#77 Consider workarounds to reimbursements
Closed: deferred 7 years ago Opened 7 years ago by giannisk.

The Fedora Project has an extremely diverse community. Our contributors come from different backgrounds.

When travelling abroad to represent our project, not everyone can afford paying for their travel expenses in advance and then awaiting to be reimbursed a month and a half later.

We should consider workarounds to reimbursements.

This ticket appears to be inaccesible as there is no project labeled

I am sending this to either get a response in or to ping giannisk.


1) Can you reopen this against the budget pagure instance or against the
Council trac.

2) Can you suggest an alternative? We do purchase some things, such as
airfare, in advance for some events. How would you qualify this option?
Why is this not sufficient?



On Wed, Nov 23, 2016, at 12:45 AM, Giannis Konstantinidis wrote:

giannisk reported a new issue against the project: tickets that you are
The Fedora Project has an extremely diverse community. Our contributors
come from different backgrounds.

When travelling abroad to represent our project, not everyone can afford
paying for their travel expenses in advance and then awaiting to be
reimbursed a month and a half later.

We should consider workarounds to reimbursements.

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@giannisk I volunteered us to work on this. I've also shared this with you via IRC.

@bex In our last meeting, you promised to either add activity to this ticket or close it as deferred.

@mattdm - dude really browser tabs .. they are the new work.

closing deferred.

@bex changed the status to Closed

7 years ago

FAmNA already does this on a case by case basis when needed. And I make reimbursements quickly once the report is submitted on the event. My only concern is that we did this for an individual a couple of years ago, and the person requested a fight paid in advance, he did not show up at the event nor did he contact anyone saying that he would not be able to attend. FAmNA was out $489.00 for a flight that was never cancelled. Although since I work closely with most of the Ambassadors in NA, I have a good sense of everyone's needs.

@award3535 part of any policy would be that we would be able to block further funding for individuals who do this. But yes, it is a consideration.

I agree, if I see that individual on the event list, I do not sponsor the same. There are a few of us still around that remember the incident and will continue to say no to paying for this individual

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