#50648 WIP: Support CLI tooling for x509 management
Closed 3 years ago by spichugi. Opened 4 years ago by firstyear.
firstyear/389-ds-base 20191009-cert-management  into  master

file modified
+3 -1
@@ -16,12 +16,13 @@ 

  import signal

  import os

  from lib389.utils import get_instance_list

- from lib389.cli_base import _get_arg

+ from lib389.cli_base import _get_arg, setup_script_logger, disconnect_instance

  from lib389 import DirSrv

  from lib389.cli_ctl import instance as cli_instance

  from lib389.cli_ctl import dbtasks as cli_dbtasks

  from lib389.cli_base import disconnect_instance, setup_script_logger

  from lib389.cli_base import format_error_to_dict

+ from lib389.cli_ctl import tls as cli_tls

  from lib389.cli_ctl.instance import instance_remove_all

  from lib389._constants import DSRC_CONTAINER

@@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ 

  if not os.path.exists(DSRC_CONTAINER):



+ cli_tls.create_parser(subparsers)




@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ 


+ from lib389.nss_ssl import NssSsl, CERT_NAME, CA_NAME

+ from lib389.cli_base import _warn


+ def show_servercert(inst, log, args):

+     tls = NssSsl(dirsrv=inst)

+     log.info(tls.display_cert_details(CERT_NAME))


+ def list_client_cas(inst, log, args):

+     tls = NssSsl(dirsrv=inst)

+     # This turns an array of [('CA', 'C,,')]

+     for c in tls.list_client_ca_certs():

+         log.info(c[0])


+ def list_cas(inst, log, args):

+     tls = NssSsl(dirsrv=inst)

+     # This turns an array of [('CA', 'C,,')]

+     for c in tls.list_ca_certs():

+         log.info(c[0])


+ def show_cert(inst, log, args):

+     tls = NssSsl(dirsrv=inst)

+     nickname = args.nickname

+     log.info(tls.display_cert_details(nickname))


+ def import_client_ca(inst, log, args):

+     tls = NssSsl(dirsrv=inst)

+     cert_path = args.cert_path

+     nickname = args.nickname

+     if nickname.lower() == CERT_NAME.lower() or nickname.lower() == CA_NAME.lower():

+         log.error("You may not import a CA with the nickname %s or %s" % (CERT_NAME, CA_NAME))

+         return

+     tls.add_cert(nickname=nickname, input_file=cert_path)

+     tls.edit_cert_trust(nickname, "T,,")


+ def import_ca(inst, log, args):

+     tls = NssSsl(dirsrv=inst)

+     cert_path = args.cert_path

+     nickname = args.nickname

+     if nickname.lower() == CERT_NAME.lower() or nickname.lower() == CA_NAME.lower():

+         log.error("You may not import a CA with the nickname %s or %s" % (CERT_NAME, CA_NAME))

+         return

+     tls.add_cert(nickname=nickname, input_file=cert_path)

+     tls.edit_cert_trust(nickname, "C,,")


+ def import_key_cert_pair(inst, log, args):

+     tls = NssSsl(dirsrv=inst)

+     key_path = args.key_path

+     cert_path = args.cert_path

+     tls.add_server_key_and_cert(key_path, cert_path)


+ def generate_key_csr(inst, log, args):

+     tls = NssSsl(dirsrv=inst)

+     alt_names = args.alt_names

+     subject = args.subject

+     out_path = tls.create_rsa_key_and_csr(alt_names, subject)

+     log.info(out_path)


+ def import_server_cert(inst, log, args):

+     tls = NssSsl(dirsrv=inst)

+     cert_path = args.cert_path

+     tls.import_rsa_crt(crt=cert_path)


+ def remove_cert(inst, log, args, warn=True):

+     tls = NssSsl(dirsrv=inst)

+     nickname = args.nickname

+     if warn:

+         _warn(nickname, msg="Deleting certificate %s" % nickname)

+     tls.del_cert(nickname)



+ def create_parser(subparsers):

+     tls_parser = subparsers.add_parser('tls', help="Manage TLS certificates")


+     subcommands = tls_parser.add_subparsers(help='action')


+     list_ca_parser = subcommands.add_parser('list-ca', help='list server certificate authorities including intermediates')

+     list_ca_parser.set_defaults(func=list_cas)


+     list_client_ca_parser = subcommands.add_parser('list-client-ca', help='list client certificate authorities including intermediates')

+     list_client_ca_parser.set_defaults(func=list_client_cas)


+     show_servercert_parser = subcommands.add_parser('show-server-cert', help='Show the active server certificate that clients will see and verify')

+     show_servercert_parser.set_defaults(func=show_servercert)


+     show_cert_parser = subcommands.add_parser('show-cert', help='Show a certificate\'s details referenced by it\'s nickname. This is analogous to certutil -L -d <path> -n <nickname>')

+     show_cert_parser.add_argument('nickname', help="The nickname (friendly name) of the certificate to display")

+     show_cert_parser.set_defaults(func=show_cert)


+     generate_server_cert_csr_parser = subcommands.add_parser(

+         'generate-server-cert-csr',

+         help="Generate a Server-Cert certificate signing request - the csr is then submitted to a CA for verification, and when signed you import with import-ca and import-server-cert"

+     )

+     generate_server_cert_csr_parser.add_argument('--subject', '-s',

+         default=None,

+         help="Certificate Subject field to use")

+     generate_server_cert_csr_parser.add_argument('alt_names', nargs='*',

+         help="Certificate requests subject alternative names. These are auto-detected if not provided")

+     generate_server_cert_csr_parser.set_defaults(func=generate_key_csr)


+     import_client_ca_parser = subcommands.add_parser(

+         'import-client-ca',

+         help="Import a CA trusted to issue user (client) certificates. This is part of how client certificate authentication functions."

+     )

+     import_client_ca_parser.add_argument('cert_path',

+         help="The path to the x509 cert to import as a client trust root")

+     import_client_ca_parser.add_argument('nickname', help="The name of the certificate once imported")

+     import_client_ca_parser.set_defaults(func=import_client_ca)


+     import_ca_parser = subcommands.add_parser(

+         'import-ca',

+         help="Import a CA or intermediate CA for signing this servers certificates (aka Server-Cert). You should import all the CA's in the chain as required."

+     )

+     import_ca_parser.add_argument('cert_path',

+         help="The path to the x509 cert to import as a server CA")

+     import_ca_parser.add_argument('nickname', help="The name of the certificate once imported")

+     import_ca_parser.set_defaults(func=import_ca)


+     import_server_cert_parser = subcommands.add_parser(

+         'import-server-cert',

+         help="Import a new Server-Cert after the csr has been signed from a CA."

+     )

+     import_server_cert_parser.add_argument('cert_path',

+         help="The path to the x509 cert to import as Server-Cert")

+     import_server_cert_parser.set_defaults(func=import_server_cert)


+     import_server_key_cert_parser = subcommands.add_parser(

+         'import-server-key-cert',

+         help="Import a new key and Server-Cert after having been signed from a CA. This is used if you have an external csr tool or a service like lets encrypt that generates PEM keys externally."

+     )

+     import_server_key_cert_parser.add_argument('cert_path',

+         help="The path to the x509 cert to import as Server-Cert")

+     import_server_key_cert_parser.add_argument('key_path',

+         help="The path to the x509 key to import associated to Server-Cert")

+     import_server_key_cert_parser.set_defaults(func=import_key_cert_pair)


+     remove_cert_parser = subcommands.add_parser(

+         'remove-cert',

+         help="Delete a certificate from this database. This will remove it from acting as a CA, a client CA or the Server-Cert role."

+     )

+     remove_cert_parser.add_argument('nickname', help="The name of the certificate to delete")

+     remove_cert_parser.set_defaults(func=remove_cert)



file modified
+96 -19
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ 

  ISSUER = 'CN=ssca.389ds.example.com,%s' % CERT_SUFFIX



- VALID = 24

+ VALID = 24 # Months

  VALID_MIN = 61  # Days


  # My logger
@@ -68,9 +68,9 @@ 

          :returns: list[str]


          if self.dirsrv and self.dirsrv.host not in alt_names:

-             alt_names.append(self.dirsrv.host)

+             alt_names.append(ensure_str(self.dirsrv.host))

          if len(alt_names) == 0:

-             alt_names.append(socket.gethostname())

+             alt_names.append(ensure_str(socket.gethostname()))

          return alt_names


      def generate_cert_subject(self, alt_names=[]):
@@ -389,6 +389,11 @@ 

          (ssl_flag, mime_flag, jar_flag) = trust_flags.split(',')

          return 'C' in ssl_flag


+     def _rsa_cert_is_caclienttrust(self, cert_tuple):

+         trust_flags = cert_tuple[1]

+         (ssl_flag, mime_flag, jar_flag) = trust_flags.split(',')

+         return 'T' in ssl_flag


      def _rsa_cert_is_user(self, cert_tuple):


          Check an RSA cert is user trust
@@ -480,15 +485,20 @@ 

          self.log.debug("nss output: %s", result)

          return True


-     def create_rsa_key_and_csr(self, alt_names=[]):

+     def create_rsa_key_and_csr(self, alt_names=[], subject=None):

          """Create a new RSA key and the certificate signing request. This

          request can be submitted to a CA for signing. The returned certifcate

          can be added with import_rsa_crt.


          csr_path = os.path.join(self._certdb, '%s.csr' % CERT_NAME)


-         alt_names = self.detect_alt_names(alt_names)

-         subject = self.generate_cert_subject(alt_names)

+         if len(alt_names) == 0:

+             alt_names = self.detect_alt_names(alt_names)

+         if subject is None:

+             subject = self.generate_cert_subject(alt_names)


+         self.log.debug(f"CSR subject -> {subject}")

+         self.log.debug(f"CSR alt_names -> {alt_names}")


          # Wait a second to avoid an NSS bug with serial ids based on time.

@@ -755,6 +765,19 @@ 

          check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)



+     def display_cert_details(self, nickname):

+         cmd = [

+             '/usr/bin/certutil',

+             '-d', self._certdb,

+             '-n', nickname,

+             '-L',

+             '-f',

+             '%s/%s' % (self._certdb, PWD_TXT),

+         ]

+         self.log.debug("display_cert_details cmd: %s", format_cmd_list(cmd))

+         return check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, encoding='utf-8')



      def get_cert_details(self, nickname):

          """Get the trust flags, subject DN, issuer, and expiration date

@@ -769,18 +792,7 @@ 

          for cert in all_certs:

              if cert[0] == nickname:

                  trust_flags = cert[1]

-                 cmd = [

-                     '/usr/bin/certutil',

-                     '-d', self._certdb,

-                     '-n', nickname,

-                     '-L',

-                     '-f',

-                     '%s/%s' % (self._certdb, PWD_TXT),

-                 ]

-                 self.log.debug("get_cert_details cmd: %s", format_cmd_list(cmd))


-                 # Expiration date

-                 certdetails = check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, encoding='utf-8')

+                 certdetails = self.display_cert_details(nickname)

                  end_date_str = certdetails.split("Not After : ")[1].split("\n")[0]

                  date_format = '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y'

                  end_date = datetime.strptime(end_date_str, date_format)
@@ -817,7 +829,6 @@ 

          # Did not find cert with that name

          raise ValueError("Certificate '{}' not found in NSS database".format(nickname))



      def list_certs(self, ca=False):

          all_certs = self._rsa_cert_list()

          certs = []
@@ -827,6 +838,20 @@ 


          return certs


+     def list_ca_certs(self):

+         return [

+             cert

+             for cert in self._rsa_cert_list()

+             if self._rsa_cert_is_catrust(cert)

+         ]


+     def list_client_ca_certs(self):

+         return [

+             cert

+             for cert in self._rsa_cert_list()

+             if self._rsa_cert_is_caclienttrust(cert)

+         ]



      def add_cert(self, nickname, input_file, ca=False):

          """Add server or CA cert
@@ -854,3 +879,55 @@ 


          self.log.debug("add_cert cmd: %s", format_cmd_list(cmd))

          check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)


+     def add_server_key_and_cert(self, input_key, input_cert):

+         if not os.path.exists(input_key):

+             raise ValueError("The key file ({}) does not exist".format(input_key))

+         if not os.path.exists(input_cert):

+             raise ValueError("The cert file ({}) does not exist".format(input_cert))


+         self.log.debug(f"Importing key and cert -> {input_key}, {input_cert}")


+         p12_bundle = "%s/temp_server_key_cert.p12" % self._certdb


+         # Remove the p12 if it exists

+         if os.path.exists(p12_bundle):

+             os.remove(p12_bundle)


+         # Transform to p12

+         cmd = [

+             'openssl',

+             'pkcs12',

+             '-export',

+             '-in', input_cert,

+             '-inkey', input_key,

+             '-out', p12_bundle,

+             '-name', CERT_NAME,

+             '-passout', 'pass:',

+             '-aes128'

+         ]

+         self.log.debug("nss cmd: %s", format_cmd_list(cmd))

+         check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

+         # Remove the server-cert if it exists, because else the import name fails.

+         try:

+             self.del_cert(CERT_NAME)

+         except:

+             pass

+         try:

+             # Import it

+             cmd = [

+                 'pk12util',

+                 '-v',

+                 '-i', p12_bundle,

+                 '-d', self._certdb,

+                 '-k', '%s/%s' % (self._certdb, PWD_TXT),

+                 '-W', "",

+             ]

+             self.log.debug("nss cmd: %s", format_cmd_list(cmd))

+             check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)

+         finally:

+             # Remove the p12

+             if os.path.exists(p12_bundle):

+                 os.remove(p12_bundle)



NSSDB's are difficult and hard to use. They make the certificate experience with 389 poor. This is really highlighted with systems like lets encrypt and such where people are so used to PEM file management, the idea of using certificate databases goes against this.

This adds support tooling to make the certificate DB easier to interact with. It's not intended to replace certutil - but to wrap and make common operations simpler to approach and use.


Wouldn't it be better to use log.info() here? We consistently use it everywhere and it allows to set verbose, debug modes

I think the message is not verbose enough...

Probably, should take care of the lower case here

I think it will be nice to add a man file with detailed descriptions of commands that we run. So the user is aware of the decisions that we make for certutil commands. Like: the file names/paths, ciphers, etc.

I haven't tested it yet, but the rest of the code looks simple and easy to follow. Maybe @mhonek will have something to add...

We already have a security subcommand that does most of this. See /lib389/cli_conf/security.py

Perhaps you can extend the existing security CLI instead of a duplicate subcommand?

We already have a security subcommand that does most of this. See /lib389/cli_conf/security.py
Perhaps you can extend the existing security CLI instead of a duplicate subcommand?

dsconf vs dsctl - this needs local FS access to manipulate the nssdb, which is why it's not part of the security command ....

I think it will be nice to add a man file with detailed descriptions of commands that we run. So the user is aware of the decisions that we make for certutil commands. Like: the file names/paths, ciphers, etc.

What do you mean here? Like improving the help section? Or by explaining what options we choose?

Generally the idea here is we encapsulate best practices and then over time we can always improve and upgrade these decisiosns so users don't have to.

We already have a security subcommand that does most of this. See /lib389/cli_conf/security.py
Perhaps you can extend the existing security CLI instead of a duplicate subcommand?

dsconf vs dsctl - this needs local FS access to manipulate the nssdb, which is why it's not part of the security command ....

Thought it was dsconf, ugh. I'll shut up now :-p

@spichugi So part of the question for you was about how we should structure and display the certificate data - that's what I'd really like some feedback on.

We already have a security subcommand that does most of this. See /lib389/cli_conf/security.py
Perhaps you can extend the existing security CLI instead of a duplicate subcommand?
dsconf vs dsctl - this needs local FS access to manipulate the nssdb, which is why it's not part of the security command ....

Thought it was dsconf, ugh. I'll shut up now :-p

All good, easy mistake to make. Please don't shut up, I need the comments!

I think it will be nice to add a man file with detailed descriptions of commands that we run. So the user is aware of the decisions that we make for certutil commands. Like: the file names/paths, ciphers, etc.

What do you mean here? Like improving the help section? Or by explaining what options we choose?
Generally the idea here is we encapsulate best practices and then over time we can always improve and upgrade these decisiosns so users don't have to.

Yeah, basically, what I meant is to describe in more detail and explicitly these decisions in the help section.
So in the result, they are displayed in man dsctl info too.

Probably, more of a nitpick but still. All over the CLI we use 'dash' approach. So maybe we can rename the commands to remove-cert in this tool too?

Probably, more of a nitpick but still. All over the CLI we use 'dash' approach. So maybe we can rename the commands to remove-cert in this tool too?

Yes please make this conversion, nice catch @spichugi !

@spichugi So part of the question for you was about how we should structure and display the certificate data - that's what I'd really like some feedback on.

I think the main thing we should keep in mind - is that it should be simple (we already have 'certutil' for complex and detailed operations). And I think your structure is good in that term. :)

Another point to remember - is that the user should be able to pass the displayed certificates through pipes. So it should be straight forward there without any not needed strings.

The rest, I think, looks good and fine-grained enough to cover most of the operations.
But I've always done only basic certutil stuff (generate cert, sign it, import, etc.)...

And to check if we don't break any other, more rare cases that we can encounter while managing DS - I think, we need @mhonek here :)

So I've added thumbs as I checked off each comment as I worked on it. I agree with your comment that complex and detailed things are for certutil. This is just for some simple transforms an "basic" day to day. It's mainly because I'm actually too lazy to use certutil, and if IM too lazy, imagine how our customers feel .....

Anyway, I think the piping may be an advanced case - I'll leave that to certutil. But you are right, we should keep this simple, so I think I'll make the display either just:

  • for CA listing show nick names + expiry date + subject
  • For details on a specific cert we effectively just wrap certutil -L -d path -n nickname, to make it a bit easier to display details without reinventing this ourselves.

rebased onto 5c1e973a53cf385581a89491ba63b866315d99c8

4 years ago

As an aside, the positional args can NOT be renamed from say cert_path to cert-path as cert-ptah is not a valid python variable ....

As an aside, the positional args can NOT be renamed from say cert_path to cert-path as cert-ptah is not a valid python variable ....

Yep, what I meant is just the parsers, not arguments, of course.
Maybe I misread and the parsers were okay... I can't tell now because of the rebase.
And sorry for the noise if it's on me. :D

The rest looks good but I still haven't tested it.
Also, I'll leave for others to check too because it's important to agree about the structure and the made decisions of such tool together.

Yep. It would be good for you to test this I think before giving the yay/nay. @mreynolds do you have thoughts here too?

poke @spichugi and @mreynolds :)

Everyone just seems so busy lately :)

Awesome! Thanks I'll merge this soon then.

rebased onto 83d4143

4 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by firstyear

4 years ago

389-ds-base is moving from Pagure to Github. This means that new issues and pull requests
will be accepted only in 389-ds-base's github repository.

This pull request has been cloned to Github as issue and is available here:
- https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base/issues/3703

If you want to continue to work on the PR, please navigate to the github issue,
download the patch from the attachments and file a new pull request.

Thank you for understanding. We apologize for all inconvenience.

Pull-Request has been closed by spichugi

3 years ago