885fda5 :memo: council(fcaic): Update bio, events, and anchors (closes #149)

1 file Authored by jflory7 2 years ago, Committed by bcotton 2 years ago,
    :memo: council(fcaic): Update bio, events, and anchors (closes #149)
    This commit makes a few revisions to the FCAIC article in Council docs:
    * Add my personal bio as the new FCAIC.
    * Add more events that the FCAIC usually participates in (i.e. Nest,
      Hatch, Release Parties, and contributor hackfests.
    * Add anchors to each heading for better URL preservation in case a
      heading title changes in the future.
    * Enable the table-of-contents at the top of the page.
    Closes Fedora-Council/council-docs#149.
    Signed-off-by: Justin W. Flory (he/him) [Red Hat] <jwf@redhat.com>