#50081 Issue 50082 - Port state test suite
Closed 3 years ago by spichugi. Opened 5 years ago by aborah.
aborah/389-ds-base stat  into  master

empty or binary file added
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@ 

+ import os

+ import logging

+ import ldap

+ import pytest

+ from lib389.idm.user import UserAccounts

+ from lib389.topologies import topology_m2 as topo

+ from lib389._constants import *


+ DEBUGGING = os.getenv("DEBUGGING", default=False)


+     logging.getLogger(__name__).setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

+ else:

+     logging.getLogger(__name__).setLevel(logging.INFO)

+ log = logging.getLogger(__name__)


+ BINVALUE1 = 'thedeadbeef1'

+ BINVALUE2 = 'thedeadbeef2'

+ BINVALUE3 = 'thedeadbeef3'



+     'uid': 'state1usr',

+     'cn': 'state1usr',

+     'sn': 'state1usr',

+     'uidNumber': '1001',

+     'gidNumber': '2001',

+     'userpassword': PASSWORD,

+     'homeDirectory': '/home/testuser'

+ }



+ def _check_user_oper_attrs(topo, tuser, attr_name, attr_value, oper_type, exp_values, oper_attr):

+     """Check if list of operational attributes present for a given entry"""


+     log.info('Checking if operational attrs vucsn, adcsn and vdcsn present for: {}'.format(tuser))

+     entry = topo.ms["master1"].search_s(tuser.dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, 'objectclass=*',['nscpentrywsi'])

+     if oper_attr:

+         for line in str(entry).split('\n'):

+             if attr_name + ';' in line:

+                 if not 'DELETE' in oper_type:

+                     assert any(attr in line for attr in exp_values) and oper_attr in line

+                 else:

+                     assert 'deleted' in line and oper_attr in line and attr_value in line



+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("attr_name, attr_value, oper_type, exp_values, oper_attr",

+                          [('description', 'Test1usr1', 'ldap.MOD_ADD', ['Test1usr1'], 'vucsn'),

+                           ('description', 'Test1usr2', 'ldap.MOD_ADD', ['Test1usr1',

+                                                                         'Test1usr2'], 'vucsn'),

+                           ('description', 'Test1usr3', 'ldap.MOD_ADD',

+                            ['Test1usr1', 'Test1usr2', 'Test1usr3'], 'vucsn'),

+                           ('description', 'Test1usr4', 'ldap.MOD_REPLACE', ['Test1usr4'],

+                            'adcsn'),

+                           ('description', 'Test1usr4', 'ldap.MOD_DELETE', [], 'vdcsn')])

+ def test_check_desc_attr_state(topo, attr_name, attr_value, oper_type, exp_values, oper_attr):

+     """Modify user's description attribute and check if description attribute is

+     added/modified/deleted and operational attributes vucsn, adcsn and vdcsn are present.


+     :id: f0830538-02cf-11e9-8be0-8c16451d917b

+     :setup: Replication with two masters.

+     :steps: 1. Add user to Master1 without description attribute.

+             2. Add description attribute to user.

+             3. Check if only one description attribute exist.

+             4. Check if operational attribute vucsn exist.

+             5. Add second description attribute to user.

+             6. Check if two description attributes exist.

+             7. Check if operational attribute vucsn exist.

+             8. Add third description attribute to user.

+             9. Check if three description attributes exist.

+             10. Check if operational attribute vucsn exist.

+             11. Replace description attribute for the user.

+             12. Check if only one description attribute exist.

+             13. Check if operational attribute adcsn exist.

+             14. Delete description attribute for the user.

+             15. Check if no description attribute exist.

+             16. Check if no operational attribute vdcsn exist.

+     :expectedresults:

+             1. Add user to M1 should PASS.

+             2. Adding description attribute should PASS

+             3. Only one description attribute should be present.

+             4. Vucsn attribute should be present.

+             5. Adding a new description attribute should PASS

+             6. Two description attribute should be present.

+             7. Vucsn attribute should be present.

+             8. Adding a new description attribute should PASS

+             9. Three description attribute should be present.

+             10. Vucsn attribute should be present.

+             11. Replacing new description attribute should PASS

+             12. Only one description attribute should be present.

+             13. Adcsn attribute should be present.

+             14. Deleting description attribute should PASS

+             15. No description attribute should be present.

+             16. Vdcsn attribute should be present.

+     """


+     test_entry = 'state1test'

+     log.info('Add user: {}'.format(test_entry))

+     users = UserAccounts(topo.ms['master1'], DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     try:

+         tuser = users.get(test_entry)

+     except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:

+         USER_PROPERTIES.update(dict.fromkeys(['uid', 'cn'], test_entry))

+         tuser = users.create(properties=USER_PROPERTIES)

+     tuser.set(attr_name, attr_value, eval(oper_type))

+     log.info('Check if list of description attrs present for: {}'.format(test_entry))

+     assert sorted([i.decode() for i in tuser.get_attr_vals(attr_name)]) == sorted(exp_values)


+     log.info('Checking for operational attributes')

+     _check_user_oper_attrs(topo, tuser, attr_name, attr_value, oper_type, exp_values, oper_attr)



+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("attr_name, attr_value, oper_type, exp_values, oper_attr",

+                          [('cn', 'TestCN1', 'ldap.MOD_ADD', ['TestCN1', 'TestCNusr1'], 'vucsn'),

+                           ('cn', 'TestCN2', 'ldap.MOD_ADD', ['TestCN1',

+                                                              'TestCN2', 'TestCNusr1'], 'vucsn'),

+                           ('cn', 'TestnewCN3', 'ldap.MOD_REPLACE', ['TestnewCN3'], 'adcsn'),

+                           ('cn', 'TestnewCN3', 'ldap.MOD_DELETE', None, None)])

+ def test_check_cn_attr_state(topo, attr_name, attr_value, oper_type, exp_values, oper_attr):

+     """Modify user's cn attribute and check if cn attribute is added/modified/deleted and

+     operational attributes vucsn, adcsn and vdcsn are present.


+     :id: 19614bae-02d0-11e9-a295-8c16451d917b

+     :setup: Replication with two masters.

+     :steps: 1. Add user to Master1 with cn attribute.

+             2. Add a new cn attribute to user.

+             3. Check if two cn attributes exist.

+             4. Check if operational attribute vucsn exist for each cn attribute.

+             5. Add a new cn attribute to user.

+             6. Check if three cn attributes exist.

+             7. Check if operational attribute vucsn exist for each cn attribute.

+             8. Replace cn attribute for the user.

+             9. Check if only one cn attribute exist.

+             10. Check if operational attribute adcsn exist.

+             11. Delete cn attribute from user and check if it fails.

+     :expectedresults:

+             1. Add user to M1 should PASS.

+             2. Adding a new cn attribute should PASS

+             3. Two cn attribute should be present.

+             4. Vucsn attribute should be present.

+             5. Adding a new cn attribute should PASS

+             6. Three cn attribute should be present.

+             7. Vucsn attribute should be present.

+             8. Replacing new cn attribute should PASS

+             9. Only one cn attribute should be present.

+             10. Operational attribute adcsn should be present.

+             11. Deleting cn attribute should fail with ObjectClass violation error.

+     """


+     test_entry = 'TestCNusr1'

+     log.info('Add user: {}'.format(test_entry))

+     users = UserAccounts(topo.ms['master1'], DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     try:

+         tuser = users.get(test_entry)

+     except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:

+         USER_PROPERTIES.update(dict.fromkeys(['uid', 'cn'], test_entry))

+         tuser = users.create(properties=USER_PROPERTIES)


+     if 'MOD_DELETE' in oper_type:

+         with pytest.raises(ldap.OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION):

+             tuser.set(attr_name, attr_value, eval(oper_type))

+     else:

+         tuser.set(attr_name, attr_value, eval(oper_type))

+         log.info('Check if list of cn attrs present for: {}'.format(test_entry))

+         assert sorted([i.decode() for i in tuser.get_attr_vals(attr_name)]) == sorted(exp_values)

+     log.info('Checking for operational attributes')

+     _check_user_oper_attrs(topo, tuser, attr_name, attr_value, oper_type, exp_values, oper_attr)



+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("attr_name, attr_value, oper_type, exp_values, oper_attr",

+                          [('preferredlanguage', 'Chinese', 'ldap.MOD_REPLACE', ['Chinese'],

+                            'vucsn'),

+                           ('preferredlanguage', 'French', 'ldap.MOD_ADD', None, None),

+                           ('preferredlanguage', 'German', 'ldap.MOD_REPLACE', ['German'], 'adcsn'),

+                           ('preferredlanguage', 'German', 'ldap.MOD_DELETE', [], 'vdcsn')])

+ def test_check_single_value_attr_state(topo, attr_name, attr_value, oper_type,

+                                        exp_values, oper_attr):

+     """Modify user's preferredlanguage attribute and check if preferredlanguage attribute is

+     added/modified/deleted and operational attributes vucsn, adcsn and vdcsn are present.


+     :id: 22fd645e-02d0-11e9-a9e4-8c16451d917b

+     :setup: Replication with two masters.

+     :steps: 1. Add user to Master1 without preferredlanguage attribute.

+             2. Add a new preferredlanguage attribute to user.

+             3. Check if one preferredlanguage attributes exist.

+             4. Check if operational attribute vucsn exist.

+             5. Add a new preferredlanguage attribute for the user and check if its rejected.

+             6. Replace preferredlanguage attribute for the user.

+             7. Check if only one preferredlanguage attribute exist.

+             8. Check if operational attribute adcsn exist with preferredlanguage.

+     :expectedresults:

+             1. Add user to M1 should PASS.

+             2. Adding a new preferredlanguage attribute should PASS

+             3. Only one preferredlanguage attribute should be present.

+             4. Vucsn attribute should be present.

+             5. Adding a new preferredlanguage should fail with ObjectClass violation error.

+             6. Replace preferredlanguage should PASS.

+             7. Only one preferredlanguage attribute should be present.

+             8. Operational attribute adcsn should be present with preferredlanguage.

+     """


+     test_entry = 'Langusr1'

+     log.info('Add user: {}'.format(test_entry))

+     users = UserAccounts(topo.ms['master1'], DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     try:

+         tuser = users.get(test_entry)

+     except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:

+         USER_PROPERTIES.update(dict.fromkeys(['uid', 'cn'], test_entry))

+         tuser = users.create(properties=USER_PROPERTIES)


+     if 'MOD_ADD' in oper_type:

+         with pytest.raises(ldap.OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION):

+             tuser.set(attr_name, attr_value, eval(oper_type))

+     else:

+         tuser.set(attr_name, attr_value, eval(oper_type))

+         log.info('Check if list of cn attrs present for: {}'.format(test_entry))

+         assert sorted([i.decode() for i in tuser.get_attr_vals(attr_name)]) == sorted(exp_values)

+     log.info('Checking for operational attributes')

+     _check_user_oper_attrs(topo, tuser, attr_name, attr_value, oper_type, exp_values, oper_attr)



+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("attr_name, attr_value, oper_type, exp_values, oper_attr",

+                          [('roomnumber;office', 'Tower1', 'ldap.MOD_ADD', ['Tower1'], 'vucsn'),

+                           ('roomnumber;office', 'Tower2', 'ldap.MOD_ADD', ['Tower1', 'Tower2'],

+                            'vucsn'),

+                           ('roomnumber;office', 'Tower3', 'ldap.MOD_ADD', ['Tower1', 'Tower2',

+                                                                            'Tower3'], 'vucsn'),

+                           ('roomnumber;office', 'Tower4', 'ldap.MOD_REPLACE', ['Tower4'], 'adcsn'),

+                           ('roomnumber;office', 'Tower4', 'ldap.MOD_DELETE', [], 'vucsn')])

+ def test_check_subtype_attr_state(topo, attr_name, attr_value, oper_type, exp_values, oper_attr):

+     """Modify user's roomnumber;office attribute subtype and check if roomnumber;office attribute

+     is added/modified/deleted and operational attributes vucsn, adcsn and vdcsn are present.


+     :id: 29ab87a4-02d0-11e9-b104-8c16451d917b

+     :setup: Replication with two masters.

+     :steps: 1. Add user to Master1 without roomnumber;office attribute.

+             2. Add roomnumber;office attribute to user.

+             3. Check if only one roomnumber;office attribute exist.

+             4. Check if operational attribute vucsn exist.

+             5. Add second roomnumber;office attribute to user.

+             6. Check if two roomnumber;office attributes exist.

+             7. Check if operational attribute vucsn exist.

+             8. Add third roomnumber;office attribute to user.

+             9. Check if three roomnumber;office attributes exist.

+             10. Check if operational attribute vucsn exist.

+             11. Replace roomnumber;office attribute for the user.

+             12. Check if only one roomnumber;office attribute exist.

+             13. Check if operational attribute adcsn exist.

+             14. Delete roomnumber;office attribute for the user.

+             15. Check if no roomnumber;office attribute exist.

+             16. Check if no operational attribute vdcsn exist.

+     :expectedresults:

+             1. Add user to M1 should PASS.

+             2. Adding roomnumber;office attribute should PASS

+             3. Only one roomnumber;office attribute should be present.

+             4. Vucsn attribute should be present.

+             5. Adding a new roomnumber;office attribute should PASS

+             6. Two roomnumber;office attribute should be present.

+             7. Vucsn attribute should be present.

+             8. Adding a new roomnumber;office attribute should PASS

+             9. Three roomnumber;office attribute should be present.

+             10. Vucsn attribute should be present.

+             11. Replacing new roomnumber;office attribute should PASS

+             12. Only one roomnumber;office attribute should be present.

+             13. Adcsn attribute should be present.

+             14. Deleting roomnumber;office attribute should PASS

+             15. No roomnumber;office attribute should be present.

+             16. Vdcsn attribute should be present.

+     """


+     test_entry = 'roomoffice1usr'

+     log.info('Add user: {}'.format(test_entry))

+     users = UserAccounts(topo.ms['master1'], DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     try:

+         tuser = users.get(test_entry)

+     except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:

+         USER_PROPERTIES.update(dict.fromkeys(['uid', 'cn'], test_entry))

+         tuser = users.create(properties=USER_PROPERTIES)


+     tuser.set(attr_name, attr_value, eval(oper_type))

+     log.info('Check if list of roomnumber;office attributes are present for a given entry')

+     assert sorted([i.decode() for i in tuser.get_attr_vals(attr_name)]) == sorted(exp_values)

+     log.info('Checking if operational attributes are present for cn')

+     _check_user_oper_attrs(topo, tuser, attr_name, attr_value, oper_type, exp_values, oper_attr)



+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("attr_name, attr_value, oper_type, exp_values, oper_attr",

+                          [('jpegphoto', BINVALUE1, 'ldap.MOD_ADD', [BINVALUE1], 'vucsn'),

+                           ('jpegphoto', BINVALUE2, 'ldap.MOD_ADD', [BINVALUE1, BINVALUE2],

+                            'vucsn'),

+                           ('jpegphoto', BINVALUE3, 'ldap.MOD_ADD', [BINVALUE1, BINVALUE2,

+                                                                     BINVALUE3], 'vucsn'),

+                           ('jpegphoto', BINVALUE2, 'ldap.MOD_REPLACE', [BINVALUE2], 'adcsn'),

+                           ('jpegphoto', BINVALUE2, 'ldap.MOD_DELETE', [], 'vdcsn')])

+ def test_check_jpeg_attr_state(topo, attr_name, attr_value, oper_type, exp_values, oper_attr):

+     """Modify user's jpegphoto attribute and check if jpegphoto attribute is added/modified/deleted

+     and operational attributes vucsn, adcsn and vdcsn are present.


+     :id: 312ac0d0-02d0-11e9-9d34-8c16451d917b

+     :setup: Replication with two masters.

+     :steps: 1. Add user to Master1 without jpegphoto attribute.

+             2. Add jpegphoto attribute to user.

+             3. Check if only one jpegphoto attribute exist.

+             4. Check if operational attribute vucsn exist.

+             5. Add second jpegphoto attribute to user.

+             6. Check if two jpegphoto attributes exist.

+             7. Check if operational attribute vucsn exist.

+             8. Add third jpegphoto attribute to user.

+             9. Check if three jpegphoto attributes exist.

+             10. Check if operational attribute vucsn exist.

+             11. Replace jpegphoto attribute for the user.

+             12. Check if only one jpegphoto attribute exist.

+             13. Check if operational attribute adcsn exist.

+             14. Delete jpegphoto attribute for the user.

+             15. Check if no jpegphoto attribute exist.

+             16. Check if no operational attribute vdcsn exist.

+     :expectedresults:

+             1. Add user to M1 should PASS.

+             2. Adding jpegphoto attribute should PASS

+             3. Only one jpegphoto attribute should be present.

+             4. Vucsn attribute should be present.

+             5. Adding a new jpegphoto attribute should PASS

+             6. Two jpegphoto attribute should be present.

+             7. Vucsn attribute should be present.

+             8. Adding a new jpegphoto attribute should PASS

+             9. Three jpegphoto attribute should be present.

+             10. Vucsn attribute should be present.

+             11. Replacing new jpegphoto attribute should PASS

+             12. Only one jpegphoto attribute should be present.

+             13. Adcsn attribute should be present.

+             14. Deleting jpegphoto attribute should PASS

+             15. No jpegphoto attribute should be present.

+             16. Vdcsn attribute should be present.

+     """


+     test_entry = 'testJpeg1usr'

+     log.info('Add user: {}'.format(test_entry))

+     users = UserAccounts(topo.ms['master1'], DEFAULT_SUFFIX)

+     try:

+         tuser = users.get(test_entry)

+     except ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT:

+         USER_PROPERTIES.update(dict.fromkeys(['uid', 'cn'], test_entry))

+         tuser = users.create(properties=USER_PROPERTIES)


+     tuser.set(attr_name, attr_value, eval(oper_type))

+     log.info('Check if list of jpeg attributes are present for a given entry')

+     assert sorted([i.decode() for i in tuser.get_attr_vals(attr_name)]) == sorted(exp_values)

+     log.info('Checking if operational attributes are present for cn')

+     _check_user_oper_attrs(topo, tuser, attr_name, attr_value, oper_type, exp_values, oper_attr)



+ if __name__ == "__main__":

+     # Run isolated

+     # -s for DEBUG mode

+     CURRENT_FILE = os.path.realpath(__file__)

+     pytest.main("-s -v %s" % CURRENT_FILE) 

\ No newline at end of file

Port state test suite

Description: Port state test suite

issue: https://pagure.io/389-ds-base/issue/50082

Reviewed by: ??

rebased onto 5c7845662e3ba3ac797554e3ca60676ab8829000

5 years ago

rebased onto a297b14f055e5c7db70b68690c43917f5fd7bbfb

5 years ago

rebased onto bc6d5fd526ad8418155191221a97a873e0c7017e

5 years ago

rebased onto 83b36666ff5b3bfe63c7eef62b220dd4ddcb187d

5 years ago

rebased onto e687896198d220c7129f5ceaf3aa1a392dc12d65

5 years ago

Id should be unique
@spichugi changes has been done

rebased onto 4b53c31

5 years ago

@spichugi if all ok , please merge .

Pull-Request has been merged by vashirov

5 years ago

389-ds-base is moving from Pagure to Github. This means that new issues and pull requests
will be accepted only in 389-ds-base's github repository.

This pull request has been cloned to Github as issue and is available here:
- https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base/issues/3140

If you want to continue to work on the PR, please navigate to the github issue,
download the patch from the attachments and file a new pull request.

Thank you for understanding. We apologize for all inconvenience.

Pull-Request has been closed by spichugi

3 years ago