#486 Badge for Fedora 25 virtual translation sprint
Closed: Pushed None Opened 8 years ago by pravins.

Badge description (like "You added a co-maintainer to a package. BFF!"):
- You are Fedora 25 translation hero! (For contributors with 20+ strings)

Help the badges team understand what this idea is all about. If this badge is awarded for certain kinds of activities:
1) What are those activities?
This is translation activities from English to local languages. ​https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/G11N/vFAD_Translation_F25

2) Who is doing them (are they packagers? translators? newcomers? veterans? users? sponsors?)

3) Why are they doing them (is this a means to a different end?)
Fedora 25 translation window open presently and good chance to get translation in Fedora 25. This will make Fedora 25 release available in many languages.

4) When do they do them (every day? once a year?)
This is second time we are planning this. Every Fedora release.

5) How do they do them (by talking in IRC? by running commands in the console? by using a web interface?)
This is virtual Fedora activity day and we are mostly communicating on IRC. Contributors will do translation on Zanata. ​http://fedora.zanata.org/

Lastly, do you have any ideas for artwork concepts?
We can use F24 design for same event. https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-badges/ticket/436

Sprint is happening from 3rd-9th September, will be very useful, if we can get this done by 2nd Sept, so we can use it to advertise in lists.

= Ticket triaged =

I should be able to tackle this one. pravins and mleonova spoke and agreed that changing the number from the last release badge should suffice. I'm going to work on getting the art assets here and pushing the badge out within the hour.

Assigning to mizmo for creds since she originally designed the badge.

= Ticket triaged =

I should be able to tackle this one. pravins and mleonova spoke and agreed that changing the number from the last release badge should suffice. I'm going to work on getting the art assets here and pushing the badge out within the hour.

Assigning to mizmo for creds since she originally designed the badge.

SVG file of badge artwork (modified from previous badge design as discussed with Design Team)

SVG file of badge artwork (modified from previous badge design as discussed with Design Team)

= Badge pushed =

This badge is pushed live and should be all set. Feel free to reopen if anything else comes up.

= Badge pushed =

This badge is pushed live and should be all set. Feel free to reopen if anything else comes up.

Metadata Update from @pravins:
- Issue assigned to duffy

7 years ago

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