#51101 Ticket - 49562 integrate changelog database to main database
Closed 3 years ago by spichugi. Opened 3 years ago by lkrispen.
lkrispen/389-ds-base t49562  into  master

@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ 

      """Dump changelog using nss5task and check if ldap operations are logged"""


      log.info('Dump changelog using nss5task and check if ldap operations are logged')

-     changelog_dir = topo.ms['master1'].get_changelog_dir()

+     changelog_dir = topo.ms['master1'].get_ldif_dir()

      replicas = Replicas(topo.ms["master1"])

      replica = replicas.get(DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

      log.info('Remove ldif files, if present in: {}'.format(changelog_dir))

@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@ 

          if ($!) {

              return ('error_copying_file', $src, $dest, $!);


-         if (@errs = changeOwnerMode($inf, 4, $dest)) {

+         if (@errs = changeOwnerMode($inf, 6, $dest)) {

              return @errs;



@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ 

      echo "        -x                - Suffix to exclude"

      echo "        -a outputfile     - Name of the exported LDIF file"

      echo "        -r                - Include replication data"

+     echo "        -R                - Include changelog data"

      echo "        -E                - Decrypt attributes"

      echo "        -u                - Do not export the nsUniqueId attribute"

      echo "        -U                - Do not wrap long lines"
@@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ 

      exit 1



- while getopts "hZ:vd:D:ENa:rs:x:CSut:n:UmMo1qVc:" flag

+ while getopts "hZ:vd:D:ENa:rs:x:CSut:n:UmMo1qRVc:" flag


      case $flag in

          h) usage
@@ -119,6 +120,7 @@ 

          S) args=$args" -S";;

          v) args=$args" -v";;

          r) args=$args" -r";;

+         R) args=$args" -R";;        

          C) args=$args" -C";;

          u) args=$args" -u";;

          U) args=$args" -U";;

@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ 

      echo "        -G name           - Namespace id for name based uniqueid (-g deterministic)"

      echo "        -O                - Do not index the attributes"

      echo "        -E                - Encrypt attributes"

+     echo "        -R                - Import changelog data"

      echo "        -q                - Quiet mode - suppresses output"

      echo "        -V                - Verbose output"

      echo "        -v                - Display version"
@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ 

      return 0



- while getopts "Z:vhd:i:g:G:n:s:x:NOCc:St:D:EqV" flag

+ while getopts "Z:vhd:i:g:G:n:s:x:NOCc:St:D:ERqV" flag


      case $flag in

          h) usage
@@ -71,6 +72,7 @@ 

          t) args=$args" -t \"$OPTARG\"";;

          D) args=$args" -D \"$OPTARG\"";;

          E) args=$args" -E";;

+         R) args=$args" -R";;

          v) args=$args" -v";;

          N) args=$args" -N";;

          C) args=$args" -C";;

@@ -21,17 +21,18 @@ 

  typedef struct changelog5Config


      char *dir;

-     /* These 2 parameters are needed for changelog trimming. Already present in 5.0 */

+     /* These 3 parameters are needed for changelog trimming. */

      char *maxAge;

      int maxEntries;

-     /* the changelog DB configuration parameters are defined as CL5DBConfig in cl5_api.h */

-     CL5DBConfig dbconfig;

-     char *symmetricKey;

-     long compactInterval;

      long trimInterval;

+     /* configuration of changelog encryption */

+     char *encryptionAlgorithm;

+     char *symmetricKey;

  } changelog5Config;


- /* initializes changelog*/

+ /* upgrade changelog*/

+ int changelog5_upgrade(void);

+ /* initialize changelog*/

  int changelog5_init(void);

  /* cleanups changelog data */

  void changelog5_cleanup(void);
@@ -41,6 +42,11 @@ 

  void changelog5_config_cleanup(void);

  /* reads changelog configuration */

  int changelog5_read_config(changelog5Config *config);

+ /* transforms entry to internal config */

+ void changelog5_extract_config(Slapi_Entry *entry, changelog5Config *config);

+ /* registeri/unregister functions to handle config changes */

+ int changelog5_register_config_callbacks(const char *dn, Replica *replica);

+ int changelog5_remove_config_callbacks(const char *dn);

  /* cleanups the content of the config structure */

  void changelog5_config_done(changelog5Config *config);

  /* frees the content and the config structure */

@@ -68,14 +68,6 @@ 

  #define HASH_BACKETS_COUNT 16 /* number of buckets in a hash table */



- #define DB_OPEN(oflags, db, txnid, file, database, type, flags, mode, rval)                                   \

-     {                                                                                                         \

-         if (((oflags)&DB_INIT_TXN) && ((oflags)&DB_INIT_LOG)) {                                               \

-             (rval) = (db)->open((db), (txnid), (file), (database), (type), (flags) | DB_AUTO_COMMIT, (mode)); \

-         } else {                                                                                              \

-             (rval) = (db)->open((db), (txnid), (file), (database), (type), (flags), (mode));                  \

-         }                                                                                                     \

-     }


  #define TXN_BEGIN(env, parent_txn, tid, flags) \

      (env)->txn_begin((env), (parent_txn), (tid), (flags))
@@ -98,7 +90,6 @@ 





  #define DIR_CREATE_MODE 0755


  #define NO_DISK_SPACE 1024
@@ -117,28 +108,45 @@ 

      CL5_OPEN_CLEAN_RECOVER    /* remove env after recover open (upgrade) */

  } CL5OpenMode;


- #define DB_FILE_DELETED 0x1

- #define DB_FILE_INIT 0x2

+ #define DB_FILE_ACTIVE 0x01

+ #define DB_FILE_DONE   0x08

+ /* changelog trimming configuration */

+ typedef struct cl5config

+ {

+     time_t maxAge;       /* maximum entry age in seconds                            */

+     int maxEntries;      /* maximum number of entries across all changelog files    */

+     int trimInterval;    /* trimming interval */

+     char *encryptionAlgorithm; /* nsslapd-encryptionalgorithm */

+ } CL5Config;


  /* this structure represents one changelog file, Each changelog file contains

     changes applied to a single backend. Files are named by the database id */

- typedef struct cl5dbfile


+ struct cl5DBFileHandle

+ /* info about the changelog file in the main database environment */

+ /* usage as CL5DBFile, but for new implementation use a new struct

+  * can be replaced later

+  */ 


-     char *name;     /* file name (with the extension) */

-     char *replGen;  /* replica generation of the data */

-     char *replName; /* replica name                   */

-     DB *db;         /* db handle to the changelog file*/

-     int entryCount; /* number of entries in the file  */

-     int flags;      /* currently used to mark the file as deleted

-                              * or as initialized */

+     DB *db;		/* db handle to the changelog file*/

+     char *ident;    /* identifier for changelog, used in error messages */

+     int entryCount;	/* number of entries in the file  */

+     int flags;	/* currently used to mark the file or as initialized */

      RUV *purgeRUV;  /* ruv to which the file has been purged */

-     RUV *maxRUV;    /* ruv that marks the upper boundary of the data */

- } CL5DBFile;

+     RUV *maxRUV;         /* ruv that marks the upper boundary of the data */

+     CL5Config clConf;      /* trimming and encryption config                                */

+     Slapi_Counter *clThreads; /* track threads operating on the changelog */

+     PRLock *clLock;      /* controls access to trimming configuration  and          */

+                          /* Lock associated to clVar, used to notify threads on close */

+     PRCondVar *clCvar;   /* Condition Variable used to notify threads on close */

+     void *clcrypt_handle;   /* for cl encryption */

+ };


  /* structure that allows to iterate through entries to be sent to a consumer

     that originated on a particular supplier. */

  struct cl5replayiterator


-     Object *fileObj;

+     cldb_Handle	*it_cldb;

      CLC_Buffer *clcache;    /* changelog cache */

      ReplicaId consumerRID;  /* consumer's RID */

      const RUV *consumerRuv; /* consumer's update vector                    */
@@ -148,41 +156,18 @@ 

  typedef struct cl5iterator


      DBC *cursor;  /* current position in the db file    */

-     Object *file; /* handle to release db file object    */

+     cldb_Handle *it_cldb; /* handle to release db file object    */

  } CL5Iterator;


- /* changelog trimming configuration */

- typedef struct cl5trim

- {

-     time_t maxAge;       /* maximum entry age in seconds                            */

-     int maxEntries;      /* maximum number of entries across all changelog files    */

-     int compactInterval; /* interval to compact changelog db */

-     int trimInterval;    /* trimming interval */

-     PRLock *lock;        /* controls access to trimming configuration            */

- } CL5Trim;


  /* this structure defines 5.0 changelog internals */

  typedef struct cl5desc


-     char *dbDir;            /* absolute path to changelog directory                */

      DB_ENV *dbEnv;          /* db environment shared by all db files            */

-     int dbEnvOpenFlags;     /* openflag used for env->open */

-     Objset *dbFiles;        /* ref counted set of changelog files (CL5DBFile)    */

-     PRLock *fileLock;       /* ensures that changelog file is not added twice    */

      CL5OpenMode dbOpenMode; /* how we open db                                    */

-     CL5DBConfig dbConfig;   /* database configuration params                    */

-     CL5Trim dbTrim;         /* trimming parameters                                */

      CL5State dbState;       /* changelog current state                            */

      Slapi_RWLock *stLock;   /* lock that controls access to the changelog state    */

-     PRBool dbRmOnClose;     /* indicates whether changelog should be removed when

-                                it is closed    */

-     PRBool fatalError;      /* bad stuff happened like out of disk space; don't

-                                write guardian file on close - UnUsed so far */

      int threadCount;        /* threads that globally access changelog like

                                 deadlock detection, etc. */

-     PRLock *clLock;         /* Lock associated to clVar, used to notify threads on close */

-     PRCondVar *clCvar;      /* Condition Variable used to notify threads on close */

-     void *clcrypt_handle;   /* for cl encryption */

  } CL5Desc;


  typedef void (*VFP)(void *);
@@ -193,87 +178,63 @@ 

  /***** Forward Declarations *****/


  /* changelog initialization and cleanup */

- static int _cl5Open(const char *dir, const CL5DBConfig *config, CL5OpenMode openMode);

- static int _cl5AppInit(void);

- static int _cl5DBOpen(void);

- static void _cl5SetDefaultDBConfig(void);

- static void _cl5SetDBConfig(const CL5DBConfig *config);

- static int _cl5CheckDBVersion(void);

- static int _cl5ReadDBVersion(const char *dir, char *clVersion, int buflen);

- static int _cl5WriteDBVersion(void);

+ static int _cl5Open(CL5OpenMode openMode);

+ static int _cldb_CheckAndSetEnv(Slapi_Backend *be);

  static void _cl5Close(void);

- static int _cl5Delete(const char *dir, PRBool rmDir);

  static void _cl5DBClose(void);


  /* thread management */

- static int _cl5DispatchDBThreads(void);

+ static int _cl5DispatchTrimThread(Replica *replica);

  static int _cl5AddThread(void);

  static void _cl5RemoveThread(void);


  /* functions that work with individual changelog files */

- static int _cl5NewDBFile(const char *replName, const char *replGen, CL5DBFile **dbFile);

- static int _cl5DBOpenFile(Replica *replica, Object **obj, PRBool checkDups);

- static int _cl5DBOpenFileByReplicaName(const char *replName, const char *replGen, Object **obj, PRBool checkDups);

- static void _cl5DBCloseFile(void **data);

- static void _cl5DBDeleteFile(Object *obj);

- static void _cl5DBFileInitialized(Object *obj);

- static int _cl5GetDBFile(Replica *replica, Object **obj);

- static int _cl5GetDBFileByReplicaName(const char *replName, const char *replGen, Object **obj);

- static int _cl5AddDBFile(CL5DBFile *file, Object **obj);

- static int _cl5CompareDBFile(Object *el1, const void *el2);

- static char *_cl5Replica2FileName(Replica *replica);

- static char *_cl5MakeFileName(const char *replName, const char *replGen);

- static PRBool _cl5FileName2Replica(const char *fileName, Replica **replica);

- static int _cl5ExportFile(PRFileDesc *prFile, Object *obj);

- static PRBool _cl5ReplicaInList(Replica *replica, Replica **replicas);

+ static int _cl5ExportFile(PRFileDesc *prFile, cldb_Handle *cldb);


  /* data storage and retrieval */

- static int _cl5Entry2DBData(const CL5Entry *entry, char **data, PRUint32 *len);

- static int _cl5WriteOperation(const char *replName, const char *replGen, const slapi_operation_parameters *op, PRBool local);

- static int _cl5WriteOperationTxn(const char *replName, const char *replGen, const slapi_operation_parameters *op, PRBool local, void *txn);

- static int _cl5GetFirstEntry(Object *obj, CL5Entry *entry, void **iterator, DB_TXN *txnid);

+ static int _cl5Entry2DBData(const CL5Entry *entry, char **data, PRUint32 *len, void *clcrypt_handle);

+ static int _cl5WriteOperation(cldb_Handle *cldb, const slapi_operation_parameters *op);

+ static int _cl5WriteOperationTxn(cldb_Handle *cldb, const slapi_operation_parameters *op, void *txn);

+ static int _cl5GetFirstEntry(cldb_Handle *cldb, CL5Entry *entry, void **iterator, DB_TXN *txnid);

  static int _cl5GetNextEntry(CL5Entry *entry, void *iterator);

  static int _cl5CurrentDeleteEntry(void *iterator);

  static const char *_cl5OperationType2Str(int type);

  static int _cl5Str2OperationType(const char *str);

  static void _cl5WriteString(const char *str, char **buff);

  static void _cl5ReadString(char **str, char **buff);

- static void _cl5WriteMods(LDAPMod **mods, char **buff);

- static int _cl5WriteMod(LDAPMod *mod, char **buff);

- static int _cl5ReadMods(LDAPMod ***mods, char **buff);

- static int _cl5ReadMod(Slapi_Mod *mod, char **buff);

+ static void _cl5WriteMods(LDAPMod **mods, char **buff, void *clcrypt_handle);

+ static int _cl5WriteMod(LDAPMod *mod, char **buff, void *clcrypt_handle);

+ static int _cl5ReadMods(LDAPMod ***mods, char **buff, void *clcrypt_handle);

+ static int _cl5ReadMod(Slapi_Mod *mod, char **buff, void *clcrypt_handle);

  static int _cl5GetModsSize(LDAPMod **mods);

  static int _cl5GetModSize(LDAPMod *mod);

  static void _cl5ReadBerval(struct berval *bv, char **buff);

  static void _cl5WriteBerval(struct berval *bv, char **buff);

  static int _cl5ReadBervals(struct berval ***bv, char **buff, unsigned int size);

  static int _cl5WriteBervals(struct berval **bv, char **buff, u_int32_t *size);

- static int32_t _cl5CheckMaxRUV(CL5DBFile *file, RUV *maxruv);

+ static int32_t _cl5CheckMaxRUV(cldb_Handle *cldb, RUV *maxruv);

  static int32_t _cl5CheckCSNinCL(const ruv_enum_data *element, void *arg);


  /* replay iteration */


  static PRBool _cl5ValidReplayIterator(const CL5ReplayIterator *iterator);


- static int _cl5PositionCursorForReplay(ReplicaId consumerRID, const RUV *consumerRuv, Replica *replica, Object *fileObject, CL5ReplayIterator **iterator, int *continue_on_missing);

- static int _cl5CheckMissingCSN(const CSN *minCsn, const RUV *supplierRUV, CL5DBFile *file);

+ static int _cl5PositionCursorForReplay(ReplicaId consumerRID, const RUV *consumerRuv, Replica *replica, CL5ReplayIterator **iterator, int *continue_on_missing);

+ static int _cl5CheckMissingCSN(const CSN *minCsn, const RUV *supplierRUV, cldb_Handle *cldb);


  /* changelog trimming */

- static int _cl5TrimInit(void);

- static void _cl5TrimCleanup(void);

+ static int cldb_IsTrimmingEnabled(cldb_Handle *cldb);

  static int _cl5TrimMain(void *param);

- static void _cl5DoTrimming(void);

- static void _cl5CompactDBs(void);

- static void _cl5PurgeRID(Object *file_obj, ReplicaId cleaned_rid);

- static int _cl5PurgeGetFirstEntry(Object *file_obj, CL5Entry *entry, void **iterator, DB_TXN *txnid, int rid, DBT *key);

+ static void _cl5TrimReplica(Replica *r);

+ static void _cl5PurgeRID(cldb_Handle *cldb,  ReplicaId cleaned_rid);

+ static int _cl5PurgeGetFirstEntry(cldb_Handle *cldb, CL5Entry *entry, void **iterator, DB_TXN *txnid, int rid, DBT *key);

  static int _cl5PurgeGetNextEntry(CL5Entry *entry, void *iterator, DBT *key);

- static void _cl5TrimFile(Object *obj, long *numToTrim);

- static PRBool _cl5CanTrim(time_t time, long *numToTrim);

- static int _cl5ReadRUV(const char *replGen, Object *obj, PRBool purge);

- static int _cl5WriteRUV(CL5DBFile *file, PRBool purge);

- static int _cl5ConstructRUV(const char *replGen, Object *obj, PRBool purge);

- static int _cl5UpdateRUV(Object *obj, CSN *csn, PRBool newReplica, PRBool purge);

- static int _cl5GetRUV2Purge2(Object *fileObj, RUV **ruv);

+ static PRBool _cl5CanTrim(time_t time, long *numToTrim, Replica *replica, CL5Config *dbTrim);

+ static int _cl5ReadRUV(cldb_Handle *cldb, PRBool purge);

+ static int _cl5WriteRUV(cldb_Handle *cldb, PRBool purge);

+ static int _cl5ConstructRUV(cldb_Handle *cldb, PRBool purge);

+ static int _cl5UpdateRUV (cldb_Handle *cldb, CSN *csn, PRBool newReplica, PRBool purge);

+ static int _cl5GetRUV2Purge2(Replica *r, RUV **ruv);

  void trigger_cl_purging_thread(void *rid);


  /* bakup/recovery, import/export */
@@ -281,19 +242,14 @@ 

  static int _cl5Operation2LDIF(const slapi_operation_parameters *op, const char *replGen, char **ldifEntry, PRInt32 *lenLDIF);


  /* entry count */

- static int _cl5GetEntryCount(CL5DBFile *file);

- static int _cl5WriteEntryCount(CL5DBFile *file);

+ static int _cl5GetEntryCount(cldb_Handle *cldb);

+ static int _cl5WriteEntryCount(cldb_Handle *cldb);


  /* misc */

  static char *_cl5GetHelperEntryKey(int type, char *csnStr);

- static Replica *_cl5GetReplica(const slapi_operation_parameters *op, const char *replGen);

- static int _cl5FileEndsWith(const char *filename, const char *ext);


- static PRLock *cl5_diskfull_lock = NULL;

- static int cl5_diskfull_flag = 0;


- static void cl5_set_diskfull(void);

- static void cl5_set_no_diskfull(void);

+ static int _cl5WriteReplicaRUV(Replica *r, void *arg);


  /***** Module APIs *****/

@@ -314,32 +270,14 @@ 


          return CL5_SYSTEM_ERROR;


-     if ((s_cl5Desc.clLock = PR_NewLock()) == NULL) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "cl5Init - Failed to create on close lock; NSPR error - %d\n",

-                       PR_GetError());

-         return CL5_SYSTEM_ERROR;

-     }

-     if ((s_cl5Desc.clCvar = PR_NewCondVar(s_cl5Desc.clLock)) == NULL) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "cl5Init - Failed to create on close cvar; NSPR error - %d\n",

-                       PR_GetError());

-         return CL5_SYSTEM_ERROR;

-     }


-     if ((clcache_init(&s_cl5Desc.dbEnv) != 0)) {

+     if ((clcache_init() != 0)) {

          return CL5_SYSTEM_ERROR;



      s_cl5Desc.dbState = CL5_STATE_CLOSED;

-     s_cl5Desc.fatalError = PR_FALSE;

-     s_cl5Desc.dbRmOnClose = PR_FALSE;

      s_cl5Desc.threadCount = 0;


-     if (NULL == cl5_diskfull_lock) {

-         cl5_diskfull_lock = PR_NewLock();

-     }


      return CL5_SUCCESS;


@@ -361,20 +299,6 @@ 


      s_cl5Desc.stLock = NULL;


-     if (cl5_diskfull_lock) {

-         PR_DestroyLock(cl5_diskfull_lock);

-         cl5_diskfull_lock = NULL;

-     }

-     if (s_cl5Desc.clLock != NULL) {

-         PR_DestroyLock(s_cl5Desc.clLock);

-         s_cl5Desc.clLock = NULL;

-     }


-     if (s_cl5Desc.clCvar != NULL) {

-         PR_DestroyCondVar(s_cl5Desc.clCvar);

-         s_cl5Desc.clCvar = NULL;

-     }


      memset(&s_cl5Desc, 0, sizeof(s_cl5Desc));


@@ -382,8 +306,6 @@ 

     Description:    opens changelog; must be called after changelog is

                  initialized using cl5Init. It is thread safe and the second

                  call is ignored.

-    Parameters:  dir - changelog dir

-                 config - db configuration parameters; currently not used

     Return:        CL5_SUCCESS if successfull;

                  CL5_BAD_DATA if invalid directory is passed;

                  CL5_BAD_STATE if changelog is not initialized;
@@ -393,15 +315,10 @@ 

                  CL5_DB_ERROR if db initialization fails.



- cl5Open(const char *dir, const CL5DBConfig *config)

+ cl5Open(void)


      int rc;


-     if (dir == NULL) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl, "cl5Open: null directory\n");

-         return CL5_BAD_DATA;

-     }


      if (s_cl5Desc.dbState == CL5_STATE_NONE) {

          slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

                        "cl5Open - Changelog is not initialized\n");
@@ -424,29 +341,27 @@ 

          goto done;



-     rc = _cl5Open(dir, config, CL5_OPEN_NORMAL);

+     /* if we are here we know that the database environment is setup

+      * what remains is to setup the config info for all the individual

+      * changelogs.

+      * If we fail set state back to closed.

+      */

+     s_cl5Desc.dbState = CL5_STATE_OPEN;

+     slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                   "cl5Open - setting dbState to CL5_STATE_OPEN\n");

+     rc = _cl5Open(CL5_OPEN_NORMAL);

      if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

          slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

                        "cl5Open - Failed to open changelog\n");

          goto done;



-     /* dispatch global threads like deadlock detection, trimming, etc */

-     rc = _cl5DispatchDBThreads();

-     if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "cl5Open - Failed to start database monitoring threads\n");


-         _cl5Close();

-     } else {

-         s_cl5Desc.dbState = CL5_STATE_OPEN;

-         clcache_set_config();


-         /* Set the cl encryption algorithm (if configured) */

-         rc = clcrypt_init(config, &s_cl5Desc.clcrypt_handle);

-     }

+     clcache_set_config();



+     if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

+         s_cl5Desc.dbState = CL5_STATE_CLOSED;

+     }



      return rc;
@@ -489,115 +404,47 @@ 


      /* signal changelog closing to all threads */

      s_cl5Desc.dbState = CL5_STATE_CLOSING;


-     PR_Lock(s_cl5Desc.clLock);

-     PR_NotifyCondVar(s_cl5Desc.clCvar);

-     PR_Unlock(s_cl5Desc.clLock);

+     /* replica_enumerate_replicas(cldb_StopTrimming, NULL); */




      s_cl5Desc.dbState = CL5_STATE_CLOSED;

-     rc = clcrypt_destroy(s_cl5Desc.clcrypt_handle);


+     s_cl5Desc.dbEnv = NULL;




      return rc;



- /* Name:        cl5Delete

-    Description:    removes changelog; changelog must be in the closed state.

-    Parameters:  dir - changelog directory

-    Return:        CL5_SUCCESS if successful;

-                 CL5_BAD_STATE if the changelog is not in closed state;

-                 CL5_BAD_DATA if invalid directory supplied

-                 CL5_SYSTEM_ERROR if NSPR call fails

-  */

- int

- cl5Delete(const char *dir)

+ static int

+ _cldb_DeleteDB(Replica *replica)


-     int rc;


-     if (dir == NULL) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, repl_plugin_name_cl, "cl5Delete - NULL directory\n");

-         return CL5_BAD_DATA;

-     }


-     if (s_cl5Desc.dbState == CL5_STATE_NONE) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "cl5Delete - Changelog is not initialized\n");

-         return CL5_BAD_STATE;

-     }

+     int rc = 0;

+     cldb_Handle *cldb;

+     Slapi_Backend *be;


-     slapi_rwlock_wrlock(s_cl5Desc.stLock);

+     cldb = replica_get_file_info(replica);

+     /* make sure that changelog stays open while operation is in progress */


-     if (s_cl5Desc.dbState != CL5_STATE_CLOSED) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "cl5Delete - Invalid state - %d\n", s_cl5Desc.dbState);

-         slapi_rwlock_unlock(s_cl5Desc.stLock);

-         return CL5_BAD_STATE;

-     }

+     slapi_counter_increment(cldb->clThreads);


-     rc = _cl5Delete(dir, PR_TRUE /* remove changelog dir */);

-     if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "cl5Delete - Failed to remove changelog\n");

-     }

+     be = slapi_be_select(replica_get_root(replica));


+     slapi_back_ctrl_info(be, BACK_INFO_DBENV_CLDB_REMOVE, (void *)(cldb->db));

+     cldb->db = NULL;


-     slapi_rwlock_unlock(s_cl5Desc.stLock);

+     slapi_counter_decrement(cldb->clThreads);

      return rc;



- /* Name:        cl5DeleteDBSync

-    Description: The same as cl5DeleteDB except the function does not return

-                 until the file is removed.

- */


- cl5DeleteDBSync(Replica *replica)

+ cldb_RemoveReplicaDB(Replica *replica)


-     Object *obj;

-     int rc;

-     CL5DBFile *file;


-     if (replica == NULL) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "cl5DeleteDBSync - invalid database id\n");

-         return CL5_BAD_DATA;

-     }


-     /* changelog is not initialized */

-     if (s_cl5Desc.dbState == CL5_STATE_NONE) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "cl5DeleteDBSync - "

-                                                            "Changelog is not initialized\n");

-         return CL5_BAD_STATE;

-     }


-     /* make sure that changelog stays open while operation is in progress */

-     rc = _cl5AddThread();

-     if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS)

-         return rc;


-     rc = _cl5GetDBFile(replica, &obj);

-     if (rc == CL5_SUCCESS) {

-         char *filename = NULL;

-         file = (CL5DBFile *)object_get_data(obj);

-         PR_ASSERT(file);

-         /* file->name is freed in _cl5DBDeleteFile */

-         filename = slapi_ch_strdup(file->name);


-         _cl5DBDeleteFile(obj);


-         /* wait until the file is gone */

-         while (PR_Access(filename, PR_ACCESS_EXISTS) == PR_SUCCESS) {

-             DS_Sleep(PR_MillisecondsToInterval(100));

-         }

-         slapi_ch_free_string(&filename);

-     } else {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "cl5DeleteDBSync - "

-                                                            "File for replica at (%s) not found\n",

-                       slapi_sdn_get_dn(replica_get_root(replica)));

-     }

+     int rc =0;

+     cldb_Handle *cldb = replica_get_file_info(replica);


-     _cl5RemoveThread();

+     cldb->flags |= DB_FILE_DONE;

+     rc = cldb_UnSetReplicaDB(replica, NULL);

      return rc;


@@ -615,11 +462,8 @@ 


  cl5GetUpperBoundRUV(Replica *r, RUV **ruv)


-     int rc;

-     Object *file_obj;

-     CL5DBFile *file;

-     const char *replName;

-     char *replGen;

+     int rc = CL5_SUCCESS;

+     cldb_Handle *cldb = NULL;


      if (r == NULL || ruv == NULL) {

          slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,
@@ -634,28 +478,13 @@ 

          return CL5_BAD_STATE;



+     cldb = replica_get_file_info(r);

      /* make sure that changelog stays open while operation is in progress */

-     rc = _cl5AddThread();

-     if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS)

-         return rc;


-     replName = replica_get_name(r);

-     replGen = replica_get_generation(r);

-     rc = _cl5GetDBFileByReplicaName(replName, replGen, &file_obj);

-     slapi_ch_free_string(&replGen);

-     if (rc == CL5_SUCCESS) {

-         file = (CL5DBFile *)object_get_data(file_obj);

-         PR_ASSERT(file && file->maxRUV);


-         *ruv = ruv_dup(file->maxRUV);


-         object_release(file_obj);

-     } else {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "cl5GetUpperBoundRUV - "

-                                                            "Could not find DB object for replica\n");

-     }


-     _cl5RemoveThread();

+     slapi_counter_increment(cldb->clThreads);

+     PR_ASSERT(cldb && cldb->maxRUV);

+     *ruv = ruv_dup(cldb->maxRUV);


+     slapi_counter_decrement(cldb->clThreads);

      return rc;


@@ -674,12 +503,10 @@ 

                  CL5_MEMORY_ERROR if memory allocation fials.



- cl5ExportLDIF(const char *ldifFile, Replica **replicas)

+ cl5ExportLDIF(const char *ldifFile, Replica *replica)


-     int i;

-     int rc;

      PRFileDesc *prFile = NULL;

-     Object *file_obj;

+     int rc;


      if (ldifFile == NULL) {

          slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,
@@ -710,28 +537,17 @@ 

      slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, repl_plugin_name_cl,

                    "cl5ExportLDIF: starting changelog export to (%s) ...\n", ldifFile);


-     if (replicas) /* export only selected files */

-     {

-         for (i = 0; replicas[i]; i++) {

-             rc = _cl5GetDBFile(replicas[i], &file_obj);

-             if (rc == CL5_SUCCESS) {

-                 rc = _cl5ExportFile(prFile, file_obj);

-                 object_release(file_obj);

-             } else {

-                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl, "cl5ExportLDIF - "

-                                                                   "Failed to locate changelog file for replica at (%s)\n",

-                               slapi_sdn_get_dn(replica_get_root(replicas[i])));

-             }

-         }

-     } else /* export all files */

+     if (replica) /* export only selected files */


-         for (file_obj = objset_first_obj(s_cl5Desc.dbFiles); file_obj;

-              file_obj = objset_next_obj(s_cl5Desc.dbFiles, file_obj)) {

-             rc = _cl5ExportFile(prFile, file_obj);

+         cldb_Handle *cldb = replica_get_file_info(replica);

+         rc = _cl5ExportFile (prFile, cldb);

+         if (rc) {

+             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl, "cl5ExportLDIF - "

+                           "failed to locate changelog file for replica at (%s)\n",

+                           slapi_sdn_get_dn (replica_get_root (replica)));




-     rc = CL5_SUCCESS;



@@ -759,7 +575,7 @@ 

                  CL5_MEMORY_ERROR if memory allocation fials.



- cl5ImportLDIF(const char *clDir, const char *ldifFile, Replica **replicas)

+ cl5ImportLDIF(const char *clDir, const char *ldifFile, Replica *replica)


      LDIFFP *file = NULL;

      int buflen = 0;
@@ -767,17 +583,13 @@ 

      int rc;

      char *buff = NULL;

      slapi_operation_parameters op;

-     Replica *prim_replica = NULL;

-     Replica *replica = NULL;

-     Object *file_obj = NULL;

      char *replGen = NULL;

-     CL5DBFile *dbfile = NULL;

-     struct berval **purgevals = NULL;

-     struct berval **maxvals = NULL;

      int purgeidx = 0;

      int maxidx = 0;

      int maxpurgesz = 0;

      int maxmaxsz = 0;

+     struct berval **purgevals = NULL;

+     struct berval **maxvals = NULL;

      int entryCount = 0;


      /* validate params */
@@ -793,14 +605,7 @@ 

          return CL5_BAD_STATE;



-     if (replicas == NULL) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "cl5ImportLDIF - null list of replicas\n");

-         return CL5_BAD_DATA;

-     }


-     prim_replica = replicas[0];

-     if (NULL == prim_replica) {

+     if (NULL == replica) {

          /* Never happens for now. (see replica_execute_ldif2cl_task) */

          slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

                        "cl5ImportLDIF - empty replica list\n");
@@ -830,21 +635,25 @@ 



      /* remove changelog */

+     /* TBD (LK) remove and recreate cl database */

+     /* rc = _cl5Delete(clDir, PR_FALSE);

      rc = _cl5Delete(clDir, PR_FALSE);

      if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

          slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

                        "cl5ImportLDIF - Failed to remove changelog\n");

          goto done;


+     */


      /* open changelog */

-     rc = _cl5Open(clDir, NULL, CL5_OPEN_LDIF2CL);

+     rc = _cl5Open(CL5_OPEN_LDIF2CL);

      if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

          slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

                        "cl5ImportLDIF - Failed to open changelog\n");

          goto done;


      s_cl5Desc.dbState = CL5_STATE_OPEN; /* force to change the state */

+     cldb_Handle *cldb = replica_get_file_info(replica);


  /* read entries and write them to changelog */

      while (ldif_read_record(file, &lineno, &buff, &buflen))
@@ -908,9 +717,8 @@ 



          buflen = 0;

-         /* if we perform selective import, check if the operation should be wriiten to changelog */

-         replica = _cl5GetReplica(&op, replGen);

-         if (replica == NULL) {

+         /* check if the operation should be written to changelog */

+         if (0 == strcmp(replGen, cldb->ident)) {


               * changetype: delete

               * replgen: 4d13a124000000010000
@@ -918,8 +726,7 @@ 

               * nsuniqueid: 00000000-00000000-00000000-00000000

               * dn: cn=start iteration


-             rc = _cl5WriteOperation(replica_get_name(prim_replica),

-                                     replGen, &op, 1);

+             rc = _cl5WriteOperation (cldb, &op);

              if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

                  slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

                                "cl5ImportLDIF - "
@@ -934,52 +741,23 @@ 

              goto next;



-         if (!replicas || _cl5ReplicaInList(replica, replicas)) {

-             /* write operation creates the file if it does not exist */

-             rc = _cl5WriteOperation(replica_get_name(replica),

-                                     replGen, &op, 1);

-             if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                               "cl5ImportLDIF - "

-                               "Failed to write operation to the changelog: "

-                               "type: %lu, dn: %s\n",

-                               op.operation_type, REPL_GET_DN(&op.target_address));

-                 slapi_ch_free_string(&replGen);

-                 operation_parameters_done(&op);

-                 goto done;

-             }

-             entryCount++;

-         }






      /* Set RUVs and entry count */

-     file_obj = objset_first_obj(s_cl5Desc.dbFiles);

-     while (file_obj) {

-         dbfile = (CL5DBFile *)object_get_data(file_obj);

-         if (0 == strcasecmp(dbfile->replName, replica_get_name(prim_replica))) {

-             break;

-         }

-         dbfile = NULL;

-         file_obj = objset_next_obj(s_cl5Desc.dbFiles, file_obj);

-     }


-     if (dbfile) {

+     if (cldb) {

          if (purgeidx > 0) {

-             ruv_destroy(&dbfile->purgeRUV);

-             rc = ruv_init_from_bervals(purgevals, &dbfile->purgeRUV);

+             ruv_destroy(&cldb->purgeRUV);

+             rc = ruv_init_from_bervals(purgevals, &cldb->purgeRUV);


          if (maxidx > 0) {

-             ruv_destroy(&dbfile->maxRUV);

-             rc = ruv_init_from_bervals(maxvals, &dbfile->maxRUV);

+             ruv_destroy(&cldb->maxRUV);

+             rc = ruv_init_from_bervals(maxvals, &cldb->maxRUV);



-         dbfile->entryCount = entryCount;

-     }

-     if (file_obj) {

-         object_release(file_obj);

+         cldb->entryCount = entryCount;



@@ -1018,60 +796,64 @@ 

     Description:    sets changelog trimming parameters; changelog must be open.

     Parameters:  maxEntries - maximum number of entries in the chnagelog (in all files);

                  maxAge - maximum entry age;

-                 compactInterval - interval to compact changelog db;

                  trimInterval - changelog trimming interval.

     Return:        CL5_SUCCESS if successful;

                  CL5_BAD_STATE if changelog is not open



- cl5ConfigTrimming(int maxEntries, const char *maxAge, int compactInterval, int trimInterval)

+ cl5ConfigTrimming(Replica *replica, int maxEntries, const char *maxAge, int trimInterval)


+     int isTrimmingEnabledBefore = 0;

+     int isTrimmingEnabledAfter = 0;

+     cldb_Handle *cldb = replica_get_file_info(replica);


      if (s_cl5Desc.dbState == CL5_STATE_NONE) {

          slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

                        "cl5ConfigTrimming - Changelog is not initialized\n");

          return CL5_BAD_STATE;



-     /* make sure changelog is not closed while trimming configuration

-        is updated.*/

-     if (CL5_SUCCESS != _cl5AddThread()) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "cl5ConfigTrimming - Could not start changelog trimming thread\n");

-         return CL5_BAD_STATE;

-     }

+     slapi_counter_increment(cldb->clThreads);

+     /* make sure changelog is not closed while trimming configuration is updated.*/


-     PR_Lock(s_cl5Desc.dbTrim.lock);

+     PR_Lock(cldb->clLock); 


+     isTrimmingEnabledBefore = cldb_IsTrimmingEnabled(cldb);


      if (maxAge) {

          /* don't ignore this argument */

          if (strcmp(maxAge, CL5_STR_IGNORE) != 0) {

-             s_cl5Desc.dbTrim.maxAge = slapi_parse_duration(maxAge);

+             cldb->clConf.maxAge = slapi_parse_duration(maxAge);


      } else {

          /* unlimited */

-         s_cl5Desc.dbTrim.maxAge = 0;

+         cldb->clConf.maxAge = 0;



      if (maxEntries != CL5_NUM_IGNORE) {

-         s_cl5Desc.dbTrim.maxEntries = maxEntries;

-     }


-     if (compactInterval != CL5_NUM_IGNORE) {

-         s_cl5Desc.dbTrim.compactInterval = compactInterval;

+         cldb->clConf.maxEntries = maxEntries;



      if (trimInterval != CL5_NUM_IGNORE) {

-         s_cl5Desc.dbTrim.trimInterval = trimInterval;

+         cldb->clConf.trimInterval = trimInterval;



-     /* The config was updated, notify the changelog trimming thread */

-     PR_Lock(s_cl5Desc.clLock);

-     PR_NotifyCondVar(s_cl5Desc.clCvar);

-     PR_Unlock(s_cl5Desc.clLock);

+     isTrimmingEnabledAfter = cldb_IsTrimmingEnabled(cldb);


-     PR_Unlock(s_cl5Desc.dbTrim.lock);

+     if (isTrimmingEnabledAfter && !isTrimmingEnabledBefore) {

+         /* start trimming */

+         cldb_StartTrimming(replica);

+     } else if (!isTrimmingEnabledAfter && isTrimmingEnabledBefore) {

+         /* stop trimming */

+         cldb_StopTrimming(replica, NULL);

+     } else {

+         /* The config was updated, notify the changelog trimming thread */

+         PR_NotifyCondVar(cldb->clCvar);

+     }


-     _cl5RemoveThread();

+     PR_Unlock(cldb->clLock);


+     slapi_counter_decrement(cldb->clThreads);


      return CL5_SUCCESS;

@@ -1093,8 +875,11 @@ 

      if (it->cursor)



+     /* NOTE (LK) locking of CL files  ?*/

+     /*

      if (it->file)


+     */


      slapi_ch_free((void **)&it);

@@ -1107,7 +892,6 @@ 

                     replica object since generation can change while operation

                     is in progress (if the data is reloaded). !!!

                  op - operation to write

-                 local - this is a non-replicated operation

                  txn - the transaction containing this operation

     Return:        CL5_SUCCESS if function is successfull;

                  CL5_BAD_DATA if invalid op is passed;
@@ -1116,7 +900,7 @@ 

                  CL5_DB_ERROR if any other db error occured;



- cl5WriteOperationTxn(const char *replName, const char *replGen, const slapi_operation_parameters *op, PRBool local, void *txn)

+ cl5WriteOperationTxn(cldb_Handle *cldb, const slapi_operation_parameters *op, void *txn)


      int rc;

@@ -1138,23 +922,16 @@ 



      /* make sure that changelog is open while operation is in progress */

-     rc = _cl5AddThread();

-     if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS)

-         return rc;

+     slapi_counter_increment(cldb->clThreads);


-     rc = _cl5WriteOperationTxn(replName, replGen, op, local, txn);

+     rc = _cl5WriteOperationTxn(cldb, op, txn);


      /* update the upper bound ruv vector */

      if (rc == CL5_SUCCESS) {

-         Object *file_obj = NULL;


-         if (_cl5GetDBFileByReplicaName(replName, replGen, &file_obj) == CL5_SUCCESS) {

-             rc = _cl5UpdateRUV(file_obj, op->csn, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE);

-             object_release(file_obj);

-         }

+         rc = _cl5UpdateRUV(cldb, op->csn, PR_FALSE, PR_FALSE);



-     _cl5RemoveThread();

+     slapi_counter_decrement(cldb->clThreads);


      return rc;

@@ -1167,7 +944,6 @@ 

                     replica object since generation can change while operation

                     is in progress (if the data is reloaded). !!!

                  op - operation to write

-                 local - this is a non-replicated operation

     Return:        CL5_SUCCESS if function is successfull;

                  CL5_BAD_DATA if invalid op is passed;

                  CL5_BAD_STATE if db has not been initialized;
@@ -1175,9 +951,9 @@ 

                  CL5_DB_ERROR if any other db error occured;



- cl5WriteOperation(const char *replName, const char *replGen, const slapi_operation_parameters *op, PRBool local)

+ cl5WriteOperation(cldb_Handle *cldb, const slapi_operation_parameters *op)


-     return cl5WriteOperationTxn(replName, replGen, op, local, NULL);

+     return cl5WriteOperationTxn(cldb, op, NULL);



  /* Name:        cl5CreateReplayIterator
@@ -1218,7 +994,6 @@ 


      int rc;

      Replica *replica;

-     Object *file_obj = NULL;


      replica = prp->replica;

      if (replica == NULL || consumerRuv == NULL || iterator == NULL) {
@@ -1240,22 +1015,11 @@ 

      if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS)

          return rc;



-     rc = _cl5GetDBFile(replica, &file_obj);

-     if (rc == CL5_SUCCESS && file_obj) {

-         /* iterate through the ruv in csn order to find first master for which

-            we can replay changes */


-         rc = _cl5PositionCursorForReplay(consumerRID, consumerRuv, replica, file_obj, iterator, NULL);

-     } else {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "cl5CreateReplayIteratorEx - Could not find DB object for replica\n");

-     }

+     /* iterate through the ruv in csn order to find first master for which 

+        we can replay changes */		    

+     rc = _cl5PositionCursorForReplay (consumerRID, consumerRuv, replica, iterator, NULL);


      if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-         if (file_obj) {

-             object_release(file_obj);

-         }

          /* release the thread */


@@ -1275,7 +1039,6 @@ 


      int rc;

      Replica *replica;

-     Object *file_obj = NULL;


      replica = prp->replica;

      if (replica == NULL || consumerRuv == NULL || iterator == NULL) {
@@ -1297,28 +1060,18 @@ 

      if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS)

          return rc;



-     rc = _cl5GetDBFile(replica, &file_obj);

-     if (rc == CL5_SUCCESS && file_obj) {

-         /* iterate through the ruv in csn order to find first master for which

-            we can replay changes */

-         ReplicaId consumerRID = agmt_get_consumer_rid(prp->agmt, prp->conn);

-         int continue_on_missing = agmt_get_ignoremissing(prp->agmt);

-         int save_cont_miss = continue_on_missing;

-         rc = _cl5PositionCursorForReplay(consumerRID, consumerRuv, replica, file_obj, iterator, &continue_on_missing);

-         if (save_cont_miss == 1 && continue_on_missing == 0) {

-             /* the option to continue once on a missing csn was used, rest */

-             agmt_set_ignoremissing(prp->agmt, 0);

-         }

-     } else {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "cl5CreateReplayIterator - Could not find DB object for replica\n");

+     /* iterate through the ruv in csn order to find first master for which

+        we can replay changes */

+     ReplicaId consumerRID = agmt_get_consumer_rid(prp->agmt, prp->conn);

+     int continue_on_missing = agmt_get_ignoremissing(prp->agmt);

+     int save_cont_miss = continue_on_missing;

+     rc = _cl5PositionCursorForReplay(consumerRID, consumerRuv, replica, iterator, &continue_on_missing);

+     if (save_cont_miss == 1 && continue_on_missing == 0) {

+         /* the option to continue once on a missing csn was used, rest */

+         agmt_set_ignoremissing(prp->agmt, 0);



      if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-         if (file_obj)

-             object_release(file_obj);


          /* release the thread */


@@ -1396,7 +1149,7 @@ 


      /* there is an entry we should return */

      /* Callers of this function should cl5_operation_parameters_done(op) */

-     if (0 != cl5DBData2Entry(data, datalen, entry)) {

+     if (0 != cl5DBData2Entry(data, datalen, entry, iterator->it_cldb->clcrypt_handle)) {

          slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

                        "cl5GetNextOperationToReplay - %s - Failed to format entry rc=%d\n", agmt_name, rc);

          return rc;
@@ -1421,10 +1174,12 @@ 




-     if ((*iterator)->fileObj) {

-         object_release((*iterator)->fileObj);

-         (*iterator)->fileObj = NULL;

+     /* TBD (LK) lock/unlock cldb ?

+      if ((*iterator)->it_cldb) {

+         object_release((*iterator)->it_cldb);

+         (*iterator)->it_cldb = NULL;


+     */


      /* release supplier's ruv */

      if ((*iterator)->supplierRuvObj) {
@@ -1438,50 +1193,6 @@ 




- /* Name:        cl5DeleteOnClose

-    Description:    marks changelog for deletion when it is closed

-    Parameters:  flag; if flag = 1 then delete else don't

-    Return:        none

-  */

- void

- cl5DeleteOnClose(PRBool rm)

- {

-     s_cl5Desc.dbRmOnClose = rm;

- }


- /* Name:        cl5GetDir

-    Description:    returns changelog directory

-    Parameters:  none

-    Return:        copy of the directory; caller needs to free the string

-  */

- char *

- cl5GetDir()

- {

-     if (s_cl5Desc.dbDir == NULL) {

-         return NULL;

-     } else {

-         return slapi_ch_strdup(s_cl5Desc.dbDir);

-     }

- }


- /* Name: cl5Exist

-    Description: checks if a changelog exists in the specified directory;

-                 We consider changelog to exist if it contains the dbversion file.

-    Parameters: clDir - directory to check

-    Return: 1 - if changelog exists; 0 - otherwise

-  */

- PRBool

- cl5Exist(const char *clDir)

- {

-     char fName[MAXPATHLEN + 1];

-     int rc;


-     PR_snprintf(fName, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s", clDir, VERSION_FILE);

-     rc = PR_Access(fName, PR_ACCESS_EXISTS);


-     return (rc == PR_SUCCESS);

- }


  /* Name: cl5GetOperationCount

     Description: returns number of entries in the changelog. The changelog must be

                  open for the value to be meaningful.
@@ -1493,8 +1204,6 @@ 


  cl5GetOperationCount(Replica *replica)


-     Object *file_obj;

-     CL5DBFile *file;

      int count = 0;

      int rc;

@@ -1511,6 +1220,7 @@ 


      if (replica == NULL) /* compute total entry count */


+         /* TBD (LK) get count for all backends

          file_obj = objset_first_obj(s_cl5Desc.dbFiles);

          while (file_obj) {

              file = (CL5DBFile *)object_get_data(file_obj);
@@ -1518,22 +1228,18 @@ 

              count += file->entryCount;

              file_obj = objset_next_obj(s_cl5Desc.dbFiles, file_obj);


+         */

+         count = 0;

      } else /* return count for particular db */


-         /* select correct db file */

-         rc = _cl5GetDBFile(replica, &file_obj);

-         if (rc == CL5_SUCCESS) {

-             file = (CL5DBFile *)object_get_data(file_obj);

-             PR_ASSERT(file);


-             count = file->entryCount;

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "cl5GetOperationCount - Found DB object %p\n", file_obj);

-             object_release(file_obj);

+         cldb_Handle *cldb = replica_get_file_info(replica);

+         if (cldb) {

+             count = cldb->entryCount;

          } else {

              slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

                            "cl5GetOperationCount - Could not get DB object for replica\n");

-             count = 0;

+             /* replica is not enabled */

+             count = -1;



@@ -1545,72 +1251,20 @@ 


  /* this call happens under state lock */

  static int

- _cl5Open(const char *dir, const CL5DBConfig *config, CL5OpenMode openMode)

+ _cl5Open(CL5OpenMode openMode)


-     int rc;


-     PR_ASSERT(dir);


-     /* setup db configuration parameters */

-     if (config) {

-         _cl5SetDBConfig(config);

-     } else {

-         _cl5SetDefaultDBConfig();

-     }


-     /* initialize trimming */

-     rc = _cl5TrimInit();

-     if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5Open - Failed to initialize trimming\n");

-         goto done;

-     }


-     /* create the changelog directory if it does not exist */

-     rc = cl5CreateDirIfNeeded(dir);

-     if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5Open - Failed to create changelog directory (%s)\n", dir);

-         goto done;

-     }


-     if (s_cl5Desc.dbDir) {

-         slapi_ch_free_string(&s_cl5Desc.dbDir);

-     }

-     s_cl5Desc.dbDir = slapi_ch_strdup(dir);


-     /* check database version */

-     rc = _cl5CheckDBVersion();

-     if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5Open - Invalid db version\n");

-         goto done;

-     }

+     int rc = CL5_SUCCESS;


      s_cl5Desc.dbOpenMode = openMode;


-     /* initialize db environment */

-     rc = _cl5AppInit();

-     if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5Open - Failed to initialize db environment\n");

-         goto done;

-     }


+     replica_enumerate_replicas(cldb_SetReplicaDB, NULL);


      /* init the clcache */

-     if ((clcache_init(&s_cl5Desc.dbEnv) != 0)) {

+     if ((clcache_init() != 0)) {

          rc = CL5_SYSTEM_ERROR;

          goto done;



-     /* open database files */

-     rc = _cl5DBOpen();

-     if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5Open - Failed to open changelog database\n");


-         goto done;

-     }




      if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {
@@ -1621,176 +1275,216 @@ 




- cl5CreateDirIfNeeded(const char *dirName)

+ cldb_UnSetReplicaDB(Replica *replica, void *arg)


-     int rc;

-     char buff[MAXPATHLEN + 1];

-     char *t;

+     int rc = 0;

+     cldb_Handle *cldb = replica_get_file_info(replica);

+     Slapi_Backend *be = slapi_be_select(replica_get_root(replica));


+     if (cldb == NULL) {

+         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                       "cldb_UnSetReplicaDB: cldb is NULL\n");

+         return -1;

+     }


-     PR_ASSERT(dirName);

+     cldb->flags &= ~DB_FILE_ACTIVE;


-     rc = PR_Access(dirName, PR_ACCESS_EXISTS);

-     if (rc == PR_SUCCESS) {

-         return CL5_SUCCESS;

+     /* cleanup trimming */

+     cldb_StopThreads(replica, NULL);


+     /* write or cleanup changelog ruvs */

+     if (s_cl5Desc.dbState == CL5_STATE_CLOSING) {

+         _cl5WriteReplicaRUV(replica, NULL);

+     } else {

+         ruv_destroy(&cldb->maxRUV);

+         ruv_destroy(&cldb->purgeRUV);



-     /* directory does not exist - try to create */

-     PL_strncpyz(buff, dirName, sizeof(buff) - 1);

-     t = strchr(buff, '/');

+     if (cldb->clLock != NULL) {

+         PR_DestroyLock(cldb->clLock);

+         cldb->clLock = NULL;

+     }

+     if (cldb->clCvar != NULL) {

+         PR_DestroyCondVar(cldb->clCvar);

+         cldb->clCvar = NULL;

+     }

+     /* Clear the cl encryption data (if configured) */

+     rc = clcrypt_destroy(cldb->clcrypt_handle, be);


-     /* skip first slash */

-     if (t) {

-         t = strchr(t + 1, '/');

+     if (cldb->flags & ~DB_FILE_DONE) {

+         _cldb_DeleteDB(replica);



-     while (t) {

-         *t = '\0';

-         if (PR_Access(buff, PR_ACCESS_EXISTS) != PR_SUCCESS) {

-             rc = PR_MkDir(buff, DIR_CREATE_MODE);

-             if (rc != PR_SUCCESS) {

-                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                               "cl5CreateDirIfNeeded - Failed to create dir (%s); NSPR error - %d\n",

-                               dirName, PR_GetError());

-                 return CL5_SYSTEM_ERROR;

-             }

-         }

+     slapi_counter_destroy(&cldb->clThreads);


-         *t++ = FILE_PATHSEP;

+     rc = replica_set_file_info(replica, NULL);

+     slapi_ch_free_string(&cldb->ident);

+     slapi_ch_free((void **)&cldb);


-         t = strchr(t, '/');

-     }

+     return rc;

+ }


-     /* last piece */

-     rc = PR_MkDir(buff, DIR_CREATE_MODE);

-     if (rc != PR_SUCCESS) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "cl5CreateDirIfNeeded - Failed to create dir; NSPR error - %d\n",

+ int

+ cldb_SetReplicaDB(Replica *replica, void *arg)

+ {

+     int rc = -1;

+     DB *pDB = NULL;

+     cldb_Handle *cldb = NULL;


+     if (!replica_is_flag_set(replica, REPLICA_LOG_CHANGES)) {

+         /* replica does not have a changelog */

+         return 0;

+     }

+     cldb = replica_get_file_info(replica);

+     if (cldb) {

+         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                       "cldb_SetReplicaDB - DB already set to replica\n");

+         return 0;

+     }


+     Slapi_Backend *be = slapi_be_select(replica_get_root(replica));

+     Object *ruv_obj = replica_get_ruv(replica);


+     rc = _cldb_CheckAndSetEnv(be);


+     rc = slapi_back_get_info(be, BACK_INFO_DBENV_CLDB, (void **)&pDB);

+     if (rc == 0) {

+         cldb = (cldb_Handle *)slapi_ch_calloc(1, sizeof(cldb_Handle));

+         cldb->db = pDB;

+         cldb->ident = ruv_get_replica_generation ((RUV*)object_get_data (ruv_obj));

+         _cl5ReadRUV(cldb, PR_TRUE);

+         _cl5ReadRUV(cldb, PR_FALSE);

+         _cl5GetEntryCount(cldb);

+     }

+     object_release(ruv_obj);


+     cldb->clThreads = slapi_counter_new();


+     cldb->flags = DB_FILE_ACTIVE;

+     rc = replica_set_file_info(replica, cldb);


+     if ((cldb->clLock = PR_NewLock()) == NULL) {

+         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                       "cldb_SetReplicaDB - Failed to create on close lock; NSPR error - %d\n",

+                       PR_GetError());

+         return CL5_SYSTEM_ERROR;

+     }

+     if ((cldb->clCvar = PR_NewCondVar(cldb->clLock)) == NULL) {

+         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                       "cldb_SetReplicaDB - Failed to create on close cvar; NSPR error - %d\n",


          return CL5_SYSTEM_ERROR;



-     return CL5_SUCCESS;

+     /* get cl configuration for backend */

+     back_info_config_entry config_entry = {0};

+     config_entry.dn = "cn=changelog";

+     changelog5Config config = {};

+     rc = slapi_back_ctrl_info(be, BACK_INFO_CLDB_GET_CONFIG, (void *)&config_entry);

+     if (rc !=0 || config_entry.ce == NULL) {

+         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                       "cldb_SetReplicaDB - failed to read config for changelog\n");

+         return CL5_BAD_DATA;

+     }


+     changelog5_extract_config(config_entry.ce, &config);

+     changelog5_register_config_callbacks(slapi_entry_get_dn_const(config_entry.ce), replica);

+     slapi_entry_free(config_entry.ce);


+     /* set trimming parameters */

+     rc = cl5ConfigTrimming(replica, config.maxEntries, config.maxAge, config.trimInterval);

+     if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

+         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                       "cldb_SetReplicaDB - failed to configure changelog trimming\n");

+         return CL5_BAD_DATA;

+     }


+     /* Set the cl encryption algorithm (if configured) */

+     if (config.encryptionAlgorithm) {

+         cldb->clConf.encryptionAlgorithm = config.encryptionAlgorithm;

+         cldb->clcrypt_handle = clcrypt_init(config.encryptionAlgorithm, be);

+     }

+     changelog5_config_done(&config);


+     slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+         "cldb_SetReplicaDB: cldb is set\n");


+     return rc;



  static int

- _cl5AppInit(void)

+ cldb_IsTrimmingEnabled(cldb_Handle *cldb)


-     int rc = -1; /* initialize to failure */

-     DB_ENV *dbEnv = NULL;

-     uint32_t pagesize = 0;

-     int openflags = 0;

-     char *cookie = NULL;

-     Slapi_Backend *be = slapi_get_first_backend(&cookie);

-     while (be) {

-         rc = slapi_back_get_info(be, BACK_INFO_DBENV, (void **)&dbEnv);

-         if ((LDAP_SUCCESS == rc) && dbEnv) {

-             rc = slapi_back_get_info(be,

-                                      BACK_INFO_INDEXPAGESIZE, (void **)&pagesize);

-             if ((LDAP_SUCCESS == rc) && pagesize) {

-                 rc = slapi_back_get_info(be,

-                                          BACK_INFO_DBENV_OPENFLAGS, (void **)&openflags);

-                 if (LDAP_SUCCESS == rc) {

-                     break; /* Successfully fetched */

-                 }

-             }

-         }

-         be = slapi_get_next_backend(cookie);

-     }

-     slapi_ch_free((void **)&cookie);


-     if (rc == 0 && dbEnv && pagesize) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5AppInit - Fetched backend dbEnv (%p)\n", dbEnv);

-         s_cl5Desc.dbEnv = dbEnv;

-         s_cl5Desc.dbEnvOpenFlags = openflags;

-         s_cl5Desc.dbConfig.pageSize = pagesize;

-         return CL5_SUCCESS;

+     if ((cldb->clConf.maxAge != 0 || cldb->clConf.maxEntries != 0) &&  cldb->clConf.trimInterval > 0) {

+         return 1;

      } else {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5AppInit - Failed to fetch backend dbenv (%p) and/or "

-                       "index page size (%lu)\n",

-                       dbEnv, (long unsigned int)pagesize);

-         return CL5_DB_ERROR;

+         return 0;




- static int

- _cl5DBOpen()

+ int

+ cldb_StartTrimming(Replica *replica)


-     PRBool dbFile;

-     PRDir *dir;

-     PRDirEntry *entry = NULL;

-     int rc = -1; /* initialize to failure */

-     Replica *replica;

-     int count = 0;

+     return _cl5DispatchTrimThread(replica);

+ }

+ int

+ cldb_StopTrimming(Replica *replica, void *arg)

+ {

+     cldb_Handle *cldb = replica_get_file_info(replica);


+     /* we need to stop the changelog threads - trimming or purging */

+     PR_Lock(cldb->clLock);

+     PR_NotifyCondVar(cldb->clCvar);

+     PR_Unlock(cldb->clLock);


+     return 0;

+ }


-     /* create lock that guarantees that each file is only added once to the list */

-     s_cl5Desc.fileLock = PR_NewLock();

+ int

+ cldb_StopThreads(Replica *replica, void *arg)

+ {

+     cldb_Handle *cldb = replica_get_file_info(replica);

+     PRIntervalTime interval;

+     uint64_t threads;


+     /* we need to stop the changelog threads - trimming or purging */

+     PR_Lock(cldb->clLock);

+     PR_NotifyCondVar(cldb->clCvar);

+     PR_Unlock(cldb->clLock);


-     /* loop over all db files and open them; file name format is cl5_<dbid>.<dbext>    */

-     dir = PR_OpenDir(s_cl5Desc.dbDir);

-     if (dir == NULL) {

+     interval = PR_MillisecondsToInterval(100);

+     while ((threads = slapi_counter_get_value(cldb->clThreads)) > 0) {

          slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5DBOpen - Failed to open changelog dir; NSPR error - %d\n",

-                       PR_GetError());

-         return CL5_SYSTEM_ERROR;

+                       "cldb_StopThreads -Waiting for threads to exit: %lu thread(s) still active\n",

+                       threads);

+          DS_Sleep(interval);


+     return 0;

+ }


-     /* initialize set of db file objects */

-     s_cl5Desc.dbFiles = objset_new(NULL);

-     while (NULL != (entry = PR_ReadDir(dir, PR_SKIP_DOT | PR_SKIP_DOT_DOT))) {

-         if (NULL == entry->name) {

-             break;

-         }

+ static int

+ _cldb_CheckAndSetEnv(Slapi_Backend *be)

+ {

+     int rc = -1; /* initialize to failure */

+     DB_ENV *dbEnv = NULL;


-         dbFile = _cl5FileName2Replica(entry->name, &replica);

-         if (dbFile) /* this is db file, not a log or dbversion; those are just skipped */

-         {

-             /* we only open files for existing replicas */

-             if (replica) {

-                 rc = _cl5DBOpenFile(replica, NULL /* file object */,

-                                     PR_FALSE /* check for duplicates */);

-                 if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-                     slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5DBOpen - "

-                                                                        "Error opening file %s\n",

-                                   entry->name);

-                     return rc;

-                 }

-                 count++;

-             } else /* there is no matching replica for the file - remove */

-             {

-                 char fullpathname[MAXPATHLEN];

-                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5DBOpen - "

-                                                                    "File %s has no matching replica; removing\n",

-                               entry->name);


-                 PR_snprintf(fullpathname, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s", s_cl5Desc.dbDir, entry->name);

-                 rc = s_cl5Desc.dbEnv->dbremove(s_cl5Desc.dbEnv,

-                                                0, fullpathname, 0,

-                                                DEFAULT_DB_ENV_OP_FLAGS);

-                 if (rc != 0) {

-                     slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                                   "_cl5DBOpen - Failed to remove (%s) file; "

-                                   "libdb error - %d (%s)\n",

-                                   fullpathname, rc, db_strerror(rc));

-                     if (PR_Delete(fullpathname) != PR_SUCCESS) {

-                         PRErrorCode prerr = PR_GetError();

-                         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                                       "_cl5DBOpen - Failed to remove (%s) file; "

-                                       "nspr error - %d (%s)\n",

-                                       fullpathname, prerr, slapd_pr_strerror(prerr));

-                     }

-                 }

-             }

-         }

+     if (s_cl5Desc.dbEnv) {

+         /* dbEnv already set */

+         return CL5_SUCCESS;



-     slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5DBOpen - "

-                                                        "Opened %d existing databases in %s\n",

-                   count, s_cl5Desc.dbDir);

-     PR_CloseDir(dir);

+     rc = slapi_back_get_info(be, BACK_INFO_DBENV, (void **)&dbEnv);


-     return CL5_SUCCESS;

+     if (rc == 0 && dbEnv) {

+         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                       "_cldb_CheckAndSetEnv - Fetched backend dbEnv (%p)\n", dbEnv);

+         s_cl5Desc.dbEnv = dbEnv;

+         return CL5_SUCCESS;

+     } else {

+         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                       "_cldb_CheckAndSetEnv - Failed to fetch backend dbenv\n");

+         return CL5_DB_ERROR;

+     }



  /* this function assumes that the entry was validated
@@ -1808,7 +1502,7 @@ 

     <4 byte value size><value1><4 byte value size><value2>


  static int

- _cl5Entry2DBData(const CL5Entry *entry, char **data, PRUint32 *len)

+ _cl5Entry2DBData(const CL5Entry *entry, char **data, PRUint32 *len, void *clcrypt_handle)


      int size = 1 /* version */ + 1 /* operation type */ + sizeof(time_t);

      char *pos;
@@ -1835,7 +1529,7 @@ 

          slapi_entry2mods(op->p.p_add.target_entry, &rawDN /* dn */, &add_mods);

          size += strlen(rawDN) + 1;

          /* Need larger buffer for the encrypted changelog */

-         if (s_cl5Desc.clcrypt_handle) {

+         if (clcrypt_handle) {

              size += (_cl5GetModsSize(add_mods) * (1 + BACK_CRYPT_OUTBUFF_EXTLEN));

          } else {

              size += _cl5GetModsSize(add_mods);
@@ -1845,7 +1539,7 @@ 


          size += REPL_GET_DN_LEN(&op->target_address) + 1;

          /* Need larger buffer for the encrypted changelog */

-         if (s_cl5Desc.clcrypt_handle) {

+         if (clcrypt_handle) {

              size += (_cl5GetModsSize(op->p.p_modify.modify_mods) * (1 + BACK_CRYPT_OUTBUFF_EXTLEN));

          } else {

              size += _cl5GetModsSize(op->p.p_modify.modify_mods);
@@ -1865,7 +1559,7 @@ 


              size++; /* for NULL char */

          /* Need larger buffer for the encrypted changelog */

-         if (s_cl5Desc.clcrypt_handle) {

+         if (clcrypt_handle) {

              size += (_cl5GetModsSize(op->p.p_modrdn.modrdn_mods) * (1 + BACK_CRYPT_OUTBUFF_EXTLEN));

          } else {

              size += _cl5GetModsSize(op->p.p_modrdn.modrdn_mods);
@@ -1907,14 +1601,14 @@ 


          _cl5WriteString(op->p.p_add.parentuniqueid, &pos);

          _cl5WriteString(rawDN, &pos);

-         _cl5WriteMods(add_mods, &pos);

+         _cl5WriteMods(add_mods, &pos, clcrypt_handle);

          slapi_ch_free((void **)&rawDN);

          ldap_mods_free(add_mods, 1);




          _cl5WriteString(REPL_GET_DN(&op->target_address), &pos);

-         _cl5WriteMods(op->p.p_modify.modify_mods, &pos);

+         _cl5WriteMods(op->p.p_modify.modify_mods, &pos, clcrypt_handle);



@@ -1924,7 +1618,7 @@ 


          _cl5WriteString(REPL_GET_DN(&op->p.p_modrdn.modrdn_newsuperior_address), &pos);

          _cl5WriteString(op->p.p_modrdn.modrdn_newsuperior_address.uniqueid, &pos);

-         _cl5WriteMods(op->p.p_modrdn.modrdn_mods, &pos);

+         _cl5WriteMods(op->p.p_modrdn.modrdn_mods, &pos, clcrypt_handle);



@@ -1960,7 +1654,7 @@ 




- cl5DBData2Entry(const char *data, PRUint32 len __attribute__((unused)), CL5Entry *entry)

+ cl5DBData2Entry(const char *data, PRUint32 len __attribute__((unused)), CL5Entry *entry, void *clcrypt_handle)


      int rc;

      PRUint8 version;
@@ -2016,7 +1710,7 @@ 

          _cl5ReadString(&rawDN, &pos);

          op->target_address.sdn = slapi_sdn_new_dn_passin(rawDN);

          /* convert mods to entry */

-         rc = _cl5ReadMods(&add_mods, &pos);

+         rc = _cl5ReadMods(&add_mods, &pos, clcrypt_handle);

          slapi_mods2entry(&(op->p.p_add.target_entry), rawDN, add_mods);

          ldap_mods_free(add_mods, 1);

@@ -2024,7 +1718,7 @@ 


          _cl5ReadString(&rawDN, &pos);

          op->target_address.sdn = slapi_sdn_new_dn_passin(rawDN);

-         rc = _cl5ReadMods(&op->p.p_modify.modify_mods, &pos);

+         rc = _cl5ReadMods(&op->p.p_modify.modify_mods, &pos, clcrypt_handle);



@@ -2036,7 +1730,7 @@ 

          _cl5ReadString(&rawDN, &pos);

          op->p.p_modrdn.modrdn_newsuperior_address.sdn = slapi_sdn_new_dn_passin(rawDN);

          _cl5ReadString(&op->p.p_modrdn.modrdn_newsuperior_address.uniqueid, &pos);

-         rc = _cl5ReadMods(&op->p.p_modrdn.modrdn_mods, &pos);

+         rc = _cl5ReadMods(&op->p.p_modrdn.modrdn_mods, &pos, clcrypt_handle);



@@ -2057,17 +1751,17 @@ 


  /* thread management functions */

  static int

- _cl5DispatchDBThreads(void)

+ _cl5DispatchTrimThread(Replica *replica)


      PRThread *pth = NULL;


      pth = PR_CreateThread(PR_USER_THREAD, (VFP)(void *)_cl5TrimMain,

-                           NULL, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, PR_GLOBAL_THREAD,

+                           (void *)replica, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, PR_GLOBAL_THREAD,


      if (NULL == pth) {

          slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5DispatchDBThreads - Failed to create trimming thread"

-                       "; NSPR error - %d\n",

+                       "_cl5DispatchTrimThread - Failed to create trimming thread for %s"

+                       "; NSPR error - %d\n", replica_get_name(replica),


          return CL5_SYSTEM_ERROR;

@@ -2151,7 +1845,7 @@ 

     <4 byte size><value1><4 byte size><value2>...


  static void

- _cl5WriteMods(LDAPMod **mods, char **buff)

+ _cl5WriteMods(LDAPMod **mods, char **buff, void *clcrypt_handle)


      PRInt32 i;

      char *mod_start;
@@ -2165,7 +1859,7 @@ 


      /* write mods*/

      for (i = 0; mods[i]; i++) {

-         if (0 <= _cl5WriteMod(mods[i], &mod_start)) {

+         if (0 <= _cl5WriteMod(mods[i], &mod_start, clcrypt_handle)) {



@@ -2183,7 +1877,7 @@ 

   *     netative: failed to encrypt && no write to the changelog


  static int

- _cl5WriteMod(LDAPMod *mod, char **buff)

+ _cl5WriteMod(LDAPMod *mod, char **buff, void *clcrypt_handle)


      char *orig_pos;

      char *pos;
@@ -2226,7 +1920,7 @@ 

      bv = slapi_mod_get_first_value(&smod);

      while (bv) {

          encbv = NULL;

-         rc = clcrypt_encrypt_value(s_cl5Desc.clcrypt_handle,

+         rc = clcrypt_encrypt_value(clcrypt_handle,

                                     bv, &encbv);

          if (rc > 0) {

              /* no encryption needed. use the original bv */
@@ -2271,7 +1965,7 @@ 



  static int

- _cl5ReadMods(LDAPMod ***mods, char **buff)

+ _cl5ReadMods(LDAPMod ***mods, char **buff, void *clcrypt_handle)


      char *pos = *buff;

      int i;
@@ -2289,7 +1983,7 @@ 

      slapi_mods_init(&smods, mod_count);


      for (i = 0; i < mod_count; i++) {

-         rc = _cl5ReadMod(&smod, &pos);

+         rc = _cl5ReadMod(&smod, &pos, clcrypt_handle);

          if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {


              return rc;
@@ -2307,7 +2001,7 @@ 



  static int

- _cl5ReadMod(Slapi_Mod *smod, char **buff)

+ _cl5ReadMod(Slapi_Mod *smod, char **buff, void *clcrypt_handle)


      char *pos = *buff;

      int i;
@@ -2338,7 +2032,7 @@ 

          _cl5ReadBerval(&bv, &pos);

          decbv = NULL;

          rc = 0;

-         rc = clcrypt_decrypt_value(s_cl5Desc.clcrypt_handle,

+         rc = clcrypt_decrypt_value(clcrypt_handle,

                                     &bv, &decbv);

          if (rc > 0) {

              /* not encrypted. use the original bv */
@@ -2351,11 +2045,11 @@ 

              char *encend = encstr + 128;

              char *ptr;

              int i;

-             for (i = 0, ptr = encstr; (i < bv.bv_len) && (ptr < encend - 4);

+             for (i = 0, ptr = encstr; (i < bv.bv_len) && (ptr < encend - 6);

                   i++, ptr += 3) {

                  sprintf(ptr, "%x", 0xff & bv.bv_val[i]);


-             if (ptr >= encend - 4) {

+             if (ptr >= encend - 6) {

                  sprintf(ptr, "...");

                  ptr += 3;

@@ -2544,7 +2238,7 @@ 

  static int32_t

  _cl5CheckCSNinCL(const ruv_enum_data *element, void *arg)


-     CL5DBFile *file = (CL5DBFile *)arg;

+     cldb_Handle *cldb = (cldb_Handle *)arg;

      int rc = 0;


      DBT key = {0}, data = {0};
@@ -2556,903 +2250,313 @@ 


      data.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;


-     rc = file->db->get(file->db, NULL /*txn*/, &key, &data, 0);

+     rc = cldb->db->get(cldb->db, NULL /*txn*/, &key, &data, 0);



      return rc;



  static int32_t

- _cl5CheckMaxRUV(CL5DBFile *file, RUV *maxruv)

+ _cl5CheckMaxRUV(cldb_Handle *cldb, RUV *maxruv)


      int rc = 0;


-     rc = ruv_enumerate_elements(maxruv, _cl5CheckCSNinCL, (void *)file);

+     rc = ruv_enumerate_elements(maxruv, _cl5CheckCSNinCL, (void *)cldb);


      return rc;


- /* upgrade from db33 to db41

-  * 1. Run recovery on the database environment using the DB_ENV->open method

-  * 2. Remove any Berkeley DB environment using the DB_ENV->remove method

-  * 3. Remove any Berkeley DB transaction log files

-  * 4. extention .db3 -> .db4

-  */

- static int

- _cl5UpgradeMajor(char *fromVersion, char *toVersion)


+ /* must be called under the state lock */

+ static void

+ _cl5Close(void)


-     PRDir *dir = NULL;

-     PRDirEntry *entry = NULL;

-     DB *thisdb = NULL;

-     CL5OpenMode backup;

-     int rc = 0;


+     if (s_cl5Desc.dbState != CL5_STATE_CLOSED) /* Don't try to close twice */

+     {


+         /* cl5Close() set the state flag to CL5_STATE_CLOSING, which should

+            trigger all of the db housekeeping threads to exit, and which will

+            eventually cause no new update threads to start - so we wait here

+            for those other threads to finish before we proceed */

+         /* Stopping and waiting for threads to complet is now done for each

+          * replica in cldb_UnSetReplicaDB

+          */


-     backup = s_cl5Desc.dbOpenMode;

-     s_cl5Desc.dbOpenMode = CL5_OPEN_CLEAN_RECOVER;

-     /* CL5_OPEN_CLEAN_RECOVER does 1 and 2 */

-     rc = _cl5AppInit();

-     if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5UpgradeMajor - Failed to open the db env\n");

-         s_cl5Desc.dbOpenMode = backup;

-         return rc;

+         replica_enumerate_replicas(cldb_UnSetReplicaDB, NULL);


+         /* There should now be no threads accessing any of the changelog databases -

+            it is safe to remove those databases */

+         _cl5DBClose();



-     s_cl5Desc.dbOpenMode = backup;

+ }


-     dir = PR_OpenDir(s_cl5Desc.dbDir);

-     if (dir == NULL) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5UpgradeMajor - Failed to open changelog dir %s; NSPR error - %d\n",

-                       s_cl5Desc.dbDir, PR_GetError());

-         goto out;

-     }

+ static void

+ _cl5DBClose(void)

+ {

+     replica_enumerate_replicas(_cl5WriteReplicaRUV, NULL);

+ }


-     while (NULL != (entry = PR_ReadDir(dir, PR_SKIP_DOT | PR_SKIP_DOT_DOT))) {

-         if (NULL == entry->name) {

-             break;

-         }

-         if (_cl5FileEndsWith(entry->name, DB_EXTENSION_DB3) ||

-             _cl5FileEndsWith(entry->name, DB_EXTENSION_DB4)) {

-             char oName[MAXPATHLEN + 1];

-             char nName[MAXPATHLEN + 1];

-             char *p = NULL;

-             char c;

-             int baselen = 0;

-             PR_snprintf(oName, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s", s_cl5Desc.dbDir, entry->name);

-             p = strstr(oName, DB_EXTENSION_DB3);

-             if (NULL == p) {

-                 p = strstr(oName, DB_EXTENSION_DB4);

-                 if (NULL == p) {

-                     continue;

-                 }

-             }

+ static int

+ _cl5TrimMain(void *param)

+ {

+     time_t timePrev = slapi_current_utc_time();

+     time_t timeNow;

+     Replica *replica = (Replica *)param;

+     cldb_Handle *cldb = replica_get_file_info(replica);


-             /* db->rename closes DB; need to create every time */

-             rc = db_create(&thisdb, s_cl5Desc.dbEnv, 0);

-             if (0 != rc) {

-                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                               "_cl5UpgradeMajor - Failed to get db handle\n");

-                 goto out;

-             }

+     slapi_counter_increment(cldb->clThreads);


-             baselen = p - oName;

-             c = *p;

-             *p = '\0';

-             PR_snprintf(nName, MAXPATHLEN + 1, "%s", oName);

-             PR_snprintf(nName + baselen, MAXPATHLEN + 1 - baselen, "%s", DB_EXTENSION);

-             *p = c;

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "_cl5UpgradeMajor - Renaming %s to %s\n", oName, nName);

-             rc = thisdb->rename(thisdb, (const char *)oName, NULL /* subdb */,

-                                 (const char *)nName, 0);

-             if (rc != PR_SUCCESS) {

-                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                               "_cl5UpgradeMajor - Failed to rename file (%s -> %s); "

-                               "db error - %d %s\n",

-                               oName, nName, rc, db_strerror(rc));

-                 break;

-             }

+     while ((s_cl5Desc.dbState != CL5_STATE_CLOSING) &&

+             (cldb->flags & DB_FILE_ACTIVE)){

+         timeNow = slapi_current_utc_time();

+         if (timeNow - timePrev >= cldb->clConf.trimInterval) {

+             /* time to trim */

+             timePrev = timeNow;

+             _cl5TrimReplica(replica);


+         if (NULL == cldb->clLock) {

+             /* most likely, emergency */

+             break;

+         }


+         PR_Lock(cldb->clLock);

+         PR_WaitCondVar(cldb->clCvar, PR_SecondsToInterval(cldb->clConf.trimInterval));

+         PR_Unlock(cldb->clLock);


-     /* update the version file */

-     _cl5WriteDBVersion();

-     slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_INFO, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                   "_cl5UpgradeMajor - Upgrading from %s to %s is successfully done (%s)\n",

-                   fromVersion, toVersion, s_cl5Desc.dbDir);

- out:

-     if (NULL != dir) {

-         PR_CloseDir(dir);

-     }

-     return rc;


+     slapi_counter_decrement(cldb->clThreads);


+     return 0;



- /* upgrade from db41 -> db42 -> db43 -> db44 -> db45

-  * 1. Run recovery on the database environment using the DB_ENV->open method

-  * 2. Remove any Berkeley DB environment using the DB_ENV->remove method

-  * 3. Remove any Berkeley DB transaction log files

+ /*

+  * We remove an entry if it has been replayed to all consumers and the number

+  * of entries in the changelog is larger than maxEntries or age of the entry

+  * is larger than maxAge.  Also we can't purge entries which correspond to max

+  * csns in the supplier's ruv. Here is a example where we can get into trouble:

+  *

+  *   The server is setup with time based trimming and no consumer's

+  *   At some point all the entries are trimmed from the changelog.

+  *   At a later point a consumer is added and initialized online.

+  *   Then a change is made on the supplier.

+  *   To update the consumer, the supplier would attempt to locate the last

+  *   change sent to the consumer in the changelog and will fail because the

+  *   change was removed.


- static int

- _cl5UpgradeMinor(char *fromVersion, char *toVersion)

+ /*

+  * We are purging a changelog after a cleanAllRUV task.  Find the specific

+  * changelog for the backend that is being cleaned, and purge all the records

+  * with the cleaned rid.

+  */

+ static void

+ _cl5DoPurging(cleanruv_purge_data *purge_data)


-     CL5OpenMode backup;

-     int rc = 0;


-     backup = s_cl5Desc.dbOpenMode;

-     s_cl5Desc.dbOpenMode = CL5_OPEN_CLEAN_RECOVER;

-     /* CL5_OPEN_CLEAN_RECOVER does 1 and 2 */

-     rc = _cl5AppInit();

-     if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5UpgradeMinor - Failed to open the db env\n");

-         return rc;

-     }

-     s_cl5Desc.dbOpenMode = backup;


-     /* update the version file */

-     _cl5WriteDBVersion();

-     slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_INFO, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                   "_cl5UpgradeMinor - Upgrading from %s to %s is successfully done (%s)\n",

-                   fromVersion, toVersion, s_cl5Desc.dbDir);

+     ReplicaId rid = purge_data->cleaned_rid;

+     const Slapi_DN *suffix_sdn = purge_data->suffix_sdn;

+     cldb_Handle *cldb = replica_get_file_info(purge_data->replica);


-     return rc;

+     PR_Lock (cldb->clLock);

+     _cl5PurgeRID (cldb, rid);

+     slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                   "_cl5DoPurging - Purged rid (%d) from suffix (%s)\n",

+                   rid, slapi_sdn_get_dn(suffix_sdn));

+     PR_Unlock (cldb->clLock);

+     return;



+ /*

+  * If the rid is not set it is the very first iteration of the changelog.

+  * If the rid is set, we are doing another pass, and we have a key as our

+  * starting point.

+  */

  static int

- _cl5CheckDBVersion(void)

+ _cl5PurgeGetFirstEntry(cldb_Handle *cldb, CL5Entry *entry, void **iterator, DB_TXN *txnid, int rid, DBT *key)


-     char clVersion[VERSION_SIZE + 1];

-     char dbVersion[VERSION_SIZE + 1];

+     DBC *cursor = NULL;

+     DBT data = {0};

+     CL5Iterator *it;

      int rc;


-     if (!cl5Exist(s_cl5Desc.dbDir)) {

-         /* this is new changelog - write DB version and guardian file */

-         rc = _cl5WriteDBVersion();

-     } else {

-         char *versionp = NULL;

-         char *versionendp = NULL;

-         char *dotp = NULL;

-         int dbmajor = 0;

-         int dbminor = 0;


-         PR_snprintf(clVersion, VERSION_SIZE, "%s/%d.%d/%s",



-         rc = _cl5ReadDBVersion(s_cl5Desc.dbDir, dbVersion, sizeof(dbVersion));

+     /* create cursor */

+     rc = cldb->db->cursor(cldb->db, txnid, &cursor, 0);

+     if (rc != 0) {

+         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                       "_cl5PurgeGetFirstEntry - Failed to create cursor; db error - %d %s\n", rc, db_strerror(rc));

+         rc = CL5_DB_ERROR;

+         goto done;

+     }


-         if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "_cl5CheckDBVersion - Invalid dbversion\n");

-             rc = CL5_BAD_DBVERSION;

-             goto bailout;

-         }

-         versionendp = dbVersion + strlen(dbVersion);

-         /* get the version number */

-         /* old DBVERSION string: CL5_TYPE/REPL_PLUGIN_NAME/#.# */

-         if (PL_strncmp(dbVersion, CL5_TYPE, strlen(CL5_TYPE)) == 0) {

-             versionp = strrchr(dbVersion, '/');

-         }

-         /* new DBVERSION string: bdb/#.#/libreplication-plugin */

-         else if (PL_strncmp(dbVersion, BDB_IMPL, strlen(BDB_IMPL)) == 0) {

-             versionp = strchr(dbVersion, '/');

-         }

-         if (NULL == versionp || versionp == versionendp) {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "_cl5CheckDBVersion - Invalid dbversion: %s\n", dbVersion);

-             rc = CL5_BAD_DBVERSION;

-             goto bailout;

-         }

-         dotp = strchr(++versionp, '.');

-         if (NULL != dotp) {

-             *dotp = '\0';

-             dbmajor = strtol(versionp, (char **)NULL, 10);

-             dbminor = strtol(dotp + 1, (char **)NULL, 10);

-             *dotp = '.';

-         } else {

-             dbmajor = strtol(versionp, (char **)NULL, 10);

+     key->flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;

+     data.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;

+     while ((rc = cursor->c_get(cursor, key, &data, rid ? DB_SET : DB_NEXT)) == 0) {

+         /* skip service entries on the first pass (rid == 0)*/

+         if (!rid && cl5HelperEntry((char *)key->data, NULL)) {

+             slapi_ch_free(&key->data);

+             slapi_ch_free(&(data.data));

+             continue;



-         if (dbmajor < DB_VERSION_MAJOR) {

-             /* upgrade */

-             rc = _cl5UpgradeMajor(dbVersion, clVersion);

-             if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                               "_cl5CheckDBVersion - Upgrade %s -> %s failed\n",

-                               dbVersion, clVersion);

-                 rc = CL5_BAD_DBVERSION;

-             }

-         } else if (dbminor < DB_VERSION_MINOR) {

-             /* minor upgrade */

-             rc = _cl5UpgradeMinor(dbVersion, clVersion);

-             if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                               "_cl5CheckDBVersion - Upgrade %s -> %s failed\n",

-                               dbVersion, clVersion);

-                 rc = CL5_BAD_DBVERSION;

-             }

+         /* format entry */

+         rc = cl5DBData2Entry(data.data, data.size, entry, cldb->clcrypt_handle);

+         slapi_ch_free(&(data.data));

+         if (rc != 0) {

+             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                           "_cl5PurgeGetFirstEntry - Failed to format entry: %d\n", rc);

+             goto done;


-     }

- bailout:

-     return rc;

- }


- static int

- _cl5ReadDBVersion(const char *dir, char *clVersion, int buflen)

- {

-     int rc;

-     PRFileDesc *file;

-     char fName[MAXPATHLEN + 1];

-     char buff[BUFSIZ];

-     PRInt32 size;

-     char *tok;

-     char *iter = NULL;

+         it = (CL5Iterator *)slapi_ch_malloc(sizeof(CL5Iterator));

+         it->cursor = cursor;

+         /* TBD do we need to lock the file in the iterator ?? */

+         /* object_acquire (obj); */

+         it->it_cldb = cldb;

+         *(CL5Iterator **)iterator = it;


-     if (clVersion) {

-         clVersion[0] = '\0';

+         return CL5_SUCCESS;



-     PR_snprintf(fName, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s", dir, VERSION_FILE);

+     slapi_ch_free(&key->data);

+     slapi_ch_free(&(data.data));


-     file = PR_Open(fName, PR_RDONLY, 777);

-     if (file == NULL) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5ReadDBVersion - Failed to open DBVERSION; NSPR error - %d\n",

-                       PR_GetError());

-         return CL5_SYSTEM_ERROR;

+     /* walked of the end of the file */

+     if (rc == DB_NOTFOUND) {

+         rc = CL5_NOTFOUND;

+         goto done;



-     size = slapi_read_buffer(file, buff, BUFSIZ);

-     if (size < 0) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5ReadDBVersion - Failed to read DBVERSION; NSPR error - %d\n",

-                       PR_GetError());

-         PR_Close(file);

-         return CL5_SYSTEM_ERROR;

-     }

+     /* db error occured while iterating */

+     slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                   "_cl5PurgeGetFirstEntry - Failed to get entry; db error - %d %s\n",

+                   rc, db_strerror(rc));

+     rc = CL5_DB_ERROR;


-     /* parse the data */

-     buff[size] = '\0';

-     tok = ldap_utf8strtok_r(buff, "\n", &iter);

-     if (tok) {

-         if (clVersion) {

-             PL_strncpyz(clVersion, tok, buflen);

-         }

-     }


-     rc = PR_Close(file);

-     if (rc != PR_SUCCESS) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5ReadDBVersion - Failed to close DBVERSION; NSPR error - %d\n",

-                       PR_GetError());

-         return CL5_SYSTEM_ERROR;

-     }


-     return CL5_SUCCESS;

- }


- static int

- _cl5WriteDBVersion(void)

- {

-     int rc;

-     PRFileDesc *file;

-     char fName[MAXPATHLEN + 1];

-     char clVersion[VERSION_SIZE + 1];

-     PRInt32 len, size;


-     PR_snprintf(fName, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s", s_cl5Desc.dbDir, VERSION_FILE);


-     file = PR_Open(fName, PR_WRONLY | PR_CREATE_FILE | PR_TRUNCATE,

-                    s_cl5Desc.dbConfig.fileMode);

-     if (file == NULL) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5WriteDBVersion - Failed to open DBVERSION; NSPR error - %d\n",

-                       PR_GetError());

-         return CL5_SYSTEM_ERROR;

-     }


-     /* write changelog version */

-     PR_snprintf(clVersion, VERSION_SIZE, "%s/%d.%d/%s\n",



-     len = strlen(clVersion);

-     size = slapi_write_buffer(file, clVersion, len);

-     if (size != len) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5WriteDBVersion - Failed to write DBVERSION; NSPR error - %d\n",

-                       PR_GetError());

-         PR_Close(file);

-         return CL5_SYSTEM_ERROR;

-     }


-     rc = PR_Close(file);

-     if (rc != PR_SUCCESS) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5WriteDBVersion - Failed to close DBVERSION; NSPR error - %d\n",

-                       PR_GetError());

-         return CL5_SYSTEM_ERROR;

-     }


-     return CL5_SUCCESS;

- }


- /* must be called under the state lock */

- static void

- _cl5Close(void)

- {

-     PRIntervalTime interval;


-     if (s_cl5Desc.dbState != CL5_STATE_CLOSED) /* Don't try to close twice */

-     {


-         /* cl5Close() set the state flag to CL5_STATE_CLOSING, which should

-            trigger all of the db housekeeping threads to exit, and which will

-            eventually cause no new update threads to start - so we wait here

-            for those other threads to finish before we proceed */

-         interval = PR_MillisecondsToInterval(100);

-         while (s_cl5Desc.threadCount > 0) {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "_cl5Close -Waiting for threads to exit: %d thread(s) still active\n",

-                           s_cl5Desc.threadCount);

-             DS_Sleep(interval);

-         }


-         /* There should now be no threads accessing any of the changelog databases -

-            it is safe to remove those databases */

-         _cl5DBClose();


-         /* cleanup trimming */

-         _cl5TrimCleanup();


-         /* remove changelog if requested */

-         if (s_cl5Desc.dbRmOnClose) {


-             if (_cl5Delete(s_cl5Desc.dbDir, 1) != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                               "cl5Close - Failed to remove changelog\n");

-             }

-             s_cl5Desc.dbRmOnClose = PR_FALSE;

-         }


-         slapi_ch_free((void **)&s_cl5Desc.dbDir);

-         memset(&s_cl5Desc.dbConfig, 0, sizeof(s_cl5Desc.dbConfig));

-         s_cl5Desc.fatalError = PR_FALSE;

-         s_cl5Desc.threadCount = 0;

-         s_cl5Desc.dbOpenMode = CL5_OPEN_NONE;

-     }

- }


- static void

- _cl5DBClose(void)

- {

-     if (NULL != s_cl5Desc.dbFiles) {

-         Object *obj;

-         for (obj = objset_first_obj(s_cl5Desc.dbFiles); obj;

-              obj = objset_next_obj(s_cl5Desc.dbFiles, obj)) {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "_cl5DBClose - Deleting DB object %p\n", obj);

-         }

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5DBClose - Closing databases in %s\n", s_cl5Desc.dbDir);

-         objset_delete(&s_cl5Desc.dbFiles);

-     }

-     if (NULL != s_cl5Desc.fileLock) {

-         PR_DestroyLock(s_cl5Desc.fileLock);

-         s_cl5Desc.fileLock = NULL;

-     }

- }


- /* see if the given file is a changelog db file */

- static int

- _cl5IsDbFile(const char *fname)

- {

-     if (!fname || !*fname) {

-         return 0;

-     }


-     if (!strcmp(fname, VERSION_FILE)) {

-         return 1;

-     }


-     if (_cl5FileEndsWith(fname, DB_EXTENSION)) {

-         return 1;

-     }

+ done:

+     /*

+      * We didn't success in assigning this cursor to the iterator,

+      * so we need to free the cursor here.

+      */

+     if (cursor)

+         cursor->c_close(cursor);


-     return 0; /* not a filename we recognize as being associated with the db */

+     return rc;



- /* state lock must be locked */

+ /*

+  * Get the next entry.  If we get a lock error we will restart the process

+  * starting at the current key.

+  */

  static int

- _cl5Delete(const char *clDir, int rmDir)

+ _cl5PurgeGetNextEntry(CL5Entry *entry, void *iterator, DBT *key)


-     PRDir *dir;

-     char filename[MAXPATHLEN + 1];

-     PRDirEntry *entry = NULL;

+     CL5Iterator *it;

+     DBT data = {0};

      int rc;

-     int dirisempty = 1;


-     /* remove all files in the directory and the directory */

-     dir = PR_OpenDir(clDir);

-     if (dir == NULL) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5Delete - Failed to open changelog dir; NSPR error - %d\n",

-                       PR_GetError());

-         return CL5_SYSTEM_ERROR;

-     }

+     it = (CL5Iterator *)iterator;


-     while (NULL != (entry = PR_ReadDir(dir, PR_SKIP_DOT | PR_SKIP_DOT_DOT))) {

-         if (NULL == entry->name) {

-             break;

-         }

-         if (!_cl5IsDbFile(entry->name)) {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "_cl5Delete - Skipping file [%s/%s] because it is not a changelogdb file.\n",

-                           clDir, entry->name);

-             dirisempty = 0; /* skipped at least one file - dir not empty */

+     key->flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;

+     data.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;

+     while ((rc = it->cursor->c_get(it->cursor, key, &data, DB_NEXT)) == 0) {

+         if (cl5HelperEntry((char *)key->data, NULL)) {

+             slapi_ch_free(&key->data);

+             slapi_ch_free(&(data.data));



-         PR_snprintf(filename, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s", clDir, entry->name);

-         /* _cl5Delete deletes the whole changelog directory with all the files

-          * underneath.  Thus, we can just remove them physically. */

-         if (0 == strcmp(entry->name, VERSION_FILE)) {

-             /* DBVERSION */

-             rc = PR_Delete(filename) != PR_SUCCESS;

-             if (PR_SUCCESS != rc) {

-                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                               "_cl5Delete - Failed to remove \"%s\"; NSPR error - %d\n",

-                               filename, PR_GetError());

-             }

-         } else {

-             /* DB files */

-             rc = s_cl5Desc.dbEnv->dbremove(s_cl5Desc.dbEnv, 0, filename, 0,

-                                            DEFAULT_DB_ENV_OP_FLAGS);

-             if (rc) {

-                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                               "_cl5Delete - Failed to remove \"%s\"; "

-                               "libdb error - %d (%s)\n",

-                               filename, rc, db_strerror(rc));

-             }

-         }

-     }


-     rc = PR_CloseDir(dir);

-     if (rc != PR_SUCCESS) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5Delete - Failed to close changelog dir (%s); NSPR error - %d\n",

-                       clDir, PR_GetError());

-         return CL5_SYSTEM_ERROR;

-     }


-     if (rmDir && dirisempty) {

-         rc = PR_RmDir(clDir);

+         /* format entry */

+         rc = cl5DBData2Entry(data.data, data.size, entry, it->it_cldb->clcrypt_handle);

+         slapi_ch_free(&(data.data));

          if (rc != 0) {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "_cl5Delete - Failed to remove changelog dir (%s); errno = %d\n",

-                           clDir, errno);

-             return CL5_SYSTEM_ERROR;

+             if (rc != CL5_DB_LOCK_ERROR) {

+                 /* Not a lock error, free the key */

+                 slapi_ch_free(&key->data);

+             }

+             slapi_log_err(rc == CL5_DB_LOCK_ERROR ? SLAPI_LOG_REPL : SLAPI_LOG_ERR,

+                           repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                           "_cl5PurgeGetNextEntry - Failed to format entry: %d\n",

+                           rc);


-     } else if (rmDir && !dirisempty) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5Delete - Changelog dir (%s) is not empty - cannot remove\n",

-                       clDir);

-     }


-     /* invalidate the clcache */

-     clcache_destroy();


-     return CL5_SUCCESS;

- }


- static void

- _cl5SetDefaultDBConfig(void)

- {

-     s_cl5Desc.dbConfig.fileMode = FILE_CREATE_MODE;

- }


- static void

- _cl5SetDBConfig(const CL5DBConfig *config)

- {

-     /* s_cl5Desc.dbConfig.pageSize is retrieved from backend */

-     /* Some other configuration parameters are hardcoded... */

-     s_cl5Desc.dbConfig.fileMode = FILE_CREATE_MODE;

- }


- /* Trimming helper functions */

- static int

- _cl5TrimInit(void)

- {

-     /* just create the lock while we are singlethreaded */

-     s_cl5Desc.dbTrim.lock = PR_NewLock();


-     if (s_cl5Desc.dbTrim.lock == NULL) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5InitTrimming - Failed to create lock; NSPR error - %d\n",

-                       PR_GetError());

-         return CL5_SYSTEM_ERROR;

-     } else {

-         return CL5_SUCCESS;

+         return rc;


- }


- static void

- _cl5TrimCleanup(void)

- {

-     if (s_cl5Desc.dbTrim.lock)

-         PR_DestroyLock(s_cl5Desc.dbTrim.lock);


-     memset(&s_cl5Desc.dbTrim, 0, sizeof(s_cl5Desc.dbTrim));

- }


- static int

- _cl5TrimMain(void *param __attribute__((unused)))

- {

-     time_t timePrev = slapi_current_utc_time();

-     time_t timeCompactPrev = slapi_current_utc_time();

-     time_t timeNow;


-     PR_AtomicIncrement(&s_cl5Desc.threadCount);


-     while (s_cl5Desc.dbState != CL5_STATE_CLOSING) {

-         timeNow = slapi_current_utc_time();

-         if (timeNow - timePrev >= s_cl5Desc.dbTrim.trimInterval) {

-             /* time to trim */

-             timePrev = timeNow;

-             _cl5DoTrimming();

-         }

-         if ((s_cl5Desc.dbTrim.compactInterval > 0) &&

-             (timeNow - timeCompactPrev >= s_cl5Desc.dbTrim.compactInterval)) {

-             /* time to trim */

-             timeCompactPrev = timeNow;

-             _cl5CompactDBs();

-         }

-         if (NULL == s_cl5Desc.clLock) {

-             /* most likely, emergency */

-             break;

-         }

+     slapi_ch_free(&(data.data));


-         PR_Lock(s_cl5Desc.clLock);

-         PR_WaitCondVar(s_cl5Desc.clCvar, PR_SecondsToInterval(s_cl5Desc.dbTrim.trimInterval));

-         PR_Unlock(s_cl5Desc.clLock);

+     /* walked of the end of the file or entry is out of range */

+     if (rc == 0 || rc == DB_NOTFOUND) {

+         slapi_ch_free(&key->data);

+         return CL5_NOTFOUND;

+     }

+     if (rc != CL5_DB_LOCK_ERROR) {

+         /* Not a lock error, free the key */

+         slapi_ch_free(&key->data);



-     PR_AtomicDecrement(&s_cl5Desc.threadCount);

-     slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5TrimMain - Exiting\n");

+     /* cursor operation failed */

+     slapi_log_err(rc == CL5_DB_LOCK_ERROR ? SLAPI_LOG_REPL : SLAPI_LOG_ERR,

+                   repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                   "_cl5PurgeGetNextEntry - Failed to get entry; db error - %d %s\n",

+                   rc, db_strerror(rc));


-     return 0;

+     return rc;



+ #define MAX_RETRIES 10


-  * We remove an entry if it has been replayed to all consumers and the number

-  * of entries in the changelog is larger than maxEntries or age of the entry

-  * is larger than maxAge.  Also we can't purge entries which correspond to max

-  * csns in the supplier's ruv. Here is a example where we can get into trouble:

+  *  _cl5PurgeRID(Object *obj,  ReplicaId cleaned_rid)


-  *   The server is setup with time based trimming and no consumer's

-  *   At some point all the entries are trimmed from the changelog.

-  *   At a later point a consumer is added and initialized online.

-  *   Then a change is made on the supplier.

-  *   To update the consumer, the supplier would attempt to locate the last

-  *   change sent to the consumer in the changelog and will fail because the

-  *   change was removed.

+  *  Clean the entire changelog of updates from the "cleaned rid" via CLEANALLRUV

+  *  Delete entries in batches so we don't consume too many db locks, and we don't

+  *  lockup the changelog during the entire purging process using one transaction.

+  *  We save the key from the last iteration so we don't have to start from the

+  *  beginning for each new iteration.


  static void

- _cl5DoTrimming(void)

+ _cl5PurgeRID(cldb_Handle *cldb, ReplicaId cleaned_rid)


-     Object *file_obj;

-     long numToTrim;

+     slapi_operation_parameters op = {0};

+     ReplicaId csn_rid;

+     CL5Entry entry;

+     DB_TXN *txnid = NULL;

+     DBT key = {0};

+     void *iterator = NULL;

+     long totalTrimmed = 0;

+     long trimmed = 0;

+     char *starting_key = NULL;

+     int batch_count = 0;

+     int db_lock_retry_count = 0;

+     int first_pass = 1;

+     int finished = 0;

+     int rc = 0;


-     PR_Lock(s_cl5Desc.dbTrim.lock);

+     entry.op = &op;



-      * We are trimming all the changelogs.  We trim file by file which

-      * means that some files will be trimmed more often than other. We

-      * might have to fix that by, for example, randomizing the starting

-      * point.

+      * Keep processing the changelog until we are done, shutting down, or we

+      * maxed out on the db lock retries.


-     file_obj = objset_first_obj(s_cl5Desc.dbFiles);

-     while (file_obj && _cl5CanTrim((time_t)0, &numToTrim)) {

-         _cl5TrimFile(file_obj, &numToTrim);

-         file_obj = objset_next_obj(s_cl5Desc.dbFiles, file_obj);

-     }


-     if (file_obj)

-         object_release(file_obj);

+     while (!finished && db_lock_retry_count < MAX_RETRIES && !slapi_is_shutting_down()) {

+         trimmed = 0;


-     PR_Unlock(s_cl5Desc.dbTrim.lock);

+         /*

+          * Sleep a bit to allow others to use the changelog - we can't hog the

+          * changelog for the entire purge.

+          */

+         DS_Sleep(PR_MillisecondsToInterval(100));


-     return;

- }


- /*

-  * We are purging a changelog after a cleanAllRUV task.  Find the specific

-  * changelog for the backend that is being cleaned, and purge all the records

-  * with the cleaned rid.

-  */

- static void

- _cl5DoPurging(cleanruv_purge_data *purge_data)

- {

-     ReplicaId rid = purge_data->cleaned_rid;

-     const Slapi_DN *suffix_sdn = purge_data->suffix_sdn;

-     const char *replName = purge_data->replName;

-     char *replGen = purge_data->replGen;

-     char *fileName;

-     Object *file_obj;


-     PR_Lock(s_cl5Desc.dbTrim.lock);

-     fileName = _cl5MakeFileName(replName, replGen);

-     file_obj = objset_find(s_cl5Desc.dbFiles, _cl5CompareDBFile, fileName);

-     if (file_obj) {

-         /* We found our changelog, now purge it */

-         _cl5PurgeRID(file_obj, rid);

-         object_release(file_obj);

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5DoPurging - Purged rid (%d) from suffix (%s)\n",

-                       rid, slapi_sdn_get_dn(suffix_sdn));

-     } else {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5DoPurging - Purge rid (%d) failed to find changelog file (%s) for suffix (%s)\n",

-                       rid, fileName, slapi_sdn_get_dn(suffix_sdn));

-     }

-     PR_Unlock(s_cl5Desc.dbTrim.lock);


-     return;

- }


- /* clear free page files to reduce changelog */

- static void

- _cl5CompactDBs(void)

- {

-     int rc;

-     Object *fileObj = NULL;

-     CL5DBFile *dbFile = NULL;

-     DB *db = NULL;

-     DB_TXN *txnid = NULL;

-     DB_COMPACT c_data = {0};


-     PR_Lock(s_cl5Desc.dbTrim.lock);

-     rc = TXN_BEGIN(s_cl5Desc.dbEnv, NULL, &txnid, 0);

-     if (rc) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5CompactDBs - Failed to begin transaction; db error - %d %s\n",

-                       rc, db_strerror(rc));

-         goto bail;

-     }

-     for (fileObj = objset_first_obj(s_cl5Desc.dbFiles);

-          fileObj;

-          fileObj = objset_next_obj(s_cl5Desc.dbFiles, fileObj)) {

-         dbFile = (CL5DBFile *)object_get_data(fileObj);

-         if (!dbFile) {

-             continue;

-         }

-         db = dbFile->db;

-         rc = db->compact(db, txnid, NULL /*start*/, NULL /*stop*/,

-                          &c_data, DB_FREE_SPACE, NULL /*end*/);

-         if (rc) {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "_cl5CompactDBs - Failed to compact %s; db error - %d %s\n",

-                           dbFile->replName, rc, db_strerror(rc));

-             goto bail;

-         }

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5CompactDBs - %s - %d pages freed\n",

-                       dbFile->replName, c_data.compact_pages_free);

-     }

- bail:

-     if (fileObj) {

-         object_release(fileObj);

-     }

-     if (rc) {

-         rc = TXN_ABORT(txnid);

-         if (rc) {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "_cl5CompactDBs - Failed to abort transaction; db error - %d %s\n",

-                           rc, db_strerror(rc));

-         }

-     } else {

-         rc = TXN_COMMIT(txnid);

-         if (rc) {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "_cl5CompactDBs - Failed to commit transaction; db error - %d %s\n",

-                           rc, db_strerror(rc));

-         }

-     }

-     PR_Unlock(s_cl5Desc.dbTrim.lock);


-     return;

- }


- /*

-  * If the rid is not set it is the very first iteration of the changelog.

-  * If the rid is set, we are doing another pass, and we have a key as our

-  * starting point.

-  */

- static int

- _cl5PurgeGetFirstEntry(Object *file_obj, CL5Entry *entry, void **iterator, DB_TXN *txnid, int rid, DBT *key)

- {

-     DBC *cursor = NULL;

-     DBT data = {0};

-     CL5Iterator *it;

-     CL5DBFile *file;

-     int rc;


-     file = (CL5DBFile *)object_get_data(file_obj);


-     /* create cursor */

-     rc = file->db->cursor(file->db, txnid, &cursor, 0);

-     if (rc != 0) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5PurgeGetFirstEntry - Failed to create cursor; db error - %d %s\n", rc, db_strerror(rc));

-         rc = CL5_DB_ERROR;

-         goto done;

-     }


-     key->flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;

-     data.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;

-     while ((rc = cursor->c_get(cursor, key, &data, rid ? DB_SET : DB_NEXT)) == 0) {

-         /* skip service entries on the first pass (rid == 0)*/

-         if (!rid && cl5HelperEntry((char *)key->data, NULL)) {

-             slapi_ch_free(&key->data);

-             slapi_ch_free(&(data.data));

-             continue;

-         }


-         /* format entry */

-         rc = cl5DBData2Entry(data.data, data.size, entry);

-         slapi_ch_free(&(data.data));

-         if (rc != 0) {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "_cl5PurgeGetFirstEntry - Failed to format entry: %d\n", rc);

-             goto done;

-         }


-         it = (CL5Iterator *)slapi_ch_malloc(sizeof(CL5Iterator));

-         it->cursor = cursor;

-         object_acquire(file_obj);

-         it->file = file_obj;

-         *(CL5Iterator **)iterator = it;


-         return CL5_SUCCESS;

-     }


-     slapi_ch_free(&key->data);

-     slapi_ch_free(&(data.data));


-     /* walked of the end of the file */

-     if (rc == DB_NOTFOUND) {

-         rc = CL5_NOTFOUND;

-         goto done;

-     }


-     /* db error occured while iterating */

-     slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                   "_cl5PurgeGetFirstEntry - Failed to get entry; db error - %d %s\n",

-                   rc, db_strerror(rc));

-     rc = CL5_DB_ERROR;


- done:

-     /*

-      * We didn't success in assigning this cursor to the iterator,

-      * so we need to free the cursor here.

-      */

-     if (cursor)

-         cursor->c_close(cursor);


-     return rc;

- }


- /*

-  * Get the next entry.  If we get a lock error we will restart the process

-  * starting at the current key.

-  */

- static int

- _cl5PurgeGetNextEntry(CL5Entry *entry, void *iterator, DBT *key)

- {

-     CL5Iterator *it;

-     DBT data = {0};

-     int rc;


-     it = (CL5Iterator *)iterator;


-     key->flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;

-     data.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;

-     while ((rc = it->cursor->c_get(it->cursor, key, &data, DB_NEXT)) == 0) {

-         if (cl5HelperEntry((char *)key->data, NULL)) {

-             slapi_ch_free(&key->data);

-             slapi_ch_free(&(data.data));

-             continue;

-         }


-         /* format entry */

-         rc = cl5DBData2Entry(data.data, data.size, entry);

-         slapi_ch_free(&(data.data));

-         if (rc != 0) {

-             if (rc != CL5_DB_LOCK_ERROR) {

-                 /* Not a lock error, free the key */

-                 slapi_ch_free(&key->data);

-             }

-             slapi_log_err(rc == CL5_DB_LOCK_ERROR ? SLAPI_LOG_REPL : SLAPI_LOG_ERR,

-                           repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "_cl5PurgeGetNextEntry - Failed to format entry: %d\n",

-                           rc);

-         }


-         return rc;

-     }

-     slapi_ch_free(&(data.data));


-     /* walked of the end of the file or entry is out of range */

-     if (rc == 0 || rc == DB_NOTFOUND) {

-         slapi_ch_free(&key->data);

-         return CL5_NOTFOUND;

-     }

-     if (rc != CL5_DB_LOCK_ERROR) {

-         /* Not a lock error, free the key */

-         slapi_ch_free(&key->data);

-     }


-     /* cursor operation failed */

-     slapi_log_err(rc == CL5_DB_LOCK_ERROR ? SLAPI_LOG_REPL : SLAPI_LOG_ERR,

-                   repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                   "_cl5PurgeGetNextEntry - Failed to get entry; db error - %d %s\n",

-                   rc, db_strerror(rc));


-     return rc;

- }


- #define MAX_RETRIES 10

- /*

-  *  _cl5PurgeRID(Object *obj,  ReplicaId cleaned_rid)

-  *

-  *  Clean the entire changelog of updates from the "cleaned rid" via CLEANALLRUV

-  *  Delete entries in batches so we don't consume too many db locks, and we don't

-  *  lockup the changelog during the entire purging process using one transaction.

-  *  We save the key from the last iteration so we don't have to start from the

-  *  beginning for each new iteration.

-  */

- static void

- _cl5PurgeRID(Object *file_obj, ReplicaId cleaned_rid)

- {

-     slapi_operation_parameters op = {0};

-     ReplicaId csn_rid;

-     CL5Entry entry;

-     DB_TXN *txnid = NULL;

-     DBT key = {0};

-     void *iterator = NULL;

-     long totalTrimmed = 0;

-     long trimmed = 0;

-     char *starting_key = NULL;

-     int batch_count = 0;

-     int db_lock_retry_count = 0;

-     int first_pass = 1;

-     int finished = 0;

-     int rc = 0;


-     PR_ASSERT(file_obj);

-     entry.op = &op;


-     /*

-      * Keep processing the changelog until we are done, shutting down, or we

-      * maxed out on the db lock retries.

-      */

-     while (!finished && db_lock_retry_count < MAX_RETRIES && !slapi_is_shutting_down()) {

-         trimmed = 0;


-         /*

-          * Sleep a bit to allow others to use the changelog - we can't hog the

-          * changelog for the entire purge.

-          */

-         DS_Sleep(PR_MillisecondsToInterval(100));


-         rc = TXN_BEGIN(s_cl5Desc.dbEnv, NULL, &txnid, 0);

-         if (rc != 0) {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "_cl5PurgeRID - Failed to begin transaction; db error - %d %s.  "

-                           "Changelog was not purged of rid(%d)\n",

-                           rc, db_strerror(rc), cleaned_rid);

-             return;

-         }

+         rc = TXN_BEGIN(s_cl5Desc.dbEnv, NULL, &txnid, 0);

+         if (rc != 0) {

+             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                           "_cl5PurgeRID - Failed to begin transaction; db error - %d %s.  "

+                           "Changelog was not purged of rid(%d)\n",

+                           rc, db_strerror(rc), cleaned_rid);

+             return;

+         }



           * Check every changelog entry for the cleaned rid


-         rc = _cl5PurgeGetFirstEntry(file_obj, &entry, &iterator, txnid, first_pass ? 0 : cleaned_rid, &key);

+         rc = _cl5PurgeGetFirstEntry(cldb, &entry, &iterator, txnid, first_pass?0:cleaned_rid, &key);

          first_pass = 0;

          while (rc == CL5_SUCCESS && !slapi_is_shutting_down()) {

@@ -3594,7 +2698,7 @@ 



  static void

- _cl5TrimFile(Object *obj, long *numToTrim)

+ _cl5TrimReplica(Replica *r)


      DB_TXN *txnid;

      RUV *ruv = NULL;
@@ -3606,11 +2710,16 @@ 

      PRBool abort;

      char strCSN[CSN_STRSIZE];

      int rc;

+     long numToTrim;


-     PR_ASSERT(obj);

+     cldb_Handle *cldb = replica_get_file_info(r);


+     if (!_cl5CanTrim ((time_t)0, &numToTrim, r, &cldb->clConf) ) {

+         return;

+     }


      /* construct the ruv up to which we can purge */

-     rc = _cl5GetRUV2Purge2(obj, &ruv);

+     rc = _cl5GetRUV2Purge2(r, &ruv);

      if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS || ruv == NULL) {


@@ -3627,20 +2736,20 @@ 

          rc = TXN_BEGIN(s_cl5Desc.dbEnv, NULL, &txnid, 0);

          if (rc != 0) {

              slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "_cl5TrimFile - Failed to begin transaction; db error - %d %s\n",

+                           "_cl5TrimReplica - Failed to begin transaction; db error - %d %s\n",

                            rc, db_strerror(rc));

              finished = PR_TRUE;




-         finished = _cl5GetFirstEntry(obj, &entry, &it, txnid);

+         finished = _cl5GetFirstEntry(cldb, &entry, &it, txnid);

          while (!finished && !slapi_is_shutting_down()) {


               * This change can be trimmed if it exceeds purge

               * parameters and has been seen by all consumers.


              if (op.csn == NULL) {

-                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5TrimFile - "

+                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5TrimReplica - "

                                                                    "Operation missing csn, moving on to next entry.\n");


                  finished = _cl5GetNextEntry(&entry, it);
@@ -3648,15 +2757,15 @@ 


              csn_rid = csn_get_replicaid(op.csn);


-             if ((*numToTrim > 0 || _cl5CanTrim(entry.time, numToTrim)) &&

+             if ((numToTrim > 0 || _cl5CanTrim(entry.time, &numToTrim, r, &cldb->clConf)) &&

                  ruv_covers_csn_strict(ruv, op.csn)) {

                  rc = _cl5CurrentDeleteEntry(it);

                  if (rc == CL5_SUCCESS) {

-                     rc = _cl5UpdateRUV(obj, op.csn, PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE);

+                     rc = _cl5UpdateRUV(cldb, op.csn, PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE);


                  if (rc == CL5_SUCCESS) {

-                     if (*numToTrim > 0)

-                         (*numToTrim)--;

+                     if (numToTrim > 0)

+                         (numToTrim)--;


                  } else {

                      /* The above two functions have logged the error */
@@ -3679,7 +2788,7 @@ 

                  } else {

                      if (slapi_is_loglevel_set(SLAPI_LOG_REPL)) {

                          slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                                       "_cl5TrimFile - Changelog purge skipped anchor csn %s\n",

+                                       "_cl5TrimReplica - Changelog purge skipped anchor csn %s\n",

                                        csn_as_string(maxcsn, PR_FALSE, strCSN));


@@ -3712,7 +2821,7 @@ 

              rc = TXN_ABORT(txnid);

              if (rc != 0) {

                  slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                               "_cl5TrimFile - Failed to abort transaction; db error - %d %s\n",

+                               "_cl5TrimReplica - Failed to abort transaction; db error - %d %s\n",

                                rc, db_strerror(rc));


          } else {
@@ -3720,7 +2829,7 @@ 

              if (rc != 0) {

                  finished = 1;

                  slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                               "_cl5TrimFile - Failed to commit transaction; db error - %d %s\n",

+                               "_cl5TrimReplica - Failed to commit transaction; db error - %d %s\n",

                                rc, db_strerror(rc));

              } else {

                  totalTrimmed += count;
@@ -3733,52 +2842,46 @@ 



      if (totalTrimmed) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5TrimFile - Trimmed %d changes from the changelog\n",

+         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5TrimReplica - Trimmed %d changes from the changelog\n",





  static PRBool

- _cl5CanTrim(time_t time, long *numToTrim)

+ _cl5CanTrim(time_t time, long *numToTrim, Replica *replica, CL5Config *dbTrim)


      *numToTrim = 0;


-     if (s_cl5Desc.dbTrim.maxAge == 0 && s_cl5Desc.dbTrim.maxEntries == 0) {

+     if (dbTrim->maxAge == 0 && dbTrim->maxEntries == 0) {

          return PR_FALSE;


-     if (s_cl5Desc.dbTrim.maxAge == 0) {

-         *numToTrim = cl5GetOperationCount(NULL) - s_cl5Desc.dbTrim.maxEntries;

+     if (dbTrim->maxAge == 0) {

+         *numToTrim = cl5GetOperationCount(replica) - dbTrim->maxEntries;

          return (*numToTrim > 0);



-     if (s_cl5Desc.dbTrim.maxEntries > 0 &&

-         (*numToTrim = cl5GetOperationCount(NULL) - s_cl5Desc.dbTrim.maxEntries) > 0) {

+     if (dbTrim->maxEntries > 0 &&

+         (*numToTrim = cl5GetOperationCount(replica) - dbTrim->maxEntries) > 0) {

          return PR_TRUE;



      if (time) {

-         return (slapi_current_utc_time() - time > s_cl5Desc.dbTrim.maxAge);

+         return (slapi_current_utc_time() - time > dbTrim->maxAge);

      } else {

          return PR_TRUE;




  static int

- _cl5ReadRUV(const char *replGen, Object *obj, PRBool purge)

+ _cl5ReadRUV (cldb_Handle *cldb, PRBool purge)


      int rc;

      char csnStr[CSN_STRSIZE];

      DBT key = {0}, data = {0};

      struct berval **vals = NULL;

-     CL5DBFile *file;

      char *pos;

      char *agmt_name;


-     PR_ASSERT(replGen && obj);


-     file = (CL5DBFile *)object_get_data(obj);

-     PR_ASSERT(file);


      agmt_name = get_thread_private_agmtname();


      if (purge) { /* read purge vector entry */
@@ -3789,7 +2892,7 @@ 

      key.size = CSN_STRSIZE;

      data.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;


-     rc = file->db->get(file->db, NULL /*txn*/, &key, &data, 0);

+     rc = cldb->db->get(cldb->db, NULL /*txn*/, &key, &data, 0);

      switch (rc) {

      case 0:

          pos = data.data;
@@ -3799,9 +2902,9 @@ 

              goto done;


          if (purge) {

-             rc = ruv_init_from_bervals(vals, &file->purgeRUV);

+             rc = ruv_init_from_bervals(vals, &cldb->purgeRUV);

          } else {

-             rc = ruv_init_from_bervals(vals, &file->maxRUV);

+             rc = ruv_init_from_bervals(vals, &cldb->maxRUV);


          if (rc != RUV_SUCCESS) {

              slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,
@@ -3815,13 +2918,13 @@ 


          /* delete the entry; it is re-added when file

                                 is successfully closed */

-         file->db->del(file->db, NULL, &key, 0);

+         cldb->db->del(cldb->db, NULL, &key, 0);


          rc = CL5_SUCCESS;

          goto done;


      case DB_NOTFOUND: /* RUV is lost - need to construct */

-         rc = _cl5ConstructRUV(replGen, obj, purge);

+         rc = _cl5ConstructRUV(cldb, purge);

          goto done;


@@ -3839,7 +2942,7 @@ 



  static int

- _cl5WriteRUV(CL5DBFile *file, PRBool purge)

+ _cl5WriteRUV (cldb_Handle *cldb, PRBool purge)


      int rc;

      DBT key = {0}, data = {0};
@@ -3848,7 +2951,7 @@ 

      DB_TXN *txnid = NULL;

      char *buff;


-     if ((purge && file->purgeRUV == NULL) || (!purge && file->maxRUV == NULL))

+     if ((purge && cldb->purgeRUV == NULL) || (!purge && cldb->maxRUV == NULL))

          return CL5_SUCCESS;


      if (purge) {
@@ -3858,18 +2961,18 @@ 

           * matter, but it needs to be set to something so that it can be

           * flushed to changelog at shutdown and parsed at startup with the

           * regular string-to-RUV parsing routines. */

-         ruv_insert_dummy_min_csn(file->purgeRUV);

+         ruv_insert_dummy_min_csn(cldb->purgeRUV);

          key.data = _cl5GetHelperEntryKey(PURGE_RUV_TIME, csnStr);

-         rc = ruv_to_bervals(file->purgeRUV, &vals);

+         rc = ruv_to_bervals(cldb->purgeRUV, &vals);

      } else {

          key.data = _cl5GetHelperEntryKey(MAX_RUV_TIME, csnStr);

-         rc = ruv_to_bervals(file->maxRUV, &vals);

+         rc = ruv_to_bervals(cldb->maxRUV, &vals);



-     if (!purge && _cl5CheckMaxRUV(file, file->maxRUV)) {

+     if (!purge && _cl5CheckMaxRUV(cldb, cldb->maxRUV)) {

          slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

                        "_cl5WriteRUV - changelog maxRUV not found in changelog for file %s\n",

-                       file->name);

+                       cldb->ident);


          return CL5_DB_ERROR;

@@ -3883,7 +2986,7 @@ 

          return rc;



-     rc = file->db->put(file->db, txnid, &key, &data, 0);

+     rc = cldb->db->put(cldb->db, txnid, &key, &data, 0);



      if (rc == 0) {
@@ -3891,12 +2994,8 @@ 

      } else {

          slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

                        "_cl5WriteRUV - Failed to write %s RUV for file %s; db error - %d (%s)\n",

-                       purge ? "purge" : "upper bound", file->name, rc, db_strerror(rc));

+                       purge ? "purge" : "upper bound", cldb->ident, rc, db_strerror(rc));


-         if (CL5_OS_ERR_IS_DISKFULL(rc)) {

-             cl5_set_diskfull();

-             return CL5_DB_ERROR;

-         }

          return CL5_DB_ERROR;


@@ -3904,29 +3003,23 @@ 

  /* This is a very slow process since we have to read every changelog entry.

     Hopefully, this function is not called too often */

  static int

- _cl5ConstructRUV(const char *replGen, Object *obj, PRBool purge)

+ _cl5ConstructRUV (cldb_Handle *cldb, PRBool purge)


      int rc;

      CL5Entry entry;

      void *iterator = NULL;

      slapi_operation_parameters op = {0};

-     CL5DBFile *file;

      ReplicaId rid;


-     PR_ASSERT(replGen && obj);


-     file = (CL5DBFile *)object_get_data(obj);

-     PR_ASSERT(file);


      /* construct the RUV */

      if (purge)

-         rc = ruv_init_new(replGen, 0, NULL, &file->purgeRUV);

+         rc = ruv_init_new(cldb->ident, 0, NULL, &cldb->purgeRUV);


-         rc = ruv_init_new(replGen, 0, NULL, &file->maxRUV);

+         rc = ruv_init_new(cldb->ident, 0, NULL, &cldb->maxRUV);

      if (rc != RUV_SUCCESS) {

          slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5ConstructRUV - "

                                                             "Failed to initialize %s RUV for file %s; ruv error - %d\n",

-                       purge ? "purge" : "upper bound", file->name, rc);

+                       purge ? "purge" : "upper bound", cldb->ident, rc);

          return CL5_RUV_ERROR;


@@ -3935,7 +3028,7 @@ 

                    "this may take several minutes...\n");


      entry.op = &op;

-     rc = _cl5GetFirstEntry(obj, &entry, &iterator, NULL);

+     rc = _cl5GetFirstEntry(cldb, &entry, &iterator, NULL);

      while (rc == CL5_SUCCESS) {

          if (op.csn) {

              rid = csn_get_replicaid(op.csn);
@@ -3956,15 +3049,15 @@ 



          if (purge)

-             rc = ruv_set_csns_keep_smallest(file->purgeRUV, op.csn);

+             rc = ruv_set_csns_keep_smallest(cldb->purgeRUV, op.csn);


-             rc = ruv_set_csns(file->maxRUV, op.csn, NULL);

+             rc = ruv_set_csns(cldb->maxRUV, op.csn, NULL);



          if (rc != RUV_SUCCESS) {

              slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5ConstructRUV - "

                                                                 "Failed to update %s RUV for file %s; ruv error - %d\n",

-                           purge ? "purge" : "upper bound", file->name, rc);

+                           purge ? "purge" : "upper bound", cldb->ident, rc);

              rc = CL5_RUV_ERROR;


@@ -3981,9 +3074,9 @@ 

          rc = CL5_SUCCESS;

      } else {

          if (purge)

-             ruv_destroy(&file->purgeRUV);

+             ruv_destroy(&cldb->purgeRUV);


-             ruv_destroy(&file->maxRUV);

+             ruv_destroy(&cldb->maxRUV);



      slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_NOTICE, repl_plugin_name_cl,
@@ -3994,43 +3087,40 @@ 



  static int

- _cl5UpdateRUV(Object *obj, CSN *csn, PRBool newReplica, PRBool purge)

+ _cl5UpdateRUV (cldb_Handle *cldb, CSN *csn, PRBool newReplica, PRBool purge)


      ReplicaId rid;

      int rc = RUV_SUCCESS; /* initialize rc to avoid erroneous logs */

-     CL5DBFile *file;


-     PR_ASSERT(obj && csn);


-     file = (CL5DBFile *)object_get_data(obj);

+     PR_ASSERT(csn);



-      *  if purge is TRUE, file->purgeRUV must be set;

+      *  if purge is TRUE, cldb->purgeRUV must be set;

       *  if purge is FALSE, maxRUV must be set


-     PR_ASSERT(file && ((purge && file->purgeRUV) || (!purge && file->maxRUV)));

+     PR_ASSERT(cldb && ((purge && cldb->purgeRUV) || (!purge && cldb->maxRUV)));

      rid = csn_get_replicaid(csn);


      /* update vector only if this replica is not yet part of RUV */

      if (purge && newReplica) {

-         if (ruv_contains_replica(file->purgeRUV, rid)) {

+         if (ruv_contains_replica(cldb->purgeRUV, rid)) {

              return CL5_SUCCESS;

          } else {

              /* if the replica is not part of the purgeRUV yet, add it unless it's from a cleaned rid */

-             ruv_add_replica(file->purgeRUV, rid, multimaster_get_local_purl());

+             ruv_add_replica(cldb->purgeRUV, rid, multimaster_get_local_purl());


      } else {

          if (purge) {

-             rc = ruv_set_csns(file->purgeRUV, csn, NULL);

+             rc = ruv_set_csns(cldb->purgeRUV, csn, NULL);

          } else {

-             rc = ruv_set_csns(file->maxRUV, csn, NULL);

+             rc = ruv_set_csns(cldb->maxRUV, csn, NULL);




      if (rc != RUV_SUCCESS) {

          slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5UpdatePurgeRUV - "

                                                             "Failed to update %s RUV for file %s; ruv error - %d\n",

-                       purge ? "purge" : "upper bound", file->name, rc);

+                       purge ? "purge" : "upper bound", cldb->ident, rc);

          return CL5_RUV_ERROR;


@@ -4060,36 +3150,22 @@ 



  static int

- _cl5GetRUV2Purge2(Object *fileObj, RUV **ruv)

+ _cl5GetRUV2Purge2(Replica *replica, RUV **ruv)


      int rc = CL5_SUCCESS;

-     CL5DBFile *dbFile;

-     Replica *r = NULL;

      Object *agmtObj = NULL;

      Repl_Agmt *agmt;

      Object *consRUVObj, *supRUVObj;

      RUV *consRUV, *supRUV;

      CSN *csn;


-     PR_ASSERT(fileObj && ruv);


      if (!ruv) {

          rc = CL5_UNKNOWN_ERROR;

          goto done;



-     dbFile = (CL5DBFile *)object_get_data(fileObj);

-     PR_ASSERT(dbFile);


-     r = replica_get_by_name(dbFile->replName);


-     if (!r) {

-         rc = CL5_NOTFOUND;

-         goto done;

-     }


-     /* We start with this replica's RUV. See note in _cl5DoTrimming */

-     supRUVObj = replica_get_ruv(r);

+     /* We start with this replica's RUV. */

+     supRUVObj = replica_get_ruv(replica);



      supRUV = (RUV *)object_get_data(supRUVObj);
@@ -4099,7 +3175,7 @@ 




-     agmtObj = agmtlist_get_first_agreement_for_replica(r);

+     agmtObj = agmtlist_get_first_agreement_for_replica(replica);

      while (agmtObj) {

          agmt = (Repl_Agmt *)object_get_data(agmtObj);

@@ -4124,7 +3200,7 @@ 




-         agmtObj = agmtlist_get_next_agreement_for_replica(r, agmtObj);

+         agmtObj = agmtlist_get_next_agreement_for_replica(replica, agmtObj);



      /* check if there is any data in the constructed ruv - otherwise get rid of it */
@@ -4140,41 +3216,62 @@ 

      return rc;



- static int

- _cl5GetEntryCount(CL5DBFile *file)

+ int

+ cl5NotifyRUVChange(Replica *replica)


-     int rc;

-     char csnStr[CSN_STRSIZE];

-     DBT key = {0}, data = {0};

-     DB_BTREE_STAT *stats = NULL;

+     int rc = 0;

+     cldb_Handle *cldb = replica_get_file_info(replica);

+     Object *ruv_obj = replica_get_ruv(replica);


-     PR_ASSERT(file);

+     PR_Lock(cldb->clLock); 


-     /* read entry count. if the entry is there - the file was successfully closed

+     slapi_ch_free_string(&cldb->ident);

+     ruv_destroy(&cldb->maxRUV);

+     ruv_destroy(&cldb->purgeRUV);


+     cldb->ident = ruv_get_replica_generation ((RUV*)object_get_data (ruv_obj));

+     _cl5ReadRUV(cldb, PR_TRUE);

+     _cl5ReadRUV(cldb, PR_FALSE);

+     _cl5GetEntryCount(cldb);


+     PR_Unlock(cldb->clLock); 

+     object_release(ruv_obj);

+     return rc;

+ }


+ static int

+ _cl5GetEntryCount(cldb_Handle *cldb)

+ {

+     int rc;

+     char csnStr[CSN_STRSIZE];

+     DBT key = {0}, data = {0};

+     DB_BTREE_STAT *stats = NULL;


+     /* read entry count. if the entry is there - the file was successfully closed

         last time it was used */

      key.data = _cl5GetHelperEntryKey(ENTRY_COUNT_TIME, csnStr);

      key.size = CSN_STRSIZE;


      data.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;


-     rc = file->db->get(file->db, NULL /*txn*/, &key, &data, 0);

+     rc = cldb->db->get(cldb->db, NULL /*txn*/, &key, &data, 0);

      switch (rc) {

      case 0:

-         file->entryCount = *(int *)data.data;

+         cldb->entryCount = *(int *)data.data;



          /* delete the entry. the entry is re-added when file

                                 is successfully closed */

-         file->db->del(file->db, NULL, &key, 0);

+         cldb->db->del(cldb->db, NULL, &key, 0);

          slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

                        "_cl5GetEntryCount - %d changes for replica %s\n",

-                       file->entryCount, file->replName);

+                       cldb->entryCount, cldb->ident);

          return CL5_SUCCESS;


      case DB_NOTFOUND:

-         file->entryCount = 0;

+         cldb->entryCount = 0;


-         rc = file->db->stat(file->db, NULL, (void *)&stats, 0);

+         rc = cldb->db->stat(cldb->db, NULL, (void *)&stats, 0);

          if (rc != 0) {

              slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

                            "_cl5GetEntryCount - Failed to get changelog statistics; "
@@ -4183,14 +3280,10 @@ 

              return CL5_DB_ERROR;



- #ifdef DB30

-         file->entryCount = stats->bt_nrecs;

- #else /* DB31 */

-         file->entryCount = stats->bt_ndata;

- #endif

+         cldb->entryCount = stats->bt_ndata;

          slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

                        "_cl5GetEntryCount - %d changes for replica %s\n",

-                       file->entryCount, file->replName);

+                       cldb->entryCount, cldb->ident);


          slapi_ch_free((void **)&stats);

          return CL5_SUCCESS;
@@ -4205,7 +3298,7 @@ 



  static int

- _cl5WriteEntryCount(CL5DBFile *file)

+ _cl5WriteEntryCount(cldb_Handle *cldb)


      int rc;

      DBT key = {0}, data = {0};
@@ -4214,21 +3307,17 @@ 


      key.data = _cl5GetHelperEntryKey(ENTRY_COUNT_TIME, csnStr);

      key.size = CSN_STRSIZE;

-     data.data = (void *)&file->entryCount;

-     data.size = sizeof(file->entryCount);

+     data.data = (void *)&cldb->entryCount;

+     data.size = sizeof(cldb->entryCount);


-     rc = file->db->put(file->db, txnid, &key, &data, 0);

+     rc = cldb->db->put(cldb->db, txnid, &key, &data, 0);

      if (rc == 0) {

          return CL5_SUCCESS;

      } else {

          slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

                        "_cl5WriteEntryCount - "

                        "Failed to write count entry for file %s; db error - %d %s\n",

-                       file->name, rc, db_strerror(rc));

-         if (CL5_OS_ERR_IS_DISKFULL(rc)) {

-             cl5_set_diskfull();

-             return CL5_DB_ERROR;

-         }

+                       cldb->ident, rc, db_strerror(rc));

          return CL5_DB_ERROR;


@@ -4555,7 +3644,7 @@ 



  static int

- _cl5WriteOperationTxn(const char *replName, const char *replGen, const slapi_operation_parameters *op, PRBool local __attribute__((unused)), void *txn)

+ _cl5WriteOperationTxn(cldb_Handle *cldb, const slapi_operation_parameters *op, void *txn)


      int rc;

      int cnt;
@@ -4564,1256 +3653,719 @@ 

      char csnStr[CSN_STRSIZE];

      PRIntervalTime interval;

      CL5Entry entry;

-     CL5DBFile *file = NULL;

-     Object *file_obj = NULL;

      DB_TXN *txnid = NULL;

      DB_TXN *parent_txnid = (DB_TXN *)txn;


-     rc = _cl5GetDBFileByReplicaName(replName, replGen, &file_obj);

-     if (rc == CL5_NOTFOUND) {

-         rc = _cl5DBOpenFileByReplicaName(replName, replGen, &file_obj,

-                                          PR_TRUE /* check for duplicates */);

-         if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "_cl5WriteOperationTxn - Failed to find or open DB object for replica %s\n", replName);

-             return rc;

-         }

-     } else if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5WriteOperationTxn - Failed to get db file for target dn (%s)",

-                       REPL_GET_DN(&op->target_address));

-         return CL5_OBJSET_ERROR;

-     }


-     /* assign entry time - used for trimming */

-     entry.time = slapi_current_utc_time();

-     entry.op = (slapi_operation_parameters *)op;


-     /* construct the key */

-     key.data = csn_as_string(op->csn, PR_FALSE, csnStr);

-     key.size = CSN_STRSIZE;


-     /* construct the data */

-     data = (DBT *)slapi_ch_calloc(1, sizeof(DBT));

-     rc = _cl5Entry2DBData(&entry, (char **)&data->data, &data->size);

-     if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-         char s[CSN_STRSIZE];

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5WriteOperationTxn - Failed to convert entry with csn (%s) "

-                       "to db format\n",

-                       csn_as_string(op->csn, PR_FALSE, s));

-         goto done;

-     }


-     file = (CL5DBFile *)object_get_data(file_obj);

-     PR_ASSERT(file);


-     /* if this is part of ldif2cl - just write the entry without transaction */

-     if (s_cl5Desc.dbOpenMode == CL5_OPEN_LDIF2CL) {

-         rc = file->db->put(file->db, NULL, &key, data, 0);

-         if (rc != 0) {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "_cl5WriteOperationTxn - Failed to write entry; db error - %d %s\n",

-                           rc, db_strerror(rc));

-             if (CL5_OS_ERR_IS_DISKFULL(rc)) {

-                 cl5_set_diskfull();

-             }

-             rc = CL5_DB_ERROR;

-         }

-         goto done;

-     }


-     /* write the entry */

-     rc = EAGAIN;

-     cnt = 0;


-     while ((rc == EAGAIN || rc == DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK) && cnt < MAX_TRIALS) {

-         if (cnt != 0) {

-             /* abort previous transaction */

-             rc = TXN_ABORT(txnid);

-             if (rc != 0) {

-                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                               "_cl5WriteOperationTxn - Failed to abort transaction; db error - %d %s\n",

-                               rc, db_strerror(rc));

-                 rc = CL5_DB_ERROR;

-                 goto done;

-             }

-             /* back off */

-             interval = PR_MillisecondsToInterval(slapi_rand() % 100);

-             DS_Sleep(interval);

-         }

-         /* begin transaction */

-         rc = TXN_BEGIN(s_cl5Desc.dbEnv, parent_txnid, &txnid, 0);

-         if (rc != 0) {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "_cl5WriteOperationTxn - Failed to start transaction; db error - %d %s\n",

-                           rc, db_strerror(rc));

-             rc = CL5_DB_ERROR;

-             goto done;

-         }


-         rc = file->db->put(file->db, txnid, &key, data, 0);

-         if (CL5_OS_ERR_IS_DISKFULL(rc)) {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_CRIT, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "_cl5WriteOperationTxn - Changelog (%s) DISK FULL; db error - %d %s\n",

-                           s_cl5Desc.dbDir, rc, db_strerror(rc));

-             cl5_set_diskfull();

-             rc = CL5_DB_ERROR;

-             goto done;

-         }

-         if (cnt != 0) {

-             if (rc == 0) {

-                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5WriteOperationTxn - "

-                                                                   "retry (%d) the transaction (csn=%s) succeeded\n",

-                               cnt, (char *)key.data);

-             } else if ((cnt + 1) >= MAX_TRIALS) {

-                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5WriteOperationTxn - "

-                                                                   "retry (%d) the transaction (csn=%s) failed (rc=%d (%s))\n",

-                               cnt, (char *)key.data, rc, db_strerror(rc));

-             }

-         }

-         cnt++;

-     }


-     if (rc == 0) /* we successfully added entry */

-     {

-         rc = TXN_COMMIT(txnid);

-     } else {

-         char s[CSN_STRSIZE];

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5WriteOperationTxn - Failed to write entry with csn (%s); "

-                       "db error - %d %s\n",

-                       csn_as_string(op->csn, PR_FALSE, s),

-                       rc, db_strerror(rc));

-         rc = TXN_ABORT(txnid);

-         if (rc != 0) {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "_cl5WriteOperationTxn - Failed to abort transaction; db error - %d %s\n",

-                           rc, db_strerror(rc));

-         }

-         rc = CL5_DB_ERROR;

-         goto done;

-     }


-     /* update entry count - we assume that all entries are new */

-     PR_AtomicIncrement(&file->entryCount);


-     /* update purge vector if we have not seen any changes from this replica before */

-     _cl5UpdateRUV(file_obj, op->csn, PR_TRUE, PR_TRUE);


-     slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                   "cl5WriteOperationTxn - Successfully written entry with csn (%s)\n", csnStr);

-     rc = CL5_SUCCESS;

- done:

-     if (data->data)

-         slapi_ch_free(&(data->data));

-     slapi_ch_free((void **)&data);


-     if (file_obj)

-         object_release(file_obj);


-     return rc;

- }


- static int

- _cl5WriteOperation(const char *replName, const char *replGen, const slapi_operation_parameters *op, PRBool local)

- {

-     return _cl5WriteOperationTxn(replName, replGen, op, local, NULL);

- }


- static int

- _cl5GetFirstEntry(Object *file_obj, CL5Entry *entry, void **iterator, DB_TXN *txnid)

- {

-     int rc;

-     DBC *cursor = NULL;

-     DBT key = {0}, data = {0};

-     CL5Iterator *it;

-     CL5DBFile *file;


-     PR_ASSERT(file_obj && entry && iterator);


-     file = (CL5DBFile *)object_get_data(file_obj);

-     PR_ASSERT(file);

-     /* create cursor */

-     rc = file->db->cursor(file->db, txnid, &cursor, 0);

-     if (rc != 0) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5GetFirstEntry - Failed to create cursor; db error - %d %s\n", rc, db_strerror(rc));

-         rc = CL5_DB_ERROR;

-         goto done;

-     }


-     key.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;

-     data.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;

-     while ((rc = cursor->c_get(cursor, &key, &data, DB_NEXT)) == 0) {

-         /* skip service entries */

-         if (cl5HelperEntry((char *)key.data, NULL)) {

-             slapi_ch_free(&(key.data));

-             slapi_ch_free(&(data.data));

-             continue;

-         }


-         /* format entry */

-         slapi_ch_free(&(key.data));

-         rc = cl5DBData2Entry(data.data, data.size, entry);

-         slapi_ch_free(&(data.data));

-         if (rc != 0) {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "_cl5GetFirstOperation - Failed to format entry: %d\n", rc);

-             goto done;

-         }


-         it = (CL5Iterator *)slapi_ch_malloc(sizeof(CL5Iterator));

-         it->cursor = cursor;

-         object_acquire(file_obj);

-         it->file = file_obj;

-         *(CL5Iterator **)iterator = it;


-         return CL5_SUCCESS;

-     }

-     /*

-      * Bug 430172 - memory leaks after db "get" deadlocks, e.g. in CL5 trim

-      * Even when db->c_get() does not return success, memory may have been

-      * allocated in the DBT.  This seems to happen when DB_DBT_MALLOC was set,

-      * the data being retrieved is larger than the page size, and we got

-      * DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK. libdb allocates the memory and then finds itself

-      * deadlocked trying to go through the overflow page list.  It returns

-      * DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK which we've assumed meant that no memory was allocated

-      * for the DBT.

-      *

-      * The following slapi_ch_free frees the memory only when the value is

-      * non NULL, which is true if the situation described above occurs.

-      */

-     slapi_ch_free((void **)&key.data);

-     slapi_ch_free((void **)&data.data);


-     /* walked of the end of the file */

-     if (rc == DB_NOTFOUND) {

-         rc = CL5_NOTFOUND;

-         goto done;

-     }


-     /* db error occured while iterating */

-     /* On this path, the condition "rc != 0" cannot be false */

-     slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                   "_cl5GetFirstEntry - Failed to get entry; db error - %d %s\n",

-                   rc, db_strerror(rc));

-     rc = CL5_DB_ERROR;


- done:

-     /* error occured */

-     /* We didn't success in assigning this cursor to the iterator,

-      * so we need to free the cursor here */

-     if (cursor)

-         cursor->c_close(cursor);


-     return rc;

- }


- static int

- _cl5GetNextEntry(CL5Entry *entry, void *iterator)

- {

-     int rc;

-     CL5Iterator *it;

-     DBT key = {0}, data = {0};


-     PR_ASSERT(entry && iterator);


-     it = (CL5Iterator *)iterator;


-     key.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;

-     data.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;

-     while ((rc = it->cursor->c_get(it->cursor, &key, &data, DB_NEXT)) == 0) {

-         if (cl5HelperEntry((char *)key.data, NULL)) {

-             slapi_ch_free(&(key.data));

-             slapi_ch_free(&(data.data));

-             continue;

-         }


-         slapi_ch_free(&(key.data));

-         /* format entry */

-         rc = cl5DBData2Entry(data.data, data.size, entry);

-         slapi_ch_free(&(data.data));

-         if (rc != 0) {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "_cl5GetNextEntry - Failed to format entry: %d\n", rc);

-         }


-         return rc;

-     }

-     /*

-      * Bug 430172 - memory leaks after db "get" deadlocks, e.g. in CL5 trim

-      * Even when db->c_get() does not return success, memory may have been

-      * allocated in the DBT.  This seems to happen when DB_DBT_MALLOC was set,

-      * the data being retrieved is larger than the page size, and we got

-      * DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK. libdb allocates the memory and then finds itself

-      * deadlocked trying to go through the overflow page list.  It returns

-      * DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK which we've assumed meant that no memory was allocated

-      * for the DBT.

-      *

-      * The following slapi_ch_free frees the memory only when the value is

-      * non NULL, which is true if the situation described above occurs.

-      */

-     slapi_ch_free((void **)&key.data);

-     slapi_ch_free((void **)&data.data);


-     /* walked of the end of the file or entry is out of range */

-     if (rc == 0 || rc == DB_NOTFOUND) {

-         return CL5_NOTFOUND;

-     }


-     /* cursor operation failed */

-     slapi_log_err(rc == CL5_DB_LOCK_ERROR ? SLAPI_LOG_REPL : SLAPI_LOG_ERR,

-                   repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                   "_cl5GetNextEntry - Failed to get entry; db error - %d %s\n",

-                   rc, db_strerror(rc));


-     return rc;

- }


- static int

- _cl5CurrentDeleteEntry(void *iterator)

- {

-     int rc;

-     CL5Iterator *it;

-     CL5DBFile *file;


-     PR_ASSERT(iterator);


-     it = (CL5Iterator *)iterator;


-     rc = it->cursor->c_del(it->cursor, 0);


-     if (rc == 0) {

-         /* decrement entry count */

-         file = (CL5DBFile *)object_get_data(it->file);

-         PR_AtomicDecrement(&file->entryCount);

-         return CL5_SUCCESS;

-     } else {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5CurrentDeleteEntry - Failed, err=%d %s\n",

-                       rc, db_strerror(rc));

-         /*

-          * We don't free(close) the cursor here, as the caller will free it by

-          * a call to cl5DestroyIterator.  Freeing it here is a potential bug,

-          * as the cursor can't be referenced later once freed.

-          */

-         return rc;

-     }

- }


- PRBool

- cl5HelperEntry(const char *csnstr, CSN *csnp)

- {

-     CSN *csn;

-     time_t csnTime;

-     PRBool retval = PR_FALSE;


-     if (csnp) {

-         csn = csnp;

-     } else {

-         csn = csn_new_by_string(csnstr);

-     }

-     if (csn == NULL) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "cl5HelperEntry - Failed to get csn time; csn error\n");

-         return PR_FALSE;

-     }

-     csnTime = csn_get_time(csn);


-     if (csnTime == ENTRY_COUNT_TIME || csnTime == PURGE_RUV_TIME) {

-         retval = PR_TRUE;

-     }


-     if (NULL == csnp)

-         csn_free(&csn);

-     return retval;

- }



- /* Replay iteration helper functions */

- static PRBool

- _cl5ValidReplayIterator(const CL5ReplayIterator *iterator)

- {

-     if (iterator == NULL ||

-         iterator->consumerRuv == NULL || iterator->supplierRuvObj == NULL ||

-         iterator->fileObj == NULL)

-         return PR_FALSE;


-     return PR_TRUE;

- }

- #endif


- /* Algorithm: ONREPL!!!

-  */

- struct replica_hash_entry

- {

-     ReplicaId rid;      /* replica id */

-     PRBool sendChanges; /* indicates whether changes should be sent for this replica */

- };



- static int

- _cl5PositionCursorForReplay(ReplicaId consumerRID, const RUV *consumerRuv, Replica *replica, Object *fileObj, CL5ReplayIterator **iterator, int *continue_on_missing)

- {

-     CLC_Buffer *clcache = NULL;

-     CL5DBFile *file;

-     CSN *startCSN = NULL;

-     char csnStr[CSN_STRSIZE];

-     int rc = CL5_SUCCESS;

-     Object *supplierRuvObj = NULL;

-     RUV *supplierRuv = NULL;

-     PRBool haveChanges = PR_FALSE;

-     char *agmt_name;


-     PR_ASSERT(consumerRuv && replica && fileObj && iterator);

-     csnStr[0] = '\0';


-     file = (CL5DBFile *)object_get_data(fileObj);


-     /* get supplier's RUV */

-     supplierRuvObj = replica_get_ruv(replica);

-     PR_ASSERT(supplierRuvObj);


-     if (!supplierRuvObj) {

-         rc = CL5_UNKNOWN_ERROR;

-         goto done;

-     }


-     supplierRuv = (RUV *)object_get_data(supplierRuvObj);

-     PR_ASSERT(supplierRuv);


-     agmt_name = get_thread_private_agmtname();


-     if (slapi_is_loglevel_set(SLAPI_LOG_REPL)) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5PositionCursorForReplay - (%s): Consumer RUV:\n", agmt_name);

-         ruv_dump(consumerRuv, agmt_name, NULL);

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5PositionCursorForReplay - (%s): Supplier RUV:\n", agmt_name);

-         ruv_dump(supplierRuv, agmt_name, NULL);

-     }


+     /* assign entry time - used for trimming */

+     entry.time = slapi_current_utc_time();

+     entry.op = (slapi_operation_parameters *)op;


-     /* initialize the changelog buffer and do the initial load */

+     /* construct the key */

+     key.data = csn_as_string(op->csn, PR_FALSE, csnStr);

+     key.size = CSN_STRSIZE;


-     rc = clcache_get_buffer(&clcache, file->db, consumerRID, consumerRuv, supplierRuv);

-     if (rc != 0)

+     /* construct the data */

+     data = (DBT *)slapi_ch_calloc(1, sizeof(DBT));

+     rc = _cl5Entry2DBData(&entry, (char **)&data->data, &data->size, cldb->clcrypt_handle);

+     if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

+         char s[CSN_STRSIZE];

+         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                       "_cl5WriteOperationTxn - Failed to convert entry with csn (%s) "

+                       "to db format\n",

+                       csn_as_string(op->csn, PR_FALSE, s));

          goto done;

+     }


-     rc = clcache_load_buffer(clcache, &startCSN, continue_on_missing);

+     /* if this is part of ldif2cl - just write the entry without transaction */

+     if (s_cl5Desc.dbOpenMode == CL5_OPEN_LDIF2CL) {

+         rc = cldb->db->put(cldb->db, NULL, &key, data, 0);

+         if (rc != 0) {

+             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                           "_cl5WriteOperationTxn - Failed to write entry; db error - %d %s\n",

+                           rc, db_strerror(rc));

+             rc = CL5_DB_ERROR;

+         }

+         goto done;

+     }


-     if (rc == 0) {

-         haveChanges = PR_TRUE;

-         rc = CL5_SUCCESS;

-         if (slapi_is_loglevel_set(SLAPI_LOG_REPL)) {

-             csn_as_string(startCSN, PR_FALSE, csnStr);

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "%s: CSN %s found, position set for replay\n", agmt_name, csnStr);

+     /* write the entry */

+     rc = EAGAIN;

+     cnt = 0;


+     while ((rc == EAGAIN || rc == DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK) && cnt < MAX_TRIALS) {

+         if (cnt != 0) {

+             /* abort previous transaction */

+             rc = TXN_ABORT(txnid);

+             if (rc != 0) {

+                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                               "_cl5WriteOperationTxn - Failed to abort transaction; db error - %d %s\n",

+                               rc, db_strerror(rc));

+                 rc = CL5_DB_ERROR;

+                 goto done;

+             }

+             /* back off */

+             interval = PR_MillisecondsToInterval(slapi_rand() % 100);

+             DS_Sleep(interval);


-     } else if (rc == DB_NOTFOUND) {

-         /* buffer not loaded.

-          * either because no changes have to be sent ==> startCSN is NULL

-          * or the calculated startCSN cannot be found in the changelog

-          */

-         if (startCSN == NULL) {

-             rc = CL5_NOTFOUND;

+         /* begin transaction */

+         rc = TXN_BEGIN(s_cl5Desc.dbEnv, parent_txnid, &txnid, 0);

+         if (rc != 0) {

+             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                           "_cl5WriteOperationTxn - Failed to start transaction; db error - %d %s\n",

+                           rc, db_strerror(rc));

+             rc = CL5_DB_ERROR;

              goto done;


-         /* check whether this csn should be present */

-         rc = _cl5CheckMissingCSN(startCSN, supplierRuv, file);

-         if (rc == CL5_MISSING_DATA) /* we should have had the change but we don't */

-         {

-             if (slapi_is_loglevel_set(SLAPI_LOG_REPL)) {

-                 csn_as_string(startCSN, PR_FALSE, csnStr);

-                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                               "repl_plugin_name_cl - %s: CSN %s not found, seems to be missing\n", agmt_name, csnStr);


+         rc = cldb->db->put(cldb->db, txnid, &key, data, 0);

+         if (CL5_OS_ERR_IS_DISKFULL(rc)) {

+             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_CRIT, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                           "_cl5WriteOperationTxn - Changelog DISK FULL; db error - %d %s\n",

+                           rc, db_strerror(rc));

+             rc = CL5_DB_ERROR;

+             goto done;

+         }

+         if (cnt != 0) {

+             if (rc == 0) {

+                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5WriteOperationTxn - "

+                                                                   "retry (%d) the transaction (csn=%s) succeeded\n",

+                               cnt, (char *)key.data);

+             } else if ((cnt + 1) >= MAX_TRIALS) {

+                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5WriteOperationTxn - "

+                                                                   "retry (%d) the transaction (csn=%s) failed (rc=%d (%s))\n",

+                               cnt, (char *)key.data, rc, db_strerror(rc));


-         } else /* we are not as up to date or we purged */

-         {

-             csn_as_string(startCSN, PR_FALSE, csnStr);

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "repl_plugin_name_cl - %s: CSN %s not found, we aren't as up to date, or we purged\n",

-                           agmt_name, csnStr);


+         cnt++;

+     }


+     if (rc == 0) /* we successfully added entry */

+     {

+         rc = TXN_COMMIT(txnid);

      } else {

-         csn_as_string(startCSN, PR_FALSE, csnStr);

-         /* db error */

+         char s[CSN_STRSIZE];

          slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "repl_plugin_name_cl - %s: Failed to retrieve change with CSN %s; db error - %d %s\n",

-                       agmt_name, csnStr, rc, db_strerror(rc));


+                       "_cl5WriteOperationTxn - Failed to write entry with csn (%s); "

+                       "db error - %d %s\n",

+                       csn_as_string(op->csn, PR_FALSE, s),

+                       rc, db_strerror(rc));

+         rc = TXN_ABORT(txnid);

+         if (rc != 0) {

+             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                           "_cl5WriteOperationTxn - Failed to abort transaction; db error - %d %s\n",

+                           rc, db_strerror(rc));

+         }

          rc = CL5_DB_ERROR;

+         goto done;



+     /* update entry count - we assume that all entries are new */

+     PR_AtomicIncrement(&cldb->entryCount);


-     /* setup the iterator */

-     if (haveChanges) {

-         *iterator = (CL5ReplayIterator *)slapi_ch_calloc(1, sizeof(CL5ReplayIterator));


-         if (*iterator == NULL) {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "_cl5PositionCursorForReplay - %s - Failed to allocate iterator\n", agmt_name);

-             rc = CL5_MEMORY_ERROR;

-             goto done;

-         }


-         /* ONREPL - should we make a copy of both RUVs here ?*/

-         (*iterator)->fileObj = fileObj;

-         (*iterator)->clcache = clcache;

-         clcache = NULL;

-         (*iterator)->consumerRID = consumerRID;

-         (*iterator)->consumerRuv = consumerRuv;

-         (*iterator)->supplierRuvObj = supplierRuvObj;

-     } else if (rc == CL5_SUCCESS) {

-         /* we have no changes to send */

-         rc = CL5_NOTFOUND;

-     }

+     /* update purge vector if we have not seen any changes from this replica before */

+     _cl5UpdateRUV(cldb, op->csn, PR_TRUE, PR_TRUE);


+     slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                   "cl5WriteOperationTxn - Successfully written entry with csn (%s)\n", csnStr);

+     rc = CL5_SUCCESS;


-     if (clcache)

-         clcache_return_buffer(&clcache);


-     if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-         if (supplierRuvObj)

-             object_release(supplierRuvObj);

-     }

+     if (data->data)

+         slapi_ch_free(&(data->data));

+     slapi_ch_free((void **)&data);


      return rc;



- struct ruv_it

- {

-     CSN **csns; /* csn list */

-     int alloc;  /* allocated size */

-     int pos;    /* position in the list */

- };


  static int

- ruv_consumer_iterator(const ruv_enum_data *enum_data, void *arg)

+ _cl5WriteOperation(cldb_Handle *cldb, const slapi_operation_parameters *op)


-     struct ruv_it *data = (struct ruv_it *)arg;


-     PR_ASSERT(data);


-     /* check if we have space for one more element */

-     if (data->pos >= data->alloc - 2) {

-         data->alloc += 4;

-         data->csns = (CSN **)slapi_ch_realloc((void *)data->csns, data->alloc * sizeof(CSN *));

-     }


-     data->csns[data->pos] = csn_dup(enum_data->csn);

-     data->pos++;


-     return 0;

+     return _cl5WriteOperationTxn(cldb, op, NULL);




  static int

- ruv_supplier_iterator(const ruv_enum_data *enum_data, void *arg)

+ _cl5GetFirstEntry(cldb_Handle *cldb, CL5Entry *entry, void **iterator, DB_TXN *txnid)


-     int i;

-     PRBool found = PR_FALSE;

-     ReplicaId rid;

-     struct ruv_it *data = (struct ruv_it *)arg;


-     PR_ASSERT(data);

+     int rc;

+     DBC *cursor = NULL;

+     DBT key = {0}, data = {0};

+     CL5Iterator *it;


-     rid = csn_get_replicaid(enum_data->min_csn);

-     /* check if the replica that generated the csn is already in the list */

-     for (i = 0; i < data->pos; i++) {

-         if (rid == csn_get_replicaid(data->csns[i])) {

-             found = PR_TRUE;

+     PR_ASSERT(entry && iterator);


-             /* remove datacsn[i] if it is greater or equal to the supplier's maxcsn */

-             if (csn_compare(data->csns[i], enum_data->csn) >= 0) {

-                 int j;

+     /* create cursor */

+     rc = cldb->db->cursor(cldb->db, txnid, &cursor, 0);

+     if (rc != 0) {

+         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                       "_cl5GetFirstEntry - Failed to create cursor; db error - %d %s\n", rc, db_strerror(rc));

+         rc = CL5_DB_ERROR;

+         goto done;

+     }


-                 csn_free(&data->csns[i]);

-                 for (j = i + 1; j < data->pos; j++) {

-                     data->csns[j - 1] = data->csns[j];

-                 }

-                 data->pos--;

-             }

-             break;

+     key.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;

+     data.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;

+     while ((rc = cursor->c_get(cursor, &key, &data, DB_NEXT)) == 0) {

+         /* skip service entries */

+         if (cl5HelperEntry((char *)key.data, NULL)) {

+             slapi_ch_free(&(key.data));

+             slapi_ch_free(&(data.data));

+             continue;


-     }


-     if (!found) {

-         /* check if we have space for one more element */

-         if (data->pos >= data->alloc - 2) {

-             data->alloc += 4;

-             data->csns = (CSN **)slapi_ch_realloc((void *)data->csns,

-                                                   data->alloc * sizeof(CSN *));

+         /* format entry */

+         slapi_ch_free(&(key.data));

+         rc = cl5DBData2Entry(data.data, data.size, entry, cldb->clcrypt_handle);

+         slapi_ch_free(&(data.data));

+         if (rc != 0) {

+             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                           "_cl5GetFirstOperation - Failed to format entry: %d\n", rc);

+             goto done;



-         data->csns[data->pos] = csn_dup(enum_data->min_csn);

-         data->pos++;

+         it = (CL5Iterator *)slapi_ch_malloc(sizeof(CL5Iterator));

+         it->cursor = cursor;

+         it->it_cldb = cldb;

+         *(CL5Iterator **)iterator = it;


+         return CL5_SUCCESS;

+     }

+     /*

+      * Bug 430172 - memory leaks after db "get" deadlocks, e.g. in CL5 trim

+      * Even when db->c_get() does not return success, memory may have been

+      * allocated in the DBT.  This seems to happen when DB_DBT_MALLOC was set,

+      * the data being retrieved is larger than the page size, and we got

+      * DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK. libdb allocates the memory and then finds itself

+      * deadlocked trying to go through the overflow page list.  It returns

+      * DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK which we've assumed meant that no memory was allocated

+      * for the DBT.

+      *

+      * The following slapi_ch_free frees the memory only when the value is

+      * non NULL, which is true if the situation described above occurs.

+      */

+     slapi_ch_free((void **)&key.data);

+     slapi_ch_free((void **)&data.data);


+     /* walked of the end of the file */

+     if (rc == DB_NOTFOUND) {

+         rc = CL5_NOTFOUND;

+         goto done;


-     return 0;

- }


+     /* db error occured while iterating */

+     /* On this path, the condition "rc != 0" cannot be false */

+     slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                   "_cl5GetFirstEntry - Failed to get entry; db error - %d %s\n",

+                   rc, db_strerror(rc));

+     rc = CL5_DB_ERROR;


- static int

- my_csn_compare(const void *arg1, const void *arg2)

- {

-     return (csn_compare(*((CSN **)arg1), *((CSN **)arg2)));

- }

+ done:

+     /* error occured */

+     /* We didn't success in assigning this cursor to the iterator,

+      * so we need to free the cursor here */

+     if (cursor)

+         cursor->c_close(cursor);


+     return rc;

+ }


- /* builds CSN ordered list of all csns in the RUV */

- CSN **

- cl5BuildCSNList(const RUV *consRuv, const RUV *supRuv)

+ static int

+ _cl5GetNextEntry(CL5Entry *entry, void *iterator)


-     struct ruv_it data;

-     int count, rc;

-     CSN **csns;

+     int rc;

+     CL5Iterator *it;

+     DBT key = {0}, data = {0};


-     PR_ASSERT(consRuv);

+     PR_ASSERT(entry && iterator);


-     count = ruv_replica_count(consRuv);

-     csns = (CSN **)slapi_ch_calloc(count + 1, sizeof(CSN *));

+     it = (CL5Iterator *)iterator;


-     data.csns = csns;

-     data.alloc = count + 1;

-     data.pos = 0;

+     key.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;

+     data.flags = DB_DBT_MALLOC;

+     while ((rc = it->cursor->c_get(it->cursor, &key, &data, DB_NEXT)) == 0) {

+         if (cl5HelperEntry((char *)key.data, NULL)) {

+             slapi_ch_free(&(key.data));

+             slapi_ch_free(&(data.data));

+             continue;

+         }


-     /* add consumer elements to the list */

-     rc = ruv_enumerate_elements(consRuv, ruv_consumer_iterator, &data);

-     if (rc == 0 && supRuv) {

-         /* add supplier elements to the list */

-         rc = ruv_enumerate_elements(supRuv, ruv_supplier_iterator, &data);

+         slapi_ch_free(&(key.data));

+         /* format entry */

+         rc = cl5DBData2Entry(data.data, data.size, entry, it->it_cldb->clcrypt_handle);

+         slapi_ch_free(&(data.data));

+         if (rc != 0) {

+             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                           "_cl5GetNextEntry - Failed to format entry: %d\n", rc);

+         }


+         return rc;


+     /*

+      * Bug 430172 - memory leaks after db "get" deadlocks, e.g. in CL5 trim

+      * Even when db->c_get() does not return success, memory may have been

+      * allocated in the DBT.  This seems to happen when DB_DBT_MALLOC was set,

+      * the data being retrieved is larger than the page size, and we got

+      * DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK. libdb allocates the memory and then finds itself

+      * deadlocked trying to go through the overflow page list.  It returns

+      * DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK which we've assumed meant that no memory was allocated

+      * for the DBT.

+      *

+      * The following slapi_ch_free frees the memory only when the value is

+      * non NULL, which is true if the situation described above occurs.

+      */

+     slapi_ch_free((void **)&key.data);

+     slapi_ch_free((void **)&data.data);


-     /* we have no csns */

-     if (data.csns[0] == NULL) {

-         /* csns might have been realloced in ruv_supplier_iterator() */

-         slapi_ch_free((void **)&data.csns);

-         csns = NULL;

-     } else {

-         csns = data.csns;

-         data.csns[data.pos] = NULL;

-         if (rc == 0) {

-             qsort(csns, data.pos, sizeof(CSN *), my_csn_compare);

-         } else {

-             cl5DestroyCSNList(&csns);

-         }

+     /* walked of the end of the file or entry is out of range */

+     if (rc == 0 || rc == DB_NOTFOUND) {

+         return CL5_NOTFOUND;



-     return csns;

+     /* cursor operation failed */

+     slapi_log_err(rc == CL5_DB_LOCK_ERROR ? SLAPI_LOG_REPL : SLAPI_LOG_ERR,

+                   repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                   "_cl5GetNextEntry - Failed to get entry; db error - %d %s\n",

+                   rc, db_strerror(rc));


+     return rc;



- void

- cl5DestroyCSNList(CSN ***csns)

+ static int

+ _cl5CurrentDeleteEntry(void *iterator)


-     if (csns && *csns) {

-         int i;

+     int rc;

+     CL5Iterator *it;

+     cldb_Handle *cldb;


-         for (i = 0; (*csns)[i]; i++) {

-             csn_free(&(*csns)[i]);

-         }

+     PR_ASSERT(iterator);


-         slapi_ch_free((void **)csns);

+     it = (CL5Iterator *)iterator;


+     rc = it->cursor->c_del(it->cursor, 0);


+     if (rc == 0) {

+         /* decrement entry count */

+         cldb = it->it_cldb;

+         PR_AtomicDecrement(&cldb->entryCount);

+         return CL5_SUCCESS;

+     } else {

+         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                       "_cl5CurrentDeleteEntry - Failed, err=%d %s\n",

+                       rc, db_strerror(rc));

+         /*

+          * We don't free(close) the cursor here, as the caller will free it by

+          * a call to cl5DestroyIterator.  Freeing it here is a potential bug,

+          * as the cursor can't be referenced later once freed.

+          */

+         return rc;




- /* A csn should be in the changelog if it is larger than purge vector csn for the same

-    replica and is smaller than the csn in supplier's ruv for the same replica.

-    The functions returns

-         CL5_PURGED      if data was purged from the changelog or was never logged

-                         because it was loaded as part of replica initialization

-         CL5_MISSING     if the data erouneously missing

-         CL5_SUCCESS     if that has not and should not been seen by the server

-  */

- static int

- _cl5CheckMissingCSN(const CSN *csn, const RUV *supplierRuv, CL5DBFile *file)

+ PRBool

+ cl5HelperEntry(const char *csnstr, CSN *csnp)


-     ReplicaId rid;

-     CSN *supplierCsn = NULL;

-     CSN *purgeCsn = NULL;

-     int rc = CL5_SUCCESS;

-     char csnStr[CSN_STRSIZE];


-     PR_ASSERT(csn && supplierRuv && file);

+     CSN *csn;

+     time_t csnTime;

+     PRBool retval = PR_FALSE;


-     rid = csn_get_replicaid(csn);

-     ruv_get_largest_csn_for_replica(supplierRuv, rid, &supplierCsn);

-     if (supplierCsn == NULL) {

-         /* we have not seen any changes from this replica so it is

-            ok not to have this csn */

-         if (slapi_is_loglevel_set(SLAPI_LOG_REPL)) {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5CheckMissingCSN - "

-                                                                "can't locate %s csn: we have not seen any changes for replica %d\n",

-                           csn_as_string(csn, PR_FALSE, csnStr), rid);

-         }

-         return CL5_SUCCESS;

+     if (csnp) {

+         csn = csnp;

+     } else {

+         csn = csn_new_by_string(csnstr);



-     ruv_get_largest_csn_for_replica(file->purgeRUV, rid, &purgeCsn);

-     if (purgeCsn == NULL) {

-         /* changelog never contained any changes for this replica */

-         if (csn_compare(csn, supplierCsn) <= 0) {

-             if (slapi_is_loglevel_set(SLAPI_LOG_REPL)) {

-                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5CheckMissingCSN - "

-                                                                    "the change with %s csn was never logged because it was imported "

-                                                                    "during replica initialization\n",

-                               csn_as_string(csn, PR_FALSE, csnStr));

-             }

-             rc = CL5_PURGED_DATA; /* XXXggood is that the correct return value? */

-         } else {

-             if (slapi_is_loglevel_set(SLAPI_LOG_REPL)) {

-                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5CheckMissingCSN - "

-                                                                    "change with %s csn has not yet been seen by this server; "

-                                                                    " last csn seen from that replica is %s\n",

-                               csn_as_string(csn, PR_FALSE, csnStr),

-                               csn_as_string(supplierCsn, PR_FALSE, csnStr));

-             }

-             rc = CL5_SUCCESS;

-         }

-     } else /* we have both purge and supplier csn */

-     {

-         if (csn_compare(csn, purgeCsn) < 0) /* the csn is below the purge point */

-         {

-             rc = CL5_PURGED_DATA;

-         } else {

-             if (csn_compare(csn, supplierCsn) <= 0) /* we should have the data but we don't */

-             {

-                 if (slapi_is_loglevel_set(SLAPI_LOG_REPL)) {

-                     slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5CheckMissingCSN - "

-                                                                        "change with %s csn has been purged by this server; "

-                                                                        "the current purge point for that replica is %s\n",

-                                   csn_as_string(csn, PR_FALSE, csnStr),

-                                   csn_as_string(purgeCsn, PR_FALSE, csnStr));

-                 }

-                 rc = CL5_MISSING_DATA;

-             } else {

-                 if (slapi_is_loglevel_set(SLAPI_LOG_REPL)) {

-                     slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5CheckMissingCSN - "

-                                                                        "change with %s csn has not yet been seen by this server; "

-                                                                        " last csn seen from that replica is %s\n",

-                                   csn_as_string(csn, PR_FALSE, csnStr),

-                                   csn_as_string(supplierCsn, PR_FALSE, csnStr));

-                 }

-                 rc = CL5_SUCCESS;

-             }

-         }

+     if (csn == NULL) {

+         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                       "cl5HelperEntry - Failed to get csn time; csn error\n");

+         return PR_FALSE;


+     csnTime = csn_get_time(csn);


-     if (supplierCsn)

-         csn_free(&supplierCsn);


-     if (purgeCsn)

-         csn_free(&purgeCsn);

+     if (csnTime == ENTRY_COUNT_TIME || csnTime == PURGE_RUV_TIME) {

+         retval = PR_TRUE;

+     }


-     return rc;

+     if (NULL == csnp)

+         csn_free(&csn);

+     return retval;



- /* Helper functions that work with individual changelog files */


- /* file name format : <replica name>_<replica generation>db{2,3,...} */


+ /* Replay iteration helper functions */

  static PRBool

- _cl5FileName2Replica(const char *file_name, Replica **replica)

+ _cl5ValidReplayIterator(const CL5ReplayIterator *iterator)


-     char *repl_name, *file_gen, *repl_gen;

-     int len;


-     PR_ASSERT(file_name && replica);


-     *replica = NULL;


-     /* this is database file */

-     if (_cl5FileEndsWith(file_name, DB_EXTENSION) ||

-         _cl5FileEndsWith(file_name, DB_EXTENSION_DB4) ||

-         _cl5FileEndsWith(file_name, DB_EXTENSION_DB3)) {

-         repl_name = slapi_ch_strdup(file_name);

-         file_gen = strstr(repl_name, FILE_SEP);

-         if (file_gen) {

-             int extlen = strlen(DB_EXTENSION);

-             *file_gen = '\0';

-             file_gen += strlen(FILE_SEP);

-             len = strlen(file_gen);

-             if (len <= extlen + 1) {

-                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                               "_cl5FileName2Replica - "

-                               "Invalid file name (%s)\n",

-                               file_name);

-             } else {

-                 /* get rid of the file extension */

-                 file_gen[len - extlen - 1] = '\0';

-                 *replica = replica_get_by_name(repl_name);

-                 if (*replica) {

-                     repl_gen = replica_get_generation(*replica);

-                     PR_ASSERT(repl_gen);

-                     if (strcmp(file_gen, repl_gen) != 0) {

-                         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                                       "_cl5FileName2Replica - "

-                                       "Replica generation mismatch for replica at (%s), "

-                                       "file generation %s, new replica generation %s\n",

-                                       slapi_sdn_get_dn(replica_get_root(*replica)), file_gen, repl_gen);


-                         *replica = NULL;

-                     }

-                     slapi_ch_free((void **)&repl_gen);

-                 }

-             }

-             slapi_ch_free((void **)&repl_name);

-         } else {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5FileName2Replica - "

-                                                                "Malformed file name - %s\n",

-                           file_name);

-         }


-         return PR_TRUE;

-     } else

+     if (iterator == NULL ||

+         iterator->consumerRuv == NULL || iterator->supplierRuvObj == NULL ||

+         iterator->it_cldb == NULL)

          return PR_FALSE;


+     return PR_TRUE;


+ #endif


- /* file name format : <replica name>_<replica generation>db{2,3} */

- static char *

- _cl5Replica2FileName(Replica *r)

+ /* Algorithm: ONREPL!!!

+  */

+ struct replica_hash_entry


-     const char *replName;

-     char *replGen, *fileName;


-     PR_ASSERT(r);

+     ReplicaId rid;      /* replica id */

+     PRBool sendChanges; /* indicates whether changes should be sent for this replica */

+ };


-     replName = replica_get_name(r);

-     replGen = replica_get_generation(r);


-     fileName = _cl5MakeFileName(replName, replGen);

+ static int

+ _cl5PositionCursorForReplay(ReplicaId consumerRID, const RUV *consumerRuv, Replica *replica, CL5ReplayIterator **iterator, int *continue_on_missing)

+ {

+     CLC_Buffer *clcache = NULL;

+     CSN *startCSN = NULL;

+     char csnStr[CSN_STRSIZE];

+     int rc = CL5_SUCCESS;

+     Object *supplierRuvObj = NULL;

+     RUV *supplierRuv = NULL;

+     PRBool haveChanges = PR_FALSE;

+     char *agmt_name;


-     slapi_ch_free((void **)&replGen);

+     cldb_Handle *cldb = replica_get_file_info(replica);

+     PR_ASSERT (consumerRuv && replica && iterator);


+     csnStr[0] = '\0';


-     return fileName;

- }

+     /* get supplier's RUV */

+     supplierRuvObj = replica_get_ruv(replica);

+     PR_ASSERT(supplierRuvObj);


- static char *

- _cl5MakeFileName(const char *replName, const char *replGen)

- {

-     char *fileName = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s/%s%s%s.%s",

-                                        s_cl5Desc.dbDir, replName,

-                                        FILE_SEP, replGen, DB_EXTENSION);

+     if (!supplierRuvObj) {

+         rc = CL5_UNKNOWN_ERROR;

+         goto done;

+     }


-     return fileName;

- }

+     supplierRuv = (RUV *)object_get_data(supplierRuvObj);

+     PR_ASSERT(supplierRuv);


- /* open file that corresponds to a particular database */

- static int

- _cl5DBOpenFile(Replica *replica, Object **obj, PRBool checkDups)

- {

-     int rc;

-     const char *replName;

-     char *replGen;

+     agmt_name = get_thread_private_agmtname();


-     PR_ASSERT(replica);

+     if (slapi_is_loglevel_set(SLAPI_LOG_REPL)) {

+         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5PositionCursorForReplay - (%s): Consumer RUV:\n", agmt_name);

+         ruv_dump(consumerRuv, agmt_name, NULL);

+         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5PositionCursorForReplay - (%s): Supplier RUV:\n", agmt_name);

+         ruv_dump(supplierRuv, agmt_name, NULL);

+     }


-     replName = replica_get_name(replica);

-     PR_ASSERT(replName);

-     replGen = replica_get_generation(replica);

-     PR_ASSERT(replGen);


-     rc = _cl5DBOpenFileByReplicaName(replName, replGen, obj, checkDups);

+     /* initialize the changelog buffer and do the initial load */


-     slapi_ch_free((void **)&replGen);

+     rc = clcache_get_buffer(&clcache, cldb->db, consumerRID, consumerRuv, supplierRuv);

+     if (rc != 0)

+         goto done;


-     return rc;

- }

+     rc = clcache_load_buffer(clcache, &startCSN, continue_on_missing);


- static int

- _cl5DBOpenFileByReplicaName(const char *replName, const char *replGen, Object **obj, PRBool checkDups)

- {

-     int rc = CL5_SUCCESS;

-     Object *tmpObj;

-     CL5DBFile *file;

-     char *file_name;


-     PR_ASSERT(replName && replGen);


-     if (checkDups) {

-         PR_Lock(s_cl5Desc.fileLock);

-         file_name = _cl5MakeFileName(replName, replGen);

-         tmpObj = objset_find(s_cl5Desc.dbFiles, _cl5CompareDBFile, file_name);

-         slapi_ch_free((void **)&file_name);

-         if (tmpObj) /* this file already exist */

-         {

+     if (rc == 0) {

+         haveChanges = PR_TRUE;

+         rc = CL5_SUCCESS;

+         if (slapi_is_loglevel_set(SLAPI_LOG_REPL)) {

+             csn_as_string(startCSN, PR_FALSE, csnStr);

              slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "_cl5DBOpenFileByReplicaName - Found DB object %p for replica %s\n", tmpObj, replName);

-             /* if we were asked for file handle - keep the handle */

-             if (obj) {

-                 *obj = tmpObj;

-             } else {

-                 object_release(tmpObj);

-             }


-             rc = CL5_SUCCESS;

+                           "%s: CSN %s found, position set for replay\n", agmt_name, csnStr);

+         }

+     } else if (rc == DB_NOTFOUND) {

+         /* buffer not loaded.

+          * either because no changes have to be sent ==> startCSN is NULL

+          * or the calculated startCSN cannot be found in the changelog

+          */

+         if (startCSN == NULL) {

+             rc = CL5_NOTFOUND;

              goto done;


-     }


-     rc = _cl5NewDBFile(replName, replGen, &file);

-     if (rc == CL5_SUCCESS) {

-         /* This creates the file but doesn't set the init flag

-          * The flag is set later when the purge and max ruvs are set.

-          * This is to prevent some thread to get file access before the

-          * structure is fully initialized */

-         rc = _cl5AddDBFile(file, &tmpObj);

-         if (rc == CL5_SUCCESS) {

-             /* read purge RUV - done here because it needs file object rather than file pointer */

-             rc = _cl5ReadRUV(replGen, tmpObj, PR_TRUE);

-             if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

+         /* check whether this csn should be present */

+         rc = _cl5CheckMissingCSN(startCSN, supplierRuv, cldb);

+         if (rc == CL5_MISSING_DATA) /* we should have had the change but we don't */

+         {

+             if (slapi_is_loglevel_set(SLAPI_LOG_REPL)) {

+                 csn_as_string(startCSN, PR_FALSE, csnStr);

                  slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                               "_cl5DBOpenFileByReplicaName - Failed to get purge RUV\n");

-                 goto done;

+                               "repl_plugin_name_cl - %s: CSN %s not found, seems to be missing\n", agmt_name, csnStr);


+         } else /* we are not as up to date or we purged */

+         {

+             csn_as_string(startCSN, PR_FALSE, csnStr);

+             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                           "repl_plugin_name_cl - %s: CSN %s not found, we aren't as up to date, or we purged\n",

+                           agmt_name, csnStr);

+         }

+     } else {

+         csn_as_string(startCSN, PR_FALSE, csnStr);

+         /* db error */

+         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                       "repl_plugin_name_cl - %s: Failed to retrieve change with CSN %s; db error - %d %s\n",

+                       agmt_name, csnStr, rc, db_strerror(rc));


-             /* read ruv that represents the upper bound of the changes stored in the file */

-             rc = _cl5ReadRUV(replGen, tmpObj, PR_FALSE);

-             if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                               "_cl5DBOpenFileByReplicaName - Failed to get upper bound RUV\n");

-                 goto done;

-             }

+         rc = CL5_DB_ERROR;

+     }


-             /* Mark the DB File initialize */

-             _cl5DBFileInitialized(tmpObj);


-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "_cl5DBOpenFileByReplicaName - Created new DB object %p\n", tmpObj);

-             if (obj) {

-                 *obj = tmpObj;

-             } else {

-                 object_release(tmpObj);

-             }

+     /* setup the iterator */

+     if (haveChanges) {

+         *iterator = (CL5ReplayIterator *)slapi_ch_calloc(1, sizeof(CL5ReplayIterator));


+         if (*iterator == NULL) {

+             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                           "_cl5PositionCursorForReplay - %s - Failed to allocate iterator\n", agmt_name);

+             rc = CL5_MEMORY_ERROR;

+             goto done;


-     }


- done:;

-     if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-         if (file)

-             _cl5DBCloseFile((void **)&file);

+         /* ONREPL - should we make a copy of both RUVs here ?*/

+         (*iterator)->it_cldb = cldb;

+         (*iterator)->clcache = clcache;

+         clcache = NULL;

+         (*iterator)->consumerRID = consumerRID;

+         (*iterator)->consumerRuv = consumerRuv;

+         (*iterator)->supplierRuvObj = supplierRuvObj;

+     } else if (rc == CL5_SUCCESS) {

+         /* we have no changes to send */

+         rc = CL5_NOTFOUND;



-     if (checkDups) {

-         PR_Unlock(s_cl5Desc.fileLock);

+ done:

+     if (clcache)

+         clcache_return_buffer(&clcache);


+     if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

+         if (supplierRuvObj)

+             object_release(supplierRuvObj);



      return rc;



- /* adds file to the db file list */

+ struct ruv_it

+ {

+     CSN **csns; /* csn list */

+     int alloc;  /* allocated size */

+     int pos;    /* position in the list */

+ };


  static int

- _cl5AddDBFile(CL5DBFile *file, Object **obj)

+ ruv_consumer_iterator(const ruv_enum_data *enum_data, void *arg)


-     int rc;

-     Object *tmpObj;

+     struct ruv_it *data = (struct ruv_it *)arg;


-     PR_ASSERT(file);

+     PR_ASSERT(data);


-     tmpObj = object_new(file, _cl5DBCloseFile);

-     rc = objset_add_obj(s_cl5Desc.dbFiles, tmpObj);

-     if (rc != OBJSET_SUCCESS) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5AddDBFile - Failed to add db file to the list; "

-                       "repl_objset error - %d\n",

-                       rc);

-         object_release(tmpObj);

-         return CL5_OBJSET_ERROR;

-     } else {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5AddDBFile - Added new DB object %p\n", tmpObj);

+     /* check if we have space for one more element */

+     if (data->pos >= data->alloc - 2) {

+         data->alloc += 4;

+         data->csns = (CSN **)slapi_ch_realloc((void *)data->csns, data->alloc * sizeof(CSN *));



-     if (obj) {

-         *obj = tmpObj;

-     } else

-         object_release(tmpObj);

+     data->csns[data->pos] = csn_dup(enum_data->csn);

+     data->pos++;


-     return CL5_SUCCESS;

+     return 0;




  static int

- _cl5NewDBFile(const char *replName, const char *replGen, CL5DBFile **dbFile)

+ ruv_supplier_iterator(const ruv_enum_data *enum_data, void *arg)


-     int rc;

-     DB *db = NULL;

-     char *name;

- #ifdef HPUX

-     char cwd[PATH_MAX + 1];

- #endif


-     PR_ASSERT(replName && replGen && dbFile);


-     if (!dbFile) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5NewDBFile - NULL dbFile\n");

-         return CL5_UNKNOWN_ERROR;

-     }


-     (*dbFile) = (CL5DBFile *)slapi_ch_calloc(1, sizeof(CL5DBFile));

-     if (*dbFile == NULL) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5NewDBFile - memory allocation failed\n");

-         return CL5_MEMORY_ERROR;

-     }

+     int i;

+     PRBool found = PR_FALSE;

+     ReplicaId rid;

+     struct ruv_it *data = (struct ruv_it *)arg;


-     name = _cl5MakeFileName(replName, replGen);

-     {

-         /* The subname argument allows applications to have

-      * subdatabases, i.e., multiple databases inside of a single

-      * physical file. This is useful when the logical databases

-      * are both numerous and reasonably small, in order to

-      * avoid creating a large number of underlying files.

-      */

-         char *subname = NULL;

-         DB_ENV *dbEnv = s_cl5Desc.dbEnv;

+     PR_ASSERT(data);


-         rc = db_create(&db, dbEnv, 0);

-         if (0 != rc) {

-             goto out;

-         }

+     rid = csn_get_replicaid(enum_data->min_csn);

+     /* check if the replica that generated the csn is already in the list */

+     for (i = 0; i < data->pos; i++) {

+         if (rid == csn_get_replicaid(data->csns[i])) {

+             found = PR_TRUE;


-         rc = db->set_pagesize(

-             db,

-             s_cl5Desc.dbConfig.pageSize);

+             /* remove datacsn[i] if it is greater or equal to the supplier's maxcsn */

+             if (csn_compare(data->csns[i], enum_data->csn) >= 0) {

+                 int j;


-         if (0 != rc) {

-             goto out;

+                 csn_free(&data->csns[i]);

+                 for (j = i + 1; j < data->pos; j++) {

+                     data->csns[j - 1] = data->csns[j];

+                 }

+                 data->pos--;

+             }

+             break;



-         DB_OPEN(s_cl5Desc.dbEnvOpenFlags,

-                 db, NULL /* txnid */, name, subname, DB_BTREE,

-                 DB_CREATE | DB_THREAD, s_cl5Desc.dbConfig.fileMode, rc);

-     }

- out:

-     if (rc != 0) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5NewDBFile - db_open failed; db error - %d %s\n",

-                       rc, db_strerror(rc));

-         rc = CL5_DB_ERROR;

-         goto done;



-     (*dbFile)->db = db;

-     (*dbFile)->name = name;

-     name = NULL; /* transfer ownership to dbFile struct */

-     (*dbFile)->replName = slapi_ch_strdup(replName);

-     (*dbFile)->replGen = slapi_ch_strdup(replGen);



-     /* compute number of entries in the file */

-     /* ONREPL - to improve performance, we keep entry count in memory

-                 and write it down during shutdown. Problem: this will not

-                 work with multiple processes. Do we have to worry about that?

-      */

-     if (s_cl5Desc.dbOpenMode == CL5_OPEN_NORMAL) {

-         rc = _cl5GetEntryCount(*dbFile);

-         if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "_cl5NewDBFile - Failed to get entry count\n");

-             goto done;

+     if (!found) {

+         /* check if we have space for one more element */

+         if (data->pos >= data->alloc - 2) {

+             data->alloc += 4;

+             data->csns = (CSN **)slapi_ch_realloc((void *)data->csns,

+                                                   data->alloc * sizeof(CSN *));


-     }


- done:

-     if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-         _cl5DBCloseFile((void **)dbFile);

-         /* slapi_ch_free accepts NULL pointer */

-         slapi_ch_free((void **)&name);


-         slapi_ch_free((void **)dbFile);

+         data->csns[data->pos] = csn_dup(enum_data->min_csn);

+         data->pos++;



-     return rc;

+     return 0;



- static void

- _cl5DBCloseFile(void **data)


+ static int

+ my_csn_compare(const void *arg1, const void *arg2)


-     CL5DBFile *file;

-     int rc = 0;

+     return (csn_compare(*((CSN **)arg1), *((CSN **)arg2)));

+ }


-     PR_ASSERT(data);


-     file = *(CL5DBFile **)data;

+ /* builds CSN ordered list of all csns in the RUV */

+ CSN **

+ cl5BuildCSNList(const RUV *consRuv, const RUV *supRuv)

+ {

+     struct ruv_it data;

+     int count, rc;

+     CSN **csns;


+     PR_ASSERT(consRuv);


-     PR_ASSERT(file);

+     count = ruv_replica_count(consRuv);

+     csns = (CSN **)slapi_ch_calloc(count + 1, sizeof(CSN *));


-     slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5DBCloseFile - "

-                                                        "Closing database %s\n",

-                   file->name);

+     data.csns = csns;

+     data.alloc = count + 1;

+     data.pos = 0;


-     /* close the file */

-     /* if this is normal close or close after import, update entry count */

-     if ((s_cl5Desc.dbOpenMode == CL5_OPEN_NORMAL && s_cl5Desc.dbState == CL5_STATE_CLOSING) ||

-         s_cl5Desc.dbOpenMode == CL5_OPEN_LDIF2CL) {

-         _cl5WriteEntryCount(file);

-         _cl5WriteRUV(file, PR_TRUE);

-         _cl5WriteRUV(file, PR_FALSE);

+     /* add consumer elements to the list */

+     rc = ruv_enumerate_elements(consRuv, ruv_consumer_iterator, &data);

+     if (rc == 0 && supRuv) {

+         /* add supplier elements to the list */

+         rc = ruv_enumerate_elements(supRuv, ruv_supplier_iterator, &data);



-     /* close the db */

-     if (file->db) {

-         rc = file->db->close(file->db, 0);

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "_cl5DBCloseFile - "

-                       "Closed the changelog database handle for %s "

-                       "(rc: %d)\n",

-                       file->name, rc);

-         file->db = NULL;

-     }


-     if (file->flags & DB_FILE_DELETED) {

-         /* We need to use the libdb API to delete the files, otherwise we'll

-          * run into problems when we try to checkpoint transactions later. */

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5DBCloseFile - "

-                                                            "removing the changelog %s (flag %d)\n",

-                       file->name, DEFAULT_DB_ENV_OP_FLAGS);

-         rc = s_cl5Desc.dbEnv->dbremove(s_cl5Desc.dbEnv, 0, file->name, 0,

-                                        DEFAULT_DB_ENV_OP_FLAGS);

-         if (rc != 0) {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5DBCloseFile - "

-                                                                "failed to remove (%s) file; libdb error - %d (%s)\n",

-                           file->name, rc, db_strerror(rc));

+     /* we have no csns */

+     if (data.csns[0] == NULL) {

+         /* csns might have been realloced in ruv_supplier_iterator() */

+         slapi_ch_free((void **)&data.csns);

+         csns = NULL;

+     } else {

+         csns = data.csns;

+         data.csns[data.pos] = NULL;

+         if (rc == 0) {

+             qsort(csns, data.pos, sizeof(CSN *), my_csn_compare);

          } else {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5DBCloseFile - "

-                                                                "Deleted the changelog database file %s\n",

-                           file->name);

+             cl5DestroyCSNList(&csns);




-     /* slapi_ch_free accepts NULL pointer */

-     slapi_ch_free((void **)&file->name);

-     slapi_ch_free((void **)&file->replName);

-     slapi_ch_free((void **)&file->replGen);

-     ruv_destroy(&file->maxRUV);

-     ruv_destroy(&file->purgeRUV);

-     file->db = NULL;


-     slapi_ch_free(data);

+     return csns;



- static int

- _cl5GetDBFile(Replica *replica, Object **obj)

+ void

+ cl5DestroyCSNList(CSN ***csns)


-     char *fileName;


-     PR_ASSERT(replica && obj);

+     if (csns && *csns) {

+         int i;


-     fileName = _cl5Replica2FileName(replica);

+         for (i = 0; (*csns)[i]; i++) {

+             csn_free(&(*csns)[i]);

+         }


-     *obj = objset_find(s_cl5Desc.dbFiles, _cl5CompareDBFile, fileName);

-     if (*obj) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5GetDBFile - "

-                                                            "found DB object %p for database %s\n",

-                       *obj, fileName);

-         slapi_ch_free_string(&fileName);

-         return CL5_SUCCESS;

-     } else {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5GetDBFile - "

-                                                            "no DB object found for database %s\n",

-                       fileName);

-         slapi_ch_free_string(&fileName);

-         return CL5_NOTFOUND;

+         slapi_ch_free((void **)csns);




+ /* A csn should be in the changelog if it is larger than purge vector csn for the same

+    replica and is smaller than the csn in supplier's ruv for the same replica.

+    The functions returns

+         CL5_PURGED      if data was purged from the changelog or was never logged

+                         because it was loaded as part of replica initialization

+         CL5_MISSING     if the data erouneously missing

+         CL5_SUCCESS     if that has not and should not been seen by the server

+  */

  static int

- _cl5GetDBFileByReplicaName(const char *replName, const char *replGen, Object **obj)

+ _cl5CheckMissingCSN(const CSN *csn, const RUV *supplierRuv, cldb_Handle *cldb)


-     char *fileName;


-     PR_ASSERT(replName && replGen && obj);

+     ReplicaId rid;

+     CSN *supplierCsn = NULL;

+     CSN *purgeCsn = NULL;

+     int rc = CL5_SUCCESS;

+     char csnStr[CSN_STRSIZE];


-     fileName = _cl5MakeFileName(replName, replGen);

+     PR_ASSERT(csn && supplierRuv && cldb);


-     *obj = objset_find(s_cl5Desc.dbFiles, _cl5CompareDBFile, fileName);

-     if (*obj) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5GetDBFileByReplicaName - "

-                                                            "found DB object %p for database %s\n",

-                       *obj, fileName);

-         slapi_ch_free_string(&fileName);

+     rid = csn_get_replicaid(csn);

+     ruv_get_largest_csn_for_replica(supplierRuv, rid, &supplierCsn);

+     if (supplierCsn == NULL) {

+         /* we have not seen any changes from this replica so it is

+            ok not to have this csn */

+         if (slapi_is_loglevel_set(SLAPI_LOG_REPL)) {

+             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5CheckMissingCSN - "

+                                                                "can't locate %s csn: we have not seen any changes for replica %d\n",

+                           csn_as_string(csn, PR_FALSE, csnStr), rid);

+         }

          return CL5_SUCCESS;

-     } else {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5GetDBFileByReplicaName - "

-                                                            "no DB object found for database %s\n",

-                       fileName);

-         slapi_ch_free_string(&fileName);

-         return CL5_NOTFOUND;


- }


- static void

- _cl5DBDeleteFile(Object *file_obj)

- {

-     CL5DBFile *file;

-     int rc = 0;


-     PR_ASSERT(file_obj);


-     file = (CL5DBFile *)object_get_data(file_obj);

-     PR_ASSERT(file);

-     file->flags |= DB_FILE_DELETED;

-     rc = objset_remove_obj(s_cl5Desc.dbFiles, file_obj);

-     if (rc != OBJSET_SUCCESS) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5DBDeleteFile - "

-                                                            "could not find DB object %p\n",

-                       file_obj);

-     } else {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5DBDeleteFile - "

-                                                            "removed DB object %p\n",

-                       file_obj);

+     ruv_get_largest_csn_for_replica(cldb->purgeRUV, rid, &purgeCsn);

+     if (purgeCsn == NULL) {

+         /* changelog never contained any changes for this replica */

+         if (csn_compare(csn, supplierCsn) <= 0) {

+             if (slapi_is_loglevel_set(SLAPI_LOG_REPL)) {

+                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5CheckMissingCSN - "

+                                                                    "the change with %s csn was never logged because it was imported "

+                                                                    "during replica initialization\n",

+                               csn_as_string(csn, PR_FALSE, csnStr));

+             }

+             rc = CL5_PURGED_DATA; /* XXXggood is that the correct return value? */

+         } else {

+             if (slapi_is_loglevel_set(SLAPI_LOG_REPL)) {

+                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5CheckMissingCSN - "

+                                                                    "change with %s csn has not yet been seen by this server; "

+                                                                    " last csn seen from that replica is %s\n",

+                               csn_as_string(csn, PR_FALSE, csnStr),

+                               csn_as_string(supplierCsn, PR_FALSE, csnStr));

+             }

+             rc = CL5_SUCCESS;

+         }

+     } else /* we have both purge and supplier csn */

+     {

+         if (csn_compare(csn, purgeCsn) < 0) /* the csn is below the purge point */

+         {

+             rc = CL5_PURGED_DATA;

+         } else {

+             if (csn_compare(csn, supplierCsn) <= 0) /* we should have the data but we don't */

+             {

+                 if (slapi_is_loglevel_set(SLAPI_LOG_REPL)) {

+                     slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5CheckMissingCSN - "

+                                                                        "change with %s csn has been purged by this server; "

+                                                                        "the current purge point for that replica is %s\n",

+                                   csn_as_string(csn, PR_FALSE, csnStr),

+                                   csn_as_string(purgeCsn, PR_FALSE, csnStr));

+                 }

+                 rc = CL5_MISSING_DATA;

+             } else {

+                 if (slapi_is_loglevel_set(SLAPI_LOG_REPL)) {

+                     slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl, "_cl5CheckMissingCSN - "

+                                                                        "change with %s csn has not yet been seen by this server; "

+                                                                        " last csn seen from that replica is %s\n",

+                                   csn_as_string(csn, PR_FALSE, csnStr),

+                                   csn_as_string(supplierCsn, PR_FALSE, csnStr));

+                 }

+                 rc = CL5_SUCCESS;

+             }

+         }


-     object_release(file_obj);

- }


- static void

- _cl5DBFileInitialized(Object *file_obj)

- {

-     CL5DBFile *file;


-     PR_ASSERT(file_obj);


-     file = (CL5DBFile *)object_get_data(file_obj);

-     PR_ASSERT(file);

-     file->flags |= DB_FILE_INIT;

- }


- static int

- _cl5CompareDBFile(Object *el1, const void *el2)

- {

-     CL5DBFile *file;

-     const char *name;

+     if (supplierCsn)

+         csn_free(&supplierCsn);


-     PR_ASSERT(el1 && el2);

+     if (purgeCsn)

+         csn_free(&purgeCsn);


-     file = (CL5DBFile *)object_get_data(el1);

-     name = (const char *)el2;

-     return ((file->flags & DB_FILE_INIT) ? strcmp(file->name, name) : 1);

+     return rc;



- /*

-  * return 1: true (the "filename" ends with "ext")

-  * return 0: false

-  */

- static int

- _cl5FileEndsWith(const char *filename, const char *ext)

- {

-     char *p = NULL;

-     int flen = strlen(filename);

-     int elen = strlen(ext);

-     if (0 == flen || 0 == elen) {

-         return 0;

-     }

-     p = PL_strrstr(filename, ext);

-     if (NULL == p) {

-         return 0;

-     }

-     if (p - filename + elen == flen) {

-         return 1;

-     }

-     return 0;

- }

+ /* Helper functions that work with individual changelog files */


  static int

- _cl5ExportFile(PRFileDesc *prFile, Object *obj)

+ _cl5ExportFile(PRFileDesc *prFile, cldb_Handle *cldb)


      int rc;

      void *iterator = NULL;
@@ -5821,23 +4373,19 @@ 

      char *buff;

      PRInt32 len, wlen;

      CL5Entry entry;

-     CL5DBFile *file;


-     PR_ASSERT(prFile && obj);


-     file = (CL5DBFile *)object_get_data(obj);

-     PR_ASSERT(file);

+     PR_ASSERT(prFile && cldb);


      if (slapi_is_loglevel_set(SLAPI_LOG_REPL)) {

-         ruv_dump(file->purgeRUV, "clpurgeruv", prFile);

-         ruv_dump(file->maxRUV, "clmaxruv", prFile);

+         ruv_dump(cldb->purgeRUV, "clpurgeruv", prFile);

+         ruv_dump(cldb->maxRUV, "clmaxruv", prFile);


      slapi_write_buffer(prFile, "\n", strlen("\n"));


      entry.op = &op;

-     rc = _cl5GetFirstEntry(obj, &entry, &iterator, NULL);

+     rc = _cl5GetFirstEntry(cldb, &entry, &iterator, NULL);

      while (rc == CL5_SUCCESS) {

-         rc = _cl5Operation2LDIF(&op, file->replGen, &buff, &len);

+         rc = _cl5Operation2LDIF(&op, cldb->ident, &buff, &len);

          if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

              slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

                            "_cl5ExportFile - Failed to convert operation to ldif\n");
@@ -5875,24 +4423,6 @@ 

      return rc;



- static PRBool

- _cl5ReplicaInList(Replica *replica, Replica **replicas)

- {

-     int i;


-     PR_ASSERT(replica && replicas);


-     /* ONREPL I think it should be sufficient to just compare replica pointers */

-     /* LK not sure about this, but it is only used for changlog import for

-      * multiple changelogs, shozld probably be deprecated anyway */

-     for (i = 0; replicas[i]; i++) {

-         if (replica == replicas[i])

-             return PR_TRUE;

-     }


-     return PR_FALSE;

- }


  static char *

  _cl5GetHelperEntryKey(int type, char *csnStr)

@@ -5908,338 +4438,106 @@ 

      return rt;



- static Replica *

- _cl5GetReplica(const slapi_operation_parameters *op, const char *replGen)

+ /*

+  * Write RUVs into the changelog;

+  * implemented for backup to make sure the backed up changelog contains RUVs

+  * Return values: 0 -- success

+  *                1 -- failure

+  */

+ static int

+ _cl5WriteReplicaRUV(Replica *r, void *arg)


-     Slapi_DN *sdn;

-     Replica *replica;

-     char *newGen;


-     PR_ASSERT(op && replGen);


-     sdn = op->target_address.sdn;


-     replica = replica_get_replica_from_dn(sdn);

-     if (replica) {

-         /* check to see if replica generation has not change */

-         newGen = replica_get_generation(replica);

-         PR_ASSERT(newGen);

-         if (strcmp(replGen, newGen) != 0) {

-             replica = NULL;

-         }


-         slapi_ch_free((void **)&newGen);

+     int rc = 0;

+     cldb_Handle *cldb = replica_get_file_info(r);


+     if (NULL == cldb) {

+         /* TBD should this really happen, do we need an error msg */

+         return rc;



-     return replica;

- }

+     _cl5WriteEntryCount(cldb);

+     rc = _cl5WriteRUV(cldb, PR_TRUE);

+     rc = _cl5WriteRUV(cldb, PR_FALSE);

+     ruv_destroy(&cldb->maxRUV);

+     ruv_destroy(&cldb->purgeRUV);


- int

- cl5_is_diskfull()

- {

-     int rc;

-     PR_Lock(cl5_diskfull_lock);

-     rc = cl5_diskfull_flag;

-     PR_Unlock(cl5_diskfull_lock);

      return rc;



- static void

- cl5_set_diskfull(void)

- {

-     PR_Lock(cl5_diskfull_lock);

-     cl5_diskfull_flag = 1;

-     PR_Unlock(cl5_diskfull_lock);

- }


- static void

- cl5_set_no_diskfull(void)

- {

-     PR_Lock(cl5_diskfull_lock);

-     cl5_diskfull_flag = 0;

-     PR_Unlock(cl5_diskfull_lock);

- }


- int

- cl5_diskspace_is_available()

+ static char *

+ _cl5LdifFileName(char *instance_ldif)


-     int rval = 1;

+     char *cl_ldif = NULL;

+     char *p =strstr(instance_ldif, ".ldif");


- #if defined(OS_solaris) || defined(hpux)

-     struct statvfs fsbuf;

-     if (statvfs(s_cl5Desc.dbDir, &fsbuf) < 0) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "cl5_diskspace_is_available - Cannot get file system info\n");

-         rval = 0;

-     } else {

-         unsigned long fsiz = fsbuf.f_bavail * fsbuf.f_frsize;

-         if (fsiz < NO_DISK_SPACE) {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "cl5_diskspace_is_available - No enough diskspace for changelog: (%u bytes free)\n", fsiz);

-             rval = 0;

-         } else if (fsiz > MIN_DISK_SPACE) {

-             /* assume recovered */

-             cl5_set_no_diskfull();

-         }

-     }

- #endif

- #if defined(linux)

-     struct statfs fsbuf;

-     if (statfs(s_cl5Desc.dbDir, &fsbuf) < 0) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "cl5_diskspace_is_available - Cannot get file system info\n");

-         rval = 0;

+     if (p) {

+         *p = '\0';

+         cl_ldif = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s_cl.ldif", instance_ldif);

      } else {

-         unsigned long fsiz = fsbuf.f_bavail * fsbuf.f_bsize;

-         if (fsiz < NO_DISK_SPACE) {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "cl5_diskspace_is_available - No enough diskspace for changelog: (%lu bytes free)\n", fsiz);

-             rval = 0;

-         } else if (fsiz > MIN_DISK_SPACE) {

-             /* assume recovered */

-             cl5_set_no_diskfull();

-         }

+         cl_ldif = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s_cl", instance_ldif);


- #endif

-     return rval;

- }


- int

- cl5DbDirIsEmpty(const char *dir)

- {

-     PRDir *prDir;

-     PRDirEntry *prDirEntry;

-     int isempty = 1;


-     if (!dir || !*dir) {

-         return isempty;

-     }

-     /* assume failure means it does not exist - other failure

-        cases will be handled by code which attempts to create the

-        db in this directory */

-     if (PR_Access(dir, PR_ACCESS_EXISTS)) {

-         return isempty;

-     }

-     prDir = PR_OpenDir(dir);

-     if (prDir == NULL) {

-         return isempty; /* assume failure means does not exist */

-     }

-     while (NULL != (prDirEntry = PR_ReadDir(prDir, PR_SKIP_DOT | PR_SKIP_DOT_DOT))) {

-         if (NULL == prDirEntry->name) { /* NSPR doesn't behave like the docs say it should */

-             break;

-         }

-         isempty = 0; /* found at least one "real" file */

-         break;

-     }

-     PR_CloseDir(prDir);

+     return cl_ldif;


-     return isempty;



- /*

-  * Write RUVs into the changelog;

-  * implemented for backup to make sure the backed up changelog contains RUVs

-  * Return values: 0 -- success

-  *                1 -- failure

-  */


- cl5WriteRUV()

+ cl5Import(Slapi_PBlock *pb)


-     int rc = 0;

-     Object *file_obj = NULL;

-     CL5DBFile *dbfile = NULL;

-     int closeit = 0;

-     int slapd_pid = 0;


-     changelog5Config config;


-     /* read changelog configuration */

-     changelog5_read_config(&config);

-     if (config.dir == NULL) {

-         /* Changelog is not configured; Replication is not enabled.

-          * we don't have to update RUVs.

-          * bail out - return success */

-         goto bail;

-     }


-     slapd_pid = is_slapd_running();

-     if (slapd_pid <= 0) {

-         /* I'm not a server, rather a utility.

-          * And the server is NOT running.

-          * RUVs should be in the changelog.

-          * we don't have to update RUVs.

-          * bail out - return success */

-         goto bail;

-     }


-     if (getpid() != slapd_pid) {

-         /* I'm not a server, rather a utility.

-          * And the server IS running.

-          * RUVs are not in the changelog and no easy way to retrieve them.

-          * bail out - return failure */

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "cl5WriteRUV - server (pid %d) is already running; bail.\n",

-                       slapd_pid);

-         rc = 1;

-         goto bail;

-     }


-     /* file is stored in the changelog directory and is named

-      *        <replica name>.ldif */

-     if (CL5_STATE_OPEN != s_cl5Desc.dbState) {

-         rc = _cl5Open(config.dir, &config.dbconfig, CL5_OPEN_NORMAL);

-         if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "cl5WriteRUV - Failed to open changelog\n");

-             goto bail;

-         }

-         s_cl5Desc.dbState = CL5_STATE_OPEN; /* force to change the state */

-         closeit = 1;                        /* It had not been opened; close it */

-     }

+     slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                           "cl5Export - Importing changelog\n");


-     file_obj = objset_first_obj(s_cl5Desc.dbFiles);

-     while (file_obj) {

-         dbfile = (CL5DBFile *)object_get_data(file_obj);

-         if (dbfile) {

-             _cl5WriteEntryCount(dbfile);

-             _cl5WriteRUV(dbfile, PR_TRUE);

-             _cl5WriteRUV(dbfile, PR_FALSE);

-         }

-         file_obj = objset_next_obj(s_cl5Desc.dbFiles, file_obj);

-     }

- bail:

-     if (closeit && (CL5_STATE_OPEN == s_cl5Desc.dbState)) {

-         _cl5Close();

-         s_cl5Desc.dbState = CL5_STATE_CLOSED; /* force to change the state */

-     }

-     changelog5_config_done(&config);

-     return rc;

+     /* TBD

+      * as in cl5Export 

+      * get ldif dir from pblock

+      * generate cl ldif name 

+      * call clImportLDIF

+      */

+     return 0;



- /*

-  * Delete RUVs from the changelog;

-  * implemented for backup to clean up RUVs

-  * Return values: 0 -- success

-  *                1 -- failure

-  */


- cl5DeleteRUV()

+ cl5Export(Slapi_PBlock *pb)


-     int rc = 0;

-     Object *file_obj = NULL;

-     CL5DBFile *dbfile = NULL;

-     int slapd_pid = 0;

-     int closeit = 0;


-     changelog5Config config;


-     /* read changelog configuration */

-     changelog5_read_config(&config);

-     if (config.dir == NULL) {

-         /* Changelog is not configured; Replication is not enabled.

-          * we don't have to update RUVs.

-          * bail out - return success */

-         goto bail;

-     }


-     slapd_pid = is_slapd_running();

-     if (slapd_pid <= 0) {

-         /* I'm not a server, rather a utility.

-          * And the server is NOT running.

-          * RUVs should be in the changelog.

-          * we don't have to update RUVs.

-          * bail out - return success */

-         goto bail;

-     }


-     if (getpid() != slapd_pid) {

-         /* I'm not a server, rather a utility.

-          * And the server IS running.

-          * RUVs are not in the changelog.

-          * bail out - return success */

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "cl5DeleteRUV - server (pid %d) is already running; bail.\n",

-                       slapd_pid);

-         goto bail;

-     }

+     char *instance_name;

+     char *instance_ldif;

+     char *instance_cl_ldif;

+     Slapi_Backend *be;

+     Replica *replica = NULL;

+     int rc;


-     /* file is stored in the changelog directory and is named

-      *        <replica name>.ldif */

-     if (CL5_STATE_OPEN != s_cl5Desc.dbState) {

-         rc = _cl5Open(config.dir, &config.dbconfig, CL5_OPEN_NORMAL);

-         if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "cl5DeleteRUV - Failed to open changelog\n");

-             goto bail;

-         }

-         s_cl5Desc.dbState = CL5_STATE_OPEN; /* force to change the state */

-         closeit = 1;                        /* It had been opened; no need to close */

+     slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_BACKEND_INSTANCE_NAME, &instance_name);

+     slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_DB2LDIF_FILE, &instance_ldif);

+     slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_BACKEND, &be);

+     replica = replica_get_replica_from_dn(slapi_be_getsuffix(be, 0));

+     if (replica == NULL) {

+         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                               "cl5Export - No replica defined for instance %s\n", instance_name);

+         return 0;



-     file_obj = objset_first_obj(s_cl5Desc.dbFiles);

-     while (file_obj) {

-         dbfile = (CL5DBFile *)object_get_data(file_obj);

+     instance_cl_ldif = _cl5LdifFileName(instance_ldif);

+     slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                   "cl5Export - Exporting changelog for instance %s to file %s\n",

+                   instance_name, instance_cl_ldif);

+     rc = cl5ExportLDIF(instance_cl_ldif, replica);


-         /* _cl5GetEntryCount deletes entry count after reading it */

-         rc = _cl5GetEntryCount(dbfile);

-         if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "cl5DeleteRUV - Failed to get/delete entry count\n");

-             goto bail;

-         }

-         /* _cl5ReadRUV deletes RUV after reading it */

-         rc = _cl5ReadRUV(dbfile->replGen, file_obj, PR_TRUE);

-         if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "cl5DeleteRUV - Failed to read/delete purge RUV\n");

-             goto bail;

-         }

-         rc = _cl5ReadRUV(dbfile->replGen, file_obj, PR_FALSE);

-         if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "cl5DeleteRUV - Failed to read/delete upper bound RUV\n");

-             goto bail;

-         }

-         file_obj = objset_next_obj(s_cl5Desc.dbFiles, file_obj);

-     }

- bail:

-     if (file_obj) {

-         object_release(file_obj);

-     }

-     if (closeit && (CL5_STATE_OPEN == s_cl5Desc.dbState)) {

-         _cl5Close();

-         s_cl5Desc.dbState = CL5_STATE_CLOSED; /* force to change the state */

-     }

-     changelog5_config_done(&config);

      return rc;




   *  Clean the in memory RUV, at shutdown we will write the update to the db



- cl5CleanRUV(ReplicaId rid)

+ cl5CleanRUV(ReplicaId rid, Replica *replica)


-     CL5DBFile *file;

-     Object *obj = NULL;


-     slapi_rwlock_wrlock(s_cl5Desc.stLock);


-     obj = objset_first_obj(s_cl5Desc.dbFiles);

-     while (obj) {

-         file = (CL5DBFile *)object_get_data(obj);

-         ruv_delete_replica(file->purgeRUV, rid);

-         ruv_delete_replica(file->maxRUV, rid);

-         obj = objset_next_obj(s_cl5Desc.dbFiles, obj);

-     }


-     slapi_rwlock_unlock(s_cl5Desc.stLock);

+     cldb_Handle *cldb = replica_get_file_info(replica);

+     ruv_delete_replica(cldb->purgeRUV, rid);

+     ruv_delete_replica(cldb->maxRUV, rid);



  static void

  free_purge_data(cleanruv_purge_data *purge_data)


-     slapi_ch_free_string(&purge_data->replGen);

      slapi_ch_free((void **)&purge_data);


@@ -6300,3 +4598,18 @@ 





+ char *

+ cl5GetLdifDir(Slapi_Backend *be)

+ {

+     char *dir = NULL;

+     char *dbdir = NULL;


+     if (NULL == be) {

+         dir = slapi_ch_strdup("/tmp");

+     } else {

+         slapi_back_get_info(be, BACK_INFO_DIRECTORY, (void **)&dbdir);

+         dir = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s/../ldif",dbdir);

+     }

+     return dir;

+ }

@@ -36,15 +36,6 @@ 


  /***** Data Structures *****/


- /* changelog configuration structure */

- typedef struct cl5dbconfig

- {

-     uint32_t pageSize;           /* page size in bytes */

-     PRInt32 fileMode;          /* file mode */

-     char *encryptionAlgorithm; /* nsslapd-encryptionalgorithm */

-     char *symmetricKey;

- } CL5DBConfig;


  /* changelog entry format */

  typedef struct cl5entry

@@ -81,6 +72,9 @@ 

  /* data structure that allows iteration through changelog */

  typedef struct cl5replayiterator CL5ReplayIterator;


+ /* database information for th echangelog */

+ typedef struct cl5DBFileHandle cldb_Handle;


  /* changelog state */

  typedef enum {

      CL5_STATE_NONE,    /* changelog has not been initialized */
@@ -137,9 +131,6 @@ 

     Description:    opens changelog ; must be called after changelog is

                  initialized using cl5Init. It is thread safe and the second

                  call is ignored.

-    Parameters:  dir - changelog dir

-                 config - db configuration parameters; currently not used

-                 openMode - open mode

     Return:        CL5_SUCCESS if successful;

                  CL5_BAD_DATA if invalid directory is passed;

                  CL5_BAD_DBVERSION if dbversion file is missing or has unexpected data
@@ -147,7 +138,7 @@ 

                  CL5_MEMORY_ERROR if memory allocation fails;

                  CL5_DB_ERROR if db initialization or open fails.


- int cl5Open(const char *dir, const CL5DBConfig *config);

+ int cl5Open(void);


  /* Name:        cl5Close

     Description:    closes changelog and cleanups changelog module; waits until
@@ -159,21 +150,11 @@ 


  int cl5Close(void);


- /* Name:        cl5Delete

-    Description:    removes changelog

-    Parameters:  dir - changelog directory

-    Return:        CL5_SUCCESS if successful;

-                 CL5_BAD_STATE if the changelog is not in closed state;

-                 CL5_BAD_DATA if invalid directory supplied

-                 CL5_SYSTEM_ERROR if NSPR call fails

-  */

- int cl5Delete(const char *dir);


- /* Name:        cl5DeleteDBSync

-    Description: The same as cl5DeleteDB except the function does not return

-                 until the file is removed.

+ /* Name:        cldb_RemoveReplicaDB

+    Description: Clear the cldb information from the replica 

+                 and delete the database file


- int cl5DeleteDBSync(Replica *replica);

+ int cldb_RemoveReplicaDB(Replica *replica);


  /* Name:        cl5GetUpperBoundRUV

     Description: retrieves vector that represent the upper bound of changes
@@ -202,7 +183,7 @@ 

                  CL5_SYSTEM_ERROR if NSPR call fails;

                  CL5_MEMORY_ERROR if memory allocation fails.


- int cl5ExportLDIF(const char *ldifFile, Replica **replicas);

+ int cl5ExportLDIF(const char *ldifFile, Replica *replica);


  /* Name:        cl5ImportLDIF

     Description:    imports ldif file into changelog; changelog must be in the closed state
@@ -217,7 +198,7 @@ 

                  CL5_SYSTEM_ERROR if NSPR call fails;

                  CL5_MEMORY_ERROR if memory allocation fails.


- int cl5ImportLDIF(const char *clDir, const char *ldifFile, Replica **replicas);

+ int cl5ImportLDIF(const char *clDir, const char *ldifFile, Replica *replica);


  /* Name:        cl5GetState

     Description:    returns database state
@@ -231,12 +212,11 @@ 

     Description:    sets changelog trimming parameters

     Parameters:  maxEntries - maximum number of entries in the log;

                  maxAge - maximum entry age;

-                 compactInterval - interval to compact changelog db;

                  trimInterval - interval for changelog trimming.

     Return:        CL5_SUCCESS if successful;

                  CL5_BAD_STATE if changelog has not been open


- int cl5ConfigTrimming(int maxEntries, const char *maxAge, int compactInterval, int trimInterval);

+ int cl5ConfigTrimming(Replica *replica, int maxEntries, const char *maxAge, int trimInterval);


  void cl5DestroyIterator(void *iterator);

@@ -248,7 +228,6 @@ 

                     replica object since generation can change while operation

                     is in progress (if the data is reloaded). !!!

                  op - operation to write

-                 local - this is a non-replicated operation

                  txn - the containing transaction

     Return:        CL5_SUCCESS if function is successful;

                  CL5_BAD_DATA if invalid op is passed;
@@ -256,7 +235,7 @@ 

                  CL5_MEMORY_ERROR if memory allocation failed;

                  CL5_DB_ERROR if any other db error occurred;


- int cl5WriteOperationTxn(const char *repl_name, const char *repl_gen, const slapi_operation_parameters *op, PRBool local, void *txn);

+ int cl5WriteOperationTxn(cldb_Handle *cldb, const slapi_operation_parameters *op, void *txn);


  /* Name:        cl5WriteOperation

     Description:    writes operation to changelog
@@ -266,14 +245,13 @@ 

                     replica object since generation can change while operation

                     is in progress (if the data is reloaded). !!!

                  op - operation to write

-                 local - this is a non-replicated operation

     Return:        CL5_SUCCESS if function is successful;

                  CL5_BAD_DATA if invalid op is passed;

                  CL5_BAD_STATE if db has not been initialized;

                  CL5_MEMORY_ERROR if memory allocation failed;

                  CL5_DB_ERROR if any other db error occurred;


- int cl5WriteOperation(const char *repl_name, const char *repl_gen, const slapi_operation_parameters *op, PRBool local);

+ int cl5WriteOperation(cldb_Handle *cldb, const slapi_operation_parameters *op);


  /* Name:        cl5CreateReplayIterator

     Description:    creates an iterator that allows to retrieve changes that should
@@ -321,29 +299,13 @@ 


  void cl5DestroyReplayIterator(CL5ReplayIterator **iterator);


- /* Name:        cl5DeleteOnClose

-    Description:    marks changelog for deletion when it is closed

-    Parameters:  flag; if flag = 1 then delete else don't

-    Return:        none

-  */


- void cl5DeleteOnClose(PRBool rm);


- /* Name:        cl5GetDir

-    Description:    returns changelog directory; must be freed by the caller;

-    Parameters:  none

+ /* Name:        cl5GetLdifDir

+    Description:    returns the default ldif directory; must be freed by the caller;

+    Parameters:  backend used for export/import

     Return:        copy of the directory; caller needs to free the string



- char *cl5GetDir(void);


- /* Name: cl5Exist

-    Description: checks if a changelog exists in the specified directory

-    Parameters: clDir - directory to check;

-    Return: 1 - if changelog exists; 0 - otherwise

-  */


- PRBool cl5Exist(const char *clDir);

+ char *cl5GetLdifDir(Slapi_Backend *be);


  /* Name: cl5GetOperationCount

     Description: returns number of entries in the changelog. The changelog must be
@@ -371,39 +333,24 @@ 



  int cl5CreateDirIfNeeded(const char *dir);

- int cl5DBData2Entry(const char *data, PRUint32 len, CL5Entry *entry);

+ int cl5DBData2Entry(const char *data, PRUint32 len, CL5Entry *entry, void *clcrypt_handle);


  PRBool cl5HelperEntry(const char *csnstr, CSN *csn);

  CSN **cl5BuildCSNList(const RUV *consRuv, const RUV *supRuv);

  void cl5DestroyCSNList(CSN ***csns);


- int cl5_is_diskfull(void);

- int cl5_diskspace_is_available(void);

+ int cl5Export(Slapi_PBlock *pb);

+ int cl5Import(Slapi_PBlock *pb);


- /* Name: cl5DbDirIsEmpty

-    Description: See if the given cldb directory is empty or doesn't yet exist.

-    Parameters:    dir - Contains the name of the directory.

-    Return:        TRUE - directory does not exist or is empty, is NULL, or is

-                        an empty string

-                 FALSE - otherwise

- */

- int cl5DbDirIsEmpty(const char *dir);


- /* Name: cl5WriteRUV

-    Description: Write RUVs into changelog db's.  Called before backup.

-    Parameters:    none

-    Return:        TRUE

- */

- int cl5WriteRUV(void);

+ int cl5NotifyRUVChange(Replica *replica);


- /* Name: cl5DeleteRUV

-    Description: Read and delete RUVs from changelog db's.  Called after backup.

-    Parameters:    none

-    Return:        TRUE

- */

- int cl5DeleteRUV(void);

- void cl5CleanRUV(ReplicaId rid);

+ void cl5CleanRUV(ReplicaId rid, Replica *replica);

  void cl5NotifyCleanup(int rid);

  void trigger_cl_purging(cleanruv_purge_data *purge_data);

+ int cldb_SetReplicaDB(Replica *replica, void *arg);

+ int cldb_UnSetReplicaDB(Replica *replica, void *arg);

+ int cldb_StartTrimming(Replica *replica);

+ int cldb_StopTrimming(Replica *replica, void *arg);

+ int cldb_StopThreads(Replica *replica, void *arg);



@@ -129,7 +129,6 @@ 

  struct clc_pool


      Slapi_RWLock *pl_lock;        /* cl writer and agreements */

-     DB_ENV **pl_dbenv;            /* pointer to DB_ENV for all the changelog files */

      CLC_Busy_List *pl_busy_lists; /* busy buffer lists, one list per changelog file */

      int pl_buffer_cnt_now;        /* total number of buffers */

      int pl_buffer_cnt_min;        /* free a newly returned buffer if _now > _min */
@@ -163,16 +162,12 @@ 

   * once and only once when process starts.



- clcache_init(DB_ENV **dbenv)

+ clcache_init(void)


      if (_pool) {

          return 0; /* already initialized */


-     if (NULL == dbenv) {

-         return -1;

-     }

      _pool = (struct clc_pool *)slapi_ch_calloc(1, sizeof(struct clc_pool));

-     _pool->pl_dbenv = dbenv;

      _pool->pl_buffer_cnt_min = DEFAULT_CLC_BUFFER_COUNT_MIN;

      _pool->pl_buffer_cnt_max = DEFAULT_CLC_BUFFER_COUNT_MAX;

      _pool->pl_buffer_default_pages = DEFAULT_CLC_BUFFER_COUNT_MAX;
@@ -399,12 +394,6 @@ 

      int tries = 0;

      int use_flag = flag;


- #if 0 /* txn control seems not improving anything so turn it off */

-     if ( *(_pool->pl_dbenv) ) {

-         txn_begin( *(_pool->pl_dbenv), NULL, &txn, 0 );

-     }

- #endif


      if (NULL == buf) {

          slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, get_thread_private_agmtname(),

                        "clcache_load_buffer_bulk - NULL buf\n");
@@ -1152,7 +1141,6 @@ 

              bl = next;


          _pool->pl_busy_lists = NULL;

-         _pool->pl_dbenv = NULL;

          if (_pool->pl_lock) {



@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ 


  typedef struct clc_buffer CLC_Buffer;


- int clcache_init(DB_ENV **dbenv);

+ int clcache_init(void);

  void clcache_set_config(void);

  int clcache_get_buffer(CLC_Buffer **buf, DB *db, ReplicaId consumer_rid, const RUV *consumer_ruv, const RUV *local_ruv);

  int clcache_load_buffer(CLC_Buffer *buf, CSN **anchorCSN, int *continue_on_miss);

@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ 

  #define CONFIG_BASE "cn=changelog5,cn=config" /*"cn=changelog,cn=supplier,cn=replication5.0,cn=replication,cn=config"*/

  #define CONFIG_FILTER "(objectclass=*)"


+ /* the changelog config is now separate for each backend in "cn=changelog,<backend>,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config" */

+ #define CL_CONFIG_BASE "cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config"

+ #define CL_CONFIG_FILTER "cn=changelog"


  static Slapi_RWLock *s_configLock; /* guarantees that only on thread at a time

                                  modifies changelog configuration */

@@ -37,12 +41,12 @@ 

  static int changelog5_config_modify(Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Entry *e, Slapi_Entry *entryAfter, int *returncode, char *returntext, void *arg);

  static int changelog5_config_delete(Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Entry *e, Slapi_Entry *entryAfter, int *returncode, char *returntext, void *arg);

  static int dont_allow_that(Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Entry *entryBefore, Slapi_Entry *e, int *returncode, char *returntext, void *arg);


- static void changelog5_extract_config(Slapi_Entry *entry, changelog5Config *config);

+ static int cldb_config_add(Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Entry *e, Slapi_Entry *entryAfter, int *returncode, char *returntext, void *arg);

+ static int cldb_config_modify(Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Entry *e, Slapi_Entry *entryAfter, int *returncode, char *returntext, void *arg);

+ static int cldb_config_delete(Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Entry *e, Slapi_Entry *entryAfter, int *returncode, char *returntext, void *arg);

  static changelog5Config *changelog5_dup_config(changelog5Config *config);


  static void replace_bslash(char *dir);

- static int notify_replica(Replica *r, void *arg);

- static int _is_absolutepath(char *dir);



@@ -61,6 +65,7 @@ 

          return 1;



+     /* callbacks to handle attempts to modify the old cn=changelog5 config */


                                     CONFIG_FILTER, changelog5_config_add, NULL);

@@ -70,6 +75,7 @@ 


                                     CONFIG_FILTER, changelog5_config_delete, NULL);



      return 0;


@@ -111,11 +117,11 @@ 

              changelog5_extract_config(entries[0], config);

          } else {

              memset(config, 0, sizeof(*config));

-             rc = LDAP_SUCCESS;

+             rc = LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT;


      } else {

          memset(config, 0, sizeof(*config));

-         rc = LDAP_SUCCESS;

+         rc = LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT;



@@ -124,6 +130,21 @@ 

      return rc;



+ static changelog5Config *

+ changelog5_dup_config(changelog5Config *config)

+ {

+     changelog5Config *dup = (changelog5Config *)slapi_ch_calloc(1, sizeof(changelog5Config));


+     if (config->maxAge)

+         dup->maxAge = slapi_ch_strdup(config->maxAge);


+     dup->maxEntries = config->maxEntries;

+     dup->trimInterval = config->trimInterval;


+     return dup;

+ }




  changelog5_config_done(changelog5Config *config)

@@ -132,8 +153,7 @@ 




-         slapi_ch_free_string(&config->dbconfig.encryptionAlgorithm);

-         slapi_ch_free_string(&config->dbconfig.symmetricKey);

+         slapi_ch_free_string(&config->encryptionAlgorithm);



@@ -152,95 +172,15 @@ 

                        char *returntext,

                        void *arg __attribute__((unused)))


-     int rc;

-     changelog5Config config;


-     *returncode = LDAP_SUCCESS;


-     slapi_rwlock_wrlock(s_configLock);


-     /* we already have a configured changelog - don't need to do anything

-        since add operation will fail */

-     if (cl5GetState() == CL5_STATE_OPEN) {

-         *returncode = 1;

-         if (returntext) {

-             strcpy(returntext, "attempt to add changelog when it already exists");

-         }


-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_NOTICE, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "changelog5_config_add - Changelog already exist; "

-                       "request ignored\n");

-         goto done;

-     }


-     changelog5_extract_config(e, &config);

-     if (config.dir == NULL) {

-         *returncode = 1;

-         if (returntext) {

-             PR_snprintf(returntext, SLAPI_DSE_RETURNTEXT_SIZE, "NULL changelog directory");

-         }


-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "changelog5_config_add - NULL changelog directory\n");

-         goto done;

-     }


-     if (!cl5DbDirIsEmpty(config.dir)) {

-         *returncode = 1;

-         if (returntext) {

-             PR_snprintf(returntext, SLAPI_DSE_RETURNTEXT_SIZE,

-                         "The changelog directory [%s] already exists and is not empty.  "

-                         "Please choose a directory that does not exist or is empty.\n",

-                         config.dir);

-         }


-         goto done;

-     }


-     /* start the changelog */

-     rc = cl5Open(config.dir, &config.dbconfig);

-     if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-         *returncode = 1;

-         if (returntext) {

-             PR_snprintf(returntext, SLAPI_DSE_RETURNTEXT_SIZE, "Failed to start changelog; error - %d", rc);

-         }


-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "changelog5_config_add - Failed to start changelog\n");

-         goto done;

-     }


-     /* set trimming parameters */

-     rc = cl5ConfigTrimming(config.maxEntries, config.maxAge, config.compactInterval, config.trimInterval);

-     if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-         *returncode = 1;

-         if (returntext) {

-             PR_snprintf(returntext, SLAPI_DSE_RETURNTEXT_SIZE, "failed to configure changelog trimming; error - %d", rc);

-         }

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "changelog5_config_add - Failed to configure changelog trimming\n");

-         goto done;

+     /* we no longer support a separate changelog configuration */

+     slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_NOTICE, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                   "changelog5_config_add - Separate changelog no longer supported; "

+                   "use cn=changelog,<backend> instead\n");


+     if (returntext) {

+         PR_snprintf(returntext, SLAPI_DSE_RETURNTEXT_SIZE, "Changelog configuration is part of the backend configuration");



-     /* notify all the replicas that the changelog is configured

-        so that the can log dummy changes if necessary. */

-     replica_enumerate_replicas(notify_replica, NULL);


- #ifdef TEST_CL5

-     testChangelog(TEST_ITERATION);

- #endif


- done:;

-     slapi_rwlock_unlock(s_configLock);

-     changelog5_config_done(&config);

-     if (*returncode == LDAP_SUCCESS) {

-         if (returntext) {

-             returntext[0] = '\0';

-         }


-         return SLAPI_DSE_CALLBACK_OK;

-     }


+     *returncode = LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM;



@@ -252,60 +192,65 @@ 

                           char *returntext,

                           void *arg __attribute__((unused)))


-     int rc = 0;

-     LDAPMod **mods;

-     int i;

-     changelog5Config config;

-     changelog5Config *originalConfig = NULL;

-     char *currentDir = NULL;


+     /* we no longer support a separate changelog configuration */

+     /* the entry does not exist and the client will be notified

+      */

+     slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_NOTICE, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                   "changelog5_config_modify - Separate changelog no longer supported; "

+                   "request ignored\n");


      *returncode = LDAP_SUCCESS;


+ }


-     /* changelog must be open before its parameters can be modified */

-     if (cl5GetState() != CL5_STATE_OPEN) {

-         if (returntext) {

-             strcpy(returntext, "changelog is not configured");

-         }


-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "changelog5_config_modify - Changelog is not configured\n");

-         return SLAPI_DSE_CALLBACK_ERROR;

-     }

+ static int

+ changelog5_config_delete(Slapi_PBlock *pb __attribute__((unused)),

+                          Slapi_Entry *e __attribute__((unused)),

+                          Slapi_Entry *entryAfter __attribute__((unused)),

+                          int *returncode,

+                          char *returntext,

+                          void *arg __attribute__((unused)))

+ {

+     /* we no longer support a separate changelog configuration */

+     /* the entry does not exist and the client will be notified

+      */

+     slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_NOTICE, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                   "changelog5_config_delete - Separate changelog no longer supported; "

+                   "request ignored\n");


+     *returncode = LDAP_SUCCESS;


+ }


-     slapi_rwlock_wrlock(s_configLock);

+ static int

+ cldb_config_add(Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Entry *e, Slapi_Entry *entryAfter, int *returncode, char *returntext, void *arg)

+ {


+ }


-     /* changelog must be open before its parameters can be modified */

-     if (cl5GetState() != CL5_STATE_OPEN) {

-         *returncode = 1;

-         if (returntext) {

-             strcpy(returntext, "changelog is not configured");

-         }

+ static int

+ cldb_config_modify(Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Entry *e, Slapi_Entry *entryAfter, int *returncode, char *returntext, void *arg)

+ {

+     int rc = 0;

+     LDAPMod **mods;

+     *returncode = LDAP_SUCCESS;

+     changelog5Config config;

+     changelog5Config *originalConfig = NULL;

+     Replica *replica = (Replica *)arg;


-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "changelog5_config_modify - Changelog is not configured\n");

-         goto done;

-     }


-     /*

-      * Extract all the original configuration: This is needed to ensure that the configuration

-      * is trully reloaded. This was not needed before 091401 because the changelog configuration

-      * was always hardcoded (NULL was being passed to cl5Open). Now we need to ensure we pass to

-      * cl5Open the proper configuration...

-      */

      changelog5_extract_config(e, &config);

      originalConfig = changelog5_dup_config(&config);


      /* Reset all the attributes that have been potentially modified by the current MODIFY operation */

-     slapi_ch_free_string(&config.dir);

-     config.dir = NULL;

      config.maxEntries = CL5_NUM_IGNORE;

-     config.compactInterval = CL5_NUM_IGNORE;


      config.maxAge = slapi_ch_strdup(CL5_STR_IGNORE);

      config.trimInterval = CL5_NUM_IGNORE;



      slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_MODIFY_MODS, &mods);

-     for (i = 0; mods && mods[i] != NULL; i++) {

+     for (size_t i = 0; mods && mods[i] != NULL; i++) {

          if (mods[i]->mod_op & LDAP_MOD_DELETE) {

              /* We don't support deleting changelog attributes */

          } else if (mods[i]->mod_values == NULL) {
@@ -328,19 +273,7 @@ 



                  /* replace existing value */

-                 if (strcasecmp(config_attr, CONFIG_CHANGELOG_DIR_ATTRIBUTE) == 0) {

-                     if (config_attr_value && config_attr_value[0] != '\0') {

-                         slapi_ch_free_string(&config.dir);

-                         config.dir = slapi_ch_strdup(config_attr_value);

-                         replace_bslash(config.dir);

-                     } else {

-                         *returncode = 1;

-                         if (returntext) {

-                             strcpy(returntext, "null changelog directory");

-                         }

-                         goto done;

-                     }

-                 } else if (strcasecmp(config_attr, CONFIG_CHANGELOG_MAXENTRIES_ATTRIBUTE) == 0) {

+                 if (strcasecmp(config_attr, CONFIG_CHANGELOG_MAXENTRIES_ATTRIBUTE) == 0) {

                      if (config_attr_value && config_attr_value[0] != '\0') {

                          config.maxEntries = atoi(config_attr_value);

                      } else {
@@ -361,20 +294,6 @@ 

                          *returncode = LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM;

                          goto done;


-                 } else if (strcasecmp(config_attr, CONFIG_CHANGELOG_COMPACTDB_ATTRIBUTE) == 0) {

-                     if (slapi_is_duration_valid(config_attr_value)) {

-                         config.compactInterval = (long)slapi_parse_duration(config_attr_value);

-                     } else {

-                         if (returntext) {

-                             PR_snprintf(returntext, SLAPI_DSE_RETURNTEXT_SIZE,

-                                         "%s: invalid value \"%s\", %s must range from 0 to %lld or digit[sSmMhHdD]",

-                                         CONFIG_CHANGELOG_COMPACTDB_ATTRIBUTE, config_attr_value,

-                                         CONFIG_CHANGELOG_COMPACTDB_ATTRIBUTE,

-                                         (long long int)LONG_MAX);

-                         }

-                         *returncode = LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM;

-                         goto done;

-                     }

                  } else if (strcasecmp(config_attr, CONFIG_CHANGELOG_TRIM_ATTRIBUTE) == 0) {

                      if (slapi_is_duration_valid(config_attr_value)) {

                          config.trimInterval = (long)slapi_parse_duration(config_attr_value);
@@ -410,8 +329,6 @@ 

       * except config.dir */

      if (config.maxEntries == CL5_NUM_IGNORE)

          config.maxEntries = originalConfig->maxEntries;

-     if (config.compactInterval == CL5_NUM_IGNORE)

-         config.compactInterval = originalConfig->compactInterval;

      if (config.trimInterval == CL5_NUM_IGNORE)

          config.trimInterval = originalConfig->trimInterval;

      if (strcmp(config.maxAge, CL5_STR_IGNORE) == 0) {
@@ -420,106 +337,11 @@ 

              config.maxAge = slapi_ch_strdup(originalConfig->maxAge);



-     /* attempt to change chagelog dir */

-     if (config.dir) {

-         currentDir = cl5GetDir();

-         if (currentDir == NULL) {

-             /* something is wrong: we should never be here */

-             *returncode = 1;

-             if (returntext) {

-                 strcpy(returntext, "internal failure");

-             }


-             goto done;

-         }


-         if (strcmp(currentDir, config.dir) != 0) {

-             if (!cl5DbDirIsEmpty(config.dir)) {

-                 *returncode = 1;

-                 if (returntext) {

-                     PR_snprintf(returntext, SLAPI_DSE_RETURNTEXT_SIZE,

-                                 "The changelog directory [%s] already exists and is not empty.  "

-                                 "Please choose a directory that does not exist or is empty.\n",

-                                 config.dir);

-                 }


-                 goto done;

-             }


-             if (!_is_absolutepath(config.dir) || (CL5_SUCCESS != cl5CreateDirIfNeeded(config.dir))) {

-                 *returncode = 1;

-                 if (returntext) {

-                     PL_strncpyz(returntext, "invalid changelog directory or insufficient access", SLAPI_DSE_RETURNTEXT_SIZE);

-                 }


-                 goto done;

-             }


-             /* changelog directory changed - need to remove the

-                previous changelog and create new one */


-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "changelog5_config_modify - Changelog directory changed; "

-                           "old dir - %s, new dir - %s; recreating changelog.\n",

-                           currentDir, config.dir);


-             rc = cl5Close();

-             if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-                 *returncode = 1;

-                 if (returntext) {

-                     PR_snprintf(returntext, SLAPI_DSE_RETURNTEXT_SIZE, "Failed to close changelog; error - %d", rc);

-                 }


-                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                               "changelog5_config_modify - Failed to close changelog\n");

-                 goto done;

-             } else {

-                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                               "changelog5_config_modif - Closed the changelog\n");

-             }


-             rc = cl5Delete(currentDir);

-             if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-                 *returncode = 1;

-                 if (returntext) {

-                     PR_snprintf(returntext, SLAPI_DSE_RETURNTEXT_SIZE, "failed to remove changelog; error - %d", rc);

-                 }


-                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                               "changelog5_config_modify - Failed to remove changelog\n");

-                 goto done;

-             } else {

-                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                               "changelog5_config_modify - Deleted the changelog at %s\n", currentDir);

-             }


-             rc = cl5Open(config.dir, &config.dbconfig);

-             if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-                 *returncode = 1;

-                 if (returntext) {

-                     PR_snprintf(returntext, SLAPI_DSE_RETURNTEXT_SIZE, "Failed to restart changelog; error - %d", rc);

-                 }


-                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                               "changelog5_config_modify - Failed to restart changelog\n");

-                 /* before finishing, let's try to do some error recovery */

-                 if (CL5_SUCCESS != cl5Open(currentDir, &config.dbconfig)) {

-                     slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                                   "changelog5_config_modify - Failed to restore previous changelog\n");

-                 }

-                 goto done;

-             } else {

-                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                               "changelog5_config_modify - Opened the changelog at %s\n", config.dir);

-             }

-         }

-     }


      /* one of the changelog parameters is modified */

      if (config.maxEntries != CL5_NUM_IGNORE ||

          config.trimInterval != CL5_NUM_IGNORE ||

          strcmp(config.maxAge, CL5_STR_IGNORE) != 0) {

-         rc = cl5ConfigTrimming(config.maxEntries, config.maxAge, config.compactInterval, config.trimInterval);

+         rc = cl5ConfigTrimming(replica, config.maxEntries, config.maxAge, config.trimInterval);

          if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

              *returncode = 1;

              if (returntext) {
@@ -538,9 +360,6 @@ 




-     /* slapi_ch_free accepts NULL pointer */

-     slapi_ch_free((void **)&currentDir);


      if (*returncode == LDAP_SUCCESS) {


          if (returntext) {
@@ -554,100 +373,12 @@ 



  static int

- changelog5_config_delete(Slapi_PBlock *pb __attribute__((unused)),

-                          Slapi_Entry *e __attribute__((unused)),

-                          Slapi_Entry *entryAfter __attribute__((unused)),

-                          int *returncode,

-                          char *returntext,

-                          void *arg __attribute__((unused)))

+ cldb_config_delete(Slapi_PBlock *pb, Slapi_Entry *e, Slapi_Entry *entryAfter, int *returncode, char *returntext, void *arg)


-     int rc;

-     char *currentDir = NULL;

-     *returncode = LDAP_SUCCESS;


-     /* changelog must be open before it can be deleted */

-     if (cl5GetState() != CL5_STATE_OPEN) {

-         *returncode = 1;

-         if (returntext) {

-             PL_strncpyz(returntext, "changelog is not configured", SLAPI_DSE_RETURNTEXT_SIZE);

-         }


-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "changelog5_config_delete - Chagelog is not configured\n");

-         return SLAPI_DSE_CALLBACK_ERROR;

-     }


-     slapi_rwlock_wrlock(s_configLock);


-     /* changelog must be open before it can be deleted */

-     if (cl5GetState() != CL5_STATE_OPEN) {

-         *returncode = 1;

-         if (returntext) {

-             PL_strncpyz(returntext, "changelog is not configured", SLAPI_DSE_RETURNTEXT_SIZE);

-         }


-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "changelog5_config_delete - Changelog is not configured\n");

-         goto done;

-     }


-     currentDir = cl5GetDir();


-     if (currentDir == NULL) {

-         /* something is wrong: we should never be here */

-         *returncode = 1;

-         if (returntext) {

-             PL_strncpyz(returntext, "internal failure", SLAPI_DSE_RETURNTEXT_SIZE);

-         }


-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "changelog5_config_delete - NULL directory\n");

-         goto done;

-     }


-     /* this call will block until all threads using changelog

-        release changelog by calling cl5RemoveThread () */

-     rc = cl5Close();

-     if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-         *returncode = 1;

-         if (returntext) {

-             PR_snprintf(returntext, SLAPI_DSE_RETURNTEXT_SIZE, "failed to close changelog; error - %d", rc);

-         }


-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "changelog5_config_delete - Failed to close changelog\n");

-         goto done;

-     }


-     rc = cl5Delete(currentDir);

-     if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-         *returncode = 1;

-         if (returntext) {

-             PR_snprintf(returntext, SLAPI_DSE_RETURNTEXT_SIZE, "failed to remove changelog; error - %d", rc);

-         }


-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "changelog5_config_delete - Failed to remove changelog\n");

-         goto done;

-     }


- done:;

-     slapi_rwlock_unlock(s_configLock);


-     /* slapi_ch_free accepts NULL pointer */

-     slapi_ch_free((void **)&currentDir);


-     if (*returncode == LDAP_SUCCESS) {

-         if (returntext) {

-             returntext[0] = '\0';

-         }


-         return SLAPI_DSE_CALLBACK_OK;

-     }







  static int

  dont_allow_that(Slapi_PBlock *pb __attribute__((unused)),

                  Slapi_Entry *entryBefore __attribute__((unused)),
@@ -660,31 +391,10 @@ 




- static changelog5Config *

- changelog5_dup_config(changelog5Config *config)

- {

-     changelog5Config *dup = (changelog5Config *)slapi_ch_calloc(1, sizeof(changelog5Config));


-     if (config->dir)

-         dup->dir = slapi_ch_strdup(config->dir);

-     if (config->maxAge)

-         dup->maxAge = slapi_ch_strdup(config->maxAge);


-     dup->maxEntries = config->maxEntries;

-     dup->compactInterval = config->compactInterval;

-     dup->trimInterval = config->trimInterval;


-     dup->dbconfig.pageSize = config->dbconfig.pageSize;

-     dup->dbconfig.fileMode = config->dbconfig.fileMode;


-     return dup;

- }




   * Given the changelog configuration entry, extract the configuration directives.


- static void

+ void

  changelog5_extract_config(Slapi_Entry *entry, changelog5Config *config)


      const char *arg;
@@ -698,18 +408,6 @@ 

      if (arg) {

          config->maxEntries = atoi(arg);


-     arg = slapi_entry_attr_get_ref(entry, CONFIG_CHANGELOG_COMPACTDB_ATTRIBUTE);

-     if (arg) {

-         if (slapi_is_duration_valid(arg)) {

-             config->compactInterval = (long)slapi_parse_duration(arg);

-         } else {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_NOTICE, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                           "changelog5_extract_config - %s: invalid value \"%s\", ignoring the change.\n",

-                           CONFIG_CHANGELOG_COMPACTDB_ATTRIBUTE, arg);

-         }

-     } else {

-         config->compactInterval = CHANGELOGDB_COMPACT_INTERVAL;

-     }


      arg = slapi_entry_attr_get_ref(entry, CONFIG_CHANGELOG_TRIM_ATTRIBUTE);

      if (arg) {
@@ -745,21 +443,56 @@ 


      arg = slapi_entry_attr_get_ref(entry, CONFIG_CHANGELOG_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM);

      if (arg) {

-         config->dbconfig.encryptionAlgorithm = slapi_ch_strdup(arg);

+         config->encryptionAlgorithm = slapi_ch_strdup(arg);

      } else {

-         config->dbconfig.encryptionAlgorithm = NULL; /* no encryption */

+         config->encryptionAlgorithm = NULL; /* no encryption */



       * symmetric key


      arg = slapi_entry_attr_get_ref(entry, CONFIG_CHANGELOG_SYMMETRIC_KEY);

      if (arg) {

-         config->dbconfig.symmetricKey = slapi_ch_strdup(arg);

+         config->symmetricKey = slapi_ch_strdup(arg);

      } else {

-         config->dbconfig.symmetricKey = NULL; /* no symmetric key */

+         config->symmetricKey = NULL; /* no symmetric key */




+ /* register functions handling attempted operations on the changelog config entries */

+ int

+ changelog5_register_config_callbacks(const char *dn, Replica *replica)

+ {

+     int rc = 0;

+     /* callbacks to handle changes to the new changelog configuration in the main database */

+     rc =slapi_config_register_callback(SLAPI_OPERATION_ADD, DSE_FLAG_PREOP, dn, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE,

+                                    CL_CONFIG_FILTER, cldb_config_add, replica);

+     rc |= slapi_config_register_callback(SLAPI_OPERATION_MODIFY, DSE_FLAG_PREOP, dn, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE,

+                                    CL_CONFIG_FILTER, cldb_config_modify, replica);

+     rc |= slapi_config_register_callback(SLAPI_OPERATION_MODRDN, DSE_FLAG_PREOP, dn, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE,

+                                    CL_CONFIG_FILTER, dont_allow_that, replica);

+     rc |= slapi_config_register_callback(SLAPI_OPERATION_DELETE, DSE_FLAG_PREOP, dn, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE,

+                                    CL_CONFIG_FILTER, cldb_config_delete, replica);


+     return rc;

+ }


+ int

+ changelog5_remove_config_callbacks(const char *dn)

+ {

+     int rc = 0;


+     rc =slapi_config_remove_callback(SLAPI_OPERATION_ADD, DSE_FLAG_PREOP, dn, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE,

+                                    CL_CONFIG_FILTER, cldb_config_add);

+     rc |= slapi_config_remove_callback(SLAPI_OPERATION_MODIFY, DSE_FLAG_PREOP, dn, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE,

+                                    CL_CONFIG_FILTER, cldb_config_modify);

+     rc |= slapi_config_remove_callback(SLAPI_OPERATION_MODRDN, DSE_FLAG_PREOP, dn, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE,

+                                    CL_CONFIG_FILTER, dont_allow_that);

+     rc |= slapi_config_remove_callback(SLAPI_OPERATION_DELETE, DSE_FLAG_PREOP, dn, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE,

+                                    CL_CONFIG_FILTER, cldb_config_delete);


+     return rc;

+ }


  static void

  replace_bslash(char *dir)

@@ -774,18 +507,3 @@ 

          bslash = strchr(bslash, '\\');




- static int

- notify_replica(Replica *r, void *arg __attribute__((unused)))

- {

-     return replica_log_ruv_elements(r);

- }


- static int

- _is_absolutepath(char *dir)

- {

-     if (dir[0] == '/')

-         return 1;


-     return 0;

- }

@@ -20,12 +20,47 @@ 

  #include "cl5.h"

  #include "repl5.h"


+ static int _cl5_upgrade_replica(Replica *replica, void *arg);

+ static int _cl5_upgrade_replica_config(Replica *replica, changelog5Config *config);

+ static int _cl5_upgrade_removedir(char *path);

+ static int _cl5_upgrade_removeconfig(void);


+ /* upgrade changelog*/

+ /* the changelog5 configuration maintained all changlog files in a separate directory

+  * now the changlog is part of the instance database.

+  * If this is the first startup with the new version we willi

+  * - try to move the changelog files for each replica to the instance database.

+  * - create a config entry for trimming and encryption in each backend.

+  */

+ int

+ changelog5_upgrade(void)

+ {

+     int rc = 0;

+     changelog5Config config = {};


+     changelog5_read_config(&config);


+     if (config.dir == NULL) {

+         /* we do not have a valid legacy config, nothing to upgrade */

+         return rc;

+     }


+     replica_enumerate_replicas(_cl5_upgrade_replica, (void *)&config);


+     rc = _cl5_upgrade_removedir(config.dir);


+     rc = _cl5_upgrade_removeconfig();


+     changelog5_config_done(&config);


+     return rc;

+ }


  /* initializes changelog*/


- changelog5_init()

+ changelog5_init(void)


      int rc;

-     changelog5Config config;


      rc = cl5Init();

      if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {
@@ -34,41 +69,22 @@ 

          return 1;



-     /* read changelog configuration */

+     /* setup callbacks for operations on changelog */


-     changelog5_read_config(&config);


-     if (config.dir == NULL) {

-         /* changelog is not configured - bail out */

-         /* Note: but still changelog needs to be initialized to allow it

-          * to configure after this point. (don't call cl5Cleanup) */

-         rc = 0; /* OK */

-         goto done;

-     }


      /* start changelog */

-     rc = cl5Open(config.dir, &config.dbconfig);

+     rc = cl5Open();

      if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

          slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "changelog5_init: failed to start changelog at %s\n",

-                       config.dir);

+                       "changelog5_init: failed to start changelog\n");

          rc = 1;

          goto done;



-     /* set trimming parameters */

-     rc = cl5ConfigTrimming(config.maxEntries, config.maxAge, config.compactInterval, config.trimInterval);

-     if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "changelog5_init: failed to configure changelog trimming\n");

-         rc = 1;

-         goto done;

-     }


      rc = 0;



-     changelog5_config_done(&config);

      return rc;


@@ -83,3 +99,115 @@ 

      /* cleanup config */



+ static int

+ _cl5_upgrade_replica_config(Replica *replica, changelog5Config *config)

+ {

+     int rc = 0;

+     Slapi_Backend *be = slapi_be_select(replica_get_root(replica));


+     Slapi_Entry *config_entry = slapi_entry_alloc();

+     slapi_entry_init(config_entry, slapi_ch_strdup("cn=changelog"), NULL);

+     slapi_entry_add_string(config_entry, "objectclass", "top");

+     slapi_entry_add_string(config_entry, "objectclass", "extensibleObject");


+     /* keep the changelog trimming config */

+     if (config->maxEntries) {

+         char *maxEnt = slapi_ch_smprintf("%d", config->maxEntries);

+         slapi_entry_add_string(config_entry, CONFIG_CHANGELOG_MAXENTRIES_ATTRIBUTE, maxEnt);

+     }

+     if (strcmp(config->maxAge, CL5_STR_IGNORE)) {

+         slapi_entry_add_string(config_entry, CONFIG_CHANGELOG_MAXAGE_ATTRIBUTE, config->maxAge);

+     }

+     if (config->trimInterval != CHANGELOGDB_TRIM_INTERVAL) {

+         /* char *interval = slapi_ch_smprintf("%ld", config->trimInterval); */

+         slapi_entry_add_string(config_entry, CONFIG_CHANGELOG_TRIM_ATTRIBUTE, gen_duration(config->trimInterval));

+     }


+     /* if changelog encryption is enabled then in the upgrade mode all backends will have 

+      * an encrypted changelog, store the encryption attrs */


+     if (config->encryptionAlgorithm) {

+         slapi_entry_add_string(config_entry, CONFIG_CHANGELOG_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM, config->encryptionAlgorithm);

+         slapi_entry_add_string(config_entry, CONFIG_CHANGELOG_SYMMETRIC_KEY, config->symmetricKey);

+     }

+     rc = slapi_back_ctrl_info(be, BACK_INFO_CLDB_SET_CONFIG, (void *)config_entry);


+     return rc;

+ }

+ static int

+ _cl5_upgrade_replica(Replica *replica, void *arg)

+ {

+     int rc = 0;

+     changelog5Config *config = (changelog5Config *)arg;


+     /* Move existing database file to backend */

+     char *replGen = replica_get_generation (replica);

+     const char *replName = replica_get_name (replica);

+     char *oldFile = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s/%s_%s.db",

+                                        config->dir, replName, replGen);

+     slapi_ch_free_string(&replGen);

+     if (PR_Access(oldFile, PR_ACCESS_EXISTS) == PR_SUCCESS) {

+         Slapi_Backend *be = slapi_be_select(replica_get_root(replica));

+         char *instancedir;

+         slapi_back_get_info(be, BACK_INFO_INSTANCE_DIR, (void **)&instancedir);

+         char *newFile = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s/changelog.db", instancedir);

Would prefer that the name uses a define 'changelog' and LDBM_SUFFIX


+         rc = slapi_back_ctrl_info(be, BACK_INFO_DBENV_CLDB_UPGRADE, oldFile);

+         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_INFO, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                       "_cl5_upgrade_replica: moving file (%s) to (%s) %s\n",

+                       oldFile, newFile, rc?"failed":"succeeded");

+         slapi_ch_free_string(&instancedir);

+     }


+     /* Move changelog config to backend config */

+     rc = _cl5_upgrade_replica_config(replica, config);


+     return rc;

+ }

+ static int

+ _cl5_upgrade_removedir(char *path)

+ {

+     /* this is duplicated from ldbm_delete_dirs, we unfortunately

+      * cannot access the backend functions

+      */

+     PRDir *dirhandle = NULL;

+     PRDirEntry *direntry = NULL;

+     char fullpath[MAXPATHLEN];

+     int rval = 0;

+     PRFileInfo64 info;


+     dirhandle = PR_OpenDir(path);

+     if (!dirhandle) {

+         PR_Delete(path);

+         return 0;

+     }


+     while (NULL != (direntry =

+                         PR_ReadDir(dirhandle, PR_SKIP_DOT | PR_SKIP_DOT_DOT))) {

+         if (!direntry->name)

+             break;


+         PR_snprintf(fullpath, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s", path, direntry->name);

+         rval = PR_GetFileInfo64(fullpath, &info);

+         if (PR_SUCCESS == rval) {

+             PR_Delete(fullpath);

+         }

+     }

+     PR_CloseDir(dirhandle);

+     /* remove the directory itself too */

+     rval += PR_RmDir(path);

+     return rval;

+ }

+ static int

+ _cl5_upgrade_removeconfig(void)

+ {

+     int rc = LDAP_SUCCESS;


+     Slapi_PBlock *pb = slapi_pblock_new();

+     slapi_delete_internal_set_pb(pb, "cn=changelog5,cn=config", NULL, NULL,

+                                  repl_get_plugin_identity(PLUGIN_MULTIMASTER_REPLICATION), 0);

+     slapi_delete_internal_pb(pb);

+     slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &rc);

+     slapi_pblock_destroy(pb);

+     return rc;

+ }

@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ 

  static void testBasic();

  static void testBackupRestore();

  static void testIteration();

- static void testTrimming();

  static void testPerformance();

  static void testPerformanceMT();

  static void testLDIF();
@@ -57,9 +56,6 @@ 

      case TEST_ITERATION:



-     case TEST_TRIMMING:

-         testTrimming();

-         break;



@@ -115,7 +111,7 @@ 


      slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl, "Starting backup and recovery test ...\n");


-     dir = cl5GetDir();

+     dir = cl5GetLdifDir(NULL);


      if (dir) {

          baseDir = getBaseDir(dir);
@@ -127,7 +123,7 @@ 


              rc = cl5Restore(dir, bkDir, NULL);

              if (rc == CL5_SUCCESS)

-                 rc = cl5Open(dir, NULL);

+                 rc = cl5Open();


              /* PR_RmDir (bkDir);*/

@@ -264,45 +260,6 @@ 



  static void

- testTrimming()

- {

-     PRIntervalTime interval;

-     int count;

-     int rc;


-     slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl, "Starting trimming test ...\n");


-     rc = populateChangelog(200, NULL);


-     if (rc == 0) {

-         interval = PR_SecondsToInterval(2);

-         DS_Sleep(interval);


-         rc = populateChangelog(300, NULL);


-         if (rc == 0)

-             rc = cl5ConfigTrimming(300, "1d", CHANGELOGDB_COMPACT_INTERVAL, CHANGELOGDB_TRIM_INTERVAL);


-         interval = PR_SecondsToInterval(300); /* 5 min is default trimming interval */

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "Trimming test: sleeping for 5 minutes until trimming kicks in\n");

-         DS_Sleep(interval);


-         count = cl5GetOperationCount(NULL);

-     }


-     if (rc == 0 && count == 300) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "Trimming test completed successfully: changelog contains 300 entries\n");

-     } else if (rc == 0) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                       "Trimming test failed: changelog contains %d entries; expected - 300\n",

-                       count);

-     } else /* general failure */

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl, "Trimming test failed\n");

- }


- static void



      PRTime starttime, endtime, totaltime;
@@ -393,7 +350,7 @@ 

  static void



-     char *clDir = cl5GetDir();

+     char *clDir = cl5GetLdifDir(NULL);

      int rc;

      char *baseDir;

      char ldifFile[MAXPATHLEN];
@@ -411,7 +368,7 @@ 


              rc = cl5ImportLDIF(clDir, ldifFile, NULL);

              if (rc == CL5_SUCCESS)

-                 cl5Open(clDir, NULL);

+                 cl5Open();



@@ -435,20 +392,6 @@ 




- /* testTrimming ();*/


- #if 0

-     /* xxxPINAKI */

-     /* these tests are not working correctly...the call to db->put() */

-     /* just hangs forever */

-     slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                     "Starting single threaded performance measurement ...\n");

-     testPerformance ();


-     slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

-                     "Starting multi threaded performance measurement ...\n");

-     testPerformanceMT ();

- #endif



  static int

@@ -29,44 +29,33 @@ 




- int

- clcrypt_init(const CL5DBConfig *config, void **clcrypt_handle)

+ void *

+ clcrypt_init(char *encryptionAlgorithm, Slapi_Backend *be)


      int rc = 0;

-     char *cookie = NULL;

-     Slapi_Backend *be = NULL;

      back_info_crypt_init crypt_init = {0};

+     void *crypt_handle = NULL;


      slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, repl_plugin_name, "-> clcrypt_init\n");

-     /* Encryption is not specified */

-     if (!config->encryptionAlgorithm || !clcrypt_handle) {


+     if (!encryptionAlgorithm) {

+         /* Encryption is not specified */

          goto bail;


-     crypt_init.dn = "cn=changelog5,cn=config";

-     crypt_init.encryptionAlgorithm = config->encryptionAlgorithm;

+     crypt_init.dn = "cn=changelog";

+     crypt_init.encryptionAlgorithm = encryptionAlgorithm;

+     crypt_init.be = be;


-     be = slapi_get_first_backend(&cookie);

-     while (be) {

-         crypt_init.be = be;

-         rc = slapi_back_ctrl_info(be, BACK_INFO_CRYPT_INIT,

+     rc = slapi_back_ctrl_info(be, BACK_INFO_CRYPT_INIT,

                                    (void *)&crypt_init);

-         if (LDAP_SUCCESS == rc) {

-             break; /* Successfully fetched */

-         }

-         be = slapi_get_next_backend(cookie);

-     }

-     slapi_ch_free((void **)&cookie);


      if (LDAP_SUCCESS == rc && crypt_init.state_priv) {

-         *clcrypt_handle = crypt_init.state_priv;

-         rc = 0;

-     } else {

-         rc = 1;

+         crypt_handle = crypt_init.state_priv;



      slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, repl_plugin_name,

                    "<- clcrypt_init : %d\n", rc);

-     return rc;

+     return crypt_handle;



@@ -77,38 +66,26 @@ 

   *                  :     NULL - failure



- clcrypt_destroy(void *clcrypt_handle)

+ clcrypt_destroy(void *clcrypt_handle, Slapi_Backend *be)


      int rc = -1;

-     char *cookie = NULL;

-     Slapi_Backend *be = NULL;

      back_info_crypt_destroy crypt_destroy = {0};


      slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, repl_plugin_name,

                    "-> clcrypt_destroy\n");

      if (NULL == clcrypt_handle) {

          /* Nothing to free */

-         rc = 0;

-         goto bail;

+         return 0;


      crypt_destroy.state_priv = clcrypt_handle;


-     be = slapi_get_first_backend(&cookie);

-     while (be) {

-         rc = slapi_back_ctrl_info(be, BACK_INFO_CRYPT_DESTROY,

-                                   (void *)&crypt_destroy);

-         if (LDAP_SUCCESS == rc) {

-             break; /* Successfully freed */

-         }

-         be = slapi_get_next_backend(cookie);

-     }

-     slapi_ch_free((void **)&cookie);

+     rc = slapi_back_ctrl_info(be, BACK_INFO_CRYPT_DESTROY,

+                               (void *)&crypt_destroy);

      if (LDAP_SUCCESS == rc) {

          rc = 0;

      } else {

          rc = -1;


- bail:

      slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, repl_plugin_name,

                    "<- clcrypt_destroy (returning %d)\n", rc);

      return rc;

@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ 

  #include "nss.h"

  #include "cert.h"


- int clcrypt_init(const CL5DBConfig *config, void **clcrypt_handle);

- int clcrypt_destroy(void *clcrypt_handle);

+ void *clcrypt_init(char *encryptionAlgorithm, Slapi_Backend *be);

+ int clcrypt_destroy(void *clcrypt_handle, Slapi_Backend *be);

  int clcrypt_encrypt_value(void *clcrypt_handle, struct berval *in, struct berval **out);

  int clcrypt_decrypt_value(void *state_priv, struct berval *in, struct berval **out);

  #endif /* _CLCRYPT_H_ */

@@ -753,6 +753,8 @@ 

  void replica_check_release_timeout(Replica *r, Slapi_PBlock *pb);

  void replica_lock_replica(Replica *r);

  void replica_unlock_replica(Replica *r);

+ void *replica_get_file_info(Replica *r);

+ int replica_set_file_info(Replica *r, void *cl);


  /* The functions below handles the state flag */

  /* Current internal state flags */
@@ -808,8 +810,7 @@ 


      int cleaned_rid;

      const Slapi_DN *suffix_sdn;

-     char *replName;

-     char *replGen;

+     Replica *replica;

  } cleanruv_purge_data;


  typedef struct _csngen_test_data

@@ -338,8 +338,8 @@ 


      if (slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION_01) != 0 ||

          slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION, (void *)&multimasterbepreopdesc) != 0 ||

-         slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_PRE_CLOSE_FN, (void *)cl5Cleanup) != 0 ||

-         slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_PRE_BACKUP_FN, (void *)cl5WriteRUV) != 0) {

+         /* slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_PRE_CLOSE_FN, (void *)cl5Cleanup) != 0) { */

+         slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_PRE_CLOSE_FN, (void *)cl5Close) != 0) {

          slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, repl_plugin_name, "multimaster_bepreop_init - Failed\n");

          rc = -1;

@@ -385,10 +385,9 @@ 


      if (slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION_01) != 0 ||

          slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION, (void *)&multimasterbepostopdesc) != 0 ||

+         slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_POST_OPEN_FN, (void *)cl5Open) != 0 ||

          slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_POST_MODRDN_FN, (void *)multimaster_bepostop_modrdn) != 0 ||

-         slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_POST_DELETE_FN, (void *)multimaster_bepostop_delete) != 0 ||

-         slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_POST_OPEN_FN, (void *)changelog5_init) != 0 ||

-         slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_POST_BACKUP_FN, (void *)cl5DeleteRUV) != 0) {

+         slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_POST_DELETE_FN, (void *)multimaster_bepostop_delete) != 0) {

          slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, repl_plugin_name, "multimaster_bepostop_init - Failed\n");

          rc = -1;

@@ -408,8 +407,9 @@ 


      if (slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION_01) ||

          slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION, (void *)&multimasterbepostopdesc) ||

-         slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_POST_OPEN_FN, (void *)changelog5_init) ||

-         slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_POST_BACKUP_FN, (void *)cl5DeleteRUV)) {

+         slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_POST_OPEN_FN, (void *)cl5Open) != 0 ||

+         slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_POST_EXPORT_FN, (void *)cl5Export) ||

+         slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_POST_IMPORT_FN, (void *)cl5Import)) {

          slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, repl_plugin_name, "multimaster_betxn_bepostop_init - Failed\n");

          rc = -1;

@@ -797,17 +797,16 @@ 

          /* create replicas */



-         /* Initialise the 5.0 Changelog */

+         /* Upgrade the 5.0 Changelog if it still exists */

+         rc = changelog5_upgrade();

+         if (rc != 0)

+             goto out;


+         /* perform initial changelog setup */

          rc = changelog5_init();

          if (rc != 0)

              goto out;


-         /* Initialize the replication agreements, unless we're dumping LDIF */

-         if (!is_ldif_dump) {

-             rc = agmtlist_config_init();

-             if (rc != 0)

-                 goto out;

-         }

          rc = create_repl_schema_policy();

          if (rc != 0)

              goto out;
@@ -815,9 +814,14 @@ 

          /* check if the replica's data was reloaded offline and we need

             to reinitialize replica's changelog. This should be done

             after the changelog is initialized */


          replica_enumerate_replicas(replica_check_for_data_reload, NULL);


+         /* Initialize the replication agreements, unless we're dumping LDIF */

+         if (!is_ldif_dump) {

+             rc = agmtlist_config_init();

+             if (rc != 0)

+                 goto out;

+         }

          /* register to be notified when backend state changes */

          slapi_register_backend_state_change((void *)multimaster_be_state_change,


@@ -987,19 +987,15 @@ 


      replica_check_release_timeout(r, pb);


-     if (replica_is_flag_set(r, REPLICA_LOG_CHANGES) &&

-         (cl5GetState() == CL5_STATE_OPEN)) {

+     if (replica_is_flag_set(r, REPLICA_LOG_CHANGES)) {

          supplier_operation_extension *opext = NULL;

-         const char *repl_name;

-         char *repl_gen;

+         cldb_Handle *cldb  = NULL;


          opext = (supplier_operation_extension *)repl_sup_get_ext(REPL_SUP_EXT_OP, op);



-         /* get replica generation and replica name to pass to the write function */

-         repl_name = replica_get_name(r);

-         repl_gen = opext->repl_gen;

-         PR_ASSERT(repl_name && repl_gen);

+         /* changelog database information to pass to the write function */

+         cldb = replica_get_file_info(r);


          /* for replicated operations, we log the original, non-urp data which is

             saved in the operation extension */
@@ -1061,11 +1057,6 @@ 

              op_params->p.p_modify.modify_mods != NULL) {

              void *txn = NULL;

              char csn_str[CSN_STRSIZE];

-             if (cl5_is_diskfull() && !cl5_diskspace_is_available()) {

-                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_CRIT, repl_plugin_name,

-                               "write_changelog_and_ruv - Skipped due to DISKFULL\n");

-                 goto common_return;

-             }

              slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_TXN, &txn);

              slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name,

                            "write_changelog_and_ruv - Writing change for "
@@ -1074,8 +1065,7 @@ 



                            csn_as_string(op_params->csn, PR_FALSE, csn_str));

-             rc = cl5WriteOperationTxn(repl_name, repl_gen, op_params,

-                                       !operation_is_flag_set(op, OP_FLAG_REPLICATED), txn);

+             rc = cl5WriteOperationTxn(cldb, op_params, txn);

              if (rc != CL5_SUCCESS) {

                  /* ONREPL - log error */

                  slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name,

@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ 

      uint64_t agmt_count;               /* Number of agmts */

      Slapi_Counter *release_timeout;    /* The amount of time to wait before releasing active replica */

      uint64_t abort_session;            /* Abort the current replica session */

+     cldb_Handle *cldb;                 /* database info for the changelog */



@@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ 

  static int _replica_check_validity(const Replica *r);

  static int _replica_init_from_config(Replica *r, Slapi_Entry *e, char *errortext);

  static int _replica_update_entry(Replica *r, Slapi_Entry *e, char *errortext);

+ static int _replica_config_changelog(Replica *r);

  static int _replica_configure_ruv(Replica *r, PRBool isLocked);

  static char *_replica_get_config_dn(const Slapi_DN *root);

  static char *_replica_type_as_string(const Replica *r);
@@ -205,6 +207,7 @@ 

          rc = LDAP_SUCCESS;




      /* If smallest csn exists in RUV for our local replica, it's ok to begin iteration */


@@ -215,6 +218,16 @@ 

           * during replica initialization


          rc = _replica_update_entry(r, e, errortext);

+         /* add changelog config entry to config 

+          * this is only needed for replicas logging changes,

+          * but for now let it exist for all replicas. Makes handling

+          * of changing replica flags easier

+          */

+         _replica_config_changelog(r);

+         if (r->repl_flags & REPLICA_LOG_CHANGES) {

+             /* Init changelog db file */

+             cldb_SetReplicaDB(r, NULL);

+         }

      } else {


           * Entry is already in dse.ldif - update it on the disk
@@ -795,6 +808,10 @@ 


      r->repl_ruv = object_new((void *)ruv, (FNFree)ruv_destroy);


+     if (r->repl_flags & REPLICA_LOG_CHANGES) {

+         cl5NotifyRUVChange(r);

+     }




@@ -1553,12 +1570,20 @@ 

                                                                     " Recreating the changelog file. This could affect replication with replica's "

                                                                     " consumers in which case the consumers should be reinitialized.\n",


-                 rc = cl5DeleteDBSync(r);


+                 /* need to reset changelog db */

+                 rc = cldb_RemoveReplicaDB(r);

+                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                      "replica_reload_ruv: reset cldb for replica\n");


                  /* reinstate new ruv */



                  r->repl_ruv = new_ruv_obj;

+                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name_cl,

+                     "replica_reload_ruv: set cldb for replica\n");


+                 cldb_SetReplicaDB(r, NULL);


                  if (rc == CL5_SUCCESS) {

                      /* log changes to mark starting point for replication */
@@ -1685,7 +1710,10 @@ 

                                                                         "consumers should be reinitialized.\n",



-                     rc = cl5DeleteDBSync(r);


+                     /* need to reset changelog db */

+                     rc = cldb_RemoveReplicaDB(r);

+                     cldb_SetReplicaDB(r, NULL);


                      if (rc == CL5_SUCCESS) {

                          /* log changes to mark starting point for replication */
@@ -2409,6 +2437,26 @@ 

                             REPLICA_RDN, slapi_sdn_get_dn(root), mp_base);

      return dn;


+ /* when a replica is added the changelog config entry is created

+  * it will only the container entry, specifications for trimming 

+  * or encyrption need to be added separately

+  */

+ static int

+ _replica_config_changelog(Replica *replica)

+ {

+     int rc = 0;


+     Slapi_Backend *be = slapi_be_select(replica_get_root(replica));


+     Slapi_Entry *config_entry = slapi_entry_alloc();

+     slapi_entry_init(config_entry, slapi_ch_strdup("cn=changelog"), NULL);

+     slapi_entry_add_string(config_entry, "objectclass", "top");

+     slapi_entry_add_string(config_entry, "objectclass", "extensibleObject");


+     rc = slapi_back_ctrl_info(be, BACK_INFO_CLDB_SET_CONFIG, (void *)config_entry);


+     return rc;

+ }


  /* This function retrieves RUV from the root of the replicated tree.

   * The attribute can be missing if
@@ -3499,18 +3547,13 @@ 




- typedef struct replinfo

- {

-     char *repl_gen;

-     char *repl_name;

- } replinfo;


  static int

  replica_log_start_iteration(const ruv_enum_data *rid_data, void *data)


      int rc = 0;

-     replinfo *r_info = (replinfo *)data;

      slapi_operation_parameters op_params;

+     Replica *replica = (Replica *)data;

+     cldb_Handle *cldb = NULL;


      if (rid_data->csn == NULL)

          return 0;
@@ -3520,7 +3563,8 @@ 

      op_params.target_address.sdn = slapi_sdn_new_ndn_byval(START_ITERATION_ENTRY_DN);

      op_params.target_address.uniqueid = START_ITERATION_ENTRY_UNIQUEID;

      op_params.csn = csn_dup(rid_data->csn);

-     rc = cl5WriteOperation(r_info->repl_name, r_info->repl_gen, &op_params, PR_FALSE);

+     cldb = replica_get_file_info(replica);

+     rc = cl5WriteOperation(cldb, &op_params);

      if (rc == CL5_SUCCESS)

          rc = 0;

@@ -3537,8 +3581,6 @@ 


      int rc = 0;

      RUV *ruv;

-     char *repl_gen;

-     replinfo r_info;


      ruv = (RUV *)object_get_data(r->repl_ruv);

@@ -3546,15 +3588,7 @@ 

      /* we log it as a delete operation to have the least number of fields

             to set. the entry can be identified by a special target uniqueid and

             special target dn */

-     repl_gen = ruv_get_replica_generation(ruv);


-     r_info.repl_name = r->repl_name;

-     r_info.repl_gen = repl_gen;


-     rc = ruv_enumerate_elements(ruv, replica_log_start_iteration, &r_info);


-     slapi_ch_free((void **)&repl_gen);


+     rc = ruv_enumerate_elements(ruv, replica_log_start_iteration, (void *)r);

      return rc;


@@ -3777,6 +3811,9 @@ 


      /* prevent creation of new agreements until the replica is enabled */


+     if (r->repl_flags & REPLICA_LOG_CHANGES) {

+         cldb_SetReplicaDB(r, NULL);

+     }


      /* retrieve new ruv */

      rc = replica_reload_ruv(r);
@@ -3863,6 +3900,12 @@ 


      replica_set_state_flag(r, REPLICA_AGREEMENTS_DISABLED, PR_FALSE);


+     /* no thread will access the changelog for this replica

+      * remove reference from replica object

+      */

+     if (r->repl_flags & REPLICA_LOG_CHANGES) {

+         cldb_UnSetReplicaDB(r, NULL);

+     }


      slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_REPL, repl_plugin_name, "replica_disable_replication - "

                                                      "replica %s is acquired\n",
@@ -4140,3 +4183,12 @@ 




+ void* replica_get_file_info(Replica *r)

+ {

+        return r->cldb;

+ }

+ int replica_set_file_info(Replica *r, void *cl)

+ {

+        r->cldb = (cldb_Handle *)cl;

+        return 0;

+ }

@@ -375,6 +375,10 @@ 


          char *new_repl_id = NULL;

          char *new_repl_type = NULL;

+         /* we also need to handle the change of repl_flags and enable or disable 

+          * the changelog

+          */

+         char *new_repl_flag = NULL;


          if (*returncode != LDAP_SUCCESS)

@@ -619,6 +623,10 @@ 




+         if (new_repl_flag) {

+             *returncode = replica_config_change_flags(r, new_repl_flag, errortext, apply_mods);

+             slapi_ch_free_string(&new_repl_flag);

+         }



@@ -768,6 +776,7 @@ 


      if (mtnode_ext->replica) {

          /* remove object from the hash */

+         Object *r_obj = mtnode_ext->replica;

          r = (Replica *)object_get_data(mtnode_ext->replica);

          mtnode_ext->replica = NULL;  /* moving it before deleting the CL because

                                        * deletion can take some time giving the opportunity
@@ -779,8 +788,9 @@ 

                                                             "The changelog for replica %s is no longer valid since "

                                                             "the replica config is being deleted.  Removing the changelog.\n",


-         cl5DeleteDBSync(r);

+         cldb_RemoveReplicaDB(r);


+         object_release(r_obj);



@@ -973,7 +983,7 @@ 



                  ruv_delete_replica(ruv, oldrid);

-                 cl5CleanRUV(oldrid);

+                 cl5CleanRUV(oldrid, r);



@@ -1034,6 +1044,13 @@ 


          flags = atol(new_flags);


+         if (replica_is_flag_set(r, REPLICA_LOG_CHANGES) && !(flags&REPLICA_LOG_CHANGES)) {

+             /* the replica no longer maintains a changelog, reset */

+            cldb_UnSetReplicaDB(r, NULL);

+         } else if (!replica_is_flag_set(r, REPLICA_LOG_CHANGES) && (flags&REPLICA_LOG_CHANGES)) {

+             /* the replica starts to maintains a changelog, set */

+             cldb_SetReplicaDB(r, NULL);

+         }

          replica_replace_flags(r, flags);


@@ -1153,7 +1170,6 @@ 

  replica_execute_cl2ldif_task(Replica *replica, char *returntext)


      int rc;

-     Replica *rlist[2];

      char fName[MAXPATHLEN];

      char *clDir = NULL;

@@ -1167,7 +1183,8 @@ 


      /* file is stored in the changelog directory and is named

         <replica name>.ldif */

-     clDir = cl5GetDir();

+     Slapi_Backend *be = slapi_be_select(replica_get_root(replica));

+     clDir = cl5GetLdifDir(be);

      if (NULL == clDir) {


          goto bail;
@@ -1177,15 +1194,12 @@ 


          goto bail;


-     rlist[0] = replica;

-     rlist[1] = NULL;



-     PR_snprintf(fName, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s.ldif", clDir, replica_get_name(replica));

+     PR_snprintf(fName, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s_cl.ldif", clDir, replica_get_name(replica));

      slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_INFO, repl_plugin_name,

                    "replica_execute_cl2ldif_task - Beginning changelog export of replica \"%s\"\n",


-     rc = cl5ExportLDIF(fName, rlist);

+     rc = cl5ExportLDIF(fName, replica);

      if (rc == CL5_SUCCESS) {

          slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_INFO, repl_plugin_name,

                        "replica_execute_cl2ldif_task - Finished changelog export of replica \"%s\"\n",
@@ -1210,10 +1224,8 @@ 

  replica_execute_ldif2cl_task(Replica *replica, char *returntext)


      int rc, imprc = 0;

-     Replica *rlist[2];

      char fName[MAXPATHLEN];

      char *clDir = NULL;

-     changelog5Config config;


      if (cl5GetState() != CL5_STATE_OPEN) {

          PR_snprintf(returntext, SLAPI_DSE_RETURNTEXT_SIZE, "changelog is not open");
@@ -1225,7 +1237,8 @@ 


      /* file is stored in the changelog directory and is named

         <replica name>.ldif */

-     clDir = cl5GetDir();

+     Slapi_Backend *be = slapi_be_select(replica_get_root(replica));

+     clDir = cl5GetLdifDir(be);

      if (NULL == clDir) {


          goto bail;
@@ -1235,8 +1248,6 @@ 


          goto bail;


-     rlist[0] = replica;

-     rlist[1] = NULL;


      PR_snprintf(fName, MAXPATHLEN, "%s/%s.ldif", clDir, replica_get_name(replica));

@@ -1254,7 +1265,7 @@ 

      slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_INFO, repl_plugin_name,

                    "replica_execute_ldif2cl_task -  Beginning changelog import of replica \"%s\"\n",


-     imprc = cl5ImportLDIF(clDir, fName, rlist);

+     imprc = cl5ImportLDIF(clDir, fName, replica);

      if (CL5_SUCCESS == imprc) {

          slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_INFO, repl_plugin_name,

                        "replica_execute_ldif2cl_task - Finished changelog import of replica \"%s\"\n",
@@ -1268,21 +1279,18 @@ 

                        "replica_execute_ldif2cl_task - %s\n", returntext);

          imprc = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR;


-     changelog5_read_config(&config);

      /* restart changelog */

-     rc = cl5Open(config.dir, &config.dbconfig);

+     rc = cl5Open();

      if (CL5_SUCCESS == rc) {

          rc = LDAP_SUCCESS;

      } else {

          slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, repl_plugin_name,

-                       "replica_execute_ldif2cl_task - Failed to start changelog at %s\n",

-                       config.dir ? config.dir : "null config dir");

+                       "replica_execute_ldif2cl_task - Failed to start changelog after import\n");






-     changelog5_config_done(&config);


      /* if cl5ImportLDIF returned an error, report it first. */

      return imprc ? imprc : rc;
@@ -1363,7 +1371,7 @@ 


       *  Clean the changelog RUV's


-     cl5CleanRUV(rid);

+     cl5CleanRUV(rid, replica);



       * Now purge the changelog.  The purging thread will free the purge_data
@@ -1371,8 +1379,7 @@ 

      purge_data = (cleanruv_purge_data *)slapi_ch_calloc(1, sizeof(cleanruv_purge_data));

      purge_data->cleaned_rid = rid;

      purge_data->suffix_sdn = replica_get_root(replica);

-     purge_data->replName = (char *)replica_get_name(replica);

-     purge_data->replGen = replica_get_generation(replica);

+     purge_data->replica = replica;



      if (rc != RUV_SUCCESS) {

@@ -1159,11 +1159,13 @@ 

                     The best solution I think, would be to "fake" on the supplier

                     an entry that corresponds to the ruv sent to the consumer and then

                     send it as part of the data */


+ /*

                  if (cl5GetState() == CL5_STATE_OPEN) {




+                 no longer needed, the cl was recreated when replication was reenabled

+                 at the end of bulk import

+ */

                  replica_set_ruv(r, connext->supplier_ruv);

                  connext->supplier_ruv = NULL;

@@ -1171,7 +1173,8 @@ 

                     smallest csn in the new ruv, so that this replica ca supply

                     other servers.


-                 if (cl5GetState() == CL5_STATE_OPEN) {

+                 if (replica_is_flag_set(r, REPLICA_LOG_CHANGES) &&

+                     cl5GetState() == CL5_STATE_OPEN) {




@@ -412,28 +412,9 @@ 




-     return_value = plugin_call_plugins(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_PRE_BACKUP_FN);

-     if (return_value) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_BACKLDBM,

-                       "ldbm_back_ldbm2archive", "pre-backup-plugin failed (%d).\n", return_value);

-         if (is_slapd_running() && run_from_cmdline) {

-             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR,

-                           "ldbm_back_ldbm2archive", "Standalone db2bak is not supported when a "

-                                                     "multimaster replication enabled server is "

-                                                     "coexisting.\nPlease use db2bak.pl, instead.\n");

-             goto err;

-         }

-     }


      /* tell it to archive */

      return_value = dblayer_backup(li, directory, task);


-     return_value = plugin_call_plugins(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_POST_BACKUP_FN);

-     if (return_value) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_BACKLDBM,

-                       "ldbm_back_ldbm2archive", "post-backup-plugin failed (%d).\n", return_value);

-     }


      if (!run_from_cmdline) {

          ldbm_instance *inst;

          Object *inst_obj;

@@ -734,6 +734,7 @@ 

      PRLock *inst_handle_list_mutex;


      DB *inst_id2entry; /* id2entry for this instance. */

+     DB *inst_changelog; /* changelog for this instance. */


      perfctrs_private inst_perf_private; /* Private data for the performance counters specific to this instance */

      attrcrypt_state_private *inst_attrcrypt_state_private;

@@ -74,7 +74,8 @@ 

  static int read_metadata(struct ldbminfo *li);

  static int count_dbfiles_in_dir(char *directory, int *count, int recurse);

  static int dblayer_override_libdb_functions(void);

- static int dblayer_force_checkpoint(struct ldbminfo *li);

+ static int bdb_force_checkpoint(struct ldbminfo *li);

+ static int bdb_force_logrenewal(struct ldbminfo *li);

  static int log_flush_threadmain(void *param);

  static int dblayer_delete_transaction_logs(const char *log_dir);

  static int dblayer_is_logfilename(const char *path);
@@ -95,6 +96,7 @@ 

  static PRCondVar *sync_txn_log_flush_done = NULL;

  static PRCondVar *sync_txn_log_do_flush = NULL;

  static int bdb_db_remove_ex(bdb_db_env *env, char const path[], char const dbName[], PRBool use_lock);

+ static int bdb_db_compact_one_db(DB *db, ldbm_instance *inst);

  static int bdb_restore_file_check(struct ldbminfo *li);


  #define MEGABYTE (1024 * 1024)
@@ -2345,9 +2347,12 @@ 

          goto out;


      dbp = *ppDB;

-     return_value = _dblayer_set_db_callbacks(conf, dbp, ai);

-     if (return_value)

-         goto out;

+     if (ai) {

+         return_value = _dblayer_set_db_callbacks(conf, dbp, ai);

+         if (return_value) {

+             goto out;

+         }

+     }


      /* The subname argument allows applications to have

       * subdatabases, i.e., multiple databases inside of a single
@@ -2379,9 +2384,12 @@ 

              goto out;


          dbp = *ppDB;

-         return_value = _dblayer_set_db_callbacks(conf, dbp, ai);

-         if (return_value)

-             goto out;

+         if (ai) {

+             return_value = _dblayer_set_db_callbacks(conf, dbp, ai);

+             if (return_value) {

+                 goto out;

+             }

+         }



@@ -2457,6 +2465,62 @@ 

      return (bdb_db_remove_ex(env, path, dbName, PR_TRUE));



+ static int

+ bdb_db_compact_one_db(DB *db, ldbm_instance *inst)

+ {

+     DBTYPE type;

+     int rc = 0;

+     back_txn txn;

+     DB_COMPACT c_data = {0};


+     rc = db->get_type(db, &type);

+     if (rc) {

+         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, "bdb_db_compact_one_db",

+                       "compactdb: failed to determine db type for %s: db error - %d %s\n",

+                       inst->inst_name, rc, db_strerror(rc));

+         return rc;

+     }


+     rc = dblayer_txn_begin(inst->inst_be, NULL, &txn);

+     if (rc) {

+         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, "bdb_db_compact_one_db", "compactdb: transaction begin failed: %d\n", rc);

+         return rc;

+     }

+     /*

+      * https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E17275_01/html/api_reference/C/BDB-C_APIReference.pdf


+      * Do no page compaction, only returning pages to the filesystem that are already free and at the end

+      * of the file. This flag must be set if the database is a Hash access method database."

+      *

+      */


+     uint32_t compact_flags = DB_FREE_SPACE;

+     if (type == DB_HASH) {

+         compact_flags |= DB_FREELIST_ONLY;

+     }

+     rc = db->compact(db, txn.back_txn_txn, NULL /*start*/, NULL /*stop*/,

+                      &c_data, compact_flags, NULL /*end*/);

+     if (rc) {

+         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, "bdb_db_compact_one_db",

+                       "compactdb: failed to compact %s; db error - %d %s\n",

+                       inst->inst_name, rc, db_strerror(rc));

+         if ((rc = dblayer_txn_abort(inst->inst_be, &txn))) {

+             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, "bdb_db_compact_one_db", "compactdb: failed to abort txn (%s) db error - %d %s\n",

+                           inst->inst_name, rc, db_strerror(rc));

+         }

+     } else {

+         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_NOTICE, "bdb_db_compact_one_db",

+                       "compactdb: compact %s - %d pages freed\n",

+                       inst->inst_name, c_data.compact_pages_free);

+         if ((rc = dblayer_txn_commit(inst->inst_be, &txn))) {

+             slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, "bdb_db_compact_one_db", "compactdb: failed to commit txn (%s) db error - %d %s\n",

+                           inst->inst_name, rc, db_strerror(rc));

+         }

+     }


+     return rc;

+ }


  #define DBLAYER_CACHE_DELAY PR_MillisecondsToInterval(250)


  bdb_rm_db_file(backend *be, struct attrinfo *a, PRBool use_lock, int no_force_checkpoint)
@@ -2497,7 +2561,7 @@ 

       Force a checkpoint here to break deadlock.


      if (0 == no_force_checkpoint) {

-         dblayer_force_checkpoint(li);

+         bdb_force_checkpoint(li);



      if (0 == dblayer_get_index_file(be, a, &db, 0 /* Don't create an index file
@@ -3554,7 +3618,7 @@ 




-  * checkpoint thread -- borrow the timing for compacting id2entry, as well.

+  * checkpoint thread -- borrow the timing for compacting id2entry, and eventually changelog, as well.


  static int

  checkpoint_threadmain(void *param)
@@ -3573,7 +3637,6 @@ 

      time_t checkpoint_interval_update = 0;

      time_t compactdb_interval = 0;

      time_t checkpoint_interval = 0;

-     back_txn txn;


      PR_ASSERT(NULL != param);

      li = (struct ldbminfo *)param;
@@ -3593,7 +3656,7 @@ 



      /* work around a problem with newly created environments */

-     dblayer_force_checkpoint(li);

+     bdb_force_checkpoint(li);



      checkpoint_interval = (time_t)BDB_CONFIG(li)->bdb_checkpoint_interval;
@@ -3602,7 +3665,7 @@ 

      debug_checkpointing = BDB_CONFIG(li)->bdb_debug_checkpointing;



-     /* assumes dblayer_force_checkpoint worked */

+     /* assumes bdb_force_checkpoint worked */


       * Importantly, the use of this api is not affected by backwards time steps

       * and the like. Because this use relative system time, rather than utc,
@@ -3706,7 +3769,6 @@ 

              Object *inst_obj;

              ldbm_instance *inst;

              DB *db = NULL;

-             DB_COMPACT c_data = {0};


              for (inst_obj = objset_first_obj(li->li_instance_set);

@@ -3719,58 +3781,26 @@ 

                  slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_NOTICE, "checkpoint_threadmain", "Compacting DB start: %s\n",



-                 /*

-                  * It's possible for this to heap us after free because when we access db

-                  * *just* as the server shut's down, we don't know it. So we should probably

-                  * do something like wrapping access to the db var in a rwlock, and have "read"

-                  * to access, and take writes to change the state. This would prevent the issue.

-                  */

-                 DBTYPE type;

-                 rc = db->get_type(db, &type);

+                 rc = bdb_db_compact_one_db(db, inst);

                  if (rc) {

                      slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, "checkpoint_threadmain",

-                                   "compactdb: failed to determine db type for %s: db error - %d %s\n",

-                                   inst->inst_name, rc, db_strerror(rc));

-                     continue;

-                 }


-                 rc = dblayer_txn_begin(inst->inst_be, NULL, &txn);

-                 if (rc) {

-                     slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, "checkpoint_threadmain", "compactdb: transaction begin failed: %d\n", rc);

+                                   "compactdb: failed to compact id2entry for %s; db error - %d %s\n",

+                                    inst->inst_name, rc, db_strerror(rc));



-                 /*

-                  * https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E17275_01/html/api_reference/C/BDB-C_APIReference.pdf

-                  * "DB_FREELIST_ONLY

-                  * Do no page compaction, only returning pages to the filesystem that are already free and at the end

-                  * of the file. This flag must be set if the database is a Hash access method database."

-                  *


+                 /* compact changelog db */

+                 /* NOTE (LK) this is now done along regular compaction, 

+                  * if it should be configurable add a switch to changelog config


+                 dblayer_get_changelog(inst->inst_be, &db, 0);


-                 uint32_t compact_flags = DB_FREE_SPACE;

-                 if (type == DB_HASH) {

-                     compact_flags |= DB_FREELIST_ONLY;

-                 }

-                 rc = db->compact(db, txn.back_txn_txn, NULL /*start*/, NULL /*stop*/,

-                                  &c_data, compact_flags, NULL /*end*/);

+                 rc = bdb_db_compact_one_db(db, inst);

                  if (rc) {

                      slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, "checkpoint_threadmain",

-                                   "compactdb: failed to compact %s; db error - %d %s\n",

-                                   inst->inst_name, rc, db_strerror(rc));

-                     if ((rc = dblayer_txn_abort(inst->inst_be, &txn))) {

-                         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, "checkpoint_threadmain", "compactdb: failed to abort txn (%s) db error - %d %s\n",

-                                       inst->inst_name, rc, db_strerror(rc));

-                         break;

-                     }

-                 } else {

-                     slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_NOTICE, "checkpoint_threadmain",

-                                   "compactdb: compact %s - %d pages freed\n",

-                                   inst->inst_name, c_data.compact_pages_free);

-                     if ((rc = dblayer_txn_commit(inst->inst_be, &txn))) {

-                         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, "checkpoint_threadmain", "compactdb: failed to commit txn (%s) db error - %d %s\n",

-                                       inst->inst_name, rc, db_strerror(rc));

-                         break;

-                     }

+                                   "compactdb: failed to compact changelog for %s; db error - %d %s\n",

+                                    inst->inst_name, rc, db_strerror(rc));

+                     break;



              compactdb_interval = compactdb_interval_update;
@@ -3778,7 +3808,7 @@ 



      slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, "checkpoint_threadmain", "Check point before leaving\n");

-     rval = dblayer_force_checkpoint(li);

+     rval = bdb_force_checkpoint(li);



@@ -4036,7 +4066,7 @@ 


  /* handy routine for checkpointing the db */

  static int

- dblayer_force_checkpoint(struct ldbminfo *li)

+ bdb_force_checkpoint(struct ldbminfo *li)


      int ret = 0, i;

      dblayer_private *priv = li->li_dblayer_private;
@@ -4051,7 +4081,7 @@ 


      if (BDB_CONFIG(li)->bdb_enable_transactions) {


-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, "dblayer_force_checkpoint", "Checkpointing database ...\n");

+         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, "bdb_force_checkpoint", "Checkpointing database ...\n");



       * DB workaround. Newly created environments do not know what the
@@ -4063,7 +4093,7 @@ 

          for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {

              ret = dblayer_txn_checkpoint(li, pEnv, PR_FALSE, PR_TRUE);

              if (ret != 0) {

-                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, "dblayer_force_checkpoint", "Checkpoint FAILED, error %s (%d)\n",

+                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, "bdb_force_checkpoint", "Checkpoint FAILED, error %s (%d)\n",

                                dblayer_strerror(ret), ret);


@@ -4073,6 +4103,34 @@ 

      return ret;



+ /* routine to force all existing transaction logs to be cleared

+  * This is necessary if the transaction logs can contain references

+  * to no longer existing files, but would be processed in a fatal

+  * recovery (like in backup/restore).

+  * There is no straight forward way to do this, but the following

+  * scenario should work:

+  *

+  * 1. check for no longer needed transaction logs by

+  *      calling log_archive()

+  * 2. delete these logs (1and2 similar to checkpointing

+  * 3. force a checkpoint

+  * 4. use log_printf() to write a "comment" to the current txn log

+  *      force a checkpoint

+  *      this could be done by writing once about 10MB or

+  *      by writing smaller chunks in a loop

+  * 5. force a checkpoint and check again

+  *  if a txn log to remove exists remove it and we are done

+  *  else repeat step 4

+  *

+  * NOTE: double check if force_checkpoint also does remove txn files

+  * then the check would have to be modified

+  */

+ static int

+ bdb_force_logrenewal(struct ldbminfo *li)

+ {

+     return 0;

+ }


  static int

  _dblayer_delete_aux_dir(struct ldbminfo *li, char *path)

@@ -4206,6 +4264,12 @@ 

          if (pEnv &&

              /* PL_strcmp takes NULL arg */

              (PL_strcmp(LDBM_FILENAME_SUFFIX, strrchr(direntry->name, '.')) == 0)) {

+             if (strcmp(direntry->name, "changelog.db") == 0) {

+                 /* do not delete the changelog, if it no longer

+                  * matches the database it will be recreated later

+                  */

+                 continue;

+             }

              rval = bdb_db_remove_ex(pEnv, filename, 0, PR_TRUE);

          } else {

              rval = ldbm_delete_dirs(filename);
@@ -4221,8 +4285,10 @@ 



      /* remove the directory itself too */

+     /* no

      if (0 == rval)


+     */

      if (inst_dirp != inst_dir)


      return rval;
@@ -4236,7 +4302,7 @@ 

  dblayer_delete_instance_dir(backend *be)


      struct ldbminfo *li = (struct ldbminfo *)be->be_database->plg_private;

-     int ret = dblayer_force_checkpoint(li);

+     int ret = bdb_force_checkpoint(li);


      if (ret != 0) {

          return ret;
@@ -4783,84 +4849,6 @@ 

      return return_value;



- /*

-  * Get changelogdir from cn=changelog5,cn=config

-  * The value does not have trailing spaces nor slashes.

-  * The changelogdir value must be a fullpath.

-  */

- static int

- _dblayer_get_changelogdir(struct ldbminfo *li, char **changelogdir)

- {

-     Slapi_PBlock *pb = NULL;

-     Slapi_Entry **entries = NULL;

-     Slapi_Attr *attr = NULL;

-     Slapi_Value *v = NULL;

-     const char *s = NULL;

-     char *attrs[2];

-     int rc = -1;


-     if (NULL == li || NULL == changelogdir) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR,

-                       "_dblayer_get_changelogdir", "Invalid arg: "

-                                                    "li: 0x%p, changelogdir: 0x%p\n",

-                       li, changelogdir);

-         return rc;

-     }

-     *changelogdir = NULL;


-     pb = slapi_pblock_new();

-     attrs[0] = CHANGELOGDIRATTR;

-     attrs[1] = NULL;

-     slapi_search_internal_set_pb(pb, CHANGELOGENTRY,

-                                  LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "cn=*", attrs, 0, NULL, NULL,

-                                  li->li_identity, 0);

-     slapi_search_internal_pb(pb);

-     slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &rc);


-     if (LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT == rc) {

-         /* No changelog; Most likely standalone or not a master. */

-         rc = LDAP_SUCCESS;

-         goto bail;

-     }

-     if (LDAP_SUCCESS != rc) {

-         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR,

-                       "_dblayer_get_changelogdir", "Failed to search \"%s\"\n", CHANGELOGENTRY);

-         goto bail;

-     }

-     /* rc == LDAP_SUCCESS */

-     slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_SEARCH_ENTRIES, &entries);

-     if (NULL == entries) {

-         /* No changelog */

-         goto bail;

-     }

-     /* There should be only one entry. */

-     rc = slapi_entry_attr_find(entries[0], CHANGELOGDIRATTR, &attr);

-     if (rc || NULL == attr) {

-         /* No changelog dir */

-         rc = LDAP_SUCCESS;

-         goto bail;

-     }

-     rc = slapi_attr_first_value(attr, &v);

-     if (rc || NULL == v) {

-         /* No changelog dir */

-         rc = LDAP_SUCCESS;

-         goto bail;

-     }

-     rc = LDAP_SUCCESS;

-     s = slapi_value_get_string(v);

-     if (NULL == s) {

-         /* No changelog dir */

-         goto bail;

-     }

-     *changelogdir = slapi_ch_strdup(s);

-     /* Remove trailing spaces and '/' if any */

-     normalize_dir(*changelogdir);

- bail:

-     slapi_free_search_results_internal(pb);

-     slapi_pblock_destroy(pb);

-     return rc;

- }


  /* Destination Directory is an absolute pathname */


  bdb_backup(struct ldbminfo *li, char *dest_dir, Slapi_Task *task)
@@ -4869,6 +4857,7 @@ 

      bdb_config *conf = NULL;

      char **listA = NULL, **listB = NULL, **listi, **listj, *prefix;

      char *home_dir = NULL;

+     char *db_dir = NULL;

      int return_value = -1;

      char *pathname1;

      char *pathname2;
@@ -4883,6 +4872,9 @@ 

      conf = (bdb_config *)li->li_dblayer_config;

      priv = li->li_dblayer_private;

      PR_ASSERT(NULL != priv);


+     db_dir = bdb_get_db_dir(li);


      home_dir = bdb_get_home_dir(li, NULL);

      if (NULL == home_dir || '\0' == *home_dir) {

@@ -4919,7 +4911,7 @@ 



      /* do a quick checkpoint */

-     dblayer_force_checkpoint(li);

+     bdb_force_checkpoint(li);

      dblayer_txn_init(li, &txn);

      return_value = dblayer_txn_begin_all(li, NULL, &txn);

      if (return_value) {
@@ -4998,46 +4990,6 @@ 

              if (inst_dirp != inst_dir)



-         /* Get changelogdir, if any */

-         _dblayer_get_changelogdir(li, &changelogdir);

-         if (changelogdir) {

-             /* dest dir for changelog: dest_dir/repl_changelog_backup  */

-             char *changelog_destdir = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s/%s",

-                                                         dest_dir, CHANGELOG_BACKUPDIR);

-             return_value = bdb_copy_directory(li, task, changelogdir,

-                                                   changelog_destdir,

-                                                   0 /* backup */,

-                                                   &cnt, 0, 1);

-             if (return_value) {

-                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR,

-                               "dblayer_backup", "Error in copying directory "

-                                                 "(%s -> %s): err=%d\n",

-                               changelogdir, changelog_destdir, return_value);

-                 if (task) {

-                     slapi_task_log_notice(task,

-                                           "Backup: error in copying directory "

-                                           "(%s -> %s): err=%d\n",

-                                           changelogdir, changelog_destdir, return_value);

-                 }

-                 slapi_ch_free_string(&changelog_destdir);

-                 goto bail;

-             }

-             /* Copy DBVERSION */

-             pathname1 = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s/%s",

-                                           changelogdir, DBVERSION_FILENAME);

-             pathname2 = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s/%s",

-                                           changelog_destdir, DBVERSION_FILENAME);

-             return_value = dblayer_copyfile(pathname1, pathname2,

-                                             0, priv->dblayer_file_mode);

-             slapi_ch_free_string(&pathname2);

-             slapi_ch_free_string(&changelog_destdir);

-             if (0 > return_value) {

-                 slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, "dblayer_backup", "Failed to copy file %s\n", pathname1);

-                 slapi_ch_free_string(&pathname1);

-                 goto bail;

-             }

-             slapi_ch_free_string(&pathname1);

-         }

          if (conf->bdb_enable_transactions) {

              /* now, get the list of logfiles that still exist */

              return_value = LOG_ARCHIVE(((bdb_db_env *)priv->dblayer_env)->bdb_DB_ENV,
@@ -5088,7 +5040,7 @@ 

                      (0 != strlen(conf->bdb_log_directory))) {

                      prefix = conf->bdb_log_directory;

                  } else {

-                     prefix = home_dir;

+                     prefix = db_dir;


                  /* log files have the same filename len(100 is a safety net:) */

                  p1len = strlen(prefix) + strlen(*listB) + 100;
@@ -5368,13 +5320,6 @@ 


                  tmp_rval = PR_GetFileInfo64(filename1, &info);

                  if (tmp_rval == PR_SUCCESS && PR_FILE_DIRECTORY == info.type) {

-                     /* Is it CHANGELOG_BACKUPDIR? */

-                     if (0 == strcmp(CHANGELOG_BACKUPDIR, direntry->name)) {

-                         /* Yes, this is a changelog backup. */

-                         /* Get the changelog path */

-                         _dblayer_get_changelogdir(li, &changelogdir);

-                         continue;

-                     }

                      inst = ldbm_instance_find_by_name(li, (char *)direntry->name);

                      if (inst == NULL) {

@@ -6019,6 +5964,14 @@ 





+         if (li) {

+             ldbm_instance *inst = (ldbm_instance *)be->be_instance_info;

+             *(char **)info = dblayer_get_full_inst_dir(li, inst, NULL, 0);

+             rc = 0;

+         }

+         break;

+     }


          if (li) {

              *(char **)info = bdb_config_db_logdirectory_get_ext((void *)li);
@@ -6034,6 +5987,21 @@ 

          rc = get_suffix_key(be, (struct _back_info_index_key *)info);



+     case BACK_INFO_DBENV_CLDB: {

+         ldbm_instance *inst = (ldbm_instance *) be->be_instance_info;

+         if (inst->inst_changelog) {

+             rc = 0;

+         } else {

+             DB *db;

+             rc = dblayer_get_changelog(be, &db,DB_CREATE);

+         }

+         if (rc == 0) {

+            *(DB **)info = inst->inst_changelog;

+         } else {

+             *(DB **)info = NULL;

+         }

+         break;

+     }



@@ -6069,7 +6037,13 @@ 

      switch (cmd) {

      case BACK_INFO_CRYPT_INIT: {

          back_info_crypt_init *crypt_init = (back_info_crypt_init *)info;

-         rc = back_crypt_init(crypt_init->be, crypt_init->dn,

+         Slapi_DN configdn;

+         slapi_sdn_init(&configdn);

+         be_getbasedn(be, &configdn);

+         char *crypt_dn = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s,%s",

+                         crypt_init->dn,

+                         slapi_sdn_get_dn(&configdn));

+         rc = back_crypt_init(crypt_init->be, crypt_dn,



@@ -6091,6 +6065,104 @@ 





+         DB *db = (DB *)info;

+         struct ldbminfo *li = (struct ldbminfo *)be->be_database->plg_private;

+         ldbm_instance *inst = (ldbm_instance *) be->be_instance_info;

+         if (li) {

+             dblayer_private *priv = (dblayer_private *)li->li_dblayer_private;

+             if (priv && priv->dblayer_env) {

+                 char *instancedir;

+                 slapi_back_get_info(be, BACK_INFO_INSTANCE_DIR, (void **)&instancedir);

+                 char *path = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s/changelog.db", instancedir);

+                 db->close(db, 0);

+                 rc = bdb_db_remove_ex((bdb_db_env *)priv->dblayer_env, path, NULL, PR_TRUE);

+                 inst->inst_changelog = NULL;

+                 slapi_ch_free_string(&instancedir);

+             }

+         }

+         break;

+     }


+         struct ldbminfo *li = (struct ldbminfo *)be->be_database->plg_private;

+         char *oldFile = (char *)info;

+         if (li) {

+             dblayer_private *priv = (dblayer_private *)li->li_dblayer_private;

+             if (priv && priv->dblayer_env) {

+                 DB_ENV *pEnv = ((bdb_db_env *)priv->dblayer_env)->bdb_DB_ENV;

+                 if (pEnv) {

+                     char *instancedir;

+                     slapi_back_get_info(be, BACK_INFO_INSTANCE_DIR, (void **)&instancedir);

+                     char *newFile = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s/changelog.db", instancedir);

+                     rc = pEnv->dbrename(pEnv, 0, oldFile, 0, newFile, 0);

+                     slapi_ch_free_string(&instancedir);

+                     bdb_force_logrenewal(li);

+                 }

+             }

+         }

+         break;

+     }


+         /* get a config entry relative to the

+          * backend config entry

+          */

+         back_info_config_entry *config = (back_info_config_entry *)info;

+         struct ldbminfo *li = (struct ldbminfo *)be->be_database->plg_private;

+         Slapi_DN configdn;

+         slapi_sdn_init(&configdn);

+         be_getbasedn(be, &configdn);

+         char *config_dn = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s,%s",

+                         config->dn,

+                         slapi_sdn_get_dn(&configdn));

+         Slapi_PBlock *search_pb = slapi_pblock_new();

+         slapi_search_internal_set_pb(search_pb, config_dn, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "objectclass=*",

+                                      NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, li->li_identity, 0);

+         slapi_search_internal_pb(search_pb);

+         slapi_pblock_get(search_pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &rc);

+         if (LDAP_SUCCESS == rc ) {

+             Slapi_Entry **entries;

+             slapi_pblock_get(search_pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_SEARCH_ENTRIES, &entries);

+             if (entries && entries[0]) {

+                 config->ce = slapi_entry_dup(entries[0]);

+             } else {

+                 rc = -1;

+             }

+         }

+         slapi_free_search_results_internal(search_pb);

+         slapi_pblock_destroy(search_pb);

+         slapi_ch_free_string(&config_dn);

+         break;

+     }


+         /* This control option allows a plugin to set a backend configuration

+          * entry without knowing the location of the backend config.

+          * It passes an entry with a relative dn and this dn is expanded by the

+          * backend config dn.

+          */

+         Slapi_DN fulldn;

+         Slapi_DN configdn;

+         struct ldbminfo *li = (struct ldbminfo *)be->be_database->plg_private;

+         Slapi_Entry *config_entry = (Slapi_Entry *)info;


+         slapi_sdn_init(&configdn);

+         be_getbasedn(be, &configdn);

+         char *newdn = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s,%s",

+                         slapi_entry_get_dn_const(config_entry),

+                         slapi_sdn_get_dn(&configdn));

+         slapi_sdn_init(&fulldn);

+         slapi_sdn_init_dn_byref(&fulldn, newdn);

+         slapi_entry_set_sdn(config_entry, &fulldn);

+         slapi_ch_free_string(&newdn);


+         Slapi_PBlock *pb = slapi_pblock_new();

+         slapi_pblock_init(pb);

+         slapi_add_entry_internal_set_pb(pb, config_entry, NULL,

+                                         li->li_identity, 0);

+         slapi_add_internal_pb(pb);

+         slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &rc);

+         slapi_pblock_destroy(pb);

+         break;

+     }




@@ -706,6 +706,7 @@ 

      int decrypt = 0;

      int32_t dump_replica = 0;

      int dump_uniqueid = 1;

+     int dump_changelog = 0;

      int fd = STDOUT_FILENO;

      IDList *idl = NULL; /* optimization for -s include lists */

      int cnt = 0, lastcnt = 0;
@@ -816,6 +817,7 @@ 

      slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_DB2LDIF_FILE, &fname);

      slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_DB2LDIF_PRINTKEY, &printkey);

      slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_DB2LDIF_DUMP_UNIQUEID, &dump_uniqueid);

+     slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_LDIF_CHANGELOG, &dump_changelog);


      /* tsk, overloading printkey.  shame on me. */

      ok_index = !(printkey & EXPORT_ID2ENTRY_ONLY);
@@ -1285,6 +1287,12 @@ 

                        "export %s: Processed %d entries (100%%).\n",

                        inst->inst_name, cnt);


+     if (run_from_cmdline && dump_changelog) {

+         return_value = plugin_call_plugins(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_POST_EXPORT_FN);

+         slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_INFO, "ldbm_back_ldbm2ldif",

+                       "export changelog for %s.\n", inst->inst_name);

+     }



      if (idl) {


@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ 


  #define NEWDIR_MODE 0755

  #define DB_REGION_PREFIX "__db."

+ #define BE_CHANGELOG_FILE "changelog"



  static int dblayer_post_restore = 0;
@@ -397,6 +398,35 @@ 




+ dblayer_close_changelog(backend *be)

+ {

+     ldbm_instance *inst;

+     DB *pDB = NULL;

+     int return_value = 0;


+     PR_ASSERT(NULL != be);

+     inst = (ldbm_instance *) be->be_instance_info;

+     PR_ASSERT(NULL != inst);


+     pDB = inst->inst_changelog;

+     if (pDB) {

+         return_value = pDB->close(pDB,0);

+         inst->inst_changelog = NULL;

+     }

+     return return_value;

+ }


+ int

+ dblayer_erase_changelog_file(backend *be, struct attrinfo *a, PRBool use_lock, int no_force_chkpt)

+ {

+     if ((NULL == be) || (NULL == be->be_database)) {

+         return 0;

+     }

+     /* TBD (LK) */

+     return 0;

+ }


+ int

  dblayer_close_indexes(backend *be)


      ldbm_instance *inst;
@@ -465,6 +495,7 @@ 



      return_value = dblayer_close_indexes(be);

+     return_value |= dblayer_close_changelog(be);


      /* Now close id2entry if it's open */

      pDB = inst->inst_id2entry;
@@ -605,6 +636,52 @@ 

      return return_value;



+ int dblayer_get_changelog(backend *be, DB** ppDB, int open_flags)

+ {

+     ldbm_instance *inst = (ldbm_instance *) be->be_instance_info;

+     int return_value = -1;

+     DB *pDB = NULL;


+     *ppDB = NULL;


+     if (inst->inst_changelog) {

+         /* This means that the pointer is valid, so we should return it. */

+         *ppDB = inst->inst_changelog;

+         return 0;

+     }


+     /* only one thread should open the chgangelog, we can use the mutex

+      * for opening the index files.

+      */

+     PR_Lock(inst->inst_handle_list_mutex);

+     if (inst->inst_changelog) {

+         /* another thread set the handle while we were waiting on the lock */

+         *ppDB = inst->inst_changelog;

+         PR_Unlock(inst->inst_handle_list_mutex);

+         return 0;

+     }


+     /* attrinfo handle is still blank, and we have the mutex: open the

+      * index file and stuff it in the attrinfo.

+      */

+     return_value = dblayer_open_file(be, BE_CHANGELOG_FILE, open_flags,

+                                    NULL, &pDB);

+     if (0 == return_value) {

+         /* Opened it OK */

+         inst->inst_changelog = pDB;

+         /* And, most importantly, return something to the caller!*/

+         *ppDB = pDB;

+     } else {

+         /* Did not open it OK ! */

+         /* Do nothing, because return value and fact that we didn't

+          * store a DB* in the attrinfo is enough

+          */

+     }

+     PR_Unlock(inst->inst_handle_list_mutex);


+     return return_value;

+ }



   * Unlock the db lib mutex here if we need to.


@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ 

  int dblayer_release_index_file(backend *be, struct attrinfo *a, DB *pDB);

  int dblayer_erase_index_file(backend *be, struct attrinfo *a, PRBool use_lock, int no_force_chkpt);

  int dblayer_get_id2entry(backend *be, DB **ppDB);

+ int dblayer_get_changelog(backend *be, DB** ppDB, int create);

  int dblayer_release_id2entry(backend *be, DB *pDB);

  int dblayer_txn_init(struct ldbminfo *li, back_txn *txn);

  int dblayer_txn_begin(backend *be, back_txnid parent_txn, back_txn *txn);

@@ -271,6 +271,17 @@ 



  Slapi_DN *

+ be_getbasedn(Slapi_Backend *be, Slapi_DN *dn)

+ {

+     if (be->be_state == BE_STATE_DELETED) {

+         slapi_sdn_set_ndn_byval(dn, NULL);

+     } else {

+         slapi_sdn_set_ndn_byref(dn, be->be_basedn);

+     }

+     return dn;

+ }


+ Slapi_DN *

  be_getconfigdn(Slapi_Backend *be, Slapi_DN *dn)


      if (be->be_state == BE_STATE_DELETED) {

file modified
+19 -1
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ 

      char *archive_name;

      int db2ldif_dump_replica;

      int db2ldif_dump_uniqueid;

+     int ldif_include_changelog;

      int ldif2db_generate_uniqueid;

      char *ldif2db_namespaceid;

      int importexport_encrypt;
@@ -517,6 +518,7 @@ 

      /* Set a number of defaults */

      mcfg.slapd_exemode = SLAPD_EXEMODE_UNKNOWN;

      mcfg.ldif_printkey = EXPORT_PRINTKEY | EXPORT_APPENDMODE;

+     mcfg.ldif_include_changelog = 0;

      mcfg.db2ldif_dump_uniqueid = 1;

      mcfg.ldif2db_generate_uniqueid = SLAPI_UNIQUEID_GENERATE_TIME_BASED;

      mcfg.ldif2db_removedupvals = 1;
@@ -1174,7 +1176,7 @@ 




-     char *opts_db2ldif = "vd:D:ENa:rs:x:CSut:n:UmMo1qV";

+     char *opts_db2ldif = "vd:D:ENa:rs:x:CSut:n:UmMo1qRV";

      struct opt_ext long_options_db2ldif[] = {

          {"version", ArgNone, 'v'},

          {"debug", ArgRequired, 'd'},
@@ -1188,6 +1190,7 @@ 

          {"noUniqueIds", ArgNone, 'u'},

          {"configDir", ArgRequired, 'D'},

          {"encrypt", ArgOptional, 'E'},

+         {"includechangelog", ArgNone, 'R'},

          {"nowrap", ArgNone, 'U'},

          {"minimalEncode", ArgNone, 'm'},

          {"oneOutputFile", ArgNone, 'o'},
@@ -1593,6 +1596,20 @@ 




+         case 'R': /* db2ldif  and ldif2db only */

+             if (mcfg->slapd_exemode != SLAPD_EXEMODE_DB2LDIF &&

+                 mcfg->slapd_exemode != SLAPD_EXEMODE_LDIF2DB) {

+                 usage(mcfg->myname, mcfg->extraname, mcfg->slapd_exemode);

+                 exit(1);

+             }


+             /*

+              * import/export should handle changelog.

+              */

+             mcfg->ldif_include_changelog = 1;


+             break;


          case 'C':

              if (mcfg->slapd_exemode == SLAPD_EXEMODE_LDIF2DB) {

                  /* used to mean "Cool new import" (which is now
@@ -2170,6 +2187,7 @@ 

          slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_BACKEND_INSTANCE_NAME, *instp);

          slapi_pblock_set_ldif_dump_replica(pb, mcfg->db2ldif_dump_replica);

          slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_DB2LDIF_DUMP_UNIQUEID, &(mcfg->db2ldif_dump_uniqueid));

+         slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_LDIF_CHANGELOG, &(mcfg->ldif_include_changelog));

          int32_t task_flags = SLAPI_TASK_RUNNING_FROM_COMMANDLINE;

          slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_TASK_FLAGS, &task_flags);

          int32_t is_running = 0;

file modified
+30 -16
@@ -1242,12 +1242,6 @@ 


          (*(IFP *)value) = pblock->pb_plugin->plg_bepreclose;



-         if (pblock->pb_plugin->plg_type != SLAPI_PLUGIN_BEPREOPERATION) {

-             return (-1);

-         }

-         (*(IFP *)value) = pblock->pb_plugin->plg_beprebackup;

-         break;


      /* backend postoperation plugin */

@@ -1280,11 +1274,18 @@ 


          (*(IFP *)value) = pblock->pb_plugin->plg_bepostopen;





          if (pblock->pb_plugin->plg_type != SLAPI_PLUGIN_BEPOSTOPERATION) {

              return (-1);


-         (*(IFP *)value) = pblock->pb_plugin->plg_bepostbackup;

+         (*(IFP *)value) = pblock->pb_plugin->plg_bepostexport;

+         break;


+         if (pblock->pb_plugin->plg_type != SLAPI_PLUGIN_BEPOSTOPERATION) {

+             return (-1);

+         }

+         (*(IFP *)value) = pblock->pb_plugin->plg_bepostimport;



      /* internal preoperation plugin */
@@ -2100,6 +2101,14 @@ 

              (*(int *)value) = 0;




+         if (pblock->pb_task != NULL) {

+             (*(int *)value) = pblock->pb_task->ldif_include_changelog;

+         } else {

+             (*(int *)value) = 0;

+         }

+         break;


      /* dbverify */


          if (pblock->pb_task != NULL) {
@@ -3145,12 +3154,6 @@ 


          pblock->pb_plugin->plg_bepreclose = (IFP)value;



-         if (pblock->pb_plugin->plg_type != SLAPI_PLUGIN_BEPREOPERATION) {

-             return (-1);

-         }

-         pblock->pb_plugin->plg_beprebackup = (IFP)value;

-         break;


      /* backend postoperation plugin */

@@ -3183,11 +3186,17 @@ 


          pblock->pb_plugin->plg_bepostopen = (IFP)value;




          if (pblock->pb_plugin->plg_type != SLAPI_PLUGIN_BEPOSTOPERATION) {

              return (-1);


-         pblock->pb_plugin->plg_bepostbackup = (IFP)value;

+         pblock->pb_plugin->plg_bepostexport = (IFP)value;

+         break;


+         if (pblock->pb_plugin->plg_type != SLAPI_PLUGIN_BEPOSTOPERATION) {

+             return (-1);

+         }

+         pblock->pb_plugin->plg_bepostimport = (IFP)value;



      /* internal preoperation plugin */
@@ -3899,6 +3908,11 @@ 

          pblock->pb_task->import_state = *((int *)value);




+         _pblock_assert_pb_task(pblock);

+         pblock->pb_task->ldif_include_changelog = *((int *)value);

+         break;





@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ 

      char *ldif_namespaceid; /* used for name based uniqueid generation */

      int ldif_dump_replica;

      int ldif_dump_uniqueid;     /* dump uniqueid during db2ldif */

+     int ldif_include_changelog;     /* include changelog for import/export */

      int ldif_generate_uniqueid; /* generate uniqueid during db2ldif */

      int ldif_encrypt;           /* used to enable encrypt/decrypt on import and export */

      int seq_type;

file modified
+4 -4
@@ -378,7 +378,6 @@ 





          plugin_list_number = PLUGIN_LIST_BEPREOPERATION;

          do_op = 1; /* always allow backend callbacks (even during startup) */

@@ -387,7 +386,8 @@ 







          plugin_list_number = PLUGIN_LIST_BEPOSTOPERATION;

          do_op = 1; /* always allow backend callbacks (even during startup) */

@@ -3600,8 +3600,8 @@ 

          operation == SLAPI_PLUGIN_CLEANUP_FN ||

          operation == SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_PRE_CLOSE_FN ||

          operation == SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_POST_OPEN_FN ||

-         operation == SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_PRE_BACKUP_FN ||

-         operation == SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_POST_BACKUP_FN)

+         operation == SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_POST_EXPORT_FN ||

+         operation == SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_POST_IMPORT_FN)

          return PR_TRUE;


      slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_OPERATION, &pb_op);

@@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ 

  void be_addsuffix(Slapi_Backend *be, const Slapi_DN *suffix);

  Slapi_DN *be_getconfigdn(Slapi_Backend *be, Slapi_DN *dn);

  Slapi_DN *be_getmonitordn(Slapi_Backend *be, Slapi_DN *dn);

+ Slapi_DN *be_getbasedn(Slapi_Backend *be, Slapi_DN *dn);

  int be_writeconfig(Slapi_Backend *be);

  void global_backend_lock_init(void);

  int global_backend_lock_requested(void);

file modified
+4 -4
@@ -1176,14 +1176,12 @@ 

              IFP plg_un_bepre_delete;           /* delete */

              IFP plg_un_bepre_delete_tombstone; /* tombstone creation */

              IFP plg_un_bepre_close;            /* close */

-             IFP plg_un_bepre_backup;           /* backup */

          } plg_un_bepre;

  #define plg_bepremodify plg_un.plg_un_bepre.plg_un_bepre_modify

  #define plg_bepremodrdn plg_un.plg_un_bepre.plg_un_bepre_modrdn

  #define plg_bepreadd plg_un.plg_un_bepre.plg_un_bepre_add

  #define plg_bepredelete plg_un.plg_un_bepre.plg_un_bepre_delete

  #define plg_bepreclose plg_un.plg_un_bepre.plg_un_bepre_close

- #define plg_beprebackup plg_un.plg_un_bepre.plg_un_bepre_backup


          /* backend post-operation plugin structure */

          struct plg_un_bepost_operation
@@ -1193,14 +1191,16 @@ 

              IFP plg_un_bepost_add;    /* add */

              IFP plg_un_bepost_delete; /* delete */

              IFP plg_un_bepost_open;   /* open */

-             IFP plg_un_bepost_backup; /* backup */

+             IFP plg_un_bepost_import; /* import */

+             IFP plg_un_bepost_export; /* export */

          } plg_un_bepost;

  #define plg_bepostmodify plg_un.plg_un_bepost.plg_un_bepost_modify

  #define plg_bepostmodrdn plg_un.plg_un_bepost.plg_un_bepost_modrdn

  #define plg_bepostadd plg_un.plg_un_bepost.plg_un_bepost_add

  #define plg_bepostdelete plg_un.plg_un_bepost.plg_un_bepost_delete

  #define plg_bepostopen plg_un.plg_un_bepost.plg_un_bepost_open

- #define plg_bepostbackup plg_un.plg_un_bepost.plg_un_bepost_backup

+ #define plg_bepostimport plg_un.plg_un_bepost.plg_un_bepost_import

+ #define plg_bepostexport plg_un.plg_un_bepost.plg_un_bepost_export


          /* internal  pre-operation plugin structure */

          struct plg_un_internal_pre_operation

@@ -7067,7 +7067,6 @@ 






  /* preoperation plugin to the backend - just after transaction creation */

  #define SLAPI_PLUGIN_BE_TXN_PRE_ADD_FN              460
@@ -7104,7 +7103,8 @@ 








  /* postoperation plugin to the backend - just before transaction commit */

@@ -7405,6 +7405,7 @@ 

  #define SLAPI_DB2LDIF_FILE 184

  /* dump uniqueid */


+ #define SLAPI_LDIF_CHANGELOG  1761



  /* db2ldif/ldif2db/bak2db/db2bak arguments */
@@ -7715,6 +7716,7 @@ 


   * \note Implemented cmd:

   * BACK_INFO_DBENV - Get the dbenv

+  * BACK_INFO_DBENV_CLBD - Get the changelog db for the backend

   * BACK_INFO_DBENV_OPENFLAGS - Get the dbenv openflags

   * BACK_INFO_INDEXPAGESIZE - Get the index page size

@@ -7753,6 +7755,12 @@ 



      BACK_INFO_DBENV,               /* Get the dbenv */

+     BACK_INFO_DBENV_CLDB,          /* Get the changelog */

+     BACK_INFO_DBENV_CLDB_REMOVE,   /* Remove the changelog */

+     BACK_INFO_DBENV_CLDB_RESET,    /* Recreate the changelog */

+     BACK_INFO_DBENV_CLDB_UPGRADE,  /* Move an old cl file to the instance database */

+     BACK_INFO_CLDB_SET_CONFIG,     /* Set the CL configuration for a backend database */

+     BACK_INFO_CLDB_GET_CONFIG,     /* Get the CL configuration for a backend database */

      BACK_INFO_DB_PAGESIZE,         /* Get the db page size */

      BACK_INFO_INDEXPAGESIZE,       /* Get the index page size */

      BACK_INFO_DBENV_OPENFLAGS,     /* Get the dbenv openflags */
@@ -7760,7 +7768,8 @@ 

      BACK_INFO_CRYPT_DESTROY,       /* Ctrl: clcrypt_destroy */

      BACK_INFO_CRYPT_ENCRYPT_VALUE, /* Ctrl: clcrypt_encrypt_value */

      BACK_INFO_CRYPT_DECRYPT_VALUE, /* Ctrl: clcrypt_decrypt_value */

-     BACK_INFO_DIRECTORY,           /* Get the directory path */

+     BACK_INFO_DIRECTORY,           /* Get the db directory path */

+     BACK_INFO_INSTANCE_DIR,        /* Get the path to an instance */

      BACK_INFO_LOG_DIRECTORY,       /* Get the txn log directory */

      BACK_INFO_INDEX_KEY,           /* Get the status of a key in an index */

      BACK_INFO_DB_DIRECTORY,        /* Get the db directory */
@@ -7798,6 +7807,13 @@ 


  typedef struct _back_info_crypt_value back_info_crypt_value;


+ struct _back_info_config_entry

+ {

+     char *dn;           /* input  -- part of dn below backend config entry */

+     Slapi_Entry *ce;    /* output -- requested config entry */

+ };

+ typedef struct _back_info_config_entry back_info_config_entry;





file modified
+2 -2
@@ -669,8 +669,8 @@ 

      char *duration_str = NULL;

      long remainder = 0;

      long devided = duration;

-     int devider[] = {60, 60, 24, 0};

-     char *unit[] = {"", "M", "H", "D", NULL};

+     int devider[] = {60, 60, 24, 7, 0};

+     char *unit[] = {"", "m", "h", "d", "w", NULL};

      int i = 0;


      if (0 > duration) {

@@ -1047,6 +1047,9 @@ 

      } else {




+     if (0 == strcmp(ptr,"changelog.db")) return 1;


Would prefer that the name uses a define 'changelog' and LDBM_SUFFIX

      for (; ptr && *ptr; ptr++) {

          if ('.' == *ptr) {

              if (0 == strncmp(ptr, ".db", 3)) {

@@ -108,6 +108,10 @@ 

              if role == ReplicaRole.HUB:

                  hs[instance.serverid] = instance


+             if DEBUGGING:

+                 instance.config.set('nsslapd-accesslog-logbuffering','off')

+                 instance.config.set('nsslapd-errorlog-level','8192')

+                 instance.config.set('nsslapd-auditlog-logging-enabled','on')

              log.info("Instance with parameters {} was created.".format(args_instance))


      if "standalone1" in instances and len(instances) == 1:

@@ -109,13 +109,11 @@ 














@@ -220,8 +220,6 @@ 





- 12



@@ -232,8 +230,6 @@ 





- 11




this PR contains one change to tests, I wanted to send a separate PR for test modifications, but I missed this.

IPA installation failed at the first step.

Configuring directory server (dirsrv). Estimated time: 30 seconds
  [1/44]: creating directory server instance
[19/May/2020:15:59:02.246758965 -0400] - INFO - main - 389-Directory/ B2020.140.1532 starting up
[19/May/2020:15:59:02.249503865 -0400] - INFO - main - Setting the maximum file descriptor limit to: 524288
[19/May/2020:15:59:03.035299779 -0400] - INFO - PBKDF2_SHA256 - Based on CPU performance, chose 2048 rounds
[19/May/2020:15:59:03.041956473 -0400] - INFO - bdb_config_upgrade_dse_info - create config entry from old config
[19/May/2020:15:59:03.048720725 -0400] - NOTICE - ldbm_back_start - found 2026512k physical memory
[19/May/2020:15:59:03.052037325 -0400] - NOTICE - ldbm_back_start - found 1644552k available
[19/May/2020:15:59:03.054866651 -0400] - NOTICE - ldbm_back_start - cache autosizing: db cache: 50662k
[19/May/2020:15:59:03.058057186 -0400] - NOTICE - ldbm_back_start - total cache size: 41502965 B; 
[19/May/2020:15:59:03.245540188 -0400] - ERR - NSMMReplicationPlugin - changelog program - _cl5AppInit - Failed to fetch backend dbenv
[19/May/2020:15:59:03.250576933 -0400] - ERR - NSMMReplicationPlugin - changelog program - cl5Open - Failed to open changelog
[19/May/2020:15:59:03.253521152 -0400] - ERR - NSMMReplicationPlugin - changelog program - changelog5_init: failed to start changelog
[19/May/2020:15:59:03.256291947 -0400] - ERR - plugin_dependency_startall - Failed to start object plugin Multimaster Replication Plugin
[19/May/2020:15:59:03.260906540 -0400] - ERR - NSMMReplicationPlugin - changelog program - _cl5AppInit - Failed to fetch backend dbenv
[19/May/2020:15:59:03.263982514 -0400] - ERR - NSMMReplicationPlugin - changelog program - cl5Open - Failed to open changelog
[19/May/2020:15:59:03.267197451 -0400] - ERR - NSMMReplicationPlugin - changelog program - changelog5_init: failed to start changelog
[19/May/2020:15:59:03.269771218 -0400] - ERR - plugin_dependency_startall - Failed to start object plugin Multimaster Replication Plugin
[19/May/2020:15:59:03.272519552 -0400] - ERR - plugin_dependency_startall - Failed to resolve plugin dependencies
[19/May/2020:15:59:03.275565238 -0400] - ERR - plugin_dependency_startall - object plugin Multimaster Replication Plugin is not started
[19/May/2020:15:59:03.278781722 -0400] - INFO - bdb_pre_close - Waiting for 4 database threads to stop
[19/May/2020:15:59:05.688752019 -0400] - INFO - bdb_pre_close - All database threads now stopped

Our tests:

 27 failed, 1361 passed, 63 skipped, 14 xfailed, 8 xpassed, 2201 warnings, 215 error in 4700.43 seconds 

Most of these errors are:

E         ldap.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM: {'desc': 'Server is unwilling to perform', 'info': 'Changelog configuration is part of the backend configuration'}                      

in any tests that try to use a topology with replication, such as:


It fails in _ensure_changelog() https://pagure.io/389-ds-base/blob/master/f/src/lib389/lib389/replica.py#_1837
when it tries to add this entry:

dn: cn=changelog5,cn=config
cn: changelog5
nsslapd-changelogdir: /var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-master1/changelogdb
objectclass: top
objectclass: nsChangelogConfig

Thanks for this fast testing.

Regarding the failing tests I have another PR coming, commenting out _ensure_changelog, since izt will be there once a replica is enabled. and some changes forr config to access the correct config entry - so I zthink we will get these fixed.

About IPA it looks a bit strange, what do they do differently at startup ? And I thought for the first master they do not even enable replication.

I reproduced the IPA failure. If I remove all backends and replicas from the dse.ldif I do get the same error messages

Regarding the failing tests I have another PR coming, commenting out _ensure_changelog, since izt will be there once a replica is enabled. and some changes forr config to access the correct config entry - so I zthink we will get these fixed.

We still need _ensure_changelog on older versions, so I think we should use ds_is_older to determine if it's needed or not. Or handle ldap.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM gracefully.

About IPA it looks a bit strange, what do they do differently at startup ? And I thought for the first master they do not even enable replication.

It fails at instance creation, they have a backend with no entries:

A standalone reproducer is dscreate from-file tmp.inf where tmp.inf has the following content:



suffix = dc=example,dc=com

About _ensure_changelog: I thought we would use the tests corresponding to a version.

If new tests should work on older versions, you're right we could use ds_is_older (than what ?)
or accept unwilling to perform as return code
or we could not return UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM and just ignore the ADD request.

I think the IPA install will in a later stage also run into this problem - maybe ignoring the add and just logging a message would do.

About starting with an empty instance, too bad we notice this only now, I didn't run into it in our tests.
I understand what is going on, in the previous version cl5Open was triggered by the existence of a changelog dir, we don't have it anymore, but withoz backends it fails.
I am not yet sure how to fix it, either make it succeed without backends or detect the absence of backends and delay it, it will take a bit.

And ignoring the add of changelog5 entry will probably not work. It is a callback making the decision - and if it accepts the ADD, the entry will be added.
So IPA will have to learn

About _ensure_changelog: I thought we would use the tests corresponding to a version.

We use lib389 and tests from master to run across all versions.

If new tests should work on older versions, you're right we could use ds_is_older (than what ?)
or accept unwilling to perform as return code
or we could not return UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM and just ignore the ADD request.

With this tests don't error out immediately:

diff --git a/src/lib389/lib389/replica.py b/src/lib389/lib389/replica.py
index e3fc7fe1f..85a8387f5 100644
--- a/src/lib389/lib389/replica.py
+++ b/src/lib389/lib389/replica.py
@@ -1844,7 +1844,7 @@ class ReplicationManager(object):
                 'cn': 'changelog5',
                 'nsslapd-changelogdir': instance.get_changelog_dir()
-        except ldap.ALREADY_EXISTS:
+        except (ldap.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM, ldap.ALREADY_EXISTS):

     def _inst_to_agreement_name(self, to_instance):

dirsrvtests/tests/suites/replication/acceptance_test.py::test_csngen_task got stuck in _csngen_gen_tester_main, it continued to generate csns after server was 'stopped':

[20/May/2020:11:39:20.884434094 +0000] - INFO - _csngen_gen_tester_main - generate csn 5ec51747001100ff0000
[20/May/2020:11:39:20.888656879 +0000] - INFO - _csngen_gen_tester_main - generate csn 5ec51747001200ff0000
[20/May/2020:11:39:20.893365667 +0000] - INFO - _csngen_gen_tester_main - generate csn 5ec51747001300ff0000
[20/May/2020:11:39:22.090851023 +0000] - INFO - op_thread_cleanup - slapd shutting down - signaling operation threads - op stack size 2 max work q size 2 max work q stack si
ze 2
[20/May/2020:11:39:22.104761604 +0000] - INFO - slapd_daemon - slapd shutting down - closing down internal subsystems and plugins
[20/May/2020:11:39:22.255460481 +0000] - INFO - bdb_pre_close - Waiting for 4 database threads to stop
[20/May/2020:11:39:23.039438782 +0000] - INFO - bdb_pre_close - All database threads now stopped
[20/May/2020:11:39:23.111691394 +0000] - INFO - ldbm_back_instance_set_destructor - Set of instances destroyed
[20/May/2020:11:39:23.116110106 +0000] - INFO - connection_post_shutdown_cleanup - slapd shutting down - freed 2 work q stack objects - freed 2 op stack objects
[20/May/2020:11:39:23.120443195 +0000] - INFO - main - slapd stopped.
[20/May/2020:11:39:30.812292808 +0000] - INFO - _csngen_gen_tester_main - generate csn 5ec51751000000ff0000
[20/May/2020:11:39:30.823623581 +0000] - INFO - _csngen_gen_tester_main - generate csn 5ec51751000100ff0000
[20/May/2020:11:39:30.828504706 +0000] - INFO - _csngen_gen_tester_main - generate csn 5ec51751000200ff0000

About starting with an empty instance, too bad we notice this only now, I didn't run into it in our tests.

It's because we use perl installer by default, and it doesn't create a backend without entries :(
Only recently @bsmejkal added in #50903 ability to run tests with python installer even if the rpm was built with perl tools and without changing the defaults.inf file: by using PYINSTALL env variable.

the test_csngen_task should not be affected by the changelog changes.
In my tests with master and with my patch the test soemtimes failed and soemtimes passed - it didn't look stable.

Ah, ok. It was passing for me lately.
I'm rerunning the tests with the patch above to see what fails even if we handle ldap.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM.

I created a separate PR 51104 for my changes to the tests, this is just a "hint" what needs to be done.

1 new commit added

  • patch to do cleanup and fix problems found during review
3 years ago

I found it used in _cl5WriteOperationTxn but not during upgrade. Could you change the comment ?
My understanding is that it takes the path from ldbminfo, I would prefer that the comment mention this.

I found it used in _cl5WriteOperationTxn but not during upgrade. Could you change the comment ?
My understanding is that it takes the path from ldbminfo, I would prefer that the comment mention this.

it is not set at all, it is used in one leftover message, I will change the message and remove it completely, I am not even sure if the diskfull check makes sens at this place (believe it is from the timen when cl was more independent)

Would prefer that the name uses a define 'changelog' and LDBM_SUFFIX

Would prefer that the name uses a define 'changelog' and LDBM_SUFFIX

Would prefer that the name uses a define 'changelog' and LDBM_SUFFIX

Would prefer that the name uses a define 'changelog' and LDBM_SUFFIX

Would prefer that the name uses a define 'changelog' and LDBM_SUFFIX

I think this call to retrieve the config is now useless

It looks cl5Close, cl5ImportLDIF and cl5Open are using s_cl5Desc. Is it still accessing the changelog5 old structures ?

It looks cl5Close, cl5ImportLDIF and cl5Open are using s_cl5Desc. Is it still accessing the changelog5 old structures ?

there are still a few global vars in s:cl5Desc (like openmode: export or normal, dbenv: same for all and used in txns, but could go away,..) I think this is not as clean yet as could be

I think this call to retrieve the config is now useless

you are right, but looking at this part of the code there is more to do :-)
the changelog import is surrounded by cl5Close and cl5Open - but these calls close and open ALL changelogs, only the one to be imported should be managed

@lkrispen , I think only cosmetic changes should be add to this patch. More important changes should be done under separated ticket. IMHO you may create a ticket explaining what need to be changed in that corner case code (ldif2cl) and details how to verify.

IPA installation is successful (only single instance was tested)
With #51104 tests pass except dirsrvtests/tests/suites/replication/changelog_test.py::test_verify_changelog_online_backup
ns-slapd crashes when test tries to create a user right after backup is restored:

#0  0x00007fb76f80f3e0 in _cl5WriteOperationTxn (cldb=cldb@entry=0x7fb6a261dd20, op=op@entry=0x7fb76fa176f8, txn=txn@entry=0x7fb6a5645180)
    at ldap/servers/plugins/replication/cl5_api.c:3704
#1  0x00007fb76f8109f3 in cl5WriteOperationTxn (txn=0x7fb6a5645180, op=0x7fb76fa176f8, cldb=0x7fb6a261dd20) at ldap/servers/plugins/replication/cl5_api.c:926
#2  cl5WriteOperationTxn (cldb=cldb@entry=0x7fb6a261dd20, op=0x7fb76fa176f8, txn=0x7fb6a5645180) at ldap/servers/plugins/replication/cl5_api.c:902
#3  0x00007fb76f82e629 in write_changelog_and_ruv (pb=pb@entry=0x7fb6a5600000) at ldap/servers/plugins/replication/repl5_plugins.c:1068
#4  0x00007fb76f82f8c2 in multimaster_be_betxnpostop_add (pb=pb@entry=0x7fb6a5600000) at ldap/servers/plugins/replication/repl5_plugins.c:851
#5  0x00007fb76f82f988 in multimaster_mmr_postop (pb=0x7fb6a5600000, flags=560) at ldap/servers/plugins/replication/repl5_plugins.c:612
#6  0x00007fb77392283d in plugin_call_mmr_plugin_postop (pb=pb@entry=0x7fb6a5600000, e=e@entry=0x0, flags=flags@entry=560) at ldap/servers/slapd/plugin_mmr.c:65
#7  0x00007fb76f9011f6 in ldbm_back_add (pb=0x7fb6a5600000) at ldap/servers/slapd/back-ldbm/ldbm_add.c:1229
#8  0x00007fb7738bc0f1 in op_shared_add (pb=pb@entry=0x7fb6a5600000) at ldap/servers/slapd/add.c:689
#9  0x00007fb7738bd0b5 in do_add (pb=pb@entry=0x7fb6a5600000) at ldap/servers/slapd/add.c:236
#10 0x000055834744c96a in connection_dispatch_operation (pb=0x7fb6a5600000, op=0x7fb76fa17600, conn=0x7fb6e88b1208) at ldap/servers/slapd/connection.c:609
#11 connection_threadmain () at ldap/servers/slapd/connection.c:1753
#12 0x00007fb77362e4b4 in _pt_root () at /lib64/libnspr4.so
#13 0x00007fb7735c2432 in start_thread () at /lib64/libpthread.so.0
#14 0x00007fb7734379d3 in clone () at /lib64/libc.so.6

As for #51104, I will modify it so that the tests will pass on older versions too.

initialize config_entry = {0};

Need to test 'rc' or 'config_entry.ce' in case the internal search fails, 'ce' is NULL and it will likely crash


ns-slapd crashes when test tries to create a user right after backup is restored:

This is weird. I had this crash and spent a lot of time to fix it, and fixed it :-)
But looks like one of the cleanups later broke it again

At this point cldb is not fully initialized (miss cllock, clCVar, maxAge, crypto..). Any reason to set it so early in cldb_SetReplicaDB rather than the end ?


ns-slapd crashes when test tries to create a user right after backup is restored:

This is weird. I had this crash and spent a lot of time to fix it, and fixed it :-)
But looks like one of the cleanups later broke it again

It was the second commit in this PR, I did no full test after the IPA changes. Unfortunately I did some more changes on the fly :-(


ns-slapd crashes when test tries to create a user right after backup is restored:

This is weird. I had this crash and spent a lot of time to fix it, and fixed it :-)
But looks like one of the cleanups later broke it again

It was the second commit in this PR, I did no full test after the IPA changes. Unfortunately I did some more changes on the fly :-(

At this point cldb is not fully initialized (miss cllock, clCVar, maxAge, crypto..). Any reason to set it so early in cldb_SetReplicaDB rather than the end ?

good point. At the end is too late, since cl5ConfigTrimming gets the replica passed and uses cldb, but somwhere in between - would require testing again

The replication agreement uses its iterator to access the CL, so it should use the replica cldb. What prevents cldb_UnSetReplicaDB to clear it under the replication agreement ?

The replication agreement uses its iterator to access the CL, so it should use the replica cldb. What prevents cldb_UnSetReplicaDB to clear it under the replication agreement ?

that replication agreements need to be stopped before the replica can be disabled or shutdown

Not clear to me. setting this flag prevents to delete the changelog file in cldb_UnSetReplicaDB.
But when recreating the CL (bad RUV) should not we remove and recreat a file ?

1 new commit added

  • Additional patch for problems raised during review
3 years ago

Not clear to me. setting this flag prevents to delete the changelog file in cldb_UnSetReplicaDB.
But when recreating the CL (bad RUV) should not we remove and recreat a file ?

I think you are right, the flag should trigger the removal and not prevent it, it was probably a late merge of cldb_UnSetReplicaDB and cl5DeleteDBSync which was to quick.
So right now the changelog would be cleared at each shutdown ??
To be investigated, but I'm afraid by someone else.

As procedure to verify I would suggest: change the condition and rerun the test, do dbscans of teh cl after shutdown

I have added a new commit which adresses the failing test reported by Viktor and several issues reported by Thierry in this review,

And I opened a bunch of tickets for known issues not to be included in this PR

regarding DB_FILE_DONE a quick test shows that the cl is retained after shutdown, but the recreation after online init could be impacted.

Few more tests:
ipa server installation succeeds. ipa replica installation fails:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipaserver/install/service.py", line 603, in start_creation
    run_step(full_msg, method)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipaserver/install/service.py", line 589, in run_step
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipaserver/install/dsinstance.py", line 423, in __setup_replica
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipaserver/install/replication.py", line 1847, in setup_promote_replication
    self.basic_replication_setup(self.conn, l_id, self.repl_man_dn, None)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipaserver/install/replication.py", line 1154, in basic_replication_setup
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipaserver/install/replication.py", line 586, in setup_changelog
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipapython/ipaldap.py", line 1648, in add_entry
    self.conn.add_s(str(entry.dn), list(attrs.items()))
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.8/contextlib.py", line 131, in __exit__
    self.gen.throw(type, value, traceback)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ipapython/ipaldap.py", line 1138, in error_handler
    raise errors.DatabaseError(desc=desc, info=info)
ipalib.errors.DatabaseError: Server is unwilling to perform: Changelog configuration is part of the backend configuration

It can be fixed in IPA code by handling unwilling to perform exception here: https://github.com/freeipa/freeipa/blob/a18d406b5631f80134e202ae3310580683937f92/ipaserver/install/replication.py#L587

-        except errors.DuplicateEntry:
+        except (errors.DuplicateEntry, errors.DatabaseError):

But I'm not sure it's a good idea in case of a real unwilling to perform issue during the changelog setup.
Or maybe do a no-op on DS side instead of returning unwilling to perform?

As for dirsrvtests:

FAILED dirsrvtests/tests/suites/replication/changelog_test.py::test_dsconf_dump_changelog_files_removed - FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-master1/changelogdb'

But that's a minor issue, I will submit changes for #51104.

We will probably run into the same issue with our CLI tools when enabling replication as it creates the changelog by default.

If it is not acceptable for applications, like IPA, to be changed, we could follow a path discussed in the handover meetings: In changelog5_config_add() do not return UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM but LDAP_SUCCESS. This will accept the adding of the entry but do nothing with it, just ignore it.

The potential problem is that the existence of cn=changelog5 triggers the auto upgrade cl migration process. If the dir specified in this config entry does no longer exist this could be used to stop autoupgrade and work.

IPA uses lib389, fixing it in the library would be preferred as then both DS and ipa tools would have the same behavior

This patch was merged with another one. See https://pagure.io/389-ds-base/issue/49562#comment-671829
It is now pushed upstream, closing the PR

Pull-Request has been closed by tbordaz

3 years ago

389-ds-base is moving from Pagure to Github. This means that new issues and pull requests
will be accepted only in 389-ds-base's github repository.

This pull request has been cloned to Github as issue and is available here:
- https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base/issues/4154

If you want to continue to work on the PR, please navigate to the github issue,
download the patch from the attachments and file a new pull request.

Thank you for understanding. We apologize for all inconvenience.

Pull-Request has been closed by spichugi

3 years ago
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