#51164 Issue 50545 - Port remaining legacy tools to new python CLI
Closed 3 years ago by spichugi. Opened 3 years ago by bsmejkal.
bsmejkal/389-ds-base legacy_tools  into  master

@@ -0,0 +1,788 @@ 


+ # Copyright (C) 2020 Red Hat, Inc.

+ # All rights reserved.

+ #

+ # License: GPL (version 3 or any later version).

+ # See LICENSE for details.


+ #

+ import time

+ import subprocess

+ import pytest


+ from lib389.cli_ctl.dbgen import *

+ from lib389.cos import CosClassicDefinitions, CosPointerDefinitions, CosIndirectDefinitions, CosTemplates

+ from lib389.idm.account import Accounts

+ from lib389.idm.group import Groups

+ from lib389.idm.role import ManagedRoles, FilteredRoles, NestedRoles

+ from lib389.tasks import *

+ from lib389.utils import *

+ from lib389.topologies import topology_st

+ from lib389.cli_base import FakeArgs


+ pytestmark = pytest.mark.tier0


+ LOG_FILE = '/tmp/dbgen.log'

+ logging.getLogger(__name__).setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

+ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)



+ @pytest.fixture(scope="function")

+ def set_log_file_and_ldif(topology_st, request):

+     global ldif_file

+     ldif_file = get_ldif_dir(topology_st.standalone) + '/created.ldif'


+     fh = logging.FileHandler(LOG_FILE)

+     fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

+     log.addHandler(fh)


+     def fin():

+         log.info('Delete files')

+         os.remove(LOG_FILE)

+         os.remove(ldif_file)


+     request.addfinalizer(fin)



+ def run_offline_import(instance, ldif_file):

+     log.info('Stopping the server and running offline import...')

+     instance.stop()

+     assert instance.ldif2db(bename=DEFAULT_BENAME, suffixes=[DEFAULT_SUFFIX], encrypt=None, excludeSuffixes=None,

+                               import_file=ldif_file)

+     instance.start()



+ def run_ldapmodify_from_file(instance, ldif_file, output_to_check=None):

+     LDAP_MOD = '/usr/bin/ldapmodify'

+     log.info('Add entries from ldif file with ldapmodify')

+     result = subprocess.check_output([LDAP_MOD, '-cx', '-D', DN_DM, '-w', PASSWORD,

+                                       '-h', instance.host, '-p', str(instance.port), '-af', ldif_file])

+     if output_to_check is not None:

+         assert output_to_check in ensure_str(result)



+ def check_value_in_log_and_reset(content_list):

+     with open(LOG_FILE, 'r+') as f:

+         file_content = f.read()

+         for item in content_list:

+             log.info('Check if "{}" is present in output'.format(item))

+             assert item in file_content


+         log.info('Reset log file for next test')

+         f.truncate(0)



+ @pytest.mark.ds50545

+ @pytest.mark.bz1798394

+ @pytest.mark.skipif(ds_is_older("1.4.3"), reason="Not implemented")

+ def test_dsconf_dbgen_users(topology_st, set_log_file_and_ldif):

+     """Test ldifgen (formerly dbgen) tool to create ldif with users


+     :id: 426b5b94-9923-454d-a736-7e71ca985e98

+     :setup: Standalone instance

+     :steps:

+          1. Create DS instance

+          2. Run ldifgen to generate ldif with users

+          3. Import generated ldif to database

+          4. Check it was properly imported

+     :expectedresults:

+          1. Success

+          2. Success

+          3. Success

+          4. Success

+     """


+     standalone = topology_st.standalone


+     args = FakeArgs()

+     args.suffix = DEFAULT_SUFFIX

+     args.parent = 'ou=people,dc=example,dc=com'

+     args.number = 1000

+     args.rdn_cn = False

+     args.generic = True

+     args.start_idx = 50

+     args.localize = False

+     args.ldif_file = ldif_file


+     content_list = ['Generating LDIF with the following options:',

+                     'suffix={}'.format(args.suffix),

+                     'parent={}'.format(args.parent),

+                     'number={}'.format(args.number),

+                     'rdn-cn={}'.format(args.rdn_cn),

+                     'generic={}'.format(args.generic),

+                     'start-idx={}'.format(args.start_idx),

+                     'localize={}'.format(args.localize),

+                     'ldif-file={}'.format(args.ldif_file),

+                     'Writing LDIF',

+                     'Successfully created LDIF file: {}'.format(args.ldif_file)]


+     log.info('Run ldifgen to create users ldif')

+     dbgen_create_users(standalone, log, args)


+     log.info('Check if file exists')

+     assert os.path.exists(ldif_file)


+     check_value_in_log_and_reset(content_list)


+     log.info('Get number of accounts before import')

+     accounts = Accounts(standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     count_account = len(accounts.filter('(uid=*)'))


+     run_offline_import(standalone, ldif_file)


+     log.info('Check that accounts are imported')

+     assert len(accounts.filter('(uid=*)')) > count_account



+ @pytest.mark.ds50545

+ @pytest.mark.bz1798394

+ @pytest.mark.skipif(ds_is_older("1.4.3"), reason="Not implemented")

+ def test_dsconf_dbgen_groups(topology_st, set_log_file_and_ldif):

+     """Test ldifgen (formerly dbgen) tool to create ldif with group


+             :id: 97207413-9a93-4065-a5ec-63aa93801a3f

+             :setup: Standalone instance

+             :steps:

+                  1. Create DS instance

+                  2. Run ldifgen to generate ldif with group

+                  3. Import generated ldif to database

+                  4. Check it was properly imported

+             :expectedresults:

+                  1. Success

+                  2. Success

+                  3. Success

+                  4. Success

+             """

+     LDAP_RESULT = 'adding new entry "cn=myGroup-1,ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com"'


+     standalone = topology_st.standalone


+     args = FakeArgs()

+     args.NAME = 'myGroup'

+     args.parent = 'ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com'

+     args.suffix = DEFAULT_SUFFIX

+     args.number = 1

+     args.num_members = 1000

+     args.create_members = True

+     args.member_attr = 'uniquemember'

+     args.member_parent = 'ou=people,dc=example,dc=com'

+     args.ldif_file = ldif_file


+     content_list = ['Generating LDIF with the following options:',

+                     'NAME={}'.format(args.NAME),

+                     'number={}'.format(args.number),

+                     'suffix={}'.format(args.suffix),

+                     'num-members={}'.format(args.num_members),

+                     'create-members={}'.format(args.create_members),

+                     'member-parent={}'.format(args.member_parent),

+                     'member-attr={}'.format(args.member_attr),

+                     'ldif-file={}'.format(args.ldif_file),

+                     'Writing LDIF',

+                     'Successfully created LDIF file: {}'.format(args.ldif_file)]


+     log.info('Run ldifgen to create group ldif')

+     dbgen_create_groups(standalone, log, args)


+     log.info('Check if file exists')

+     assert os.path.exists(ldif_file)


+     check_value_in_log_and_reset(content_list)


+     log.info('Get number of accounts before import')

+     accounts = Accounts(standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     count_account = len(accounts.filter('(uid=*)'))


+     # Groups, COS, Roles and modification ldifs are designed to be used by ldapmodify, not ldif2db

+     # ldapmodify will complain about already existing parent which causes subprocess to return exit code != 0

+     with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):

+         run_ldapmodify_from_file(standalone, ldif_file, LDAP_RESULT)


+     log.info('Check that accounts are imported')

+     assert len(accounts.filter('(uid=*)')) > count_account


+     log.info('Check that group is imported')

+     groups = Groups(standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     assert groups.exists(args.NAME + '-1')

+     new_group = groups.get(args.NAME + '-1')

+     new_group.present('uniquemember', 'uid=group_entry1-0152,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com')



+ @pytest.mark.ds50545

+ @pytest.mark.bz1798394

+ @pytest.mark.skipif(ds_is_older("1.4.3"), reason="Not implemented")

+ def test_dsconf_dbgen_cos_classic(topology_st, set_log_file_and_ldif):

+     """Test ldifgen (formerly dbgen) tool to create a COS definition


+         :id: 8557f994-8a91-4f8a-86f6-9cb826a0b8fd

+         :setup: Standalone instance

+         :steps:

+              1. Create DS instance

+              2. Run ldifgen to generate ldif with classic COS definition

+              3. Import generated ldif to database

+              4. Check it was properly imported

+         :expectedresults:

+              1. Success

+              2. Success

+              3. Success

+              4. Success

+         """


+     LDAP_RESULT = 'adding new entry "cn=My_Postal_Def,ou=cos definitions,dc=example,dc=com"'


+     standalone = topology_st.standalone


+     args = FakeArgs()

+     args.type = 'classic'

+     args.NAME = 'My_Postal_Def'

+     args.parent = 'ou=cos definitions,dc=example,dc=com'

+     args.create_parent = True

+     args.cos_specifier = 'businessCategory'

+     args.cos_attr = ['postalcode', 'telephonenumber']

+     args.cos_template = 'cn=sales,cn=classicCoS,dc=example,dc=com'

+     args.ldif_file = ldif_file


+     content_list = ['Generating LDIF with the following options:',

+                     'NAME={}'.format(args.NAME),

+                     'type={}'.format(args.type),

+                     'parent={}'.format(args.parent),

+                     'create-parent={}'.format(args.create_parent),

+                     'cos-specifier={}'.format(args.cos_specifier),

+                     'cos-template={}'.format(args.cos_template),

+                     'cos-attr={}'.format(args.cos_attr),

+                     'ldif-file={}'.format(args.ldif_file),

+                     'Writing LDIF',

+                     'Successfully created LDIF file: {}'.format(args.ldif_file)]


+     log.info('Run ldifgen to create COS definition ldif')

+     dbgen_create_cos_def(standalone, log, args)


+     log.info('Check if file exists')

+     assert os.path.exists(ldif_file)


+     check_value_in_log_and_reset(content_list)


+     # Groups, COS, Roles and modification ldifs are designed to be used by ldapmodify, not ldif2db

+     run_ldapmodify_from_file(standalone, ldif_file, LDAP_RESULT)


+     log.info('Check that COS definition is imported')

+     cos_def = CosClassicDefinitions(standalone, args.parent)

+     assert cos_def.exists(args.NAME)

+     new_cos = cos_def.get(args.NAME)

+     assert new_cos.present('cosTemplateDN', args.cos_template)

+     assert new_cos.present('cosSpecifier', args.cos_specifier)

+     assert new_cos.present('cosAttribute', args.cos_attr[0])

+     assert new_cos.present('cosAttribute', args.cos_attr[1])



+ @pytest.mark.ds50545

+ @pytest.mark.bz1798394

+ @pytest.mark.skipif(ds_is_older("1.4.3"), reason="Not implemented")

+ def test_dsconf_dbgen_cos_pointer(topology_st, set_log_file_and_ldif):

+     """Test ldifgen (formerly dbgen) tool to create a COS definition


+         :id: 6b26ca6d-226a-4f93-925e-faf95cc20214

+         :setup: Standalone instance

+         :steps:

+              1. Create DS instance

+              2. Run ldifgen to generate ldif with pointer COS definition

+              3. Import generated ldif to database

+              4. Check it was properly imported

+         :expectedresults:

+              1. Success

+              2. Success

+              3. Success

+              4. Success

+         """


+     LDAP_RESULT = 'adding new entry "cn=My_Postal_Def_pointer,ou=cos pointer definitions,dc=example,dc=com"'


+     standalone = topology_st.standalone


+     args = FakeArgs()

+     args.type = 'pointer'

+     args.NAME = 'My_Postal_Def_pointer'

+     args.parent = 'ou=cos pointer definitions,dc=example,dc=com'

+     args.create_parent = True

+     args.cos_specifier = None

+     args.cos_attr = ['postalcode', 'telephonenumber']

+     args.cos_template = 'cn=sales,cn=pointerCoS,dc=example,dc=com'

+     args.ldif_file = ldif_file


+     content_list = ['Generating LDIF with the following options:',

+                     'NAME={}'.format(args.NAME),

+                     'type={}'.format(args.type),

+                     'parent={}'.format(args.parent),

+                     'create-parent={}'.format(args.create_parent),

+                     'cos-template={}'.format(args.cos_template),

+                     'cos-attr={}'.format(args.cos_attr),

+                     'ldif-file={}'.format(args.ldif_file),

+                     'Writing LDIF',

+                     'Successfully created LDIF file: {}'.format(args.ldif_file)]


+     log.info('Run ldifgen to create COS definition ldif')

+     dbgen_create_cos_def(standalone, log, args)


+     log.info('Check if file exists')

+     assert os.path.exists(ldif_file)


+     check_value_in_log_and_reset(content_list)


+     # Groups, COS, Roles and modification ldifs are designed to be used by ldapmodify, not ldif2db

+     run_ldapmodify_from_file(standalone, ldif_file, LDAP_RESULT)


+     log.info('Check that COS definition is imported')

+     cos_def = CosPointerDefinitions(standalone, args.parent)

+     assert cos_def.exists(args.NAME)

+     new_cos = cos_def.get(args.NAME)

+     assert new_cos.present('cosTemplateDN', args.cos_template)

+     assert new_cos.present('cosAttribute', args.cos_attr[0])

+     assert new_cos.present('cosAttribute', args.cos_attr[1])



+ @pytest.mark.ds50545

+ @pytest.mark.bz1798394

+ @pytest.mark.skipif(ds_is_older("1.4.3"), reason="Not implemented")

+ def test_dsconf_dbgen_cos_indirect(topology_st, set_log_file_and_ldif):

+     """Test ldifgen (formerly dbgen) tool to create a COS definition


+         :id: ab4b799e-e801-432a-a61d-badad2628203

+         :setup: Standalone instance

+         :steps:

+              1. Create DS instance

+              2. Run ldifgen to generate ldif with indirect COS definition

+              3. Import generated ldif to database

+              4. Check it was properly imported

+         :expectedresults:

+              1. Success

+              2. Success

+              3. Success

+              4. Success

+         """


+     LDAP_RESULT = 'adding new entry "cn=My_Postal_Def_indirect,ou=cos indirect definitions,dc=example,dc=com"'


+     standalone = topology_st.standalone


+     args = FakeArgs()

+     args.type = 'indirect'

+     args.NAME = 'My_Postal_Def_indirect'

+     args.parent = 'ou=cos indirect definitions,dc=example,dc=com'

+     args.create_parent = True

+     args.cos_specifier = 'businessCategory'

+     args.cos_attr = ['postalcode', 'telephonenumber']

+     args.cos_template = None

+     args.ldif_file = ldif_file


+     content_list = ['Generating LDIF with the following options:',

+                     'NAME={}'.format(args.NAME),

+                     'type={}'.format(args.type),

+                     'parent={}'.format(args.parent),

+                     'create-parent={}'.format(args.create_parent),

+                     'cos-specifier={}'.format(args.cos_specifier),

+                     'cos-attr={}'.format(args.cos_attr),

+                     'ldif-file={}'.format(args.ldif_file),

+                     'Writing LDIF',

+                     'Successfully created LDIF file: {}'.format(args.ldif_file)]


+     log.info('Run ldifgen to create COS definition ldif')

+     dbgen_create_cos_def(standalone, log, args)


+     log.info('Check if file exists')

+     assert os.path.exists(ldif_file)


+     check_value_in_log_and_reset(content_list)


+     # Groups, COS, Roles and modification ldifs are designed to be used by ldapmodify, not ldif2db

+     run_ldapmodify_from_file(standalone, ldif_file, LDAP_RESULT)


+     log.info('Check that COS definition is imported')

+     cos_def = CosIndirectDefinitions(standalone, args.parent)

+     assert cos_def.exists(args.NAME)

+     new_cos = cos_def.get(args.NAME)

+     assert new_cos.present('cosIndirectSpecifier', args.cos_specifier)

+     assert new_cos.present('cosAttribute', args.cos_attr[0])

+     assert new_cos.present('cosAttribute', args.cos_attr[1])



+ @pytest.mark.ds50545

+ @pytest.mark.bz1798394

+ @pytest.mark.skipif(ds_is_older("1.4.3"), reason="Not implemented")

+ def test_dsconf_dbgen_cos_template(topology_st, set_log_file_and_ldif):

+     """Test ldifgen (formerly dbgen) tool to create a COS template


+         :id: 544017c7-4a82-4e7d-a047-00b68a28e070

+         :setup: Standalone instance

+         :steps:

+              1. Create DS instance

+              2. Run ldifgen to generate ldif with COS template

+              3. Import generated ldif to database

+              4. Check it was properly imported

+         :expectedresults:

+              1. Success

+              2. Success

+              3. Success

+              4. Success

+         """


+     LDAP_RESULT = 'adding new entry "cn=My_Template,ou=cos templates,dc=example,dc=com"'


+     standalone = topology_st.standalone


+     args = FakeArgs()

+     args.NAME = 'My_Template'

+     args.parent = 'ou=cos templates,dc=example,dc=com'

+     args.create_parent = True

+     args.cos_priority = 1

+     args.cos_attr_val = 'postalcode:12345'

+     args.ldif_file = ldif_file


+     content_list = ['Generating LDIF with the following options:',

+                     'NAME={}'.format(args.NAME),

+                     'parent={}'.format(args.parent),

+                     'create-parent={}'.format(args.create_parent),

+                     'cos-priority={}'.format(args.cos_priority),

+                     'cos-attr-val={}'.format(args.cos_attr_val),

+                     'ldif-file={}'.format(args.ldif_file),

+                     'Writing LDIF',

+                     'Successfully created LDIF file: {}'.format(args.ldif_file)]


+     log.info('Run ldifgen to create COS template ldif')

+     dbgen_create_cos_tmp(standalone, log, args)


+     log.info('Check if file exists')

+     assert os.path.exists(ldif_file)


+     check_value_in_log_and_reset(content_list)


+     # Groups, COS, Roles and modification ldifs are designed to be used by ldapmodify, not ldif2db

+     run_ldapmodify_from_file(standalone, ldif_file, LDAP_RESULT)


+     log.info('Check that COS template is imported')

+     cos_temp = CosTemplates(standalone, args.parent)

+     assert cos_temp.exists(args.NAME)

+     new_cos = cos_temp.get(args.NAME)

+     assert new_cos.present('cosPriority', str(args.cos_priority))

+     assert new_cos.present('postalcode', '12345')



+ @pytest.mark.ds50545

+ @pytest.mark.bz1798394

+ @pytest.mark.skipif(ds_is_older("1.4.3"), reason="Not implemented")

+ def test_dsconf_dbgen_managed_role(topology_st, set_log_file_and_ldif):

+     """Test ldifgen (formerly dbgen) tool to create a managed role


+         :id: 10e77b41-0bc1-4ad5-a144-2c5107455b92

+         :setup: Standalone instance

+         :steps:

+              1. Create DS instance

+              2. Run ldifgen to generate ldif with managed role

+              3. Import generated ldif to database

+              4. Check it was properly imported

+         :expectedresults:

+              1. Success

+              2. Success

+              3. Success

+              4. Success

+         """


+     LDAP_RESULT = 'adding new entry "cn=My_Managed_Role,ou=managed roles,dc=example,dc=com"'


+     standalone = topology_st.standalone


+     args = FakeArgs()


+     args.NAME = 'My_Managed_Role'

+     args.parent = 'ou=managed roles,dc=example,dc=com'

+     args.create_parent = True

+     args.type = 'managed'

+     args.filter = None

+     args.role_dn = None

+     args.ldif_file = ldif_file


+     content_list = ['Generating LDIF with the following options:',

+                     'NAME={}'.format(args.NAME),

+                     'parent={}'.format(args.parent),

+                     'create-parent={}'.format(args.create_parent),

+                     'type={}'.format(args.type),

+                     'ldif-file={}'.format(args.ldif_file),

+                     'Writing LDIF',

+                     'Successfully created LDIF file: {}'.format(args.ldif_file)]


+     log.info('Run ldifgen to create managed role ldif')

+     dbgen_create_role(standalone, log, args)


+     log.info('Check if file exists')

+     assert os.path.exists(ldif_file)


+     check_value_in_log_and_reset(content_list)


+     # Groups, COS, Roles and modification ldifs are designed to be used by ldapmodify, not ldif2db

+     run_ldapmodify_from_file(standalone, ldif_file, LDAP_RESULT)


+     log.info('Check that managed role is imported')

+     roles = ManagedRoles(standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     assert roles.exists(args.NAME)



+ @pytest.mark.ds50545

+ @pytest.mark.bz1798394

+ @pytest.mark.skipif(ds_is_older("1.4.3"), reason="Not implemented")

+ def test_dsconf_dbgen_filtered_role(topology_st, set_log_file_and_ldif):

+     """Test ldifgen (formerly dbgen) tool to create a filtered role


+         :id: cb3c8ea8-4234-40e2-8810-fb6a25973927

+         :setup: Standalone instance

+         :steps:

+              1. Create DS instance

+              2. Run ldifgen to generate ldif with filtered role

+              3. Import generated ldif to database

+              4. Check it was properly imported

+         :expectedresults:

+              1. Success

+              2. Success

+              3. Success

+              4. Success

+         """


+     LDAP_RESULT = 'adding new entry "cn=My_Filtered_Role,ou=filtered roles,dc=example,dc=com"'


+     standalone = topology_st.standalone


+     args = FakeArgs()


+     args.NAME = 'My_Filtered_Role'

+     args.parent = 'ou=filtered roles,dc=example,dc=com'

+     args.create_parent = True

+     args.type = 'filtered'

+     args.filter = '"objectclass=posixAccount"'

+     args.role_dn = None

+     args.ldif_file = ldif_file


+     content_list = ['Generating LDIF with the following options:',

+                     'NAME={}'.format(args.NAME),

+                     'parent={}'.format(args.parent),

+                     'create-parent={}'.format(args.create_parent),

+                     'type={}'.format(args.type),

+                     'filter={}'.format(args.filter),

+                     'ldif-file={}'.format(args.ldif_file),

+                     'Writing LDIF',

+                     'Successfully created LDIF file: {}'.format(args.ldif_file)]


+     log.info('Run ldifgen to create filtered role ldif')

+     dbgen_create_role(standalone, log, args)


+     log.info('Check if file exists')

+     assert os.path.exists(ldif_file)


+     check_value_in_log_and_reset(content_list)


+     # Groups, COS, Roles and modification ldifs are designed to be used by ldapmodify, not ldif2db

+     run_ldapmodify_from_file(standalone, ldif_file, LDAP_RESULT)


+     log.info('Check that filtered role is imported')

+     roles = FilteredRoles(standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     assert roles.exists(args.NAME)

+     new_role = roles.get(args.NAME)

+     assert new_role.present('nsRoleFilter', args.filter)



+ @pytest.mark.ds50545

+ @pytest.mark.bz1798394

+ @pytest.mark.skipif(ds_is_older("1.4.3"), reason="Not implemented")

+ def test_dsconf_dbgen_nested_role(topology_st, set_log_file_and_ldif):

+     """Test ldifgen (formerly dbgen) tool to create a nested role


+         :id: 97fff0a8-3103-4adb-be04-2799ff58d8f4

+         :setup: Standalone instance

+         :steps:

+              1. Create DS instance

+              2. Run ldifgen to generate ldif with nested role

+              3. Import generated ldif to database

+              4. Check it was properly imported

+         :expectedresults:

+              1. Success

+              2. Success

+              3. Success

+              4. Success

+         """


+     LDAP_RESULT = 'adding new entry "cn=My_Nested_Role,ou=nested roles,dc=example,dc=com"'


+     standalone = topology_st.standalone


+     args = FakeArgs()

+     args.NAME = 'My_Nested_Role'

+     args.parent = 'ou=nested roles,dc=example,dc=com'

+     args.create_parent = True

+     args.type = 'nested'

+     args.filter = None

+     args.role_dn = ['cn=some_role,ou=roles,dc=example,dc=com']

+     args.ldif_file = ldif_file


+     content_list = ['Generating LDIF with the following options:',

+                     'NAME={}'.format(args.NAME),

+                     'parent={}'.format(args.parent),

+                     'create-parent={}'.format(args.create_parent),

+                     'type={}'.format(args.type),

+                     'role-dn={}'.format(args.role_dn),

+                     'ldif-file={}'.format(args.ldif_file),

+                     'Writing LDIF',

+                     'Successfully created LDIF file: {}'.format(args.ldif_file)]


+     log.info('Run ldifgen to create nested role ldif')

+     dbgen_create_role(standalone, log, args)


+     log.info('Check if file exists')

+     assert os.path.exists(ldif_file)


+     check_value_in_log_and_reset(content_list)


+     # Groups, COS, Roles and modification ldifs are designed to be used by ldapmodify, not ldif2db

+     run_ldapmodify_from_file(standalone, ldif_file, LDAP_RESULT)


+     log.info('Check that nested role is imported')

+     roles = NestedRoles(standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     assert roles.exists(args.NAME)

+     new_role = roles.get(args.NAME)

+     assert new_role.present('nsRoleDN', args.role_dn[0])



+ @pytest.mark.ds50545

+ @pytest.mark.bz1798394

+ @pytest.mark.skipif(ds_is_older("1.4.3"), reason="Not implemented")

+ def test_dsconf_dbgen_mod_ldif_mixed(topology_st, set_log_file_and_ldif):

+     """Test ldifgen (formerly dbgen) tool to create mixed modification ldif


+         :id: 4a2e0901-2b48-452e-a4a0-507735132c8d

+         :setup: Standalone instance

+         :steps:

+              1. Create DS instance

+              2. Run ldifgen to generate modification ldif

+              3. Import generated ldif to database

+              4. Check it was properly imported

+         :expectedresults:

+              1. Success

+              2. Success

+              3. Success

+              4. Success

+         """


+     standalone = topology_st.standalone


+     args = FakeArgs()

+     args.parent = DEFAULT_SUFFIX

+     args.create_users = True

+     args.delete_users = True

+     args.create_parent = False

+     args.num_users = 1000

+     args.add_users = 100

+     args.del_users = 999

+     args.modrdn_users = 100

+     args.mod_users = 10

+     args.mod_attrs = ['cn', 'uid', 'sn']

+     args.randomize = False

+     args.ldif_file = ldif_file


+     content_list = ['Generating LDIF with the following options:',

+                     'create-users={}'.format(args.create_users),

+                     'parent={}'.format(args.parent),

+                     'create-parent={}'.format(args.create_parent),

+                     'delete-users={}'.format(args.delete_users),

+                     'num-users={}'.format(args.num_users),

+                     'add-users={}'.format(args.add_users),

+                     'del-users={}'.format(args.del_users),

+                     'modrdn-users={}'.format(args.modrdn_users),

+                     'mod-users={}'.format(args.mod_users),

+                     'mod-attrs={}'.format(args.mod_attrs),

+                     'randomize={}'.format(args.randomize),

+                     'ldif-file={}'.format(args.ldif_file),

+                     'Writing LDIF',

+                     'Successfully created LDIF file: {}'.format(args.ldif_file)]


+     log.info('Run ldifgen to create modification ldif')

+     dbgen_create_mods(standalone, log, args)


+     log.info('Check if file exists')

+     assert os.path.exists(ldif_file)


+     check_value_in_log_and_reset(content_list)


+     log.info('Get number of accounts before import')

+     accounts = Accounts(standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     count_account = len(accounts.filter('(uid=*)'))


+     # Groups, COS, Roles and modification ldifs are designed to be used by ldapmodify, not ldif2db

+     # ldapmodify will complain about a lot of changes done which causes subprocess to return exit code != 0

+     with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):

+         run_ldapmodify_from_file(standalone, ldif_file)


+     log.info('Check that some accounts are imported')

+     assert len(accounts.filter('(uid=*)')) > count_account



+ @pytest.mark.ds50545

+ @pytest.mark.bz1798394

+ @pytest.mark.skipif(ds_is_older("1.4.3"), reason="Not implemented")

+ def test_dsconf_dbgen_nested_ldif(topology_st, set_log_file_and_ldif):

+     """Test ldifgen (formerly dbgen) tool to create nested ldif


+         :id: 9c281c28-4169-45e0-8c07-c5502d9a7585

+         :setup: Standalone instance

+         :steps:

+              1. Create DS instance

+              2. Run ldifgen to generate nested ldif

+              3. Import generated ldif to database

+              4. Check it was properly imported

+         :expectedresults:

+              1. Success

+              2. Success

+              3. Success

+              4. Success

+         """


+     standalone = topology_st.standalone


+     args = FakeArgs()

+     args.suffix = DEFAULT_SUFFIX

+     args.node_limit = 100

+     args.num_users = 600

+     args.ldif_file = ldif_file


+     content_list = ['Generating LDIF with the following options:',

+                     'suffix={}'.format(args.suffix),

+                     'node-limit={}'.format(args.node_limit),

+                     'num-users={}'.format(args.num_users),

+                     'ldif-file={}'.format(args.ldif_file),

+                     'Writing LDIF',

+                     'Successfully created nested LDIF file ({}) containing 6 nodes/subtrees'.format(args.ldif_file)]


+     log.info('Run ldifgen to create nested ldif')

+     dbgen_create_nested(standalone, log, args)


+     log.info('Check if file exists')

+     assert os.path.exists(ldif_file)


+     check_value_in_log_and_reset(content_list)


+     log.info('Get number of accounts before import')

+     accounts = Accounts(standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     count_account = len(accounts.filter('(uid=*)'))

+     count_ou = len(accounts.filter('(ou=*)'))


+     # Groups, COS, Roles and modification ldifs are designed to be used by ldapmodify, not ldif2db

+     # ldapmodify will complain about already existing suffix which causes subprocess to return exit code != 0

+     with pytest.raises(subprocess.CalledProcessError):

+         run_ldapmodify_from_file(standalone, ldif_file)


+     standalone.restart()


+     log.info('Check that accounts are imported')

+     assert len(accounts.filter('(uid=*)')) > count_account

+     assert len(accounts.filter('(ou=*)')) > count_ou



+ if __name__ == '__main__':

+     # Run isolated

+     # -s for DEBUG mode

+     CURRENT_FILE = os.path.realpath(__file__)

+     pytest.main("-s %s" % CURRENT_FILE)

@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ 


+ # Copyright (C) 2020 Red Hat, Inc.

+ # All rights reserved.

+ #

+ # License: GPL (version 3 or any later version).

+ # See LICENSE for details.


+ #

+ import time

+ import subprocess

+ import pytest


+ from lib389.cli_ctl.dbtasks import dbtasks_verify

+ from lib389.tasks import *

+ from lib389.utils import *

+ from lib389.topologies import topology_st

+ from lib389.cli_base import FakeArgs


+ pytestmark = pytest.mark.tier0


+ LOG_FILE = '/tmp/dbverify.log'

+ logging.getLogger(__name__).setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

+ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)



+ @pytest.fixture(scope="function")

+ def set_log_file(request):

+     fh = logging.FileHandler(LOG_FILE)

+     fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

+     log.addHandler(fh)


+     def fin():

+         log.info('Delete log file')

+         os.remove(LOG_FILE)


+     request.addfinalizer(fin)



+ @pytest.mark.ds50545

+ @pytest.mark.bz1739718

+ @pytest.mark.skipif(ds_is_older("1.4.2"), reason="Not implemented")

+ def test_dsctl_dbverify(topology_st, set_log_file):

+     """Test dbverify tool, that was ported from legacy tools to dsctl


+     :id: 1b22b363-a6e5-4922-ad42-ae80446d69fe

+     :setup: Standalone instance

+     :steps:

+          1. Create DS instance

+          2. Run dbverify

+          3. Check if dbverify was successful

+     :expectedresults:

+          1. Success

+          2. Success

+          3. Success

+     """


+     standalone = topology_st.standalone

+     message = 'dbverify successful'


+     args = FakeArgs()

+     args.backend = DEFAULT_BENAME


+     log.info('Run dbverify')

+     standalone.stop()

+     dbtasks_verify(standalone, log, args)


+     log.info('Check dbverify was successful')

+     with open(LOG_FILE, 'r+') as f:

+         file_content = f.read()

+         assert message in file_content



+ if __name__ == '__main__':

+     # Run isolated

+     # -s for DEBUG mode

+     CURRENT_FILE = os.path.realpath(__file__)

+     pytest.main("-s %s" % CURRENT_FILE)

@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ 


+ # Copyright (C) 2020 Red Hat, Inc.

+ # All rights reserved.

+ #

+ # License: GPL (version 3 or any later version).

+ # See LICENSE for details.


+ #

+ import time

+ import subprocess

+ import pytest


+ from lib389.tasks import *

+ from lib389.utils import *

+ from lib389.topologies import topology_st

+ from lib389.cli_base import FakeArgs

+ from lib389.plugins import POSIXWinsyncPlugin

+ from lib389.cli_conf.plugins.posix_winsync import do_fixup


+ pytestmark = pytest.mark.tier0


+ LOG_FILE = '/tmp/fixup.log'

+ logging.getLogger(__name__).setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

+ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)



+ @pytest.fixture(scope="function")

+ def set_log_file_and_ldif(topology_st, request):

+     MYLDIF = 'example1k_posix.ldif'

+     global ldif_file


+     fh = logging.FileHandler(LOG_FILE)

+     fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

+     log.addHandler(fh)


+     data_dir_path = topology_st.standalone.getDir(__file__, DATA_DIR)

+     ldif_file = f"{data_dir_path}ticket48212/{MYLDIF}"

+     ldif_dir = topology_st.standalone.get_ldif_dir()

+     shutil.copy(ldif_file, ldif_dir)

+     ldif_file = ldif_dir + '/' + MYLDIF


+     def fin():

+         log.info('Delete files')

+         os.remove(LOG_FILE)

+         os.remove(ldif_file)


+     request.addfinalizer(fin)



+ @pytest.mark.ds50545

+ @pytest.mark.bz1739718

+ @pytest.mark.skipif(ds_is_older("1.4.1"), reason="Not implemented")

+ def test_posix_winsync_fixup(topology_st, set_log_file_and_ldif):

+     """Test posix-winsync fixup that was ported from legacy tools


+     :id: ce691017-cbd2-49ed-ac2d-8c3ea78050f6

+     :setup: Standalone instance

+     :steps:

+          1. Create DS instance

+          2. Enable PosixWinsync plugin

+          3. Run fixup task

+          4. Check log for output

+     :expectedresults:

+          1. Success

+          2. Success

+          3. Success

+          4. Success

+     """


+     standalone = topology_st.standalone

+     output_list = ['Attempting to add task entry', 'Successfully added task entry']


+     log.info('Enable POSIXWinsyncPlugin')

+     posix = POSIXWinsyncPlugin(standalone)

+     posix.enable()


+     log.info('Stopping the server and importing posix accounts')

+     standalone.stop()

+     assert standalone.ldif2db(bename=DEFAULT_BENAME, suffixes=[DEFAULT_SUFFIX], encrypt=None, excludeSuffixes=None,

+                               import_file=ldif_file)

+     standalone.start()


+     args = FakeArgs()

+     args.DN = DEFAULT_SUFFIX

+     args.filter = None


+     log.info('Run Fixup task')

+     do_fixup(standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, log, args)


+     log.info('Check log if fixup task was successful')

+     with open(LOG_FILE, 'r') as f:

+         file_content = f.read()

+         for item in output_list:

+             assert item in file_content



+ if __name__ == '__main__':

+     # Run isolated

+     # -s for DEBUG mode

+     CURRENT_FILE = os.path.realpath(__file__)

+     pytest.main("-s %s" % CURRENT_FILE)

@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ 


+ # Copyright (C) 2020 Red Hat, Inc.

+ # All rights reserved.

+ #

+ # License: GPL (version 3 or any later version).

+ # See LICENSE for details.


+ #

+ import time

+ import subprocess

+ import pytest


+ from lib389.cli_conf.replication import get_repl_monitor_info

+ from lib389.tasks import *

+ from lib389.utils import *

+ from lib389.topologies import topology_m2

+ from lib389.cli_base import FakeArgs


+ pytestmark = pytest.mark.tier0


+ LOG_FILE = '/tmp/monitor.log'

+ logging.getLogger(__name__).setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

+ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)



+ @pytest.fixture(scope="function")

+ def set_log_file(request):

+     fh = logging.FileHandler(LOG_FILE)

+     fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

+     log.addHandler(fh)


+     def fin():

+         log.info('Delete files')

+         os.remove(LOG_FILE)


+         config = os.path.expanduser(DSRC_HOME)

+         if os.path.exists(config):

+             os.remove(config)


+     request.addfinalizer(fin)



+ def check_value_in_log_and_reset(content_list, second_list=None, single_value=None):

+     with open(LOG_FILE, 'r+') as f:

+         file_content = f.read()


+         for item in content_list:

+             log.info('Check that "{}" is present'.format(item))

+             assert item in file_content


+         if second_list is not None:

+             log.info('Check for "{}"'.format(second_list))

+             for item in second_list:

+                 assert item in file_content


+         if single_value is not None:

+             log.info('Check for "{}"'.format(single_value))

+             assert single_value in file_content


+         log.info('Reset log file')

+         f.truncate(0)



+ @pytest.mark.ds50545

+ @pytest.mark.bz1739718

+ @pytest.mark.skipif(ds_is_older("1.4.0"), reason="Not implemented")

+ def test_dsconf_replication_monitor(topology_m2, set_log_file):

+     """Test replication monitor that was ported from legacy tools


+     :id: ce48020d-7c30-41b7-8f68-144c9cd757f6

+     :setup: 2 MM topology

+     :steps:

+          1. Create DS instance

+          2. Run replication monitor with connections option

+          3. Run replication monitor with aliases option

+          4. Run replication monitor with --json option

+          5. Run replication monitor with .dsrc file created

+     :expectedresults:

+          1. Success

+          2. Success

+          3. Success

+          4. Success

+          5. Success

+     """


+     m1 = topology_m2.ms["master1"]

+     m2 = topology_m2.ms["master2"]


+     alias_content = ['Supplier: M1 (' + m1.host + ':' + str(m1.port) + ')',

+                      'Supplier: M2 (' + m2.host + ':' + str(m2.port) + ')']


+     connection_content = 'Supplier: '+ m1.host + ':' + str(m1.port)

+     content_list = ['Replica Root: dc=example,dc=com',

+                     'Replica ID: 1',

+                     'Replica Status: Available',

+                     'Max CSN',

+                     'Status For Agreement: "002" ('+ m2.host + ':' + str(m2.port) + ')',

+                     'Replica Enabled: on',

+                     'Update In Progress: FALSE',

+                     'Last Update Start:',

+                     'Last Update End:',

+                     'Number Of Changes Sent:',

+                     'Number Of Changes Skipped: None',

+                     'Last Update Status: Error (0) Replica acquired successfully: Incremental update succeeded',

+                     'Last Init Start:',

+                     'Last Init End:',

+                     'Last Init Status:',

+                     'Reap Active: 0',

+                     'Replication Status: In Synchronization',

+                     'Replication Lag Time:',

+                     'Supplier: ',

+                      m2.host + ':' + str(m2.port),

+                     'Replica Root: dc=example,dc=com',

+                     'Replica ID: 2',

+                     'Status For Agreement: "001" (' + m1.host + ':' + str(m1.port)+')']


+     json_list = ['type',

+                  'list',

+                  'items',

+                  'name',

+                  m1.host + ':' + str(m1.port),

+                  'data',

+                  '"replica_id": "1"',

+                  '"replica_root": "dc=example,dc=com"',

+                  '"replica_status": "Available"',

+                  'maxcsn',

+                  'agmts_status',

+                  'agmt-name',

+                  '002',

+                  'replica',

+                  m2.host + ':' + str(m2.port),

+                  'replica-enabled',

+                  'update-in-progress',

+                  'last-update-start',

+                  'last-update-end',

+                  'number-changes-sent',

+                  'number-changes-skipped',

+                  'last-update-status',

+                  'Error (0) Replica acquired successfully: Incremental update succeeded',

+                  'last-init-start',

+                  'last-init-end',

+                  'last-init-status',

+                  'reap-active',

+                  'replication-status',

+                  'In Synchronization',

+                  'replication-lag-time',

+                  '"replica_id": "2"',

+                  '001',

+                  m1.host + ':' + str(m1.port)]


+     dsrc_content = '[repl-monitor-connections]\n' \

+                    'connection1 = ' + m1.host + ':' + str(m1.port) + ':' + DN_DM + ':' + PW_DM + '\n' \

+                    'connection2 = ' + m2.host + ':' + str(m2.port) + ':' + DN_DM + ':' + PW_DM + '\n' \

+                    '\n' \

+                    '[repl-monitor-aliases]\n' \

+                    'M1 = ' + m1.host + ':' + str(m1.port) + '\n' \

+                    'M2 = ' + m2.host + ':' + str(m2.port)


+     connections = [m1.host + ':' + str(m1.port) + ':' + DN_DM + ':' + PW_DM,

+                    m2.host + ':' + str(m2.port) + ':' + DN_DM + ':' + PW_DM]


+     aliases = ['M1=' + m1.host + ':' + str(m1.port),

+                'M2=' + m2.host + ':' + str(m2.port)]


+     args = FakeArgs()

+     args.connections = connections

+     args.aliases = None

+     args.json = False


+     log.info('Run replication monitor with connections option')

+     get_repl_monitor_info(m1, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, log, args)

+     check_value_in_log_and_reset(content_list, connection_content)


+     log.info('Run replication monitor with aliases option')

+     args.aliases = aliases

+     get_repl_monitor_info(m1, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, log, args)

+     check_value_in_log_and_reset(content_list, alias_content)


+     log.info('Run replication monitor with --json option')

+     args.aliases = None

+     args.json = True

+     get_repl_monitor_info(m1, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, log, args)

+     check_value_in_log_and_reset(json_list)


+     with open(os.path.expanduser(DSRC_HOME), 'w+') as f:

+         f.write(dsrc_content)


+     args.connections = None

+     args.aliases = None

+     args.json = False


+     log.info('Run replication monitor when .dsrc file is present with content')

+     get_repl_monitor_info(m1, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, log, args)

+     check_value_in_log_and_reset(content_list, alias_content)



+ if __name__ == '__main__':

+     # Run isolated

+     # -s for DEBUG mode

+     CURRENT_FILE = os.path.realpath(__file__)

+     pytest.main("-s %s" % CURRENT_FILE)

Created sanity tests for repl-monitor, dbverify, ldifgen (dbgen) and fixup task
into separate files for each tool.
All tests check output syntax to make sure the tool did not fail with error.
Tests for dbgen create ldif files, that are imported to database and
then check if entries are imported correctly.

Relates: https://pagure.io/389-ds-base/issue/50545

Reviewed by: ???

Great test suite!
I have one small concern only... Could we put the file to the fixture's finalizer so it is removed when we are done with the tests?

And in the other files too.

rebased onto 98a8287

3 years ago

Thanks :)
I moved the files to fixture, so they are deleted when test ends.
Please review.

Pull-Request has been merged by spichugi

3 years ago

389-ds-base is moving from Pagure to Github. This means that new issues and pull requests
will be accepted only in 389-ds-base's github repository.

This pull request has been cloned to Github as issue and is available here:
- https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base/issues/4217

If you want to continue to work on the PR, please navigate to the github issue,
download the patch from the attachments and file a new pull request.

Thank you for understanding. We apologize for all inconvenience.

Pull-Request has been closed by spichugi

3 years ago