#176 sync stg branch with latest changes from main
Merged a year ago by bcotton. Opened a year ago by darknao.
Fedora-Council/ darknao/council-docs stg  into  stg

Update questions for 2022
Aleksandra Fedorova • a year ago  
Make Marie history
Ben Cotton • 2 years ago  
End community outreach revamp
Ben Cotton • 2 years ago  
Adding in W&A team step to schedule
Marie Nordin • 2 years ago  
Fix header syntax
Ben Cotton • 2 years ago  
Adding title
Marie Nordin • 2 years ago  
Adding links
Marie Nordin • 2 years ago  
Add survey to Fedora Council docs
Aleksandra Fedorova • 2 years ago  
Remove Ramya
Ben Cotton • 2 years ago  
Move Ramya to former members
Ben Cotton • 2 years ago  
Update Package Maintainer Docs links
Otto Urpelainen • 2 years ago  
file added
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@ 

+ Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International


+ =======================================================================


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+ Using Creative Commons Public Licenses


+ Creative Commons public licenses provide a standard set of terms and

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+ original works of authorship and other material subject to copyright

+ and certain other rights specified in the public license below. The

+ following considerations are for informational purposes only, are not

+ exhaustive, and do not form part of our licenses.


+      Considerations for licensors: Our public licenses are

+      intended for use by those authorized to give the public

+      permission to use material in ways otherwise restricted by

+      copyright and certain other rights. Our licenses are

+      irrevocable. Licensors should read and understand the terms

+      and conditions of the license they choose before applying it.

+      Licensors should also secure all rights necessary before

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+      Although not required by our licenses, you are encouraged to

+      respect those requests where reasonable. More considerations

+      for the public:

+     wiki.creativecommons.org/Considerations_for_licensees


+ =======================================================================


+ Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public

+ License


+ By exercising the Licensed Rights (defined below), You accept and agree

+ to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Creative Commons

+ Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License ("Public

+ License"). To the extent this Public License may be interpreted as a

+ contract, You are granted the Licensed Rights in consideration of Your

+ acceptance of these terms and conditions, and the Licensor grants You

+ such rights in consideration of benefits the Licensor receives from

+ making the Licensed Material available under these terms and

+ conditions.



+ Section 1 -- Definitions.


+   a. Adapted Material means material subject to Copyright and Similar

+      Rights that is derived from or based upon the Licensed Material

+      and in which the Licensed Material is translated, altered,

+      arranged, transformed, or otherwise modified in a manner requiring

+      permission under the Copyright and Similar Rights held by the

+      Licensor. For purposes of this Public License, where the Licensed

+      Material is a musical work, performance, or sound recording,

+      Adapted Material is always produced where the Licensed Material is

+      synched in timed relation with a moving image.


+   b. Adapter's License means the license You apply to Your Copyright

+      and Similar Rights in Your contributions to Adapted Material in

+      accordance with the terms and conditions of this Public License.


+   c. BY-SA Compatible License means a license listed at

+      creativecommons.org/compatiblelicenses, approved by Creative

+      Commons as essentially the equivalent of this Public License.


+   d. Copyright and Similar Rights means copyright and/or similar rights

+      closely related to copyright including, without limitation,

+      performance, broadcast, sound recording, and Sui Generis Database

+      Rights, without regard to how the rights are labeled or

+      categorized. For purposes of this Public License, the rights

+      specified in Section 2(b)(1)-(2) are not Copyright and Similar

+      Rights.


+   e. Effective Technological Measures means those measures that, in the

+      absence of proper authority, may not be circumvented under laws

+      fulfilling obligations under Article 11 of the WIPO Copyright

+      Treaty adopted on December 20, 1996, and/or similar international

+      agreements.


+   f. Exceptions and Limitations means fair use, fair dealing, and/or

+      any other exception or limitation to Copyright and Similar Rights

+      that applies to Your use of the Licensed Material.


+   g. License Elements means the license attributes listed in the name

+      of a Creative Commons Public License. The License Elements of this

+      Public License are Attribution and ShareAlike.


+   h. Licensed Material means the artistic or literary work, database,

+      or other material to which the Licensor applied this Public

+      License.


+   i. Licensed Rights means the rights granted to You subject to the

+      terms and conditions of this Public License, which are limited to

+      all Copyright and Similar Rights that apply to Your use of the

+      Licensed Material and that the Licensor has authority to license.


+   j. Licensor means the individual(s) or entity(ies) granting rights

+      under this Public License.


+   k. Share means to provide material to the public by any means or

+      process that requires permission under the Licensed Rights, such

+      as reproduction, public display, public performance, distribution,

+      dissemination, communication, or importation, and to make material

+      available to the public including in ways that members of the

+      public may access the material from a place and at a time

+      individually chosen by them.


+   l. Sui Generis Database Rights means rights other than copyright

+      resulting from Directive 96/9/EC of the European Parliament and of

+      the Council of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases,

+      as amended and/or succeeded, as well as other essentially

+      equivalent rights anywhere in the world.


+   m. You means the individual or entity exercising the Licensed Rights

+      under this Public License. Your has a corresponding meaning.



+ Section 2 -- Scope.


+   a. License grant.


+        1. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Public License,

+           the Licensor hereby grants You a worldwide, royalty-free,

+           non-sublicensable, non-exclusive, irrevocable license to

+           exercise the Licensed Rights in the Licensed Material to:


+             a. reproduce and Share the Licensed Material, in whole or

+                in part; and


+             b. produce, reproduce, and Share Adapted Material.


+        2. Exceptions and Limitations. For the avoidance of doubt, where

+           Exceptions and Limitations apply to Your use, this Public

+           License does not apply, and You do not need to comply with

+           its terms and conditions.


+        3. Term. The term of this Public License is specified in Section

+           6(a).


+        4. Media and formats; technical modifications allowed. The

+           Licensor authorizes You to exercise the Licensed Rights in

+           all media and formats whether now known or hereafter created,

+           and to make technical modifications necessary to do so. The

+           Licensor waives and/or agrees not to assert any right or

+           authority to forbid You from making technical modifications

+           necessary to exercise the Licensed Rights, including

+           technical modifications necessary to circumvent Effective

+           Technological Measures. For purposes of this Public License,

+           simply making modifications authorized by this Section 2(a)

+           (4) never produces Adapted Material.


+        5. Downstream recipients.


+             a. Offer from the Licensor -- Licensed Material. Every

+                recipient of the Licensed Material automatically

+                receives an offer from the Licensor to exercise the

+                Licensed Rights under the terms and conditions of this

+                Public License.


+             b. Additional offer from the Licensor -- Adapted Material.

+                Every recipient of Adapted Material from You

+                automatically receives an offer from the Licensor to

+                exercise the Licensed Rights in the Adapted Material

+                under the conditions of the Adapter's License You apply.


+             c. No downstream restrictions. You may not offer or impose

+                any additional or different terms or conditions on, or

+                apply any Effective Technological Measures to, the

+                Licensed Material if doing so restricts exercise of the

+                Licensed Rights by any recipient of the Licensed

+                Material.


+        6. No endorsement. Nothing in this Public License constitutes or

+           may be construed as permission to assert or imply that You

+           are, or that Your use of the Licensed Material is, connected

+           with, or sponsored, endorsed, or granted official status by,

+           the Licensor or others designated to receive attribution as

+           provided in Section 3(a)(1)(A)(i).


+   b. Other rights.


+        1. Moral rights, such as the right of integrity, are not

+           licensed under this Public License, nor are publicity,

+           privacy, and/or other similar personality rights; however, to

+           the extent possible, the Licensor waives and/or agrees not to

+           assert any such rights held by the Licensor to the limited

+           extent necessary to allow You to exercise the Licensed

+           Rights, but not otherwise.


+        2. Patent and trademark rights are not licensed under this

+           Public License.


+        3. To the extent possible, the Licensor waives any right to

+           collect royalties from You for the exercise of the Licensed

+           Rights, whether directly or through a collecting society

+           under any voluntary or waivable statutory or compulsory

+           licensing scheme. In all other cases the Licensor expressly

+           reserves any right to collect such royalties.



+ Section 3 -- License Conditions.


+ Your exercise of the Licensed Rights is expressly made subject to the

+ following conditions.


+   a. Attribution.


+        1. If You Share the Licensed Material (including in modified

+           form), You must:


+             a. retain the following if it is supplied by the Licensor

+                with the Licensed Material:


+                  i. identification of the creator(s) of the Licensed

+                     Material and any others designated to receive

+                     attribution, in any reasonable manner requested by

+                     the Licensor (including by pseudonym if

+                     designated);


+                 ii. a copyright notice;


+                iii. a notice that refers to this Public License;


+                 iv. a notice that refers to the disclaimer of

+                     warranties;


+                  v. a URI or hyperlink to the Licensed Material to the

+                     extent reasonably practicable;


+             b. indicate if You modified the Licensed Material and

+                retain an indication of any previous modifications; and


+             c. indicate the Licensed Material is licensed under this

+                Public License, and include the text of, or the URI or

+                hyperlink to, this Public License.


+        2. You may satisfy the conditions in Section 3(a)(1) in any

+           reasonable manner based on the medium, means, and context in

+           which You Share the Licensed Material. For example, it may be

+           reasonable to satisfy the conditions by providing a URI or

+           hyperlink to a resource that includes the required

+           information.


+        3. If requested by the Licensor, You must remove any of the

+           information required by Section 3(a)(1)(A) to the extent

+           reasonably practicable.


+   b. ShareAlike.


+      In addition to the conditions in Section 3(a), if You Share

+      Adapted Material You produce, the following conditions also apply.


+        1. The Adapter's License You apply must be a Creative Commons

+           license with the same License Elements, this version or

+           later, or a BY-SA Compatible License.


+        2. You must include the text of, or the URI or hyperlink to, the

+           Adapter's License You apply. You may satisfy this condition

+           in any reasonable manner based on the medium, means, and

+           context in which You Share Adapted Material.


+        3. You may not offer or impose any additional or different terms

+           or conditions on, or apply any Effective Technological

+           Measures to, Adapted Material that restrict exercise of the

+           rights granted under the Adapter's License You apply.



+ Section 4 -- Sui Generis Database Rights.


+ Where the Licensed Rights include Sui Generis Database Rights that

+ apply to Your use of the Licensed Material:


+   a. for the avoidance of doubt, Section 2(a)(1) grants You the right

+      to extract, reuse, reproduce, and Share all or a substantial

+      portion of the contents of the database;


+   b. if You include all or a substantial portion of the database

+      contents in a database in which You have Sui Generis Database

+      Rights, then the database in which You have Sui Generis Database

+      Rights (but not its individual contents) is Adapted Material,

+      including for purposes of Section 3(b); and


+   c. You must comply with the conditions in Section 3(a) if You Share

+      all or a substantial portion of the contents of the database.


+ For the avoidance of doubt, this Section 4 supplements and does not

+ replace Your obligations under this Public License where the Licensed

+ Rights include other Copyright and Similar Rights.



+ Section 5 -- Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of Liability.























+   c. The disclaimer of warranties and limitation of liability provided

+      above shall be interpreted in a manner that, to the extent

+      possible, most closely approximates an absolute disclaimer and

+      waiver of all liability.



+ Section 6 -- Term and Termination.


+   a. This Public License applies for the term of the Copyright and

+      Similar Rights licensed here. However, if You fail to comply with

+      this Public License, then Your rights under this Public License

+      terminate automatically.


+   b. Where Your right to use the Licensed Material has terminated under

+      Section 6(a), it reinstates:


+        1. automatically as of the date the violation is cured, provided

+           it is cured within 30 days of Your discovery of the

+           violation; or


+        2. upon express reinstatement by the Licensor.


+      For the avoidance of doubt, this Section 6(b) does not affect any

+      right the Licensor may have to seek remedies for Your violations

+      of this Public License.


+   c. For the avoidance of doubt, the Licensor may also offer the

+      Licensed Material under separate terms or conditions or stop

+      distributing the Licensed Material at any time; however, doing so

+      will not terminate this Public License.


+   d. Sections 1, 5, 6, 7, and 8 survive termination of this Public

+      License.



+ Section 7 -- Other Terms and Conditions.


+   a. The Licensor shall not be bound by any additional or different

+      terms or conditions communicated by You unless expressly agreed.


+   b. Any arrangements, understandings, or agreements regarding the

+      Licensed Material not stated herein are separate from and

+      independent of the terms and conditions of this Public License.



+ Section 8 -- Interpretation.


+   a. For the avoidance of doubt, this Public License does not, and

+      shall not be interpreted to, reduce, limit, restrict, or impose

+      conditions on any use of the Licensed Material that could lawfully

+      be made without permission under this Public License.


+   b. To the extent possible, if any provision of this Public License is

+      deemed unenforceable, it shall be automatically reformed to the

+      minimum extent necessary to make it enforceable. If the provision

+      cannot be reformed, it shall be severed from this Public License

+      without affecting the enforceability of the remaining terms and

+      conditions.


+   c. No term or condition of this Public License will be waived and no

+      failure to comply consented to unless expressly agreed to by the

+      Licensor.


+   d. Nothing in this Public License constitutes or may be interpreted

+      as a limitation upon, or waiver of, any privileges and immunities

+      that apply to the Licensor or You, including from the legal

+      processes of any jurisdiction or authority.



+ =======================================================================


+ Creative Commons is not a party to its public

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+ understandings, or agreements concerning use of licensed material. For

+ the avoidance of doubt, this paragraph does not form part of the

+ public licenses.


+ Creative Commons may be contacted at creativecommons.org.


file modified
+21 -15
@@ -3,25 +3,30 @@ 


  cmd="--html-url-extension-style=indexify site.yml"


- if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then

+ if uname | grep -iwq darwin; then

      # Running on macOS.

      # Let's assume that the user has the Docker CE installed

      # which doesn't require a root password.

      echo ""

      echo "This build script is using Docker container runtime to run the build in an isolated environment."

      echo ""

-     docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/antora $image $cmd

+     docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/antora" "${image}" ${cmd}


- elif [ "$(expr substr $(uname -s) 1 5)" == "Linux" ]; then

+ elif uname | grep -iq linux; then

      # Running on Linux.

+     # there isn't an antora/aarch64 container, antora can be installed locally

      # Check whether podman is available, else faill back to docker

      # which requires root.


-     if [ -f /usr/bin/podman ]; then

+     if [ -f /usr/local/bin/antora ]; then

+         /usr/local/bin/antora "${cmd}"

+     elif uname -m | grep -iwq aarch64; then

+         echo "no antora/aarch64 container try just \`npm install -g @antora/cli @antora/site-generator-default\`"

+     elif [ -f /usr/bin/podman ]; then

          echo ""

          echo "This build script is using Podman to run the build in an isolated environment."

          echo ""

- 	podman run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/antora:z $image $cmd

+         podman run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/antora:z" "${image}" ${cmd}


      elif [ -f /usr/bin/docker ]; then

          echo ""
@@ -29,18 +34,19 @@ 

          echo ""


          if groups | grep -wq "docker"; then

- 	    docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/antora:z $image $cmd

- 	else

+             docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/antora:z" "${image}" ${cmd}

+         else

+             echo "You might be asked for your password."

+             echo "You can avoid this by adding your user to the 'docker' group,"

+             echo "but be aware of the security implications."

+             echo "See https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/linux-postinstall/"

              echo ""

-             echo "This build script is using $runtime to run the build in an isolated environment. You might be asked for your password."

-             echo "You can avoid this by adding your user to the 'docker' group, but be aware of the security implications. See https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/linux-postinstall/."

-             echo ""

-             sudo docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/antora:z $image $cmd

- 	fi

+             sudo docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd):/antora:z" "${image}" ${cmd}

+         fi


          echo ""

- 	echo "Error: Container runtime haven't been found on your system. Fix it by:"

- 	echo "$ sudo dnf install podman"

- 	exit 1

+         echo "Error: Container runtime haven't been found on your system. Fix it by:"

+         echo "$ sudo dnf install podman"

+         exit 1



file modified
+12 -3
@@ -1,18 +1,27 @@ 

+ * xref:index.adoc[Council Charter]

  * xref:contact.adoc[Contact the Fedora Council]

  * xref:members.adoc[Current Council Members]

  ** xref:fpl.adoc[Fedora Project Leader]

- ** xref:fcaic.adoc[Fedora Community Action and Impact Coordinator]

+ ** xref:fca.adoc[Fedora Community Architect]

  ** xref:fpgm.adoc[Fedora Program Manager]

- ** xref:diversity-inclusion:roles:council-advisor.adoc[Fedora D&I Advisor]

+ ** xref:diversity-inclusion:roles:council-advisor.adoc[Fedora D.E.I. Advisor]

  * Council Policies

  ** xref:policy/coc-response-policy.adoc[Code of Conduct Response Policy]

  ** xref:policy/community-publishing-platforms.adoc[Community Publishing Platforms]

  ** xref:policy/guiding-policy.adoc[Guiding Policy]

  ** xref:policy/policy-change-policy.adoc[Policy Change Policy]

  ** xref:policy/edition-promotion-policy.adoc[Edition Promotion Policy]

+ ** xref:policy/legal.adoc[Legal & Licensing Policies]

  ** xref:policies.adoc[Additional Policies]

  * Council Procedures

- ** xref:procedures/infra_priorities_board.adoc[Infrastructure Priorities Board]

+ ** xref:procedures/welcome.adoc[Welcome to Council]

  ** xref:procedures/team_directory.adoc[Team Directory]

  ** xref:procedures/tickets.adoc[Ticket Queue]

+ ** Fedora Annual Survey

+ *** xref:procedures/survey/overview.adoc[Survey Overview]

+ *** xref:procedures/survey/how-to.adoc[How to run a Survey]

+ *** xref:procedures/survey/questions.adoc[Survey Questions]

+ * Historical Documents

+ ** xref:historical/historical_note.adoc[About this section]

+ ** xref:historical/board_stable_updates_vision.adoc[Stable Updates Vision]

  * xref:history.adoc[Council and Board Historical Membership]

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ 

+ ////


+ This message needs to be included in any document in the "historical"

+ section, so that people are not mislead.


+ Add the following line verbatim to the top of any such document:


+ include::{partialsdir}/historical_warning.adoc[]


+ Please also include a [NOTE] adminition;

+ something like the following example:


+ [NOTE]

+ ====

+ This is a Fedora Board policy,

+ adopted in 2010.

+ It shows how

+ _something happened or whatever_

+ but is now irrelevant because

+ _something changed_.

+ ====



+ ////



+ ====

+ This page preserves a document

+ from Fedora's past.

+ It may not

+ (and probably _does not_)

+ reflect current policy

+ or Fedora Project practices.

+ ====

@@ -1,26 +1,39 @@ 

  = Contacting the Fedora Council


- The Fedora Council uses two mailing lists.


- https://lists.fedoraproject.org/admin/lists/council-discuss@lists.fedoraproject.org/[*council-discuss*] (formerly "board-discuss") is a public list. Subscription is open to

- anyone, as are the archives. This list is the main discussion point for

- the Fedora Council, and the goal of the list is to either reach a

- decision, or to delegate the thread to a more appropriate location. For

- example, engineering-specific threads may get some comments on

- council-discuss, before being redirected to the devel list for in-depth

- discussion.


- https://lists.fedoraproject.org/admin/lists/council-private@lists.fedoraproject.org/[*council-private*] is a private list. Its membership is restricted to the current

- Council members, and its archives are private. This list is only used

- for topics that cannot be discussed on the public council-discuss list.


- Council members are also often present on the *#fedora-council* IRC

- channel on https://libera.chat/[Libera.Chat].


- If you have an issue to be worked on by the Council you can also open a

- ticket on the https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets[Council Pagure

- instance]. This is a public issue tracker. However, if you have a

- particularly privacy- or security-sensitive issue, you can check the

- *Private* box when you create the ticket. If an issue is not sensitive

- the discussion should be in the open, in the public Pagure instance or

- the council-discuss list.

+ The Fedora Council uses three platforms for communications, one for asynchronous, one for asynchronous, and one for decision-making.

+ Anyone registered with an account in the https://accounts.fedoraproject.org[Fedora Account System] (FAS) can log in with their account to participate in either platform.



+ [[discussion]]

+ == Fedora Discussion (asynchronous)


+ The https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/tag/council[*#council tag*] on https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/[Fedora Discussion] is the primary space for Fedora Council conversations.

+ We use this for discussion within the Council as a team, and it is also the best place for any community member to engage in or start a conversation with us.


+ [[discussion-private]]

+ === Private mailing list


+ We also have a private mailing list: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/admin/lists/council-private@lists.fedoraproject.org/[*council-private*].

+ Its membership is restricted to the current Council members and discussions there are not archived.

+ This list is only used for topics that cannot be discussed on the public forum.

+ We use it as little as possible.



+ [[chat]]

+ == Fedora Chat (synchronous)


+ Council members are also often present on the https://matrix.to/#/#council:fedoraproject.org[*#council:fedoraproject.org* Matrix room] on https://chat.fedoraproject.org[chat.fedoraproject.org] (bridged to the *#fedora-council* IRC channel on https://libera.chat/[Libera.Chat]).



+ [[decisions]]

+ == Pagure (decision-making)


+ It is better to start with an asynchronous conversation, described above.


+ When you have a specific proposal for the Council to make a decision, open a ticket on the https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets[*Council Pagure instance*].

+ This is a public issue tracker.

+ However, if you have a privacy- or security-sensitive issue, check the *Private* box when you create the ticket.

+ If an issue is not sensitive, the discussion should open and public.


+ Note that ticket comments should be kept to a minimum.

+ Discussion should be at https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/tag/council[#council] and the ticket used to record procedural actions like votes and approved resolutions.

@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ 

+ = Fedora Community Architect (F.C.A.)

+ :page-aliases: fcaic.adoc


+ The _Fedora Community Architect_ (F.C.A.) is a full-time, Red Hat-employed job to lead initiatives to grow the Fedora user and developer communities, and to make Red Hat & Fedora interactions more transparent and positive.

+ The Fedora Community budget comes to us through the Red Hat Open Source Program Office (OSPO).

+ This position facilitates decision-making on how to best focus that to meet our community's goals and objectives.

+ The F.C.A. supports the xref:fpl.adoc[Project Leader] with all things "Community" and works directly with the Fedora Leadership to help bring more Heat and Light to the project.


+ The FCA is appointed to the Community Action and Impact seat on the Fedora xref:index.adoc[Council], Fedora’s top-level community leadership and governance body.

+ The Council is responsible for stewardship of the Fedora Project as a whole, and supports the health and growth of the Fedora Community.



+ [[current]]

+ == Meet the F.C.A.


+ [.profile-picture]

+ image::https://jwf.io/img/logo.jpg[Justin W. Flory (he/him)]


+ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Jflory7[Justin W. Flory] (pronouns: he/him) became the Fedora Community Architect in October 2022.


+ Justin is a creative maker.

+ He is best known as an Open Source contributor and Free Culture advocate originally from the United States.


+ Justin has participated in numerous Open Source communities and led different initiatives to build sustainable software and communities for nearly ten years.

+ This includes his participation in the Fedora Project since 2015.

+ In Fedora, he co-founded and led the xref:commops::contribute/commops-landing.adoc[Community Operations] team for four years and was a founding member of the xref:diversity-inclusion::index.adoc[Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Team].

+ You can read more about Justin's past and present Fedora activities link:https://jwf.io/#fedora[on his website].


+ Previous to Red Hat, from June 2020 to September 2022, Justin supported the link:https://www.unicef.org/innovation/[UNICEF Office of Innovation] as the first Open Source Technical Advisor.

+ At UNICEF, he supported the link:https://www.unicefinnovationfund.org/[UNICEF Venture Fund] and other Open Source activities within the Office of Innovation.

+ Together with a team of mentors, Justin mentored twenty-three start-up companies of diverse start-up companies from nineteen countries and five continents.



+ [[roles]]

+ == Roles and Responsibilities ==


+ [[roles-council]]

+ === Council ===


+ * Work with other Council members to identify the short, medium, and long term goals of the Fedora community and to organize and enable the project to best achieve them

+ * Primary Council member with responsibility for the development of the annual Fedora community budget

+ * Participate in decision-making about use of trademarks, project structure, community disputes or complaints, and other such issues


+ [[roles-special]]

+ === Special Initiatives ===


+ * Design and spearhead special initiatives to grow user and contributor bases


+ [[roles-metrics]]

+ === Metrics ===


+ * Implement metrics for community engagement, participation, and satisfaction; create and execute projects to improve those metrics; report regularly on progress and adjust approach as needed


+ [[roles-opportunities]]

+ === Opportunities ===


+ * Identify opportunities to engage new contributors and community members; align project around supporting those opportunities


+ [[roles-community-liaison]]

+ === Liaise between Red Hat and FOSS Community ===


+ * Communicate community needs to Red Hat and participate in regular meetings with internal Red Hat stakeholders; align Red Hat participation in Fedora beyond platform engineering

+ * Represent Red Hat’s stake in Fedora community success

+ * Improve on-boarding materials and presentation of Fedora to new Red Hat hires; develop standardized materials on Fedora which can be used at Red Hat globally.


+ [[roles-budget]]

+ === Budget ===


+ The Fedora Community Architect will work with Fedora Council and OSAS to determine annual Fedora Budget


+ * Ensure that budget is published and tracked transparently, with a public page indicating how each year’s budget is earmarked and its current state.


+ [[roles-events]]

+ === Fedora Event Planning and Participation ===


+ Participate in planning and organizing Fedora’s Flagship events each year, including:


+ * Flock, Nest, & Hatch

+ * Release Parties

+ * Fedora contributor hackfests


+ The Fedora Community Architect also represents Fedora at other major industry conferences and hackathons such as:


+ * All Things Open

+ * DevConf CZ, IN, US


+ * PyCon (and Sprints)

+ * LibrePlanet

+ * Red Hat Summit


+ [[roles-communications]]

+ === Communications ===


+ The Fedora Community Architect provides and facilitates regular communications to Fedora Magazine, the Fedora Community Blog, and other mass communication channels to talk about community goals/progress and general community boosting.



+ [[previous]]

+ == Previous Fedora Community Architects


+ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Riecatnor[Marie Nordin]::

+   November 2019 – October 2022 (_Fedora Linux 31 to 37_)


+ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Bex[Brian Exelbierd]::

+   October 2016 – November 2019 (_Fedora Linux 25 to 31_)


+ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Decause[Remy DeCausemaker]::

+   February 2015 – June 2016 (_Fedora Linux 22 to 24_)


+ [[previous-title]]

+ === What about FCAIC and FCL?


+ The title of this role evolved and changed over the years since its inception in February 2015.

+ When the role was first created, the role title was *Fedora Community Leader* (F.C.L.).

+ At the time, the F.C.L. role provided much needed separation with roles of the Fedora Project Leader.

+ However, the title did not feel right yet either.

+ Anyone can be a leader in the Fedora community, whether they are employed by Red Hat or not!

+ We did not want to imply otherwise.


+ Later, in October 2016, the role title was changed to *Fedora Community Action & Impact Coordinator* (F.C.A.I.C).

+ This title was lengthier but better captured what community engagement means in a large, globally-distributed community like Fedora.

+ Over time, community management in Free & Open Source Software (F.O.S.S.) communities is better recognized as an important part of successful projects.

+ More projects, organizations, and companies working on F.O.S.S. introduced new roles in community management and leadership.

+ However, community work does not have an industry-accepted job ladder, as is more common with software engineering.

+ Red Hat eventually settled on the title of _community architect_ for community work in its pioneering Open Source communities.


+ Fast forward to 2023.

+ The landscape has changed and evolved!

+ So, it was the ideal time to reflect on the title for this role.

+ The title was changed in January 2023 to *Fedora Community Architect* (F.C.A.), its current title.

+ Ultimately, the goal of changing the name is to better describe the role and what the F.C.A. does in Fedora.

+ The lengthy "F.C.A.I.C." title usually came with an explanation to others unfamiliar with Fedora and our community culture.

+ F.C.A. is also a handy shortening of the longer F.C.A.I.C. acronym too!

@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@ 

- = Fedora Community Action and Impact Coordinator


- The _Fedora Community Action and Impact Coordinator_ (or _FCAIC_) is a full-time, Red Hat-employed job to lead initiatives to grow the Fedora user and developer communities, and to make Red Hat / Fedora interactions even more transparent and positive.

- The Fedora community budget comes to us through the Red Hat Open Source Program Office (OSPO).

- This position facilitates decision-making on how to best focus that to meet our community's goals and objectives.

- The FCAIC supports the xref:fpl.adoc[Project Leader] with all things "Community" and works directly with the Fedora Leadership to help bring more Heat and Light to the project.


- The FCAIC is appointed to the Community Action and Impact seat on the Fedora xref:index.adoc[Council], Fedora’s top-level community leadership and governance body.

- The Council is responsible for stewardship of the Fedora Project as a whole, and supports the health and growth of the Fedora Community.


- == Current F-🎂footnote:[What's with the cake? The abbreviation FCAIC sounds like "F-Cake" in American English.  If this position is going to have a title that is a mouthful, at least the mouthful can be yummy cake!]


- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Riecatnor[Marie Nordin] became the FCAIC in November 2019.


- == Roles and Responsibilities ==


- === Council ===


- * Work with other Council members to identify the short, medium, and long term goals of the Fedora community and to organize and enable the project to best achieve them

- * Primary Council member with responsibility for the development of the annual Fedora community budget

- * Participate in decision-making about use of trademarks, project structure, community disputes or complaints, and other such issues


- === Special Initiatives ===


- * Design and spearhead special initiatives to grow user and contributor bases


- === Metrics ===


- * Implement metrics for community engagement, participation, and satisfaction; create and execute projects to improve those metrics; report regularly on progress and adjust approach as needed


- === Opportunities ===


- * Identify opportunities to engage new contributors and community members; align project around supporting those opportunities


- === Liaise between Red Hat and FOSS Community ===


- * Communicate community needs to Red Hat and participate in regular meetings with internal Red Hat stakeholders; align Red Hat participation in Fedora beyond platform engineering

- * Represent Red Hat’s stake in Fedora community success

- * Improve on-boarding materials and presentation of Fedora to new Red Hat hires; develop standardized materials on Fedora which can be used at Red Hat globally.


- === Budget ===


- The FCAIC will work with Fedora Council and OSAS to determine annual Fedora Budget


- * Ensure that budget is published and tracked transparently, with a public page indicating how each year’s budget is earmarked and its current state.

- * The budget is published at https://budget.fedoraproject.org


- === Fedora Event Planning and Participation ===


- Participate in planning and organizing Fedora’s Flagship events each year, including:


- * Flock

- * FUDCons

- * Fedora Activity Days (FADs)


- The FCAIC also represents Fedora at other major industry conferences and hackathons such as:


- * AllThingsOpen

- * DevConf


- * PyCon (and Sprints)

- * LibrePlanet

- * Red Hat Summit


- === Communications ===


- The FCAIC provides and facilitates regular communications to Fedora Magazine, the Fedora Community Blog, and other mass communication channels to talk about community goals/progress and general community boosting.


- == Previous Fedora Community Action and Impact Coordinators


- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Bex[Brian Exelbierd]::

-   October 2016 – November 2019


- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Decause[Remy DeCausemaker ]::

-   February 2015 – June 2016

@@ -1,37 +1,61 @@ 

  = Fedora Program Manager


- The _Fedora Program Manager_ (or _FPgM_) is responsible for managing the planning and release processes for Fedora. This includes schedule management, change wrangling, and providing status reports to the community and to Red Hat.

+ The xref:program_management::index.adoc[_Fedora Program Manager_] (or _FPgM_) is the Chief Operating Officer of the Fedora Project.

+ They are employed full-time by Red Hat to manage the planning and release processes for Fedora Linux.

+ This includes schedule management, change wrangling, and providing status reports to the community and to Red Hat.


- image::bcotton-rh_neo.jpeg[float="right",50%]

- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Bcotton[Ben Cotton] is the current FPgM. He joined Red Hat after a decade in high performance computing (HPC) administration and marketing. Ben first started contributing to Fedora in 2009 as a member — and later leader — of the Fedora Docs team. He is a community moderator for Opensource.com and co-founded HackLafayette — a local tech meetup group.

+ [[current]]

+ == Current Program Manager


- Contact Ben on Libera.Chat IRC (`bcotton`) or by email (`bcotton@fedoraproject.org`).

+ [.profile-picture]

+ image::bcotton-rh_neo.jpeg[float="right"]


+ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Bcotton[Ben Cotton] (pronouns: he/him) became the Fedora Program Manager in June 2018.

+ He joined Red Hat after a decade in high performance computing (HPC) administration and marketing.

+ Ben first started contributing to Fedora in 2009 as a member—and later leader—of the Fedora Docs team.

+ He is an Open Organization Ambassador, and was formerly a Correspondent for Opensource.com.

+ He is the author of https://pragprog.com/titles/bcosp/[_Program Management for Open Source Projects_].


+ Contact Ben by email (`bcotton@fedoraproject.org`).


+ [[roles]]

  == Roles and Responsibilities ==


- Within the Fedora Project, the Program Manager (FPGM) is primarily responsible for:

+ Within the Fedora Project, the Program Manager is primarily responsible for release coordination activities.


+ [[roles-changes]]

+ === Changes Process ===


+ * Shepharding Change proposals through the xref:program_management::changes_policy.adoc[Changes process]

+ * Tracking the status of Changes during the development/testing cycle


+ [[roles-releases]]

+ === Release Coordination ===


+ * https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/[Scheduling] xref:releases::index.adoc[Fedora Linux releases]

+ * Coordinating release readiness (within QA, Release Engineering, FESCo, etc.)

+ * Manage the Spins keepalive process

+ * Perform mass updates of bugs at branch and end-of-life time


- * planning and http://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule/[scheduling] of Fedora releases

- * tracking the changes/features during the development/testing cycle

- * release coordination (within QA, releng, FESCo, etc.)

- * processes behind Fedora Project

- * member of Fedora Council - Auxiliary Seat, Council secretary

+ [[roles-elections]]

+ === Elections ===


- === Program management SOPs ===

- This SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) section contains a list of common FPGMs tasks.

+ * Managing xref:program_management::elections.adoc[elections] for Council, FESCo, and Mindshare

+ * Ad-hoc election support for other teams when needed


- * https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Program_Management/GoNoGoSOP[The Go/No-Go meeting]

- * https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Program_Management/ReadinessSOP[The Readiness meeting]

- * https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Program_Management/ChangesSOP[Change Process]

- * https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Program_Management/EOLRebaseSOP[End Of Life and Rawhide Rebase]

+ [[roles-council]]

+ === Council ===


- === Release Planning ===

- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases[Track of releases]

+ * Serve as a member of the Fedora Council

+ * Act as Council secretary


- === House Keeping ===

- Previously, house keeping was done in BugZappers wiki but as BugZappers group is dismissed for several years, it was moved to FPgM wiki.

+ [[roles-misc]]

+ === Miscellaneous ===


- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Program_Management/HouseKeeping[House keeping]

+ * Advise on the processes in the Fedora Project

+ * Provide regular status reports to the community

+ * Coordinate the xref:program_management::prioritized_bugs.adoc[Prioritized Bugs process]

+ * Manage the processes for removing inactive packagers and inactive provenpackagers


  == History ==

@@ -43,6 +67,6 @@ 

  * https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Poelstra[John Poelstra] (Fedora 8-16)


  == Useful links ==

- * http://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule[Schedules] in HTML/ICS formats with sources

- * https://pagure.io/fedora-project-schedule[Fedora Project Schedule repository] to report scheduling issues, and GIT with scripts making FPGM happier

- * https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Release_Life_Cycle[Fedora Release Life Cycle] aka how to schedule next Fedora release

+ * https://fedorapeople.org/groups/schedule[Schedules] in HTML, ICS, and JSON formats

+ * https://pagure.io/fedora-pgm/schedule[Schedule repository] to report scheduling issues

+ * xref:releases::lifecycle.adoc[Fedora Linux Release Life Cycle] aka how to schedule next Fedora release

@@ -1,24 +1,23 @@ 

  = The Fedora Project Leader

+ // Remember the one-sentence-per-line convention when editing this page.

+ // https://asciidoctor.org/docs/asciidoc-recommended-practices/#one-sentence-per-line


  The _Fedora Project Leader_ (or _FPL_) is ultimately accountable for everything that happens within Fedora and in particular is responsible for maintaining Red Hat's relationship with Fedora and vice versa.

- He/She is Fedora's President, CEO, Chair, Fearless Leader, whatever-you-want-to-call-it.

+ They are Fedora's President, CEO, Chair, Fearless Leader, whatever-you-want-to-call-it.

  However the project leader is not a dictator, benevolent or otherwise.

  The FPL chairs the Fedora xref:index.adoc[Council].



- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:mattdm[Matthew Miller] is the current Fedora Project Leader.

- He led the Fedora.next initiative for a strategic approach to Fedora's second decade,

- as well as the transition from the Fedora Board to the current Council governance model.

- Matthew created the BU Linux distribution for Boston University in 1999 and maintained that through 2008,

- when he moved to the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences to work on high performance computing and this up-and-coming “cloud” thing.

- He has been at Red Hat since 2012, first working on Fedora Cloud and becoming FPL in June, 2014.


- Contact Matthew as `mattdm` on Libera.Chat IRC,

- as https://twitter.com/mattdm[@mattdm] on Twitter, or

- on the

- https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/council-discuss@lists.fedoraproject.org/[Council-Discuss]

- mailing list.


+ https://mattdm.org[Matthew Miller] is the current Fedora Project Leader.

+ He led the Fedora.next initiative for a strategic approach to Fedora's second decade, as well as the transition from the Fedora Board to the current Council governance model.

+ Matthew created the BU Linux distribution for Boston University in 1999 and maintained that through 2008, when he moved to the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences to work on high performance computing and this up-and-coming “cloud” thing.

+ He has been at Red Hat since 2012, first working on Fedora Cloud and becoming FPL in June 2014.


+ Contact Matthew as https://matrix.to/#/@mattdm:fedora.im[@mattdm:fedora.im] on Matrix, https://twitter.com/mattdm[@mattdm] on Twitter, or https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/u/mattdm/[mattdm] on https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/[Fedora Discussion].



+ [[previous]]

  == Previous Fedora Project Leaders


  https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Rbergero[Robyn Bergeron]::
@@ -41,4 +40,3 @@ 


  Michael Johnson::

    July 2003 – January 2004 (Fedora Core 1)


@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ 

+ include::{partialsdir}/historical_warning.adoc[]



+ [NOTE]

+ ====

+ The "Stable Updates Vision"

+ was adopted by the Fedora Board

+ in March 2010,

+ and is referenced in the _current_

+ Fedora Engineering Steering Committee

+ https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fesco/Updates_Policy/[updates policy].

+ While some of the background factors

+ have changed since then,

+ the fundamentals which informed the FESCo policy

+ are still relevant.

+ ====


+ == Background


+ Discussions on March 2010 in various Fedora mailing lists have shown

+ that we currently have a wide variety of positions on what Fedora's

+ update strategy should look like. These range from a _rolling_ release,

+ to a _locked down security-only update_ solution. The lack of clarity on

+ this issue contributes to confusion among package maintainers and end

+ users alike.


+ Most people agree that broken updates are detrimental to the Fedora

+ distribution and should be avoided.


+ Fewer people agree on:


+ * How many updates are acceptable for a stable release and how to

+ measure them

+ * What constitutes an acceptable update to a stable release.

+ * At what cost should broken updates be avoided, trading off occasional

+ broken updates for delivery speed for new software and maintainer

+ workflow simplicity.


+ For these reasons, the Fedora Board is issuing a stable release update

+ vision statement to help guide the creation and implementation of a

+ Fedora Updates policy. This policy is not meant to govern the

+ introduction of new packages.


+ By creating this statement it is the Board's belief that:


+ * End-user satisfaction with our distribution will increase

+ * Developers and end-users will have a more solid stable release

+ experience

+ * End-users and developers will have more time to focus on other areas

+ in Fedora


+ == Factors


+ When creating an updates overview, there are some factors that need to

+ be taken into account. The first, and foremost, is keeping in mind

+ https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-advisory-board/2009-October/msg00350.html[the

+ broad criteria] the Board set out for the target audience of the entire

+ Fedora distribution, which describe someone who:


+ . is voluntarily switching to Linux

+ . is familiar with computers but is not necessarily a hacker or

+ developer

+ . is likely to collaborate in some fashion when something's wrong with

+ Fedora, and

+ . wants to use Fedora for general productivity, either using desktop

+ applications or a Web browser.


+ A shifting platform and visible behavioral changes will affect the

+ user's productivity because the user must take time away from the

+ desired tasks to discover what has changed, adjust the way they perform

+ supporting tasks, and refocus on their original objectives. Because

+ productivity is postulated as important to this user, this outcome is

+ undesirable. Similarly, dealing with a large number of updates on a

+ regular basis is distracting from the user's desired productivity tasks.


+ Updates offered by our built-in tools under the auspices of the Fedora

+ Project are seen as authoritative by users. While a user fitting these

+ criteria is likely to file a bug when something goes wrong, the user

+ does not therefore automatically expect new issues to emerge in a stable

+ release as a result of consuming those updates. When such issues do

+ emerge, the user's confidence in the platform is undermined.


+ Another factor to keep in mind is Fedora's rapid development cycle. A

+ six month development cycle for a release allows Fedora to integrate the

+ latest and greatest releases from upstream projects into the 'rawhide'

+ distribution and have that body of work available to the user base in a

+ relatively short amount of time. Ideally, this rapid paced release cycle

+ allows both developers and users the chance to focus on a coherent,

+ consistent, and well functioning set of software content per release.


+ [[vision_statement]]

+ == Vision Statement


+ Taking the background and various factors above into account, the Board

+ believes update streams should be managed with the following purposes in

+ mind:


+ * The update repositories for stable releases of the Fedora distribution

+ should provide our users with a consistent and high quality stream of

+ updates.

+ * Stable releases should provide a consistent user experience throughout

+ the lifecycle, and only fix bugs and security issues.

+ * Stable releases should not be used for tracking upstream version

+ closely when this is likely to change the user experience beyond fixing

+ bugs and security issues.

+ * Close tracking of upstream should be done in the Rawhide repo wherever

+ possible, and we should strive to move our patches upstream.

+ * More skilled and/or intrepid users are encouraged to use link:Rawhide[

+ _Rawhide_] along with participating in testing of stable branches during

+ the development and pre-release period.

+ * Stable releases, pre-release branches, and Rawhide have a graduated

+ approach to what types of updates are expected. For example, a

+ pre-release branch should accept some updates which a stable release

+ would not, and rawhide would accept updates that are not appropriate for

+ either a stable release or a pre-release.

+ * Project members should be able to transparently measure or monitor a

+ new updates process to objectively measure its effectiveness, and

+ determine whether the updates process is achieving the aforementioned

+ vision statements.


+ == Implementation


+ Following the Fedora Board vision statement, the following policy was

+ approved and in effect from October 2010:


+ https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fesco/Updates_Policy/[Updates Policy]

@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ 

+ = Fedora Governance Historical Documents


+ Fedora has a long history,

+ and things have changed along the way.

+ Sometimes,

+ there are policy or procedure documents

+ that have significance for remembering

+ why things are the way they are

+ and how we got here.


+ This section is for those,

+ so they can be found in one plcae

+ rather than scattered everywhere,

+ and so they aren't accidentally lost forever

+ in some future infrastructure transition.


+ We don't want to keep _everything_,

+ and even of text worth preserving,

+ this isn't necessarily the place.

+ But if you find something that

+ you think is relevant to Fedora's

+ guiding policies,

+ overall governance,

+ or similar,

+ please submit as a pull request

+ to the https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/council-docs[Council Docs].

+ Thank you! 

\ No newline at end of file

@@ -8,13 +8,15 @@ 




- |Tom Callaway      | December 2020 – present (f34-)

- |Aleksandra Fedorova | May 2020 – present (f33-)

+ |Aleksandra Fedorova | December 2022 - present (f38-)

+ |Sumantro Mukherjee | June 2022 - present (f37-)

+ |Tom Callaway      | December 2020 – December 2022 (f34-f37)

+ |Aleksandra Fedorova | May 2020 – June 2022 (f33-f36)

  |Dennis Gilmore    | January 2018 – December 2020 (f28-f33)

  |Till Maas         | May 2018 – June 2020 (f28-f32)

  |Nick Bebout       | January 2018 – May 2018 (f28)

  |Robert Mayr       | December 2015 – January 2018 (f24-f25, f26-f27)

- |Justin Flory      | August 2017 – January 2018 (f27)

+ |https://jwf.io/#fedora[Justin W. Flory] | August 2017 – January 2018 (f27)

  |Rex Dieter        | November 2014 – December 2015 (f22-f23)

  |Langdon White     | November 2014 – August 2016 (f22, f23-f24, f25-f26)

@@ -35,6 +37,9 @@ 

  |Langdon White | _Fedora Modularity_ | June 2015 – February 2020

  |Peter Robinson | _Fedora IoT_ | July 2019 – November 2020

  |Adam Šamalík | _Fedora Minimization_ | June 2019 – March 2021

+ |Ramya Parimi | _Web & Apps Revamp_ | June 2021 — December 2021

+ |Mariana Balla | _Community Outreach Revamp_ | March 2020 — September 2022

+ |Sumantro Mukherjee | _Community Outreach Revamp_ | March 2020 — September 2022



  Engineering Representative
@@ -43,6 +48,7 @@ 


  |Josh Boyer | some time - November 2018

  |Petr Šabata | November 2018  - June 2020

+ |David Cantrell | June 2020 - present



  Mindshare Representative
@@ -53,17 +59,19 @@ 

  |Robert Mayr | December 2016 - October 2018

  |Sumantro Mukherjee | October 2018 - June 2020

  |Eduard Lucena | June 2020 - April 2021

+ |Alberto Rodríguez Sánchez | April 2021 - present




- Diversity Advisor

- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Advisor

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



  |María Leandro    | March 2016 — March 2017

  |Amita Sharma     | March 2017 — November 2018

  |Jona Azizaj      | November 2018 — July 2020

- |Justin Flory     | July 2020 – May 2021

+ |https://jwf.io/#fedora[Justin W. Flory] | July 2020 – May 2021

+ |Vipul Siddharth  | May 2021 - present



  Fedora Program Manager
@@ -78,6 +86,7 @@ 




+ |Marie Nordin      | November 2019 - October 2022

  |Brian Exelbierd   | October 2016 – November 2019

  |Remy DeCausemaker | February 2015 – June 2016


@@ -98,32 +98,20 @@ 

  the request.



- Composition

- -----------

+ == Composition


+ === Community Initiative Leads


- Objective Leads

- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


- On an ongoing basis, including sessions at Flock and in public online

- meetings, the Council will identify two to four key https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/project/objectives/[community objectives]

- with a timeframe of approximately eighteen months, and appoint

- *Objective Leads* for each goal. These will serve as auxiliary Council

- members, with binding votes only over concerns relevant to their

- particular area.

+ On an ongoing basis, including sessions at Flock and in public online meetings, the Council will identify two to four key xref:project::initiatives.adoc[Community Initiatives] with a timeframe of approximately eighteen months, and appoint *Community Initiative Leads* for each goal.

+ These will serve as auxiliary Council members, with binding votes only over concerns relevant to their particular area.


- Each objective will be documented with measurable goals, and the

- objective lead is responsible for coordinating efforts to reach those

- goals, evaluating and reporting on progress, and working regularly with

- all relevant groups in Fedora to ensure that progress is made.

+ Each Community Initiative will be documented with measurable goals, and the Community Initiative Lead is responsible for coordinating efforts to reach those goals, evaluating and reporting on progress, and working regularly with all relevant groups in Fedora to ensure that progress is made.


+ === Representatives


- Representatives

- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ The Council also includes five representative seats, an *Engineering Representative*, a *Mindshare Representative*, a *DEI Advisor* and two *Elected Representatives*.


- The Council also includes four representative seats, an *Engineering

- Representative*, an *Mindshare Representative*, and two *Elected

- Representatives*.

+ ==== Engineering & Mindshare Representatives


  “Engineering” and “Mindshare” are broad areas roughly encompassing two

  of the major areas of activity in Fedora. _Engineering_ is the technical
@@ -135,11 +123,18 @@ 


  The engineering and mindshare representatives' responsibility is to

  represent their areas collectively, _not_ to be just an individual voice

- that happens to be voted-in by some subset of Fedora. They are selected

- by the people active in those areas, coordinated by the Fedora

- Engineering Steering Committee (FESCo) and a to-be-created mindshare

- group respectively, and serve for terms to be determined by those

- committees.

+ that happens to be voted-in by some subset of Fedora.

+ They are selected by contributors working in those areas, under the rules of the xref:fesco::Fedora_Council_Engineering_Rep.adoc[Fedora Engineering Steering Committee (FESCo)] and the xref:mindshare-committee::procedures/council_rep.adoc[Mindshare Committee], respectively.


+ ==== Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) Advisor


+ The *Fedora Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) Advisor* is a liaison between the Fedora Council and the Fedora Community on topics and issues related to diversity and inclusion in Fedora.

+ The DEI Advisor works with Fedora Council leadership to represent perspectives and voices of the Fedora Community in decision-making and project discussions.

+ Additionally, they also lead initiatives to assess and promote equality and inclusion in close collaboration with the xref:diversity-inclusion::index.adoc[Fedora DEI Team].


+ This position is appointed by members of the Fedora DEI Team, with the approval of the Council.


+ ==== Elected Representatives


  The elected positions cover all Fedora subprojects that are not under the

  engineering or mindshare banners, and the community at large. One
@@ -154,9 +149,7 @@ 

  currently holds another Council seat can be elected. If a seat becomes

  vacant, the Council will arrange for a temporary replacement.



- Appointed Leadership Positions

- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ === Appointed Leadership Positions


  *Fedora Project Leader*

@@ -181,28 +174,15 @@ 

  through the Red Hat Open Source Program Office, and this position facilitates decision-making on how to

  best focus that to meet our collective objectives.


+ === Auxiliary Seats


- Auxiliary Seats

- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


- As with the objective leads, the next two appointed positions are

+ As with the Community Initiative Leads, the next two appointed positions are

  auxiliary seats. They are intended to have significant positive impact

  on the project as a whole, but in order to minimize the overall

  influence of appointed positions vs. those selected by the community,

  their votes in the consensus process are expected to be related to the

  scope of the respective role.


- *Diversity & Inclusion Team Representative*


- The Fedora https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Diversity[Diversity & Inclusion Team]

- works on initiatives to assess and promote equality and inclusion

- within the Fedora contributor and user communities, and helps develop

- project strategy on diversity issues. The Diversity & Inclusion Team Representative

- connects the team's efforts to the Council.


- This position is appointed by members of the Fedora Diversity & Inclusion Team,

- with the approval of the Council.


  *Fedora Program Manager*


  The https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Program_Management#Fedora_Program_Manager[FPgM] coordinates the planning and
@@ -216,39 +196,30 @@ 

  of the Council.



- Coda

- ----


+ == Coda


- Meetings

- ~~~~~~~~

+ === Meetings


- The Fedora Council is not driven by meetings or by tickets, but does

- hold https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Council_Meetings[regular public IRC meetings] to

- discuss current issues, to clear through anything outstanding which can

- be quickly resolved, and to ensure that nothing important is left in

- limbo. All members are be expected to regularly communicate what's going

- on in their area, through blog posts or other public updates.

+ The Fedora Council is not driven by meetings or by tickets, but does hold https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Council_Meetings[regular public meetings] (via a chat system or video call).

+ The Council discusses current issues, clear through anything outstanding which can be quickly resolved, and to ensure that nothing urgent is left pending.

+ All members are expected to regularly communicate what is going on in their area, through blog posts or other public updates.


- Additionally, the Fedora Project Leader will set aside regular times on

- IRC to meet with the community. Attendance is not mandatory for all

- members but is encouraged.

+ The Council holds a multi-day, face-to-face meeting annually.

+ All members should strive to attend in person (travel funding is available).

+ We also often meet for a day before or after other significant Fedora-related conferences (Flock, DevConf.cz).

+ These meetings are not public, but minutes and summary documents will be provided.


+ Additionally, the xref:fpl.adoc[Fedora Project Leader] will set aside regular times to meet with the community.

+ Attendance is not mandatory for all Council members but is encouraged.


- Transparency

- ~~~~~~~~~~~~

+ === Transparency


- The general policy of the Fedora Council is to default to open. Meetings

- are held in public IRC channels, and open to all Fedora users and

- contributors. Discussion is held in on a

- https://lists.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/council-discuss[public

- mailing list] open to all subscribers, and formal decisions will be

- recorded in a public ticket tracking system.

+ The general policy of the Fedora Council is to default to open.

+ Most meetings are held in public channels, and open to all Fedora users and contributors.

+ Discussion is held in a https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/tag/council[public forum] open to all, and formal decisions will be recorded in a public ticket tracking system.


- Occasionally, when personal, private, or sensitive issues need to be

- discussed, a phone call might be used. A private mailing list and ticket

- tracking instance also exist for these situations, but will also only be

- used when dealing with these uncommon issues.

+ Occasionally, when personal, private, or sensitive issues need to be discussed, a video call might be used.

+ A private mailing list and ticket tracking instance also exist for these situations, but will also only be used when dealing with these uncommon issues.



  Time Commitment
@@ -324,6 +295,10 @@ 

  https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/council-docs/commits/main[git repository]

  for Council documents.


+ 2023-02-07: Change name of Objectives to Community Initiatives. See xref:project::initiatives.adoc#history[Community Initiatives History & Future].


+ 2023-02-02: Update Diversity & Inclusion Team Representative to DEI Advisor, remove auxiliary status and designate as a full voting member.


  2017-11-15: Update Diversity Advisor to Diversity & Inclusion Team Representative


  2017-10-20: Move current membership list and contact info to separate docs.

@@ -2,19 +2,18 @@ 




- * Elected Representative: *https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Spot[Tom Callaway]* _(f34-f35)_

+ * Elected Representative: *https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Bookwar[Aleksandra Fedorova]* _(f38-f39)_


- Tom 'spot' Callaway does not currently possess any notable mutant powers.

- For 19 years (2001-2020), he was at Red Hat in a variety of roles including (but not limited to) Fedora Engineering Manager.

- He was the Fedora Packaging Committee chair (responsible for RPM Packaging Standards and Practices).

- He handled Fedora Legal tasks (and was the Fedora liason to Red Hat Legal).

- He served three consecutive elected terms on the Fedora Board from 2007 to 2011.

- In addition, he was responsible for the Aurora SPARC Linux Project, which was a port of Fedora to SPARC.

- This effort is long dead.

- He is worshipped by lemurs throughout the known universe.

- Currently he works on the Open Source Strategy and Marketing team at AWS (Amazon) as a Principal Open Source Evangelist.

+ Aleksandra Fedorova (bookwar) works on CI for Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

+ She has she has served on the xref:fesco::index.adoc[Fedora Engineering Steering Committee] and has been an elected representative to the Fedora Council on several occasions.

+ Aleksandra is one of the organizers of http://ru.fedoracommunity.org/[Russian Fedora] and https://www.meetup.com/Fedora-User-Group-NRW/[Fedora user Group NRW].


- * Elected Representative: *https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Bookwar[Aleksandra Fedorova]* _(f33-f34)_

+ * Elected Representative: *https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Sumantrom[Sumantro Mukherjee]* _(f37-f38)_

+ +

+ Sumantro Mukherjee (sumantrom) works in Fedora QA team and takes part in the day to day testing activities.

+ He was formerly elected to Mindshare and represented Mindshare to council from (2018-2020).

+ He loves to blog technical walkthroughs and running community onboarding calls and classroom.

+ Currently, is striving to stay positive and test negative (Covid-19 Jokes) :D


  * Engineering Representative: *https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Dcantrell[David Cantrell]*

@@ -40,28 +39,15 @@ 


  Read more about the xref:fpl.adoc[Fedora Project Leader's role] and the current FPL's xref:fpl.adoc[biography] on the page about this position.


- * Fedora Community Action and Impact Coordinator: *Marie Nordin*

+ * Fedora Community Architect: https://jwf.io/#fedora[*Justin W. Flory*]


- Read more about the xref:fcaic.adoc[Fedora Community Action and Impact Coordinator's role] and the current FCAIC's xref:fcaic.adoc[biography] on the page about this position.

+ Read more about the xref:fcaic.adoc[Fedora Community Architect's role] and the current FCA's xref:fcaic.adoc#current[biography] on the page about this position.


  * Fedora Program Manager: *Ben Cotton*


  Read more about the xref:fpgm.adoc[Fedora Program Manager's role] and the current FPgM's xref:fpgm.adoc[biography] on the page about this position.


  * Objective Leads:

- ** *Mariana Balla* (Community Outreach Revamp)


- ** *Sumantro Mukherjee* (Community Outreach Revamp)

- +

- Sumantro Mukherjee (sumantrom) works in Fedora QA team and takes part in the day to day testing activities.

- He was formerly elected to Mindshare and represented Mindshare to council from (2018-2020).

- He loves to blog technical walkthroughs and running community onboarding calls and classroom.

- Currently, is striving to stay positive and test negative (Covid-19 Jokes) :D


- ** *Ramya Parimi* (Websites & Apps Revamp)

- +

- Ramya Parimi(ramyaparimi) is currently one of the co-leads and Program Manager for the Fedora Websites & Apps Revamp. 

- She is probably one of the happiest Fedora contributors enjoying the best of both programming and managing worlds!


  ** *https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:T0xic0der[Akashdeep Dhar]* (Websites & Apps Revamp)


@@ -5,6 +5,27 @@ 


  This document describes the process for promoting an existing Fedora deliverable to Edition status.




+ == What makes an "Edition"?


+ A Fedora Edition:


+ * addresses a distinct,

+   relevant,

+   and broad

+   use-case or userbase

+   that a Fedora Edition is

+   not currently serving;


+ * is a long term investment

+   for the Fedora Project; and


+ * is consistent

+   with all of

+   Fedora's foundations.



  == Prerequisites


  * The candidate Edition must be backed by a team that holds regular public meetings
@@ -25,12 +46,16 @@ 


  == Process


- When all of the prerequisites have been met, the team submits promotion as a System-Wide Change.

+ When all of the prerequisites have been met,

+ and approved by the Fedora Council,

+ the team submits promotion as a System-Wide Change.

  This ensures that Release Engineering, FESCo, and the community at large have the opportunity to provide input.

  It also implies that the promotion may be delayed to the next release if the appropriate supporting pieces are not in place by the Beta or GA freezes.


  Prior to submitting the Change proposal, the following tasks should be completed:


+ * *Approval from the Council.*

+   File a ticket and participate in related discussion.

  * *Review test cases and release criteria with QA.*

    The QA team will draft test cases and release criteria based on the PRD.

    However, the Edition team must verify that these are valid.

@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ 

- = Infrastructure Priorities Board


- The Fedora Council maintains a https://teams.fedoraproject.org/project/fedora-council-infrastructure-priorities/kanban[Taiga board for tracking infrastructure projects].

- This is intended to provide a simple and public tracker of the high-level concepts of infrastructure projects sent to the Community Platform Engineering (CPE) team.


- == Access


- All current Fedora Council members have privileges on the board to create and modify user stories.

- Community members who have suggestions may request access or ask a Council member to shepherd the suggestion.


- == Workflow


- Ideas for infrastructure projects to send to CPE should be created as a user story in the **Ideas** column.

- It is not necessary at this point to have the concept fully-developed.

- However, you should leave a sufficent level of description in the user story to explain what will be requested and why.

- Links to existing content (issue trackers, Bugzilla, documentation, etc) are fine; it is not necessary to copy all supporting content.


- TIP: You are not obligated to take ownership of projects you suggest.

- However, you also should not assume that others will take on unowned projects.



- When someone is willing to take ownership of developing the idea into a more developed concept, the user story should be moved to the **Writing** column.

- At this stage, the Council member tasked with this should set themselves as the assignee.

- Write a requirements document (also called "epic brief") according to the https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/cpe/initiatives/[requirements of the CPE team].

- When the requirements document is ready for discussion and review, add a link to the user story's **Requirements doc** field.


- Prior to CPE's https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/cpe/time_tables/[quarterly planning meeting], the Council will discuss the ready projects and determine which ones to send to CPE.

- Projects sent to CPE will be moved into the **Submitted to CPE** column.


- If a project is selected by CPE, it will be moved to the **In Progress** column.

- Where available, links to CPE's Jira or Taiga instances should be added to the corresponding field on the user story.

- When a project is completed, it will be moved to the **Done** column.


- Projects that are not selected or have stalled will remain until the next quarter.

- Projects that are rejected or abandoned should have the user story deleted.

@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ 

+ = How to run the Fedora Annual Contributor Survey 


+ ### Survey Schedule


+ * **Apr 1st** Open https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/new_issue[Council ticket] to track progress and collect feedback

+ * **Apr 1st** Open https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/new_issue[Badges ticket] to request badge design & publication

+ * **April 1st** Open https://pagure.io/design/new_issue[Design ticket] to request banner design

+ * **May 1st** Open https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/[Websites and Apps Team ticket] to request banner published on Fedora sites

+ * **May 15-24th** Update LimeSurvey data according to the changes in the Survey Questions accumulated over the last year.

+ * **May 24-31st** Review of actual survey in LimeSurvey. Approval from https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/council/fcaic/[FCAIC] is necessary at this step. 

+ * **June 1st** Publish https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/[Community Blog] Post promoting survey

+ * **June 1st-30th** Survey runs

+ ** **June 1st** Announce survey is open for month of June on IRC and Twitter

+ ** **June 15th** Two week reminder to fill out survey on IRC and Twitter

+ ** **June 30th** One day reminder to fill out survey on IRC and Twitter

+ * **July 1st-31st** First round of survey analysis

+ * **First weekend in August** Flock to Fedora/Nest with Fedora presentation

+ * **By end of August** Publish https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/writing-community-blog-article/[Community Blog] Post with results, analysis, and overview of presence at Flock/Nest. 


+ ### Promotion


+ #### Fedora Badges


+ Each year we generate a https://badges.fedoraproject.org/[Fedora Badge] that survey recipients can claim

+ when they submit their survey responses. A ticket needs to be opened

+ on the https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/issues[Badges repo] requesting the badge. The panda graphic stays the

+ same, and the year is updated accordingly. **This ticket should be

+ opened by April 1st** in order to give the Badges team enough time to

+ generate the artwork, push the badge to the website, and provide a

+ claim link to the Survey team.


+ ##### Past Badges

+ * 2021

+ ** https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/community-survey-taker-i[Badge]

+ ** https://pagure.io/fedora-badges/issue/800[Ticket]


+ #### Community Blog Post


+ Each year we need to write at least two blog posts for the survey. The

+ first one is to promote taking the survey, the second features the

+ released dataset and any findings. These are published on the

+ https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/[CommBlog], make sure to follow https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/writing-community-blog-article/[the guidelines]. The promotional blog post should then be pinned on

+ Discussion.fpo for the month the survey is open.


+ * 2021

+ ** https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/help-make-fedora-awesome-by-taking-the-first-annual-contributor-survey/[Survey Promotion]

+ ** https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/fedora-contributor-annual-survey-data-set-available/[Dataset]


+ #### Fedora Websites Banner


+ To help ensure we reach the maximum number of Fedora contributors, we

+ promote the survey across as many Fedora spaces as possible including

+ our websites. This work is done with the assistance of the https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design[Design Team]

+ and the https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/websites/[Websites and Apps Team].


+ The first step is to open a ticket on the https://pagure.io/design/issues[Design Team pagure] to get

+ any updates on artwork. **This ticket should be opened by April 1st,

+ and closed by May 1st.** If there are no changes from the Design Team,

+ proceed with the previous design. Once the artwork is finalized, a

+ ticket is opened on the https://pagure.io/fedora-websites/issues[Websites & Apps Team] repo to get it

+ published. **This ticket should be opened by May 1st** and needs

+ continuous check-ins. The websites that we aim to cover are:


+ * https://lists.fedorahosted.org/archives/list/hyperkitty-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org/[Hyperkitty]

+ * https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/docs/[Docs.fpo]

+ * https://accounts.fedoraproject.org/[Accounts.fpo]

+ * https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Project_Wiki[Fedora Wiki]

+ * https://start.fedoraproject.org/[Start.fpo]


+ #### Mailing Lists


+ A lot of folks are on multiple mailing lists so it is important to

+ choose high level "announce" channels over team channels. A short

+ email should be sent with a link to the Community Blog post as well as

+ a link directly to the survey.


+ * https://lists.fedoraproject.org/admin/lists/mindshare@lists.fedoraproject.org/[Mindshare]

+ * https://lists.fedoraproject.org/admin/lists/devel-announce.lists.fedoraproject.org/[Devel-announce]

+ * https://lists.fedoraproject.org/admin/lists/diversity.lists.fedoraproject.org/[DEI] 


+ #### IRC & Twitter


+ For increased visibility we also promote the survey on IRC and

+ Twitter. This should be done sparingly as their is a potential for it

+ to feel spammy. It could potentially go to other social media

+ platforms but the main audience for that platform should be

+ contributors not users. Don't forget to remind people they can earn a

+ badge!


+ * IRC & Twitter

+ ** (June 1st) Announce survey is open for month of June

+ ** (June 15th) Two week reminder to fill out survey

+ ** (June 30th) One day reminder to fill out survey


+ ## Storage and process to make changes


+ * Take markdown file in Council repo

+ ** PR's reviewed and accepted to markdown file through out the year

+ ** git diff to locate the differences and make changes directly in the

+    LimeSurvey UI two weeks prior to running survey

+ * Take the lss-file of the previous survey

+ * Upload lss-file to LimeSurvey under you personal account

+ * Add all changes from the Markdown file as accumulated over the year using Lime Survey interface

+ * Export lss-file and submit it as an update to this repository

+ * Share the update lss-file with LimeSurvey Wrangler so that new Survey is created under Fedora account.


@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ 

+ = Fedora Annual Contributor Survey Overview


+ == Goals


+ In 2021 the Council ran the first Fedora Annual Contributor Survey. We intend to improve and iterate year over year to help achieve the following goals:


+ - To gain an understanding of the usage patterns in various Fedora flavours and tooling

+ - To analyze trends based on particular tools, preferred media platforms, or role

+ - To understand the correlation between satisfaction of respondents and involvement in Fedora

+ - To analyze the accessibility of documentation, engagement, and resources

+ - To gain insight on awareness and visibility of teams and activities happening across Fedora


+ == Audience


+ The audience for this survey is Fedora contributors. This is inclusive of every Fedora contributor, whatever the scope of interest or activity. 


+ == What are we doing with the results?


+ - Publish open, anonymous datasets for contributors to analyze.

+ - Review and analysis by the Survey team. 

+ - Review and analysis by the Fedora Council. 

+ - Review and analysis by the Mindshare Committee.


+ == Survey maintenance


+ Maintenance for a survey includes continuous activities, which can be performed anytime through the entire year.


+ - Analysis of the data

+ - Edits/changes/additions requests to the content of the survey 


+ == Who has access to the LimeSurvey account? 


+ The Fedora Action and Impact Coordinator and the LimeSurvey Wrangler,

+ currently Vipul Siddharth. Access to this account is limited due to

+ data sensitivity.


+ == How do I get involved?


+ - Suggest new questions or edits to current questions with a Fedora Council ticket.

+ - Analyze data and publish results to the Community Blog and make sure to let the Council know.

+ - Provide feedback and share ideas about the survey with the Fedora Council via https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/tag/council[Discussion site] and use the tag #council


+ == Past Survey CSVs


+ - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Annual_Contributor_Survey_2021[Contributor Survey 2021 Responses CSV]

@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@ 

+ # Fedora Contributor Annual Survey


+ ## Intro


+ Hello and thank you for taking the Fedora Annual Contributor Survey!

+ We hope to use the data from this survey to understand the usage,

+ engagement, and development patterns to further enrich our

+ community. We will be sharing our findings at Nest <Year>.


+ This survey is targeted to Fedora Contributors and Community

+ Members. Fedora contributors and community members are those that

+ participate in the project in any way, be it coding, bug testing,

+ docs, graphic design, translations, outreach, etc.


+ This survey is being ran by the Fedora Council to better understand

+ our Fedora Contributors and Community Members, and to better steward

+ the Fedora Project based on data.


+ Who gets to see the raw data::

+ Fedora Council members and survey moderator (vsiddhar@redhat.com)


+ Who gets to see the summary data::

+ Public


+ How to contact someone about issues with the survey::

+ Send an email to vsiddhar@redhat.com


+ Survey open and close dates::

+ <June 1st - 30th>


+ Don't forget to claim your Survey Taker badge after you click "Submit"!


+ Changelog::

+ * 2022: Added more variants for many answers based on previous survey answers.



+ ### Notes


+ - Alphabetize answers, leaving "Other" and "I don't know" at the end.

+ - [M] for multi-choice and [S] for single choice questions

+ - For questions with "Other" answer, we would like to have a text field where one can write their own answer.


+ ## Questions


+ ### About you


+ * What are your current role(s) in Fedora Project? [M]

+     - Design

+     - Diversity & Inclusion

+     - Documentation

+     - Infrastructure

+     - Localization

+     - Outreach (Ambassadors, Join, Advocates)

+     - Package Maintainer

+     - Quality Assurance

+     - Support

+     - User

+     - Other 


+ * What do you use Fedora for? [M]

+     - Data analysis

+     - Development

+     - Gaming 

+     - Generic desktop

+     - Graphics/photo/video/design

+     - Office tasks

+     - Operations

+     - Other


+ * On a scale of 1-5 how familiar are you with Linux-based operating systems? [S]

+     - Rate from 1(new to Linux) to 5(power user)


+ * Which social networks do you regularly use? [M]

+     - Diaspora

+     - Facebook

+     - Instagram

+     - LinkedIn

+     - Mastodon (and ActivityPub compatible apps)

+     - Reddit

+     - Twitter

+     - I don't use social networks

+     - Other 


+ * Which messaging services do you regularly use? [M]

+     - Discord

+     - Google Hangouts/Chat

+     - IRC

+     - Jabber

+     - Matrix/Element

+     - Signal

+     - Telegram

+     - WhatsApp

+     - I don't use messaging

+     - Other


+ * Which Fedora communication channels do you follow? [M]

+     - Fedora Community Blog

+     - Fedora Magazine

+     - Fedora News on Telegram

+     - Fedora Planet

+     - Fedora on Facebook

+     - Fedora-announce mailing list

+     - Fedora/mattdm's Twitter accounts

+     - ask.fedoraproject.org

+     - discussions.fedoraproject.org

+     - r/fedora on Reddit

+     - I don't follow Fedora news

+     - Other


+ * How comfortable do you feel speaking up about your ideas/opinions/theories or asking questions in Fedora spaces?(chat platforms, pagure, discussion)

+     - Completely comfortable

+     - Somewhat comfortable

+     - Neutral

+     - Uncomfortable

+     - Varies depending on space

+     - Other


+ * Is English your first language? If not, do you find language as a barrier for participation in Fedora?

+     - Yes

+     - No + field for freeform response


+ ### Generic


+ * Which Fedora Editions do you use? [M]

+     - Cloud

+     - CoreOS

+     - IoT

+     - Labs

+     - Minimal or custom

+     - Server

+     - Silverblue

+     - Spins

+     - Workstation

+     - Other


+ * Which architectures do you use? [M]

+     - aarch64

+     - arm

+     - ppc64

+     - s390x

+     - x86_64

+     - riscv

+     - i686

+     - I don't know


+ * Do you use Fedora Modules? [S]

+     - Yes

+     - I tried, but then disabled them

+     - I have never tried

+     - Don't know


+ * Would you recommend Fedora Modules? Yes or no, and why?

+     - Yes (comes with field)

+     - No (comes with field) 


+ * Have you tried to use Fedora Silverblue? [S]

+     - Yes, and I still use it.

+     - Yes, and I use it rarely.

+     - I tried it, but then switched back to RPM-based system

+     - I have never tried using it


+ * Do you develop on single board computers for Fedora? If yes, which ones?

+     - Freeform field 


+ ### Desktop 


+ Opening question: Do you use Fedora as desktop. If not we skip the section.


+ * What is your preferred desktop environment? [S]

+     - Cinnamon

+     - Gnome

+     - KDE

+     - LXQT

+     - Mate

+     - Sway

+     - XFCE

+     - dwm

+     - i3wm

+     - Other


+ * Do you use Flatpaks? [S]

+     - Yes, regularly

+     - Occasionally

+     - I tried, but then removed them

+     - I have never tried

+     - Don't know


+ * Would you recommend Flatpaks? Yes or no, and why?

+     - Yes (comes with field)

+     - No (comes with field)


+ * What is your preferred office suite? [S]

+     - LibreOffice

+     - OnlyOffice

+     - Google Docs

+     - MS Office

+     - I don't use office tools

+     - Other


+ * What is your preferred browser? [S]

+     - Brave

+     - Chrome

+     - Chromium

+     - Firefox

+     - Gnome Web

+     - Vivaldi

+     - I don't use browsers

+     - Other


+ * What is your preferred e-mail client? [S]

+     - Evolution

+     - Geary

+     - Kmail

+     - MailSpring

+     - Thunderbird

+     - claws-mail

+     - emacs

+     - mutt

+     - web-based (Google Mail, etc..)

+     - I don't use e-mail clients

+     - Other


+ * What is your preferred media player? [S]

+     - Celluloid

+     - Clementine

+     - Lollypop

+     - Rhythmbox

+     - SMPlayer

+     - Spotify

+     - Totem

+     - VLC

+     - mplayer

+     - mpv

+     - I don't use media players

+     - Other


+ * What is your preferred image viewer? [S]

+     - DigiKam

+     - GIMP

+     - GThumb

+     - Gwenview

+     - Ristretto

+     - Shotwell

+     - eog (Gnome Image Viewer)

+     - feh

+     - geegle

+     - imv

+     - nomacs

+     - sxiv

+     - xnview

+     - I don't use image viewers

+     - Other


+ * What is your preferred drawing tool? [S]

+     - GIMP

+     - Inkscape

+     - Krita

+     - MyPaint

+     - I don't use drawing tools

+     - Other


+ * How do you play Games? [M]

+     - GOG

+     - Lutris

+     - Native

+     - Steam

+     - Windows (dual-boot, virtual machine)

+     - Wine

+     - I don't play games

+     - Other


+ * How satisfied you are with Fedora on Desktop experience?

+     * Rate from 1 to 5


+ ### Code


+ Opening question: do you use Fedora to write code?


+ * What programming languages do you use? [M]

+     - C

+     - C#

+     - C++

+     - Fortran

+     - Go

+     - Haskell

+     - Java

+     - JavaScript, TypeScript,..

+     - Lua

+     - PHP

+     - Perl

+     - Python

+     - R, Matlab, etc

+     - Ruby

+     - Rust

+     - Other


+ * What version control systems are you working with? [M]

+     - Bazaar (bzr)

+     - CVS

+     - Git

+     - Mercurial (hg)

+     - Subversion (svn)

+     - I don't use version control systems

+     - Other


+ * What forge system are you interacting with? [M]

+     - Bitbucket

+     - Codeberg

+     - Gerrit

+     - GitHub

+     - GitLab

+     - Gitea

+     - Pagure

+     - SourceForge

+     - Sourcehut

+     - I don't use forge systems

+     - Other


+ * Which text editor do you use (for random small edits)? [S]

+     - Atom

+     - Kate

+     - SublimeText

+     - VS Code

+     - emacs

+     - gedit

+     - joe

+     - mcedit

+     - micro

+     - nano

+     - vim, neovim

+     - Other


+ * Which is your primary development environment? [M]

+     - Any JetBrains product

+     - Eclipse

+     - NetBeans

+     - Qt Creator

+     - VS Code, VS Codium

+     - Atom

+     - Gnome Builder

+     - emacs

+     - vim, neovim

+     - I don't have one

+     - Other


+ * Which container tools do you use? [M]

+     - Docker

+     - lxc

+     - podman

+     - systemd-nspawn

+     - Toolbox

+     - I don't use container tools

+     - Other


+ * How satisfied you are with Fedora as a developer workstation?

+     * Rate from 1(not satisfied) to 5 (completely satisfied)



+ ### Community Outreach


+ * Who are you connected with locally? [M]

+     - Hobbyists

+     - Open Source Communities and User Groups

+     - Professionals

+     - Tech Communities

+     - University/College/Grade Schools

+     - Government

+     - None

+     - Other


+ * What kind of participation have you had in the Fedora's outreach in the past/currently?

+     - Attendance/representation at events

+     - Coordinating/organizing events

+     - Demos/Workshops

+     - Outreach at schools/universities

+     - Outreach in professional networks

+     - Online promotion

+     - None

+     - Other


+ * How familiar are you on how Fedora is organized as a project?

+     * Rating 1-5


+ * How accessible do you find Fedora resources to be? (such as docs, wiki pages, pagure repo, IRC/chatroom)

+     * Rating 1 (not accessible) - 5 (easily accessible)


+ * Who would you first try to contact if you wanted to run a Fedora event/needed swag?

+     - FCAIC (Fedora Community Action and Impact Coordinator)

+     - Fedora Council

+     - Local User Group

+     - Fedora Mindshare Committee

+     - Regional Fedora Ambassador group

+     - Other


+ * Are you aware that Fedora provides concrete resources to further Fedora's vision and initiatives? (event sponsorships, travel assistance, swag for local projects/events)

+     - Yes, and I have taken advantage of those resources

+     - Yes, but the process did not go well for me

+     - Yes, but I am not sure how to request resources

+     - No, I was previously unaware

+     - Other


+ * How satisfied are you with community outreach within and outside of the Fedora Project?

+     * Rate from 1(not satisfied) to 5 (completely satisfied)


+ ### Close-up


+ * How satisfied are you with the Fedora Project overall?

+     * Rate from 1(not satisfied) to 5 (completely satisfied)


+ * How likely are you to recommend contributing to Fedora to a friend?

+     * Rate 1(unlikely) to 5 (very likely)


+ * Is there anything else you would like to share with the Fedora Project?

+     * Open field


+ ### Thank you note


+ Get your badge now: <Link to the badge>

@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ 

+ = Welcome to Council


+ Welcome to the Fedora Council!

+ You have just joined

+ (or perhaps you are thinking about joining)

+ and now you want to learn your way around.

+ If you have any questions,

+ don't hestitate to ask for help.

+ Ask for a mentor if you think that would help you.


+ == General expectations


+ *Be brave.*

+ You are on the Council because you represent the Fedora community.

+ We expect you to share your ideas and opinions.

+ If you are the representative of another group

+ (i.e. Diversity & Inclusion, FESCo, and Mindshare Committee representatives),

+ you are expected to speak on behalf of the group you represent.

+ Let the rest of the Council know when you need help.

+ Share what's going well.

+ Communicate Council goings on back to the group you represent.


+ *Take action.*

+ The Council is an active leadership body,

+ which means Council members should feel empowered to _do_ things,

+ not just _discuss_ things.

+ You don't need to wait to be assigned a task.

+ If there's something that needs to be done,

+ feel free to do it!


+ *Ask for help.*

+ Every member of the Fedora Council was new at some point.

+ Don't feel bad if you need to ask for help or if something is unclear.

+ Think of it as finding a bug in the documentation!



+ == Access


+ When you were elected or appointed to the Fedora Council,

+ the FPgM (or someone else) opened an issue in our https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issues[ticket tracker].

+ This provides a checklist for all of the places you need to be granted access.

+ Don't worry!

+ There's not much you need to do there.

+ If there's something Council-related that you don't have access to,

+ open an issue or ask in xref:_#chat[chat].


+ == Communication


+ We have asynchronous conversations in the https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/c/project/council-discuss/60[Council Discussions topic] on Discussion.

+ This is a public forum,

+ so we expect—and welcome—input from community members who are not on Council.

+ On the rare occasions when we need to discuss confidential matters,

+ we have a private mailing list.


+ For synchronous communication,

+ we use the https://matrix.to/#/#council:fedoraproject.org[*#council*] channel on chat.fedoraproject.org

+ (bridged to the *#fedora-council* IRC channel on https://libera.chat/[Libera.Chat]).


+ == Meetings


+ The Council holds bi-weekly business meetings.

+ These are an opportunity to check on the progress of tasks

+ and have conversations about open issues.

+ Attendance is not mandatory,

+ but we encourage you to attend and participate as often as you can.

+ Business meetings are open to the community at large.

+ If the meeting time doesn't work for you,

+ please propose a new time

+ or ask for a poll.


+ Once a month,

+ we hold https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Council/Video_Meetings[video meetings].

+ These are an opportunity to let the community showcase their work

+ and ask the Council and broader community for help.

+ Video meetings are open to the community at large.


+ From time to time,

+ the Council holds face-to-face meetings.

+ These are private and in-person when possible.

+ Attendance at these meetings is strongly encouraged.

+ The Council will pay travel expenses when necessary.


+ == Tickets


+ *Expectation:*

+ Tickets are for discussing and voting on a specific proposal.

+ If you have an idea that needs broader discussion or brainstorming,

+ start a thread on Discussion.


+ Procedures for labels, priorities, and voting on tickets are in the xref:tickets.adoc[Ticket Queue docs].

file modified
+5 -4
@@ -9,14 +9,15 @@ 

  echo "  * Engineering .... http://localhost:8080/engineering/"

  echo "  * Mindshare ...... http://localhost:8080/mindshare/"


- if [ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]; then

+ if [ "$(uname)" = "Darwin" ]; then

      # Running on macOS.

      # Let's assume that the user has the Docker CE installed

      # which doesn't require a root password.

-     docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/antora:ro -v $(pwd)/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf:ro -p 8080:80 nginx

+     docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/antora:ro" -v "$(pwd)/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf:ro" -p 8080:80 nginx


- elif [ "$(expr substr $(uname -s) 1 5)" == "Linux" ]; then

+ elif [ "$(expr substr "$(uname -s)" 1 5)" = "Linux" ]; then

      # Running on Linux.

      # Fedora Workstation has python3 installed as a default, so using that

-     python3 -m http.server --directory ./public 8080

+     cd ./public

+     python3 -m http.server 8080


@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ 

  * xref:leadership.adoc[Leadership]

  * xref:objectives.adoc[Current Objectives]

  * xref:orgchart.adoc[High-Level Organization]

+ * xref:brand.adoc[Brand]

  * xref:code-of-conduct.adoc[Code of Conduct]

  ** xref:coc-clarifying.adoc[Clarifying Notes and Statements]

  * xref:help.adoc[Get Help]

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ 

+ = Fedora brand standards, logo download, and usage


+ This page is a placeholder. Information here soon.


@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ 

  building new solutions on the free software we provide.


  We also believe that these changes are best developed in direct concert with

- the https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Staying_close_to_upstream_projects[upstream

+ the https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/package-maintainers/Staying_Close_to_Upstream_Projects/[upstream

  software communities] whose work is part of the Fedora distribution. We work

  with the upstream in cases where we find opportunities for improvement, so

  all free software users benefit — even if they don’t use Fedora directly.

@@ -1,10 +1,17 @@ 

- [NOTE]

- ====

- This page is a placeholder. It should have content adopted from

- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicating_and_getting_help

- but ideally made to be less scary.

+ = Getting Help


- You can help make this document more useful by submitting changes via pull

- request at https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/council-docs

+ == Ask Fedora 

+ https://ask.fedoraproject.org/[Ask Fedora] is a community knowledge base and support forum hosted by the Fedora Project. 

+ Visit Ask Fedora for support and troubleshooting help.


- ==== 

\ No newline at end of file

+ == Fedora Chat 

+ Visit Fedora’s official chat platform, 

+ https://chat.fedoraproject.org (powered by Matrix). 


+ == Fedora Discussion

+ https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/[Fedora Discussion] is a place to talk about open source projects, workflows, and Fedora-specific offerings

+ such as Fedora Workstation, Fedora Server, Fedora CoreOS, 

+ Fedora Silverblue, and more.


+ == Quick Docs 

+ https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/quick-docs/[Fedora Quick Docs] is a collection of short HOWTO and FAQ style documentation for Fedora users. 

@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ 




- ^|image:divider-bottom-first.png[]


+ ^|image:divider-bottom-first.png[]



@@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ 

  build tailored solutions for their users._



- At the operating system level, we don’t just integrate.We do new things

- — we build a _platform_, not just a distribution.The _Features_ and

- _First_ foundations drive us to innovate.We do all of this as a

+ At the operating system level, we don’t just integrate. We do new things

+ — we build a _platform_, not just a distribution. The _Features_ and

+ _First_ foundations drive us to innovate. We do all of this as a

  transparent, collaborative community of _Friends_, and entirely as open

  source and free software — _Freedom_.

@@ -86,39 +86,42 @@ 

  == Our Method


  The Fedora Project is a center for innovation in free and open source

- software.In our community, contributors of all kinds come together to

- advance the ecosystem for the benefit of everyone.The Fedora community

+ software. In our community, contributors of all kinds come together to

+ advance the ecosystem for the benefit of everyone. The Fedora community

  contributes everything it builds back to the free and open source world

  and continues to make advances of significance to the broader community,

  as evidenced by the regular and rapid incorporation of its features into

- other Linux distributions.Regardless of which Linux distribution you

+ other Linux distributions. Regardless of which Linux distribution you

  use, you are relying on code developed within the Fedora Project.


- We believe https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Software_Patents[software patents]

+ We believe software patents

  are harmful, a hindrance to innovation in software development, and are

- inconsistent with the values of free and open source software.While tightly

+ inconsistent with the values of free and open source software. While tightly

  integrating proprietary and patent encumbered components might superficially

  improve ease of use, this practice does not benefit the community in the

- long run.The Fedora community prefers approaches that benefit the progress

+ long run. The Fedora community prefers approaches that benefit the progress

  of free software in the future over those that emphasize short term ease of




  == Our Community


- Fedora is more than just software.It is a community of contributors

+ Fedora is more than just software. It is a community of contributors

  from https://fedoracommunity.org/[around the world], including volunteers

  and Red Hat employees, who work with each other to advance the interests

- of the free culture movement.Everyone is invited to join.No matter

- what your skills are, we have a place for you in our community!We are

- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/PackageMaintainers[software engineers], https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design[designers and artists],

- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure[system administrators], https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Websites[web

- designers], https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/DocsProject[writers], https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors[speakers],

- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/G11N[translators], and more — and we are happy to help you get

+ of the free culture movement. Everyone is invited to join. No matter

+ what your skills are, we have a place for you in our community! We are

+ xref:package-maintainers::index.adoc[software engineers],

+ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Design[designers and artists],

+ xref:infra::index.adoc[system administrators],

+ xref:websites::index.adoc[web designers],

+ xref:fedora-docs::index.adoc[writers],

+ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors[speakers],

+ xref:localization::index.adoc[translators], and more — and we are happy to help you get



  We believe that all contributors should

- https://fedoraproject.org/code-of-conduct[be excellent to each other].

+ https://fedoraproject.org/code-of-conduct[be excellent to each other]. 

  By creating an environment for constructive contribution, we can more

  effectively and successfully compare and challenge different ideas to

  find the best solutions for advancement, while building the size,
@@ -129,9 +132,9 @@ 


  The xref:council::index.adoc[Fedora Council] is responsible for

  stewardship of the Fedora Project as a whole, and supports the health and

- growth of the Fedora Community.As in any large project, there are many

- different levels of responsibility, accountability, and decision-making.As

+ growth of the Fedora Community. As in any large project, there are many

+ different levels of responsibility, accountability, and decision-making. As

  a general rule, we want people working on a Fedora

  https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Subprojects[subproject] to be make meaningful decisions about their

- areas of interest and expertise.More details are available on our page on

+ areas of interest and expertise. More details are available on our page on

  https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Leadership[Fedora Leadership].

@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ 

+ = Current 12-18 Month Community Initiatives

+ :page-aliases: objectives.adoc


+ The primary role of the xref:council::index.adoc[Fedora Council] is to identify the short-, medium-, and long-term goals of the Fedora community and to organize and enable the project to best achieve them.

+ This section documents the **medium-term** targets we've highlighted (as explained in the Council charter).

+ Each Community Initiative has a designated Community Initiative Lead who is responsible for coordinating efforts to reach the Community Initiative's goals, for evaluating and reporting on progress, and for working regularly with all relevant groups in Fedora to ensure that progress is made.



+ [[proposing]]

+ == Proposing a Community Initiative


+ Any community member can propose a Community Initiative to the Council.

+ First, discuss on the https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/tag/council[#council tag on Fedora Discussion].

+ Next, if well-received, file a https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/[ticket].

+ Of course, people need to be ready to do the actual work required — a Community Initiative with no passionate bottom-liners won't get far.



+ [[current]]

+ == Current Community Initiatives


+ [[websites-apps]]

+ === Websites & Apps Revamp


+ Summary::

+ To reboot the websites team to include webapps in the scope of work and set up the team so that they can grow capacity in the future to build new exciting apps to meet community needs.


+ Community Initiative Leads::

+ https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:T0xic0der[Akashdeep Dhar]


+ Timeframe::

+ 8–12 months


+ Community Initiative Details::

+ See the https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Objectives/Websites_%26_Apps_Community_Revamp[wiki page].



+ [[history]]

+ == History


+ See https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Objectives/Completed[completed Community Initiatives] and https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Objectives/Potential[potential Community Initiatives].


+ Historically, Community Initiatives were known as Objectives.

+ This transition was made in February 2023 following in-person discussion by the Fedora Council in our 2023 Council hackfest in Frankfurt, Germany.

+ We agreed to convert "Objectives" into "Community Initiatives", which the Council felt was easier to understand and communicate the roles of these efforts in Fedora.

+ There is no functional change to Objectives; it is just a semantic change.

@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ 


  == Communication in Fedora


- Fedora is a xref:orgchart.adoc[massive global organisation] where people with many different skills carry out link:https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join[different roles] to keep the community ticking along.

- All services used by the Fedora community are linked to a central Fedora account that you can get link:https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/user/new[here].

- We use link:https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicating_and_getting_help?rd=Communicate#IRC[IRC] to speak to each other in real time and link:https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicating_and_getting_help?rd=Communicate#Mailing_Lists[mailing lists] for longer discussions for which short live chats may not be enough.

+ Fedora is a xref:orgchart.adoc[massive global organisation] where people with many different skills carry out xref:fedora-join::index.adoc[different roles] to keep the community ticking along.

+ All services used by the Fedora community are linked to a central Fedora account that you can get link:https://accounts.fedoraproject.org/[here].

+ We use link:https://chat.fedoraproject.org[Matrix/Element] and/or link:https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicating_and_getting_help?rd=Communicate#IRC[IRC] to speak to each other in real time and link:https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Communicating_and_getting_help?rd=Communicate#Mailing_Lists[mailing lists] for longer discussions for which short live chats may not be enough.


  In all our interactions, we aspire to _be excellent to each other_.

  Read the xref:code-of-conduct.adoc[Code of Conduct] to learn more of what is expected of Fedora community members.
@@ -26,12 +26,12 @@ 


  The large scale of the community can sometimes make it a little daunting for new folks to join us.

  There is far too much happening in Fedora all the time---even we find it hard to keep up with it all!

- So, if you are not sure of where to begin or have any queries at all, come hang out with the link:https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Join[Fedora Join Special Interest Group (SIG)] on any of our channels:

+ So, if you are not sure of where to begin or have any queries at all, come hang out with the xref:fedora-join::index.adoc[Fedora Join Special Interest Group (SIG)] on any of our channels:


  - Email: link:https://lists.fedoraproject.org/admin/lists/fedora-join@lists.fedoraproject.org/[Fedora Join mailing list],

- - Chat (over Matrix/Element): link:https://matrix.to/#/!vufZJPUoXUExEXBPbA:matrix.org?via=matrix.org&via=mozilla.org&via=tchncs.de[Fedora Join on Matrix/Element],

- - Chat (over Telegram): link:https://t.me/joinfedora[Fedora Join Telegram group].

+ - Chat (over Matrix/Element): link:https://matrix.to/#/%23join:fedoraproject.org?web-instance%5Belement.io%5D%3Dchat.fedoraproject.org[Fedora Join on Matrix/Element],

  - Chat (over IRC): link:ircs://irc.libera.chat:6697/%23fedora-join[#fedora-join] on link:https://libera.chat/[Libera.Chat],

+ - Chat (over Telegram): link:https://t.me/joinfedora[Fedora Join Telegram group].



  Here, you can speak to community members and other newcomers while we explore Fedora together.

@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ 



  == Fedora Engineering Steering Committee ==

- image::fesco-badge.png[float="right",50%]


  The xref:fesco::index.adoc[Fedora Engineering Steering Committee] (commonly known as "FESCo") is a community-elected body empowered by the Council to manage the technical features of the Fedora distribution and specific implementations of policy in the Fedora Project.

  You can find further information about FESCo, its members, and its policies on the xref:fesco::index.adoc[FESCo section].
@@ -28,7 +27,7 @@ 


  == Fedora Mindshare Committee ==


- The https://docs.fedoraproject.org/fedora-project/subprojects/mindshare.html[Mindshare Committee] represents leadership for user and contributor community growth and support.

+ The xref:mindshare-committee::index.adoc[Mindshare Committee] represents leadership for user and contributor community growth and support.



  == Other groups ==

@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@ 

- = Current 12-18 Month Community Objectives


- == Overview


- The primary role of the xref:council::index.adoc[Fedora Council] is to identify the short, medium, and long term goals of the Fedora community and to organize and enable the project to best achieve them.

- This section documents the **medium-term** targets we've highlighted (as explained in the Council charter).

- Each objective has a designated Objective Lead who is responsible

- for coordinating efforts to reach the Objective's goals,

- for evaluating and reporting on progress, and

- for working regularly with all relevant groups in Fedora to ensure that progress is made.


- == Proposing an Objective


- Any community member can propose an Objective to the Council

- (discuss on the https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/council-discuss@lists.fedoraproject.org/[mailing list]

- and if well-received, file a https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/[ticket]).

- Of course, people need to be on board to do the actual work required — an Objective with no passionate implementers won't get very far.


- == Current Objectives


- === Community Outreach Revamp


- Summary::

- This objective will be an initiative to revamp several community outreach teams within Fedora that are struggling to function, or need more support to truly become a success.

- The objective will bring together Ambassadors, Ambassador Emeritus, Join SIG, and Advocates all under the same umbrella of CommOps in a clear and cohesive structure.


- Objective Leads::

- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Marianab[Mariana Balla] and https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Sumantrom[Sumantro Mukherjee]


- Timeframe::

- 8-12 months


- Objective Details::

- See the https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Objectives/CommunityOutreachRevamp[wiki page].


- === Websites & Apps Revamp


- Summary::

- To reboot the websites team to include webapps in the scope of work and set up the team so that they can grow capacity in the future to build new exciting apps to meet community needs.


- Objective Leads::

- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Ramyaparimi[Ramya Parimi] and https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:T0xic0der[Akashdeep Dhar]


- Timeframe::

- 8–12 months


- Objective Details::

- See the https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Objectives/Websites_%26_Apps_Community_Revamp[wiki page].


- == History and Future


- See

- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Objectives/Completed[Objectives/Completed]

- and

- https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Objectives/Potential[Objectives/Potential]

@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ 

  * Unnecessary RPM dependencies (although there probably won't be many)

  * Multiple implementations of the same functionality required by various packages — try to make them use the same one

  * Context-specific requirements — such as requiring Systemd on traditional deployments being fine vs. requiring it in containers means significant size increases. Leverage weak dependencies in those cases (that might require code changes).

- * Dependnecies on large things while only using a fraction of the functionality — such as requiring the whole Perl stack to run a single script — such script can be rewritten to Python which is everywhere mostly because of DNF

+ * Dependencies on large things while only using a fraction of the functionality — such as requiring the whole Perl stack to run a single script — such script can be rewritten to Python which is everywhere mostly because of DNF


  **Engage with upstream developers** regarding bigger changes in packaging and architecture. An example is Systemd and splitting the __systemd-sysuser__ package.


@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ 

  (the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee) or the

  https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/mindshare-committee/[Mindshare Committee].


- Since many groups are rather informal, don't take the chart as written in stone.

- You can learn more about the various teams and initiatives in our

- https://docs.fedoraproject.org/fedora-project/subprojects/collaboration.html[subprojects documentation].

+ xref:engineering::index.adoc[Engineering teams] includes a list of technical teams and

+ initiatives, most of which operate under FESCo.


- If this is all a little overwhelming, don't worry — pick an area you're

- interested in, introduce yourself to the people involved, and get started.

- Fedora is a friendly and open community, welcoming to all.

+ Since many groups are rather informal, don't take the chart as written in stone. Also, if

+ it is a little overwhelming, don't worry. Fedora is a friendly project — just pick an area

+ you're interested in, introduce yourself to the people involved, and get started. Or, if

+ you don't know where to start, see xref:join.adoc[how to get involved].

file modified
+1 -1
@@ -26,5 +26,5 @@ 


    - provider: archive 


-   pull: true

+   fetch: true

    cache_dir: ./cache

The stg branch is quite out of date, and recent changes in the main branch break the staging pipeline.
Not a big deal since it's only stg, but I would like to avoid getting alerts everyday about this, and syncing branches here is just much easier than fixing the docs pipeline :)

I'm always in favor of making darknao's life easier

Pull-Request has been merged by bcotton

a year ago
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