#51180 Issue: 50860 - Port Password Policy test cases from TET to python3 final
Closed 3 years ago by spichugi. Opened 3 years ago by aborah.
aborah/389-ds-base pass_policy_final  into  master

@@ -687,11 +687,11 @@ 

          :expected results:

              1. Success

              2. Success

-             3. Fail

+             3. Fail(ldap.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION)

              4. Success

-             5. Fail

+             5. Fail(ldap.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION))

              6. Success

-             7. Fail

+             7. Fail(ldap.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION))

              8. Success

              9. Success

              10. Success
@@ -875,7 +875,7 @@ 

          :expected results:

              1. Success

              2. Success

-             3. Fail

+             3. Fail(ldap.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION)

              4. Success

              5. Success

@@ -899,8 +899,7 @@ 


          count += 1

      # Wait more time to complete password min age

-     for _ in range(3):

-         time.sleep(1)

+     time.sleep(3)

      # Now user can change password

      change_password(topo, [

          ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', '000rLb2', '000rLb1'),
@@ -910,6 +909,462 @@ 




+ @pytest.fixture(scope="function")

+ def _fixture_for_password_lock_out(request, topo):

+     pwp = PwPolicyManager(topo.standalone)

+     orl = pwp.get_pwpolicy_entry(f'uid=orla,ou=dirsec,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}')

+     joe = pwp.get_pwpolicy_entry(f'uid=joe,ou=people,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}')

+     people = pwp.get_pwpolicy_entry(f'ou=people,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}')

+     change_password_with_admin(topo, [

+         ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', '000rLb1'),

+         ('uid=joe,ou=people', '00J0e1'),

+         ('uid=jack,ou=people', '00J6ck1'),

+         ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', '00De3p1')

+     ])

+     for pwp1 in [orl, joe, people]:

+         assert pwp1.get_attr_val_utf8('passwordlockout') == 'off'

+         pwp1.replace_many(

+             ('passwordlockout', 'on'),

+             ('passwordlockoutduration', '3'),

+             ('passwordresetfailurecount', '3'),

+             ('passwordChange', 'on'))


+     def final_step():

+         for instance in [orl, joe, people]:

+             instance.replace('passwordlockout', 'off')

+             instance.replace('passwordunlock', 'off')

+             assert instance.get_attr_val_utf8('passwordlockout') == 'off'

+             assert instance.get_attr_val_utf8('passwordunlock') == 'off'

+     request.addfinalizer(final_step)



+ def test_account_lockout_and_lockout_duration_section(topo, _policy_setup, _fixture_for_password_lock_out):

+     """ Account Lockout and Lockout Duration Section


+         :id: 1ff0b7a4-b560-11ea-9ece-8c16451d917b

+         :setup: Standalone

+         :steps:

+             1. Try to bind with invalid credentials

+             2. Try to bind with valid pw, should give lockout error

+             3. After 3 seconds Try to bind with valid pw, should work

+             4. Try to bind with invalid credentials

+             5. Attempt to bind with valid pw after timeout is up

+             6. Resetting with root can break lockout

+         :expected results:

+             1. Fail(ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS)

+             2. Fail(ldap.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION)

+             3. Success

+             4. Fail(ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS))

+             5. Success

+             6. Success

+     """

+     # Try to bind with invalid credentials

+     for count1 in range(3):

+         with pytest.raises(ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS):

+             change_password(topo, [

+                 ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', 'Invalid', 'Invalid'),

+                 ('uid=joe,ou=people', 'Invalid', 'Invalid'),

+                 ('uid=jack,ou=people', 'Invalid', 'Invalid'),

+                 ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', 'Invalid', 'Invalid')

+             ])

+     # Try to bind with valid pw, should give lockout error

+     with pytest.raises(ldap.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION):

+         change_password(topo, [

+             ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', '000rLb1', '000rLb1'),

+             ('uid=joe,ou=people', '00J0e1', '00J0e1'),

+             ('uid=jack,ou=people', '00J6ck1', '00J6ck1'),

+             ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', '00De3p1', '00De3p1')

+         ])

+     # Try to bind with valid pw, should work

+     time.sleep(3)

+     change_password(topo, [

+         ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', '000rLb1', '000rLb2'),

+         ('uid=joe,ou=people', '00J0e1', '00J0e2'),

+         ('uid=jack,ou=people', '00J6ck1', '00J6ck2'),

+         ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', '00De3p1', '00De3p2')

+     ])

+     # Try to bind with invalid credentials

+     for count1 in range(2):

+         with pytest.raises(ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS):

+             change_password(topo, [

+                 ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', 'Invalid', 'Invalid'),

+                 ('uid=joe,ou=people', 'Invalid', 'Invalid'),

+                 ('uid=jack,ou=people', 'Invalid', 'Invalid'),

+                 ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', 'Invalid', 'Invalid')

+             ])

+     # Attempt to bind with valid pw after timeout is up

+     time.sleep(3)

+     change_password(topo, [

+         ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', '000rLb2', '000rLb1'),

+         ('uid=joe,ou=people', '00J0e2', '00J0e1'),

+         ('uid=jack,ou=people', '00J6ck2', '00J6ck1'),

+         ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', '00De3p2', '00De3p1')

+     ])

+     # Resetting with root can break lockout

+     for count1 in range(3):

+         with pytest.raises(ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS):

+             change_password(topo, [

+                 ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', 'Invalid', 'Invalid'),

+                 ('uid=joe,ou=people', 'Invalid', 'Invalid'),

+                 ('uid=jack,ou=people', 'Invalid', 'Invalid'),

+                 ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', 'Invalid', 'Invalid')

+             ])

+     with pytest.raises(ldap.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION):

+         change_password(topo, [

+             ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', '000rLb1', '000rLb1'),

+             ('uid=joe,ou=people', '00J0e1', '00J0e1'),

+             ('uid=jack,ou=people', '00J6ck1', '00J6ck1'),

+             ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', '00De3p1', '00De3p1')

+         ])

+     change_password_with_admin(topo, [

+             ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', '000rLb1'),

+             ('uid=joe,ou=people', '00J0e1'),

+             ('uid=jack,ou=people', '00J6ck1'),

+             ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', '00De3p1')

+         ])

+     change_password(topo, [

+             ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', '000rLb1', '000rLb1'),

+             ('uid=joe,ou=people', '00J0e1', '00J0e1'),

+             ('uid=jack,ou=people', '00J6ck1', '00J6ck1'),

+             ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', '00De3p1', '00De3p1')

+         ])



+ @pytest.fixture(scope="function")

+ def _fixture_for_grace_limit(topo):

+     pwp = PwPolicyManager(topo.standalone)

+     orl = pwp.get_pwpolicy_entry(f'uid=orla,ou=dirsec,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}')

+     joe = pwp.get_pwpolicy_entry(f'uid=joe,ou=people,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}')

+     people = pwp.get_pwpolicy_entry(f'ou=people,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}')

+     change_password_with_admin(topo, [

+         ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', '000rLb1'),

+         ('uid=joe,ou=people', '00J0e1'),

+         ('uid=jack,ou=people', '00J6ck1'),

+         ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', '00De3p1'),

+         ('uid=fred', '00fr3d1')

+     ])

+     for instance in [orl, joe, people]:

+         instance.replace_many(('passwordMaxAge', '3'),

+                               ('passwordGraceLimit', '7'),

+                               ('passwordexp', 'on'),

+                               ('passwordwarning', '30'),

+                               ('passwordChange', 'on'))



+ def _bind_self(topo, user_password_new_pass_list):

+     """

+     Will bind password with self.

+     """

+     for user, password in user_password_new_pass_list:

+         real_user = UserAccount(topo.standalone, f'{user},{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}')

+         conn = real_user.bind(password)



+ def test_grace_limit_section(topo, _policy_setup, _fixture_for_grace_limit):

+     """ Account Lockout and Lockout Duration Section


+     :id: 288e3756-b560-11ea-9390-8c16451d917b

+     :setup: Standalone

+     :steps:

+         1. Check users have 7 grace login attempts after their password expires

+         2. Wait for password expiration

+         3. The the 8th should fail except fred who defaults to global password policy

+         4. Now try resetting the password before the grace login attempts run out

+         5. Wait for password expiration

+         6. Now change the password as the 7th attempt

+         7. Wait for password expiration

+         8. First 7 good attempts

+         9. The the 8th should fail except fred who defaults to global password policy

+         10. Changing the paswordMaxAge to 0 so expiration is immediate test

+         11. Modify the users passwords to start the clock of zero

+         12. PasswordGraceLimit to 0, passwordMaxAge to 3 seconds

+         13. Modify the users passwords to start the clock

+         14. Users should be blocked

+         15. Removing the passwordgracelimit attribute should make it default to 0

+     :expected results:

+         1. Success

+         2. Success

+         3. Fail(ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS)

+         4. Success

+         5. Success

+         6. Success

+         7. Success

+         8. Success

+         9. Fail(ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS)

+         10. Success

+         11. Success

+         12. Success

+         13. Success

+         14. Success

+         15. Success

+     """

+     # Check users have 7 grace login attempts after their password expires

+     change_password_with_admin(topo, [

+         ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', '000rLb2'),

+         ('uid=joe,ou=people', '00J0e2'),

+         ('uid=jack,ou=people', '00J6ck2'),

+         ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', '00De3p2'),

+         ('uid=fred', '00fr3d2')

+     ])

+     # Wait for password expiration

+     time.sleep(3)

+     # The the 8th should fail except fred who defaults to global password policy

+     for _ in range(7):

+         _bind_self(topo, [

+             ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', '000rLb2'),

+             ('uid=joe,ou=people', '00J0e2'),

+             ('uid=jack,ou=people', '00J6ck2'),

+             ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', '00De3p2'),

+             ('uid=fred', '00fr3d2')

+         ])

+     with pytest.raises(ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS):

+         _bind_self(topo, [

+             ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', '000rLb2'),

+             ('uid=joe,ou=people', '00J0e2'),

+             ('uid=jack,ou=people', '00J6ck2'),

+             ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', '00De3p2')

+         ])

+     _bind_self(topo, [

+         ('uid=fred', '00fr3d2')

+     ])

+     # Now try resetting the password before the grace login attempts run out

+     change_password_with_admin(topo, [

+         ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', '000rLb1'),

+         ('uid=joe,ou=people', '00J0e1'),

+         ('uid=jack,ou=people', '00J6ck1'),

+         ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', '00De3p1'),

+         ('uid=fred', '00fr3d1')

+     ])

+     # Wait for password expiration

+     time.sleep(3)

+     # first 6 good attempts

+     for _ in range(6):

+         _bind_self(topo, [

+             ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', '000rLb1'),

+             ('uid=joe,ou=people', '00J0e1'),

+             ('uid=jack,ou=people', '00J6ck1'),

+             ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', '00De3p1'),

+             ('uid=fred', '00fr3d1')

+         ])

+     # now change the password as the 7th attempt

+     change_password(topo, [

+         ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', '000rLb1', '000rLb2'),

+         ('uid=joe,ou=people', '00J0e1', '00J0e2'),

+         ('uid=jack,ou=people', '00J6ck1', '00J6ck2'),

+         ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', '00De3p1', '00De3p2'),

+         ('uid=fred', '00fr3d1', '00fr3d2')

+     ])

+     # Wait for password expiration

+     time.sleep(3)

+     # first 7 good attempts

+     for _ in range(7):

+         _bind_self(topo, [

+             ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', '000rLb2'),

+             ('uid=joe,ou=people', '00J0e2'),

+             ('uid=jack,ou=people', '00J6ck2'),

+             ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', '00De3p2'),

+             ('uid=fred', '00fr3d2')

+         ])

+     # The the 8th should fail except fred who defaults to global password policy

+     with pytest.raises(ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS):

+         _bind_self(topo, [

+         ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', '000rLb2'),

+         ('uid=joe,ou=people', '00J0e2'),

+         ('uid=jack,ou=people', '00J6ck2'),

+         ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', '00De3p2')

+     ])

+     _bind_self(topo, [

+         ('uid=fred', '00fr3d2')

+     ])

+     # Changing the paswordMaxAge to 0 so expiration is immediate test to see

+     # that the user still has 7 grace login attempts before locked out

+     for att1 in ['passwordMaxAge', 'passwordwarning']:

+         _do_transaction_for_pwp(topo, att1, '0')

+     # Modify the users passwords to start the clock of zero

+     change_password_with_admin(topo, [

+         ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', '000rLb1'),

+         ('uid=joe,ou=people', '00J0e1'),

+         ('uid=jack,ou=people', '00J6ck1'),

+         ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', '00De3p1'),

+         ('uid=fred', '00fr3d1')

+     ])

+     # first 7 good attempts

+     for _ in range(7):

+         _bind_self(topo, [

+             ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', '000rLb1'),

+             ('uid=joe,ou=people', '00J0e1'),

+             ('uid=jack,ou=people', '00J6ck1'),

+             ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', '00De3p1'),

+             ('uid=fred', '00fr3d1')

+         ])

+     # The the 8th should fail ....

+     # except fred who defaults to global password policy

+     with pytest.raises(ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS):

+         _bind_self(topo, [

+             ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', '000rLb1'),

+             ('uid=joe,ou=people', '00J0e1'),

+             ('uid=jack,ou=people', '00J6ck1'),

+             ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', '00De3p1')

+         ])

+     _bind_self(topo, [

+         ('uid=fred', '00fr3d1')

+     ])

+     # setting the passwordMaxAge to 3 seconds once more

+     # and the passwordGraceLimit to 0

+     for att1, att2 in [('passwordMaxAge', '3'), ('passwordGraceLimit', '0')]:

+         _do_transaction_for_pwp(topo, att1, att2)

+     # modify the users passwords to start the clock

+     change_password_with_admin(topo, [

+         ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', '000rLb1'),

+         ('uid=joe,ou=people', '00J0e1'),

+         ('uid=jack,ou=people', '00J6ck1'),

+         ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', '00De3p1'),

+         ('uid=fred', '00fr3d1')

+     ])

+     # Users should be blocked

+     time.sleep(3)

+     with pytest.raises(ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS):

+         _bind_self(topo, [

+             ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', '000rLb1'),

+             ('uid=joe,ou=people', '00J0e1'),

+             ('uid=jack,ou=people', '00J6ck1'),

+             ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', '00De3p1')

+         ])

+     _bind_self(topo, [

+         ('uid=fred', '00fr3d1')

+     ])

+     for att1, att2 in [('passwordGraceLimit', '10')]:

+         _do_transaction_for_pwp(topo, att1, att2)

+     # removing the passwordgracelimit attribute should make it default to 0

+     for att1, att2 in [('passwordGraceLimit', ' ')]:

+         _do_transaction_for_pwp(topo, att1, att2)

+     change_password_with_admin(topo, [

+         ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', '000rLb1'),

+         ('uid=joe,ou=people', '00J0e1'),

+         ('uid=jack,ou=people', '00J6ck1'),

+         ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', '00De3p1'),

+         ('uid=fred', '00fr3d1')

+     ])

+     time.sleep(3)

+     with pytest.raises(ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS):

+         _bind_self(topo, [

+             ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', '000rLb1'),

+             ('uid=joe,ou=people', '00J0e1'),

+             ('uid=jack,ou=people', '00J6ck1'),

+             ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', '00De3p1')

+         ])

+     _bind_self(topo, [

+         ('uid=fred', '00fr3d1')

+     ])



+ @pytest.fixture(scope="function")

+ def _fixture_for_additional_cases(topo):

+     pwp = PwPolicyManager(topo.standalone)

+     orl = pwp.get_pwpolicy_entry(f'uid=orla,ou=dirsec,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}')

+     joe = pwp.get_pwpolicy_entry(f'uid=joe,ou=people,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}')

+     people = pwp.get_pwpolicy_entry(f'ou=people,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}')

+     change_password_with_admin(topo, [

+         ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', '000rLb1'),

+         ('uid=joe,ou=people', '00J0e1'),

+         ('uid=jack,ou=people', '00J6ck1'),

+         ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', '00De3p1'),

+         ('uid=fred', '00fr3d1'),

+         ('uid=dbyers,ou=dirsec', 'dby3rs1')

+     ])

+     for instance in [orl, joe, people]:

+         instance.replace_many(('passwordChange', 'on'),

+                               ('passwordchecksyntax', 'off'))



+ def test_additional_corner_cases(topo, _policy_setup, _fixture_for_additional_cases):

+     """ Additional corner cases


+     :id: 2f6cec66-b560-11ea-9d7c-8c16451d917b

+     :setup: Standalone

+     :steps:

+         1. Try to change password to one containing spaces

+         2. Setting password policy to Check password syntax

+         3. Try to change password to the value of mail, which is trivial. Should get error.

+         4. No error for fred and dbyers as they are not included in PW policy.

+         5. Revert changes for fred and dbyers

+         6. Try to change password to the value of ou, which is trivial. Should get error.

+         7. No error for fred and dbyers as they are not included in PW policy.

+         8. Revert changes for fred and dbyers

+     :expected results:

+         1. Success

+         2. Success


+         4. Success

+         5. Success


+         7. Success

+         8. Success

+     """

+     # Try to change password to one containing spaces

+     change_password(topo, [

+         ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', '000rLb1', 'This Password has spaces.'),

+         ('uid=joe,ou=people', '00J0e1', 'This Password has spaces.'),

+         ('uid=jack,ou=people', '00J6ck1', 'This Password has spaces.'),

+         ('uid=fred', '00fr3d1', 'This Password has spaces.'),

+         ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', '00De3p1', 'This Password has spaces.'),

+         ('uid=dbyers,ou=dirsec', 'dby3rs1', 'This Password has spaces.')

+     ])

+     change_password(topo, [

+         ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', 'This Password has spaces.', '000rLb1'),

+         ('uid=joe,ou=people', 'This Password has spaces.', '00j0e1'),

+         ('uid=jack,ou=people', 'This Password has spaces.', '00j6ck1'),

+         ('uid=fred', 'This Password has spaces.', '00fr3d1'),

+         ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', 'This Password has spaces.', '00de3p1'),

+         ('uid=dbyers,ou=dirsec', 'This Password has spaces.', 'dby3rs1')

+     ])

+     # Setting password policy to Check password syntax

+     for attr, para in [('passwordchecksyntax', 'on'), ('passwordminlength', '5')]:

+         _do_transaction_for_pwp(topo, attr, para)

+     # Try to change password to the value of mail, which is trivial. Should get error.

+     with pytest.raises(ldap.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION):

+         change_password(topo, [

+             ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', '000rLb1', 'orla@example.com'),

+             ('uid=joe,ou=people', '00j0e1', 'joe@example.com'),

+             ('uid=jack,ou=people', '00j6ck1', 'jack@example.com'),

+             ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', '00de3p1', 'deep@example.com')

+         ])

+     # No error for fred and dbyers as they are not included in PW policy.

+     change_password(topo, [

+         ('uid=fred', '00fr3d1', 'fred@example.com'),

+         ('uid=dbyers,ou=dirsec', 'dby3rs1', 'dbyers@example.com')

+     ])

+     # Revert changes for fred and dbyers

+     change_password(topo, [

+         ('uid=fred', 'fred@example.com', '00fr3d1'),

+         ('uid=dbyers,ou=dirsec', 'dbyers@example.com', 'dby3rs1')

+     ])

+     # Creating OUs.

+     for user, new_ou in [

+         ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', 'dirsec'),

+         ('uid=joe,ou=people', 'people'),

+         ('uid=jack,ou=people', 'people'),

+         ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', 'others'),

+         ('uid=dbyers,ou=dirsec', 'dirsec')

+     ]:

+         UserAccount(topo.standalone, f'{user},{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}').add('ou', new_ou)

+     # Try to change password to the value of ou, which is trivial. Should get error.

+     with pytest.raises(ldap.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION):

+         change_password(topo, [

+             ('uid=orla,ou=dirsec', '000rLb1', 'dirsec'),

+             ('uid=joe,ou=people', '00j0e1', 'people'),

+             ('uid=jack,ou=people', '00j6ck1', 'people'),

+             ('uid=deep,ou=others,ou=people', '00de3p1', 'others')

+         ])

+     # No error for byers as it is  not included in PW policy.

+     change_password(topo, [('uid=dbyers,ou=dirsec', 'dby3rs1', 'dirsec')])

+     # Revert changes for dbyers

+     change_password_with_admin(topo, [

+         ('uid=fred', '00fr3d1'),

+         ('uid=dbyers,ou=dirsec', 'dby3rs1')

+     ])



  if __name__ == "__main__":

      CURRENT_FILE = os.path.realpath(__file__)

      pytest.main("-s -v %s" % CURRENT_FILE) 

\ No newline at end of file

Bug Description: Port Password Policy test cases from TET to python3 final

Relates/Fixes: https://pagure.io/389-ds-base/issue/50860

Author: aborah

Reviewed by: ???

In other test cases, you specify what kind of failure it is. I think it's better when it's consistent

These two lines are very strange... Why is it done like this?

1 new commit added

  • Fixing Simon's comments
3 years ago

The value is not unique


In other test cases, you specify what kind of failure it is. I think it's better when it's consistent


These two lines are very strange... Why is it done like this?


rebased onto df06a881ebde32a89c29bbb8e5405dc8a30411ba

3 years ago

rebased onto fe098d95c94061c299aceb0d117489a7217029d9

3 years ago

rebased onto 8b8bc238979e9a0bf7fbc63a9f2c643bf452c27c

3 years ago

1 new commit added

  • Issue: 50860 - Port Password Policy test cases from TET to python3 final
3 years ago

2 new commits added

  • Issue: 50860 - Port Password Policy test cases from TET to python3 final
  • Issue: 50860 - Port Password Policy test cases from TET to python3 final
3 years ago

2 new commits added

  • Issue: 50860 - Port Password Policy test cases from TET to python3 final1
  • Issue: 50860 - Port Password Policy test cases from TET to python3 final
3 years ago

rebased onto 4fce7b5fa1c2cb48b090bdc40e62fe361aafb15a

3 years ago

1 new commit added

  • Real one
3 years ago

Pull-Request has been closed by aborah

3 years ago

Pull-Request has been reopened by vashirov

3 years ago

rebased onto d4f5dce

3 years ago

rebased onto d4f5dce

3 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by vashirov

3 years ago

389-ds-base is moving from Pagure to Github. This means that new issues and pull requests
will be accepted only in 389-ds-base's github repository.

This pull request has been cloned to Github as issue and is available here:
- https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base/issues/4233

If you want to continue to work on the PR, please navigate to the github issue,
download the patch from the attachments and file a new pull request.

Thank you for understanding. We apologize for all inconvenience.

Pull-Request has been closed by spichugi

3 years ago