#243 Explain key information about this repo and reporting procedure in README
Closed 5 years ago by bex. Opened 5 years ago by jflory7.

Currently, the following information about this repo is unclear:

  • What its purpose is, in terms of the CoC
  • What the reporting procedure is
  • Who has/will have access to these reports

It helps to clarify in the README so if someone needs to make a report and they are not familiar with the process, they can have these key questions answered. Otherwise, it is more likely someone will choose not to report behavior that does go against the CoC.

This repo's README has been updated with this commit:


Thank you for letting us know about this issue.

Metadata Update from @bex:
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

5 years ago

Thank you for addressing this.

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