#500 Could we give karma with mailing list ?
Closed: Offtopic None Opened 8 years ago by jibecfed.


Give karma to someone requires to go in IRC and in the good channel (all do not work). This is quite difficult and make sound like there is no way to communicate out of IRC ;)

Could we thank someone directly in mailing list?

you have an example of reaction from newcomer: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/design-team@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/AXPPRJJ6S5WFEJD3CC3OVSBXBLAD2ZVH/

Hi Jean-Baptiste, thanks for filing this ticket! While I do agree it would be super convenient to be able to give karma on the mailing list, I'm not sure how technically feasible this would be. In IRC, we do this with a specific plugin to zodbot (which is powered by [https://github.com/ProgVal/Limnoria Limnoria]). This is a database stored locally in the IRC bot which is then integrated into FAS with the [https://github.com/fedora-infra/supybot-fedora supybot-fedora] plugin (using magic that I'm not personally familiar with myself).

I would see support for this most effectively being added in with some sort of plugin to Mailman / Hyperkitty (although I have no idea how this would be done or if it is possible). I would recommend filing a ticket in the [https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure fedora-infrastructure] Pagure, where you will be able to get a much more informed answer into whether something like this would be possible. Since this isn't anything that can be solved in the Badge Trac, I'm going to go ahead and close this ticket and recommend you to open it in the Infra Pagure. :)

Thanks for your idea!

While the idea of having karma capability outside IRC is a good one, the mailing list is not a great place to do this. Imagine people echoing "person++" (or the equivalent) in messages that otherwise have no value to the list, but go out to thousands of subscribers. I would not recommend this as an RFE.

However, perhaps a direct mail to some service/address would be useful.

Replying to [comment:2 pfrields]:

However, perhaps a direct mail to some service/address would be useful.

While not easy for a mailing list context… [https://happinesspackets.io/ Happiness Packets] are a thing to keep in the back of the mind. :)

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