#192 Accounts to support the Fedora Podcast
Closed: approved 6 years ago Opened 6 years ago by x3mboy.


Since I'm in charge of the Fedora Podcast, and I needed to open accounts in SoundCloud and SimpleCast.

I've spent:
Your plan: Yearly Pro plan
Price: $63 USD

Subscription to Simplecast Yearly (1 podcast): $120.00 USD

$63+$120= $183.00 USD


  • The SimpleCast account provide a RSS feed that can be used with any podcast application and also provide stats like number of downloads, devices and demographics.
  • The SoundCloud account provide a streaming service and with the pro account I have access to stats like number of plays, number of downloads, devices and demographics.

+1 to these Fedora Marketing expenses.

+1 for current year and recurring authorization.

Which budget bucket is this coming out of?

This will hit FY19. No allocations have been made to bucket the money yet.

This will hit FY19. No allocations have been made to bucket the money yet.

I would like to know which bucket this comes out of before I approve. Do we not know what the buckets are? I'm not asking for how much each bucket is funded at, just which bucket this item will continually come out of.

I don't want this to turn into a pass-around item going forward. If we want to put it in the general Council bucket, fine. But it needs a home.

Should we make a Marketing line? Bucket, I mean? A marketing bucket.

In general, i suggest we only create a line item/bucket when we expect to:

a) have many expenses in an area and we want to set an initial budget for that area
b) we intend to delegate authority to another group for that area's budget management.

At this time, I haven't seen anything to lead me to believe those are true for Marketing. Information from either Marketing or Mindshare could change that.

As long as we are able to later say "we spent $237 on marketing in FY19", I'm fine with not having a separate line item.

As long as we are able to later say "we spent $237 on marketing in FY19", I'm fine with not having a separate line item.

We can go more specific than this, but this:


From the current Marketing perspective, we don't use too much budget. I think is fine for Marketing, at least you think differently, to file tickets directly to the Council.

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue tagged with: spending-request, ticket-vote

6 years ago

As long as we are able to later say "we spent $237 on marketing in FY19", I'm fine with not having a separate line item.

We can go more specific than this, but this:

This is fine. I would have put Marketing under Mindshare, but either one of those buckets works. Let's just use the Council bucket for simplicity.


This has been open for a while and has 3+1s and no -1s ... closing as approved.

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue close_status updated to: approved
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

6 years ago

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