What the badge should be granted for: Coming out of a Fedora Legal interaction... alive and intact. This could be identifying an issue that needs resolving, or helping to fix one. Badge description (like "You added a co-maintainer to a package. BFF!"): Options:
"Oh, you've done it now. Fedora Legal had to step in and regulate. Keep this badge as a momento of your experience."
"BADGES? WE DON'T NEED NO STINKING BA... wait, Fedora Legal says we do. Never mind."
Possible art: <spot> a panda with a "judge dredd" helmet on. <threebean> or one of those white curly wigs <notting> spot: or robopanda. "you have 20 seconds to comply."
Anything else we need to know: This should be an assignment badge (since we can do those now). Fedora Legal will award it to worthy parties.
+1 to the concept. We can set it up and delegate stewardship to the fedora legal members.
attachment badge-of-doom.svg
love it! shipit+1
Pushed out: https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/fedora-legal-badge-of-doom
spot has been granted authorization to hand out the badge. If other fedora legal representatives need to be added, please note as much on this ticket.
Is there a doc on how I do that? :)
You should see some options just under the badge graphic on the badge page at https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/fedora-legal-badge-of-doom -- "Award directly" is the one you want.
If the options aren't there, then something else is wrong on my side.
Metadata Update from @spot: - Issue tagged with: legal
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