#50498 Issue 50497 - Port cl-dump.pl tool to Python using lib389
Closed 3 years ago by spichugi. Opened 4 years ago by spichugi.
spichugi/389-ds-base cl_dump  into  master

@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ 

  from lib389._constants import *

  from lib389.properties import *

  from lib389.topologies import topology_m1 as topo

- from lib389.changelog import Changelog5

+ from lib389.replica import Changelog5

  from lib389.idm.domain import Domain


  pytestmark = pytest.mark.tier1
@@ -132,4 +132,3 @@ 

      # -s for DEBUG mode

      CURRENT_FILE = os.path.realpath(__file__)

      pytest.main("-s %s" % CURRENT_FILE)


@@ -18,9 +18,8 @@ 

  from lib389.idm.group import Groups, Group

  from lib389.idm.domain import Domain

  from lib389.idm.directorymanager import DirectoryManager

- from lib389.replica import Replicas, ReplicationManager

+ from lib389.replica import Replicas, ReplicationManager, Changelog5

  from lib389.agreement import Agreements

- from lib389.changelog import Changelog5

  from lib389 import pid_from_file



@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@ 


- # Copyright (C) 2015 Red Hat, Inc.

- # All rights reserved.

- #

- # License: GPL (version 3 or any later version).

- # See LICENSE for details.



- import os

- import ldap


- from lib389._constants import *

- from lib389.properties import *

- from lib389 import DirSrv, Entry, InvalidArgumentError


- from lib389._mapped_object import DSLdapObject

- from lib389.utils import ds_is_older



- class Changelog5(DSLdapObject):

-     """Represents the Directory Server changelog. This is used for

-     replication. Only one changelog is needed for every server.


-     :param instance: An instance

-     :type instance: lib389.DirSrv

-     """


-     def __init__(self, instance, dn='cn=changelog5,cn=config'):

-         super(Changelog5, self).__init__(instance, dn)

-         self._rdn_attribute = 'cn'

-         self._must_attributes = ['cn', 'nsslapd-changelogdir']

-         self._create_objectclasses = [

-             'top',

-             'nsChangelogConfig',

-         ]

-         if ds_is_older('1.4.0'):

-             self._create_objectclasses = [

-                 'top',

-                 'extensibleobject',

-             ]

-         self._protected = False


-     def set_max_entries(self, value):

-         """Configure the max entries the changelog can hold.


-         :param value: the number of entries.

-         :type value: str

-         """

-         self.replace('nsslapd-changelogmaxentries', value)


-     def set_trim_interval(self, value):

-         """The time between changelog trims in seconds.


-         :param value: The time in seconds

-         :type value: str

-         """

-         self.replace('nsslapd-changelogtrim-interval', value)


-     def set_max_age(self, value):

-         """The maximum age of entries in the changelog.


-         :param value: The age with a time modifier of s, m, h, d, w.

-         :type value: str

-         """

-         self.replace('nsslapd-changelogmaxage', value)



- class ChangelogLegacy(object):

-     """An object that helps to work with changelog entry


-     :param conn: An instance

-     :type conn: lib389.DirSrv

-     """


-     proxied_methods = 'search_s getEntry'.split()


-     def __init__(self, conn):

-         self.conn = conn

-         self.log = conn.log


-     def __getattr__(self, name):

-         if name in Changelog.proxied_methods:

-             return DirSrv.__getattr__(self.conn, name)


-     def list(self, suffix=None, changelogdn=DN_CHANGELOG):

-         """Get a changelog entry using changelogdn parameter


-         :param suffix: Not used

-         :type suffix: str

-         :param changelogdn: DN of the changelog entry, DN_CHANGELOG by default

-         :type changelogdn: str


-         :returns: Search result of the replica agreements.

-                   Enpty list if nothing was found

-         """


-         base = changelogdn

-         filtr = "(objectclass=extensibleobject)"


-         # now do the effective search

-         try:

-             ents = self.conn.search_s(base, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, filtr)

-         except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:

-             # There are no objects to select from, se we return an empty array

-             # as we do in DSLdapObjects

-             ents = []

-         return ents


-     def create(self, dbname=DEFAULT_CHANGELOG_DB):

-         """Add and return the replication changelog entry.


-         :param dbname: Database name, it will be used for creating

-                        a changelog dir path

-         :type dbname: str

-         """


-         dn = DN_CHANGELOG

-         attribute, changelog_name = dn.split(",")[0].split("=", 1)

-         dirpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.conn.dbdir), dbname)

-         entry = Entry(dn)

-         entry.update({

-             'objectclass': ("top", "extensibleobject"),



-         })

-         self.log.debug("adding changelog entry: %r", entry)

-         self.conn.changelogdir = dirpath

-         try:

-             self.conn.add_s(entry)

-         except ldap.ALREADY_EXISTS:

-             self.log.warning("entry %s already exists", dn)

-         return dn


-     def delete(self):

-         """Delete the changelog entry


-         :raises: LDAPError - failed to delete changelog entry

-         """


-         try:

-             self.conn.delete_s(DN_CHANGELOG)

-         except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-             self.log.error('Failed to delete the changelog: %s', e)

-             raise


-     def setProperties(self, changelogdn=None, properties=None):

-         """Set the properties of the changelog entry.


-         :param changelogdn: DN of the changelog

-         :type changelogdn: str

-         :param properties: Dictionary of properties

-         :type properties: dict


-         :returns: None

-         :raises: - ValueError - if invalid properties

-                  - ValueError - if changelog entry is not found

-                  - InvalidArgumentError - changelog DN is missing


-         :supported properties are:





-         """


-         if not changelogdn:

-             raise InvalidArgumentError("changelog DN is missing")


-         ents = self.conn.changelog.list(changelogdn=changelogdn)

-         if len(ents) != 1:

-             raise ValueError("Changelog entry not found: %s" % changelogdn)


-         # check that the given properties are valid

-         for prop in properties:

-             # skip the prefix to add/del value

-             if not inProperties(prop, CHANGELOG_PROPNAME_TO_ATTRNAME):

-                 raise ValueError("unknown property: %s" % prop)


-         # build the MODS

-         mods = []

-         for prop in properties:

-             # take the operation type from the property name

-             val = rawProperty(prop)

-             if str(prop).startswith('+'):

-                 op = ldap.MOD_ADD

-             elif str(prop).startswith('-'):

-                 op = ldap.MOD_DELETE

-             else:

-                 op = ldap.MOD_REPLACE


-             mods.append((op, CHANGELOG_PROPNAME_TO_ATTRNAME[val],

-                          properties[prop]))


-         # that is fine now to apply the MOD

-         self.conn.modify_s(ents[0].dn, mods)


-     def getProperties(self, changelogdn=None, properties=None):

-         """Get a dictionary of the requested properties.

-         If properties parameter is missing, it returns all the properties.


-         NotImplemented

-         """


-         raise NotImplemented

@@ -6,13 +6,16 @@ 

  # See LICENSE for details.



+ import logging

+ import time

+ import base64

+ import os

  import json

  import ldap

  from getpass import getpass

  from lib389._constants import *

- from lib389.changelog import Changelog5

- from lib389.utils import is_a_dn

- from lib389.replica import Replicas, BootstrapReplicationManager

+ from lib389.utils import is_a_dn, ensure_str

+ from lib389.replica import Replicas, BootstrapReplicationManager, RUV, Changelog5, ChangelogLDIF

  from lib389.tasks import CleanAllRUVTask, AbortCleanAllRUVTask

  from lib389._mapped_object import DSLdapObjects

@@ -885,6 +888,25 @@ 

              log.info("No CleanAllRUV abort tasks found")



+ def dump_cl(inst, basedn, log, args):

+     if args.output_file:

+         fh = logging.FileHandler(args.output_file, mode='w')

+         log.addHandler(fh)

+     replicas = Replicas(inst)

+     if not args.changelog_ldif:

+         replicas.process_and_dump_changelog(replica_roots=args.replica_roots, csn_only=args.csn_only)

+     else:

+         try:

+             assert os.path.exists(args.changelog_ldif)

+         except AssertionError:

+             raise FileNotFoundError(f"File {args.changelog_ldif} was not found")

+         cl_ldif = ChangelogLDIF(args.changelog_ldif, log)

+         if args.csn_only:

+             cl_ldif.grep_csn()

+         else:

+             cl_ldif.decode()



  def create_parser(subparsers):


@@ -971,6 +993,18 @@ 

      repl_get_cl = repl_subcommands.add_parser('get-changelog', help='Display replication changelog attributes.')



+     repl_set_cl = repl_subcommands.add_parser('dump-changelog', help='Decode Directory Server replication change log and dump it to an LDIF')

+     repl_set_cl.set_defaults(func=dump_cl)

+     repl_set_cl.add_argument('-c', '--csn-only', action='store_true',

+                              help="Dump and interpret CSN only. This option can be used with or without -i option.")

+     repl_set_cl.add_argument('-i', '--changelog-ldif',

+                              help="If you already have a ldif-like changelog, but the changes in that file are encoded,"

+                                   " you may use this option to decode that ldif-like changelog. It should be base64 encoded.")

+     repl_set_cl.add_argument('-o', '--output-file', help="Path name for the final result. Default to STDOUT if omitted.")

+     repl_set_cl.add_argument('-r', '--replica-roots', nargs="+",

+                              help="Specify replica roots whose changelog you want to dump. The replica "

+                                   "roots may be seperated by comma. All the replica roots would be dumped if the option is omitted.")


      repl_set_parser = repl_subcommands.add_parser('set', help='Set an attribute in the replication configuration')


      repl_set_parser.add_argument('--suffix', required=True, help='The DN of the replication suffix')
@@ -1264,4 +1298,3 @@ 

      task_abort_cleanallruv_list = task_subcommands.add_parser('list-abortruv-tasks', help='List all the running CleanAllRUV abort Tasks')


      task_abort_cleanallruv_list.add_argument('--suffix', help="List only tasks from for suffix")


file modified
+242 -6
@@ -6,9 +6,12 @@ 

  # See LICENSE for details.



+ import os

+ import base64

  import ldap

  import decimal

  import time

+ import datetime

  import logging

  import uuid

  import json
@@ -22,7 +25,6 @@ 

  from lib389.passwd import password_generate

  from lib389.mappingTree import MappingTrees

  from lib389.agreement import Agreements

- from lib389.changelog import Changelog5

  from lib389.tombstone import Tombstones


  from lib389.idm.domain import Domain
@@ -815,15 +817,19 @@ 

      :type logger: logging object



-     def __init__(self, ruvs, logger=None):

+     def __init__(self, ruvs=[], logger=None):

          if logger is not None:

              self._log = logger


              self._log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

          self._rids = []

-         self._rid_csn = {}

          self._rid_url = {}

+         self._rid_rawruv = {}

+         self._rid_csn = {}

+         self._rid_maxcsn = {}

+         self._rid_modts = {}

          self._data_generation = None

+         self._data_generation_csn = None

          # Process the array of data

          for r in ruvs:

              pr = r.replace('{', '').replace('}', '').split(' ')
@@ -836,10 +842,66 @@ 

                  rid = pr[1]


                  self._rid_url[rid] = pr[2]

+                 self._rid_rawruv[rid] = r


-                     self._rid_csn[rid] = pr[4]

+                     self._rid_csn[rid] = pr[3]

                  except IndexError:

                      self._rid_csn[rid] = '00000000000000000000'

+                 try:

+                     self._rid_maxcsn[rid] = pr[4]

+                 except IndexError:

+                     self._rid_maxcsn[rid] = '00000000000000000000'

+                 try:

+                     self._rid_modts[rid] = pr[5]

+                 except IndexError:

+                     self._rid_modts[rid] = '00000000'


+     @staticmethod

+     def parse_csn(csn):

+         """Parse CSN into human readable format '1970-01-31 00:00:00'


+         :param csn: the CSN to format

+         :type csn: str

+         :returns: str

+         """

+         if len(csn) != 20 or len(csn) != 8 and not isinstance(csn, str):

+             ValueError("Wrong CSN value was supplied")


+         timestamp = int(csn[:8], 16)

+         time_str = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

+         # We are parsing shorter CSN which contains only timestamp

+         if len(csn) == 8:

+             return time_str

+         else:

+             seq = int(csn[8:12], 16)

+             subseq = int(csn[16:20], 16)

+             if seq != 0 or subseq != 0:

+                 return f"{time_str} {str(seq)} {str(subseq)}"

+             else:

+                 return f"{time_str}"


+     def format_ruv(self):

+         """Parse RUV into human readable format


+         :returns: dict

+         """

+         result = {}

+         if self._data_generation:

+             result["data_generation"] = {"name": self._data_generation,

+                                          "value": self._data_generation_csn}

+         else:

+             result["data_generation"] = None


+         ruvs = []

+         for rid in self._rids:

+             ruvs.append({"raw_ruv": self._rid_rawruv.get(rid),

+                          "rid": rid,

+                          "url": self._rid_url.get(rid),

+                          "csn": parse_csn(self._rid_csn.get(rid, '00000000000000000000')),

+                          "maxcsn": parse_csn(self._rid_maxcsn.get(rid, '00000000000000000000')),

+                          "modts": parse_csn(self._rid_modts.get(rid, '00000000'))})

+         result["ruvs"] = ruvs

+         return result


      def alloc_rid(self):

          """Based on the RUV, determine an available RID for the replication
@@ -880,6 +942,133 @@ 

          return True



+ class ChangelogLDIF(object):

+     def __init__(self, file_path, logger=None):

+         """A class for working with Changelog LDIF file


+         :param file_path: LDIF file path

+         :type file_path: str

+         :param logger: A logging object

+         :type logger: logging.Logger

+         """


+         if logger is not None:

+             self._log = logger

+         else:

+             self._log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

+         self.file_path = file_path


+     def grep_csn(self):

+         """Grep and interpret CSNs


+         :param file: LDIF file path

+         :type file: str

+         """


+         self._log.info(f"# LDIF File: {self.file_path}")

+         with open(self.file_path) as f:

+             for line in f.readlines():

+                 if "ruv:" in line or "csn:" in line:

+                     csn = ""

+                     maxcsn = ""

+                     modts = ""

+                     line = line.split("\n")[0]

+                     if "ruv:" in line:

+                         ruv = RUV([line.split("ruv: ")[1]])

+                         ruv_dict = ruv.parse_ruv()

+                         csn = ruv_dict["csn"]

+                         maxcsn = ruv_dict["maxcsn"]

+                         modts = ruv_dict["modts"]

+                     elif "csn:" in line:

+                         csn = RUV().parse_csn(line.split("csn: ")[1])

+                     if maxcsn or modts:

+                         self._log.info(f'{line} ({csn}')

+                         if maxcsn:

+                             self._log.info(f"; {maxcsn}")

+                         if modts:

+                             self._log.info(f"; {modts}")

+                         self._log.info(")")

+                     else:

+                         self._log.info(f"{line} ({csn})")


+     def decode(self):

+         """Decode the changelog


+         :param file: LDIF file path

+         :type file: str

+         """


+         self._log.info(f"# LDIF File: {self.file_path}")

+         with open(self.file_path) as f:

+             encoded_str = ""

+             for line in f.readlines():

+                 if line.startswith("change::") or line.startswith("changes::"):

+                     self._log.info("change::")

+                     try:

+                         encoded_str = line.split("change:: ")[1]

+                     except IndexError:

+                         encoded_str = line.split("changes:: ")[1]

+                     continue

+                 if not encoded_str:

+                     self._log.info(line.split('\n')[0])

+                     continue

+                 if line == "\n":

+                     decoded_str = ensure_str(base64.b64decode(encoded_str))

+                     self._log.info(decoded_str)

+                     encoded_str = ""

+                     continue

+                 encoded_str += line



+ class Changelog5(DSLdapObject):

+     """Represents the Directory Server changelog. This is used for

+     replication. Only one changelog is needed for every server.


+     :param instance: An instance

+     :type instance: lib389.DirSrv

+     """


+     def __init__(self, instance, dn='cn=changelog5,cn=config'):

+         super(Changelog5, self).__init__(instance, dn)

+         self._rdn_attribute = 'cn'

+         self._must_attributes = ['cn', 'nsslapd-changelogdir']

+         self._create_objectclasses = [

+             'top',

+             'nsChangelogConfig',

+         ]

+         if ds_is_older('1.4.0'):

+             self._create_objectclasses = [

+                 'top',

+                 'extensibleobject',

+             ]

+         self._protected = False


+     def set_max_entries(self, value):

+         """Configure the max entries the changelog can hold.


+         :param value: the number of entries.

+         :type value: str

+         """

+         self.replace('nsslapd-changelogmaxentries', value)


+     def set_trim_interval(self, value):

+         """The time between changelog trims in seconds.


+         :param value: The time in seconds

+         :type value: str

+         """

+         self.replace('nsslapd-changelogtrim-interval', value)


+     def set_max_age(self, value):

+         """The maximum age of entries in the changelog.


+         :param value: The age with a time modifier of s, m, h, d, w.

+         :type value: str

+         """


+         self.replace('nsslapd-changelogmaxage', value)



  class Replica(DSLdapObject):

      """Replica DSLdapObject with:

      - must attributes = ['cn', 'nsDS5ReplicaType', 'nsDS5ReplicaRoot',
@@ -1307,6 +1496,55 @@ 


          return replica


+     def process_and_dump_changelog(self, replica_roots=[], csn_only=False):

+         """Dump and decode Directory Server replication change log


+         :param replica_roots: Replica suffixes that need to be processed

+         :type replica_roots: list of str

+         :param csn_only: Grep only the CSNs from the file

+         :type csn_only: bool

+         """


+         repl_roots = []

+         try:

+             cl = Changelog5(self._instance)

+             cl_dir = cl.get_attr_val_utf8_l("nsslapd-changelogdir")

+         except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:

+             raise ValueError("Changelog entry was not found. Probably, the replication is not enabled on this instance")


+         # Get all the replicas on the server if --replica-roots option is not specified

+         if not replica_roots:

+             for replica in self.list():

+                 repl_roots.append(replica.get_attr_val_utf8("nsDS5ReplicaRoot"))

+         else:

+             for repl_root in replica_roots:

+                 repl_roots.append(repl_root)


+         # Dump the changelog for the replica

+         for repl_root in repl_roots:

+             got_ldif = False

+             current_time = time.time()

+             replica = self.get(repl_root)

+             self._log.info(f"# Replica Root: {repl_root}")

+             replica.replace("nsDS5Task", 'CL2LDIF')


+             # Decode the dumped changelog

+             for file in [i for i in os.listdir(cl_dir) if i.endswith('.ldif')]:

+                 file_path = os.path.join(cl_dir, file)

+                 # Skip older ldif files

+                 if os.path.getmtime(file_path) < current_time:

+                     continue

+                 got_ldif = True

+                 cl_ldif = ChangelogLDIF(file_path, self._log)


+                 if csn_only:

+                     cl_ldif.grep_csn()

+                 else:

+                     cl_ldif.decode()

+                 os.rename(file_path, f'{file_path}.done')

+             if not got_ldif:

+                 self._log.info("LDIF file: Not found")



  class BootstrapReplicationManager(DSLdapObject):

      """A Replication Manager credential for bootstrapping the repl process.
@@ -1989,5 +2227,3 @@ 

          replicas = Replicas(instance)

          replica = replicas.get(self._suffix)

          return replica.get_rid()



Bug Description: We're going to deprecate all Perl scripts in 389-ds
so cl-dump.pl should be ported as soon as possible.

Fix Description: Put the tool to dsconf replication dump-changelog.
Preserve all the functionality and output format.
Depricate ChangelogLegacy object.
Move Changelog5 object to replica.py so we can avoid import loops.
Also it makes more sense to have it there because it is part of Replication.
Add ChangelogLDIF object.
Add process_and_dump_changelog() method to Replicas object.


Reviewed by: ?

Fix npm audit issues. is temporary here for your conviniece, so you can easily build it and test it.

I wonder if we should use a different date format where the Month is spelled out? July 15, 2019 16:11:12 Different countries use different orders for the slash separated date components. So it's best to try to avoid any confusion if possible.

Shouldn't process and dump be a function of Changelog5 instead of implemented outside of it? And then the tool just calls "cl = Changelog5(); cl.process and dump()"?

I think my concern here is that we should not have logic in the CLI framework, because that makes it impossible to reuse for api or tests - perhaps this cl decode should also be in the Changelog5 type?

I wonder if we should use a different date format where the Month is spelled out? July 15, 2019 16:11:12 Different countries use different orders for the slash separated date components. So it's best to try to avoid any confusion if possible.

I agree the "slash" dates are very confusing. I believe we should adhere to ISO 8601 datetimes (ideally with timezone) which follow the principle of having more significant value earlier - easily sortable and parseable and human-comprehensible.

rebased onto 9e379339f6c62fafe069a80fbaafbca376591dcb

4 years ago

Massive changes and rebase with all of the critical master fixes.
Please, review.

rebased onto 7fe69824550581ae2dda450892e960a7532f2912

4 years ago

Looks good to me as well.
Just a doubt about the command (dsconf) and the verb (dump-changelog).
This is not configuration command but rather an admin action like db2ldif, db2back...
Why not implementing this action in dsctl ?
Also instead of dump-changelog, why not something like changelog2ldif ?

Looks good to me as well.
Just a doubt about the command (dsconf) and the verb (dump-changelog).
This is not configuration command but rather an admin action like db2ldif, db2back...
Why not implementing this action in dsctl ?
Also instead of dump-changelog, why not something like changelog2ldif ?

There is a couple of points why I've chosen this approach.

  • dsconf was chosen because we still need credentials to access the directory (we get the changelogdir from there, we run through the list of replicas and we run the CL2LDIF task). dsctl doesn't have the credential's option and it is more of an "offline" tool.
  • dump-changelog was chosen because of the consistency with other names in the replication subcommand. Like we have: create-changelog, delete-changelog, set-changelog, get-changelog.

I am not against changelog2ldif though.
And as @mreynolds was the main developer for replication CLI, I'd give him the final word here, I think... changelog2ldif, dump-changelog or a third funny option.

@spichugi thanks for your answer. I agree with you, being a task it makes sense to add it into dsconf.

For the action verb, I have no strong opinion but the advantage of x2ldif is that it gives indication about the type of the result. I will follow your and @mreynolds decision.

I prefer what Simon has. It matches the surrounding CLI usage: get-changelog, set-changelog, dump-changelog, ... It also matches most of the other dsconf style usage.

But the CLI help text for "dump-changelog" does not mention that it creates an LDIF file. That should be improved.

rebased onto 04208ed

4 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by spichugi

4 years ago

389-ds-base is moving from Pagure to Github. This means that new issues and pull requests
will be accepted only in 389-ds-base's github repository.

This pull request has been cloned to Github as issue and is available here:
- https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base/issues/3554

If you want to continue to work on the PR, please navigate to the github issue,
download the patch from the attachments and file a new pull request.

Thank you for understanding. We apologize for all inconvenience.

Pull-Request has been closed by spichugi

3 years ago