#322 Document/delegate Freenode Group Registration to succeed Tom Callaway (IRC: spot)
Closed: resolved 3 years ago by riecatnor. Opened 4 years ago by jflory7.


Previously Tom was the primary contact for the Fedora Project on Freenode and maintained the Freenode IRC cloaks for Fedora; who maintains this responsibility is unclear and needs to be documented.


The Freenode primary contact for a Group Registration plays an important role as a liaison between the Freenode staff team and a community's IRC presence. The primary contact is uniquely delegated for the following things:

  • Request new official Fedora IRC cloaks on behalf of the Fedora Project
  • Freenode staff member will always delegate full operator/admin privileges to any #fedora* channel on Freenode to the primary contact, on request
  • Work with Freenode staff for support on removing persistent, dedicated trolls from channels (like happened before in #fedora-diversity)


This has been an undocumented responsibility for a number of years. Tom gladly did the work, but now Tom is no longer here. We should use this experience as a learning opportunity to document the role and make a point of contact known to the wider Fedora Community.

It is very important from a safety perspective that this person is easily accessible and identifiable on Freenode IRC and understands (to some degree) ChanServ flags.


An important role with our relationship to Freenode will be maintained and remains accessible to the community.

@jflory7 are you volunteering to do this? If not, can you find the person to do it?

It's not entirely clear to me that this is a Council responsibility. It might fit better with CommOps or Infra or the IRC SIG if they're active. Or maybe the Join SIG?

From my point-of-view, best case this should be a Council responsibility and should be tied to a specific person's role if possible. It is better for continuity and making a clear point-of-contact for people to get help from.

I am the primary contact for two different Group Registrations on Freenode (RIT and OSD), so I could fulfill this role for a while, at least until the end of 2020. But when my Council term ends, it would be good to have this figured out because I am not sure it is a task that "belongs" to the D&I role.

I agree this should be a responsibility that falls under Council, no team should have this, since it covers communications in the entire project.

So, spot actually handed this off to me. He made me the Fedora contact (or an alternate? I am not sure how it works).

I am happy to do this work... I can find out more info on if we can have alternates or what...

I am glad to help with this. It is possible to have more than one group contact. I've been one of the group contacts for prgmr.com for a while.

Metadata Update from @bcotton:
- Issue priority set to: Waiting on Assignee (was: Needs Review)
- Issue tagged with: policies

4 years ago

Metadata Update from @bcotton:
- Issue assigned to kevin

4 years ago

So, Spot is still listed as the primary group contact and freenode staff would like us to get an ack/have him add any addtional contacts.

I'm fine with nb being a contact.

Talked to spot.

He is happy to stay as a group contact.
He is happy to add nb as another group contact.

Is that good for everyone? Shall we close this? Do we want to document this somewhere?

Is that good for everyone?

It's good for me

Shall we close this? Do we want to document this somewhere?

I'd like to see it documented somewhere sensible. I'm not sure where that would be. Maybe here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicating_and_getting_help#IRC_for_interactive_community_support

(which, yes, should be moved to docs at some point)

@nb should now be an alternate group contact.

I'm not sure where it would be best documented... :(

Metadata Update from @jflory7:
- Issue tagged with: documentation

4 years ago

I'm not sure where it would be best documented... :(

@kevin I suggest listing the contacts in https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicating_and_getting_help#IRC_for_interactive_community_support for lack of a better place.

And if there's additional information that you, spot, and nb should know, I suppose that'd fit in https://fedora-infra-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ ?

Perhaps this could fit into the Role Handbooks as part of the Community Outreach Revamp Objective. This could live in CommOps documentation with other role handbooks.

@jflory7 I'd like to close this ticket ... where's the best place to track this with CommOps so it doesn't get lost?

@mattdm Perhaps @kevin, @nb, and @spot could take ownership of a role handbook for IRC group contacts in the CommOps documentation?

I believe those with the responsibilities should also be the ones to take ownership of the documented information. If the CommOps Knowledge-base and role handbook seems like a good option, I would bet @sumantrom and @marianab could offer guidance on how to make it happen! :smiley:

Yes, I can write something up there. I'm not sure of the process though... do I just write it into the hackmd doc? Or somewhere else for review first? we can take this to another venue to determine that.

Hi @kevin once you have the docs written up in a hackmd, please link it on this page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Community_Outreach_Revamp_Knowledge_Base#Role_Handbooks in the "Role: IRC / Libera Chat Primary Contact" row under "Notes". Once that is done, please let myself, @sumantrom or @marianab know that it is complete. Thank you!

Metadata Update from @riecatnor:
- Issue close_status updated to: resolved
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

3 years ago

ok. I added a role section and updated the wiki page. ;) Let me know if you need more... thanks!

@kevin looks good, thank you! we will follow up if we have any questions.

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