#432 Trademark approval request: Fedora Asahi Remix/Spin
Closed: approved 2 years ago by mattdm. Opened 2 years ago by ngompa.

On behalf of the Asahi SIG, I'd like to request trademark approval to use the Fedora marks (as provided in fedora-release and fedora-logos) with our images.

At this point in time, the Fedora Asahi images cannot be built in Fedora Koji because we have to maintain custom uboot-tools, kernel, and mesa packages for making functional images in our COPR. We are aggressively working to upstream changes and incorporate them into mainline Fedora packages, but this will not be possible within the F38 timeframe.

But beyond that, we're not making any material changes to the Fedora experience (e.g. we're aiming to provide a similar Fedora Workstation/KDE experience to the standard x86 images). Our goal is to showcase Fedora on the Apple Silicon platform, and I have reasonable confidence in providing a good experience by F38 GA.

Our image build description is available for review: https://pagure.io/fedora-asahi/kiwi-descriptions

(It is possible to run this in Koji eventually, as there is a Koji plugin to run the kiwi image build tool)

Please let me know if there is anything else needed for consideration.

cc: @dcavalca @marcan

I've created a topic on Fedora Discussion for this ticket.

Please keep this ticket focused. Discuss there, and record votes and decisions here. Thanks!


I think the Remix use case covers the current state well and that does not require permission. I don't actually think we should grant permissions beyond that, but I don't feel strongly enough to block it (although my vote would probably be non-blocking in this case anyway)

edited to fix formatting. I wasn't trying to make an ordered list

Here's my proposal from the discussion, formalized:

  1. This should use Fedora Remix terminology (and put the Remix logo somewhere prominent until it can meet the all-official-packages requirement).
  2. As a special exception, we allow “Fedora Asahi Remix”. Normally this must be something like "Asahi Fedora Remix", or "_____, a Fedora Remix". (If the project prefers, "Asahi Fedora Remix" is okay too, of course.)
  3. As a special exception, we grant the right to use the Fedora logo in the image (and there should be notice somewhere reasonably-prominent on the project’s web page explaining the special permission).

I am +1 to this. I think @jflory7 was too, but Justin please clarify. And as I understand it, 2 and 3 in this list are what Ben is 0 on.

I think there has been plenty of time for objections. Unless someone raises a show stopper now, we just need one more +1 vote to mark this approved.

This should use Fedora Remix terminology (and put the Remix logo somewhere prominent until it can meet the all-official-packages requirement).

+1 on this. It is currently a Remix and we should stick to our terminology in docs and articles. Partially to avoid confusion, partially even to promote remixing as a thing.

As a special exception, we allow “Fedora Asahi Remix”. Normally this must be something like "Asahi Fedora Remix", or "_____, a Fedora Remix". (If the project prefers, "Asahi Fedora Remix" is okay too, of course.)

As a special exception, we grant the right to use the Fedora logo in the image (and there should be notice somewhere reasonably-prominent on the project’s web page explaining the special permission).

I agree on these points too. The exception is granted not as an exception from the Remix definition. Rather we allow this particular remix to use Fedora in the name and imagery.

Metadata Update from @mattdm:
- Issue close_status updated to: approved
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

2 years ago

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