#328 Cookie Badge
Closed: Pushed None Opened 10 years ago by duffy.

What the badge should be granted for:

So here's the idea. The FPL has the FPL blessing, right? But, someone did something really helpful and awesome for me today, with no expectation of getting anything in return. This person really made my life easier. And I really wish I could give him something as a token of my appreciation.

So my thought here - maybe everyone in the Fedora project gets an amount of cookie badges that they can hand out as thank yous to others in the project as they're getting things done and helping each other out. You can't award one to yourself, only others. Maybe you get one cookie for every 5 badges you have earned, so folks get a number of cookies proportional to their achievements in the system, and if they run out they can replenish their cookies by earning more badges.

If a user earns more than one cookie badge, they can stack up the way the series badges stack. so you could get a 1 cookie badge, 10 cookie badge, 25 cookie badge, 50 cookie badge, and a 100+ cookie badge. Beyond that, I think maybe you've got enough cookies :)

Badge description (like "You added a co-maintainer to a package. BFF!"):

1 - "You've been given a cookie for helping someone out. Thanks!"

10 - "Ten people think you're great, because they've given you cookies. Yummy!"

25 - "Mmmmm.... cookies. You've helped out 25 Fedorans! Go you!"

50 - "50 Fedorans have recognized your achievements by giving you cookies."

100+ - "You have helped so many Fedorans you've got over 100 cookies. Don't eat them all at once!"

Anything else we need to know:

The dark side has cookies too, but ours are more better.

Each level could feature a different type of cookie - chocolate chip, oatmeal, snickerdoodle, etc

Yeah :) It would be sweet if you could (additionally) award it via irc by just saying:

threebean | mizmo++
zodbot | threebean: mizmo has received 46 karma cookies

IIRC, there were problems in that zodbot would have to put itself under unacceptable load to try and watch for all those accolades. Might be possible if we made people address it to zodbot directly:

threebean | zodbot: mizmo++
zodbot | threebean: mizmo has received 46 karma cookies
threebean | zodbot: mizmo++
zodbot | threebean: You cannot give mizmo more than one karma cookie.

Potential problems with this: popularity contest dynamics, "voting rings".. I still think it'd be fun.

Yeah :) It would be sweet if you could (additionally) award it via irc by just saying:

threebean | mizmo++
zodbot | threebean: mizmo has received 46 karma cookies

IIRC, there were problems in that zodbot would have to put itself under unacceptable load to try and watch for all those accolades. Might be possible if we made people address it to zodbot directly:

threebean | zodbot: mizmo++
zodbot | threebean: mizmo has received 46 karma cookies
threebean | zodbot: mizmo++
zodbot | threebean: You cannot give mizmo more than one karma cookie.

Potential problems with this: popularity contest dynamics, "voting rings".. I still think it'd be fun.

Here are some options for badge artwork:


Updated badges to include numbering & added one more ;)

Feedback welcome

Here are some options for badge artwork:


Updated badges to include numbering & added one more ;)

Feedback welcome

Hey riecatnor! LOVE the cookie art!!! The only suggestion I'd make, I'm thinking we'd start with 5 badges and see where it goes - so maybe just have a number somewhere on the badge (maybe center top?) What order do you think they should go in? I'm thinking:

1 macaroon
10 chocolate chip
25 black and white
50 pizelle
100 rainbow

but i'm not sure. too bad we dont have cookie monster around to help rank the cookies :)

Hey riecatnor! LOVE the cookie art!!! The only suggestion I'd make, I'm thinking we'd start with 5 badges and see where it goes - so maybe just have a number somewhere on the badge (maybe center top?) What order do you think they should go in? I'm thinking:

1 macaroon
10 chocolate chip
25 black and white
50 pizelle
100 rainbow

but i'm not sure. too bad we dont have cookie monster around to help rank the cookies :)



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