#50087 Ticket 49994 - Add test for backend/suffix CLI functions
Closed 4 years ago by spichugi. Opened 6 years ago by mreynolds.
mreynolds/389-ds-base ticket49994  into  master

@@ -1840,7 +1840,7 @@ 

      if ((rc = cb_build_backend_instance_config(inst, e, 0)) != LDAP_SUCCESS) {

          slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_ERR, CB_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM,

                        "cb_instance_add_config_check_callback - Can't instantiate chaining backend instance %s.\n", inst->inst_name);

-         *returncode = rc;

+         *returncode = LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM;


          return SLAPI_DSE_CALLBACK_ERROR;


@@ -1149,7 +1149,7 @@ 

          if ( !('nsds5replicacredentials' in repl_agmt_values) ||

               agmt_bindpw != repl_agmt_values['nsds5replicacredentials'])


-           cmd_args.push('--bind-passwd="' + agmt_bindpw);

+           cmd_args.push('--bind-passwd=' + agmt_bindpw);



        // Frac attrs

@@ -555,6 +555,9 @@ 

              return result

          return None


+     def get_suffix(self):

+         return self.get_attr_val_utf8_l('nsslapd-suffix')


      def disable(self):

          # Disable backend (mapping tree)

          suffix = self.get_attr_val_utf8_l('nsslapd-suffix')

@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ 

          """Get a MonitorChaining(DSLdapObject) for the chaining link

          :param rdn - The 'cn' value of the chaining link

          :returns - chaining monitor entry"""

-         links = Chaining_Links(self._instance).list()

+         links = ChainingLinks(self._instance).list()

          for link in links:

              cn = ensure_str(link.get_attr_val('cn')).lower()

              if cn == rdn.lower():

@@ -94,7 +94,8 @@ 

      be_insts = Backends(inst).list()

      for be in be_insts:

          be_suffix = ensure_str(be.get_attr_val_utf8_l('nsslapd-suffix')).lower()

-         if be_suffix == name.lower():

+         cn = ensure_str(be.get_attr_val_utf8_l('cn')).lower()

+         if be_suffix == name.lower() or cn == name.lower():

              return be


      raise ValueError('Could not find backend suffix: {}'.format(name))
@@ -104,7 +105,8 @@ 

      be_insts = Backends(inst).list()

      for be in be_insts:

          be_suffix = ensure_str(be.get_attr_val_utf8_l('nsslapd-suffix'))

-         if be_suffix == bename.lower():

+         cn = ensure_str(be.get_attr_val_utf8_l('cn')).lower()

+         if be_suffix == bename.lower() or cn == bename.lower():

              for index in be.get_indexes().list():

                  idx_name = index.get_attr_val_utf8_l('cn').lower()

                  if idx_name == attr.lower():
@@ -353,7 +355,7 @@ 

  def backend_add_index(inst, basedn, log, args):

      be = _get_backend(inst, args.be_name)

      be.add_index(args.attr, args.index_type, args.matching_rule, reindex=args.reindex)

-     print("Successfull added index")

+     print("Successfully added index")



  def backend_set_index(inst, basedn, log, args):
@@ -446,7 +448,7 @@ 

      if args.del_attr is not None:

          for attr in args.del_attr:


-         if len(args.add_attr) > 1:

+         if len(args.del_attr) > 1:

              print("Successfully deleted encrypted attributes")


              print("Successfully deleted encrypted attribute")
@@ -529,7 +531,7 @@ 

               'vlvscope': args.search_scope,

               'vlvfilter': args.search_filter}

      be.add_vlv_search(args.name, props)

-     print("Successfully create new VLV Search entry, now you can add indexes to it.")

+     print("Successfully created new VLV Search entry, now you can add indexes to it.")



  def backend_edit_vlv(inst, basedn, log, args):
@@ -579,8 +581,9 @@ 


  def backend_reindex_vlv(inst, basedn, log, args):

      be = _get_backend(inst, args.be_name)

+     suffix = be.get_suffix()

      vlv_search = be.get_vlv_searches(vlv_name=args.parent_name)

-     vlv_search.reindex(args.be_name, vlv_index=args.index_name)

+     vlv_search.reindex(suffix, vlv_index=args.index_name)

      print("Successfully reindexed VLV indexes")


@@ -595,10 +598,10 @@ 

      suffix_subcommands = suffix_parser.add_subparsers(help="action")


      # List backends/suffixes

-     Zlist_parser = suffix_subcommands.add_parser('list', help="List current active backends and suffixes")

-     Zlist_parser.set_defaults(func=backend_list)

-     Zlist_parser.add_argument('--suffix', action='store_true', help='Just display the suffix, and not the backend name')

-     Zlist_parser.add_argument('--skip-subsuffixes', action='store_true', help='Skip over sub-suffixes')

+     list_parser = suffix_subcommands.add_parser('list', help="List current active backends and suffixes")

+     list_parser.set_defaults(func=backend_list)

+     list_parser.add_argument('--suffix', action='store_true', help='Just display the suffix, and not the backend name')

+     list_parser.add_argument('--skip-subsuffixes', action='store_true', help='Skip over sub-suffixes')


      # Get backend

      get_parser = suffix_subcommands.add_parser('get', help='Get the suffix entry')
@@ -692,7 +695,7 @@ 

      reindex_parser = index_subcommands.add_parser('reindex', help='Reindex the database (for a single index or all indexes')


      reindex_parser.add_argument('--attr', action='append', help='The index attribute\'s name to reindex.  Skip this argument to reindex all attributes')

-     reindex_parser.add_argument('be_name', help='The backend name or suffix to to reindex')

+     reindex_parser.add_argument('be_name', help='The backend name or suffix to reindex')



      # VLV parser

@@ -140,7 +140,8 @@ 



  def get_link(inst, basedn, log, args, warn=True):

-     rdn = _get_arg(args.selector, msg="Enter 'cn' to retrieve")


+     rdn = _get_arg(args.CHAIN_NAME[0], msg="Enter 'cn' to retrieve")

      _generic_get(inst, basedn, log.getChild('get_link'), ChainingLinks, rdn, args)


@@ -239,7 +240,7 @@ 


      get_link_parser = subcommands.add_parser('link-get', help='get chaining database link')


-     get_link_parser.add_argument('selector', nargs='?', help='The chaining link name to search for')

+     get_link_parser.add_argument('CHAIN_NAME', nargs=1, help='The chaining link name to search for')


      edit_link_parser = subcommands.add_parser('link-set', add_help=False, conflict_handler='resolve',

          parents=[def_config_set_parser], help='Edit a database link to a remote server')

file modified
+3 -3
@@ -106,12 +106,12 @@ 


      def delete_all(self):

          # Delete the child indexes, then the parent search entry

-         print ("deleting main vlv search: " + self._dn)

+         print("deleting vlv search: " + self._dn)

          vlvsorts = VLVIndexes(self._instance, basedn=self._dn).list()

          for vlvsort in vlvsorts:

-             print("Deleting vlv idnex:: " + vlvsort._dn)

+             print("Deleting vlv index: " + vlvsort._dn + " ...")


-         print ("deleting main vlv search")

+         print("deleting vlv search entry...")



      def reindex(self, be_name, vlv_index=None):

@@ -7,22 +7,18 @@ 



  import pytest


- from lib389 import DirSrv

- from lib389.cli_base import LogCapture, FakeArgs


- from lib389.instance.setup import SetupDs

- from lib389.instance.options import General2Base, Slapd2Base

+ import sys

+ import io

+ from lib389.cli_base import LogCapture

  from lib389._constants import *


  from lib389.topologies import create_topology, DEBUGGING


- from lib389.utils import generate_ds_params

  from lib389.configurations import get_sample_entries




  def topology(request):

      topology = create_topology({ReplicaRole.STANDALONE: 1}, None)


      def fin():

          if DEBUGGING:

@@ -33,12 +29,13 @@ 

      topology.logcap = LogCapture()

      return topology




  def topology_be_latest(request):

      topology = create_topology({ReplicaRole.STANDALONE: 1}, None)

-     be = topology.standalone.backends.create(properties={

+     topology.standalone.backends.create(properties={

          'cn': 'userRoot',

-         'suffix' : DEFAULT_SUFFIX,

+         'suffix': DEFAULT_SUFFIX,


      # Now apply sample entries

      centries = get_sample_entries(INSTALL_LATEST_CONFIG)
@@ -55,12 +52,13 @@ 

      topology.logcap = LogCapture()

      return topology




  def topology_be_001003006(request):

      topology = create_topology({ReplicaRole.STANDALONE: 1}, None)

-     be = topology.standalone.backends.create(properties={

+     topology.standalone.backends.create(properties={

          'cn': 'userRoot',

-         'suffix' : DEFAULT_SUFFIX,

+         'suffix': DEFAULT_SUFFIX,


      # Now apply sample entries

      centries = get_sample_entries('001003006')
@@ -78,3 +76,21 @@ 

      return topology



+ def check_output(some_string, missing=False, ignorecase=True):

+     """Check the output of captured STDOUT.  This assumes "sys.stdout = io.StringIO()"

+     otherwise there would be nothing to read

+     :param some_string - text to search for in output

+     :param missing - test if some_string is NOT present in output

+     :param ignorecase - Set whether to ignore the character case in both the output

+                         and some_string

+     """

+     output = sys.stdout.getvalue()

+     if ignorecase:

+         output = output.lower()

+         some_string = some_string.lower()

+     if missing:

+         assert(some_string not in output)

+     else:

+         assert(some_string in output)

+     # clear buffer

+     sys.stdout = io.StringIO()

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 


- # Copyright (C) 2016 Red Hat, Inc.

+ # Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc.

  # All rights reserved.


  # License: GPL (version 3 or any later version).
@@ -7,66 +7,375 @@ 



  import os

+ import io

+ import sys

  import pytest

+ import time


- from lib389.cli_conf.backend import backend_list, backend_get, backend_get_dn, backend_create, backend_delete, backend_export, backend_import

+ from lib389.cli_conf.backend import (backend_list, backend_get, backend_set, backend_get_dn,

+                                      backend_create, backend_delete, backend_export,

+                                      backend_import, backend_add_index, backend_list_index,

+                                      backend_set_index, backend_get_index, backend_reindex,

+                                      backend_del_index, backend_attr_encrypt, get_monitor,

+                                      backend_create_vlv, backend_del_vlv, backend_create_vlv_index,

+                                      backend_get_vlv, backend_edit_vlv, backend_reindex_vlv,

+                                      backend_list_vlv)


  from lib389.cli_base import LogCapture, FakeArgs

- from lib389.tests.cli import topology

+ from lib389.tests.cli import check_output

  from lib389.topologies import topology_st


  from lib389.utils import ds_is_older

  pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif(ds_is_older('1.4.0'), reason="Not implemented")


+ stdout = sys.__stdout__

+ BE_NAME = 'backendRoot'

+ SUFFIX = 'dc=backend,dc=test'

+ SUB_BE_NAME = 'subBackendRoot'

+ SUB_SUFFIX = 'dc=sub_suffix,dc=backend,dc=test'



+ @pytest.fixture(scope="function")

+ def create_backend(topology_st, request):

+     """Create backend "dc=backend,dc=test" / backendRoot

+     """

+     sys.stdout = io.StringIO()


- # Topology is pulled from __init__.py

- def test_basic(topology):

-     # 

      args = FakeArgs()

-     backend_list(topology.standalone, None, topology.logcap.log, None)

-     # Assert none.

-     assert(topology.logcap.contains("No objects to display"))

-     topology.logcap.flush()

-     # Add a backend

-     # We need to fake the args

-     args.cn = 'userRoot'

-     args.nsslapd_suffix = 'dc=example,dc=com'

-     backend_create(topology.standalone, None, topology.logcap.log, args)

-     # Assert one.

-     backend_list(topology.standalone, None, topology.logcap.log, None)

-     # Assert none.

-     assert(topology.logcap.contains("userRoot"))

-     topology.logcap.flush()

-     # Assert we can get by name, suffix, dn

-     args.selector = 'userRoot'

-     backend_get(topology.standalone, None, topology.logcap.log, args)

-     # Assert none.

-     assert(topology.logcap.contains("userRoot"))

-     topology.logcap.flush()

-     # Assert we can get by name, suffix, dn

-     args.dn = 'cn=userRoot,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config'

-     backend_get_dn(topology.standalone, None, topology.logcap.log, args)

-     # Assert none.

-     assert(topology.logcap.contains("userRoot"))

-     topology.logcap.flush()

-     # delete it

-     backend_delete(topology.standalone, None, topology.logcap.log, args, warn=False)

-     backend_list(topology.standalone, None, topology.logcap.log, None)

-     # Assert none.

-     assert(topology.logcap.contains("No objects to display"))

-     topology.logcap.flush()

+     args.cn = BE_NAME

+     args.be_name = BE_NAME

+     args.suffix = False

+     args.nsslapd_suffix = SUFFIX

+     args.skip_subsuffixes = False

+     args.json = False

+     args.parent_suffix = False

+     args.create_entries = True


+     args.suffix = SUFFIX

+     backend_create(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     check_output("The database was sucessfully created")


+     def fin():

+         sys.stdout = io.StringIO()

+         args = FakeArgs()

+         args.cn = BE_NAME

+         args.be_name = BE_NAME

+         args.suffix = SUFFIX

+         args.skip_subsuffixes = False

+         args.json = False


+         # Delete backend

+         backend_delete(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args, warn=False)

+         check_output("sucessfully deleted")


+         # Verify it's removed

+         args.suffix = False

+         backend_list(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+         check_output("backendroot", missing=True)


+     request.addfinalizer(fin)



+ def test_backend_cli(topology_st, create_backend):

+     """Test creating, listing, getting, and deleting a backend (and subsuffix)

+     :id: 800f432a-52ab-4661-ac66-a2bdd9b984d7

+     :setup: Standalone instance

+     :steps:

+         1. List backends

+         2. Get backend by suffix

+         3. Get backend by DN

+         4. Add subsuffix

+         5. Verify subsuffix

+         6. Modify subsuffix

+         7. Delete subsuffix

+         8. Verify subsuffix is removed

+         9. Modify backend

+         10. Verify modify worked

+         11. Test monitor works

+     :expectedresults:

+         1. Success

+         2. Success

+         3. Success

+         4. Success

+         5. Success

+         6. Success

+         7. Success

+         8. Success

+         9. Success

+         10. Success

+         11. Success

+     """

+     topology_st.logcap = LogCapture()

+     sys.stdout = io.StringIO()


+     args = FakeArgs()

+     args.cn = BE_NAME

+     args.be_name = BE_NAME

+     args.suffix = False

+     args.nsslapd_suffix = SUFFIX

+     args.skip_subsuffixes = False

+     args.json = False

+     args.parent_suffix = False

+     args.create_entries = True


+     # List backend

+     backend_list(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args)

+     check_output(SUFFIX)


+     # Get backend by by name

+     args.selector = BE_NAME

+     backend_get(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args)

+     check_output(BE_NAME)


+     # Get backend by DN

+     args.dn = 'cn=backendRoot,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config'

+     backend_get_dn(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args)

+     check_output(BE_NAME)


+     # Add subsuffix

+     args.parent_suffix = SUFFIX

+     args.suffix = SUB_SUFFIX

+     args.be_name = SUB_BE_NAME

+     backend_create(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args)

+     check_output("The database was sucessfully created")


+     # Verify subsuffix

+     args.suffix = False

+     backend_list(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args)

+     check_output(SUB_SUFFIX)


+     # Modify subsuffix

+     args.enable = False

+     args.disable = False

+     args.add_referral = False

+     args.del_referral = False

+     args.cache_size = False

+     args.cache_memsize = False

+     args.dncache_memsize = False

+     args.enable_readonly = True  # Setting nsslapd-readonly to "on"

+     args.disable_readonly = False

+     backend_set(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args)

+     check_output("sucessfully updated")


+     # Verify modified worked

+     args.selector = SUB_BE_NAME

+     backend_get(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args)

+     check_output("nsslapd-readonly: on")


+     # Delete subsuffix

+     args.suffix = SUB_SUFFIX

+     backend_delete(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args, warn=False)

+     check_output("sucessfully deleted")


+     # Verify it is deleted

+     args.suffix = False

+     backend_list(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args)

+     check_output(SUB_BE_NAME, missing=True)


+     # Modify backend (use same args from subsuffix modify)

+     args.be_name = BE_NAME

+     backend_set(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args)

+     check_output("sucessfully updated")


+     # Verify modified worked

+     args.selector = BE_NAME

+     backend_get(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args)

+     check_output("nsslapd-readonly: on")


+     # Run database monitor

+     args.suffix = SUFFIX

+     get_monitor(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args)

+     check_output("entrycachetries")


      # Done!



+ def test_indexes(topology_st, create_backend):

+     """Test creating, listing, getting, and deleting an index

+     :id: 800f432a-52ab-4661-ac66-a2bdd9b984d78

+     :setup: Standalone instance

+     :steps:

+         1. Add index (description)

+         2. Verify index was added

+         3. Modify index (Add type)

+         4. Verify index was modified

+         5. Modify index (Delete type)

+         6. Verify index was modified

+         7. Modify index (Add MR)

+         8. Verify index was modified

+         9. Modify index (Delete MR)

+         10. Verify index was modified

+         11. Reindex index

+         12. Remove index

+         13. Verify index was removed


+     :expectedresults:

+         1. Success

+         2. Success

+         3. Success

+         4. Success

+         5. Success

+         6. Success

+         7. Success

+         8. Success

+         9. Success

+         10. Success

+         11. Success

+         12. Success

+         13. Success

+     """

+     sys.stdout = io.StringIO()


+     args = FakeArgs()

+     args.cn = BE_NAME

+     args.be_name = BE_NAME

+     args.suffix = False

+     args.nsslapd_suffix = SUFFIX

+     args.attr = 'description'

+     args.index_type = 'eq'

+     args.matching_rule = None

+     args.reindex = False

+     args.json = False

+     args.just_names = False

+     args.add_type = None

+     args.del_type = None

+     args.add_mr = None

+     args.del_mr = None


+     # Add an index

+     backend_add_index(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     check_output("added index")


+     # List indexes

+     backend_list_index(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     check_output("cn: description")


+     # Modify index (Add type)

+     args.add_type = ['sub']

+     backend_set_index(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     args.add_type = None

+     check_output("successfully updated")


+     # Verify type was added

+     args.attr = ['description']

+     backend_get_index(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     check_output("nsindextype: sub")


+     # Remove index type sub

+     args.attr = 'description'


+     args.del_type = ['sub']

+     backend_set_index(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     args.del_type = None

+     check_output("successfully updated")


+     # Verify type was removed

+     args.attr = ['description']

+     backend_get_index(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     check_output("nsindextype: sub", missing=True)


+     # Modify index (add MR)

+     args.attr = 'description'

+     args.add_mr = ['']

+     backend_set_index(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     args.add_mr = None

+     check_output("successfully updated")


+     # Verify MR was added

+     args.attr = ['description']

+     backend_get_index(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     check_output("nsmatchingrule:")


+     # Modify index (delete MR)

+     args.attr = 'description'

+     args.del_mr = ['']

+     backend_set_index(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     args.del_mr = None

+     check_output("successfully updated")


+     # Verify MR was added

+     args.attr = ['description']

+     backend_get_index(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     check_output("nsmatchingrule:", missing=True)


+     # Reindex index

+     backend_reindex(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     check_output("reindexed database")

+     time.sleep(2)


+     # Delete index

+     backend_del_index(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     check_output("deleted index")


+     # Verify index was removed

+     backend_list_index(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     check_output("cn: description", missing=True)



+ def test_attr_encrypt(topology_st, create_backend):

+     """Test adding/removing encrypted attrs

+     :id: 800f432a-52ab-4661-ac66-a2bdd9b984d789

+     :setup: Standalone instance

+     :steps:

+         1. Add encrypted attr

+         2. Verify it succeeded

+         3. Delete encrypted attr

+         4. Verity it was removed

+     :expectedresults:

+         1. Success

+         2. Success

+         3. Success

+         4. Success


+     """

+     sys.stdout = io.StringIO()

+     args = FakeArgs()

+     args.cn = BE_NAME

+     args.be_name = BE_NAME

+     args.suffix = False

+     args.nsslapd_suffix = SUFFIX

+     args.json = False

+     args.just_names = False

+     args.list = False

+     args.add_attr = None

+     args.del_attr = None


+     # Add an encrytped attr

+     args.add_attr = ['description']

+     backend_attr_encrypt(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     args.add_attr = None

+     check_output("added encrypted attribute")


+     # Verify it worked

+     args.list = True

+     backend_attr_encrypt(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     args.list = False

+     check_output("cn: description")


+     # Delete encrypted attr

+     args.del_attr = ['description']

+     backend_attr_encrypt(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     args.del_attr = None

+     check_output("deleted encrypted attribute")


+     # Verify it worked

+     args.list = True

+     backend_attr_encrypt(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     args.list = False

+     check_output("cn: description", missing=True)



  def test_import_export(topology_st):

      BE_NAME = 'userRoot'

      EXCLUDE_SUFFIX = "ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com"

-     LDIF_PATH = os.path.join(topology_st.standalone.ds_paths.ldif_dir, "test_import_export.ldif")

+     LDIF_NAME = "test_import_export.ldif"

+     LDIF_PATH = os.path.join(topology_st.standalone.ds_paths.ldif_dir, LDIF_NAME)

      topology_st.logcap = LogCapture()

      args = FakeArgs()


      # Export the backend

      args.be_names = [BE_NAME]

-     args.ldif = LDIF_PATH

+     args.ldif = LDIF_NAME

      args.use_id2entry = None

      args.encrypted = None

      args.min_base64 = None
@@ -77,17 +386,16 @@ 

      args.include_suffixes = None

      args.exclude_suffixes = [EXCLUDE_SUFFIX]

      backend_export(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args)

-     # Assert the right ldif was created

-     os.path.exists(LDIF_PATH)


+     # Verify export worked

      assert os.path.exists(LDIF_PATH)

      with open(LDIF_PATH, 'r') as ldif:

          for line in ldif:

              assert not line.endswith("%s\n" % EXCLUDE_SUFFIX)

-     # Assert the ldif was created

-     os.path.exists(LDIF_PATH)


      # Import the backend

      args.be_name = BE_NAME

-     args.ldifs = [LDIF_PATH]

+     args.ldifs = [LDIF_NAME]

      args.chunks_size = None

      args.encrypted = None

      args.gen_uniq_id = None
@@ -95,6 +403,107 @@ 

      args.include_suffixes = None

      args.exclude_suffixes = None

      backend_import(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args)

-     # No error has happened! Done!

-     # Clean up



+     # Done!



+ def test_vlv(topology_st, create_backend):

+     """Test creating, listing, getting, and deleting vlv's

+     :id: 800f432a-52ab-4661-ac66-a2bdd9b984d790

+     :setup: Standalone instance

+     :steps:

+         1. Add VLV search and index entries

+         2. Verify they are created

+         3. Edit VLV search and verify change

+         4. Create additional VLV indexes

+         5. Verity new indedxes were created

+         6. Remove VLV indexes

+         7. Verify indexes were removed

+         8. Reindex VLV

+     :expectedresults:

+         1. Success

+         2. Success

+         3. Success

+         4. Success

+         5. Success

+         6. Success

+         7. Success

+         8. Success


+     """

+     sys.stdout = io.StringIO()

+     args = FakeArgs()

+     args.cn = BE_NAME

+     args.be_name = BE_NAME

+     args.suffix = False

+     args.nsslapd_suffix = SUFFIX

+     args.json = False

+     args.name = "myVLVSearch"

+     args.index_name = "myVLVIndex"

+     args.search_base = SUFFIX

+     args.search_scope = '2'

+     args.search_filter = "cn=*"

+     args.parent_name = args.name

+     args.index = False

+     args.reindex = False

+     args.sort = "cn sn"

+     args.just_names = False



+     # Create vlv search

+     backend_create_vlv(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     check_output("created new VLV Search entry")


+     # Verify search is present

+     backend_get_vlv(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     check_output("VLV Search:")


+     # Create VLV index under vlvSearch

+     backend_create_vlv_index(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     check_output("created new VLV index entry")


+     # Verify index is present

+     backend_get_vlv(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     check_output("VLV Index:")


+     # Edit VLV Search

+     args.search_base = None

+     args.search_scope = '0'

+     args.search_filter = None

+     args.sort = None

+     backend_edit_vlv(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     check_output("updated VLV search entry")


+     # Verify edit was successful

+     backend_get_vlv(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     check_output("vlvscope: 0")


+     # List vlv searches

+     backend_list_vlv(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     check_output("vlvbase: " + SUFFIX)


+     # Add another index

+     args.index_name = "my2ndVLVIndex"

+     args.sort = "uid givenname"

+     backend_create_vlv_index(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     check_output("created new VLV index entry")


+     # Verify new index was created

+     backend_get_vlv(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     check_output("vlvsort: uid givenname")


+     # Reindex VLV

+     backend_reindex_vlv(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     check_output("reindexed VLV indexes")

+     time.sleep(2)


+     # Delete VLV search and indexes

+     backend_del_vlv(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     check_output("deleted VLV search and its indexes")


+     # List vlv searches/indexes

+     backend_list_vlv(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     check_output("")


+     # Done!

@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ 


+ # Copyright (C) 2018 Red Hat, Inc.

+ # All rights reserved.

+ #

+ # License: GPL (version 3 or any later version).

+ # See LICENSE for details.



+ import os

+ import io

+ import sys

+ import pytest

+ import time

+ from lib389.cli_conf.chaining import (config_get, config_set, def_config_get, def_config_set,

+                                       create_link, get_link, edit_link, delete_link,

+                                       monitor_link, list_links)

+ from lib389.cli_conf.backend import (backend_create, backend_delete, backend_list)

+ from lib389.cli_base import LogCapture, FakeArgs

+ from lib389.tests.cli import check_output

+ from lib389.topologies import topology_st


+ from lib389.utils import ds_is_older

+ pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif(ds_is_older('1.4.0'), reason="Not implemented")


+ LINK_NAME = "mylink"

+ LINK_SUFFIX = "ou=link,dc=chaining,dc=test"

+ SUFFIX = "dc=chaining,dc=test"

+ BE_NAME = "chainingRoot"

+ stdout = sys.__stdout__



+ @pytest.fixture(scope="function")

+ def create_backend(topology_st, request):

+     """Create backend "dc=backend,dc=test" / backendRoot

+     """

+     sys.stdout = io.StringIO()


+     args = FakeArgs()

+     args.cn = BE_NAME

+     args.be_name = BE_NAME

+     args.suffix = False

+     args.nsslapd_suffix = SUFFIX

+     args.skip_subsuffixes = False

+     args.json = False

+     args.parent_suffix = False

+     args.create_entries = True

+     args.suffix = SUFFIX

+     backend_create(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     check_output("The database was sucessfully created")


+     def fin():

+         sys.stdout = io.StringIO()


+         args = FakeArgs()

+         args.cn = BE_NAME

+         args.be_name = BE_NAME

+         args.suffix = SUFFIX

+         args.skip_subsuffixes = False

+         args.json = False


+         # Delete backend

+         backend_delete(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args, warn=False)

+         check_output("sucessfully deleted")


+         # Verify it's removed

+         args.suffix = False

+         backend_list(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+         check_output(BE_NAME, missing=True)


+     request.addfinalizer(fin)



+ def test_chaining_cli(topology_st, create_backend):

+     """Test creating, listing, getting, and deleting a backend (and subsuffix)

+     :id: 800f432a-52ab-4661-ac66-a2bdd9b984d7

+     :setup: Standalone instance

+     :steps:

+         1. Update config controls and components

+         2. Verify update to config

+         3. Set default config

+         4. Verify update to default config

+         5. Add DB Link

+         6. Verify Link was created

+         7. Edit Link

+         8. Verify edit to link

+         9. Test monitor

+         10. Delete link

+         11. Verify link was deleted

+     :expectedresults:

+         1. Success

+         2. Success

+         3. Success

+         4. Success

+         5. Success

+         6. Success

+         7. Success

+         8. Success

+         9. Success

+         10. Success

+         11. Success

+     """

+     topology_st.logcap = LogCapture()

+     sys.stdout = io.StringIO()

+     args = FakeArgs()

+     args.CHAIN_NAME = [LINK_NAME]

+     args.suffix = LINK_SUFFIX

+     args.json = False

+     args.add_control = None

+     args.del_control = None

+     args.add_comp = None

+     args.del_comp = None


+     # Set config (add control)

+     args.add_control = ''

+     config_set(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     args.add_control = None

+     check_output("updated chaining configuration")


+     # Verify config change

+     config_get(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     check_output("")


+     # Set config (delete control)

+     args.del_control = ''

+     config_set(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     args.del_control = None

+     check_output("updated chaining configuration")


+     # Verify config change

+     config_get(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     check_output("", missing=True)


+     # Set config (add comp)

+     args.add_comp = 'cn=test,cn=config'

+     config_set(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     args.add_comp = None

+     check_output("updated chaining configuration")


+     # Verify config change

+     config_get(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     check_output('cn=test,cn=config')


+     # Set config (delete comp)

+     args.del_comp = 'cn=test,cn=config'

+     config_set(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     args.del_comp = None

+     check_output("updated chaining configuration")


+     # Verify config change

+     config_get(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     check_output("cn=test,cn=config", missing=True)


+     # Set default config

+     args.time_limit = '5555'

+     def_config_set(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     check_output("updated chaining default instance creation configuration")


+     # Verify default config change

+     def_config_get(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     check_output("nsslapd_timelimit: 5555")


+     # Create database link

+     args.server_url = "ldap://localhost.localdomain"

+     args.bind_dn = "cn=link_admin," + SUFFIX

+     args.bind_pw = "secret_157"

+     args.bind_mech = "LDAP"

+     create_link(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     check_output("created database link")


+     # Verify link was created

+     list_links(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args)

+     check_output(LINK_NAME)


+     # Edit link

+     args.bind_dn = "uid=newuser,cn=config"

+     args.suffix = None

+     edit_link(topology_st.standalone, None, None, args)

+     check_output("updated database chaining link")


+     # Verify link was edited

+     args.cn = LINK_NAME

+     get_link(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args)

+     check_output("uid=newuser,cn=config")


+     # Test monitor

+     time.sleep(2)  # need time for link to start up and generate monitor

+     monitor_link(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args)

+     check_output("nssearchonelevelcount: ")


+     # Delete link

+     delete_link(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args)

+     check_output("deleted database link")


+     # Verify link was deleted

+     list_links(topology_st.standalone, None, topology_st.logcap.log, args)

+     check_output(LINK_NAME, missing=True)


+     # Done!


Add tests for the backend CLI functions.

Also fixed a few minor bugs found from this testing in lib389 and in core DS(chaining).


rebased onto 8a08fb6

6 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by mreynolds

6 years ago

389-ds-base is moving from Pagure to Github. This means that new issues and pull requests
will be accepted only in 389-ds-base's github repository.

This pull request has been cloned to Github as issue and is available here:
- https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base/issues/3146

If you want to continue to work on the PR, please navigate to the github issue,
download the patch from the attachments and file a new pull request.

Thank you for understanding. We apologize for all inconvenience.

Pull-Request has been closed by spichugi

4 years ago