#50102 Issue: 50101 - Port fourwaymmr Test TET suit to python3
Closed 3 years ago by spichugi. Opened 5 years ago by aborah.
aborah/389-ds-base fourwaymmr  into  master

empty or binary file added
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@ 


+ # Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc.

+ # All rights reserved.

+ #

+ # License: GPL (version 3 or any later version).

+ # See LICENSE for details.




+ import os, shutil, time, pytest, re, pwd, grp

+ from lib389.tasks import *

+ from lib389.utils import *

+ from lib389.topologies import topology_m4 as topo_m4

+ from lib389.replica import *

+ from lib389.idm.user import UserAccounts

+ from lib389.agreement import *



+ @pytest.fixture(scope="function")

+ def _cleanupentris(request, topo_m4):

+     users = UserAccounts(topo_m4.ms["master1"], DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     for i in range(10): users.create_test_user(uid=i)


+     def fin():

+         try:

+             for i in users.list():

+                 i.delete()

+         except: pass

+     request.addfinalizer(fin)



+ def test_verify_trees(topo_m4):

+     """

+     All 4 masters should have consistent data

+     :id: 01733ef8-e764-11e8-98f3-8c16451d917b

+     :setup: 4 Instances with replication

+     :steps:

+         1. All 4 masters should have consistent data now

+     :expected results:

+         1. Should success

+     """

+     # all 4 masters should have consistent data now

+     repl = ReplicationManager(DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     repl.test_replication(

+         topo_m4.ms["master1"], topo_m4.ms["master2"], 30

+     )

+     repl.test_replication(

+         topo_m4.ms["master1"], topo_m4.ms["master3"], 30

+     )

+     repl.test_replication(

+         topo_m4.ms["master1"], topo_m4.ms["master4"], 30

+     )



+ def test_sync_through_to_all_4_masters(topo_m4, _cleanupentris):

+     """

+     Insert fresh data into Master 2 - about 10 entries

+     :id: 10917e04-e764-11e8-8367-8c16451d917b

+     :setup: 4 Instances with replication

+     :steps:

+         1. Insert fresh data into M2 - about 100 entries

+         2. Begin verification process

+     :expected results:

+         1. Should success

+         2. Should success

+     """

+     # Insert fresh data into M2 - about 100 entries

+     # Wait for a minute for data to sync through to all 4 masters

+     # Begin verification process

+     repl = ReplicationManager(DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     repl.test_replication(

+         topo_m4.ms["master1"], topo_m4.ms["master2"], 30

+     )

+     repl.test_replication(

+         topo_m4.ms["master1"], topo_m4.ms["master3"], 30

+     )

+     repl.test_replication(

+         topo_m4.ms["master1"], topo_m4.ms["master4"], 30

+     )



+ def test_modify_some_data_in_m3(topo_m4):

+     """

+     Modify some data in Master 3 , check trees on all 4 masters

+     :id: 33583ff4-e764-11e8-8491-8c16451d917b

+     :setup: 4 Instances with replication

+     :steps:

+         1. Modify some data in M3 , wait for 20 seconds ,check trees on all 4 masters

+     :expected results:

+         1. Should success

+     """

+     # modify some data in M3

+     # wait for 20 seconds

+     # check trees on all 4 masters

+     users = UserAccounts(topo_m4.ms["master3"], DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     repl = ReplicationManager(DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     for i in range(15, 20):

+         users.create_test_user(uid=i)

+         time.sleep(1)

+     for i in range(15, 20):users.list()[19-i].set("description", "description for user{} CHANGED".format(i))

+     repl.test_replication(

+         topo_m4.ms["master3"], topo_m4.ms["master1"], 30

+     )

+     repl.test_replication(

+         topo_m4.ms["master3"], topo_m4.ms["master2"], 30

+     )

+     repl.test_replication(

+         topo_m4.ms["master3"], topo_m4.ms["master4"], 30

+     )

+     for i in users.list():

+         i.delete()



+ def test_delete_a_few_entries_in_m4(topo_m4, _cleanupentris):

+     """

+     Delete a few entries in Master 4 , verify trees.

+     :id: 6ea94d78-e764-11e8-987f-8c16451d917b

+     :setup: 4 Instances with replication

+     :steps:

+         1. Delete a few entries in M4 ,

+         2. Wait for 60 seconds for them to propagate,

+         3. Verify trees

+     :expected results:

+         1. Should success

+         2. Should success

+         3. Should success

+     """

+     # delete a few entries in M4

+     # wait for 60 seconds for them to propagate

+     # verify trees

+     users = UserAccounts(topo_m4.ms["master1"], DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     repl = ReplicationManager(DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     repl.wait_for_replication(topo_m4.ms["master4"], topo_m4.ms["master1"])

+     for i in users.list():

+         i.delete()

+     repl.test_replication(

+         topo_m4.ms["master4"], topo_m4.ms["master1"], 30

+     )

+     repl.test_replication(

+         topo_m4.ms["master4"], topo_m4.ms["master2"], 30

+     )

+     repl.test_replication(

+         topo_m4.ms["master4"], topo_m4.ms["master3"], 30

+     )



+ def test_replicated_multivalued_entries(topo_m4):

+     """

+     Replicated multivalued entries are ordered the same way on all consumers

+     :id: 7bf9a34c-e764-11e8-928c-8c16451d917b

+     :setup: 4 Instances with replication

+     :steps:

+         1. Replicated multivalued entries are ordered the same way on all consumers

+     :expected results:

+         1. Should success

+     """

+     # This test case checks that replicated multivalued entries are

+     # ordered the same way on all consumers

+     users = UserAccounts(topo_m4.ms["master1"], DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     repl = ReplicationManager(DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     user_properties = {

+         "uid": "test_replicated_multivalued_entries",

+         "cn": "test_replicated_multivalued_entries",

+         "sn": "test_replicated_multivalued_entries",

+         "userpassword": "test_replicated_multivalued_entries",

+         "uidNumber": "1001",

+         "gidNumber": "2002",

+         "homeDirectory": "/home/{}".format("test_replicated_multivalued_entries"),

+     }

+     users.create(properties=user_properties)

+     testuser = users.get("test_replicated_multivalued_entries")

+     testuser.set("mail", ["test1", "test2", "test3"])

+     # Now we check the entry on each consumer, making sure the order of the

+     # multi-valued mail attribute is the same on all server instances

+     repl.wait_for_replication(topo_m4.ms["master4"], topo_m4.ms["master1"])

+     assert topo_m4.ms["master1"].search_s("uid=test_replicated_multivalued_entries,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com",

+                                           ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, '(objectclass=*)', ['mail']) == topo_m4.ms[

+                "master2"].search_s("uid=test_replicated_multivalued_entries,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com",

+                                    ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, '(objectclass=*)', ['mail']) == topo_m4.ms["master3"].search_s(

+         "uid=test_replicated_multivalued_entries,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com", ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, '(objectclass=*)',

+         ['mail']) == topo_m4.ms["master4"].search_s(

+         "uid=test_replicated_multivalued_entries,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com", ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, '(objectclass=*)',

+         ['mail'])



+ @pytest.mark.bz157377

+ def test_bad_replication_agreement(topo_m4):

+     """

+     Create the bad replication agreement and try to add it

+     :id: 9cf3daf4-e764-11e8-a132-8c16451d917b

+     :setup: 4 Instances with replication

+     :steps:

+         1. Create the bad replication agreement and try to add it

+     :expected results:

+         1. Should not success

+     """

+     # The return code for adding a bad replication agreement to the directory server is now

+     # correct. Check that the return code is zero ( unsuccessful ). What used to happen is

+     # the directory server would not give the correct non-zero return code, add the bad replication

+     # agreement and then core dump.

+     # Stop the server and backup the dse.ldif so it can be restored later

+     for inst in topo_m4: inst.stop()

+     for i in range(1, 5):

+         if os.path.exists(

+             topo_m4.ms["master{}".format(i)].confdir

+             + "/dse_test_bug157377.ldif"

+         ):

+             os.remove(

+                 topo_m4.ms["master{}".format(i)].confdir

+                 + "/dse_test_bug157377.ldif"

+             )

+         shutil.copy(

+             topo_m4.ms["master{}".format(i)].confdir + "/dse.ldif",

+             topo_m4.ms["master{}".format(i)].confdir

+             + "/dse_test_bug157377.ldif",

+         )

+         os.chown('{}/dse_test_bug157377.ldif'.format(topo_m4.all_insts.get('master{}'.format(i)).confdir),

+                  pwd.getpwnam('dirsrv').pw_uid, grp.getgrnam('dirsrv').gr_gid)

+     for i in ["master1", "master2", "master3", "master4"]:

+         topo_m4.all_insts.get(i).start()

+     # Create the bad replication agreement and try to add it

+     # Its a agreement as Missing replica host and port information makes for a bad agreement.

+     properties = {

+         "basedn": "cn=Ze_bad_agreeemnt,cn=replica,cn=dc\=example\,dc\=com,cn=mapping tree,cn=config",

+         "objectclass": ["top", "nsds5replicationagreement"],

+         "cn": "Ze_bad_agreement",

+         "nsds5replicabinddn": "{},{}".format("cn=replication manager", "o=fr"),

+         "nsds5replicabindmethod": "SIMPLE",

+         "nsds5replicaroot": DEFAULT_SUFFIX,

+         "description": "Ze_bad_agreement",

+         "nsds5replicacredentials": "Secret123",

+     }

+     for i in ["master1", "master2", "master3", "master4"]:

+         with pytest.raises(ldap.UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM):

+             Agreement(topo_m4.all_insts.get("{}".format(i))).create(

+                 properties=properties

+             )

+     for inst in topo_m4: inst.stop()

+     # Now retore the original dse.ldif

+     for i in range(1, 5):

+         shutil.copy(

+             topo_m4.ms["master{}".format(i)].confdir

+             + "/dse_test_bug157377.ldif",

+             topo_m4.ms["master{}".format(i)].confdir + "/dse.ldif",

+         )

+         os.chown('{}/dse_test_bug157377.ldif'.format(topo_m4.all_insts.get('master{}'.format(i)).confdir),

+                  pwd.getpwnam('dirsrv').pw_uid, grp.getgrnam('dirsrv').gr_gid)

+     for inst in topo_m4: inst.start()



+ @pytest.mark.bz834074

+ def test_nsds5replicaenabled_verify(topo_m4):

+     """

+     Add the attribute nsds5ReplicaEnabled to cn=config

+     :id: ba6dd634-e764-11e8-b158-8c16451d917b

+     :setup: 4 Instances with replication

+     :steps:

+         1. Add the attribute nsds5ReplicaEnabled to cn=config

+         2. Add data

+         3. Delete data

+         4. Very the replication

+     :expected results:

+         1. Should  success

+         2. Should  success

+         3. Should  success

+         4. Should  success

+     """

+     # Add the attribute nsds5ReplicaEnabled to cn=config

+     # Stop M3 and M4 instances, as not required for this test

+     repl = ReplicationManager(DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     for i in ["master3", "master4"]:

+         topo_m4.all_insts.get(i).stop()

+     # Adding nsds5ReplicaEnabled to M1

+     topo_m4.ms["master1"].modify_s(

+         topo_m4.ms["master1"].agreement.list(suffix=DEFAULT_SUFFIX)[0].dn,

+         [(ldap.MOD_ADD, "nsds5ReplicaEnabled", b"on")],

+     )

+     topo_m4.ms["master1"].modify_s(

+         topo_m4.ms["master1"].agreement.list(suffix=DEFAULT_SUFFIX)[0].dn,

+         [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, "nsds5ReplicaEnabled", b"off")],

+     )

+     # Adding data to Master1

+     users = UserAccounts(topo_m4.ms["master1"], DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     user_properties = {

+         "uid": "test_bug834074",

+         "cn": "test_bug834074",

+         "sn": "test_bug834074",

+         "userpassword": "test_bug834074",

+         "uidNumber": "1000",

+         "gidNumber": "2000",

+         "homeDirectory": "/home/{}".format("test_bug834074"),

+     }

+     users.create(properties=user_properties)

+     test_user_very = users.get("test_bug834074").dn

+     # No replication no data in Master2

+     with pytest.raises(Exception):

+         repl.wait_for_replication(topo_m4.ms["master1"], topo_m4.ms["master2"])

+     # Replication on

+     topo_m4.ms["master1"].modify_s(

+         topo_m4.ms["master1"].agreement.list(suffix=DEFAULT_SUFFIX)[0].dn,

+         [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, "nsds5ReplicaEnabled", b"on")],

+     )

+     repl.wait_for_replication(topo_m4.ms["master1"], topo_m4.ms["master2"])

+     # Now data is available on master2

+     assert len(topo_m4.ms['master2'].search_s(test_user_very, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, 'objectclass=*')) == 1

+     ## Stop replication to master2

+     topo_m4.ms["master1"].modify_s(

+         topo_m4.ms["master1"].agreement.list(suffix=DEFAULT_SUFFIX)[0].dn,

+         [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, "nsds5ReplicaEnabled", b"off")],

+     )

+     # Modify some data in master1

+     topo_m4.ms["master1"].modrdn_s(test_user_very, 'uid=test_bug834075', 1)

+     with pytest.raises(Exception):

+         repl.wait_for_replication(topo_m4.ms["master1"], topo_m4.ms["master2"])

+     # changes are not replicated in master2

+         with pytest.raises(Exception): topo_m4.ms['master2'].search_s(

+             'uid=test_bug834075,ou=People,{}'.format(DEFAULT_SUFFIX), ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, 'objectclass=*')

+     # Turn on the replication

+     topo_m4.ms["master1"].modify_s(

+         topo_m4.ms["master1"].agreement.list(suffix=DEFAULT_SUFFIX)[0].dn,

+         [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, "nsds5ReplicaEnabled", b"on")],

+     )

+     repl.wait_for_replication(topo_m4.ms["master1"], topo_m4.ms["master2"])

+     # Now same data is available in master2

+     assert len(

+         topo_m4.ms['master2'].search_s('uid=test_bug834075,ou=People,{}'.format(DEFAULT_SUFFIX), ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,

+                                        'objectclass=*')) == 1

+     # Turn off the replication from master1 to master2

+     topo_m4.ms["master1"].modify_s(

+         topo_m4.ms["master1"].agreement.list(suffix=DEFAULT_SUFFIX)[0].dn,

+         [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, "nsds5ReplicaEnabled", b"off")],

+     )

+     # delete some data in master1

+     topo_m4.ms["master1"].delete_s(

+         'uid=test_bug834075,ou=People,{}'.format(DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     )

+     with pytest.raises(Exception):

+         repl.wait_for_replication(topo_m4.ms["master1"], topo_m4.ms["master2"])

+     # deleted data from master1 is still there in master2 as repliaction is off

+         assert len(

+             topo_m4.ms['master2'].search_s('uid=test_bug834075,ou=People,{}'.format(DEFAULT_SUFFIX), ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,

+                                            'objectclass=*')) == 1

+     topo_m4.ms["master1"].modify_s(

+         topo_m4.ms["master1"].agreement.list(suffix=DEFAULT_SUFFIX)[0].dn,

+         [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, "nsds5ReplicaEnabled", b"on")],

+     )

+     repl.wait_for_replication(topo_m4.ms["master1"], topo_m4.ms["master2"])

+     # After repliction is on same is gone from master2 also.

+     with pytest.raises(ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT):

+         topo_m4.ms['master2'].search_s('uid=test_bug834075,ou=People,{}'.format(DEFAULT_SUFFIX), ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,

+                                        'objectclass=*')

+     with pytest.raises(ldap.OPERATIONS_ERROR):

+         topo_m4.ms["master1"].modify_s(

+             topo_m4.ms["master1"]

+             .agreement.list(suffix=DEFAULT_SUFFIX)[0]

+             .dn,

+             [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, "nsds5ReplicaEnabled", b"invalid")],

+         )

+     for i in ["master3", "master4"]:

+         topo_m4.all_insts.get(i).start()



+ @pytest.mark.bz830344

+ def test_create_an_entry_on_the_supplier(topo_m4):

+     """

+     Shut down one instance and create an entry on the supplier

+     :id: f57538d0-e764-11e8-94fc-8c16451d917b

+     :setup: standalone

+     :steps:

+         1. Shut down one instance and create an entry on the supplier

+     :expected results:

+         1. Should not success

+     """

+     # Bug 830344: Shut down one instance and create an entry on the supplier

+     topo_m4.ms["master1"].stop()

+     users = UserAccounts(topo_m4.ms["master2"], DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     users.create_test_user(uid=4)

+     # ldapsearch output

+     assert \

+     topo_m4.ms["master2"].search_s('cn=replica,cn="dc=example,dc=com",cn=mapping tree,cn=config', ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE,

+                                    "(objectclass=*)", ["nsds5replicaLastUpdateStatus"], )[1].getValue(

+         'nsds5replicalastupdatestatus')

+     topo_m4.ms["master1"].start()



+ @pytest.mark.bz923502

+ def test_bob_acceptance_tests(topo_m4):

+     """

+     Run multiple modrdn_s operation on master1

+     :id: 26eb87f2-e765-11e8-9698-8c16451d917b

+     :setup: standalone

+     :steps:

+         1. Add entry

+         2. Run multiple modrdn_s operation on master1

+         3. Check everything is fine.

+     :expected results:

+         1. Should  success

+         2. Should  success

+         3. Should  success

+     """

+     # Bug description: run BOB acceptance tests...but it may be not systematic

+     # Testing bug #923502: Crash in MODRDN

+     users = UserAccounts(topo_m4.ms["master1"], DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     repl = ReplicationManager(DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     users.create_test_user()

+     users.create_test_user(uid=2)

+     for _ in range(100):

+         topo_m4.ms["master1"].modrdn_s("uid=test_user_1000,ou=People,{}".format(DEFAULT_SUFFIX), "uid=userB", 1)

+         topo_m4.ms["master1"].modrdn_s("uid=userB,ou=People,{}".format(DEFAULT_SUFFIX), "uid=test_user_1000", 1)

+     repl.wait_for_replication(topo_m4.ms["master1"], topo_m4.ms["master2"])

+     for i in range(100):

+         topo_m4.ms["master2"].modrdn_s("uid=test_user_2,ou=People,{}".format(DEFAULT_SUFFIX), "uid=userB", 1)

+         topo_m4.ms["master2"].modrdn_s("uid=userB,ou=People,{}".format(DEFAULT_SUFFIX), "uid=test_user_2", 1)

+     assert topo_m4.ms["master1"].status() == True

+     assert topo_m4.ms["master2"].status() == True



+ @pytest.mark.bz830335

+ def test_replica_backup_and_restore(topo_m4):

+     """

+     Test Backup and restore

+     :id: 5ad1b85c-e765-11e8-9668-8c16451d917b

+     :setup: standalone

+     :steps:

+         1. Add entries

+         2. Take backup db2ldif on master1

+         3. Delete entries on master1

+         4. Restore entries ldif2db

+         5. Check entries

+     :expected results:

+         1. Should success

+         2. Should success

+         3. Should success

+         4. Should success

+         5. Should success

+     """

+     # Testing bug #830335: Taking a replica backup and Restore on M1 after deleting few entries from M1 nad M2

+     repl = ReplicationManager(DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     users = UserAccounts(topo_m4.ms["master3"], DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     for i in range(20, 25):

+         users.create_test_user(uid=i)

+         time.sleep(1)

+     repl.wait_for_replication(topo_m4.ms["master1"], topo_m4.ms["master2"])

+     repl.test_replication(topo_m4.ms["master1"], topo_m4.ms["master2"], 30)

+     topo_m4.ms["master1"].stop()

+     topo_m4.ms["master1"].db2ldif(

+         bename=DEFAULT_BENAME,

+         suffixes=[DEFAULT_SUFFIX],

+         excludeSuffixes=[],

+         encrypt=False,

+         repl_data=True,

+         outputfile="/tmp/output_file",

+     )

+     topo_m4.ms["master1"].start()

+     for i in users.list(): topo_m4.ms["master1"].delete_s(i.dn)

+     repl.wait_for_replication(topo_m4.ms["master1"], topo_m4.ms["master2"])

+     repl.test_replication(topo_m4.ms["master1"], topo_m4.ms["master2"], 30)

+     topo_m4.ms["master1"].stop()

+     topo_m4.ms["master1"].ldif2db(

+         bename=None,

+         excludeSuffixes=None,

+         encrypt=False,

+         suffixes=[DEFAULT_SUFFIX],

+         import_file="/tmp/output_file",

+     )

+     topo_m4.ms["master1"].start()

+     for i in range(20, 25):

+         users.create_test_user(uid=i)

+         time.sleep(1)

+     repl.wait_for_replication(topo_m4.ms["master1"], topo_m4.ms["master2"])

+     repl.test_replication(topo_m4.ms["master1"], topo_m4.ms["master2"], 30)



+ if __name__ == "__main__":

+     CURRENT_FILE = os.path.realpath(__file__)

+     pytest.main("-s -v %s" % CURRENT_FILE)

Port fourwaymmr Test TET suit to python3


Reviewed by: ???

You can use ReplicationManager's 'test_replication_topology()' method for this (wait for everything to be insync).
Or you can create a loop with timeout time.sleep(1) and check for your assert there.

Anyway, avoid any big sleeps (bigger than time.sleep(1)

You reuse the assert a lot. It can be encapsulated

You assume that the users are created. If the test case will be run stand alone - the users won't be there.
Please, put the users to the 'test_users' fixture

Why do you use such a format?
I think usual topo_m4.ms["master{}".format(i))] will work without any issue

rebased onto aa10133f2d8c580785838d976b4e5c0440f22049

5 years ago

@spichugi all chages has been done , i am using Entry in one test case(test_bob_acceptance_tests) as if i use UserAccounts , after doing modrdn_s , it complaints about abject class.

Please merge if all ok.

rebased onto 3d4cbe10b2e0f103cfa9b807b44950f2bbbedf45

5 years ago

@mreynolds please merge this one also if , all ok

rebased onto b51613d5a71e6a07463dcbdc40cd07eabd8393c7

5 years ago

As I've mentioned in another PR. You can use users.create_test_user for standard users.

Actually, if you create the same users in all test cases, you can add it to the fixture (with def fin())

It is better to name the variable with actual things it represents.

Like 'for user in users.list():' # yes, there is no need for the list comprehensions feature.

repl.test_replication doesn't check for an attribute values order
you can check the particular entry searches

Please, never use os.system() - use subprocess module instead

But in this case you can use os.chown()

it can be just:

for inst in topo_m4:

topo_m4.all_insts.get("master1") can be written as topo_m4.ms["master1"]. It is shorter

please, don't use legacy methods. Use DSLDapObject approach instead

Please, don't use such sleeps. If you need to wait for the replication to happen. You can use ReplicationManager.wait_for_replication() method

if you don't need 'i', you can use '_' as a placeholder there.

for _ in range(100)

Please, use a fixture or just a function. Don't use 'Class' because it is inappropriate use (you dont have any methods)

Don't use str(instance.search_s) approoach at all. Use the programming language and lib389 API semantics

rebased onto 93c69f405681f4b560439e2b3ede723e06919cc2

5 years ago

@spichugi , all chages has been done as per your suggestion

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

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5 years ago

Test case description is missing in all test cases

Please, wrap the user's creation in the fixture. So it is cleaned up even if test case failed

please, use search_s or DSLdapObjects functionality. 'getEntry' will be deprecated sooner or later

please, replace all topo_m4.all_insts.get("master{}".format(i)) with topo_m4.ms["master{}".format(i)] - there is no sense in using all_insts.get

All the time.sleep bigger than (1) should be removed. It is a bad pattern that unnecessarily prolongs the test case execution

Please, replace all of the patterns 'assert "anything" in str(' with something that uses lib389 and Python semantics/ As I gave you an example before

Do we really need add_s here? I think UserAccounts will work too

You can use UserAccounts here. And you can return the UserAccount instances in _bulkaddusers and use it here (I think it makes sense to transform _bulkaddusers into a fixture)

rebased onto 20401ba04bb9ecb88a9e7c4842b07d72eaca0cd3

5 years ago

rebased onto 8770c393b510a888a9c3dd0adbed2a7ce7f10903

5 years ago

@spichugi , all chages has been done as per your suggestion

rebased onto 20b210be442ce2351b0b3f227e1f4ba64d00e94a

5 years ago

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5 years ago

rebased onto d97514a

5 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by vashirov

5 years ago

389-ds-base is moving from Pagure to Github. This means that new issues and pull requests
will be accepted only in 389-ds-base's github repository.

This pull request has been cloned to Github as issue and is available here:
- https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base/issues/3161

If you want to continue to work on the PR, please navigate to the github issue,
download the patch from the attachments and file a new pull request.

Thank you for understanding. We apologize for all inconvenience.

Pull-Request has been closed by spichugi

3 years ago