#335 New Objective: Community Outreach Revamp
Closed: approved 3 years ago by bcotton. Opened 4 years ago by marianab.

I am creating this issue for the Fedora Community Outreach Revamp. Together with @sumantrom and @riecatnor, we have already proposed this objective to the Council's mailing list [1].

Here is the link to the Objective's wiki page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Objectives/CommunityOutreachRevamp

[1] https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/council-discuss@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/YQKRLJ6O3SVHJNCOSOGF7ZSB6HX4H46G/

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue tagged with: objectives

4 years ago

One procedural note before I make comments on the proposal. We have never codified this (it's probably on my todo list) but recent precedent is to treat Objective proposals under the policy change policy. So we'll let the Council offer feedback for a few days and if nothing show-stopping comes up, I'll publish it for community comment.

Okay, now for my substantive comments:

  1. Objectives are targeted at 12-18 month timeframes. Since this effort started in August and is listed as 8-12 months, we're effectively looking at 5-9 months of Objective status. Is there more that should be added? Or is the timeline and scope right and the impact of the proposal justifies the Objective status?

  2. Are there checkpoints along the way where we can evaluate if the Objective is on track? In other words "in January, we'll have delivered X. In March, Y." etc

Overall, I like the proposal, I'd just like to see those points clarified.

I love the Logic Model here. The Outputs are clear, the Outcomes are measurable, and the Impact obvious.

There's one area I'd change a bit -- this isn't substantial, just organizational.

I don't think the swag listed in the first column is an "input", though -- isn't that stuff actually an an Output? The Input is "budget for updated marketing materials", the Activity (already there) is "Design team to assist in creating new marketing collateral", and the Output is the list of various planned items. But then I'm not quite sure what Outcome that drives -- are these materials to promote awareness, or to promote and reward team engagement (I know myself that getting Fedora-branded stuff makes me feel like I'm part of things!), or is it something else?

Knowing this doesn't just make the model prettier, but it also helps Design know exactly what to create, helps us decide how and where to distribute the results, and informs how much we should budget.

If the goal of these materials is actually to fulfill part of the revamped Outreach program's own goal, maybe that should actually be moved out of the revamp logic model completely.

Does that make sense?

On Ben's comments: checkpoints is a good idea. We've had problems with that in the past.

Thanks @marianab for proposing this as an Objective. Thanks @sumantrom and @riecatnor for supporting! I have quick feedback:

@bcotton wrote..
Are there checkpoints along the way where we can evaluate if the Objective is on track? In other words "in January, we'll have delivered X. In March, Y." etc

@mattdm wrote..
checkpoints is a good idea. We've had problems with that in the past.

It looks like there are clear deliverables already noted:

  • Completion of Role Handbooks
  • CommOps, Join SIG, Advocate, Ambassador, Ambassador Emeritus
  • Formalized and documented process for reps to Mindshare
  • Execution and analysis of Community Outreach survey
  • Execution and documentation of Mindshare Team Interviews
  • Branding for CommOps team/subteams
  • Draft and execution of Marketing plan
  • Translations of Role Handbooks into 5-8 key languages
  • CommOps team/sub-teams are aware and satisfied with new processes/structure

It would be nice to see these mapped on a timeline. At most, something like a Gantt chart. At least, an approximate month each deliverable is anticipated. I also have some examples of ways to present phased work like this visually, let me know if that would be helpful.

@mattdm wrote..
Knowing this doesn't just make the model prettier, but it also helps Design know exactly what to create, helps us decide how and where to distribute the results, and informs how much we should budget.

If the goal of these materials is actually to fulfill part of the revamped Outreach program's own goal, maybe that should actually be moved out of the revamp logic model completely.

This makes sense to me too. Swag itself doesn't make sense to be an input. There is probably a better way to represent the role of swag… I need to come back to creative brainstorming at a time that is not the end of the working day on a Friday. :grinning:

Hey folks! I updated the logic model based on the feedback given. See -> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Objectives/CommunityOutreachRevamp#Logic_Model

Here is a summary of changes I made:
Changed Time from "8-12 months" to "12-18 months". There is definitely enough work here to take that amount of time.
Changed "Funding (TBD)" to "Budget for Rebrand"
Added a section under outcomes:
"Identity: The members of the entire CommOps structure feel a strong connection to their respective identities."

On the point of timeline/check-ins, yes, this is a great idea! We have come up with a draft timeline for the various deliverables. @marianab will be adding them to our trello board:

Here is a summary of changes I made:

On the point of timeline/check-ins, yes, this is a great idea! We have come up with a draft timeline for the various deliverables. @marianab will be adding them to our trello board:

Can these also be added to the wiki page for ease of reference?

Can these also be added to the wiki page for ease of reference?

Timelines have been added to all deliverables on the wiki page.

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Issue priority set to: Next Meeting (was: Needs Review)

4 years ago

Timelines have been added to all deliverables on the wiki page.

Awesome, the next step is to draft a Community Blog post announcing this so we can share it for the 2-week community comment period. See https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/extending-the-minimization-objective/ for example

CommBlog article and Discussion topic posted. We will begin voting in two weeks.

Metadata Update from @bcotton:
- Issue priority set to: Waiting on External (was: Next Meeting)

4 years ago

The two week comment period has ended. Council members are now asked to vote on the proposal by 1 February.

Metadata Update from @bcotton:
- Issue priority set to: Next Meeting (was: Waiting on External)
- Issue tagged with: ticket-vote

3 years ago

I am +1 with the note that the very first thing that should be worked on is updating the Outcomes to be concrete and measurable, and I'd like the Council to review and approve those once ready.

This was the main feedback from https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/fedora-objective-proposal-community-outreach-revamp/25928/4

Note that the co-leads have provided answers to the feedback here: https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/t/fedora-objective-proposal-community-outreach-revamp/25928/15

I will abstain from voting as I am a part of this initiative/objective proposal.

After a week, I count the vote as (+3,0,-0) with one abstention. The proposal is approved.

Metadata Update from @bcotton:
- Issue close_status updated to: approved
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue priority set to: Waiting on Assignee (was: Next Meeting)

2 years ago

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