#158 F-25 EOL and secondary build-systems
Closed: resolved 6 years ago Opened 6 years ago by sharkcz.

With the End-Of-Life for F-25 we are able to stop the ARM and PPC build-systems, S390 will follow after F-26 EOL. Before doing some irreversible steps I would like get an opinion about the plan for decommissioning the infrastructure, because there might be edges we don't see.

@kevin 's and @puiterwijk 's plan is outlined here

<sharkcz> puiterwijk: btw do we have a policy for decommissioning the hubs? should they stay up for some time after the EOL of the last release they produced?
<puiterwijk> sharkcz: I think the plan was to grab a database backup, put that on kojipkgs storage, and then just turn everything off.
<puiterwijk> A few days later we can then destroy the data if nobody found any serious issues
<sharkcz> same applies to the arm hub/stuff too ...
<puiterwijk> Yeah
<puiterwijk> That is, unless you see a reason to keep things around for longer?
<sharkcz> I'm thinking about possible legal obligations
<puiterwijk> Right, Well, we are keeping all the data.
<puiterwijk> Just not in an online koji environment
<puiterwijk> (and we keep all the data public as well)
<sharkcz> we might check with the council about it ...
<puiterwijk> How so? But okay, if you think so, that's fine with me..
<sharkcz> there could be edges we don't see, so I would prefer to get more eyes on it
<puiterwijk> Well, do note that I didn't come up with this plan, Kevin did, but as said, sure.
<puiterwijk> I personally think that keeping the dump available and then not maintaining the live koji instances anymore is the responsible way of dealing with it though.
<sharkcz> I don't disagree, looks as sane approach
* nirik isn't here, but I talked to legal and we can turn them off at EOL. ;) But I think we should keep the data around (umounted) until we need the space. 
* smooge stops the rm -rf 
<puiterwijk> My idea was to get an SQL dump and store it on kojipkgs.
<nirik> yep.
<nirik> well, I was thinking on backup01, but whatever.
<puiterwijk> I thought we can just publish the db dumps. That'd allow people who want to get info on our builds to get that info

Thanks, Dan

Note: I contacted legal on this back when we started merging them into primary instance. As long as we are publishing the source packages of our releases (which we are via dl.fedoraproject.org) for at least 3 years after the date of distribution, we can take the hubs down whenever we wish.

I also contacted @ausil and he was fine with the plan. (take down the instances, keep a db dump, keep the data until we need the space).

If legal is okay with this, I don't think there is an issue. Was that the only concern?

yes, legal implications were the main concern, and anything else I'm not aware of, but seems there is nothing

@sharkcz I think we're good here, right? Sorry for the slow follow-up.

Metadata Update from @mattdm:
- Issue close_status updated to: resolved

6 years ago

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