= Badge Description = This badge would be given to users who help contribute code to the Fedora IRC bot, zodbot. zodbot is present in all of our official channels and helps serve multiple useful functions, such as helping run meetings, checking FAS info, and giving cookies!
It would be a good idea to reward contributors with a badge, as this is an underrepresented area of contribution (i.e. specific infra-team projects / services) in terms of badge distribution.
= Conditions = Help the badges team understand what this idea is all about. If this badge is awarded for certain kinds of activities: 1) What are those activities? - Contributor writes a PR / commit to [https://github.com/fedora-infra/supybot-fedora GitHub repo] for zodbot
2) Who is doing them (are they packagers? translators? newcomers? veterans? users? sponsors?) - Targeted towards newcomers, can be any contributor (veteran or other)
3) Why are they doing them (is this a means to a different end?) - To improve the services powering our infrastructure
4) When do they do them (every day? once a year?) - Awarded for first contribution (I don't see a series for this having enough worth)
5) How do they do them (by talking in IRC? by running commands in the console? by using a web interface?) - Pushing code to a GitHub repository
Lastly, do you have any ideas for artwork concepts? I feel like referring to the [https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/domo-arigato Domo Arigato] badge might be a good starting place… perhaps with a panda or badger with a wrench? ;)
= Tagline = Forgot to include this…
''Tagline'': "zodbot++! You helped improve the Fedora IRC bot, zodbot."
Botsmith badge design v1 zodbot.svg
Botsmith badge design v1 <img alt="zodbot.png" src="https://pagure.io/Fedora-Badges/issue/raw/files/356396fd31575bee7245a574dfd4a5f3ba758e90f90b5891c68c07d79d729ac3-zodbot.png" />
Botsmith badge design v1 <img alt="zodbot.png" src="//issue/raw/files/356396fd31575bee7245a574dfd4a5f3ba758e90f90b5891c68c07d79d729ac3-zodbot.png" />
I created a proposal here based on the Domo Arigato badge design. I guess this is a Development badge right? It was not mentioned in the description.
First time I properly use Inkscape, hope this is near to what you have envisioned.
Replying to [comment:3 elioqoshi]:
Hey! I created a proposal here based on the Domo Arigato badge design. I guess this is a Development badge right? It was not mentioned in the description. First time I properly use Inkscape, hope this is near to what you have envisioned.
Seems like I forgot to follow up on this one! Firstly, triaging the ticket based on its current status.
The proposal seems good to me! I also CC'd some other Design Team members to take a look when they have a moment too since this one seems almost complete.
@elioqoshi, thanks for your work on this ticket. I think that although the badge artwork fits guidelines aesthetically, I don't think the working on the bot concept is coming through. Perhaps we could try a concept where it is a blue print of the bot with little notes and arrows pointing at different parts. Another idea would be to have a panda working on a robot, but that is a bit more complex.
Still interested in working on this, elioqoshi? If not, that's ok, we will reopen for someone else to try :)
Discussed in [https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2016-11-02/fedora_badges.2016-11-02-11.05.html 2016-10-03 meeting].
This badge came up in the meeting this morning, and since it's been a while since any changes, it was decided it might be best to put this one back onto the plate for anyone else to try tackling in the future. Elio, if you would like to take this badge back up, please feel free to take it back up. :)
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue tagged with: irc
<img alt="irc-bot.png" src="/Fedora-Badges/issue/raw/68cb8578d4267e424289d9a76f931b27c3d6a023ff702e7ba2543d946b66c566-irc-bot.png" />
Metadata Update from @svitek: - Custom field artwork adjusted to has_concept - Custom field concept_review_passed adjusted to passed (was: 1) - Custom field has_complete_yaml reset (from None) - Custom field has_description adjusted to on (was: 1) - Custom field has_name adjusted to on (was: 1) - Custom field needs_manual_award reset (from 0) - Custom field triaged adjusted to on (was: 1) - Issue close_status updated to: None
<img alt="irc-bot.svg" src="/Fedora-Badges/issue/raw/0de3c6c44014bcee27d3c183bea8087bc3e820bda961d49f1821cd2a67cd752a-irc-bot.svg" />
Metadata Update from @svitek: - Custom field has_complete_yaml reset (from false) - Custom field needs_manual_award reset (from false)
@jflory7 Hey, made an artwork. I'm bit worried it's too complex. Let me know what do you think.
@svitek, this looks really cool! I have a few suggestions to bring it home: - Remove the tiny little text and lines on the blue print. The concept will still come through with out those. - Change the color of the panda.. maybe to development orange? This will help it pop off the background. - Make the entire bg the same blue as the blueprint - Give the wrench a nice big outline to help that stand out
Can't wait to see your results! Thanks :)
Metadata Update from @riecatnor: - Custom field has_complete_yaml reset (from false) - Custom field needs_manual_award reset (from false)
Metadata Update from @riecatnor: - Custom field has_complete_yaml reset (from false) - Custom field needs_manual_award reset (from false) - Issue tagged with: development
Metadata Update from @riecatnor: - Custom field artwork adjusted to has_draft (was: has_concept) - Custom field has_complete_yaml reset (from false) - Custom field needs_manual_award reset (from false)
Closing this ticket due to inactivity during Badges virtual hackfest. Please reopen if their is renewed interest. Thanks!
Metadata Update from @riecatnor: - Custom field has_complete_yaml reset (from false) - Custom field needs_manual_award reset (from false) - Issue close_status updated to: declined - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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