#50463 Issue 50462 - Fix CI tests
Closed 3 years ago by spichugi. Opened 4 years ago by mreynolds.
mreynolds/389-ds-base citests  into  master

@@ -472,6 +472,8 @@ 

      except ldap.LDAPError as e:

          m1.log.fatal('Failed to bind: ' + str(e))

          assert False



  def test_warining_for_invalid_replica(topo_m4):

      """Testing logs to indicate the inconsistency when configuration is performed.


@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@ 


- # Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc.

- # All rights reserved.

- #

- # License: GPL (version 3 or any later version).

- # See LICENSE for details.


- #

- import logging

- import pytest

- from lib389.tasks import *

- from lib389.topologies import topology_m2 as topo_m2

- from lib389.utils import *

- from lib389.replica import *

- from lib389._constants import *

- from lib389.idm.user import UserAccounts

- from lib389.idm.domain import Domain


- pytestmark = pytest.mark.tier1


- log = logging.getLogger(__name__)



- @pytest.mark.DS47950

- def test_nsslapd_plugin_binddn_tracking(topo_m2):

-     """

-         Testing nsslapd-plugin-binddn-tracking does not cause issues around

-         access control and reconfiguring replication/repl agmt.

-         :id: f5ba7b64-fe04-11e8-a298-8c16451d917b

-         :setup: Replication with two masters.

-         :steps:

-             1. Turn on bind dn tracking

-             2. Add two users

-             3. Add an aci

-             4. Make modification as user

-             5. Setup replica and create a repl agmt

-             6. Modify replica

-             7. Modify repl agmt

-         :expectedresults:

-             1. Should Success.

-             2. Should Success.

-             3. Should Success.

-             4. Should Success.

-             5. Should Success.

-             6. Should Success.

-             7. Should Success.

-     """


-     log.info("Testing Ticket 47950 - Testing nsslapd-plugin-binddn-tracking")


-     #

-     # Turn on bind dn tracking

-     #

-     topo_m2.ms["master1"].config.replace("nsslapd-plugin-binddn-tracking", "on")

-     #

-     # Add two users

-     #

-     users = UserAccounts(topo_m2.ms["master1"], DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

-     test_user_1 = users.create_test_user(uid=1)

-     test_user_2 = users.create_test_user(uid=2)

-     test_user_1.set('userPassword', 'password')

-     test_user_2.set('userPassword', 'password')

-     #

-     # Add an aci

-     #

-     USER1_DN = users.list()[0].dn

-     USER2_DN = users.list()[1].dn

-     acival = (

-         '(targetattr ="cn")(version 3.0;acl "Test bind dn tracking"'

-         + ';allow (all) (userdn = "ldap:///%s");)' % USER1_DN

-     )

-     Domain(topo_m2.ms["master1"], DEFAULT_SUFFIX).add("aci", acival)


-     #

-     # Make modification as user

-     #

-     assert topo_m2.ms["master1"].simple_bind_s(USER1_DN, "password")

-     test_user_2.replace("cn", "new value")

-     #

-     # Setup replica and create a repl agmt

-     #

-     repl = ReplicationManager(DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

-     assert topo_m2.ms["master1"].simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

-     repl.test_replication(topo_m2.ms["master1"], topo_m2.ms["master2"], 30)

-     repl.test_replication(topo_m2.ms["master2"], topo_m2.ms["master1"], 30)

-     properties = {

-         "cn": "test_agreement",

-         "nsDS5ReplicaRoot": "dc=example,dc=com",

-         "nsDS5ReplicaHost": "localhost.localdomain",

-         "nsDS5ReplicaPort": "5555",

-         "nsDS5ReplicaBindDN": "uid=tester",

-         "nsds5ReplicaCredentials": "password",

-         "nsDS5ReplicaTransportInfo": "LDAP",

-         "nsDS5ReplicaBindMethod": "SIMPLE",

-     }

-     replicas = Replicas(topo_m2.ms["master1"])

-     replica = replicas.get(DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

-     agmts = Agreements(topo_m2.ms["master1"], basedn=replica.dn)

-     repl_agreement = agmts.create(properties=properties)

-     #

-     # modify replica

-     #

-     replica.replace("nsDS5ReplicaId", "7")

-     assert replica.present("nsDS5ReplicaId", "7")

-     #

-     # modify repl agmt

-     #

-     repl_agreement.replace('nsDS5ReplicaPort', "8888")

-     assert repl_agreement.present('nsDS5ReplicaPort', "8888")



- if __name__ == "__main__":

-     # Run isolated

-     # -s for DEBUG mode

-     CURRENT_FILE = os.path.realpath(__file__)

-     pytest.main("-s %s" % CURRENT_FILE)

@@ -14,13 +14,16 @@ 

  from lib389.topologies import topology_m2 as topo_m2, TopologyMain, topology_m3 as topo_m3, create_topology, _remove_ssca_db

  from lib389._constants import *

  from lib389.idm.organizationalunit import OrganizationalUnits

- from lib389.agreement import Agreements

  from lib389.idm.user import UserAccount

  from lib389.idm.group import Groups, Group

+ from lib389.idm.domain import Domain

+ from lib389.idm.directorymanager import DirectoryManager

  from lib389.replica import Replicas, ReplicationManager

+ from lib389.agreement import Agreements

  from lib389.changelog import Changelog5

  from lib389 import pid_from_file



  pytestmark = pytest.mark.tier1


  NEW_SUFFIX_NAME = 'test_repl'
@@ -489,9 +492,56 @@ 

      count = pattern_errorlog(errorlog_M2, regex, start_location=restart_location_M2)

      assert(count <= 1)


-     if DEBUGGING:

-         # Add debugging steps(if any)...

-         pass


+ def test_plugin_bind_dn_tracking_and_replication(topo_m2):

+     """Testing nsslapd-plugin-binddn-tracking does not cause issues around

+         access control and reconfiguring replication/repl agmt.


+     :id: dd689d03-69b8-4bf9-a06e-2acd19d5e2c9

+     :setup: 2 master topology

+     :steps:

+         1. Turn on plugin binddn tracking

+         2. Add some users

+         3. Make an update as a user

+         4. Make an update to the replica config

+         5. Make an update to the repliocation agreement

+     :expectedresults:

+         1. Success

+         2. Success

+         3. Success

+         4. Success

+         5. Success

+     """


+     m1 = topo_m2.ms["master1"]


+     # Turn on bind dn tracking

+     m1.config.set('nsslapd-plugin-binddn-tracking', 'on')


+     # Add two users

+     users = UserAccounts(m1, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     user1 = users.create_test_user(uid=1011)

+     user1.set('userpassword', PASSWORD)

+     user2 = users.create_test_user(uid=1012)


+     # Add an aci

+     acival = '(targetattr ="cn")(version 3.0;acl "Test bind dn tracking"' + \

+              ';allow (all) (userdn = "ldap:///{}");)'.format(user1.dn)

+     Domain(m1, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).add('aci', acival)


+     # Bind as user and make an update

+     user1.rebind(PASSWORD)

+     user2.set('cn', 'new value')

+     dm = DirectoryManager(m1)

+     dm.rebind()


+     # modify replica

+     replica = Replicas(m1).get(DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     replica.set(REPL_PROTOCOL_TIMEOUT, "30")


+     # modify repl agmt

+     agmt = replica.get_agreements().list()[0]

+     agmt.set(REPL_PROTOCOL_TIMEOUT, "20")



  def test_cleanallruv_repl(topo_m3):

@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ 


+ # Copyright (C) 2017 Red Hat, Inc.

+ # All rights reserved.

+ #

+ # License: GPL (version 3 or any later version).

+ # See LICENSE for details.


+ #

+ import pytest

+ from lib389.tasks import *

+ from lib389.utils import *

+ from lib389.topologies import topology_m1

+ from lib389.tombstone import Tombstones

+ from lib389.idm.user import UserAccounts, TEST_USER_PROPERTIES

+ from lib389.replica import ReplicationManager

+ from lib389._constants import (defaultProperties, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, ReplicaRole,


+                                REPLICA_PURGE_INTERVAL)


+ pytestmark = pytest.mark.tier2



+ def test_precise_tombstone_purging(topology_m1):

+     """ Test precise tombstone purging


+     :id: adb86f50-ae76-4ed6-82b4-3cdc30ccab79

+     :setup: master1 instance

+     :steps:

+         1. Create and Delete entry to create a tombstone

+         2. export ldif, edit, and import ldif

+         3. Check tombstones do not contain nsTombstoneCSN

+         4. Run fixup task, and verify tombstones now have nsTombstone CSN

+         5. Configure tombstone purging

+         6. Verify tombstones are purged

+     :expectedresults:

+         1. Success

+         2. Success

+         3. Success

+         4. Success

+         5. Success

+         6. Success

+     """


+     m1 = topology_m1.ms['master1']

+     m1_tasks = Tasks(m1)


+     # Create tombstone entry

+     users = UserAccounts(m1, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     user = users.create_test_user(uid=1001)

+     user.delete()


+     # Verify tombstone was created

+     tombstones = Tombstones(m1, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     assert len(tombstones.list()) == 1


+     # Export db, strip nsTombstoneCSN, and import it

+     ldif_file = "{}/export.ldif".format(m1.get_ldif_dir())

+     args = {EXPORT_REPL_INFO: True,

+             TASK_WAIT: True}

+     m1_tasks.exportLDIF(DEFAULT_SUFFIX, None, ldif_file, args)

+     time.sleep(.5)


+     # Strip LDIF of nsTombstoneCSN, getthe LDIF lines, the n create new ldif 

+     ldif = open(ldif_file, "r")

+     lines = ldif.readlines()

+     ldif.close()

+     time.sleep(.5)


+     ldif = open(ldif_file, "w")

+     for line in lines:

+         if not line.lower().startswith('nstombstonecsn'):

+             ldif.write(line)

+     ldif.close()

+     time.sleep(.5)


+     # import the new ldif file

+     log.info('Import replication LDIF file...')

+     args = {TASK_WAIT: True}

+     m1_tasks.importLDIF(DEFAULT_SUFFIX, None, ldif_file, args)

+     time.sleep(.5)


+     # Search for the tombstone again

+     tombstones = Tombstones(m1, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     assert len(tombstones.list()) == 1


+     #

+     # Part 3 - test fixup task using the strip option.

+     #

+     args = {TASK_WAIT: True,

+             TASK_TOMB_STRIP: True}

+     m1_tasks.fixupTombstones(DEFAULT_BENAME, args)

+     time.sleep(.5)


+     # Search for tombstones with nsTombstoneCSN - better not find any

+     for ts in tombstones.list():

+         assert not ts.present("nsTombstoneCSN")


+     # Now run the fixup task

+     args = {TASK_WAIT: True}

+     m1_tasks.fixupTombstones(DEFAULT_BENAME, args)

+     time.sleep(.5)


+     # Search for tombstones with nsTombstoneCSN - better find some

+     tombstones = Tombstones(m1, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     assert len(tombstones.list()) == 1


+     #

+     # Part 4 - Test tombstone purging

+     #

+     args = {REPLICA_PRECISE_PURGING: b'on',

+             REPLICA_PURGE_DELAY: b'5',

+             REPLICA_PURGE_INTERVAL: b'5'}

+     m1.replica.setProperties(DEFAULT_SUFFIX, None, None, args)


+     # Wait for the interval to pass

+     log.info('Wait for tombstone purge interval to pass...')

+     time.sleep(6)


+     # Add an entry to trigger replication

+     users.create_test_user(uid=1002)


+     # Wait for the interval to pass again

+     log.info('Wait for tombstone purge interval to pass again...')

+     time.sleep(6)


+     # search for tombstones, there should be none

+     tombstones = Tombstones(m1, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     assert len(tombstones.list()) == 0


@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ 

  from lib389.tasks import *

  from lib389.utils import *

  from lib389.topologies import topology_m1


  from lib389.tombstone import Tombstones

  from lib389.idm.user import UserAccounts, TEST_USER_PROPERTIES


  pytestmark = pytest.mark.tier1



  def test_purge_success(topology_m1):

      """Verify that tombstones are created successfully

@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ 


          assert len(users.list()) == 1

          user_revived = users.get('testuser')



  if __name__ == '__main__':

      # Run isolated

@@ -2,9 +2,11 @@ 

  import pytest

  import os

  import ldap

+ import resource

  from lib389._constants import *

  from lib389.topologies import topology_st

- from lib389.utils import ds_is_older

+ from lib389.utils import ds_is_older, ensure_str

+ from subprocess import check_output


  pytestmark = pytest.mark.tier1

@@ -12,9 +14,11 @@ 

  log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


  FD_ATTR = "nsslapd-maxdescriptors"

- SYSTEMD_VAL = "16384"

+ GLOBAL_LIMIT = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)[1]

+ SYSTEMD_LIMIT = ensure_str(check_output("systemctl show --value -p LimitNOFILE dirsrv@standalone1".split(" ")).strip())

  CUSTOM_VAL = "9000"

- TOO_HIGH_VAL = "65536"


+ TOO_HIGH_VAL2 = str(int(SYSTEMD_LIMIT) * 2)

  TOO_LOW_VAL = "0"


  @pytest.mark.skipif(ds_is_older(""), reason="Not implemented")
@@ -26,7 +30,7 @@ 


          1. Check default limit

          2. Change default limit

-         3. Check invalid/too high limit is rejected

+         3. Check invalid/too high limits are rejected

          4. Check invalid/too low limit is rejected


          1. Success
@@ -37,19 +41,25 @@ 


      # Check systemd default

      max_fd = topology_st.standalone.config.get_attr_val_utf8(FD_ATTR)

-     assert max_fd == SYSTEMD_VAL

+     assert max_fd == SYSTEMD_LIMIT


      # Check custom value is applied

      topology_st.standalone.config.set(FD_ATTR, CUSTOM_VAL)

      max_fd = topology_st.standalone.config.get_attr_val_utf8(FD_ATTR)

      assert max_fd == CUSTOM_VAL


-     # Attempt to use val that is too high

+     # # Attempt to use value that is higher than the global system limit

      with pytest.raises(ldap.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM):

          topology_st.standalone.config.set(FD_ATTR, TOO_HIGH_VAL)

      max_fd = topology_st.standalone.config.get_attr_val_utf8(FD_ATTR)

      assert max_fd == CUSTOM_VAL


+     # Attempt to use value that is higher than the value defined in the systemd service

+     with pytest.raises(ldap.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM):

+         topology_st.standalone.config.set(FD_ATTR, TOO_HIGH_VAL2)

+     max_fd = topology_st.standalone.config.get_attr_val_utf8(FD_ATTR)

+     assert max_fd == CUSTOM_VAL


      # Attempt to use val that is too low

      with pytest.raises(ldap.OPERATIONS_ERROR):

          topology_st.standalone.config.set(FD_ATTR, TOO_LOW_VAL)

@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@ 


- # Copyright (C) 2016 Red Hat, Inc.

- # All rights reserved.

- #

- # License: GPL (version 3 or any later version).

- # See LICENSE for details.


- #

- import logging


- import pytest

- from lib389.tasks import *

- from lib389.topologies import topology_st

- from lib389.replica import ReplicationManager


- from lib389._constants import (defaultProperties, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, ReplicaRole,


-                                REPLICA_PURGE_INTERVAL)


- pytestmark = pytest.mark.tier2


- log = logging.getLogger(__name__)



- def test_ticket47819(topology_st):

-     """

- from lib389.utils import *


- # Skip on older versions

- pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif(ds_is_older('1.3.4'), reason="Not implemented")

-         Testing precise tombstone purging:

-             [1]  Make sure "nsTombstoneCSN" is added to new tombstones

-             [2]  Make sure an import of a replication ldif adds "nsTombstoneCSN"

-                  to old tombstones

-             [4]  Test fixup task

-             [3]  Make sure tombstone purging works

-     """


-     log.info('Testing Ticket 47819 - Test precise tombstone purging')


-     #

-     # Setup Replication

-     #

-     master = topology_st.standalone

-     repl = ReplicationManager(DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

-     repl.create_first_master(master)

-     repl.ensure_agreement(master, master)


-     #

-     # Part 1 create a tombstone entry and make sure nsTombstoneCSN is added

-     #

-     log.info('Part 1:  Add and then delete an entry to create a tombstone...')


-     try:

-         topology_st.standalone.add_s(Entry(('cn=entry1,dc=example,dc=com', {

-             'objectclass': 'top person'.split(),

-             'sn': 'user',

-             'cn': 'entry1'})))

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.error('Failed to add entry: ' + e.message['desc'])

-         assert False


-     try:

-         topology_st.standalone.delete_s('cn=entry1,dc=example,dc=com')

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.error('Failed to delete entry: ' + e.message['desc'])

-         assert False


-     log.info('Search for tombstone entries...')

-     try:

-         entries = topology_st.standalone.search_s(DEFAULT_SUFFIX, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,

-                                                   '(&(nsTombstoneCSN=*)(objectclass=nsTombstone))')

-         if not entries:

-             log.fatal('Search failed to the new tombstone(nsTombstoneCSN is probably missing).')

-             assert False

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.fatal('Search failed: ' + e.message['desc'])

-         assert False


-     log.info('Part 1 - passed')


-     #

-     # Part 2 - import ldif with tombstones missing 'nsTombstoneCSN'

-     #

-     # First, export the replication ldif, edit the file(remove nstombstonecsn),

-     # and reimport it.

-     #

-     log.info('Part 2:  Exporting replication ldif...')


-     # Get the the full path and name for our LDIF we will be exporting

-     ldif_file = "/tmp/export.ldif"


-     args = {EXPORT_REPL_INFO: True,

-             TASK_WAIT: True}

-     exportTask = Tasks(topology_st.standalone)

-     try:

-         exportTask.exportLDIF(DEFAULT_SUFFIX, None, ldif_file, args)

-     except ValueError:

-         assert False

-     time.sleep(1)


-     # open the ldif file, get the lines, then rewrite the file

-     ldif = open(ldif_file, "r")

-     lines = ldif.readlines()

-     ldif.close()

-     time.sleep(1)


-     ldif = open(ldif_file, "w")

-     for line in lines:

-         if not line.lower().startswith('nstombstonecsn'):

-             ldif.write(line)

-     ldif.close()

-     time.sleep(1)


-     # import the new ldif file

-     log.info('Import replication LDIF file...')

-     importTask = Tasks(topology_st.standalone)

-     args = {TASK_WAIT: True}

-     try:

-         importTask.importLDIF(DEFAULT_SUFFIX, None, ldif_file, args)

-         os.remove(ldif_file)

-     except ValueError:

-         os.remove(ldif_file)

-         assert False

-     time.sleep(1)


-     # Search for the tombstone again

-     log.info('Search for tombstone entries...')

-     try:

-         entries = topology_st.standalone.search_s(DEFAULT_SUFFIX, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,

-                                                   '(&(nsTombstoneCSN=*)(objectclass=nsTombstone))')

-         if not entries:

-             log.fatal('Search failed to fine the new tombstone(nsTombstoneCSN is probably missing).')

-             assert False

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.fatal('Search failed: ' + e.message['desc'])

-         assert False


-     log.info('Part 2 - passed')


-     #

-     # Part 3 - test fixup task

-     #

-     log.info('Part 3:  test the fixup task')


-     # Run fixup task using the strip option.  This removes nsTombstoneCSN

-     # so we can test if the fixup task works.

-     args = {TASK_WAIT: True,

-             TASK_TOMB_STRIP: True}

-     fixupTombTask = Tasks(topology_st.standalone)

-     try:

-         fixupTombTask.fixupTombstones(DEFAULT_BENAME, args)

-     except:

-         assert False

-     time.sleep(1)


-     # Search for tombstones with nsTombstoneCSN - better not find any

-     log.info('Search for tombstone entries...')

-     try:

-         entries = topology_st.standalone.search_s(DEFAULT_SUFFIX, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,

-                                                   '(&(nsTombstoneCSN=*)(objectclass=nsTombstone))')

-         if entries:

-             log.fatal('Search found tombstones with nsTombstoneCSN')

-             assert False

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.fatal('Search failed: ' + e.message['desc'])

-         assert False


-     # Now run the fixup task

-     args = {TASK_WAIT: True}

-     fixupTombTask = Tasks(topology_st.standalone)

-     try:

-         fixupTombTask.fixupTombstones(DEFAULT_BENAME, args)

-     except:

-         assert False

-     time.sleep(1)


-     # Search for tombstones with nsTombstoneCSN - better find some

-     log.info('Search for tombstone entries...')

-     try:

-         entries = topology_st.standalone.search_s(DEFAULT_SUFFIX, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,

-                                                   '(&(nsTombstoneCSN=*)(objectclass=nsTombstone))')

-         if not entries:

-             log.fatal('Search did not find any fixed-up tombstones')

-             assert False

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.fatal('Search failed: ' + e.message['desc'])

-         assert False


-     log.info('Part 3 - passed')


-     #

-     # Part 4 - Test tombstone purging

-     #

-     log.info('Part 4:  test tombstone purging...')


-     args = {REPLICA_PRECISE_PURGING: b'on',

-             REPLICA_PURGE_DELAY: b'5',

-             REPLICA_PURGE_INTERVAL: b'5'}

-     try:

-         topology_st.standalone.replica.setProperties(DEFAULT_SUFFIX, None, None, args)

-     except:

-         log.fatal('Failed to configure replica')

-         assert False


-     # Wait for the interval to pass

-     log.info('Wait for tombstone purge interval to pass...')

-     time.sleep(10)


-     # Add an entry to trigger replication

-     log.info('Perform an update to help trigger tombstone purging...')

-     try:

-         topology_st.standalone.add_s(Entry(('cn=test_entry,dc=example,dc=com', {

-             'objectclass': 'top person'.split(),

-             'sn': 'user',

-             'cn': 'entry1'})))

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.error('Failed to add entry: ' + e.message['desc'])

-         assert False


-     # Wait for the interval to pass again

-     log.info('Wait for tombstone purge interval to pass again...')

-     time.sleep(10)


-     # search for tombstones, there should be none

-     log.info('Search for tombstone entries...')

-     try:

-         entries = topology_st.standalone.search_s(DEFAULT_SUFFIX, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,

-                                                   '(&(nsTombstoneCSN=*)(objectclass=nsTombstone))')

-         if entries:

-             log.fatal('Search unexpectedly found tombstones')

-             assert False

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.fatal('Search failed: ' + e.message['desc'])

-         assert False


-     log.info('Part 4 - passed')



- if __name__ == '__main__':

-     # Run isolated

-     # -s for DEBUG mode

-     CURRENT_FILE = os.path.realpath(__file__)

-     pytest.main("-s %s" % CURRENT_FILE)

@@ -1,787 +0,0 @@ 


Please, mention in the commit message why removing this module (AFAIR there has been a discussion in some ticket or PR, but I don't remember which).

- # Copyright (C) 2016 Red Hat, Inc.

- # All rights reserved.

- #

- # License: GPL (version 3 or any later version).

- # See LICENSE for details.


- #

- import logging

- import time


- import socket

- import ldap

- import pytest

- from lib389 import Entry

- from lib389._constants import *

- from lib389.topologies import topology_st

- from lib389.nss_ssl import NssSsl


- log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


- CONFIG_DN = 'cn=config'

- from lib389.utils import *


- # Skip on older versions

- pytestmark = [pytest.mark.tier2,

-               pytest.mark.skipif(ds_is_older('1.3.3'), reason="Not implemented")]

- ENCRYPTION_DN = 'cn=encryption,%s' % CONFIG_DN

- MY_SECURE_PORT = '63601'

- RSA = 'RSA'

- RSA_DN = 'cn=%s,%s' % (RSA, ENCRYPTION_DN)

- SERVERCERT = 'Server-Cert'

- plus_all_ecount = 0

- plus_all_dcount = 0

- plus_all_ecount_noweak = 0

- plus_all_dcount_noweak = 0


- # Cipher counts tend to change with each new verson of NSS

- nss_version = ''

- NSS320 = '3.20.0'

- NSS321 = '3.21.0'  # RHEL6

- NSS323 = '3.23.0'  # F22

- NSS325 = '3.25.0'  # F23/F24

- NSS327 = '3.27.0'  # F25

- NSS330 = '3.30.0'  # F27



- def _header(topology_st, label):

-     topology_st.standalone.log.info("\n\n###############################################")

-     topology_st.standalone.log.info("#######")

-     topology_st.standalone.log.info("####### %s" % label)

-     topology_st.standalone.log.info("#######")

-     topology_st.standalone.log.info("###############################################")



- def test_47838_init(topology_st):

-     """

-     Generate self signed cert and import it to the DS cert db.

-     Enable SSL

-     """

-     _header(topology_st, 'Testing Ticket 47838 - harden the list of ciphers available by default')

-     onss_version = os.popen("rpm -q nss | awk -F'-' '{print $2}'", "r")

-     global nss_version

-     nss_version = onss_version.readline()

-     nss_ssl = NssSsl(dbpath=topology_st.standalone.get_cert_dir())

-     nss_ssl.reinit()

-     nss_ssl.create_rsa_ca()

-     nss_ssl.create_rsa_key_and_cert()


-     log.info("\n######################### enable SSL in the directory server with all ciphers ######################\n")

-     topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(ENCRYPTION_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsSSL3', b'off'),

-                                                     (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsTLS1', b'on'),

-                                                     (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsSSLClientAuth', b'allowed'),

-                                                     (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'allowWeakCipher', b'on'),

-                                                     (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsSSL3Ciphers', b'+all')])


-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(CONFIG_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsslapd-security', b'on'),

-                                                 (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsslapd-ssl-check-hostname', b'off'),

-                                                 (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsslapd-secureport', ensure_bytes(MY_SECURE_PORT))])


-     topology_st.standalone.add_s(Entry((RSA_DN, {'objectclass': "top nsEncryptionModule".split(),

-                                                  'cn': RSA,

-                                                  'nsSSLPersonalitySSL': SERVERCERT,

-                                                  'nsSSLToken': 'internal (software)',

-                                                  'nsSSLActivation': 'on'})))



- def comp_nsSSLEnableCipherCount(topology_st, ecount):

-     """

-     Check nsSSLEnabledCipher count with ecount

-     """

-     log.info("Checking nsSSLEnabledCiphers...")

-     msgid = topology_st.standalone.search_ext(ENCRYPTION_DN, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, 'cn=*', ['nsSSLEnabledCiphers'])

-     enabledciphercnt = 0

-     rtype, rdata, rmsgid = topology_st.standalone.result2(msgid)

-     topology_st.standalone.log.info("%d results" % len(rdata))


-     topology_st.standalone.log.info("Results:")

-     for dn, attrs in rdata:

-         topology_st.standalone.log.info("dn: %s" % dn)

-         if 'nsSSLEnabledCiphers' in attrs:

-             enabledciphercnt = len(attrs['nsSSLEnabledCiphers'])

-     topology_st.standalone.log.info("enabledCipherCount: %d" % enabledciphercnt)

-     assert ecount == enabledciphercnt



- def test_47838_run_0(topology_st):

-     """

-     Check nsSSL3Ciphers: +all

-     All ciphers are enabled except null.

-     Note: allowWeakCipher: on

-     """

-     _header(topology_st, 'Test Case 1 - Check the ciphers availability for "+all"; allowWeakCipher: on')

-     topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(CONFIG_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsslapd-errorlog-level', b'64')])

-     time.sleep(5)

-     log.info("\n######################### Restarting the server ######################\n")

-     topology_st.standalone.restart(timeout=120)

-     enabled = os.popen('egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep \": enabled\" | wc -l' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     disabled = os.popen('egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep \": disabled\" | wc -l' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     ecount = int(enabled.readline().rstrip())

-     dcount = int(disabled.readline().rstrip())


-     log.info("Enabled ciphers: %d" % ecount)

-     log.info("Disabled ciphers: %d" % dcount)

-     if nss_version >= NSS320:

-         assert ecount >= 53

-         assert dcount <= 17

-     else:

-         assert ecount >= 60

-         assert dcount <= 7


-     global plus_all_ecount

-     global plus_all_dcount

-     plus_all_ecount = ecount

-     plus_all_dcount = dcount

-     weak = os.popen('egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep "WEAK CIPHER" | wc -l' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     wcount = int(weak.readline().rstrip())

-     log.info("Weak ciphers: %d" % wcount)

-     assert wcount <= 29


-     comp_nsSSLEnableCipherCount(topology_st, ecount)



- def test_47838_run_1(topology_st):

-     """

-     Check nsSSL3Ciphers: +all

-     All ciphers are enabled except null.

-     Note: default allowWeakCipher (i.e., off) for +all

-     """

-     _header(topology_st, 'Test Case 2 - Check the ciphers availability for "+all" with default allowWeakCiphers')


-     topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(CONFIG_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsslapd-errorlog-level', b'64')])

-     time.sleep(1)

-     # Make sure allowWeakCipher is not set.

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(ENCRYPTION_DN, [(ldap.MOD_DELETE, 'allowWeakCipher', None)])


-     log.info("\n######################### Restarting the server ######################\n")

-     log.info("\n######################### Restarting the server ######################\n")

-     topology_st.standalone.stop(timeout=10)

-     os.system('mv %s %s.47838_0' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog, topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     os.system('touch %s' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     time.sleep(1)

-     topology_st.standalone.start(timeout=120)


-     enabled = os.popen('egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep \": enabled\" | wc -l' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     disabled = os.popen('egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep \": disabled\" | wc -l' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     ecount = int(enabled.readline().rstrip())

-     dcount = int(disabled.readline().rstrip())


-     global plus_all_ecount_noweak

-     global plus_all_dcount_noweak

-     plus_all_ecount_noweak = ecount

-     plus_all_dcount_noweak = dcount


-     log.info("Enabled ciphers: %d" % ecount)

-     log.info("Disabled ciphers: %d" % dcount)

-     assert ecount >= 31

-     assert dcount <= 36

-     weak = os.popen('egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep "WEAK CIPHER" | wc -l' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     wcount = int(weak.readline().rstrip())

-     log.info("Weak ciphers: %d" % wcount)

-     assert wcount <= 29


-     comp_nsSSLEnableCipherCount(topology_st, ecount)



- def test_47838_run_2(topology_st):

-     """

-     Check nsSSL3Ciphers: +rsa_aes_128_sha,+rsa_aes_256_sha

-     rsa_aes_128_sha, tls_rsa_aes_128_sha, rsa_aes_256_sha, tls_rsa_aes_256_sha are enabled.

-     default allowWeakCipher

-     """

-     _header(topology_st,

-             'Test Case 3 - Check the ciphers availability for "+rsa_aes_128_sha,+rsa_aes_256_sha" with default allowWeakCipher')


-     topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(ENCRYPTION_DN,

-                                     [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsSSL3Ciphers', b'+rsa_aes_128_sha,+rsa_aes_256_sha')])


-     log.info("\n######################### Restarting the server ######################\n")

-     topology_st.standalone.stop(timeout=10)

-     os.system('mv %s %s.47838_1' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog, topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     os.system('touch %s' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     time.sleep(1)

-     topology_st.standalone.start(timeout=120)


-     enabled = os.popen('egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep \": enabled\" | wc -l' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     disabled = os.popen('egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep \": disabled\" | wc -l' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     ecount = int(enabled.readline().rstrip())

-     dcount = int(disabled.readline().rstrip())


-     log.info("Enabled ciphers: %d" % ecount)

-     log.info("Disabled ciphers: %d" % dcount)

-     global plus_all_ecount

-     global plus_all_dcount

-     assert ecount == 2

-     assert dcount == (plus_all_ecount + plus_all_dcount - ecount)


-     comp_nsSSLEnableCipherCount(topology_st, ecount)



- def test_47838_run_3(topology_st):

-     """

-     Check nsSSL3Ciphers: -all

-     All ciphers are disabled.

-     default allowWeakCipher

-     """

-     _header(topology_st, 'Test Case 4 - Check the ciphers availability for "-all"')


-     topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(ENCRYPTION_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsSSL3Ciphers', b'-all')])


-     log.info("\n######################### Restarting the server ######################\n")

-     topology_st.standalone.stop(timeout=10)

-     os.system('mv %s %s.47838_2' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog, topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     os.system('touch %s' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     time.sleep(1)

-     topology_st.standalone.start(timeout=120)


-     enabled = os.popen('egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep \": enabled\" | wc -l' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     ecount = int(enabled.readline().rstrip())


-     log.info("Enabled ciphers: %d" % ecount)

-     global plus_all_ecount

-     assert ecount == 0


-     disabledmsg = os.popen('egrep "Disabling SSL" %s' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     log.info("Disabling SSL message?: %s" % disabledmsg.readline())

-     assert disabledmsg != ''


-     comp_nsSSLEnableCipherCount(topology_st, ecount)



- def test_47838_run_4(topology_st):

-     """

-     Check no nsSSL3Ciphers

-     Default ciphers are enabled.

-     default allowWeakCipher

-     """

-     _header(topology_st, 'Test Case 5 - Check no nsSSL3Ciphers (default setting) with default allowWeakCipher')


-     topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(ENCRYPTION_DN, [(ldap.MOD_DELETE, 'nsSSL3Ciphers', b'-all')])


-     log.info("\n######################### Restarting the server ######################\n")

-     topology_st.standalone.stop(timeout=10)

-     os.system('mv %s %s.47838_3' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog, topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     os.system('touch %s' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     time.sleep(1)

-     topology_st.standalone.start(timeout=120)

-     enabled = os.popen('egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep \": enabled\" | wc -l' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     disabled = os.popen('egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep \": disabled\" | wc -l' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     ecount = int(enabled.readline().rstrip())

-     dcount = int(disabled.readline().rstrip())


-     log.info("Enabled ciphers: %d" % ecount)

-     log.info("Disabled ciphers: %d" % dcount)

-     global plus_all_ecount

-     global plus_all_dcount

-     if nss_version >= NSS330:

-         assert ecount == 28

-     elif nss_version >= NSS323:

-         assert ecount == 29

-     else:

-         assert ecount == 20

-     assert dcount == (plus_all_ecount + plus_all_dcount - ecount)

-     weak = os.popen(

-         'egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep \": enabled\" | egrep "WEAK CIPHER" | wc -l' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     wcount = int(weak.readline().rstrip())

-     log.info("Weak ciphers in the default setting: %d" % wcount)

-     assert wcount == 0


-     comp_nsSSLEnableCipherCount(topology_st, ecount)



- def test_47838_run_5(topology_st):

-     """

-     Check nsSSL3Ciphers: default

-     Default ciphers are enabled.

-     default allowWeakCipher

-     """

-     _header(topology_st, 'Test Case 6 - Check default nsSSL3Ciphers (default setting) with default allowWeakCipher')


-     topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(ENCRYPTION_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsSSL3Ciphers', b'default')])


-     log.info("\n######################### Restarting the server ######################\n")

-     topology_st.standalone.stop(timeout=10)

-     os.system('mv %s %s.47838_4' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog, topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     os.system('touch %s' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     time.sleep(1)

-     topology_st.standalone.start(timeout=120)


-     enabled = os.popen('egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep \": enabled\" | wc -l' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     disabled = os.popen('egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep \": disabled\" | wc -l' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     ecount = int(enabled.readline().rstrip())

-     dcount = int(disabled.readline().rstrip())


-     log.info("Enabled ciphers: %d" % ecount)

-     log.info("Disabled ciphers: %d" % dcount)

-     global plus_all_ecount

-     global plus_all_dcount

-     if nss_version >= NSS330:

-         assert ecount == 28

-     elif nss_version >= NSS323:

-         assert ecount == 29

-     else:

-         assert ecount == 23

-     assert dcount == (plus_all_ecount + plus_all_dcount - ecount)

-     weak = os.popen(

-         'egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep \": enabled\" | egrep "WEAK CIPHER" | wc -l' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     wcount = int(weak.readline().rstrip())

-     log.info("Weak ciphers in the default setting: %d" % wcount)

-     assert wcount == 0


-     comp_nsSSLEnableCipherCount(topology_st, ecount)



- def test_47838_run_6(topology_st):

-     """

-     Check nsSSL3Ciphers: +all,-rsa_rc4_128_md5

-     All ciphers are disabled.

-     default allowWeakCipher

-     """

-     _header(topology_st,

-             'Test Case 7 - Check nsSSL3Ciphers: +all,-tls_dhe_rsa_aes_128_gcm_sha with default allowWeakCipher')


-     topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(ENCRYPTION_DN,

-                                     [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsSSL3Ciphers', b'+all,-tls_dhe_rsa_aes_128_gcm_sha')])


-     log.info("\n######################### Restarting the server ######################\n")

-     topology_st.standalone.stop(timeout=10)

-     os.system('mv %s %s.47838_5' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog, topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     os.system('touch %s' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     time.sleep(1)

-     topology_st.standalone.start(timeout=120)


-     enabled = os.popen('egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep \": enabled\" | wc -l' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     disabled = os.popen('egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep \": disabled\" | wc -l' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     ecount = int(enabled.readline().rstrip())

-     dcount = int(disabled.readline().rstrip())


-     log.info("Enabled ciphers: %d" % ecount)

-     log.info("Disabled ciphers: %d" % dcount)

-     global plus_all_ecount_noweak

-     global plus_all_dcount_noweak

-     log.info("ALL Ecount: %d" % plus_all_ecount_noweak)

-     log.info("ALL Dcount: %d" % plus_all_dcount_noweak)

-     assert ecount == (plus_all_ecount_noweak - 1)

-     assert dcount == (plus_all_dcount_noweak + 1)


-     comp_nsSSLEnableCipherCount(topology_st, ecount)



- def test_47838_run_7(topology_st):

-     """

-     Check nsSSL3Ciphers: -all,+rsa_rc4_128_md5

-     All ciphers are disabled.

-     default allowWeakCipher

-     """

-     _header(topology_st, 'Test Case 8 - Check nsSSL3Ciphers: -all,+rsa_rc4_128_md5 with default allowWeakCipher')


-     topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(ENCRYPTION_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsSSL3Ciphers', b'-all,+rsa_rc4_128_md5')])


-     log.info("\n######################### Restarting the server ######################\n")

-     topology_st.standalone.stop(timeout=10)

-     os.system('mv %s %s.47838_6' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog, topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     os.system('touch %s' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     time.sleep(1)

-     topology_st.standalone.start(timeout=120)


-     enabled = os.popen('egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep \": enabled\" | wc -l' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     disabled = os.popen('egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep \": disabled\" | wc -l' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     ecount = int(enabled.readline().rstrip())

-     dcount = int(disabled.readline().rstrip())


-     log.info("Enabled ciphers: %d" % ecount)

-     log.info("Disabled ciphers: %d" % dcount)

-     global plus_all_ecount

-     global plus_all_dcount

-     assert ecount == 1

-     assert dcount == (plus_all_ecount + plus_all_dcount - ecount)


-     comp_nsSSLEnableCipherCount(topology_st, ecount)



- def test_47838_run_8(topology_st):

-     """

-     Check nsSSL3Ciphers: default + allowWeakCipher: off

-     Strong Default ciphers are enabled.

-     """

-     _header(topology_st, 'Test Case 9 - Check default nsSSL3Ciphers (default setting + allowWeakCipher: off)')


-     topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(ENCRYPTION_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsSSL3Ciphers', b'default'),

-                                                     (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'allowWeakCipher', b'off')])


-     log.info("\n######################### Restarting the server ######################\n")

-     topology_st.standalone.stop(timeout=10)

-     os.system('mv %s %s.47838_7' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog, topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     os.system('touch %s' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     time.sleep(1)

-     topology_st.standalone.start(timeout=120)


-     enabled = os.popen('egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep \": enabled\" | wc -l' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     disabled = os.popen('egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep \": disabled\" | wc -l' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     ecount = int(enabled.readline().rstrip())

-     dcount = int(disabled.readline().rstrip())


-     log.info("Enabled ciphers: %d" % ecount)

-     log.info("Disabled ciphers: %d" % dcount)

-     global plus_all_ecount

-     global plus_all_dcount

-     if nss_version >= NSS330:

-         assert ecount == 28

-     elif nss_version >= NSS323:

-         assert ecount == 29

-     else:

-         assert ecount == 23

-     assert dcount == (plus_all_ecount + plus_all_dcount - ecount)

-     weak = os.popen(

-         'egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep \": enabled\" | egrep "WEAK CIPHER" | wc -l' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     wcount = int(weak.readline().rstrip())

-     log.info("Weak ciphers in the default setting: %d" % wcount)

-     assert wcount == 0


-     comp_nsSSLEnableCipherCount(topology_st, ecount)



- def test_47838_run_9(topology_st):

-     """

-     Check no nsSSL3Ciphers

-     Default ciphers are enabled.

-     allowWeakCipher: on

-     nsslapd-errorlog-level: 0

-     """

-     _header(topology_st,

-             'Test Case 10 - Check no nsSSL3Ciphers (default setting) with no errorlog-level & allowWeakCipher on')


-     topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(ENCRYPTION_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsSSL3Ciphers', None),

-                                                     (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'allowWeakCipher', b'on')])

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(CONFIG_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsslapd-errorlog-level', None)])


-     log.info("\n######################### Restarting the server ######################\n")

-     topology_st.standalone.stop(timeout=10)

-     os.system('mv %s %s.47838_8' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog, topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     os.system('touch %s' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     time.sleep(1)

-     topology_st.standalone.start(timeout=120)


-     enabled = os.popen('egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep \": enabled\" | wc -l' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     disabled = os.popen('egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep \": disabled\" | wc -l' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     ecount = int(enabled.readline().rstrip())

-     dcount = int(disabled.readline().rstrip())


-     log.info("Enabled ciphers: %d" % ecount)

-     log.info("Disabled ciphers: %d" % dcount)

-     if nss_version >= NSS330:

-         assert ecount == 33

-     elif nss_version >= NSS327:

-         assert ecount == 34

-     elif nss_version >= NSS323:

-         assert ecount == 36

-     else:

-         assert ecount == 30

-     assert dcount == 0

-     weak = os.popen(

-         'egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep \": enabled\" | egrep "WEAK CIPHER" | wc -l' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     wcount = int(weak.readline().rstrip())

-     log.info("Weak ciphers in the default setting: %d" % wcount)

-     if nss_version >= NSS327:

-         assert wcount == 5

-     elif nss_version >= NSS320:

-         assert wcount == 7

-     else:

-         assert wcount == 11


-     comp_nsSSLEnableCipherCount(topology_st, ecount)



- def test_47838_run_10(topology_st):

-     """

-     Check nsSSL3Ciphers: -TLS_RSA_WITH_NULL_MD5,+TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5,





-         -SSL_CK_RC4_128_WITH_MD5,-SSL_CK_RC4_128_EXPORT40_WITH_MD5,

-         -SSL_CK_RC2_128_CBC_WITH_MD5,-SSL_CK_RC2_128_CBC_EXPORT40_WITH_MD5,


-     allowWeakCipher: on

-     nsslapd-errorlog-level: 0

-     """

-     _header(topology_st,

-             'Test Case 11 - Check nsSSL3Ciphers: long list using the NSS Cipher Suite name with allowWeakCipher on')


-     topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(ENCRYPTION_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsSSL3Ciphers',



-     log.info("\n######################### Restarting the server ######################\n")

-     topology_st.standalone.stop(timeout=10)

-     os.system('mv %s %s.47838_9' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog, topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     os.system('touch %s' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     time.sleep(1)

-     topology_st.standalone.start(timeout=120)


-     enabled = os.popen('egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep \": enabled\" | wc -l' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     disabled = os.popen('egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep \": disabled\" | wc -l' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     ecount = int(enabled.readline().rstrip())

-     dcount = int(disabled.readline().rstrip())


-     log.info("Enabled ciphers: %d" % ecount)

-     log.info("Disabled ciphers: %d" % dcount)

-     global plus_all_ecount

-     global plus_all_dcount

-     if nss_version >= NSS330:

-         assert ecount == 3

-     else:

-         assert ecount == 9

-     assert dcount == 0

-     weak = os.popen(

-         'egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep \": enabled\" | egrep "WEAK CIPHER" | wc -l' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     wcount = int(weak.readline().rstrip())

-     log.info("Weak ciphers in the default setting: %d" % wcount)


-     topology_st.standalone.log.info("ticket47838 was successfully verified.")


-     comp_nsSSLEnableCipherCount(topology_st, ecount)



- def test_47838_run_11(topology_st):

-     """

-     Check nsSSL3Ciphers: +fortezza

-     SSL_GetImplementedCiphers does not return this as a secuire cipher suite

-     """

-     _header(topology_st, 'Test Case 12 - Check nsSSL3Ciphers: +fortezza, which is not supported')


-     topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(ENCRYPTION_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsSSL3Ciphers', b'+fortezza')])


-     log.info("\n######################### Restarting the server ######################\n")

-     topology_st.standalone.stop(timeout=10)

-     os.system('mv %s %s.47838_10' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog, topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     os.system('touch %s' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     time.sleep(1)

-     topology_st.standalone.start(timeout=120)


-     errmsg = os.popen('egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep "is not available in NSS"' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     if errmsg != "":

-         log.info("Expected error message:")

-         log.info("%s" % errmsg.readline())

-     else:

-         log.info("Expected error message was not found")

-         assert False


-     comp_nsSSLEnableCipherCount(topology_st, 0)



- def test_47928_run_0(topology_st):

-     """

-     No SSL version config parameters.

-     Check SSL3 (TLS1.0) is off.

-     """

-     _header(topology_st, 'Test Case 13 - No SSL version config parameters')


-     topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

-     # add them once and remove them

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(ENCRYPTION_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsSSL3', b'off'),

-                                                     (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsTLS1', b'on'),

-                                                     (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'sslVersionMin', b'TLS1.1'),

-                                                     (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'sslVersionMax', b'TLS1.2')])

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(ENCRYPTION_DN, [(ldap.MOD_DELETE, 'nsSSL3', None),

-                                                     (ldap.MOD_DELETE, 'nsTLS1', None),

-                                                     (ldap.MOD_DELETE, 'sslVersionMin', None),

-                                                     (ldap.MOD_DELETE, 'sslVersionMax', None)])

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(CONFIG_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsslapd-errorlog-level', b'64')])

-     time.sleep(5)


-     log.info("\n######################### Restarting the server ######################\n")

-     topology_st.standalone.stop(timeout=10)

-     os.system('mv %s %s.47838_11' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog, topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     os.system('touch %s' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     time.sleep(1)

-     topology_st.standalone.start(timeout=120)


-     errmsg = os.popen(

-         'egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep "Default SSL Version settings; Configuring the version range as min: TLS1.1"' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     if errmsg != "":

-         log.info("Expected message:")

-         log.info("%s" % errmsg.readline())

-     else:

-         log.info("Expected message was not found")

-         assert False



- def test_47928_run_1(topology_st):

-     """

-     No nsSSL3, nsTLS1; sslVersionMin > sslVersionMax

-     Check sslVersionMax is ignored.

-     """

-     _header(topology_st, 'Test Case 14 - No nsSSL3, nsTLS1; sslVersionMin > sslVersionMax')


-     topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(ENCRYPTION_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'sslVersionMin', b'TLS1.2'),

-                                                     (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'sslVersionMax', b'TLS1.1')])


-     log.info("\n######################### Restarting the server ######################\n")

-     topology_st.standalone.stop(timeout=10)

-     os.system('mv %s %s.47838_12' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog, topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     os.system('touch %s' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     topology_st.standalone.start(timeout=120)


-     errmsg = os.popen(

-         'egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep "The min value of NSS version range"' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     if errmsg != "":

-         log.info("Expected message:")

-         log.info("%s" % errmsg.readline())

-     else:

-         log.info("Expected message was not found")

-         assert False


-     errmsg = os.popen(

-         'egrep "SSL Initialization" %s | egrep "Configured SSL version range: min: TLS1.2, max: TLS1"' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     if errmsg != "":

-         log.info("Expected message:")

-         log.info("%s" % errmsg.readline())

-     else:

-         log.info("Expected message was not found")

-         assert False



- def test_47928_run_2(topology_st):

-     """

-     nsSSL3: on; sslVersionMin: TLS1.1; sslVersionMax: TLS1.2

-     Conflict between nsSSL3 and range; nsSSL3 is disabled

-     """

-     _header(topology_st, 'Test Case 15 - nsSSL3: on; sslVersionMin: TLS1.1; sslVersionMax: TLS1.2')


-     topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(ENCRYPTION_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'sslVersionMin', b'TLS1.1'),

-                                                     (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'sslVersionMax', b'TLS1.2'),

-                                                     (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsSSL3', b'on')])


-     log.info("\n######################### Restarting the server ######################\n")

-     topology_st.standalone.stop(timeout=10)

-     os.system('mv %s %s.47838_13' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog, topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     os.system('touch %s' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     time.sleep(1)

-     topology_st.standalone.start(timeout=120)


-     errmsg = os.popen(

-         'egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep "Found unsecure configuration: nsSSL3: on"' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     if errmsg != "":

-         log.info("Expected message:")

-         log.info("%s" % errmsg.readline())

-     else:

-         log.info("Expected message was not found")

-         assert False


-     errmsg = os.popen('egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep "Respect the supported range."' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     if errmsg != "":

-         log.info("Expected message:")

-         log.info("%s" % errmsg.readline())

-     else:

-         log.info("Expected message was not found")

-         assert False


-     errmsg = os.popen(

-         'egrep "SSL Initialization" %s | egrep "Configured SSL version range: min: TLS1.1, max: TLS1"' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     if errmsg != "":

-         log.info("Expected message:")

-         log.info("%s" % errmsg.readline())

-     else:

-         log.info("Expected message was not found")

-         assert False



- def test_47928_run_3(topology_st):

-     """

-     nsSSL3: on; nsTLS1: off; sslVersionMin: TLS1.1; sslVersionMax: TLS1.2

-     Conflict between nsSSL3/nsTLS1 and range; nsSSL3 is disabled; nsTLS1 is enabled.

-     """

-     _header(topology_st, 'Test Case 16 - nsSSL3: on; nsTLS1: off; sslVersionMin: TLS1.1; sslVersionMax: TLS1.2')


-     topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(ENCRYPTION_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'sslVersionMin', b'TLS1.1'),

-                                                     (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'sslVersionMax', b'TLS1.2'),

-                                                     (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsSSL3', b'on'),

-                                                     (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsTLS1', b'off')])


-     log.info("\n######################### Restarting the server ######################\n")

-     topology_st.standalone.stop(timeout=10)

-     os.system('mv %s %s.47838_14' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog, topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     os.system('touch %s' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     time.sleep(1)

-     topology_st.standalone.start(timeout=120)


-     errmsg = os.popen(

-         'egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep "Found unsecure configuration: nsSSL3: on"' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     if errmsg != "":

-         log.info("Expected message:")

-         log.info("%s" % errmsg.readline())

-     else:

-         log.info("Expected message was not found")

-         assert False


-     errmsg = os.popen('egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep "Respect the configured range."' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     if errmsg != "":

-         log.info("Expected message:")

-         log.info("%s" % errmsg.readline())

-     else:

-         log.info("Expected message was not found")

-         assert False


-     errmsg = os.popen(

-         'egrep "SSL Initialization" %s | egrep "Configured SSL version range: min: TLS1.1, max: TLS1"' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     if errmsg != "":

-         log.info("Expected message:")

-         log.info("%s" % errmsg.readline())

-     else:

-         log.info("Expected message was not found")

-         assert False



- def test_47838_run_last(topology_st):

-     """

-     Check nsSSL3Ciphers: all <== invalid value

-     All ciphers are disabled.

-     """

-     _header(topology_st, 'Test Case 17 - Check nsSSL3Ciphers: all, which is invalid')


-     topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(CONFIG_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsslapd-errorlog-level', None)])

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(ENCRYPTION_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsSSL3Ciphers', b'all')])


-     log.info("\n######################### Restarting the server ######################\n")

-     topology_st.standalone.stop(timeout=10)

-     os.system('mv %s %s.47838_15' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog, topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     os.system('touch %s' % (topology_st.standalone.errlog))

-     time.sleep(1)

-     topology_st.standalone.start(timeout=120)


-     errmsg = os.popen('egrep "SSL info:" %s | egrep "invalid ciphers"' % topology_st.standalone.errlog)

-     if errmsg != "":

-         log.info("Expected error message:")

-         log.info("%s" % errmsg.readline())

-     else:

-         log.info("Expected error message was not found")

-         assert False


-     comp_nsSSLEnableCipherCount(topology_st, 0)


-     topology_st.standalone.log.info("ticket47838, 47880, 47908, 47928 were successfully verified.")



- if __name__ == '__main__':

-     # Run isolated

-     # -s for DEBUG mode

-     CURRENT_FILE = os.path.realpath(__file__)

-     pytest.main("-s %s" % CURRENT_FILE)

@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@ 


- # Copyright (C) 2016 Red Hat, Inc.

- # All rights reserved.

- #

- # License: GPL (version 3 or any later version).

- # See LICENSE for details.


- #

- import logging


- import pytest

- from lib389.tasks import *

- from lib389.topologies import topology_st


- from lib389._constants import (defaultProperties, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, ReplicaRole,



-                                RA_BINDDN, RA_BINDPW, RA_METHOD, RA_TRANSPORT_PROT,

-                                DN_DM, PASSWORD, REPLICA_ID, RA_CONSUMER_PORT)


- pytestmark = pytest.mark.tier2


- log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


- USER1_DN = "uid=user1,%s" % DEFAULT_SUFFIX

- USER2_DN = "uid=user2,%s" % DEFAULT_SUFFIX



- def test_ticket47950(topology_st):

-     """

-         Testing nsslapd-plugin-binddn-tracking does not cause issues around

-         access control and reconfiguring replication/repl agmt.

-     """


-     log.info('Testing Ticket 47950 - Testing nsslapd-plugin-binddn-tracking')


-     #

-     # Turn on bind dn tracking

-     #

-     try:

-         topology_st.standalone.modify_s("cn=config", [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'nsslapd-plugin-binddn-tracking', 'on')])

-         log.info('nsslapd-plugin-binddn-tracking enabled.')

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.error('Failed to enable bind dn tracking: ' + e.message['desc'])

-         assert False


-     #

-     # Add two users

-     #

-     try:

-         topology_st.standalone.add_s(Entry((USER1_DN, {

-             'objectclass': "top person inetuser".split(),

-             'userpassword': "password",

-             'sn': "1",

-             'cn': "user 1"})))

-         log.info('Added test user %s' % USER1_DN)

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.error('Failed to add %s: %s' % (USER1_DN, e.message['desc']))

-         assert False


-     try:

-         topology_st.standalone.add_s(Entry((USER2_DN, {

-             'objectclass': "top person inetuser".split(),

-             'sn': "2",

-             'cn': "user 2"})))

-         log.info('Added test user %s' % USER2_DN)

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.error('Failed to add user1: ' + e.message['desc'])

-         assert False


-     #

-     # Add an aci

-     #

-     try:

-         acival = '(targetattr ="cn")(version 3.0;acl "Test bind dn tracking"' + \

-                  ';allow (all) (userdn = "ldap:///%s");)' % USER1_DN


-         topology_st.standalone.modify_s(DEFAULT_SUFFIX, [(ldap.MOD_ADD, 'aci', acival)])

-         log.info('Added aci')

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.error('Failed to add aci: ' + e.message['desc'])

-         assert False


-     #

-     # Make modification as user

-     #

-     try:

-         topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(USER1_DN, "password")

-         log.info('Bind as user %s successful' % USER1_DN)

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.error('Failed to bind as user1: ' + e.message['desc'])

-         assert False


-     try:

-         topology_st.standalone.modify_s(USER2_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'cn', 'new value')])

-         log.info('%s successfully modified user %s' % (USER1_DN, USER2_DN))

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.error('Failed to update user2: ' + e.message['desc'])

-         assert False


-     #

-     # Setup replica and create a repl agmt

-     #

-     try:

-         topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

-         log.info('Bind as %s successful' % DN_DM)

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.error('Failed to bind as rootDN: ' + e.message['desc'])

-         assert False


-     try:

-         topology_st.standalone.replica.enableReplication(suffix=DEFAULT_SUFFIX, role=ReplicaRole.MASTER,

-                                                          replicaId=REPLICAID_MASTER_1)

-         log.info('Successfully enabled replication.')

-     except ValueError:

-         log.error('Failed to enable replication')

-         assert False


-     properties = {RA_NAME: r'test plugin internal bind dn',

-                   RA_BINDDN: defaultProperties[REPLICATION_BIND_DN],

-                   RA_BINDPW: defaultProperties[REPLICATION_BIND_PW],

-                   RA_METHOD: defaultProperties[REPLICATION_BIND_METHOD],

-                   RA_TRANSPORT_PROT: defaultProperties[REPLICATION_TRANSPORT]}


-     try:

-         repl_agreement = topology_st.standalone.agreement.create(suffix=DEFAULT_SUFFIX, host="",

-                                                                  port="7777", properties=properties)

-         log.info('Successfully created replication agreement')

-     except InvalidArgumentError as e:

-         log.error('Failed to create replication agreement: ' + e.message['desc'])

-         assert False


-     #

-     # modify replica

-     #

-     try:

-         properties = {REPLICA_ID: "7"}

-         topology_st.standalone.replica.setProperties(DEFAULT_SUFFIX, None, None, properties)

-         log.info('Successfully modified replica')

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.error('Failed to update replica config: ' + e.message['desc'])

-         assert False


-     #

-     # modify repl agmt

-     #

-     try:

-         properties = {RA_CONSUMER_PORT: "8888"}

-         topology_st.standalone.agreement.setProperties(None, repl_agreement, None, properties)

-         log.info('Successfully modified replication agreement')

-     except ValueError:

-         log.error('Failed to update replica agreement: ' + repl_agreement)

-         assert False



- if __name__ == '__main__':

-     # Run isolated

-     # -s for DEBUG mode

-     CURRENT_FILE = os.path.realpath(__file__)

-     pytest.main("-s %s" % CURRENT_FILE)

@@ -4291,7 +4291,7 @@ 


      int32_t retVal = LDAP_SUCCESS;

      int64_t nValue = 0;

-     int64_t maxVal = 65535;

+     int64_t maxVal = 524288;

      struct rlimit rlp;

      char *endp = NULL;


@@ -43,3 +43,9 @@ 


          return super(DirectoryManager, self).bind(password, *args, **kwargs)


+     def rebind(self, password=PW_DM):

+         """Rebind on the same connection

+         :param password: Directory Manager password

+         :type password: str

+         """

+         self._instance.simple_bind_s(self.dn, password, escapehatch='i am sure')

Description: Port some of the failing ticket tests to suites


Reviewed by: ?

Please, explain in the commit why changing these two lines (with a reference, to 10bffac I guess).

Please, mention in the commit message why removing this module (AFAIR there has been a discussion in some ticket or PR, but I don't remember which).

Please, explain in the commit why changing these two lines (with a reference, to 10bffac I guess).

The systemdd default increased, so we had to match it

Please, mention in the commit message why removing this module (AFAIR there has been a discussion in some ticket or PR, but I don't remember which).

Well originally I was going through the failing tests, and I found this ticket test, and ported it to suites. After porting it and removing the ticket test I found the suite test as well. But my approach added the test to an existing test. So I just kept what I had and got rid of the other suite test as it was more concise.

Please, mention in the commit message why removing this module (AFAIR there has been a discussion in some ticket or PR, but I don't remember which).

@mhonek did you mean this comment: https://pagure.io/389-ds-base/pull-request/50287#comment-87722 ?

@mreynolds I think I am already removing ticket47838_test.py in the above PR.

@mreynolds I think I am already removing ticket47838_test.py in the above PR.

That's fine, it should not mess up either of our PRs. They should both merge fine regardless who merges first.

Please, explain in the commit why changing these two lines (with a reference, to 10bffac I guess).

The systemdd default increased, so we had to match it

AFAICT, the value increased because in the forementioned commit we removed the explicit LimitNOFILES=16k we had there before, hence the SystemD's default came to life (but this is somehow a subject to change, since Viktor managed to get a different "default" value of 1M instead of 512k, AFAIR). It would be good to mention this in the commit message so that it is better back-trackable.

Please, mention in the commit message why removing this module (AFAIR there has been a discussion in some ticket or PR, but I don't remember which).

@mhonek did you mean this comment: https://pagure.io/389-ds-base/pull-request/50287#comment-87722 ?

Correct, this one and a couple of the following. Thanks!

test_fd_limits fails for me with...

[vagrant@localhost 389-ds-base]$ rpm -q 389-ds-base

        # Check systemd default
        max_fd = topology_st.standalone.config.get_attr_val_utf8(FD_ATTR)
>       assert max_fd == SYSTEMD_VAL
E       AssertionError: assert '4096' == '524288'
E         - 4096
E         + 524288

rebased onto bb2ef1ed36d9937987dadede6cb4a6b6cb8cd335

4 years ago

test_fd_limits fails for me with...
[vagrant@localhost 389-ds-base]$ rpm -q 389-ds-base

    # Check systemd default
    max_fd = topology_st.standalone.config.get_attr_val_utf8(FD_ATTR)
  assert max_fd == SYSTEMD_VAL

E AssertionError: assert '4096' == '524288'
E - 4096
E + 524288

What platform as you testing on? These changes are only going to make F30/RHEL 8.1

Anyway I just removed the systemd default limit test....

Changes made, please review...

For fd limits we can query the OS and systemd to get the limits. Something like this:
(sorry, I was not quick to enough to open a PR :) )

diff --git a/dirsrvtests/tests/suites/resource_limits/fdlimits_test.py b/dirsrvtests/tests/suites/resource_limits/fdlimits_test.py
index c8e45fed6..20bdb4b2d 100644
--- a/dirsrvtests/tests/suites/resource_limits/fdlimits_test.py
+++ b/dirsrvtests/tests/suites/resource_limits/fdlimits_test.py
@@ -2,9 +2,11 @@ import logging
 import pytest
 import os
 import ldap
+import resource
 from lib389._constants import *
 from lib389.topologies import topology_st
-from lib389.utils import ds_is_older
+from lib389.utils import ds_is_older, ensure_str
+from subprocess import check_output

 pytestmark = pytest.mark.tier1

@@ -12,9 +14,11 @@ logging.getLogger(__name__).setLevel(logging.INFO)
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

 FD_ATTR = "nsslapd-maxdescriptors"
-SYSTEMD_VAL = "16384"
+GLOBAL_LIMIT = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)[1]
+SYSTEMD_LIMIT = ensure_str(check_output("systemctl show --value -p LimitNOFILE dirsrv@standalone1".split(" ")).strip())
 CUSTOM_VAL = "9000"
-TOO_HIGH_VAL = "65536"
+TOO_HIGH_VAL2 = str(int(SYSTEMD_LIMIT) * 2)
 TOO_LOW_VAL = "0"

 @pytest.mark.skipif(ds_is_older(""), reason="Not implemented")
@@ -37,19 +41,25 @@ def test_fd_limits(topology_st):

     # Check systemd default
     max_fd = topology_st.standalone.config.get_attr_val_utf8(FD_ATTR)
-    assert max_fd == SYSTEMD_VAL
+    assert max_fd == SYSTEMD_LIMIT

     # Check custom value is applied
     topology_st.standalone.config.set(FD_ATTR, CUSTOM_VAL)
     max_fd = topology_st.standalone.config.get_attr_val_utf8(FD_ATTR)
     assert max_fd == CUSTOM_VAL

-    # Attempt to use val that is too high
+    # Attempt to use value that is higher than the global system limit
     with pytest.raises(ldap.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM):
         topology_st.standalone.config.set(FD_ATTR, TOO_HIGH_VAL)
     max_fd = topology_st.standalone.config.get_attr_val_utf8(FD_ATTR)
     assert max_fd == CUSTOM_VAL

+    # Attempt to use value that is higher than the value defined in the systemd service
+    with pytest.raises(ldap.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM):
+        topology_st.standalone.config.set(FD_ATTR, TOO_HIGH_VAL2)
+    max_fd = topology_st.standalone.config.get_attr_val_utf8(FD_ATTR)
+    assert max_fd == CUSTOM_VAL
     # Attempt to use val that is too low
     with pytest.raises(ldap.OPERATIONS_ERROR):
         topology_st.standalone.config.set(FD_ATTR, TOO_LOW_VAL)

rebased onto 96aa9d36fe5028de8927ab972c385c0083935fb4

4 years ago

Thanks Viktor I added your changes. Please review...

Please update the commit message to include 'Fixes' or 'Relates' keyword before the URL (see https://pagure.io/389-ds-base/pull-request/50444#comment-89063).

The rest looks good, thanks!

rebased onto 19d2029

4 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by mreynolds

4 years ago

389-ds-base is moving from Pagure to Github. This means that new issues and pull requests
will be accepted only in 389-ds-base's github repository.

This pull request has been cloned to Github as issue and is available here:
- https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base/issues/3520

If you want to continue to work on the PR, please navigate to the github issue,
download the patch from the attachments and file a new pull request.

Thank you for understanding. We apologize for all inconvenience.

Pull-Request has been closed by spichugi

3 years ago