Per the Fedora Trademark guidlines, under the “Non-software goods” section [1] I am asking that Casual Penguins LLC[2] be able to use the Fedora logo in the production of Hawaiian Shirts.
[1] - [2] -
I've created a topic on Fedora Discussion for this ticket.
Please keep this ticket focused. Discuss there, and record votes and decisions here. Thanks!
The discussion for this issue was started here:
That's three +1 votes. Given the policy at, let's give 3 more days for someone to raise any concerns, and if not, consider this passed.
Metadata Update from @amoloney: - Issue tagged with: ticket-vote, trademarks
This is officially approved. 🐧
Metadata Update from @mattdm: - Issue close_status updated to: approved - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
FYI: we have a signed agreement now, too. So this is good to go!
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