#50256 Ticket 50255 - Port password policy test to use DSLdapObject
Closed 3 years ago by spichugi. Opened 5 years ago by mreynolds.
mreynolds/389-ds-base port_citest  into  master

@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ 



  import pytest

- import subprocess

  import re

  from ldap.controls import LDAPControl

  from lib389._constants import *
@@ -15,7 +14,6 @@ 

  from lib389.topologies import topology_st as topo

  from lib389.idm.user import UserAccounts, TEST_USER_PROPERTIES

  from lib389.idm.organizationalunit import OrganizationalUnits

- from lib389.idm.nscontainer import nsContainers

  from lib389.pwpolicy import PwPolicyManager


  DEBUGGING = os.getenv("DEBUGGING", default=False)
@@ -30,6 +28,7 @@ 

  NEW_PASSWD = 'newpassword'


  TESTPEOPLE_OU = "TestPeople_bug834047"

+ USER_ACI = '(targetattr="userpassword")(version 3.0; acl "pwp test"; allow (all) userdn="ldap:///self";)'



@@ -41,6 +40,7 @@ 

      passwordHistory off


      log.info("Change the pwd storage type to clear and change the password once to refresh it(for the rest of tests")

+     topo.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

      topo.standalone.config.set('passwordStorageScheme', 'CLEAR')

      assert topo.standalone.passwd_s(user_2.dn, OLD_PASSWD, NEW_PASSWD)

      topo.standalone.config.set('passwordHistory', 'on')
@@ -84,12 +84,17 @@ 

          10. Operation should violates the policy

          11. Operation should be successful




      os.environ["LDAPTLS_CACERTDIR"] = topo.standalone.get_ssca_dir()

      users = UserAccounts(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

      TEST_USER_PROPERTIES['userpassword'] = OLD_PASSWD

      global user

      user = users.create(properties=TEST_USER_PROPERTIES)

+     ous = OrganizationalUnits(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     ou = ous.get('people')

+     ou.add('aci', USER_ACI)


      with pytest.raises(ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT):

          log.info("Attempt for Password change for an entry that does not exists")

          assert topo.standalone.passwd_s('uid=testuser1,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com', OLD_PASSWD, NEW_PASSWD)
@@ -133,6 +138,7 @@ 

          'homeDirectory': '/home/testuser2',

          'userPassword': OLD_PASSWD



      topo.standalone.simple_bind_s(user.dn, NEW_PASSWD)

      with pytest.raises(ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS):

          assert topo.standalone.passwd_s(user_2.dn, OLD_PASSWD, NEW_PASSWD)
@@ -218,8 +224,11 @@ 



      log.info("Add a new SubSuffix")

+     topo.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)


      ous = OrganizationalUnits(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

      ou_temp = ous.create(properties={'ou': TESTPEOPLE_OU})

+     ou_temp.add('aci', USER_ACI)


      log.info("Add the container & create password policies")

      policy = PwPolicyManager(topo.standalone)
@@ -228,7 +237,7 @@ 

          'passwordInHistory': '6',

          'passwordChange': 'on',

          'passwordStorageScheme': 'CLEAR'})



      log.info("Add two New users under the SubEntry")

      user = UserAccounts(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, rdn='ou=TestPeople_bug834047')

      test_user0 = user.create(properties={
@@ -240,6 +249,7 @@ 

          'homeDirectory': '/home/test_user0',

          'userPassword': OLD_PASSWD



      test_user1 = user.create(properties={

          'uid': 'test_user1',

          'cn': 'test1',
@@ -249,15 +259,18 @@ 

          'homeDirectory': '/home/test_user3',

          'userPassword': OLD_PASSWD


-     log.info(f"Changing password of {test_user0.dn} to newpassword")

-     topo.standalone.simple_bind_s(test_user0.dn, OLD_PASSWD)

-     topo.standalone.modify_s(test_user0.dn, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'userPassword', ensure_bytes(NEW_PASSWD))])

-     topo.standalone.simple_bind_s(test_user0.dn, NEW_PASSWD)


+     log.info("Changing password of {} to newpassword".format(test_user0.dn))

+     test_user0.rebind(OLD_PASSWD)

+     test_user0.reset_password(NEW_PASSWD)

+     test_user0.rebind(NEW_PASSWD)


      log.info("Try to delete password- case when password is specified")

-     topo.standalone.modify_s(test_user0.dn, [(ldap.MOD_DELETE, 'userPassword', ensure_bytes(NEW_PASSWD))])

-     topo.standalone.simple_bind_s(test_user1.dn, OLD_PASSWD)

+     test_user0.remove('userPassword', NEW_PASSWD)


+     test_user1.rebind(OLD_PASSWD)

      log.info("Try to delete password- case when password is not specified")

-     topo.standalone.modify_s(test_user1.dn, [(ldap.MOD_DELETE, 'userPassword', None)])

+     test_user1.remove_all('userPassword')



  if __name__ == '__main__':

@@ -10,11 +10,10 @@ 

  from lib389.tasks import *

  from lib389.utils import *

  from lib389.topologies import topology_st



-                               PORT_STANDALONE)


- import subprocess

+ from lib389.pwpolicy import PwPolicyManager

+ from lib389.idm.user import UserAccounts, TEST_USER_PROPERTIES

+ from lib389.idm.organizationalunit import OrganizationalUnits

+ from lib389._constants import (DEFAULT_SUFFIX, DN_DM, PASSWORD)


  OU_PEOPLE = 'ou=people,{}'.format(DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

  TEST_USER_NAME = 'simplepaged_test'
@@ -34,27 +33,24 @@ 


  def create_user(topology_st, request):

      """User for binding operation"""


-     log.info('Adding user {}'.format(TEST_USER_DN))

+     topology_st.standalone.config.set('nsslapd-auditlog-logging-enabled', 'on')

+     log.info('Adding test user {}')

+     users = UserAccounts(topology_st.standalone, OU_PEOPLE, rdn=None)

+     user_props = TEST_USER_PROPERTIES.copy()

+     user_props.update({'uid': TEST_USER_NAME, 'userpassword': TEST_USER_PWD})


-         topology_st.standalone.add_s(Entry((TEST_USER_DN, {

-             'objectclass': 'top person'.split(),

-             'objectclass': 'organizationalPerson',

-             'objectclass': 'inetorgperson',

-             'cn': TEST_USER_NAME,

-             'sn': TEST_USER_NAME,

-             'userpassword': TEST_USER_PWD,

-             'mail': '%s@redhat.com' % TEST_USER_NAME,

-             'uid': TEST_USER_NAME

-         })))

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.error('Failed to add user (%s): error (%s)' % (TEST_USER_DN,

-                                                            e.message['desc']))

-         raise e

+         user = users.create(properties=user_props)

+     except:

+         pass  # debug only


+     USER_ACI = '(targetattr="*")(version 3.0; acl "pwp test"; allow (all) userdn="ldap:///%s";)' % user.dn

+     ous = OrganizationalUnits(topology_st.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     ou_people = ous.get('people')

+     ou_people.add('aci', USER_ACI)


      def fin():

-         log.info('Deleting user {}'.format(TEST_USER_DN))

-         topology_st.standalone.delete_s(TEST_USER_DN)

+         log.info('Deleting user {}'.format(user.dn))

+         topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)



@@ -63,65 +59,19 @@ 

  def password_policy(topology_st, create_user):

      """Set up password policy for subtree and user"""


-     log.info('Enable fine-grained policy')

-     try:

-         topology_st.standalone.modify_s(DN_CONFIG, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE,

-                                                      'nsslapd-pwpolicy-local',

-                                                      b'on')])

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.error('Failed to set fine-grained policy: error {}'.format(

-             e.message['desc']))

-         raise e


+     pwp = PwPolicyManager(topology_st.standalone)

+     policy_props = {}

      log.info('Create password policy for subtree {}'.format(OU_PEOPLE))

-     try:

-         subprocess.call(['%s/ns-newpwpolicy.pl' % topology_st.standalone.get_sbin_dir(),

-                          '-D', DN_DM, '-w', PASSWORD,

-                          '-p', str(PORT_STANDALONE), '-h', HOST_STANDALONE,

-                          '-S', OU_PEOPLE, '-Z', SERVERID_STANDALONE])

-     except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:

-         log.error('Failed to create pw policy policy for {}: error {}'.format(

-             OU_PEOPLE, e.message['desc']))

-         raise e

+     pwp.create_subtree_policy(OU_PEOPLE, policy_props)


-     log.info('Add pwdpolicysubentry attribute to {}'.format(OU_PEOPLE))

-     try:

-         topology_st.standalone.modify_s(OU_PEOPLE, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE,

-                                                      'pwdpolicysubentry',

-                                                      ensure_bytes(PW_POLICY_CONT_PEOPLE))])

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.error('Failed to pwdpolicysubentry pw policy ' \

-                   'policy for {}: error {}'.format(OU_PEOPLE,

-                                                    e.message['desc']))

-         raise e


-     log.info('Create password policy for subtree {}'.format(TEST_USER_DN))

-     try:

-         subprocess.call(['%s/ns-newpwpolicy.pl' % topology_st.standalone.get_sbin_dir(),

-                          '-D', DN_DM, '-w', PASSWORD,

-                          '-p', str(PORT_STANDALONE), '-h', HOST_STANDALONE,

-                          '-U', TEST_USER_DN, '-Z', SERVERID_STANDALONE])

-     except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:

-         log.error('Failed to create pw policy policy for {}: error {}'.format(

-             TEST_USER_DN, e.message['desc']))

-         raise e


-     log.info('Add pwdpolicysubentry attribute to {}'.format(TEST_USER_DN))

-     try:

-         topology_st.standalone.modify_s(TEST_USER_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE,

-                                                         'pwdpolicysubentry',

-                                                         ensure_bytes(PW_POLICY_CONT_USER))])

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.error('Failed to pwdpolicysubentry pw policy ' \

-                   'policy for {}: error {}'.format(TEST_USER_DN,

-                                                    e.message['desc']))

-         raise e

+     log.info('Create password policy for user {}'.format(TEST_USER_DN))

+     pwp.create_user_policy(TEST_USER_DN, policy_props)




                           [('on', 'off', ldap.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM),

                            ('off', 'off', ldap.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM),

-                           ('off', 'on', None), ('on', 'on', None)])

+                           ('off', 'on', False), ('on', 'on', False)])

  def test_change_pwd(topology_st, create_user, password_policy,

                      subtree_pwchange, user_pwchange, exception):

      """Verify that 'passwordChange' attr works as expected
@@ -145,43 +95,33 @@ 

          4. Operation should be successful



-     log.info('Set passwordChange to "{}" - {}'.format(subtree_pwchange,

-                                                       PW_POLICY_CONT_PEOPLE))

-     try:

-         topology_st.standalone.modify_s(PW_POLICY_CONT_PEOPLE, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE,

-                                                                  'passwordChange',

-                                                                  ensure_bytes(subtree_pwchange))])

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.error('Failed to set passwordChange ' \

-                   'policy for {}: error {}'.format(PW_POLICY_CONT_PEOPLE,

-                                                    e.message['desc']))

-         raise e

+     users = UserAccounts(topology_st.standalone, OU_PEOPLE, rdn=None)

+     user = users.get(TEST_USER_NAME)


+     log.info('Set passwordChange to "{}" - {}'.format(subtree_pwchange, OU_PEOPLE))

+     pwp = PwPolicyManager(topology_st.standalone)

+     subtree_policy = pwp.get_pwpolicy_entry(OU_PEOPLE)

+     subtree_policy.set('passwordChange', subtree_pwchange)


-     log.info('Set passwordChange to "{}" - {}'.format(user_pwchange,

-                                                       PW_POLICY_CONT_USER))

-     try:

-         topology_st.standalone.modify_s(PW_POLICY_CONT_USER, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE,

-                                                                'passwordChange',

-                                                                ensure_bytes(user_pwchange))])

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.error('Failed to set passwordChange ' \

-                   'policy for {}: error {}'.format(PW_POLICY_CONT_USER,

-                                                    e.message['desc']))

-         raise e

+     time.sleep(1)


+     log.info('Set passwordChange to "{}" - {}'.format(user_pwchange, TEST_USER_DN))

+     pwp2 = PwPolicyManager(topology_st.standalone)

+     user_policy = pwp2.get_pwpolicy_entry(TEST_USER_DN)

+     user_policy.set('passwordChange', user_pwchange)

+     user_policy.set('passwordExp', 'on')


+     print("MARK attach gdb")




          log.info('Bind as user and modify userPassword')

-         topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(TEST_USER_DN, TEST_USER_PWD)

+         user.rebind(TEST_USER_PWD)

          if exception:

              with pytest.raises(exception):

-                 topology_st.standalone.modify_s(TEST_USER_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE,

-                                                                 'userPassword',

-                                                                 b'new_pass')])

+                 user.reset_password('new_pass')


-             topology_st.standalone.modify_s(TEST_USER_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE,

-                                                             'userPassword',

-                                                             b'new_pass')])

+             user.reset_password('new_pass')

      except ldap.LDAPError as e:

          log.error('Failed to change userpassword for {}: error {}'.format(

              TEST_USER_DN, e.message['info']))
@@ -189,9 +129,7 @@ 


          log.info('Bind as DM')

          topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

-         topology_st.standalone.modify_s(TEST_USER_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE,

-                                                         'userPassword',

-                                                         ensure_bytes(TEST_USER_PWD))])

+         user.reset_password(TEST_USER_PWD)



  def test_pwd_min_age(topology_st, create_user, password_policy):
@@ -223,69 +161,41 @@ 



      num_seconds = '10'

+     users = UserAccounts(topology_st.standalone, OU_PEOPLE, rdn=None)

+     user = users.get(TEST_USER_NAME)


-     log.info('Set passwordminage to "{}" - {}'.format(num_seconds, PW_POLICY_CONT_PEOPLE))

-     try:

-         topology_st.standalone.modify_s(PW_POLICY_CONT_PEOPLE, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE,

-                                                                  'passwordminage',

-                                                                  ensure_bytes(num_seconds))])

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.error('Failed to set passwordminage ' \

-                   'policy for {}: error {}'.format(PW_POLICY_CONT_PEOPLE,

-                                                    e.message['desc']))

-         raise e

+     log.info('Set passwordminage to "{}" - {}'.format(num_seconds, OU_PEOPLE))

+     pwp = PwPolicyManager(topology_st.standalone)

+     subtree_policy = pwp.get_pwpolicy_entry(OU_PEOPLE)

+     subtree_policy.set('passwordminage', num_seconds)


-     log.info('Set passwordminage to "{}" - {}'.format(num_seconds, PW_POLICY_CONT_USER))

-     try:

-         topology_st.standalone.modify_s(PW_POLICY_CONT_USER, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE,

-                                                                'passwordminage',

-                                                                ensure_bytes(num_seconds))])

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.error('Failed to set passwordminage ' \

-                   'policy for {}: error {}'.format(PW_POLICY_CONT_USER,

-                                                    e.message['desc']))

-         raise e

+     log.info('Set passwordminage to "{}" - {}'.format(num_seconds, TEST_USER_DN))

+     user_policy = pwp.get_pwpolicy_entry(TEST_USER_DN)

+     user_policy.set('passwordminage', num_seconds)


      log.info('Set passwordminage to "{}" - {}'.format(num_seconds, DN_CONFIG))

-     try:

-         topology_st.standalone.modify_s(DN_CONFIG, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE,

-                                                      'passwordminage',

-                                                      ensure_bytes(num_seconds))])

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.error('Failed to set passwordminage ' \

-                   'policy for {}: error {}'.format(DN_CONFIG,

-                                                    e.message['desc']))

-         raise e

+     topology_st.standalone.config.set('passwordminage', num_seconds)




-     try:

-         log.info('Bind as user and modify userPassword')

-         topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(TEST_USER_DN, TEST_USER_PWD)

-         topology_st.standalone.modify_s(TEST_USER_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE,

-                                                         'userPassword',

-                                                         b'new_pass')])

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.error('Failed to change userpassword for {}: error {}'.format(

-             TEST_USER_DN, e.message['info']))

-         raise e

+     log.info('Bind as user and modify userPassword')

+     user.rebind(TEST_USER_PWD)

+     user.reset_password('new_pass')




      log.info('Bind as user and modify userPassword straight away after previous change')

-     topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(TEST_USER_DN, 'new_pass')

+     user.rebind('new_pass')

      with pytest.raises(ldap.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION):

-         topology_st.standalone.modify_s(TEST_USER_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE,

-                                                         'userPassword',

-                                                         b'new_new_pass')])

+         user.reset_password('new_new_pass')


      log.info('Wait {} second'.format(int(num_seconds) + 2))

      time.sleep(int(num_seconds) + 2)



          log.info('Bind as user and modify userPassword')

-         topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(TEST_USER_DN, 'new_pass')

-         topology_st.standalone.modify_s(TEST_USER_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE,

-                                                         'userPassword',

-                                                         ensure_bytes(TEST_USER_PWD))])

+         user.rebind('new_pass')

+         user.reset_password(TEST_USER_PWD)

      except ldap.LDAPError as e:

          log.error('Failed to change userpassword for {}: error {}'.format(

              TEST_USER_DN, e.message['info']))
@@ -293,9 +203,7 @@ 


          log.info('Bind as DM')

          topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

-         topology_st.standalone.modify_s(TEST_USER_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE,

-                                                         'userPassword',

-                                                         ensure_bytes(TEST_USER_PWD))])

+         user.reset_password(TEST_USER_PWD)



  if __name__ == '__main__':

@@ -5,8 +5,10 @@ 

  import time

  from ldap.controls.ppolicy import PasswordPolicyControl

  from lib389.topologies import topology_st as topo

- from lib389._constants import (DN_DM, PASSWORD, DN_CONFIG)

- from lib389.tasks import Entry

+ from lib389.idm.user import UserAccounts

+ from lib389._constants import (DN_DM, PASSWORD, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+ from lib389.idm.organizationalunit import OrganizationalUnits



  DEBUGGING = os.getenv("DEBUGGING", default=False)

@@ -15,8 +17,9 @@ 


  log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


- USER_DN = 'uid=test entry,dc=example,dc=com'

+ USER_DN = 'uid=test entry,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com'

  USER_PW = b'password123'

+ USER_ACI = '(targetattr="userpassword")(version 3.0; acl "pwp test"; allow (all) userdn="ldap:///self";)'



@@ -25,37 +28,33 @@ 



          topo.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

-         topo.standalone.delete_s(USER_DN)

+         users = UserAccounts(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+         user = users.get('test entry')

+         user.delete()

      except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:


      except ldap.LDAPError as e:

          log.error("Failed to delete user, error: {}".format(e.message['desc']))

          assert False


-     user_data = {'objectClass': 'top person inetOrgPerson'.split(),

-                  'uid': 'test entry',

+     user_data = {'uid': 'test entry',

                   'cn': 'test entry',

-                  'sn': 'user',

+                  'sn': 'test entry',

+                  'uidNumber': '3000',

+                  'gidNumber': '4000',

+                  'homeDirectory': '/home/test_entry',

                   'userPassword': USER_PW}

-     try:

-         topo.standalone.add_s(Entry((USER_DN, user_data)))

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.error("Failed to add user, error: {}".format(e.message['desc']))

-         assert False

+     users.create(properties=user_data)



  def change_passwd(topo):

      """Reset users password as the user, then re-bind as Directory Manager


-     try:

-         topo.standalone.simple_bind_s(USER_DN, USER_PW)

-         topo.standalone.modify_s(USER_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE,

-                                             'userpassword',

-                                             USER_PW)])

-         topo.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.error("Failed to change user's password, error: {}".format(e.message['desc']))

-         assert False

+     users = UserAccounts(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     user = users.get('test entry')

+     user.rebind(USER_PW)

+     user.reset_password(USER_PW)

+     topo.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)



  def bind_and_get_control(topo, err=0):
@@ -113,14 +112,14 @@ 

      topo.standalone.config.set('passwordWarning', '199')

      topo.standalone.config.set('passwordMustChange', 'on')


+     ous = OrganizationalUnits(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     ou = ous.get('people')

+     ou.add('aci', USER_ACI)


      log.info('Reset userpassword as Directory Manager')

-     try:

-         topo.standalone.modify_s(USER_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE,

-                                             'userpassword',

-                                             USER_PW)])

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.error("Failed to change user's password, error: {}".format(e.message['desc']))

-         assert False

+     users = UserAccounts(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     user = users.get('test entry')

+     user.reset_password(USER_PW)


      log.info('Bind should return ctrl with error code 2 (changeAfterReset)')


@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 


- # Copyright (C) 2016 Red Hat, Inc.

+ # Copyright (C) 2019 Red Hat, Inc.

  # All rights reserved.


  # License: GPL (version 3 or any later version).
@@ -7,31 +7,25 @@ 



  import logging

- import subprocess

  import time


  import ldap

  import pytest

  from lib389.utils import *

- from lib389 import Entry

  from lib389._constants import *

+ from lib389.pwpolicy import PwPolicyManager

  from lib389.topologies import topology_st

  from lib389.idm.organizationalunit import OrganizationalUnits

+ from lib389.idm.user import UserAccounts, TEST_USER_PROPERTIES



  log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


- CONFIG_DN = 'cn=config'


- PWP_CONTAINER = 'nsPwPolicyContainer'


- PWP_ENTRY_DN = 'cn=nsPwPolicyEntry,' + OU_PEOPLE


- PWP_TEMPLATE_ENTRY_DN = 'cn=nsPwTemplateEntry,' + OU_PEOPLE

  ATTR_INHERIT_GLOBAL = 'nsslapd-pwpolicy-inherit-global'

  ATTR_CHECK_SYNTAX = 'passwordCheckSyntax'


- BN = 'uid=buser,' + DEFAULT_SUFFIX

+ BN = 'uid=buser,' + OU_PEOPLE

  TEMP_USER = 'cn=test{}'


@@ -41,28 +35,21 @@ 

      """User for binding operation"""


      log.info('Adding user {}'.format(BN))

-     try:

-         topology_st.standalone.add_s(Entry((BN,

-                                             {'objectclass': ['top',

-                                                              'person',

-                                                              'organizationalPerson',

-                                                              'inetOrgPerson'],

-                                              'cn': 'bind user',

-                                              'sn': 'bind user',

-                                              'userPassword': PASSWORD})))

-         log.info('Adding an aci for the bind user')

-         BN_ACI = '(targetattr="*")(version 3.0; acl "pwp test"; allow (all) userdn="ldap:///%s";)' % BN

-         ous = OrganizationalUnits(topology_st.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

-         ou_people = ous.get('people')

-         ou_people.add('aci', BN_ACI)

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.error('Failed to add user (%s): error (%s)' % (BN,

-                                                            e.message['desc']))

-         raise e


+     users = UserAccounts(topology_st.standalone, OU_PEOPLE, rdn=None)

+     user_props = TEST_USER_PROPERTIES.copy()

+     user_props.update({'uid': 'buser', 'cn': 'buser', 'userpassword': PASSWORD})

+     user = users.create(properties=user_props)


+     log.info('Adding an aci for the bind user')

+     BN_ACI = '(targetattr="*")(version 3.0; acl "pwp test"; allow (all) userdn="ldap:///%s";)' % user.dn

+     ous = OrganizationalUnits(topology_st.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     ou_people = ous.get('people')

+     ou_people.add('aci', BN_ACI)


      def fin():

          log.info('Deleting user {}'.format(BN))

-         topology_st.standalone.delete_s(BN)

+         user.delete()

          ous = OrganizationalUnits(topology_st.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

          ou_people = ous.get('people')

          ou_people.remove('aci', BN_ACI)
@@ -80,62 +67,27 @@ 



      log.info('Enable fine-grained policy')

-     try:

-         topology_st.standalone.config.set('nsslapd-pwpolicy-local', 'on')

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.error('Failed to set fine-grained policy: error {}'.format(

-             e.message['desc']))

-         raise e


-     log.info('Create password policy for subtree {}'.format(OU_PEOPLE))

-     try:

-         subprocess.call(['%s/ns-newpwpolicy.pl' % topology_st.standalone.get_sbin_dir(),

-                          '-D', DN_DM, '-w', PASSWORD,

-                          '-p', str(PORT_STANDALONE), '-h', HOST_STANDALONE,

-                          '-S', OU_PEOPLE, '-Z', SERVERID_STANDALONE])

-     except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:

-         log.error('Failed to create pw policy policy for {}: error {}'.format(

-             OU_PEOPLE, e.message['desc']))

-         raise e


-     log.info('Add pwdpolicysubentry attribute to {}'.format(OU_PEOPLE))

-     try:

-         ous = OrganizationalUnits(topology_st.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

-         ou_people = ous.get('people')

-         ou_people.set('pwdpolicysubentry', PWP_CONTAINER_PEOPLE)

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.error('Failed to pwdpolicysubentry pw policy ' \

-                   'policy for {}: error {}'.format(OU_PEOPLE,

-                                                    e.message['desc']))

-         raise e


-     log.info("Set the default settings for the policy container.")

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(PWP_CONTAINER_PEOPLE,

-                                     [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'passwordMustChange', b'off'),

-                                      (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'passwordExp', b'off'),

-                                      (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'passwordMinAge', b'0'),

-                                      (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'passwordChange', b'off'),

-                                      (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'passwordStorageScheme', b'ssha')])


-     check_attr_val(topology_st, CONFIG_DN, ATTR_INHERIT_GLOBAL, 'off')

-     check_attr_val(topology_st, CONFIG_DN, ATTR_CHECK_SYNTAX, 'off')



- def check_attr_val(topology_st, dn, attr, expected):

+     pwp = PwPolicyManager(topology_st.standalone)

+     policy_props = {

+         'passwordMustChange': 'off',

+         'passwordExp': 'off',

+         'passwordMinAge': '0',

+         'passwordChange': 'off',

+         'passwordStorageScheme': 'ssha'

+     }

+     pwp.create_subtree_policy(OU_PEOPLE, policy_props)

+     check_attr_val(topology_st.standalone, ATTR_INHERIT_GLOBAL, 'off')

+     check_attr_val(topology_st.standalone, ATTR_CHECK_SYNTAX, 'off')



+ def check_attr_val(inst, attr, expected):

      """Check that entry has the value"""


-     try:

-         centry = topology_st.standalone.search_s(dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, 'cn=*')

-         assert centry[0], 'Failed to get %s' % dn


-         val = centry[0].getValue(attr)

-         assert str(val, 'utf-8') == expected, 'Default value of %s is not %s, but %s' % (

+     val = inst.config.get_attr_val_utf8(attr)

+     assert val == expected, 'Default value of %s is not %s, but %s' % (

              attr, expected, val)


-         log.info('Default value of %s is %s' % (attr, expected))

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.fatal('Failed to search ' + dn + ': ' + e.message['desc'])

-         raise e

+     log.info('Default value of %s is %s' % (attr, expected))



@@ -168,40 +120,27 @@ 


      # Wait a second for cn=config to apply


-     check_attr_val(topology_st, CONFIG_DN, ATTR_INHERIT_GLOBAL, inherit_value)

-     check_attr_val(topology_st, CONFIG_DN, ATTR_CHECK_SYNTAX, checksyntax_value)

+     check_attr_val(topology_st.standalone, ATTR_INHERIT_GLOBAL, inherit_value)

+     check_attr_val(topology_st.standalone, ATTR_CHECK_SYNTAX, checksyntax_value)


      log.info('Bind as test user')

      topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(BN, PASSWORD)


      log.info('Make sure an entry added to ou=people has '

               'no password syntax restrictions.')

-     try:

-         topology_st.standalone.add_s(Entry((TEMP_USER_DN.format('0'),

-                                             {'objectclass': ['top',

-                                                              'person',

-                                                              'organizationalPerson',

-                                                              'inetOrgPerson'],

-                                              'cn': TEMP_USER.format('0'),

-                                              'sn': TEMP_USER.format('0'),

-                                              'userPassword': 'short'})))

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.fatal('Failed to add cn=test0 with userPassword: short: ' +

-                   e.message['desc'])

-         raise e

-     finally:

-         log.info('Bind as DM user')

-         topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

-         log.info('Remove {}'.format(TEMP_USER_DN.format('0')))

-         try:

-             topology_st.standalone.delete_s(TEMP_USER_DN.format('0'))

-         except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT as e:

-             log.fatal('There is no {}, it is a problem'.format(TEMP_USER_DN.format('0')))

-             raise e



- @pytest.mark.parametrize('container', [DN_CONFIG, PWP_CONTAINER_PEOPLE])

- def test_entry_has_restrictions(topology_st, password_policy, create_user, container):


+     users = UserAccounts(topology_st.standalone, OU_PEOPLE, rdn=None)

+     user_props = TEST_USER_PROPERTIES.copy()

+     user_props.update({'cn': 'test0', 'userpassword': 'short'})

+     user = users.create(properties=user_props)


+     topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)


+     # Remove test user

+     user.delete()



+ def test_entry_has_restrictions(topology_st, password_policy, create_user):

      """Set 'nsslapd-pwpolicy-inherit-global: on' and 'passwordCheckSyntax: on'.

      Make sure that syntax rules work, if set them at both: cn=config and

      ou=people policy container.
@@ -232,55 +171,35 @@ 

      log.info('Set {} to {}'.format(ATTR_CHECK_SYNTAX, 'on'))

      topology_st.standalone.config.set(ATTR_INHERIT_GLOBAL, 'on')

      topology_st.standalone.config.set(ATTR_CHECK_SYNTAX, 'on')

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(container, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE,

-                                                  'passwordMinLength', b'9')])


+     pwp = PwPolicyManager(topology_st.standalone)

+     policy = pwp.get_pwpolicy_entry(OU_PEOPLE)

+     policy.set('passwordMinLength', '9')


      # Wait a second for cn=config to apply


-     check_attr_val(topology_st, CONFIG_DN, ATTR_INHERIT_GLOBAL, 'on')

-     check_attr_val(topology_st, CONFIG_DN, ATTR_CHECK_SYNTAX, 'on')

+     check_attr_val(topology_st.standalone, ATTR_INHERIT_GLOBAL, 'on')

+     check_attr_val(topology_st.standalone, ATTR_CHECK_SYNTAX, 'on')


      log.info('Bind as test user')

      topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(BN, PASSWORD)

+     users = UserAccounts(topology_st.standalone, OU_PEOPLE, rdn=None)

+     user_props = TEST_USER_PROPERTIES.copy()


      log.info('Try to add user with a short password (<9)')

      with pytest.raises(ldap.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION):

-         topology_st.standalone.add_s(Entry((TEMP_USER_DN.format('0'),

-                                             {'objectclass': ['top',

-                                                              'person',

-                                                              'organizationalPerson',

-                                                              'inetOrgPerson'],

-                                              'cn': TEMP_USER.format('0'),

-                                              'sn': TEMP_USER.format('0'),

-                                              'userPassword': 'short'})))

+         user_props.update({'cn': 'test0', 'userpassword': 'short'})

+         user = users.create(properties=user_props)


      log.info('Try to add user with a long password (>9)')

-     try:

-         topology_st.standalone.add_s(Entry((TEMP_USER_DN.format('1'),

-                                             {'objectclass': ['top',

-                                                              'person',

-                                                              'organizationalPerson',

-                                                              'inetOrgPerson'],

-                                              'cn': TEMP_USER.format('1'),

-                                              'sn': TEMP_USER.format('1'),

-                                              'userPassword': 'Reallylong1'})))

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.fatal('Failed to add cn=test1 with userPassword: short: '

-                   + e.message['desc'])

-         raise e

-     finally:

-         log.info('Bind as DM user')

-         topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

-         log.info('Remove {}'.format(TEMP_USER_DN.format('0')))

-         try:

-             topology_st.standalone.delete_s(TEMP_USER_DN.format('0'))

-         except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT as e:

-             log.info('There is no {}, it is okay'.format(TEMP_USER_DN.format('0')))

-         try:

-             topology_st.standalone.delete_s(TEMP_USER_DN.format('1'))

-         except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT as e:

-             log.fatal('There is no {}, it is a problem'.format(TEMP_USER_DN.format('1')))

-             raise e

+     user_props.update({'cn': 'test1', 'userpassword': 'Reallylong1'})

+     user = users.create(properties=user_props)


+     log.info('Bind as DM user')

+     topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)


+     # Remove test user 1

+     user.delete()



  if __name__ == '__main__':

@@ -13,11 +13,13 @@ 

  from lib389.utils import *

  from lib389.topologies import topology_st

  from lib389._constants import DEFAULT_SUFFIX, PASSWORD, DN_DM

+ from lib389.idm.user import UserAccounts

+ from lib389.idm.organizationalunit import OrganizationalUnits


- logging.getLogger(__name__).setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

- log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


  USER_DN = 'uid=user,ou=People,%s' % DEFAULT_SUFFIX

+ USER_RDN = 'user'

+ USER_ACI = '(targetattr="userpassword")(version 3.0; acl "pwp test"; allow (all) userdn="ldap:///self";)'



  log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -36,65 +38,41 @@ 


  def create_user(topology_st):

      """Create the test user."""


-     topology_st.standalone.add_s(Entry((

-         USER_DN, {

-             'objectClass': 'top account simplesecurityobject'.split(),

-             'uid': 'user',

-             'description': 'd_e_s_c',

-             'userpassword': PASSWORD

-         })))

+     users = UserAccounts(topology_st.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     users.create(properties={

+         'uid': USER_RDN,

+         'cn': USER_RDN,

+         'sn': USER_RDN,

+         'uidNumber': '3000',

+         'gidNumber': '4000',

+         'homeDirectory': '/home/user',

+         'description': 'd_e_s_c',

+         'userPassword': PASSWORD

+     })



  def setPolicy(inst, attr, value):

-     """Bind as ROot DN, set polcy, and then bind as user"""

+     """Bind as Root DN, set policy, and then bind as user"""


-     try:

-         inst.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.fatal("Failed to bind as Directory Manager: " + str(e))

-         assert False

+     inst.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)


-     value = str(value)

-     """

-     if value == '0':

-         # Remove the policy attribute

-         try:

-             inst.modify_s("cn=config",

-                 [(ldap.MOD_DELETE, attr, None)])

-         except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-             log.fatal("Failed to rmeove password policy %s: %s" %

-                       (attr, str(e)))

-             assert False

-     else:

-     """

      # Set the policy value

+     value = str(value)

      inst.config.set(attr, value)


-     try:

-         inst.simple_bind_s(USER_DN, PASSWORD)

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.fatal("Failed to bind: " + str(e))

-         assert False

+     inst.simple_bind_s(USER_DN, PASSWORD)



  def resetPasswd(inst):

      """Reset the user password for the next test"""


      # First, bind as the ROOT DN so we can set the password

-     try:

-         inst.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.fatal("Failed to bind as Directory Manager: " + str(e))

-         assert False

+     inst.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)


      # Now set the password

-     try:

-         inst.modify_s(USER_DN,

-                       [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'userpassword', ensure_bytes(PASSWORD))])

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.fatal("Failed to reset user password: " + str(e))

-         assert False

+     users = UserAccounts(inst, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     user = users.get(USER_RDN)

+     user.reset_password(PASSWORD)



  def tryPassword(inst, policy_attr, value, reset_value, pw_bad, pw_good, msg):
@@ -105,9 +83,10 @@ 



      setPolicy(inst, policy_attr, value)

+     users = UserAccounts(inst, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     user = users.get(USER_RDN)


-         inst.modify_s(USER_DN,

-                       [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'userpassword', ensure_bytes(pw_bad))])

+         user.reset_password(pw_bad)

          log.fatal('Invalid password was unexpectedly accepted (%s)' %


          assert False
@@ -120,12 +99,7 @@ 

          assert False


      # Change password that is allowed

-     try:

-         inst.modify_s(USER_DN,

-                       [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'userpassword', ensure_bytes(pw_good))])

-     except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-         log.fatal("Failed to change password: " + str(e))

-         assert False

+     user.reset_password(pw_good)


      # Reset for the next test

@@ -234,6 +208,9 @@ 


      # Test each syntax category


+     ous = OrganizationalUnits(topology_st.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     ou = ous.get('people')

+     ou.add('aci', USER_ACI)


      # Min Length

      tryPassword(topology_st.standalone, 'passwordMinLength', 10, 2, 'passwd',

@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ 

  import ldap

  from lib389._constants import *

  from lib389.idm.user import UserAccounts

+ from lib389.idm.organizationalunit import OrganizationalUnits

  from lib389.topologies import topology_st as topo


  DEBUGGING = os.getenv("DEBUGGING", default=False)
@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ 

  log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


  USER_DN = 'uid=Test_user1,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com'

+ USER_ACI = '(targetattr="userpassword")(version 3.0; acl "pwp test"; allow (all) userdn="ldap:///self";)'

  TOKEN = 'test_user1'


  user_properties = {
@@ -29,6 +31,10 @@ 



  def pwd_setup(topo):

+     ous = OrganizationalUnits(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     ou = ous.get('people')

+     ou.add('aci', USER_ACI)


      topo.standalone.config.replace_many(('passwordCheckSyntax', 'on'),

                                          ('passwordMinLength', '4'),

                                          ('passwordMinCategories', '1'))

@@ -13,14 +13,17 @@ 

  from lib389.utils import *

  from lib389.topologies import topology_st

  from lib389.idm.user import UserAccounts

+ from lib389.idm.organizationalunit import OrganizationalUnits

  from lib389._constants import (DEFAULT_SUFFIX, DN_CONFIG, PASSWORD, DN_DM,


  from dateutil.parser import parse as dt_parse

  import datetime


  CONFIG_ATTR = 'passwordSendExpiringTime'

- USER_DN = 'uid=tuser,{}'.format(DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+ USER_DN = 'uid=tuser,ou=people,{}'.format(DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+ USER_RDN = 'tuser'

  USER_PASSWD = 'secret123'

+ USER_ACI = '(targetattr="userpassword")(version 3.0; acl "pwp test"; allow (all) userdn="ldap:///self";)'



  log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -50,13 +53,14 @@ 

                                                 ('passwordMaxAge', '172800'),

                                                 ('passwordWarning', '86400'),

                                                 (CONFIG_ATTR, 'on'))


      def fin():

          """Resets the defaults"""


          log.info('Reset the defaults')

+         topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

          for key in attrs.keys():

-             topology_st.standalone.modify_s(DN_CONFIG, [

-                 (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, key, ensure_bytes(attrs[key]))])

+             topology_st.standalone.config.replace(key, attrs[key])



      # A short sleep is required after the modifying password policy or cn=config
@@ -82,20 +86,19 @@ 

          attrs[key] = entry.getValue(key)


      log.info('Set the new values')

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(DN_CONFIG, [

-         (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'passwordExp', b'on'),

-         (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'passwordMaxAge', b'8640000'),

-         (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'passwordWarning', b'86400'),

-         (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, CONFIG_ATTR, b'off')])

+     topology_st.standalone.config.replace_many(

+         ('passwordExp', 'on'),

+         ('passwordMaxAge', '8640000'),

+         ('passwordWarning', '86400'),

+         (CONFIG_ATTR, 'off'))


      def fin():

          """Resets the defaults"""


          log.info('Reset the defaults')

+         topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

          for key in attrs.keys():

-             topology_st.standalone.modify_s(DN_CONFIG, [

-                 (ldap.MOD_REPLACE, key, ensure_bytes(attrs[key]))

-             ])

+             topology_st.standalone.config.replace(key, attrs[key])



      # A short sleep is required after modifying password policy or cn=config
@@ -106,21 +109,26 @@ 

  def add_user(topology_st, request):

      """Adds a user for binding"""


-     user_data = {'objectClass': b'top person inetOrgPerson'.split(),

-                  'uid': b'tuser',

-                  'cn': b'test user',

-                  'sn': b'user',

-                  'userPassword': USER_PASSWD}


      log.info('Add the user')


-     topology_st.standalone.add_s(Entry((USER_DN, user_data)))

+     users = UserAccounts(topology_st.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     user = users.create(properties={

+         'uid': USER_RDN,

+         'cn': USER_RDN,

+         'sn': USER_RDN,

+         'uidNumber': '3000',

+         'gidNumber': '4000',

+         'homeDirectory': '/home/user',

+         'description': 'd_e_s_c',

y_o_l_o c_o_o_l f_o_r_m_a_t :P
(I actually have no issue with this, just funny formatting)

+         'userPassword': USER_PASSWD

+     })


      def fin():

          """Removes the user entry"""


          log.info('Remove the user entry')

-         topology_st.standalone.delete_s(USER_DN)

+         topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

+         user.delete()



@@ -160,67 +168,15 @@ 

      """Sets the value of a given attribute under cn=config"""


      log.info("Setting {} to {}".format(attr, val))

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(DN_CONFIG, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, attr, ensure_bytes(val))])

+     topology_st.standalone.config.set(attr, val)

      # A short sleep is required after modifying cn=config




  def get_conf_attr(topology_st, attr):

-     """Gets the value of a given

-     attribute under cn=config entry

-     """


-     entry = topology_st.standalone.getEntry(DN_CONFIG, ldap.SCOPE_BASE,

-                                             '(objectClass=*)', [attr])

-     val = entry.getValue(attr)

-     # Return the value if no exeception is raised

-     return val



- @pytest.mark.parametrize("value", (' ', 'junk123', 'on', 'off'))

- def test_different_values(topology_st, value):

-     """Try to set passwordSendExpiringTime attribute

-     to various values both valid and invalid


-     :id: 3e6d79fb-b4c8-4860-897e-5b207815a75d

-     :setup: Standalone instance

-     :steps:

-         1. Try to set passwordSendExpiringTime to 'on' and 'off'

-            under cn=config entry

-         2. Try to set passwordSendExpiringTime to ' ' and 'junk123'

-            under cn=config entry

-         3. Run the search command to check the

-            value of passwordSendExpiringTime attribute

-     :expectedresults:

-         1. Valid values should be accepted and saved

-         2. Should be rejected with an OPERATIONS_ERROR

-         3. The attribute should be changed for valid values

-            and unchanged for invalid

+     """Gets the value of a given attribute under cn=config entry



-     log.info('Get the default value')

-     defval = get_conf_attr(topology_st, CONFIG_ATTR)


-     if value not in ('on', 'off'):

-         log.info('An invalid value is being tested')

-         with pytest.raises(ldap.OPERATIONS_ERROR):

-             set_conf_attr(topology_st, CONFIG_ATTR, value)


-         log.info('Now check the value is unchanged')

-         assert get_conf_attr(topology_st, CONFIG_ATTR) == defval


-         log.info("Invalid value {} was rejected correctly".format(value))

-     else:

-         log.info('A valid value is being tested')

-         set_conf_attr(topology_st, CONFIG_ATTR, value)


-         log.info('Now check that the value has been changed')

-         assert get_conf_attr(topology_st, CONFIG_ATTR) == value


-         log.info("{} is now set to {}".format(CONFIG_ATTR, value))


-         log.info('Set passwordSendExpiringTime back to the default value')

-         set_conf_attr(topology_st, CONFIG_ATTR, defval)

+     return topology_st.standalone.config.get_attr_val_utf8(attr)



  @pytest.mark.parametrize("value", (' ', 'junk123', 'on', 'off'))
@@ -261,7 +217,7 @@ 

          set_conf_attr(topology_st, CONFIG_ATTR, value)


          log.info('Now check that the value has been changed')

-         assert str(get_conf_attr(topology_st, CONFIG_ATTR), 'utf-8') == value

+         assert str(get_conf_attr(topology_st, CONFIG_ATTR)) == value


          log.info("{} is now set to {}".format(CONFIG_ATTR, value))

@@ -292,15 +248,19 @@ 


      res_ctrls = None


+     ous = OrganizationalUnits(topology_st.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     ou = ous.get('people')

+     ou.add('aci', USER_ACI)


      log.info('Get the password expiry warning time')

-     log.info("Binding with ({}) and requesting the password expiry warning time" \

+     log.info("Binding with ({}) and requesting the password expiry warning time"


      res_ctrls = get_password_warning(topology_st)


      log.info('Check whether the time is returned')

      assert res_ctrls


-     log.info("user's password will expire in {:d} seconds" \

+     log.info("user's password will expire in {:d} seconds"



      log.info("Rebinding as DM")
@@ -337,16 +297,16 @@ 

      log.info('Set configuration parameter')

      set_conf_attr(topology_st, attr, val)


-     log.info("Binding with ({}) and requesting password expiry warning time" \

+     log.info("Binding with ({}) and requesting password expiry warning time"


      res_ctrls = get_password_warning(topology_st)


      log.info('Check the state of the control')

      if not res_ctrls:

-         log.info("Password Expiry warning time is not returned as {} is set to {}" \

+         log.info("Password Expiry warning time is not returned as {} is set to {}"

                   .format(attr, val))


-         log.info("({}) password will expire in {:d} seconds" \

+         log.info("({}) password will expire in {:d} seconds"

                   .format(USER_DN, res_ctrls[0].timeBeforeExpiration))


      log.info("Rebinding as DM")
@@ -382,18 +342,17 @@ 


      res_ctrls = None


-     log.info("Expire user's password by changing" \

-              "passwordExpirationTime timestamp")

-     old_ts = topology_st.standalone.search_s(USER_DN, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,

-                                              '(objectClass=*)', ['passwordExpirationTime'])[0].getValue(

-         'passwordExpirationTime')

+     log.info("Expire user's password by changing passwordExpirationTime timestamp")

+     users = UserAccounts(topology_st.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     user = users.get(USER_RDN)

+     old_ts = user.get_attr_val_utf8('passwordExpirationTime')

      log.info("Old passwordExpirationTime: {}".format(old_ts))


      new_ts = (dt_parse(old_ts) - datetime.timedelta(31)).strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ')

      log.info("New passwordExpirationTime: {}".format(new_ts))

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(USER_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'passwordExpirationTime', ensure_bytes(new_ts))])

+     user.replace('passwordExpirationTime', new_ts)


-     log.info("Attempting to bind with user {} and retrive the password" \

-              " expiry warning time".format(USER_DN))

+     log.info("Attempting to bind with user {} and retrive the password expiry warning time".format(USER_DN))

      with pytest.raises(ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS) as ex:

          res_ctrls = get_password_warning(topology_st)

@@ -403,16 +362,16 @@ 

      topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)


      log.info("Reverting back user's passwordExpirationTime")

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(USER_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'passwordExpirationTime', ensure_bytes(old_ts))])


-     log.info("Rebinding with {} and retrieving the password" \

-              " expiry warning time".format(USER_DN))

+     user.replace('passwordExpirationTime', old_ts)


+     log.info("Rebinding with {} and retrieving the password expiry warning time".format(USER_DN))

      res_ctrls = get_password_warning(topology_st)


      log.info('Check that the control is returned')

      assert res_ctrls


-     log.info("user's password will expire in {:d} seconds" \

+     log.info("user's password will expire in {:d} seconds"



      log.info("Rebinding as DM")
@@ -441,7 +400,7 @@ 


      res_ctrls = None


-     log.info("Binding with {} and requesting the password expiry warning time" \

+     log.info("Binding with {} and requesting the password expiry warning time"


      res_ctrls = get_password_warning(topology_st)

@@ -482,11 +441,12 @@ 

      res_ctrls = None


      log.info("First change user's password to reset its password expiration time")

-     topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(USER_DN, USER_PASSWD)

+     users = UserAccounts(topology_st.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     user = users.get(USER_RDN)

+     user.rebind(USER_PASSWD)

+     user.reset_password(USER_PASSWD)


-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(USER_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE,

-                                                'userPassword', ensure_bytes(USER_PASSWD))])

-     log.info("Binding with {} and requesting the password expiry warning time" \

+     log.info("Binding with {} and requesting the password expiry warning time"


      res_ctrls = get_password_warning(topology_st)

@@ -494,8 +454,7 @@ 

               'if passwordSendExpiringTime is set to off')

      assert res_ctrls


-     log.info("user's password will expire in {:d} seconds" \

-              .format(res_ctrls[0].timeBeforeExpiration))

+     log.info("user's password will expire in {:d} seconds".format(res_ctrls[0].timeBeforeExpiration))


      log.info("Rebinding as DM")

      topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)
@@ -524,8 +483,7 @@ 


      res_ctrls = None


-     log.info("Attempting to get password expiry warning time for" \

-              " user {}".format(USER_DN))

+     log.info("Attempting to get password expiry warning time for user {}".format(USER_DN))

      res_ctrls = get_password_warning(topology_st)


      log.info('Check that the control is not returned')
@@ -580,10 +538,8 @@ 

      assert topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(testuser.dn, USER_PASSWD)


      log.info("Check if attribute shadowWarning is present")

-     assert testuser.present('shadowWarning')


-     log.info("Rebinding as DM")

      topology_st.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

+     assert testuser.present('shadowWarning')



  if __name__ == '__main__':

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 


- # Copyright (C) 2016 Red Hat, Inc.

+ # Copyright (C) 2019 Red Hat, Inc.

  # All rights reserved.


  # License: GPL (version 3 or any later version).
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ 

  from lib389.tasks import *

  from lib389.utils import *

  from lib389.topologies import topology_st


- from lib389.idm.user import UserAccounts


+ from lib389.idm.user import UserAccounts, TEST_USER_PROPERTIES


  DEBUGGING = os.getenv('DEBUGGING', False)

  USER_DN = 'uid=user,ou=People,%s' % DEFAULT_SUFFIX
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ 


  log = logging.getLogger(__name__)



  def _test_bind(user, password):

      result = True

@@ -33,16 +34,9 @@ 

      inst.config.set('passwordStorageScheme', algo_name)


      users = UserAccounts(inst, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)


-     user = users.create(properties={

-         'uid': 'user',

-         'cn' : 'user',

-         'sn' : 'user',

-         'uidNumber' : '1000',

-         'gidNumber' : '2000',

-         'homeDirectory' : '/home/user',

-         'userpassword': 'Secret123'

-     })

+     user_props = TEST_USER_PROPERTIES.copy()

+     user_props.update({'uid': 'user', 'cn': 'buser', 'userpassword': 'Secret123'})

+     user = users.create(properties=user_props)


      # Make sure when we read the userPassword field, it is the correct ALGO

      pw_field = user.get_attr_val_utf8('userPassword')
@@ -64,9 +58,10 @@ 

          assert (not _test_bind(user, 'Secret12'))

          # Bind with a superset password, should fail

          assert (not _test_bind(user, 'Secret123456'))


      # Delete the user


-     # done!



  def _test_bind_for_pbkdf2_algo(inst, password):

      result = True
@@ -86,23 +81,21 @@ 

          print('Testing %s' % algo_name)


      # Create the user with a password

-     inst.add_s(Entry((

-         USER_DN, {

-             'objectClass': 'top account simplesecurityobject'.split(),

-             'uid': 'user',

-             'userpassword': ['Secret123', ]

-         })))

+     users = UserAccounts(inst, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     user_props = TEST_USER_PROPERTIES.copy()

+     user_props.update({'uid': 'user', 'cn': 'buser', 'userpassword': 'Secret123'})

+     user = users.create(properties=user_props)


      # Make sure when we read the userPassword field, it is the correct ALGO

-     pw_field = inst.search_s(USER_DN, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, '(objectClass=*)', ['userPassword'])[0]

+     pw_field = user.get_attr_val_utf8_l('userPassword')


      if DEBUGGING:

-         print(pw_field.getValue('userPassword'))

+         print(pw_field)


      if algo_name != 'CLEAR':

          lalgo_name = algo_name.lower()

-         lpw_algo_name = pw_field.getValue('userPassword').lower()

-         assert (lpw_algo_name.startswith(ensure_bytes('{'+lalgo_name+'}')))

+         assert (pw_field.startswith('{' + lalgo_name + '}'))


      # Now make sure a bind works

      assert (_test_bind_for_pbkdf2_algo(inst, 'Secret123'))

      # Bind with a wrong shorter password, should fail
@@ -120,24 +113,26 @@ 

          assert (not _test_bind_for_pbkdf2_algo(inst, 'Secret12'))

          # Bind with a superset password, should fail

          assert (not _test_bind_for_pbkdf2_algo(inst, 'Secret123456'))


      # Delete the user


-     # done!




      ('CLEAR', 'CRYPT', 'CRYPT-MD5', 'CRYPT-SHA256', 'CRYPT-SHA512',

       'MD5', 'SHA', 'SHA256', 'SHA384', 'SHA512', 'SMD5', 'SSHA',

-      'SSHA256', 'SSHA384', 'SSHA512', 'PBKDF2_SHA256', 'DEFAULT',) )

+      'SSHA256', 'SSHA384', 'SSHA512', 'PBKDF2_SHA256', 'DEFAULT',))

  def test_pwd_algo_test(topology_st, algo):

      """Assert that all of our password algorithms correctly PASS and FAIL varying

      password conditions.


      if algo == 'DEFAULT':

-        if ds_is_older('1.4.0'):

-           pytest.skip("Not implemented")

+         if ds_is_older('1.4.0'):

+             pytest.skip("Not implemented")

      _test_algo(topology_st.standalone, algo)

      log.info('Test %s PASSED' % algo)




  def test_pbkdf2_algo(topology_st):

      """Changing password storage scheme to PBKDF2_SHA256

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 


- # Copyright (C) 2016 Red Hat, Inc.

+ # Copyright (C) 2019 Red Hat, Inc.

  # All rights reserved.


  # License: GPL (version 3 or any later version).
@@ -8,16 +8,16 @@ 



  import logging


  import pytest

  from lib389.tasks import *

  from lib389.topologies import topology_st


+ from lib389.idm.user import UserAccounts, TEST_USER_PROPERTIES

  from lib389._constants import DN_CONFIG, DEFAULT_SUFFIX



  log = logging.getLogger(__name__)




  def test_hide_unhashed_pwd(topology_st):

      """Change userPassword, enable hiding of un-hashed
@@ -41,45 +41,19 @@ 

          6. Audit logs should hide password which is un-hashed



-     USER_DN = 'uid=test_entry,' + DEFAULT_SUFFIX

+     users = UserAccounts(topology_st.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     user_props = TEST_USER_PROPERTIES.copy()

+     user_props.update({'uid': 'user', 'cn': 'buser', 'userpassword': 'Secret123'})

+     user = users.create(properties=user_props)


-     #

-     # Add the test entry

-     #

-     topology_st.standalone.add_s(Entry((USER_DN, {

-         'objectclass': 'top extensibleObject'.split(),

-         'uid': 'test_entry',

-         'userpassword': 'password'

-     })))


-     #

      # Enable the audit log

-     #

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(DN_CONFIG,

-                                     [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE,

-                                       'nsslapd-auditlog-logging-enabled',

-                                       b'on')])

-     '''

-     try:

-         ent = topology_st.standalone.getEntry(DN_CONFIG, attrlist=[

-                     'nsslapd-instancedir',

-                     'nsslapd-errorlog',

-                     'nsslapd-accesslog',

-                     'nsslapd-certdir',

-                     'nsslapd-schemadir'])

-     '''

-     #

+     topology_st.standalone.config.set('nsslapd-auditlog-logging-enabled','on')


      # Allow the unhashed password to be written to audit log

-     #

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(DN_CONFIG, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE,

-                                                  'nsslapd-auditlog-logging-hide-unhashed-pw', b'off')])

+     topology_st.standalone.config.set('nsslapd-auditlog-logging-hide-unhashed-pw', 'off')


-     #

      # Set new password, and check the audit log

-     #

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(USER_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE,

-                                                'userpassword',

-                                                b'mypassword')])

+     user.reset_password('mypassword')


      # Check audit log

@@ -87,21 +61,11 @@ 

          log.fatal('failed to find unhashed password in auditlog')

          assert False


-     #

      # Hide unhashed password in audit log

-     #

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(DN_CONFIG,

-                                     [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE,

-                                       'nsslapd-auditlog-logging-hide-unhashed-pw',

-                                       b'on')])

-     log.info('Test complete')

+     topology_st.standalone.config.set('nsslapd-auditlog-logging-hide-unhashed-pw', 'on')


-     #

      # Modify password, and check the audit log

-     #

-     topology_st.standalone.modify_s(USER_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE,

-                                                'userpassword',

-                                                b'hidepassword')])

+     user.reset_password('hidepassword')


      # Check audit log


@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ 

  from lib389.utils import *

  from lib389.topologies import topology_st

  from lib389.idm.user import UserAccounts, TEST_USER_PROPERTIES

+ from lib389.idm.organizationalunit import OrganizationalUnits

  from lib389._constants import DN_DM, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, PASSWORD


@@ -71,6 +72,13 @@ 

          assert False



+     # Add aci so users can change their own password

+     USER_ACI = '(targetattr="userpassword || passwordHistory")(version 3.0; acl "pwp test"; allow (all) userdn="ldap:///self";)'

+     ous = OrganizationalUnits(topology_st.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     ou = ous.get('people')

+     ou.add('aci', USER_ACI)


+     # Create user

      users = UserAccounts(topology_st.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

      user = users.create(properties=TEST_USER_PROPERTIES)

      user.set('userpassword', 'password')

@@ -7,12 +7,10 @@ 


  import pytest

  import time


- from lib389 import Entry

+ from lib389._constants import PASSWORD, DN_DM, DEFAULT_SUFFIX

  from lib389.idm.user import UserAccounts

- from lib389.utils import ldap, os, logging, ensure_bytes

+ from lib389.utils import ldap, os, logging

  from lib389.topologies import topology_st as topo

- from lib389.topologies import topology_m1 as topo_master

  from lib389.idm.organizationalunit import OrganizationalUnits


  DEBUGGING = os.getenv("DEBUGGING", default=False)
@@ -47,8 +45,7 @@ 

      topo.standalone.config.set('PasswordCheckSyntax', 'off')

      topo.standalone.config.set('nsslapd-pwpolicy-local', 'on')


-     subtree = 'ou=people,{}'.format(SUFFIX)

-     print(subtree)

+     subtree = 'ou=people,{}'.format(DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

      log.info('Configure subtree password policy for {}'.format(subtree))

      topo.standalone.subtreePwdPolicy(subtree, {'passwordchange': b'on',

                                                 'passwordCheckSyntax': b'on',
@@ -60,6 +57,7 @@ 


      def fin():

          log.info('Reset pwpolicy configuration settings')

+         topo.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

          topo.standalone.config.set('PasswordExp', 'off')

          topo.standalone.config.set('PasswordCheckSyntax', 'off')

          topo.standalone.config.set('nsslapd-pwpolicy-local', 'off')
@@ -71,11 +69,12 @@ 

  def create_user(topo, request):

      """Add test users using UserAccounts"""


-     log.info('Adding user-uid={},ou=people,{}'.format(user_data['uid'], SUFFIX))

-     users = UserAccounts(topo.standalone, SUFFIX)

+     log.info('Adding user-uid={},ou=people,{}'.format(user_data['uid'], DEFAULT_SUFFIX))

+     users = UserAccounts(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

      user_properties = {

          'uidNumber': '1001',

          'gidNumber': '2001',

+         'cn': 'pwtest1',

          'userpassword': PASSWORD,

          'homeDirectory': '/home/pwtest1'}

@@ -103,6 +102,11 @@ 

          2. Entry is locked

          3. Entry can bind with correct password


+     # Add aci so users can change their own password

+     USER_ACI = '(targetattr="userpassword")(version 3.0; acl "pwp test"; allow (all) userdn="ldap:///self";)'

+     ous = OrganizationalUnits(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     ou = ous.get('people')

+     ou.add('aci', USER_ACI)


      log.info("Verify user can bind...")

@@ -115,7 +119,7 @@ 

              # expected


          except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-             log.fatal("Got unexpected failure: " + atr(e))

+             log.fatal("Got unexpected failure: " + str(e))

              raise e


      log.info('Verify account is locked')
@@ -148,16 +152,16 @@ 

          4. Resetting userPassword to cn, sn, uid and mail should be rejected.



-     conn = create_user.bind(PASSWORD)

-     try:

-         log.info('Replace userPassword attribute with {}'.format(user_pasw))

-         with pytest.raises(ldap.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION) as excinfo:

-             conn.modify_s(create_user.dn, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'userPassword', ensure_bytes(user_pasw))])

-             log.fatal('Failed: Userpassword with {} is accepted'.format(user_pasw))

-         assert 'password based off of user entry' in str(excinfo.value)

-     finally:

-         conn.unbind_s()

-         create_user.set('userPassword', PASSWORD)

+     create_user.rebind(PASSWORD)

+     log.info('Replace userPassword attribute with {}'.format(user_pasw))

+     with pytest.raises(ldap.CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION) as excinfo:

+         create_user.reset_password(user_pasw)

+         log.fatal('Failed: Userpassword with {} is accepted'.format(user_pasw))

+     assert 'password based off of user entry' in str(excinfo.value)


+     # reset password

+     topo.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

+     create_user.set('userPassword', PASSWORD)



  @pytest.mark.parametrize("user_pasw", TEST_PASSWORDS)
@@ -177,19 +181,15 @@ 



      log.info('Configure Pwpolicy with PasswordCheckSyntax and nsslapd-pwpolicy-local set to off')

+     topo.standalone.simple_bind_s(DN_DM, PASSWORD)

      topo.standalone.config.set('nsslapd-pwpolicy-local', 'off')


-     conn = create_user.bind(PASSWORD)

+     create_user.rebind(PASSWORD)

      log.info('Replace userPassword attribute with {}'.format(user_pasw))

-     try:

-         try:

-             conn.modify_s(create_user.dn, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'userPassword', ensure_bytes(user_pasw))])

-         except ldap.LDAPError as e:

-             log.fatal('Failed to replace userPassword: error {}'.format(e.message['desc']))

-             raise e

-     finally:

-         conn.unbind_s()

-         create_user.set('userPassword', PASSWORD)

+     create_user.reset_password(user_pasw)


+     # reset password

+     create_user.set('userPassword', PASSWORD)



  if __name__ == '__main__':

@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ 


  import json

  import ldap

- from lib389.utils import ensure_str, ensure_list_str

+ from lib389.utils import ensure_str

  from lib389.pwpolicy import PwPolicyEntries, PwPolicyManager

  from lib389.idm.account import Account


file modified
+47 -49
@@ -24,54 +24,48 @@ 

      def __init__(self, instance):

          self._instance = instance

          self.log = instance.log

-         self.arg_to_attr = {

-             'pwdlocal': 'nsslapd-pwpolicy-local',

-             'pwdscheme': 'passwordstoragescheme',

-             'pwdchange': 'passwordChange',

-             'pwdmustchange': 'passwordMustChange',

-             'pwdhistory': 'passwordHistory',

-             'pwdhistorycount': 'passwordInHistory',

-             'pwdadmin': 'passwordAdminDN',

-             'pwdtrack': 'passwordTrackUpdateTime',

-             'pwdwarning': 'passwordWarning',

-             'pwdisglobal': 'passwordIsGlobalPolicy',

-             'pwdexpire': 'passwordExp',

-             'pwdmaxage': 'passwordMaxAge',

-             'pwdminage': 'passwordMinAge',

-             'pwdgracelimit': 'passwordGraceLimit',

-             'pwdsendexpiring': 'passwordSendExpiringTime',

-             'pwdlockout': 'passwordLockout',

-             'pwdunlock': 'passwordUnlock',

-             'pwdlockoutduration': 'passwordLockoutDuration',

-             'pwdmaxfailures': 'passwordMaxFailure',

-             'pwdresetfailcount': 'passwordResetFailureCount',

-             'pwdchecksyntax': 'passwordCheckSyntax',

-             'pwdminlen': 'passwordMinLength',

-             'pwdmindigits': 'passwordMinDigits',

-             'pwdminalphas': 'passwordMinAlphas',

-             'pwdminuppers': 'passwordMinUppers',

-             'pwdminlowers': 'passwordMinLowers',

-             'pwdminspecials': 'passwordMinSpecials',

-             'pwdmin8bits': 'passwordMin8bit',

-             'pwdmaxrepeats': 'passwordMaxRepeats',

-             'pwdpalindrome': 'passwordPalindrome',

-             'pwdmaxseq': 'passwordMaxSequence',

-             'pwdmaxseqsets': 'passwordMaxSeqSets',

-             'pwdmaxclasschars': 'passwordMaxClassChars',

-             'pwdmincatagories': 'passwordMinCategories',

-             'pwdmintokenlen': 'passwordMinTokenLength',

-             'pwdbadwords': 'passwordBadWords',

-             'pwduserattrs': 'passwordUserAttributes',

-             'pwddictcheck': 'passwordDictCheck',

-             'pwddictpath': 'passwordDictPath',

-             'pwdallowhash': 'nsslapd-allow-hashed-passwords'

-         }


-     def get_attr_list(self):

-         attr_list = []

-         for arg, attr in list(self.arg_to_attr.items()):

-             attr_list.append(attr)

-         return attr_list

+         self.pwp_attributes = [

+             'passwordstoragescheme',

+             'passwordChange',

+             'passwordMustChange',

+             'passwordHistory',

+             'passwordInHistory',

+             'passwordAdminDN',

+             'passwordTrackUpdateTime',

+             'passwordWarning',

+             'passwordMaxAge',

+             'passwordMinAge',

+             'passwordExp',

+             'passwordGraceLimit',

+             'passwordSendExpiringTime',

+             'passwordLockout',

+             'passwordUnlock',

+             'passwordMaxFailure',

+             'passwordLockoutDuration',

+             'passwordResetFailureCount',

+             'passwordCheckSyntax',

+             'passwordMinLength',

+             'passwordMinDigits',

+             'passwordMinAlphas',

+             'passwordMinUppers',

+             'passwordMinLowers',

+             'passwordMinSpecials',

+             'passwordMaxRepeats',

+             'passwordMin8bit',

+             'passwordMinCategories',

+             'passwordMinTokenLength',

+             'passwordDictPath',

+             'passwordDictCheck',

+             'passwordPalindrome',

+             'passwordMaxSequence',

+             'passwordMaxClassChars',

+             'passwordMaxSeqSets',

+             'passwordBadWords',

+             'passwordUserAttributes',

+             'passwordIsGlobalPolicy',

+             'nsslapd-pwpolicy-local',

+             'nsslapd-allow-hashed-passwords'

+         ]


      def is_subtree_policy(self, dn):

          """Check if the entry has a subtree password policy.  If we can find a
@@ -83,7 +77,11 @@ 

          :returns: True if the entry has a subtree policy, False otherwise


          cos_templates = CosTemplates(self._instance, 'cn=nsPwPolicyContainer,{}'.format(dn))

-         return cos_templates.exists('cn=nsPwTemplateEntry,%s' % dn)

+         try:

+             cos_templates.get('cn=nsPwTemplateEntry,%s' % dn)

+             return True

+         except:

+             return False


      def create_user_policy(self, dn, properties):

          """Creates all entries which are needed for the user

file modified
+1 -1
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ 

              raise ValueError("Port {} was already labelled with: ({})  Please choose a different port number".format(port, policy['type']))


      if (remove_label and label_set) or (not remove_label and not label_set):

-         for i in range(3):

+         for i in range(5):



                  subprocess.check_call(["semanage", "port",


While investigating ticket 50255 I had issues with the CI test because it was not use DSLdapObject. So this patch just refactors the test to use the current DSLDAPObject model.


Please do not review this until PR 50258 is merged...

But I really really want to review it .... ;)

But I really really want to review it .... ;)

Hehe, its actually a much larger patch I just haven't rebase yet. I redoing the entire pwp suite of tests, but I need to fix my CLI work first :-(

No problems, I'm just starting the 50258 review now

rebased onto 1d71ebb51550b6a0c632d5a5bb8c3d05cea2b105

5 years ago

rebased onto 7c375d2b53486a2774465d10943d316890aa7682

5 years ago

rebased onto 31941eee1b85790fe5abf59fdb1c263deccc5f17

5 years ago

Patch is ready for review, but you need to revert this commit in master branch to test it:

commit e580506

Once "Ticket 49873 - Contention on virtual attribute lookup" is finally fixed that revert will not be required to run this patch

I think this might throw the _s api warning, you could use "dm = DirectoryManager(inst).bind()", but also to keep in mind, when you do a "conn = user.bind()", that makes a new ldap connection, so the original inst connection is NOT alterted/reset so dm keeps working there.

y_o_l_o c_o_o_l f_o_r_m_a_t :P
(I actually have no issue with this, just funny formatting)

Okay, looks pretty good to me. Some minor comments, but great stuff :)

Assuming this comment is intentional?

I think I was debugging something, it should probably be removed

rebased onto 35bbe1c7edc27381b17899ed643fe931e4095604

5 years ago

@firstyear changes made, and the bind functions do not complain, please review...

FYI to run the patch you need to revert commit e580506 for the time being

Awesome! Thanks man, I think this looks good. Ack :)

rebased onto 5bc92e9

5 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by mreynolds

5 years ago

389-ds-base is moving from Pagure to Github. This means that new issues and pull requests
will be accepted only in 389-ds-base's github repository.

This pull request has been cloned to Github as issue and is available here:
- https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base/issues/3315

If you want to continue to work on the PR, please navigate to the github issue,
download the patch from the attachments and file a new pull request.

Thank you for understanding. We apologize for all inconvenience.

Pull-Request has been closed by spichugi

3 years ago