#493 Welcome, Jason!
Closed: resolved 23 days ago by jflory7. Opened 24 days ago by jflory7.

It's time to onboard @jasonbrooks, the Lead for the Fedora bootc Initiative.

The onboarding steps typically include the following:

Council-private welcome message

Hi XXX! Welcome to the Fedora Council private discussion list. We try not to use this list very much, but here it is. (Mostly, it is used for sending messages similar to this one.)

Here's the standard blurb:

Occasionally we use it to discuss sensitive or personal topics. All current members of the council are subscribed. There's no NDA or anything like that, but sometimes Red Hat confidential information comes up, with the understanding that non-RH council members will respect that confidentiality. Of course, that goes for non-RH sensitive information as well.

I subscribed you with the email address associated with your FAS account. If you want to use a different address, please let me know.

I've created a topic on Fedora Discussion for this ticket.

Please keep this ticket focused. Discuss there, and record votes and decisions here. Thanks!

All of these steps have been followed. The docs ticket is pending for a biography blurb. Closing this ticket as complete. :clapper:

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue close_status updated to: resolved
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

23 days ago

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