#212 Copr Badge
Closed: Pushed None Opened 10 years ago by msuchy.

Badge description:
Building in outside ring... (Copr Build I)
Building in outside ring... (Copr Build II)
Building in outside ring... (Copr Build III)

for 5, 30. 90 (or so) build in Copr.
Little bit higher numbers compared to Koji, because in Copr each chroot now have separate build, so number in Copr will be higher.

Design can be some variation on:

Anything else we need to know:
We could not have success or fail as that is not currently distuguished on fedmsg level.

You can utilize fedmsg messages for getting those numbers:
[18:24] <fedmsg-bot> copr.build.start -- sergiopr started a new build of the descuido copr http://copr-fe.cloud.fedoraproject.org/coprs/sergiopr/descuido/
[18:24] <fedmsg-bot> copr.chroot.start -- sergiopr's descuido copr started a new fedora-rawhide-i386 chroot http://copr-be.cloud.fedoraproject.org/results/sergiopr/descuido/fedora-rawhide-i386/
[18:27] <fedmsg-bot> copr.build.end -- sergiopr's descuido copr finished a build http://copr-fe.cloud.fedoraproject.org/coprs/sergiopr/descuido/

Marked #206 as a duplicate of this.

Marked #206 as a duplicate of this.













What about more copr badges? E.g. 999 builds.

What about more copr badges? E.g. 999 builds.

That's fine by me. We just need to make the art :)

That's fine by me. We just need to make the art :)

Looks good :)

Could you please:

1) export it as a png with a transparent background and the same margins as the other badges.
2) add and commit the svg and png to the badges repo.
3) copy one of the copr yaml rules to make a new rule for this one (in the badges repo).
4) let me know

Then I can run our ansible playbooks to push it all out. :)

Looks good :)

Could you please:

1) export it as a png with a transparent background and the same margins as the other badges.
2) add and commit the svg and png to the badges repo.
3) copy one of the copr yaml rules to make a new rule for this one (in the badges repo).
4) let me know

Then I can run our ansible playbooks to push it all out. :)

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