'''Badge description (like "You added a co-maintainer to a package. BFF!"):''' This badge would be awarded to users who join a sponsored group through FAS for the first time. I think being sponsored into your first group in FAS is a major milestone for a beginning Fedoran, and having a badge for this may serve as good motivation by putting it on the radar for new contributors to work towards.
''Badge Name:'' Member of the Club
''Badge Description:'' You joined your [x] sponsored group in FAS!"
Alternatively, this badge could be turned into a series with the following name scheme: - Member of the Club I (Joined one sponsored group in FAS) - Member of the Club II (2 groups) - Member of the Club III (3 groups) - Member of the Club IV (5 groups) - Member of the Club V (10 groups)
'''Help the badges team understand what this idea is all about. If this badge is awarded for certain kinds of activities:''' ''1) What are those activities?'' - Becoming more active and involved as a Fedora contributor - Becoming sponsored in groups on the FAS ''2) Who is doing them (are they packagers? translators? newcomers? veterans? users? sponsors?)'' - Newcomers, if only one badge - Newcomers to veterans, if series of badges ''3) Why are they doing them (is this a means to a different end?)'' - Becoming more committed, involved members of the project - Different from badges for specific SIGs (e.g. sysadmin, IRC support, etc.), so can be general for anyone wanting to contribute in one of the more obscure but important groups ''4) When do they do them (every day? once a year?)'' - First award would be after contributing to the community in a significant way to becoming sponsored - Series model just builds from there for the super-awesome people who are in several groups ''5) How do they do them (by talking in IRC? by running commands in the console? by using a web interface?)'' - Awarded by joining group in FAS that requires sponsorship to join
'''Lastly, do you have any ideas for artwork concepts?''' - "Member of the Club": Group of pandas, one panda in the center highlighted, maybe raising hands or getting something pinned onto chest (like a badge… pun perhaps intended)
Secret Society Member v1 Secret Society Member v1.svg
attachment <img alt="Secret Society Member v1.png" src="https://pagure.io/Fedora-Badges/issue/raw/files/a5a56109be51ac01a2197e0a0fc8fb60733cce70e0c72656925578aee45b511d-Secret_Society_Member_v1.png" />
attachment <img alt="Secret Society Member v1.png" src="//issue/raw/files/a5a56109be51ac01a2197e0a0fc8fb60733cce70e0c72656925578aee45b511d-Secret_Society_Member_v1.png" />
Added a proposal for the badge. I tried Pandas with hoods, but it did't really look that well. Let me know if this gets into the right direction.
attachment <img alt="1.png" src="https://pagure.io/Fedora-Badges/issue/raw/files/2a0f5c7135362869388cca6c96772e9baf32f8d44c5bc46208e1440f65c87e37-1.png" />
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attachment <img alt="2.png" src="https://pagure.io/Fedora-Badges/issue/raw/files/da6549c04fb1c1c33d2d033b5e6e6ca330a49a43f593d619dc3f961c6522bc01-2.png" />
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attachment <img alt="20.png" src="https://pagure.io/Fedora-Badges/issue/raw/files/15c86182df07624554e88ba441812e7a55ebf7a9f88b358d649ca0509af41838-20.png" />
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attachment <img alt="Preview.jpg" src="https://pagure.io/Fedora-Badges/issue/raw/files/befe0ae68625f28f4734f495a3f6a5af8e11f9bae9eea87f007440831ed3657c-Preview.jpg" />
Updated the badges with the respective numbers (representing the number of groups). Justin suggested that the original numbers might have been too low, so we went with 1,2,5,10 and 20.
I hope you like them
YAML definition file for "Member of the Club" series (does not have logic defined yet) Member of the Club I.yaml
YAML definition file for "Member of the Club" series (does not have logic defined yet) Member of the Club II.yaml
YAML definition file for "Member of the Club" series (does not have logic defined yet) Member of the Club III.yaml
YAML definition file for "Member of the Club" series (does not have logic defined yet) Member of the Club IV.yaml
YAML definition file for "Member of the Club" series (does not have logic defined yet) Member of the Club V.yaml
== Triaged ==
Marking ticket as triaged.
== Name change ==
I think "Member of the Club" is a friendlier name for the badge versus Secret Society Member. I think this name also creates a more open image than the Secret Society Member name. On the contrary, Fedora is definitely ''not'' a secret society. ;)
So there was some discussion in IRC about this badge I wasn't aware of when I was triaging this ticket. "Secret Society Member" may still be a valid name for the badge depending on the artistic direction mizmo, elioqoshi, and pingou brainstorm for this.
So if we have some good artistic ideas for this, let's go with the name of "Secret Society Member". At the end of the day, you guys are the designers and I'm okay with either way this badge comes out. So use whichever name has the more creative outlook!
Also, going to CC mizmo to this ticket as a contributing Design Team member and also Ralph and Nick to maybe add some wisdom about defining a badge definition file for this series.
Here's the ideas pingou came up with for secret society:
member of the club ideas from pingou:
I contest that these are all my ideas, it's been the result of a long and most enjoyable team work :)
This ticket came in a CommOps hack session on [https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/commops-power-sessions 2016-05-18].
== YAML ==
The YAML is partially defined for all of these badges. The only thing missing is the logic, but it might look something like this?
{{{ trigger: all: - topic: fas.group.member.sponsor - lambda: msg.get('msg', {}).get('group', None) == '*'
criteria: datanommer: filter: topics: - "%(topic)s" users: - "%(msg.user)s" operation: count condition: greater than or equal to: 1
recipient: "%(msg.user)s" }}}
The main concern is with how I used the wildcard in the lambda statement. Not sure if that's possible…
== Artwork ==
Replying to [comment:8 duffy]:
member of the club ideas from pingou: (1) pandas waving from a clubhouse / treehouse (inviting you to the club) (2) panda membership card (now you're a member, welcome!) (3) pandas giving a t-shirt (thank you for your membership) (4) two pandas with panda tattoos on their upper arm (part of the gang) (5) pandas dancing around the maypole?
Of all the proposed ideas, I think I like #1 the best personally.
Hey jflory7, should we tag this as 'Not yet possible'?
Replying to [comment:11 riecatnor]:
Hey jflory7, should we tag this as 'Not yet possible'? I think this badge should actually be possible, but how specifically the rule would need to be written would require the expertise of someone with a stronger understanding of fedmsg than me. It's also worth considering how this type of badge would impact performance – I'm CCing sayan to the ticket in case he might know, but if not, I'll try to reach out to threebean.
Discussed in [https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting-1/2016-11-02/fedora_badges.2016-11-02-11.05.html 2016-10-03 meeting].
Mostly looking for technical information with regards to this ticket, but I corrected the right FAS username for Sayan in the CC field.
Metadata Update from @jflory7: - Issue assigned to elioqoshi - Issue tagged with: fas
Metadata Update from @riecatnor: - Custom field artwork adjusted to None - Custom field concept_review_passed adjusted to None (was: 1) - Custom field has_complete_yaml reset (from Partial) - Custom field has_description adjusted to on (was: 1) - Custom field has_name adjusted to on (was: 1) - Custom field needs_manual_award reset (from 0) - Custom field triaged adjusted to on (was: 1) - Issue close_status updated to: None - Issue tagged with: artwork-hard, artwork-needed, community
Metadata Update from @riecatnor: - Custom field artwork adjusted to needed (was: None) - Custom field has_complete_yaml reset (from false) - Custom field needs_manual_award reset (from false)
Closing this ticket due to inactivity during Badges virtual hackfest. Please reopen if their is renewed interest. Thanks!
Metadata Update from @riecatnor: - Custom field has_complete_yaml reset (from false) - Custom field needs_manual_award reset (from false) - Issue close_status updated to: declined - Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)
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