix Back icon on the navbar
  • Refactored and added comments
  • Remove the pages not needed in the new design
  • Remove conflicting style
  • Add global fonts,colors and typographic styles
  • Add Tabs Stylesheet
  • Update the app to show tabs view
  • Add Icons for the homepage
  • Add Home Page View
  • Add Tabs View
  • Add More and Notifications Page
  • Add community blog proxy
  • fix conflicting interface name
  • Remove unused imports and add HTTPS
  • update mag provider to fetch images
  • Add Community Blog Provider
  • Update beautifyDate to incorporate blog posts and social posts
  • update magazine provider to fetch images for carousel
  • Add Dates to the social
6 years ago

rebased onto b1fe25443b3a10d38844273d39f9883842645218

6 years ago

1 new commit added

  • Add Empty States - No Calendar No Search Results
6 years ago

rebased onto bdb9f53f7e1de2d4e0590ca3bd0746e16a454fd3

6 years ago

13 new commits added

  • Add Empty States
  • fix relative path to icon
  • add toast on calendar subscribe
  • fix search icon
  • fix font
  • add notification page
  • fix type of meeting time
  • Update styles
  • Update styles
  • update fedocal ui
  • update fedo cal to fetch posts by date
  • add search modal
  • Add icons for the calendar page
6 years ago

rebased onto 9520d01812a2a9a904e46d966efe1e2e07aa444b

6 years ago

14 new commits added

  • Merge branch 'calendar-ui' of ssh://pagure.io/forks/thelittlewonder/Fedora-app into calendar-ui
  • Add Empty States
  • fix relative path to icon
  • add toast on calendar subscribe
  • fix search icon
  • fix font
  • add notification page
  • fix type of meeting time
  • Update styles
  • Update styles
  • update fedocal ui
  • update fedo cal to fetch posts by date
  • add search modal
  • Add icons for the calendar page
6 years ago

15 new commits added

  • Add Empty States
  • fix relative path to icon
  • add toast on calendar subscribe
  • fix search icon
  • fix font
  • add notification page
  • fix type of meeting time
  • Update styles
  • Update styles
  • update fedocal ui
  • update fedo cal to fetch posts by date
  • add search modal
  • Add icons for the calendar page
  • fix css
  • Add config for unit testing
6 years ago

rebased onto 91e56aab1c9c593f98a91ee4e68f916ec752b423

6 years ago

15 new commits added

  • rebase and fix conflicts
  • fix merge conflict and rebase
  • Add Empty States
  • fix relative path to icon
  • add toast on calendar subscribe
  • fix search icon
  • fix font
  • add notification page
  • fix type of meeting time
  • Update styles
  • Update styles
  • update fedocal ui
  • update fedo cal to fetch posts by date
  • add search modal
  • Add icons for the calendar page
6 years ago

rebased onto d884c175fa0036ce24173ff4be5aefcf40c4cb84

6 years ago

15 new commits added

  • rebase and fix conflicts
  • fix merge conflict and rebase
  • Add Empty States
  • fix relative path to icon
  • add toast on calendar subscribe
  • fix search icon
  • fix font
  • add notification page
  • fix type of meeting time
  • Update styles
  • Update styles
  • update fedocal ui
  • update fedo cal to fetch posts by date
  • add search modal
  • Add icons for the calendar page
6 years ago

1 new commit added

  • add meeting detail page
6 years ago

16 new commits added

  • add meeting detail page
  • rebase and fix conflicts
  • fix merge conflict and rebase
  • Add Empty States
  • fix relative path to icon
  • add toast on calendar subscribe
  • fix search icon
  • fix font
  • add notification page
  • fix type of meeting time
  • Update styles
  • Update styles
  • update fedocal ui
  • update fedo cal to fetch posts by date
  • add search modal
  • Add icons for the calendar page
6 years ago

2 new commits added

  • Add 'loader' into calendar-ui
  • add homepage loader
6 years ago

18 new commits added

  • Add 'loader' into calendar-ui
  • add homepage loader
  • add meeting detail page
  • rebase and fix conflicts
  • fix merge conflict and rebase
  • Add Empty States
  • fix relative path to icon
  • add toast on calendar subscribe
  • fix search icon
  • fix font
  • add notification page
  • fix type of meeting time
  • Update styles
  • Update styles
  • update fedocal ui
  • update fedo cal to fetch posts by date
  • add search modal
  • Add icons for the calendar page
6 years ago

16 new commits added

  • add meeting detail page
  • rebase and fix conflicts
  • fix merge conflict and rebase
  • Add Empty States
  • fix relative path to icon
  • add toast on calendar subscribe
  • fix search icon
  • fix font
  • add notification page
  • fix type of meeting time
  • Update styles
  • Update styles
  • update fedocal ui
  • update fedo cal to fetch posts by date
  • add search modal
  • Add icons for the calendar page
6 years ago

rebased onto 1a78b3ea4a6047472bf10420f804c2ed1fe54a04

6 years ago

rebased onto 1c040c9

6 years ago

1 new commit added

  • fix add to calendar button
6 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by a2batic

6 years ago