#50778 Failure in test tickets/ticket47966_test.py
Closed 3 years ago by spichugi. Opened 4 years ago by sgouvern.
sgouvern/389-ds-base rhds_44  into  master

@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ 


      Testing bulk import when the backend with VLV was recreated.

      If the test passes without the server crash, 47966 is verified.


      :id: 512963fa-fe02-11e8-b1d3-8c16451d917b

      :setup: Replication with two masters.


@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@ 


- # Copyright (C) 2016 Red Hat, Inc.

- # All rights reserved.

- #

- # License: GPL (version 3 or any later version).

- # See LICENSE for details.


- #

- import pytest

- from lib389.tasks import *

- from lib389.utils import *

- from lib389.topologies import topology_m2


- from lib389._constants import (DEFAULT_SUFFIX, HOST_MASTER_2, PORT_MASTER_2,

-                                ReplicaRole, REPLICAID_MASTER_2, BACKEND_NAME)


- pytestmark = pytest.mark.tier2


- logging.getLogger(__name__).setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

- log = logging.getLogger(__name__)



- def test_ticket47966(topology_m2):

-     '''

-     Testing bulk import when the backend with VLV was recreated.

-     If the test passes without the server crash, 47966 is verified.

-     '''

-     log.info('Testing Ticket 47966 - [VLV] slapd crashes during Dogtag clone reinstallation')

-     M1 = topology_m2.ms["master1"]

-     M2 = topology_m2.ms["master2"]

-     m1_m2_agmt = M1.agreement.list(suffix=DEFAULT_SUFFIX)[0].dn


-     log.info('0. Create a VLV index on Master 2.')

-     # get the backend entry

-     be = M2.replica.conn.backend.list(suffix=DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

-     if not be:

-         log.fatal("ticket47966: enable to retrieve the backend for %s" % DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

-         raise ValueError("no backend for suffix %s" % DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

-     bent = be[0]

-     beName = bent.getValue('cn')

-     beDn = "cn=%s,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config" % beName


-     # generate vlvSearch entry

-     vlvSrchDn = "cn=vlvSrch,%s" % beDn

-     log.info('0-1. vlvSearch dn: %s' % vlvSrchDn)

-     vlvSrchEntry = Entry(vlvSrchDn)

-     vlvSrchEntry.setValues('objectclass', 'top', 'vlvSearch')

-     vlvSrchEntry.setValues('cn', 'vlvSrch')

-     vlvSrchEntry.setValues('vlvBase', DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

-     vlvSrchEntry.setValues('vlvFilter', '(|(objectclass=*)(objectclass=ldapsubentry))')

-     vlvSrchEntry.setValues('vlvScope', '2')

-     M2.add_s(vlvSrchEntry)


-     # generate vlvIndex entry

-     vlvIndexDn = "cn=vlvIdx,%s" % vlvSrchDn

-     log.info('0-2. vlvIndex dn: %s' % vlvIndexDn)

-     vlvIndexEntry = Entry(vlvIndexDn)

-     vlvIndexEntry.setValues('objectclass', 'top', 'vlvIndex')

-     vlvIndexEntry.setValues('cn', 'vlvIdx')

-     vlvIndexEntry.setValues('vlvSort', 'cn ou sn')

-     M2.add_s(vlvIndexEntry)


-     log.info('1. Initialize Master 2 from Master 1.')

-     M1.agreement.init(DEFAULT_SUFFIX, HOST_MASTER_2, PORT_MASTER_2)

-     M1.waitForReplInit(m1_m2_agmt)


-     # Check replication is working...

-     if M1.testReplication(DEFAULT_SUFFIX, M2):

-         log.info('1-1. Replication is working.')

-     else:

-         log.fatal('1-1. Replication is not working.')

-         assert False


-     log.info('2. Delete the backend instance on Master 2.')

-     M2.delete_s(vlvIndexDn)

-     M2.delete_s(vlvSrchDn)

-     # delete the agreement, replica, and mapping tree, too.

-     M2.replica.disableReplication(DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

-     mappingTree = 'cn="%s",cn=mapping tree,cn=config' % DEFAULT_SUFFIX

-     M2.mappingtree.delete(DEFAULT_SUFFIX, beName, mappingTree)

-     M2.backend.delete(DEFAULT_SUFFIX, beDn, beName)


-     log.info('3. Recreate the backend and the VLV index on Master 2.')

-     M2.mappingtree.create(DEFAULT_SUFFIX, beName)

-     M2.backend.create(DEFAULT_SUFFIX, {BACKEND_NAME: beName})

-     log.info('3-1. Recreating %s and %s on Master 2.' % (vlvSrchDn, vlvIndexDn))

-     M2.add_s(vlvSrchEntry)

-     M2.add_s(vlvIndexEntry)

-     M2.replica.enableReplication(suffix=DEFAULT_SUFFIX, role=ReplicaRole.MASTER, replicaId=REPLICAID_MASTER_2)

-     # agreement m2_m1_agmt is not needed... :p


-     log.info('4. Initialize Master 2 from Master 1 again.')

-     M1.agreement.init(DEFAULT_SUFFIX, HOST_MASTER_2, PORT_MASTER_2)

-     M1.waitForReplInit(m1_m2_agmt)


-     # Check replication is working...

-     if M1.testReplication(DEFAULT_SUFFIX, M2):

-         log.info('4-1. Replication is working.')

-     else:

-         log.fatal('4-1. Replication is not working.')

-         assert False


-     log.info('5. Check Master 2 is up.')

-     entries = M2.search_s(DEFAULT_SUFFIX, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, '(cn=*)')

-     assert len(entries) > 0

-     log.info('5-1. %s entries are returned from M2.' % len(entries))


-     log.info('Test complete')



- if __name__ == '__main__':

-     # Run isolated

-     # -s for DEBUG mode

-     CURRENT_FILE = os.path.realpath(__file__)

-     pytest.main("-s %s" % CURRENT_FILE)

Problem Description:
tickets/ticket47966_test.py is FAIL in CI nightly runs

Fix Description:
Remove tickets/ticket47966_test.py as it has already been ported to vlv/regression_test.py::test_bulk_import_when_the_backend_with_vlv_was_recreated
Add a blank line in test header to avoid potential problem when parsing

Relates : https://pagure.io/389-ds-base/issue/49761

Author: sgouvern

Review by: tbordaz, mhonek

It looks good to me. But preferably wait for CI expert ACK.

rebased onto 2c968e2716f1ddfe995818748d015a74d4657c8c

4 years ago

Thanks Thierry.
I changed the commit message to remove Jira references.

rebased onto 2b479c177e945caadd82ea150be862c6ef7830a3

4 years ago

rebased onto 61bba3a

4 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by vashirov

4 years ago

389-ds-base is moving from Pagure to Github. This means that new issues and pull requests
will be accepted only in 389-ds-base's github repository.

This pull request has been cloned to Github as issue and is available here:
- https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base/issues/3833

If you want to continue to work on the PR, please navigate to the github issue,
download the patch from the attachments and file a new pull request.

Thank you for understanding. We apologize for all inconvenience.

Pull-Request has been closed by spichugi

3 years ago