#63 Add information on the Fedora Join channels
Merged 4 years ago by bcotton. Opened 5 years ago by ankursinha.
Fedora-Council/ ankursinha/council-docs fedora-join  into  master

@@ -1,9 +1,44 @@ 

- [NOTE]

- ====

- This page is a placeholder. It should have content adopted from

- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join

+ Get involved

+ =============


- You can help make this document more useful by

- submitting changes via pull request at https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/council-docs

+ Welcome to Fedora!


- ==== 

\ No newline at end of file

+ This guide is intended for people that are interested in learning more about Fedora, perhaps with the intention of contributing to the community.


+ What is Fedora?

+ ---------------


+ The Fedora project is a community of people working together to build a Free and Open Source software platform: https://getfedora.org[the Fedora Operating System], and its various editions.

+ You can learn more about Fedora, our mission, our four foundations, our leadership, our current objectives, and how we are organised using the pages linked to in the left hand sidebar.


+ If you are looking to contribute and already have an idea of how and what to do, go ahead and get started!

+ If you are not so sure, read on.


+ Communication in Fedora

+ -----------------------


+ Fedora is a xref:orgchart.adoc[massive global organisation] where people with many different skills carry out https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join[different roles] to keep the community ticking along.

+ All services used by the Fedora community are linked to a central Fedora account that you can get https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/user/new[here].

+ We use https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicating_and_getting_help?rd=Communicate#IRC[IRC] to speak to each other in real time and https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicating_and_getting_help?rd=Communicate#Mailing_Lists[mailing lists] for longer discussions for which short live chats may not be enough.


+ In all our interactions, we aspire to _be excellent to each other_.

+ Read the xref:code-of-conduct.adoc[Code of Conduct] to learn more of what is expected of Fedora community members.



+ Not sure where to start? Come hang out with us!

+ ------------------------------------------------


+ The large scale of the community can sometimes make it a little daunting for new folks to join us.

+ There is far too much happening in Fedora all the time---even we find it hard to keep up with it all!

+ So, if you are not sure of where to begin or have any queries at all, come hang out with the https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Join[Fedora Join Special Interest Group (SIG)] on any of our channels:


+ - Email: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/admin/lists/fedora-join@lists.fedoraproject.org/[Fedora Join mailing list],

+ - Chat (over IRC): https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#fedora-join[#fedora-join on Freenode.net],

+ - Chat (over Telegram): https://t.me/joinfedora[Fedora Join Telegram group].



+ Here, you can speak to community members and other newcomers while we explore Fedora together.

+ We will help you learn the systems and processes that the Fedora community uses, and as you gain a better idea of where you would like to contribute, we will also help you learn the skills that you may need.


+ Taking initiative is an important quality in successful contributors.

+ So, go on, join a channel and introduce yourself to the community now!

This is part of our attempt to make Fedora Join more visible to
newcomers. It was discussed with Mindshare here:

A blog post will be out on the community blog in a few days. Preview

An e-mail to the Join SIG mailing list about this can be seen here:

(https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Welcome will be redirected to this docs page)

I've not been able to build the docs yet to preview the page. I get this:

$ ./build.sh 

This build script is using Podman to run the build in an isolated environment.

WARN[0000] Error initializing configured OCI runtime runc: no valid executable found for OCI runtime runc: invalid argument 
Error: could not get runtime: default OCI runtime "runc" not found: invalid argument

I'll post on the docs ML to see what's causing this.

Thanks @hhlp. Looked like it, but the suggested fix did not work. I'll post to docs and see what's up :)

That's not correct. From the What is Fedora? section:

The Fedora Project is a community of people working together to build a free and open source software platform and to collaborate on and share user-focused solutions built on that platform. Or, in plain English, we make an operating system and we make it easy for you do useful stuff with it.

We should stay on-message with the mission statement:

Fedora creates an innovative platform for hardware, clouds, and containers that enables software developers and community members to build tailored solutions for their users.

No, "what is Fedora" and the mission statement need changing. This ticket is pending:

The first foundation at https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/project/#_what_is_fedora says:

"We are dedicated to free software and content.

Advancing software and content freedom is a central community goal, which we accomplish through the software and content we promote. "

So, I'm very much on point when it comes to what the community is about. :)

No, "what is Fedora" and the mission statement need changing.

The mission statement is relatively recent (spring 2017). Given the amount of work that goes into changing a mission statement, I wouldn't expect any movement on that until our November hackfest, if then.

Furthering the FOSS philosophy is much broader of a mission than we actually do, so it doesn't make sense to make that our mission. It's something we value, which is why it's in the Four Foundations, but it's not our mission.

Hi @ankursinha! I appreciate what you're doing here and especially your passion for it, but I also have pretty strong opinions about the mission statement and how it relates to community values, goals, and work. I actually talked about this very thing in my Flock talk with ticket 262 in mind... but I apologize for not updating that ticket -- I'll take some time to do so now!

Furthering the FOSS philosophy is much broader of a mission than we actually do, so it doesn't make sense to make that our mission. It's something we value, which is why it's in the Four Foundations, but it's not our mission.

This page is not meant to sell the product we create. It's meant to encourage people to join the community. When we say "we build an innovative platform ....", it leaves out a massive part of the community, basically everyone that is not engaged directly in the engineering effort. It says nothing about:

  • the infra tools we build/use
  • the artwork/design that goes into it
  • the web bits, the marketing, the co-ordination, the dissemination
  • even something as critical as QA doesn't come out clearly

Yes, all of this is implied, but only we in the community are aware that it is. People outside our bubble are not. They really do not seem to know what goes on "under the hood".

So, sure, when we're selling the product, it is good to limit our mission to "building a platform ..", but when we're building the community that is not enough. We need to attract more than just tech folks, at least get more people through the door and maybe then they'll pick up the skills.

Hi @ankursinha! I appreciate what you're doing here and especially your passion for it, but I also have pretty strong opinions about the mission statement and how it relates to community values, goals, and work. I actually talked about this very thing in my Flock talk with ticket 262 in mind... but I apologize for not updating that ticket -- I'll take some time to do so now!

No worries. I understand that the mission needs to remain focused on deliverables---whatever we decide them to be. I really do. I just don't think that "we build software" works well when we're looking to attract people to the community.

No worries. I understand that the mission needs to remain focused on deliverables---whatever we decide them to be. I really do. I just don't think that "we build software" works well when we're looking to attract people to the community.

That's a reasonable critique. I certainly don't want Fedora to only be for software developers. Let me think about it a bit more!

1 new commit added

  • Improve the join doc
5 years ago

I've made some changes---how does this look for the time being @bcotton @mattdm?

D'oh. I somehow missed the update. My apologized. @ankursinha I think your updated commit strikes a good compromise for the time being (and Council ticket 262 is being worked on, I promise!). Can you please rebase and then I'll merge it.

rebased onto c0a9605

4 years ago

D'oh. I somehow missed the update. My apologized. @ankursinha I think your updated commit strikes a good compromise for the time being (and Council ticket 262 is being worked on, I promise!). Can you please rebase and then I'll merge it.

No worries, I know how busy the council are :)

I've rebased this now. Please let me know if anything else is needed here.

cc @alishapapun

Pull-Request has been merged by bcotton

4 years ago

Thanks again, @ankursinha. I regret that I have but one karma cookie to give to you
