#200 Town Hall Participant
Closed: Pushed None Opened 10 years ago by inode0.

What the badge should be granted for: Participating in #fedora-townhall-public during a Fedora election town hall event.

Badge description (like "You added a co-maintainer to a package. BFF!"): You participated in a Fedora town hall event.

Anything else we need to know: I'd like for this to be "you asked a question for the candidates" but I expect that is much harder to detect than "you spoke in the channel" which is I think good enough as a test of participation. Just being in the channel doesn't cut it as many people squat but don't participate.

+1 from me on the concept. I like "you spoke in the channel" as the criteria.. but, should that be for #fedora-townhall? or #fedora-townhall-public?

+1 from me on the concept. I like "you spoke in the channel" as the criteria.. but, should that be for #fedora-townhall? or #fedora-townhall-public?

fedora-townhall is moderated and only the candidates and the moderator can speak there. Folks attending the townhall ask their questions and discuss things in #fedora-townhall-public.

fedora-townhall is moderated and only the candidates and the moderator can speak there. Folks attending the townhall ask their questions and discuss things in #fedora-townhall-public.



inode0, do you happen to know when the next town hall is scheduled for? I just want to make sure we can get this badge out there in time.

inode0, do you happen to know when the next town hall is scheduled for? I just want to make sure we can get this badge out there in time.

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