#50412 Issue: 48851 - investigate and port TET matching rules filter tests(vfilter simple another)
Closed 3 years ago by spichugi. Opened 4 years ago by aborah.
aborah/389-ds-base another  into  master

@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@ 


+ # Copyright (C) 2019 Red Hat, Inc.

+ # All rights reserved.

+ #

+ # License: GPL (version 3 or any later version).

+ # See LICENSE for details.



+ """

+ verify and testing  Filter from a search

+ """


+ import os

+ import pytest


+ from lib389._constants import DEFAULT_SUFFIX, PW_DM

+ from lib389.topologies import topology_st as topo

+ from lib389.idm.organizationalunit import OrganizationalUnits

+ from lib389.idm.account import Accounts

+ from lib389.idm.user import UserAccount, UserAccounts

+ from lib389.schema import Schema

+ from lib389.idm.role import ManagedRoles, FilterRoles


+ pytestmark = pytest.mark.tier1


+ FILTER_MIAL_900 = "(mailquota<=900)"

+ FILTER_MIAL_600 = "(mailquota<=600)"

+ FILTER_MIAL_100 = "(mailquota<=100)"

+ FILTER_MIAL_100_L = "(mailquota>=100)"

+ FILTER_MIAL_600_G = "(mailquota>=600)"

+ FILTER_MIAL_900_G = "(mailquota>=900)"

+ FILTER_MIAL_100_EL = "(mailquota:2.16.840.1.113730.<=100)"

+ FILTER_MIAL_FR = "(mailquota:fr:=<=100)"

+ FILTER_MIAL_100_E = "(mailquota:2.16.840.1.113730."

+ FILTER_MIAL_600_ELE = "(mailquota:2.16.840.1.113730.<=600)"

+ FILTER_MIAL_FR_600 = "(mailquota:fr:=<=600)"

+ FILTER_MIAL_E_600 = "(mailquota:2.16.840.1.113730."

+ FILTER_MIAL_ELE_900 = "(mailquota:2.16.840.1.113730.<=900)"

+ FILTER_MIAL_FR_ELE_900 = "(mailquota:fr:=<=900)"

+ FILTER_MIAL_E_900 = "(mailquota:2.16.840.1.113730."

+ FILTER_MIAL_EGE_900 = "(mailquota:2.16.840.1.113730.>=900)"

+ FILTER_MIAL_FR_EGE_900 = "(mailquota:fr:=>=900)"

+ FILTER_MIAL_E_900_2 = "(mailquota:2.16.840.1.113730."

+ FILTER_MIAL_EGE_600 = "(mailquota:2.16.840.1.113730.>=600)"

+ FILTER_MIAL_FR_EGE_600 = "(mailquota:fr:=>=600)"

+ FILTER_MIAL_E_600_2 = "(mailquota:2.16.840.1.113730."

+ FILTER_MIAL_EGE_100 = "(mailquota:2.16.840.1.113730.>=100)"

+ FILTER_MIAL_FR_EGE_100 = "(mailquota:fr:=>=100)"

+ FILTER_MIAL_E_100 = "(mailquota:2.16.840.1.113730."

+ FILTER_NS_MANAGE = "(nsRole~=cn=new managed)"

+ FILTER_NS_NEW = "(nsRole~=cn=new)"

+ FILTER_ATTRIBUTE = "(Description=This is the special \\2a attribute value)"

+ FILTER_DES = "(Description=*\\2a*)"

+ FILTER_VADDER = "(nsRole=cn=new vaddr filtered role,dc=example,dc=com)"

+ FILTER_WAL = "(uid=*wal*)"

+ FILTER_ANOTHER = "(nsRole=cn=*another*)"

+ FILTER_MW = "(uid=mw*)"

+ FILTER_RN = "(roomNumber=0312)"

+ FILTER_L = "(l=Cupertino)"

+ FILTER_USER1 = "(uid=user1)"

+ FILTER_OBJECT = "(objectclass=inetorgperson)"

+ FILTER_NS_VADD = "(nsRole=cn=*vaddr*)"

+ FILTER_L_S = "(l=sunnyvale)"

+ FILTER_USER20 = "(uid=user20)"

+ FILTER_USER30 = "(uid=user30)"

+ FILTER_CN = "(nsRole=cn=another vaddr role,dc=example,dc=com)"

+ FILTER_RN_3924 = "(roomNumber=3924)"

+ FILTER_RN_4508 = "(roomNumber=4508)"

+ FILTER_USER40 = "(uid=user40)"

+ FILTER_RN_2254 = "(roomNumber=2254)"

+ FILTER_L_ALL = "(l=*)"

+ FILTER_OBJ_ALL = "(objectclass=*)"










+                    FILTER_RN_4508, FILTER_USER40, FILTER_RN_2254, FILTER_MIAL_100_EL,

+                    FILTER_MIAL_FR, FILTER_MIAL_100_E, FILTER_MIAL_600_ELE, FILTER_MIAL_FR_600,

+                    FILTER_MIAL_ELE_900, FILTER_MIAL_FR_ELE_900, FILTER_MIAL_E_900_2,

+                    FILTER_ATTRIBUTE, FILTER_DES]



+ def non_english_user(people, user, cn_cn, ou_ou, des, tele, facetele, be_be, lang):

+     """

+     Will create users with non english name

+     """

+     people.create(properties={

+         'uid': user,

+         'cn': cn_cn,

+         'sn': cn_cn.split()[1].title(),

+         'givenname': cn_cn.split()[0],

+         'ou': ou_ou,

+         'mail': f'{user}@anujborah.com',

+         'uidNumber': '1000',

+         'gidNumber': '2000',

+         'homeDirectory': '/home/' + user,

+         'telephoneNumber': tele,

+         'facsimileTelephoneNumber': facetele,

+         f'cn;lang-{be_be}': lang,

+         f'sn;lang-{be_be}': lang.split()[1],

+         f'givenName;lang-{be_be}': lang.split()[0],

+         'userpassword': PW_DM,

+         'manager': 'uid=' + user + ',ou=' + ou_ou + ',' + DEFAULT_SUFFIX,

+         'description': des

+     })



+ def english_named_user(people, user, org, l_l, telephone, facsimile_telephone_number, rn_rn):

+     """

+     Will create users with English name

+     """

+     people.create(properties={

+         'uid': user,

+         'cn': user,

+         'sn': user,

+         'uidNumber': '1000',

+         'gidNumber': '2000',

+         'homeDirectory': '/home/' + user,

+         'givenname': user,

+         'ou': org,

+         'mail': f'{user}@example.com',

+         'roomnumber': rn_rn,

+         'l': l_l,

+         'telephonenumber': telephone,

+         'manager': f'uid={user},ou=People,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}',

+         'facsimiletelephonenumber': facsimile_telephone_number,

+         'userpassword': PW_DM,

+     })



+ def user_with_postal_code(people, user, address, pin):

+     """

+     Will create users with postal Address

+     """

+     people.create(properties={

+         'uid': user,

+         'cn': user,

+         'sn': user,

+         'uidNumber': '1000',

+         'gidNumber': '2000',

+         'homeDirectory': '/home/' + user,

+         'postalAddress': address,

+         'postalCode': pin,

+     })



+ @pytest.fixture(scope="module")

+ def _create_test_entries(topo):

+     # Changing schema

+     schama = Schema(topo.standalone)

+     schama.add('attributetypes',

+                "( NAME 'emailclass' "

+                "SYNTAX X-ORIGIN 'RFC 2256' )")

+     schama.add('objectclasses',

+                "( NAME 'mailSchemeUser' DESC 'User Defined ObjectClass' "

+                "SUP 'top' MUST ( objectclass )  "

+                "MAY (aci $ emailclass) X-ORIGIN 'RFC 2256' )")


+     # Creating ous

+     ous = OrganizationalUnits(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     for ou_ou in ['Çéliné Ändrè', 'Ännheimè', 'Çlose Crèkä',

+                   'Sàn Fråncêscô', 'Netscape Servers',

+                   'COS', ]:

+         ous.create(properties={'ou': ou_ou})


+     ous_mail = OrganizationalUnits(topo.standalone, f'ou=COS,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}')

+     ous_mail.create(properties={'ou': 'MailSchemeClasses'})


+     # Creating users

+     users_people = UserAccounts(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     for user, org, l_l, telephone, facetele, rn_rn in [

+             ['scarter', ['Accounting', 'People'], 'Sunnyvale',

+              '+1 408 555 4798', '+1 408 555 9751', '4612'],

+             ['tmorris', ['Accounting', 'People'], 'Santa Clara',

+              '+1 408 555 9187', '+1 408 555 8473', '4117'],

+             ['kvaughan', ['Human Resources', 'People'], 'Sunnyvale',

+              '+1 408 555 5625', ' +1 408 555 3372', '2871'],

+             ['abergin', ['Product Testing', 'People'], 'Cupertino',

+              '+1 408 555 8585', '+1 408 555 7472', '3472'],

+             ['dmiller', ['Accounting', 'People'], 'Sunnyvale',

+              '+1 408 555 9423', '+1 408 555 0111', '4135'],

+             ['gfarmer', ['Accounting', 'People'], 'Cupertino',

+              '+1 408 555 6201', '+1 408 555 8473', '1269'],

+             ['kwinters', ['Product Development', 'People'], 'Santa Clara',

+              '+1 408 555 9069', '+1 408 555 1992', '4178'],

+             ['trigden', ['Product Development', 'People'], 'Santa Clara',

+              '+1 408 555 9280', '+1 408 555 8473', '3584'],

+             ['cschmith', ['Human Resources', 'People'], 'Sunnyvale',

+              '+1 408 555 8011', '+1 408 555 4774', '0416'],

+             ['jwallace', ['Accounting', 'People'], 'Sunnyvale',

+              '+1 408 555 0319', '+1 408 555 8473', '1033'],

+             ['jwalker', ['Product Testing', 'People'], 'Cupertino',

+              '+1 408 555 1476', '+1 408 555 1992', '3915'],

+             ['tclow', ['Human Resources', 'People'], 'Santa Clara',

+              '+1 408 555 8825', '+1 408 555 1992', '4376'],

+             ['rdaugherty', ['Human Resources', 'People'], 'Sunnyvale',

+              '+1 408 555 1296', '+1 408 555 1992', '0194'],

+             ['jreuter', ['Product Testing', 'People'], 'Cupertino',

+              '+1 408 555 1122', '+1 408 555 8721', '2942'],

+             ['tmason', ['Human Resources', 'People'], 'Sunnyvale',

+              '+1 408 555 1596', '+1 408 555 9751', '1124'],

+             ['bhall', ['Product Development', 'People'], 'Santa Clara',

+              '+1 408 555 4798', '+1 408 555 9751', '4612'],

+             ['btalbot', ['Human Resources', 'People'], 'Cupertino',

+              '+1 408 555 6067', '+1 408 555 9751', '3532'],

+             ['mward', ['Accounting', 'People'], 'Santa Clara',

+              '+1 408 555 6067', '+1 408 555 9751', '1707'],

+             ['bjablons', ['Human Resources', 'People'], 'Sunnyvale',

+              '+1 408 555 6067', '+1 408 555 9751', '0906'],

+             ['jmcFarla', ['Accounting', 'People'], 'Santa Clara',

+              '+1 408 555 6067', '+1 408 555 9751', '2359'],

+             ['llabonte', ['Product Development', 'People'], 'Santa Clara',

+              '+1 408 555 6067', '+1 408 555 9751', '2854'],

+             ['jcampaig', ['Product Development', 'People'], 'Cupertino',

+              '+1 408 555 6067', '+1 408 555 9751', '4385'],

+             ['bhal2', ['Accounting', 'People'], 'Sunnyvale',

+              '+1 408 555 6067', '+1 408 555 9751', '2758'],

+             ['alutz', ['Accounting', 'People'], 'Santa Clara',

+              '+1 408 555 6067', '+1 408 555 9751', '1327'],

+             ['btalbo2', ['Product Development', 'People'], 'Santa Clara',

+              '+1 408 555 6067', '+1 408 555 9751', '1205'],

+             ['achassin', ['Product Development', 'People'], 'Santa Clara',

+              '+1 408 555 6067', '+1 408 555 9751', '0466'],

+             ['hmiller', ['Human Resources', 'People'], 'Santa Clara',

+              '+1 408 555 6067', '+1 408 555 9751', '4304'],

+             ['jcampai2', ['Human Resources', 'People'], 'Santa Clara',

+              '+1 408 555 6067', '+1 408 555 9751', '1377'],

+             ['lulrich', ['Accounting', 'People'], 'Sunnyvale',

+              '+1 408 555 6067', '+1 408 555 9751', '0985'],

+             ['mlangdon', ['Product Development', 'People'], 'Cupertino',

+              '+1 408 555 6067', '+1 408 555 9751', '4471'],

+             ['striplet', ['Human Resources', 'People'], 'Santa Clara',

+              '+1 408 555 6067', '+1 408 555 9751', '3083'],

+             ['gtriplet', ['Accounting', 'People'], 'Sunnyvale',

+              '+1 408 555 6067', '+1 408 555 9751', '4023'],

+             ['jfalena', ['Human Resources', 'People'], 'Santa Clara',

+              '+1 408 555 6067', '+1 408 555 9751', '1917'],

+             ['speterso', ['Human Resources', 'People'], 'Cupertino',

+              '+1 408 555 6067', '+1 408 555 9751', '3073'],

+             ['ejohnson', ['Accounting', 'People'], 'Santa Clara',

+              '+1 408 555 6067', '+1 408 555 9751', '3737'],

+             ['prigden', ['Accounting', 'People'], 'Santa',

+              '+1 408 555 6067', '+1 408 555 9751', '1271'],

+             ['bwalker', ['Accounting', 'People'], 'Santa Clara',

+              '+1 408 555 6067', '+1 408 555 9751', '3529'],

+             ['kjensen', ['Accounting', 'People'], 'Santa Clara',

+              '+1 408 555 4798', '+1 408 555 9751', '1944'],

+             ['mlott', ['Human Resources', 'People'], 'Sunnyvale',

+              '+1 408 555 4798', '+1 408 555 9751', '0498'],

+             ['cwallace', ['Product Development', 'People'], 'Cupertino',

+              '+1 408 555 4798', '+1 408 555 9751', '0349'],

+             ['falbers', ['Accounting', 'People'], 'Sunnyvale',

+              '+1 408 555 4798', '+1 408 555 9751', '1439'],

+             ['calexand', ['Product Development', 'People'], 'Sunnyvale',

+              '+1 408 555 4798', '+1 408 555 9751', '2884'],

+             ['phunt', ['Human Resources', 'People'], 'Sunnyvale',

+              '+1 408 555 4798', '+1 408 555 9751', '1183'],

+             ['awhite', ['Product Testing', 'People'], 'Sunnyvale',

+              '+1 408 555 4798', '+1 408 555 9751', '0142'],

+             ['sfarmer', ['Accounting', 'People'], 'Santa Clara',

+              '+1 408 555 4798', '+1 408 555 9751', '0019'],

+             ['jrentz', ['Human Resources', 'People'], 'Santa Clara',

+              '+1 408 555 4798', '+1 408 555 9751', '3025'],

+             ['ahall', ['Accounting', 'People'], 'Santa Clara',

+              '+1 408 555 4798', '+1 408 555 9751', '3050'],

+             ['lstockto', ['Product Testing', 'People'], 'Santa Clara',

+              '+1 408 555 0518', '+1 408 555 4774', '0169'],

+             ['ttully', ['Human Resources', 'People'], 'Sunnyvale',

+              '+1 408 555 2274', '+1 408 555 0111', '3924'],

+             ['polfield', ['Human Resources', 'People'], 'Santa Clara',

+              '+1 408 555 4798', '+1 408 555 9751', '1376'],

+             ['scarte2', ['Product Development', 'People'], 'Santa Clara',

+              '+1 408 555 4798', '+1 408 555 9751', '2013'],

+             ['tkelly', ['Product Development', 'People'], 'Santa Clara',

+              '+1 408 555 4295', '+1 408 555 1992', '3107'],

+             ['mmcinnis', ['Product Development', 'People'], 'Santa Clara',

+              '+1 408 555 9655', '+1 408 555 8721', '4818'],

+             ['brigden', ['Human Resources', 'People'], 'Sunnyvale',

+              '+1 408 555 9655', '+1 408 555 8721', '1643'],

+             ['mtyler', ['Human Resources', 'People'], 'Cupertino',

+              '+1 408 555 9655', '+1 408 555 8721', '2701'],

+             ['rjense2', ['Product Testing', 'People'], 'Sunnyvale',

+              '+1 408 555 9655', '+1 408 555 8721', '1984'],

+             ['rhunt', ['Accounting', 'People'], 'Santa Clara',

+              '+1 408 555 9655', '+1 408 555 8721', '0718'],

+             ['ptyler', ['Accounting', 'People'], 'Santa Clara',

+              '+1 408 555 9655', '+1 408 555 8721', '0327'],

+             ['gtyler', ['Accounting', 'People'], 'Santa Clara',

+              '+1 408 555 9655', '+1 408 555 8721', '0312']]:

+         english_named_user(users_people, user, org, l_l, telephone, facetele, rn_rn)


+     # Creating Users

+     users_annahame = UserAccounts(topo.standalone, f'ou=Ännheimè,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}', rdn=None)

+     users_sanfran = UserAccounts(topo.standalone, f'ou=Sàn Fråncêscô,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}', rdn=None)

+     users_andre = UserAccounts(topo.standalone, f'ou=Çéliné Ändrè,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}', rdn=None)

+     users_close = UserAccounts(topo.standalone, f'ou=Çlose Crèkä,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}', rdn=None)

+     for people, user, cn_cn, ou_ou, des, tele, facetele, be_be, lang in [

+             [users_annahame, 'user0', 'Babette Ryndérs', 'Ännheimè',

+              'This is Babette Ryndérs description', '+1 415 788-4115',

+              '+1 804 849-2367', 'es', 'Babette Ryndérs'],

+             [users_sanfran, 'user1', 'mÿrty DeCoùrsin', 'Sàn Fråncêscô',

+              'This is mÿrty DeCoùrsins description', '+1 408 689-8883',

+              '+1 804 849-2367', 'ie', 'mÿrty DeCoùrsin'],

+             [users_sanfran, 'user3', 'Kéñnon Fùndérbùrg', 'Sàn Fråncêscô',

+              "This is Kéñnon Fùndérbùrg's description", '+1 408 689-8883',

+              '+1 804 849-2367', 'it', 'Kéñnon Fùndérbùrg'],

+             [users_sanfran, 'user5', 'Dàsya Cozàrt', 'Sàn Fråncêscô',

+              "This is Dàsya Cozàrt's description", '+1 408 689-8883',

+              '+1 804 849-2367', 'be', 'Dàsya Cozàrt'],

+             [users_andre, 'user2', "Rôw O'Connér", 'Çéliné Ändrè',

+              "This is Rôw O'Connér's description", '+1 408 689-8883',

+              '+1 804 849-2367', 'it', "Rôw O'Connér"],

+             [users_andre, 'user4', 'Theadora Ebérle', 'Çéliné Ändrè',

+              "This is Kéñnon Fùndérbùrg's description", '+1 408 689-8883',

+              '+1 804 849-2367', 'de', 'Theadora Ebérle'],

+             [users_andre, 'user6', 'mÿrv Callânân', 'Çéliné Ändrè',

+              "This is mÿrv Callânân's description", '+1 408 689-8883',

+              '+1 804 849-2367', 'fr', 'mÿrv Callânân'],

+             [users_close, 'user7', 'Ñäthan Ovâns', 'Çlose Crèkä',

+              "This is Ñäthan Ovâns's description", '+1 408 689-8883',

+              '+1 804 849-2367', 'be', 'Ñäthan Ovâns']]:

+         non_english_user(people, user, cn_cn, ou_ou, des, tele, facetele, be_be, lang)


+     # Creating User Entry

+     for user, address, pin in [

+             ['Secretary1', '123 Castro St., Mountain View, CA', '99999'],

+             ['Secretary2', '234 Ellis St., Mountain View, CA', '88888'],

+             ['Secretary3', '345 California Av., Mountain View, CA', '77777'],

+             ['Secretary4', '456 Villa St., Mountain View, CA', '66666'],

+             ['Secretary5', '567 University Av., Mountain View, CA', '55555']]:

+         user_with_postal_code(users_people, user, address, pin)


+     # Adding properties to mtyler

+     mtyler = UserAccount(topo.standalone, 'uid=mtyler, ou=people, dc=example, dc=com')

+     for value1, value2 in [

+             ('objectclass', ['mailSchemeUser', 'mailRecipient']),

+             ('emailclass', 'vpemail'),

+             ('mailquota', '600'),

+             ('multiLineDescription', 'fromentry This is the special \2a attribute value')]:

+         mtyler.add(value1, value2)


+     # Adding properties to rjense2

+     rjense2 = UserAccount(topo.standalone, 'uid=rjense2, ou=people, dc=example, dc=com')

+     for value1, value2 in [

+             ('objectclass', ['mailRecipient', 'mailSchemeUser']),

+             ('emailclass', 'vpemail')]:

+         rjense2.add(value1, value2)


+     # Creating managed role

+     ManagedRoles(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).create(properties={

+         'description': 'This is the new managed role configuration',

+         'cn': 'new managed role'})


+     # Creating filter role

+     filters = FilterRoles(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     filters.create(properties={

+         'nsRoleFilter': '(uid=*wal*)',

+         'description': 'this is the new filtered role',

+         'cn': 'new filtered role'})

+     filters.create(properties={

+         'nsRoleFilter': '(&(postalCode=77777)(uid=*er*))',

+         'description': 'This is the new vddr filter role config',

+         'cn': 'new vaddr filtered role'

+     })

+     filters.create(properties={

+         'nsRoleFilter': '(&(postalCode=66666)(l=Cupertino))',

+         'description': 'This is the new vddr filter role config',

+         'cn': 'another vaddr role'

+     })



+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("real_value", VALUES)

+ def test_param_positive(topo, _create_test_entries, real_value):

+     """

+     Will test Filters with positive output.

+     :id:71de14a4-9f22-11e8-b5cc-8c16451d917b

+     :setup: Standalone Server

+     :steps:

+         1. Create Filter rules.

+         2. Try to pass filter rules as per the condition .

+     :expected results:

+         1. It should pass

+         2. It should pass

+     """

+     assert Accounts(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter(real_value)



+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("real_value", VALUES_NEGATIVE)

+ def test_param_negative(topo, _create_test_entries, real_value):

+     """

+     Will test Filetrs with 0 outputs

+     :id:81054e7a-9f22-11e8-a461-8c16451d917b

+     :setup: Standalone Server

+     :steps:

+         1. Create Filter rules.

+         2. Try to pass filter rules as per the condition .

+         3. All Filters will give 0 output as these are negative test cases.

+     :expected results:

+         1. It should pass

+         2. It should pass

+         3. no output

+     """

+     assert not Accounts(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).filter(real_value)



+ if __name__ == '__main__':

+     CURRENT_FILE = os.path.realpath(__file__)

+     pytest.main("-s -v %s" % CURRENT_FILE)

Investigate and port TET matching rules filter tests(vfilter simple another)

Relates/Fixes: https://pagure.io/389-ds-base/issue/48851

Reviewed by: ???

Pull-Request has been closed by aborah

4 years ago

389-ds-base is moving from Pagure to Github. This means that new issues and pull requests
will be accepted only in 389-ds-base's github repository.

This pull request has been cloned to Github as issue and is available here:
- https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base/issues/3470

If you want to continue to work on the PR, please navigate to the github issue,
download the patch from the attachments and file a new pull request.

Thank you for understanding. We apologize for all inconvenience.

Pull-Request has been closed by spichugi

3 years ago