#13 Process spec file line by line, be more lenient (and minor cleanups)
Merged 4 years ago by nphilipp. Opened 4 years ago by nphilipp.
fedora-infra/ nphilipp/rpmautospec master--process-spec-line-by-line  into  master

@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@ 

  from glob import glob

  import os

  import re

+ import shutil

+ import tempfile



  from koji.plugin import callback
@@ -15,6 +17,8 @@ 



  autorel_re = re.compile(r"^\s*(?i:Release)\s*:\s+%(?:autorel(?:\s|$)|\{autorel[^\}]*\})")

+ changelog_re = re.compile(r"^%changelog(?:\s.*)?$", re.IGNORECASE)

+ autochangelog_re = re.compile(r"^\s*%(?:autochangelog|\{autochangelog\})\s*$")



  def is_autorel(line):
@@ -37,28 +41,52 @@ 


      dist = build_tag["tag_name"]

      name = os.path.basename(srcdir)

-     autospec = False

-     autorel = False

      new_rel = get_autorel(name, dist, session)

-     specfiles = glob(f"{srcdir}/*.spec")

-     if len(specfiles) != 1:

+     specfile_names = glob(f"{srcdir}/*.spec")

+     if len(specfile_names) != 1:

          # callback should be run only in if there is a single spec-file



-     with open(specfiles[0], "r") as specfile:

-         content = specfile.read()

-         # we remove trailing lines

-         lines = content.rstrip().splitlines(keepends=False)

-         autorel = any(is_autorel(l) for l in lines)


-         if lines[-1] == "%{autochangelog}":

-             autospec = True


-     if autorel:

-         lines.insert(0, autorel_template.format(autorel=new_rel))

-     if autospec:

-         del lines[-1]

-         lines += produce_changelog(srcdir)

-     if autorel or autospec:

-         with open(f"{srcdir}/{name}.spec", "w") as specfile:

-             specfile.writelines(l + "\n" for l in lines)

+     specfile_name = specfile_names[0]


+     has_autorel = False

+     changelog_lineno = None

+     has_autochangelog = None


+     # Detect if %autorel, %autochangelog are in use

+     with open(specfile_name, "r") as specfile:

+         # Process line by line to cope with large files

+         for lineno, line in enumerate(iter(specfile), start=1):

+             line = line.rstrip("\n")


+             if not has_autorel and is_autorel(line):

+                 has_autorel = True


+             if changelog_lineno is None:

+                 if changelog_re.match(line):

+                     changelog_lineno = lineno

+             elif has_autochangelog is None:

+                 if autochangelog_re.match(line):

+                     has_autochangelog = True

+                 elif line.strip():

+                     # Anything else than %autochangelog after %changelog -> hands off

+                     has_autochangelog = False


+     if has_autorel or has_autochangelog:

+         with open(specfile_name, "r") as specfile, tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("w") as tmp_specfile:

+             # Process the spec file into a temporary file...

+             if has_autorel:

+                 # Write %autorel macro header

+                 print(autorel_template.format(autorel=new_rel), file=tmp_specfile)


+             for lineno, line in enumerate(specfile, start=1):

+                 if has_autochangelog and lineno > changelog_lineno:

+                     break


+                 print(line, file=tmp_specfile, end="")


+             if has_autochangelog:

Haven't seen used print instead of file.write/e.t.c.

I think it just uses the .write() method of the file in the background. Prior to Python 3, print was a statement (not a function), and printing to a file other than sys.stdout looked pretty wild :wink:. The line above would have looked like this with the old syntax:

print >>tmp_specfile, line,

Note the trailing comma which tells it to not add a newline.

I wonder if this works in py2 with the from future import print_function

It should work.

+                 print("\n".join(produce_changelog(srcdir)), file=tmp_specfile)


+             # ...and copy it back (potentially across device boundaries)

+             shutil.copy2(tmp_specfile.name, specfile_name)

@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@ 

  import filecmp

  import os

+ import shutil

  import tarfile

  import tempfile

  from unittest.mock import MagicMock


+ import pytest


  from koji_plugin.rpmautospec_plugin import autospec_cb, is_autorel


@@ -29,6 +32,19 @@ 

  class TestRpmautospecPlugin:

      """Test the koji_plugin.rpmautospec_plugin module"""


+     autorel_autochangelog_cases = [

+         (autorel_case, autochangelog_case)

+         for autorel_case in ("unchanged", "without braces")

+         for autochangelog_case in (

+             "unchanged",

+             "changelog case insensitive",

+             "changelog trailing garbage",

+             "line in between",

+             "trailing line",

+             "without braces",

+         )

+     ]


      def test_is_autorel(self):

          assert is_autorel("Release: %{autorel}")

          assert is_autorel("Release: %autorel")
@@ -39,9 +55,43 @@ 

          assert not is_autorel("NotRelease: %{autorel}")

          assert not is_autorel("release: 1%{?dist}")


-     def test_autospec_cb(self):

+     @staticmethod

+     def fuzz_spec_file(spec_file_path, autorel_case, autochangelog_case):

+         """Fuzz a spec file in ways which shouldn't change the outcome"""


+         with open(spec_file_path, "r") as orig, open(spec_file_path + ".new", "w") as new:

+             for line in orig:

+                 if line.startswith("Release:") and autorel_case != "unchanged":

+                     if autorel_case == "without braces":

+                         print("Release:        %autorel", file=new)

+                     else:

+                         raise ValueError(f"Unknown autorel_case: {autorel_case}")

+                 elif line.strip() == "%changelog" and autochangelog_case != "unchanged":

+                     if autochangelog_case == "changelog case insensitive":

+                         print("%ChAnGeLoG", file=new)

+                     elif autochangelog_case == "changelog trailing garbage":

+                         print("%changelog with trailing garbage yes this works", file=new)

+                     elif autochangelog_case == "line in between":

+                         print("%changelog\n\n%{autochangelog}", file=new)

+                         break

+                     elif autochangelog_case == "trailing line":

+                         print("%changelog\n%{autochangelog}\n", file=new)

+                         break

+                     elif autochangelog_case == "without braces":

+                         print("%changelog\n%autochangelog", file=new)

+                         break

+                     else:

+                         raise ValueError(f"Unknown autochangelog_case: {autochangelog_case}")

+                 else:

+                     print(line, file=new, end="")


+         os.rename(spec_file_path + ".new", spec_file_path)


+     @pytest.mark.parametrize("autorel_case,autochangelog_case", autorel_autochangelog_cases)

+     def test_autospec_cb(self, autorel_case, autochangelog_case):

          """Test the autospec_cb() function"""

          with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as workdir:

+             workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

              with tarfile.open(


@@ -53,6 +103,14 @@ 

              ) as tar:



+             unpacked_repo_dir = os.path.join(workdir, "dummy-test-package-gloster")

+             unprocessed_spec_file_path = os.path.join(

+                 unpacked_repo_dir, "dummy-test-package-gloster.spec",

+             )


+             if autorel_case != "unchanged" or autochangelog_case != "unchanged":

+                 self.fuzz_spec_file(unprocessed_spec_file_path, autorel_case, autochangelog_case)


              koji_session = MagicMock()

              koji_session.getPackageID.return_value = 30489

              name = "dummy-test-package-gloster"
@@ -72,18 +130,32 @@ 

                  "scminfo": data_scm_info,

                  "build_tag": data_build_tag,

                  "scratch": MagicMock(),

-                 "srcdir": os.path.join(workdir, "dummy-test-package-gloster"),

+                 "srcdir": unpacked_repo_dir,

                  "taskinfo": {"method": "buildSRPMFromSCM"},

                  "session": koji_session,



              autospec_cb(*args, **kwargs)

-             assert filecmp.cmp(

-                 os.path.join(kwargs["srcdir"], "dummy-test-package-gloster.spec"),

-                 os.path.join(

-                     __here__,

-                     os.path.pardir,

-                     "test-data",

-                     "repodata",

-                     "dummy-test-package-gloster.spec",

-                 ),


+             expected_spec_file_path = os.path.join(

+                 __here__,

+                 os.path.pardir,

+                 "test-data",

+                 "repodata",

+                 "dummy-test-package-gloster.spec",



+             with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmpspec:

+                 if autorel_case != "unchanged" or autochangelog_case != "unchanged":

+                     if autochangelog_case not in (

+                         "changelog case insensitive",

+                         "changelog trailing garbage",

+                     ):

+                         # "%changelog", "%ChAnGeLoG", ... stay verbatim, trick fuzz_spec_file() to

+                         # leave the rest of the cases as is, the %autorel macro is expanded.

+                         autochangelog_case = "unchanged"

+                     shutil.copy2(expected_spec_file_path, tmpspec.name)

+                     expected_spec_file_path = tmpspec.name

+                     self.fuzz_spec_file(expected_spec_file_path, autorel_case, autochangelog_case)


+                 assert filecmp.cmp(unprocessed_spec_file_path, expected_spec_file_path)

@@ -368,4 +368,3 @@ 


  * Thu Jan 09 2020 Pierre-Yves Chibon <pingou@pingoured.fr> - 0-1

  - Initial import post review


Mainly this avoids reading the whole spec file into memory and makes the callback a bit more lenient when detecting the use of %autochangelog.

Additionally, it makes flake8 and black happy.

Fixes https://pagure.io/Fedora-Infra/rpmautospec/issue/14

Build succeeded.

Looks good to me (I didn't check the tests we are running to see if we should expand them though)

Haven't seen used print instead of file.write/e.t.c.

Definitely would add at least one test where we have a spec-file fir %changelong, %{autochangelog} and whitespace to be ignored.

Build succeeded.

I think it just uses the .write() method of the file in the background. Prior to Python 3, print was a statement (not a function), and printing to a file other than sys.stdout looked pretty wild :wink:. The line above would have looked like this with the old syntax:

print >>tmp_specfile, line,

Note the trailing comma which tells it to not add a newline.

rebased onto 2f80ee9c58841023e631714bbb3d54b9a7013f65

4 years ago

I plan to add tests for the allowed variants around %autorel, %autochangelog.

Build failed.

rebased onto f1c1a22d57f37d241d7ba1b7f14655faf2edf2e3

4 years ago

Build failed.

rebased onto 1619354d9a9dd3b28d24bf10cc13dff3b9c70cae

4 years ago

Build failed.

rebased onto 276ea206d3598e3c0d11ad4fbefe80cbefafbe28

4 years ago

Build failed.

rebased onto 6a559ade8f87013aaffa8ce6dc9d5e9cf87c540b

4 years ago

Build succeeded.

So this latest push contains more testing around the %autorel, %autochangelog variants and makes Zuul happy. :smiley:

I wonder if this works in py2 with the from future import print_function

It's a bit tricky how you've messed up the spec file to test it but it does it.

:thumbsup: for me

Merging, as discussed.

Pull-Request has been merged by nphilipp

4 years ago