#3 Add alternative "holistic heuristic" algorithm for computing releases.
Merged 4 years ago by pingou. Opened 4 years ago by nphilipp.
fedora-infra/ nphilipp/generate_changelog master--alt-release-algo  into  master

file modified
+210 -11
@@ -1,15 +1,24 @@ 



  import argparse

+ from collections import defaultdict

+ from itertools import chain

+ from functools import cmp_to_key

  import logging

  import re

  import sys

+ import typing


  import koji

+ import rpm



  _log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


+ _release_re = re.compile(r"^(?P<pkgrel>\d+)(?:(?P<middle>.*?)(?:\.(?P<minorbump>\d+))?)?$")

+ _disttag_re = re.compile(r"^\.?(?P<distcode>[^\d\.]+)(?P<distver>\d+)")

+ _evr_re = re.compile(r"^(?:(?P<epoch>\d+):)?(?P<version>[^-:]+)(?:-(?P<release>[^-:]+))?$")



  def get_cli_arguments(args):

      """ Set the CLI argument parser and return the argument parsed.
@@ -22,13 +31,35 @@ 

          help="The base URL of the Koji hub",



+     parser.add_argument(

+         "--algorithm",

+         "--algo",

+         help="The algorithm with which to determine the next release",

+         choices=["sequential_builds", "holistic_heuristic"],

+         default="sequential_builds",

+     )

      parser.add_argument("package", help="The name of the package of interest")

      parser.add_argument("dist", help="The dist-tag of interest")

+     parser.add_argument(

+         "evr",

+         help="The [epoch:]version[-release] of the package",

+         nargs="?",

+         type=parse_evr,

+     )


      return parser.parse_args(args)



- _release_re = re.compile(r"(?P<pkgrel>\d+)(?:(?P<middle>.*\.)(?P<minorbump>\d+))?")

+ def parse_evr(evr_str):

+     match = _evr_re.match(evr_str)


+     if not match:

+         raise ValueError(str)


+     epoch = match.group('epoch') or 0

+     epoch = int(epoch)


+     return epoch, match.group('version'), match.group('release')



  def parse_release_tag(tag):
@@ -44,16 +75,7 @@ 

      return pkgrel, middle, minorbump



- def main(args):

-     """ Main method. """

-     args = get_cli_arguments(args)

-     client = koji.ClientSession(args.koji_url)


-     pkgid = client.getPackageID(args.package)

-     if not pkgid:

-         print(f"Package {args.package!r} not found!", file=sys.stderr)

-         return 1


+ def main_sequential_builds_algo(args, client, pkgid):

      n_builds = 1

      last_build = last_version = None

      for build in client.listBuilds(pkgid, type="rpm", queryOpts={"order": "-nvr"}):
@@ -79,5 +101,182 @@ 




+ _rpmvercmp_key = cmp_to_key(lambda b1, b2: rpm.labelCompare(

+     (str(b1["epoch"]), b1["version"], b1["release"]),

+     (str(b2["epoch"]), b2["version"], b2["release"]),

+ ))



+ def holistic_heuristic_calculate_release(

+     args: argparse.Namespace,

+     lower_bound: dict,

+     higher_bound: typing.Optional[dict],

+ ):

+     dist = args.dist


+     # So what package EVR are we going for again? Default to "same as lower bound".

+     try:

+         epoch, version, release = args.evr

+     except TypeError:

+         epoch, version, release = (

+             lower_bound['epoch'],

+             lower_bound['version'],

+             lower_bound['release'],

+         )


+     new_evr = {'epoch': epoch, 'version': version, 'release': release}

+     if _rpmvercmp_key(new_evr) > _rpmvercmp_key(lower_bound):

+         lower_bound = new_evr

+         if not release:

+             lower_bound['release'] = f"1.{dist}"


+     lpkgrel, _, lminorbump = parse_release_tag(lower_bound['release'])


+     # If the higher bound has the same version, bump its release to give it enough wiggle-room for

+     # parallel builds of the (almost) same EVRs against several Fedora versions.

+     if higher_bound and higher_bound['version'] == version:

+         higher_bound = higher_bound.copy()

+         hbpkgrel, hbmiddle, _ = parse_release_tag(higher_bound['release'])

+         higher_bound['release'] = f"{hbpkgrel + 1}{hbmiddle}"


+     # Bump the left-most release number and check that it doesn't violate the higher bound, if it

+     # exists.

+     new_evr['release'] = f"{lpkgrel + 1}.{dist}"


+     if not higher_bound or _rpmvercmp_key(new_evr) < _rpmvercmp_key(higher_bound):

+         # No (satisfiable) higher bound exists or it has a higher epoch-version-release.

+         return new_evr


+     if lminorbump:

+         nminorbump = lminorbump + 1

+     else:

+         nminorbump = 1


+     new_evr['release'] = rel_bak = f"{lpkgrel}.{dist}.{nminorbump}"


+     if _rpmvercmp_key(new_evr) < _rpmvercmp_key(higher_bound):

+         return new_evr


+     # Oops. Attempt appending '.1' to the minor bump, ...

+     new_evr['release'] += ".1"


+     if _rpmvercmp_key(new_evr) < _rpmvercmp_key(higher_bound):

+         return new_evr


+     # ... otherwise don't bother.

+     new_evr['release'] = rel_bak

+     return new_evr



+ def main_holistic_heuristic_algo(args, client, pkgid):

+     match = _disttag_re.match(args.dist)

+     if not match:

+         print(

+             f"Dist tag {args.dist!r} has wrong format (should be e.g. 'fc31', 'epel7')",

+             file=sys.stderr,

+         )

+         sys.exit(1)


+     distcode = match.group("distcode")

+     pkgdistver = int(match.group("distver"))


+     dtag_re = re.compile(fr"\.{distcode}(?P<distver>\d+)")


+     builds = [

+         build

+         for build in client.listBuilds(pkgid, type="rpm")

+         if dtag_re.search(build['release'])

+     ]


+     # builds by distro release

+     builds_per_distver = defaultdict(list)


+     for build in client.listBuilds(pkgid, type="rpm"):

+         match = dtag_re.search(build['release'])


+         if not match:

+             # ignore builds for other distro types (e.g. Fedora vs. EPEL), or modular builds

+             continue


+         distver = int(match.group('distver'))

+         builds_per_distver[distver].append(build)


+     if not builds_per_distver:

+         _log.warning(f"No matching builds found for dist tag pattern '{distcode}<number>'.")

+         return


+     for builds in builds_per_distver.values():

+         builds.sort(key=_rpmvercmp_key, reverse=True)


+     # All builds that should be 'lower' than what we are targetting, sorted by 'highest first'.

+     # We get by throwing all lower/current distro versions into one list because the new release

+     # absolutely has to be higher than the highest in this list.

+     lower_bound_builds = sorted(

+         chain(*(builds for dver, builds in builds_per_distver.items() if dver <= pkgdistver)),

+         key=_rpmvercmp_key,

+         reverse=True,

+     )


+     # TODO: Cope with epoch-version being higher in a previous Fedora release.


+     # Lower bound: the RPM-wise "highest" build which this release has to exceed.

+     lower_bound = lower_bound_builds[0]

+     lower_bound_nvr = lower_bound['nvr']


+     # All builds that should be 'higher' than what we are targetting, i.e. the highest build of each

+     # newer release. We aim at a new release which is lower than every one of them, but if this

+     # can't be done, accommodate at least some.

+     higher_bound_builds = sorted(

+         (builds[0] for dver, builds in builds_per_distver.items() if dver > pkgdistver),

+         key=_rpmvercmp_key,

+     )

+     higher_bound_builds_nvr = [b['nvr'] for b in higher_bound_builds]


+     print(f"Highest build of lower or current distro versions: {lower_bound_nvr}")

+     print(f"Highest builds of higher distro versions: {', '.join(higher_bound_builds_nvr)}")


+     lower_bound_rpmvercmp_key = _rpmvercmp_key(lower_bound)


+     # Disregard builds of higher distro versions that we can't go below. Sort so the first element

+     # is the lowest build we can (and should) go "under".

+     satisfiable_higher_bound_builds = sorted(

+         (b for b in higher_bound_builds if lower_bound_rpmvercmp_key < _rpmvercmp_key(b)),

+         key=_rpmvercmp_key,

+     )


+     if satisfiable_higher_bound_builds:

+         # Find the higher bound which we can stay below.

+         higher_bound = satisfiable_higher_bound_builds[0]

+         higher_bound_nvr = higher_bound['nvr']

+     else:

+         higher_bound = higher_bound_nvr = None


+     print(f"Lowest satisfiable higher build in higher distro version: {higher_bound_nvr}")


+     new_evr = holistic_heuristic_calculate_release(args, lower_bound, higher_bound)

+     if new_evr['epoch']:

+         new_evr_str = f"{new_evr['epoch']}:{new_evr['version']}-{new_evr['release']}"

+     else:

+         new_evr_str = f"{new_evr['version']}-{new_evr['release']}"


+     print(f"Calculated new release, EVR: {new_evr['release']}, {new_evr_str}")



+ def main(args):

+     """ Main method. """

+     args = get_cli_arguments(args)

+     client = koji.ClientSession(args.koji_url)

+     pkgid = client.getPackageID(args.package)


+     if not pkgid:

+         print(f"Package {args.package!r} not found!", file=sys.stderr)

+         return 1


+     if args.algorithm == "sequential_builds":

+         main_sequential_builds_algo(args, client, pkgid)

+     elif args.algorithm == "holistic_heuristic":

+         main_holistic_heuristic_algo(args, client, pkgid)



  if __name__ == "__main__":


This attempts to take into account builds that must sort "lower", i.e. existing builds in the current or older Fedora versions, as well as builds that should sort higher, i.e. of later Fedora versions. It gives a little wiggle-room to let people build in parallel from the same commit in several Fedora releases at once and still "do the right thing" (in most cases, I hope).

It contains some code processing information about pre-releases (like the <minorbump> field mentioned in the Versioning Guidelines), but doesn't calculate appropriate <pkgrel>, <minorbump> values which people could use in their spec files for this case yet.

Pull-Request has been merged by pingou

4 years ago