#230 Fedora Legal Badge of Doom
Closed: Pushed None Opened 10 years ago by spot.

What the badge should be granted for: Coming out of a Fedora Legal interaction... alive and intact. This could be identifying an issue that needs resolving, or helping to fix one.
Badge description (like "You added a co-maintainer to a package. BFF!"):

"Oh, you've done it now. Fedora Legal had to step in and regulate. Keep this badge as a momento of your experience."

"BADGES? WE DON'T NEED NO STINKING BA... wait, Fedora Legal says we do. Never mind."

Possible art:
<spot> a panda with a "judge dredd" helmet on.
<threebean> or one of those white curly wigs
<notting> spot: or robopanda. "you have 20 seconds to comply."

Anything else we need to know: This should be an assignment badge (since we can do those now). Fedora Legal will award it to worthy parties.

+1 to the concept. We can set it up and delegate stewardship to the fedora legal members.

+1 to the concept. We can set it up and delegate stewardship to the fedora legal members.



Pushed out: https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/fedora-legal-badge-of-doom

spot has been granted authorization to hand out the badge. If other fedora legal representatives need to be added, please note as much on this ticket.

Pushed out: https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/fedora-legal-badge-of-doom

spot has been granted authorization to hand out the badge. If other fedora legal representatives need to be added, please note as much on this ticket.

Is there a doc on how I do that? :)

Is there a doc on how I do that? :)

You should see some options just under the badge graphic on the badge page at https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/fedora-legal-badge-of-doom -- "Award directly" is the one you want.

If the options aren't there, then something else is wrong on my side.

You should see some options just under the badge graphic on the badge page at https://badges.fedoraproject.org/badge/fedora-legal-badge-of-doom -- "Award directly" is the one you want.

If the options aren't there, then something else is wrong on my side.

Metadata Update from @spot:
- Issue tagged with: legal

7 years ago

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