#10 The Blessing of the FPL (needs code)
Closed: Pushed None Opened 11 years ago by ralph.

name: The Blessing of the FPL
description: You've been granted the blessing of the Fedora Project Leader.

Discussed at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2013-08-02/fedora-meeting.2013-08-02-19.39.html





(I call it the infinity sword!)

(I call it the infinity sword!)

Okay this one needs to be coded now. Unassigning it so someone can take that over.

Okay this one needs to be coded now. Unassigning it so someone can take that over.

Set triaged to 'yes' for all tickets, as I've hit them all already.

Set triaged to 'yes' for all tickets, as I've hit them all already.

just put types back in, we'll try and handle bugs here too, no new trac.

just put types back in, we'll try and handle bugs here too, no new trac.

Noting here that the outgoing FPL Robyn Bergeron awarded this badge to the following persons:

Major Hayden (mhayden)
Toshio Kuratomi (toshio)
Rex Dieter (rdieter)
David Nalley (ke4qqq)
Garrett Holmstrom (gholms)
Rudi Landmann (rlandmann)
Jon Stanley (jstanley)
John Rose (inode0)
Guillermo Gomez (gomix)
Stephen Smoogen (smooge)
Neville Cross (yn1v)
Michael Scherer (misc)
Christoph Wickert (cwickert)
Joerg Simon (jsimon)
Haikel Guemar (hguemar)
Jaroslav Reznik (jreznik)
Eric Christensen (sparks)
John Poelstra (poelstra)
Dennis Gilmore (ausil)
Matthew Garrett (mjg59)
Nick Bebout (nb)
Jesse Keating (jkeating)
Mairin Duffy (duffy)
Mike McGrath (mmcgrath)
Josh Boyer (jwboyer)
Tom Callaway (spot)
Ruth Suehle (rsuehle)
Maria Leandro (tatica)
Max Spevack (spevack)
Greg DeKoenigsberg (gdk)
Paul Frields (pfrields)
Jared Smith (jsmith)
Bill Nottingham (notting)
Marek Goldmann (goldmann)
Matthew Miller (mattdm)
Ben Williams (jbwillia)
Ian Weller (ianweller)
Tim Flink (tflink)
Ralph Bean (ralph)
Ryan Lerch (ryanlerch)
Emily Dirsch (emichan)
Luke Macken (lmacken)
Anna Eusebio (annaucbo)
Kevin Fenzi (kevin)
Peter Jones (pjones)
Tomas Mraz (t8m)
Miloslav Trmac (mitr)
Stephen Gallagher (sgallagh)
Mel Chua (mchua)
Jonathan Nalley (jnalley)
Gerold Kassube (geroldka)
Jiri Eischmann (eischmann)
Sandro Mathys (red)
Jeroen van Meeuwen (kanarip)
Lars Delhage (delhage)
Mark McLoughlin (markmc)
Chris Wright (chrisw)
Matt Farrellee (matt)
Michal Fojtik (mfojtik)
Francesco Vollero (fvollero)
Chris Lalancette (clalance)
Bert Desmet (biertie)
Will Woods (wwoods)
Andreas Thienemann (ixs)
Leslie Hawthorn (lh)
Nicu Buculei (nicubunu)
John McDonough (jjmcd)
Francesco Crippa (fcrippa)
Kevin Raymond (shaiton)
Pierre Yves-Chibon (pingou)
Rahul Sundaram (mether)
Emmanuel Seyman (eseyman)
Luis Bazan (lbazan)
Antonio Salles (asalles)
Buddhike Kurera (bckurera)
Karsten Wade (quaid)
Kushal Das (kushal)
Izhar Firdaus (izhar)
Alick Zhao (alick)
Christopher Meng (cicku)
Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis (alexove)
Alejandro Perez (aeperezt)
Abdel Martinez (potty)
Truong Anh Tuan (tuanta)
Jon Disnard (parasense)
Clint Savage (herlo)
Nick Bebout (nb)
Ricky Elrod (relrod)
Igor Soares (igor)
Adam Miller (maxamillion)
Tim St Clair (tstclair)
Zach Oglesby (zoglesby)
Joe Brockmeier (jzb)
Chris A. Roberts (chrisroberts)
Zacharias Mitzelos (mitzie)
Ankur Sinha (ankursinha)
Justin Forbes (jforbes)
Sam Kottler (skottler)

Noting here that the outgoing FPL Robyn Bergeron awarded this badge to the following persons:

Major Hayden (mhayden)
Toshio Kuratomi (toshio)
Rex Dieter (rdieter)
David Nalley (ke4qqq)
Garrett Holmstrom (gholms)
Rudi Landmann (rlandmann)
Jon Stanley (jstanley)
John Rose (inode0)
Guillermo Gomez (gomix)
Stephen Smoogen (smooge)
Neville Cross (yn1v)
Michael Scherer (misc)
Christoph Wickert (cwickert)
Joerg Simon (jsimon)
Haikel Guemar (hguemar)
Jaroslav Reznik (jreznik)
Eric Christensen (sparks)
John Poelstra (poelstra)
Dennis Gilmore (ausil)
Matthew Garrett (mjg59)
Nick Bebout (nb)
Jesse Keating (jkeating)
Mairin Duffy (duffy)
Mike McGrath (mmcgrath)
Josh Boyer (jwboyer)
Tom Callaway (spot)
Ruth Suehle (rsuehle)
Maria Leandro (tatica)
Max Spevack (spevack)
Greg DeKoenigsberg (gdk)
Paul Frields (pfrields)
Jared Smith (jsmith)
Bill Nottingham (notting)
Marek Goldmann (goldmann)
Matthew Miller (mattdm)
Ben Williams (jbwillia)
Ian Weller (ianweller)
Tim Flink (tflink)
Ralph Bean (ralph)
Ryan Lerch (ryanlerch)
Emily Dirsch (emichan)
Luke Macken (lmacken)
Anna Eusebio (annaucbo)
Kevin Fenzi (kevin)
Peter Jones (pjones)
Tomas Mraz (t8m)
Miloslav Trmac (mitr)
Stephen Gallagher (sgallagh)
Mel Chua (mchua)
Jonathan Nalley (jnalley)
Gerold Kassube (geroldka)
Jiri Eischmann (eischmann)
Sandro Mathys (red)
Jeroen van Meeuwen (kanarip)
Lars Delhage (delhage)
Mark McLoughlin (markmc)
Chris Wright (chrisw)
Matt Farrellee (matt)
Michal Fojtik (mfojtik)
Francesco Vollero (fvollero)
Chris Lalancette (clalance)
Bert Desmet (biertie)
Will Woods (wwoods)
Andreas Thienemann (ixs)
Leslie Hawthorn (lh)
Nicu Buculei (nicubunu)
John McDonough (jjmcd)
Francesco Crippa (fcrippa)
Kevin Raymond (shaiton)
Pierre Yves-Chibon (pingou)
Rahul Sundaram (mether)
Emmanuel Seyman (eseyman)
Luis Bazan (lbazan)
Antonio Salles (asalles)
Buddhike Kurera (bckurera)
Karsten Wade (quaid)
Kushal Das (kushal)
Izhar Firdaus (izhar)
Alick Zhao (alick)
Christopher Meng (cicku)
Alex Irmel Oviedo Solis (alexove)
Alejandro Perez (aeperezt)
Abdel Martinez (potty)
Truong Anh Tuan (tuanta)
Jon Disnard (parasense)
Clint Savage (herlo)
Nick Bebout (nb)
Ricky Elrod (relrod)
Igor Soares (igor)
Adam Miller (maxamillion)
Tim St Clair (tstclair)
Zach Oglesby (zoglesby)
Joe Brockmeier (jzb)
Chris A. Roberts (chrisroberts)
Zacharias Mitzelos (mitzie)
Ankur Sinha (ankursinha)
Justin Forbes (jforbes)
Sam Kottler (skottler)

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Attachments 4
Attached 11 years ago View Comment
Attached 11 years ago View Comment
Attached 11 years ago View Comment
Attached 11 years ago View Comment