We are planning for FAD in Nov, 2017. Last FAD we had in Oct 2015 and it was very successful FAD with nice accomplishments.
Page for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAD_I18N_2017
Budget: Requested $4055 for travelling 5 people, remaining amount for Accommodation and Food will be taken care by i18n team. ($1800)
Will localization of documentation be involved or is this solely about software localization?
Localization of documentation as well software localization will be not involved in this.
This is more from i18n side
Making sure flatpack will provide fluent support for all language components. including fonts, input method, locales.
Modularity for i18n packages. IBus, IBus input method, fonts etc.
Glibc and Unicode common locale data repository sync. (Already some work has been started in upstream)
So more on technology side of localization and languages.
In last flock we discussed good to have FAD dedicated on localization side somewhere in Europe. Albania/Hungary/Brno or France, we will further discuss on it this flock and may be plan in FY18 Q2.
Metadata Update from @mattdm: - Issue tagged with: budget, events
This doesn't necessarily make a big difference in the decision but just for my own knowledge, can you explain what the practical advantages of "Glibc and Unicode common locale data repository sync" will be? It sounds good but I don't know what it means. :)
Good question.
After flock couple more people shown interest for i18n FAD, looking forward to update budget and members information soon.
Revised proposal: After flock, we have one more attendee. Revised budget request: $4725, since flight ticket cost may vary while booking.
Requesting budget approval for $5000.
We are planning to execute this around November. Will be very helpful, if we can work on this ticket quickly.
I am now +1 to this. I'd like to see us vote on this in today's meeting if possible, if not via the ticket ASAP. I suggest we approve a budget of $6800 as requested with an authorization for me to allow it to overspend by $1200 in case airfare has gone crazypants :). @pravins I can work with you on getting the airfare purchased.
@mattdm - please include this ticket today.
@jkurik was +1 in the meeting, and I am too, and we have no -1s, so this is approved.
Metadata Update from @mattdm: - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
Metadata Update from @mattdm: - Issue close_status updated to: approved
Thanks for the approval. @bex yeah, getting airfare purchase will be very useful. Will ping you with exact information.
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