#50386 Issue: 48851 - investigate and port TET matching rules filter tests(vfilter_ld)
Closed 3 years ago by spichugi. Opened 4 years ago by aborah.
aborah/389-ds-base ld  into  master

@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ 


+ # Copyright (C) 2019 Red Hat, Inc.

+ # All rights reserved.

+ #

+ # License: GPL (version 3 or any later version).

+ # See LICENSE for details.



+ """

+ This script will test different type of Filters.

+ """


+ import os

+ import pytest


+ from lib389._constants import DEFAULT_SUFFIX, PW_DM

+ from lib389.topologies import topology_st as topo

+ from lib389.idm.user import UserAccounts

+ from lib389.idm.organizationalunit import OrganizationalUnits

+ from lib389.schema import Schema

+ from lib389.idm.account import Accounts


+ pytestmark = pytest.mark.tier1


+ FILTER_COMBINE = f"(& (| (nsRoleDN=cn=new managed role) (sn=Hall)) (l=sunnyvale))"

+ FILTER_RJ = "(uid=rjense2)"

+ FILTER_CN = "(nsRoleDN=cn=new managed *)"

+ FILTER_CN_MT = f"(& {FILTER_CN} (uid=mtyler))"



+     (FILTER_COMBINE, ['*', 'cn'], 'cn'),

+     (FILTER_COMBINE, ['cn', 'cn', 'cn'], 'cn'),

+     (FILTER_COMBINE, ['cn', 'Cn', 'CN'], 'cn'),

+     (FILTER_COMBINE, ['cn', '*'], 'cn'),

+     (FILTER_COMBINE, ['modifiersName', 'modifyTimestamp'], 'modifiersName'),

+     (FILTER_COMBINE, ['modifiersName', 'modifyTimestamp'], 'modifyTimestamp'),

+     (FILTER_COMBINE, ['*', 'modifiersName', 'modifyTimestamp'], 'modifiersName'),

+     (FILTER_COMBINE, ['*', 'modifiersName', 'modifyTimestamp'], 'modifyTimestamp'),

+     (FILTER_COMBINE, ['cn', 'modifiersName', 'modifyTimestamp'], 'modifiersName'),

+     (FILTER_COMBINE, ['cn', 'modifiersName', 'modifyTimestamp'], 'modifyTimestamp'),

+     (FILTER_COMBINE, ['cn', 'modifiersName', 'modifyTimestamp'], 'cn'),

+     (FILTER_COMBINE, ['cn', 'modifiersName', 'nsRoleDN'], 'cn'),

+     (FILTER_COMBINE, ['cn', 'modifiersName', 'nsRoleDN'], 'modifiersName'),

+     (FILTER_COMBINE, ['cn', 'modifiersName', 'nsRoleDN'], 'nsRoleDN'),

+     (FILTER_COMBINE, ['cn', '*', 'modifiersName', 'nsRoleDN'], 'cn'),

+     (FILTER_COMBINE, ['cn', '*', 'modifiersName', 'nsRoleDN'], 'modifiersName'),

+     (FILTER_COMBINE, ['cn', '*', 'modifiersName', 'nsRoleDN'], 'nsRoleDN'),

+     (FILTER_RJ, ['*', 'mailquota'], 'mailquota'),

+     (FILTER_RJ, ['mailquota', '*'], 'mailquota'),

+     (FILTER_RJ, ['mailquota'], 'mailquota'),

+     (FILTER_RJ, ['mailquota', 'nsRoleDN'], 'mailquota'),

+     (FILTER_RJ, ['mailquota', 'nsRoleDN'], 'nsRoleDN'),

+     (FILTER_CN, ['cn', 'nsRoleDN'], 'cn'),

+     (FILTER_CN, ['cn', 'nsRoleDN'], 'nsRoleDN'),

+     (FILTER_CN_MT, ['mailquota', 'nsRoleDN'], 'mailquota'),

+     (FILTER_CN_MT, ['mailquota', 'nsRoleDN'], 'nsRoleDN'),

+     (FILTER_CN_MT, ['mailquota', 'modifiersName', 'nsRoleDN'], 'mailquota'),

+     (FILTER_CN_MT, ['mailquota', 'modifiersName', 'nsRoleDN'], 'modifiersName'),

+     (FILTER_CN_MT, ['mailquota', 'modifiersName', 'nsRoleDN'], 'nsRoleDN'),

+     (FILTER_CN_MT, ['*', 'modifiersName', 'nsRoleDN'], 'nsRoleDN'),

+     (FILTER_CN_MT, ['*', 'modifiersName', 'nsRoleDN'], 'modifiersName')]



+ LIST_OF_USER = ['scarter', 'tmorris', 'kvaughan', 'abergin', 'dmiller',

+                 'gfarmer', 'kwinters', 'trigden', 'cschmith', 'jwallace',

+                 'jwalker', 'tclow', 'rdaugherty', 'jreuter', 'tmason',

+                 'btalbot', 'mward', 'bjablons', 'jmcFarla', 'llabonte',

+                 'jcampaig', 'bhal2', 'alutz', 'achassin', 'hmiller',

+                 'jcampai2', 'lulrich', 'mlangdon', 'striplet',

+                 'gtriplet', 'jfalena', 'speterso', 'ejohnson',

+                 'prigden', 'bwalker', 'kjensen', 'mlott',

+                 'cwallace', 'tpierce', 'rbannist', 'bplante',

+                 'rmills', 'bschneid', 'skellehe', 'brentz',

+                 'dsmith', 'scarte2', 'dthorud', 'ekohler',

+                 'lcampbel', 'tlabonte', 'slee', 'bfree',

+                 'tschneid', 'prose', 'jhunter', 'ashelton',

+                 'mmcinnis', 'falbers', 'mschneid', 'pcruse',

+                 'tkelly', 'gtyler']



+ @pytest.fixture(scope="module")

+ def _create_test_entries(topo):

+     """

+     :param topo:

+     :return: Will create users used for this test script .

+     """

+     users_people = UserAccounts(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     for demo1 in LIST_OF_USER:

+         users_people.create(properties={

+             'uid': demo1,

+             'cn': demo1,

+             'sn': demo1,

+             'uidNumber': str(1000),

+             'gidNumber': '2000',

+             'homeDirectory': '/home/' + demo1,

+             'givenname': demo1,

+             'userpassword': PW_DM

+         })


+     users_people.create(properties={

+         'uid': 'bhall',

+         'cn': 'Benjamin Hall',

+         'sn': 'Hall',

+         'uidNumber': str(1000),

+         'gidNumber': '2000',

+         'homeDirectory': '/home/' + 'bhall',

+         'mail': 'bhall@anuj.com',

+         'givenname': 'Benjamin',

+         'ou': ['Product Development', 'People'],

+         'l': 'sunnyvale',

+         'telephonenumber': '+1 408 555 6067',

+         'roomnumber': '2511',

+         'manager': 'uid=trigden, ou=People, dc=example, dc=com',

+         'nsRoleDN': 'cn=new managed role, ou=People, dc=example, dc=com',

+         'userpassword': PW_DM,

+     })


+     ous = OrganizationalUnits(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     ou_ou = ous.create(properties={'ou': 'COS'})


+     ous = OrganizationalUnits(topo.standalone, ou_ou.dn)

+     ous.create(properties={'ou': 'MailSchemeClasses'})


+     Schema(topo.standalone).\

+         add('attributetypes', "( NAME 'emailclass' SYNTAX "

+                               "X-ORIGIN 'RFC 2256' )")

+     Schema(topo.standalone).\

+         add('objectclasses', "( NAME 'mailSchemeUser' DESC "

+                              "'User Defined ObjectClass' SUP 'top' MUST "

+                              "( objectclass )  MAY (aci $ emailclass) X-ORIGIN 'RFC 2256' )")


+     users_people.create(properties={

+         'cn': 'Randy Jensen',

+         'sn': 'Jensen',

+         'givenname': 'Randy',

+         'objectclass': 'top account person organizationalPerson inetOrgPerson mailSchemeUser '

+                        'mailRecipient posixaccount'.split(),

+         'l': 'sunnyvale',

+         'uid': 'rjense2',

+         'uidNumber': str(1000),

+         'gidNumber': str(1000),

+         'homeDirectory': '/home/' + 'rjense2',

+         'mail': 'rjense2@example.com',

+         'telephonenumber': '+1 408 555 9045',

+         'roomnumber': '1984',

+         'manager': 'uid=jwalker, ou=People, dc=example,dc=com',

+         'nsRoleDN': 'cn=new managed role, ou=People, dc=example, dc=com',

+         'emailclass': 'vpemail',

+         'mailquota': '600',

+         'userpassword': PW_DM,

+     })


+     users_people.create(properties={

+         'cn': 'Bjorn Talbot',

+         'sn': 'Talbot',

+         'givenname': 'Bjorn',

+         'objectclass': 'top account person organizationalPerson inetOrgPerson posixaccount'.split(),

+         'ou': ['Product Development', 'People'],

+         'l': 'Santa Clara',

+         'uid': 'btalbo2',

+         'mail': 'btalbo2@example.com',

+         'telephonenumber': '+1 408 555 4234',

+         'roomnumber': '1205',

+         'uidNumber': str(1000),

+         'gidNumber': str(1000),

+         'homeDirectory': '/home/' + 'btalbo2',

+         'manager': 'uid=trigden, ou=People, dc=example,dc=com',

+         'nsRoleDN': 'cn=new managed role, ou=People, dc=example, dc=com',

+         'userpassword': PW_DM

+     })


+     users_people.create(properties={

+         'objectclass': 'top '

+                        'account '

+                        'person '

+                        'organizationalPerson '

+                        'inetOrgPerson '

+                        'mailRecipient '

+                        'mailSchemeUser '

+                        'posixaccount'.split(),

+         'cn': 'Matthew Tyler',

+         'sn': 'Tyler',

+         'givenname': 'Matthew',

+         'ou': ['Human Resources', 'People'],

+         'l': 'Cupertino',

+         'uid': 'mtyler',

+         'mail': 'mtyler@example.com',

+         'telephonenumber': '+1 408 555 7907',

+         'roomnumber': '2701',

+         'uidNumber': str(1000),

+         'gidNumber': str(1000),

+         'homeDirectory': '/home/' + 'mtyler',

+         'manager': 'uid=jwalker, ou=People, dc=example,dc=com',

+         'nsRoleDN': 'cn=new managed role, ou=People, dc=example, dc=com',

+         'mailquota': '600',

+         'userpassword': PW_DM})



+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("filter_test, condition, filter_out", VALUES_POSITIVE)

+ def test_all_together_positive(topo, _create_test_entries, filter_test, condition, filter_out):

+     """Test filter with positive results.

+         :id: 51924a38-9baa-11e8-b22a-8c16451d917b

+         :setup: Standalone Server

+         :steps:

+             1. Create Filter rules.

+             2. Try to pass filter rules as per the condition .

+         :expected results:

+             1. It should pass

+             2. It should pass

+         """

+     account = Accounts(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     assert account.filter(filter_test)[0].get_attrs_vals_utf8(condition)[filter_out]



+ if __name__ == '__main__':

+     CURRENT_FILE = os.path.realpath(__file__)

+     pytest.main("-s -v %s" % CURRENT_FILE)

investigate and port TET matching rules filter tests(vfilter_ld)


Reviewed by: ???

Name is misleading. It creates not only users but also - Organisational Units and Schema definitions.

Why did you place the constants after the fixture definition? The common convention is to put it after the imports.

Why did you put it like this? As far as I see, FILTER_NS, FILTER_HALL, FILTER_L are used only once - here.
I think it would be more readable if you specify them all together just here - in FILTER_COMBINE

you called it FILTER_TAL_MT but it doesn't have TAL

1 new commit added

  • Fixing Simon's comments .
4 years ago

@spichugi , changes are done as per your suggestion

1 new commit added

  • Fixing Simon's comments 2
4 years ago

@spichugi , changes are done as per your suggestion

Your test suite is named with a suffix ld. What is it? Could you please make it more obvious?

Your test suite is named with a suffix ld. What is it? Could you please make it more obvious?

Can you please suggest a name , i will rename as you wish

Your test suite is named with a suffix ld. What is it? Could you please make it more obvious?

Can you please suggest a name , i will rename as you wish

Probably, it will be easier if you'll do it by yourself because you have the full view of all filter test suites that you have ported and all of that will be ported in the future.

But I can suggest a name, no problem. But then please, prepare a full list of filter test suites with descriptions so I can get a better understanding how to unite them in the groups and name them accordingly.

1 new commit added

  • Renamed the script to vfilter_attribute_test.py
4 years ago

@spichugi Renamed the script to vfilter_attribute_test.py

Please, rebase and don't forget to change the commit message

rebased onto 088bb0be3ee4f41337ddf9533f336508f1012be6

4 years ago

4 new commits added

  • Issue: 48851 - investigate and port TET matching rules filter tests(vfilter_ld)
  • Fixing Simon's comments 2
  • Fixing Simon's comments .
  • Issue: 48851 - investigate and port TET matching rules filter tests(vfilter_ld)
4 years ago

rebased onto 430ec8c4168b4732f2f31cfc8a39e1a5f3fe62f1

4 years ago

rebased onto 6cf1689fb8bdd246681ba37f1e06075515948316

4 years ago

rebased onto 68e8b7aaba6d752236a85e275568264c9ac62b8d

4 years ago

rebased onto cf01e3b

4 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by vashirov

4 years ago

I probably wasn't clear enough, sorry.
I meant that you need to change the name of the test case in the commit message.

But also, please, don't forget to check everything twice before the final rebase.

389-ds-base is moving from Pagure to Github. This means that new issues and pull requests
will be accepted only in 389-ds-base's github repository.

This pull request has been cloned to Github as issue and is available here:
- https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base/issues/3444

If you want to continue to work on the PR, please navigate to the github issue,
download the patch from the attachments and file a new pull request.

Thank you for understanding. We apologize for all inconvenience.

Pull-Request has been closed by spichugi

3 years ago