| |
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
| |
| |
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
| |
| |
+ OU_PEOPLE = "ou=people,%s" % DEFAULT_SUFFIX
| |
| |
class ISyncRepl(DirSrv, SyncreplConsumer):
| |
| |
This implements a test harness for checking syncrepl, and allowing us to check various actions or
| |
@@ -55,6 +57,7 @@
| |
self.delete = []
| |
self.present = []
| |
self.entries = {}
| |
+ self.refdel = False
| |
self.next_cookie = None
| |
# Start the sync
| |
# If cookie is none, will call "get_cookie" we have.
| |
@@ -89,6 +92,9 @@
| |
| |
def syncrepl_present(self, uuids, refreshDeletes=False):
| |
log.debug(f'=====> refdel -> {refreshDeletes} uuids -> {uuids}')
| |
+ if refreshDeletes:
| |
+ # Indicate we recieved a refdel in the process.
| |
+ self.refdel = True
| |
if uuids is not None:
| |
self.present = self.present + uuids
| |
| |
@@ -105,8 +111,9 @@
| |
| |
def syncstate_assert(st, sync):
| |
# How many entries do we have?
| |
+ # We setup sync under ou=people so we can modrdn out of the scope.
| |
r = st.search_ext_s(
| |
| |
+ base=OU_PEOPLE,
| |
| |
| |
| |
@@ -115,49 +122,154 @@
| |
| |
# Initial sync
| |
log.debug("*test* initial")
| |
- sync.syncrepl_search()
| |
+ sync.syncrepl_search(base=OU_PEOPLE)
| |
| |
# check we caught them all
| |
assert len(r) == len(sync.entries.keys())
| |
assert len(r) == len(sync.present)
| |
assert 0 == len(sync.delete)
| |
+ if sync.openldap:
| |
+ assert True == sync.refdel
| |
+ else:
| |
+ assert False == sync.refdel
| |
| |
# Add a new entry
| |
| |
account = nsUserAccounts(st, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).create_test_user()
| |
| |
+ # Find the primary uuid we expect to see in syncrepl.
| |
+ # This will be None if not present.
| |
+ acc_uuid = account.get_attr_val_utf8('entryuuid')
| |
+ if acc_uuid is None:
| |
+ nsid = account.get_attr_val_utf8('nsuniqueid')
| |
+ # nsunique has a diff format, so we change it up.
| |
+ # 431cf081-b44311ea-83fdb082-f24d490e
| |
+ # Add a hyphen V
| |
+ # 431cf081-b443-11ea-83fdb082-f24d490e
| |
+ nsid_a = nsid[:13] + '-' + nsid[13:]
| |
+ # Add a hyphen V
| |
+ # 431cf081-b443-11ea-83fd-b082-f24d490e
| |
+ nsid_b = nsid_a[:23] + '-' + nsid_a[23:]
| |
+ # Remove a hyphen V
| |
+ # 431cf081-b443-11ea-83fd-b082-f24d490e
| |
+ acc_uuid = nsid_b[:28] + nsid_b[29:]
| |
+ # Tada!
| |
+ # 431cf081-b443-11ea-83fd-b082f24d490e
| |
+ log.debug(f"--> expected sync uuid (from nsuniqueid): {acc_uuid}")
| |
+ else:
| |
+ log.debug(f"--> expected sync uuid (from entryuuid): {acc_uuid}")
| |
| |
# Check
| |
log.debug("*test* add")
| |
- sync.syncrepl_search()
| |
+ sync.syncrepl_search(base=OU_PEOPLE)
| |
| |
| |
+ log.debug(f"sd: {sync.delete}, sp: {sync.present} sek: {sync.entries.keys()}")
| |
| |
assert 1 == len(sync.entries.keys())
| |
assert 1 == len(sync.present)
| |
+ ####################################
| |
+ ## assert sync.present == [acc_uuid]
| |
assert 0 == len(sync.delete)
| |
+ if sync.openldap:
| |
+ assert True == sync.refdel
| |
+ else:
| |
+ assert False == sync.refdel
| |
| |
# Mod
| |
account.replace('description', 'change')
| |
# Check
| |
log.debug("*test* mod")
| |
- sync.syncrepl_search()
| |
+ sync.syncrepl_search(base=OU_PEOPLE)
| |
+ sync.syncrepl_complete()
| |
+ sync.check_cookie()
| |
+ log.debug(f"sd: {sync.delete}, sp: {sync.present} sek: {sync.entries.keys()}")
| |
+ assert 1 == len(sync.entries.keys())
| |
+ assert 1 == len(sync.present)
| |
+ ####################################
| |
+ ## assert sync.present == [acc_uuid]
| |
+ assert 0 == len(sync.delete)
| |
+ if sync.openldap:
| |
+ assert True == sync.refdel
| |
+ else:
| |
+ assert False == sync.refdel
| |
| |
+ ## ModRdn (remain in scope)
| |
+ account.rename('uid=test1_modrdn')
| |
+ # newsuperior=None
| |
+ # Check
| |
+ log.debug("*test* modrdn (in scope)")
| |
+ sync.syncrepl_search(base=OU_PEOPLE)
| |
| |
| |
+ log.debug(f"sd: {sync.delete}, sp: {sync.present} sek: {sync.entries.keys()}")
| |
assert 1 == len(sync.entries.keys())
| |
assert 1 == len(sync.present)
| |
+ ####################################
| |
+ ## assert sync.present == [acc_uuid]
| |
assert 0 == len(sync.delete)
| |
+ if sync.openldap:
| |
+ assert True == sync.refdel
| |
+ else:
| |
+ assert False == sync.refdel
| |
| |
+ ## Modrdn (out of scope, then back into scope)
| |
+ account.rename('uid=test1_modrdn', newsuperior=DEFAULT_SUFFIX)
| |
| |
+ # Check it's gone.
| |
+ log.debug("*test* modrdn (move out of scope)")
| |
+ sync.syncrepl_search(base=OU_PEOPLE)
| |
+ sync.syncrepl_complete()
| |
+ sync.check_cookie()
| |
+ log.debug(f"sd: {sync.delete}, sp: {sync.present} sek: {sync.entries.keys()}")
| |
+ assert 0 == len(sync.entries.keys())
| |
+ assert 0 == len(sync.present)
| |
+ assert 0 == len(sync.delete)
| |
+ if sync.openldap:
| |
+ assert True == sync.refdel
| |
+ else:
| |
+ assert True == sync.refdel
| |
| |
+ # Put it back
| |
+ account.rename('uid=test1_modrdn', newsuperior=OU_PEOPLE)
| |
+ log.debug("*test* modrdn (move in to scope)")
| |
+ sync.syncrepl_search(base=OU_PEOPLE)
| |
+ sync.syncrepl_complete()
| |
+ sync.check_cookie()
| |
+ log.debug(f"sd: {sync.delete}, sp: {sync.present} sek: {sync.entries.keys()}")
| |
+ assert 1 == len(sync.entries.keys())
| |
+ assert 1 == len(sync.present)
| |
+ ####################################
| |
+ ## assert sync.present == [acc_uuid]
| |
+ assert 0 == len(sync.delete)
| |
+ if sync.openldap:
| |
+ assert True == sync.refdel
| |
+ else:
| |
+ assert False == sync.refdel
| |
| |
## Delete
| |
| |
| |
+ # import time
| |
+ # print("attach now ....")
| |
+ # time.sleep(45)
| |
| |
# Check
| |
log.debug("*test* del")
| |
- sync.syncrepl_search()
| |
+ sync.syncrepl_search(base=OU_PEOPLE)
| |
| |
# In a delete, the cookie isn't updated (?)
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
+ log.debug(f"sd: {sync.delete}, sp: {sync.present} sek: {sync.entries.keys()}")
| |
assert 0 == len(sync.entries.keys())
| |
assert 0 == len(sync.present)
| |
- assert 1 == len(sync.delete)
| |
+ assert 0 == len(sync.delete)
| |
+ ####################################
| |
+ ## assert sync.delete == [acc_uuid]
| |
+ if sync.openldap:
| |
+ assert True == sync.refdel
| |
+ else:
| |
+ assert True == sync.refdel
| |
| |
I agree with that change. My understanding is that starting client_cookie+1 conforms RFC
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