#51211 Issue 50746 - Add option to healthcheck to list all the lint reports
Closed 3 years ago by spichugi. Opened 3 years ago by bsmejkal.
bsmejkal/389-ds-base lint_errors_healthcheck  into  master

@@ -34,35 +34,30 @@ 

  log = logging.getLogger(__name__)



- def run_healthcheck_and_flush_log(topology, instance, searched_code, json, searched_code2=None):

+ def run_healthcheck_and_flush_log(topology, instance, searched_code=None, json=False, searched_code2=None,

+                                   list_checks=False, list_errors=False, check=None, searched_list=None):

      args = FakeArgs()

      args.instance = instance.serverid

      args.verbose = instance.verbose

-     args.list_errors = False

-     args.list_checks = False

-     args.check = None

+     args.list_errors = list_errors

+     args.list_checks = list_checks

+     args.check = check

      args.dry_run = False


-     if json:

-         log.info('Use healthcheck with --json option')

-         args.json = json

-         health_check_run(instance, topology.logcap.log, args)

-         assert topology.logcap.contains(searched_code)

-         log.info('Healthcheck returned searched code: %s' % searched_code)


-         if searched_code2 is not None:

-             assert topology.logcap.contains(searched_code2)

-             log.info('Healthcheck returned searched code: %s' % searched_code2)

+     args.json = json


+     log.info('Use healthcheck with --json == {} option'.format(json))

+     health_check_run(instance, topology.logcap.log, args)

+     if searched_list is not None:

+         for item in searched_list:

+             assert topology.logcap.contains(item)

+             log.info('Healthcheck returned searched item: %s' % item)


-         log.info('Use healthcheck without --json option')

-         args.json = json

-         health_check_run(instance, topology.logcap.log, args)

          assert topology.logcap.contains(searched_code)

          log.info('Healthcheck returned searched code: %s' % searched_code)


-         if searched_code2 is not None:

-             assert topology.logcap.contains(searched_code2)

-             log.info('Healthcheck returned searched code: %s' % searched_code2)

+     if searched_code2 is not None:

+         assert topology.logcap.contains(searched_code2)

+         log.info('Healthcheck returned searched code: %s' % searched_code2)


      log.info('Clear the log')

@@ -78,7 +73,7 @@ 




- @pytest.mark.xfail(ds_is_older("1.4.1"), reason="Not implemented")

+ @pytest.mark.skipif(ds_is_older("1.4.1"), reason="Not implemented")

  def test_healthcheck_standalone(topology_st):

      """Check functionality of HealthCheck Tool on standalone instance with no errors

@@ -100,9 +95,143 @@ 

      run_healthcheck_and_flush_log(topology_st, standalone, JSON_OUTPUT, json=True)



+ @pytest.mark.ds50746

+ @pytest.mark.bz1816851

+ @pytest.mark.xfail(ds_is_older("1.4.2"), reason="Not implemented")

+ def test_healthcheck_list_checks(topology_st):

+     """Check functionality of HealthCheck Tool with --list-checks option


+     :id: 44b1d8d3-b94a-4c2d-9233-ebe876802803

+     :setup: Standalone instance

+     :steps:

+         1. Create DS instance

+         2. Set list_checks to True

+         3. Run HealthCheck

+     :expectedresults:

+         1. Success

+         2. Success

+         3. Success

+     """


+     output_list = ['config:hr_timestamp',

+                    'config:passwordscheme',

+                    'backends:userroot:mappingtree',

+                    'backends:userroot:search',

+                    'backends:userroot:virt_attrs',

+                    'encryption:check_tls_version',

+                    'fschecks:file_perms',

+                    'refint:attr_indexes',

+                    'refint:update_delay',

+                    'monitor-disk-space:disk_space',

+                    'replication:agmts_status',

+                    'replication:conflicts',

+                    'changelog:cl_trimming',

+                    'dseldif:nsstate',

+                    'ssl:certificate_expiration',

+                    'logs:notes']


+     standalone = topology_st.standalone


+     run_healthcheck_and_flush_log(topology_st, standalone, json=False, list_checks=True, searched_list=output_list)



+ @pytest.mark.ds50746

+ @pytest.mark.bz1816851

+ @pytest.mark.xfail(ds_is_older("1.4.2"), reason="Not implemented")

+ def test_healthcheck_list_errors(topology_st):

+     """Check functionality of HealthCheck Tool with --list-errors option


+     :id: 295c07c0-a939-4d5e-b3a6-b4c9d0da3897

+     :setup: Standalone instance

+     :steps:

+         1. Create DS instance

+         2. Set list_errors to True

+         3. Run HealthCheck

+     :expectedresults:

+         1. Success

+         2. Success

+         3. Success

+     """


+     output_list = ['DSBLE0001 :: Possibly incorrect mapping tree',

+                    'DSBLE0002 :: Unable to query backend',

+                    'DSBLE0003 :: Uninitialized backend database',

+                    'DSCERTLE0001 :: Certificate about to expire',

+                    'DSCERTLE0002 :: Certificate expired',

+                    'DSCLE0001 :: Different log timestamp format',

+                    'DSCLE0002 :: Weak passwordStorageScheme',

+                    'DSCLLE0001 :: Changelog trimming not configured',

+                    'DSDSLE0001 :: Low disk space',

+                    'DSELE0001 :: Weak TLS protocol version',

+                    'DSLOGNOTES0001 :: Unindexed Search',

+                    'DSLOGNOTES0002 :: Unknown Attribute In Filter',

+                    'DSPERMLE0001 :: Incorrect file permissions',

+                    'DSPERMLE0002 :: Incorrect security database file permissions',

+                    'DSREPLLE0001 :: Replication agreement not set to be synchronized',

+                    'DSREPLLE0002 :: Replication conflict entries found',

+                    'DSREPLLE0003 :: Unsynchronized replication agreement',

+                    'DSREPLLE0004 :: Unable to get replication agreement status',

+                    'DSREPLLE0005 :: Replication consumer not reachable',

+                    'DSRILE0001 :: Referential integrity plugin may be slower',

+                    'DSRILE0002 :: Referential integrity plugin configured with unindexed attribute',

+                    'DSSKEWLE0001 :: Medium time skew',

+                    'DSSKEWLE0002 :: Major time skew',

+                    'DSSKEWLE0003 :: Extensive time skew',

+                    'DSVIRTLE0001 :: Virtual attribute indexed']


+     standalone = topology_st.standalone


+     run_healthcheck_and_flush_log(topology_st, standalone, json=False, list_errors=True, searched_list=output_list)



+ @pytest.mark.ds50746

+ @pytest.mark.bz1816851

+ @pytest.mark.xfail(ds_is_older("1.4.2"), reason="Not implemented")

+ def test_healthcheck_check_option(topology_st):

+     """Check functionality of HealthCheck Tool with --check option


+     :id: ee382d6f-8bec-4236-ace4-4700d19dc9fd

+     :setup: Standalone instance

+     :steps:

+         1. Create DS instance

+         2. Set check to value from list

+         3. Run HealthCheck

+     :expectedresults:

+         1. Success

+         2. Success

+         3. Success

+     """


+     output_list = ['config:hr_timestamp',

+                    'config:passwordscheme',

+                    'backends:userroot:mappingtree',

+                    'backends:userroot:search',

+                    'backends:userroot:virt_attrs',

+                    'encryption:check_tls_version',

+                    'fschecks:file_perms',

+                    'refint:attr_indexes',

+                    'refint:update_delay',

+                    'monitor-disk-space:disk_space',

+                    'replication:agmts_status',

+                    'replication:conflicts',

+                    'changelog:cl_trimming',

+                    'dseldif:nsstate',

+                    'ssl:certificate_expiration',

+                    'logs:notes']


+     standalone = topology_st.standalone


+     for item in output_list:

+         pattern = 'Checking ' + item

+         log.info('Check {}'.format(item))

+         run_healthcheck_and_flush_log(topology_st, standalone, searched_code=pattern, json=False, check=[item],

+                                       searched_code2=CMD_OUTPUT)

+         run_healthcheck_and_flush_log(topology_st, standalone, searched_code=JSON_OUTPUT, json=True, check=[item])





- @pytest.mark.xfail(ds_is_older("1.4.1"), reason="Not implemented")

+ @pytest.mark.skipif(ds_is_older("1.4.1"), reason="Not implemented")

  def test_healthcheck_standalone_tls(topology_st):

      """Check functionality of HealthCheck Tool on TLS enabled standalone instance with no errors

@@ -129,7 +258,7 @@ 




- @pytest.mark.xfail(ds_is_older("1.4.1"), reason="Not implemented")

+ @pytest.mark.skipif(ds_is_older("1.4.1"), reason="Not implemented")

  def test_healthcheck_replication(topology_m2):

      """Check functionality of HealthCheck Tool on replication instance with no errors

@@ -165,7 +294,7 @@ 




- @pytest.mark.xfail(ds_is_older("1.4.1"), reason="Not implemented")

+ @pytest.mark.skipif(ds_is_older("1.4.1"), reason="Not implemented")

  def test_healthcheck_replication_tls(topology_m2):

      """Check functionality of HealthCheck Tool on replication instance with no errors

@@ -201,52 +330,9 @@ 




- @pytest.mark.bz1796343

- @pytest.mark.xfail(ds_is_older("1.4.1"), reason="Not implemented")

- @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Will fail because of bz1837315. Set proper version after bug is fixed")

- def test_healthcheck_unable_to_query_backend(topology_st):

-     """Check if HealthCheck returns DSBLE0002 code


-     :id: 716b1ff1-94bd-4780-98b8-96ff8ef21e30

-     :setup: Standalone instance

-     :steps:

-         1. Create DS instance

-         2. Create a new root suffix and database

-         3. Disable new suffix

-         4. Use HealthCheck without --json option

-         5. Use HealthCheck with --json option

-     :expectedresults:

-         1. Success

-         2. Success

-         3. Success

-         4. HealthCheck should return code DSBLE0002

-         5. HealthCheck should return code DSBLE0002

-     """


-     RET_CODE = 'DSBLE0002'

-     NEW_SUFFIX = 'dc=test,dc=com'

-     NEW_BACKEND = 'userData'


-     standalone = topology_st.standalone


-     backends = Backends(standalone)

-     backends.create(properties={

-         'cn': NEW_BACKEND,

-         'nsslapd-suffix': NEW_SUFFIX,

-     })


-     mts = MappingTrees(standalone)

-     mt_new = mts.get(NEW_SUFFIX)

-     mt_new.replace('nsslapd-state', 'disabled')


-     run_healthcheck_and_flush_log(topology_st, standalone, RET_CODE, json=False)

-     run_healthcheck_and_flush_log(topology_st, standalone, RET_CODE, json=True)



- @pytest.mark.ds50873


- @pytest.mark.xfail(ds_is_older("1.4.1"), reason="Not implemented")

- @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Will fail because of bz1835619 and bz1837315. Set proper version after bugs are fixed")

+ @pytest.mark.skipif(ds_is_older("1.4.1"), reason="Not implemented")

+ @pytest.mark.xfail(ds_is_older("1.4.3"),reason="Might fail because of bz1835619")

  def test_healthcheck_backend_missing_mapping_tree(topology_st):

      """Check if HealthCheck returns DSBLE0001 and DSBLE0003 code

@@ -296,7 +382,57 @@ 




- @pytest.mark.xfail(ds_is_older("1.4.1"), reason="Not implemented")

+ @pytest.mark.skipif(ds_is_older("1.4.1"), reason="Not implemented")

+ @pytest.mark.xfail(reason="Will fail because of bz1837315. Set proper version after bug is fixed")

+ def test_healthcheck_unable_to_query_backend(topology_st):

+     """Check if HealthCheck returns DSBLE0002 code


+     :id: 716b1ff1-94bd-4780-98b8-96ff8ef21e30

+     :setup: Standalone instance

+     :steps:

+         1. Create DS instance

+         2. Create a new root suffix and database

+         3. Disable new suffix

+         4. Use HealthCheck without --json option

+         5. Use HealthCheck with --json option

+     :expectedresults:

+         1. Success

+         2. Success

+         3. Success

+         4. HealthCheck should return code DSBLE0002

+         5. HealthCheck should return code DSBLE0002

+     """


+     RET_CODE = 'DSBLE0002'

+     NEW_SUFFIX = 'dc=test,dc=com'

+     NEW_BACKEND = 'userData'


+     standalone = topology_st.standalone


+     log.info('Create new suffix')

+     backends = Backends(standalone)

+     backends.create(properties={

+         'cn': NEW_BACKEND,

+         'nsslapd-suffix': NEW_SUFFIX,

+     })


+     log.info('Disable the newly created suffix')

+     mts = MappingTrees(standalone)

+     mt_new = mts.get(NEW_SUFFIX)

+     mt_new.replace('nsslapd-state', 'disabled')


+     run_healthcheck_and_flush_log(topology_st, standalone, RET_CODE, json=False)

+     run_healthcheck_and_flush_log(topology_st, standalone, RET_CODE, json=True)


+     log.info('Enable the suffix again and check if nothing is broken')

+     mt_new.replace('nsslapd-state', 'backend')

+     run_healthcheck_and_flush_log(topology_st, standalone, RET_CODE, json=False)

+     run_healthcheck_and_flush_log(topology_st, standalone, RET_CODE, json=True)



+ @pytest.mark.ds50873

+ @pytest.mark.bz1796343

+ @pytest.mark.skipif(ds_is_older("1.4.1"), reason="Not implemented")

  def test_healthcheck_database_not_initialized(topology_no_sample):

      """Check if HealthCheck returns DSBLE0003 code


@@ -84,10 +84,10 @@ 

              raise ValueError('No such object specifier')



- def _print_checks(inst, specs: Iterable[str]) -> None:

+ def _print_checks(inst, log, specs: Iterable[str]) -> None:

      for o, s in _list_checks(inst, specs):



+         log.info(f'{o.lint_uid()}:{s[0]}')


  def _run(inst, log, args, checks):

      if not args.json:
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ 

      checks = args.check or dict(_list_targets(inst)).keys()


      if args.list_checks or args.dry_run:

-         _print_checks(inst, checks)

+         _print_checks(inst, log, checks)



      _run(inst, log, args, _list_checks(inst, checks))

Created tests that run healthcheck with the new --list-errors, --list-checks and --checks options
and then check syntax of the output.
I also added log.info to the health.py::_print_checks so I could check the log output of --list-checks.
test_healthcheck_backend_missing_mapping_tree is set to run on proper version, because the bz1835619 / ds51091 is fixed.

Relates: https://pagure.io/389-ds-base/issue/50746
Relates: https://pagure.io/389-ds-base/issue/51091

Reviewed by: ???

rebased onto 4610b5f

3 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by spichugi

3 years ago

389-ds-base is moving from Pagure to Github. This means that new issues and pull requests
will be accepted only in 389-ds-base's github repository.

This pull request has been cloned to Github as issue and is available here:
- https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base/issues/4264

If you want to continue to work on the PR, please navigate to the github issue,
download the patch from the attachments and file a new pull request.

Thank you for understanding. We apologize for all inconvenience.

Pull-Request has been closed by spichugi

3 years ago