#50076 Ticket 50056 - Fix CLI/UI bugs
Closed 3 years ago by spichugi. Opened 5 years ago by mreynolds.
mreynolds/389-ds-base UI_FIXES  into  master

@@ -404,6 +404,39 @@ 




+ function do_backup(server_inst, backup_name) {

+   var cmd = ['status-dirsrv', server_inst];

+   $("#backup-spinner").show();

+   cockpit.spawn(cmd, { superuser: true}).

+   done(function() {

+     var cmd = [DSCONF, server_inst, 'backup', 'create',  backup_name];

+     log_cmd('#ds-backup-btn (click)', 'Backup server instance', cmd);

+     cockpit.spawn(cmd, { superuser: true, "err": "message", "environ": [ENV]}).

+     done(function(data) {

+       $("#backup-spinner").hide();

+       popup_success("Backup has been created");

+       $("#backup-form").modal('toggle');

+     }).

+     fail(function(data) {

+       $("#backup-spinner").hide();

+       popup_err("Failed to backup the server", data.message);

+     })

+   }).

+   fail(function() {

+     var cmd = [DSCTL, server_inst, 'db2bak', backup_name];

+     log_cmd('#ds-backup-btn (click)', 'Backup server instance (offline)', cmd);

+     cockpit.spawn(cmd, { superuser: true, "err": "message", "environ": [ENV]}).

+     done(function(data) {

+       $("#backup-spinner").hide();

+       popup_success("Backup has been created");

+       $("#backup-form").modal('toggle');

+     }).

+     fail(function(data) {

+       $("#backup-spinner").hide();

+       popup_err("Failed to backup the server", data.message);

+     });

+   });

+ }



   * load the server config pages
@@ -1253,36 +1286,30 @@ 

                             "Backups are written to the server's backup directory (nsslapd-bakdir)");



-       var cmd = ['status-dirsrv', server_inst];

-       $("#backup-spinner").show();

-       cockpit.spawn(cmd, { superuser: true}).

-       done(function() {

-         var cmd = [DSCONF, server_inst, 'backup', 'create',  backup_name];

-         log_cmd('#ds-backup-btn (click)', 'Backup server instance', cmd);

-         cockpit.spawn(cmd, { superuser: true, "err": "message", "environ": [ENV]}).

-         done(function(data) {

-           $("#backup-spinner").hide();

-           popup_success("Backup has been created");

-           $("#backup-form").modal('toggle');

-         }).

-         fail(function(data) {

-           $("#backup-spinner").hide();

-           popup_err("Failed to backup the server", data.message);

-         })

-       }).

-       fail(function() {

-         var cmd = [DSCTL, server_inst, 'db2bak', backup_name];

-         log_cmd('#ds-backup-btn (click)', 'Backup server instance (offline)', cmd);

-         cockpit.spawn(cmd, { superuser: true, "err": "message", "environ": [ENV]}).

-         done(function(data) {

-           $("#backup-spinner").hide();

-           popup_success("Backup has been created");

-           $("#backup-form").modal('toggle');

-         }).

-         fail(function(data) {

-           $("#backup-spinner").hide();

-           popup_err("Failed to backup the server", data.message);

-         });


+       // First check if backup name is already used

+       var check_cmd = [DSCTL, '-j', server_id, 'backups'];

+       log_cmd('#restore-server-btn (click)', 'Restore server instance', check_cmd);

+       cockpit.spawn(check_cmd, { superuser: true, "err": "message", "environ": [ENV]}).done(function(data) {

+         var obj = JSON.parse(data);

+         var found_backup = false;

+         for (var i = 0; i < obj.items.length; i++) {

+           if (obj.items[i][0] == backup_name) {

+             found_backup = true;

+             break;

+           }

+         }

+         if (found_backup) {

+           popup_confirm("A backup already exists with this name, replace it?", "Confirmation", function (yes) {

+             if (yes) {

+               do_backup(server_inst, backup_name);

+             } else {

+               return;

+             }

+           });

+         } else {

+           do_backup(server_inst, backup_name);

+         }



@@ -1292,7 +1319,7 @@ 


      /* Restore.  load restore table with current backups */

      $("#restore-server-btn").on('click', function () {

-       var cmd = [DSCTL, server_id, '-j', 'backups'];

+       var cmd = [DSCTL, '-j', server_id, 'backups'];

        log_cmd('#restore-server-btn (click)', 'Restore server instance', cmd);

        cockpit.spawn(cmd, { superuser: true, "err": "message", "environ": [ENV]}).done(function(data) {

          var backup_btn = "<button class=\"btn btn-default restore-btn\" type=\"button\">Restore</button>";

file modified
+13 -1
@@ -51,6 +51,18 @@ 

          help="The account to bind as for executing operations",



+ parser.add_argument('-w', '--bindpw',

+         help="Password for binddn",

+         default=None

+     )

+ parser.add_argument('-W', '--prompt',

+         action='store_true', default=False,

+         help="Prompt for password for the bind DN"

+     )

+ parser.add_argument('-y', '--pwdfile',

+         help="Specifies a file containing the password for the binddn",

+         default=None

+     )

  parser.add_argument('-b', '--basedn',

          help="Basedn (root naming context) of the instance to manage",

@@ -126,7 +138,7 @@ 

      inst = None

      result = False


-         inst = connect_instance(dsrc_inst=dsrc_inst, verbose=args.verbose)

+         inst = connect_instance(dsrc_inst=dsrc_inst, verbose=args.verbose, args=args)

          result = args.func(inst, None, log, args)

          if args.verbose:

              log.info("Command successful.")

file modified
+14 -2
@@ -43,6 +43,18 @@ 

          help="The account to bind as for executing operations",



+ parser.add_argument('-w', '--bindpw',

+         help="Password for binddn",

+         default=None

+     )

+ parser.add_argument('-W', '--prompt',

+         action='store_true', default=False,

+         help="Prompt for password for binddn"

+     )

+ parser.add_argument('-y', '--pwdfile',

+         help="Specifies a file containing the password for the bind DN",

+         default=None

+     )

  parser.add_argument('-Z', '--starttls',

          help="Connect with StartTLS",

          default=False, action='store_true'
@@ -98,7 +110,7 @@ 


      if dsrc_inst['basedn'] is None:

          log.error("Must provide a basedn!")

-         sys.ext(1)

+         sys.exit(1)


      if not args.verbose:

          signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
@@ -109,7 +121,7 @@ 

      inst = None

      result = False


-         inst = connect_instance(dsrc_inst=dsrc_inst, verbose=args.verbose)

+         inst = connect_instance(dsrc_inst=dsrc_inst, verbose=args.verbose, args=args)

          result = args.func(inst, dsrc_inst['basedn'], log, args)

          if args.verbose:

              log.info("Command successful.")

@@ -2856,9 +2856,9 @@ 


              tnow = datetime.now().strftime("%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S")

              if bename:

-                 ldifname = os.path.join(self._instance.ds_paths.ldif_dir, "%s-%s-%s.ldif" % (self._instance.serverid, be_name, tnow))

+                 ldifname = os.path.join(self.ds_paths.ldif_dir, "%s-%s-%s.ldif" % (self.serverid, be_name, tnow))


-                 ldifname = os.path.join(self._instance.ds_paths.ldif_dir, "%s-%s.ldif" % (self._instance.serverid, tnow))

+                 ldifname = os.path.join(self.ds_paths.ldif_dir, "%s-%s.ldif" % (self.serverid, tnow))



              result = subprocess.check_output(cmd, encoding='utf-8')

@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ 

      return data



- def connect_instance(dsrc_inst, verbose):

+ def connect_instance(dsrc_inst, verbose, args):

      dsargs = dsrc_inst['args']

      if '//' not in dsargs['ldapurl']:

          # Connecting to the local instance
@@ -99,10 +99,25 @@ 

              raise ValueError("Could not find configuration for instance: " + dsargs['ldapurl'])

      ds = DirSrv(verbose=verbose)


-     if not ds.can_autobind() and dsrc_inst['binddn'] is not None:


+     if args.pwdfile is not None or args.bindpw is not None or args.prompt is True:

+         if args.pwdfile is not None:

+             # Read password from file

+             try:

+                 with open(args.pwdfile, "r") as f:

+                     dsargs[SER_ROOT_PW] = f.readline().rstrip()

+             except EnvironmentError as e:

+                 raise ValueError("Failed to open password file: " + str(e))

+         elif args.bindpw is not None:

+             # Password provided

+             dsargs[SER_ROOT_PW] = args.bindpw

+         else:

+             # No password or we chose to prompt

+             dsargs[SER_ROOT_PW] = getpass("Enter password for {} on {}: ".format(dsrc_inst['binddn'], dsrc_inst['uri']))

+     elif not ds.can_autobind():

+         # No LDAPI, prompt for password

          dsargs[SER_ROOT_PW] = getpass("Enter password for {} on {}: ".format(dsrc_inst['binddn'], dsrc_inst['uri']))

-     elif not ds.can_autobind() and dsrc_inst['binddn'] is None:

-         raise Exception("Must provide a binddn to connect with")





@@ -102,9 +102,11 @@ 

      dn = _get_arg(args.dn, msg="Enter plugin dn to enable")

      mc = MANY(inst, basedn)

      o = mc.get(dn=dn)

-     o.enable()

-     o_str = o.display()

-     print('Enabled %s', o_str)

+     if o.status():

+         print('Plugin already enabled')

+     else:

+         o.enable()

+         print('Enabled plugin')



  # Plugin disable
@@ -114,9 +116,11 @@ 

          _warn(dn, msg="Disabling %s %s" % (SINGULAR.__name__, dn))

      mc = MANY(inst, basedn)

      o = mc.get(dn=dn)

-     o.disable()

-     o_str = o.display()

-     print('Disabled %s', o_str)

+     if not o.state():

+         print("Plugin already disabled")

+     else:

+         o.disable()

+         print('Disabled plugin')



  # Plugin configure?
@@ -132,22 +136,28 @@ 


  def generic_enable(inst, basedn, log, args):

      plugin = args.plugin_cls(inst)

-     plugin.enable()

-     print("Enabled %s", plugin.rdn)

+     if plugin.status():

+         print("Plugin '%s' already enabled" % plugin.rdn)

+     else:

+         plugin.enable()

+         print("Enabled plugin '%s'" % plugin.rdn)



  def generic_disable(inst, basedn, log, args):

      plugin = args.plugin_cls(inst)

-     plugin.disable()

-     print("Disabled %s", plugin.rdn)

+     if not plugin.status():

+         print("Plugin '%s' already disabled " % plugin.rdn)

+     else:

+         plugin.disable()

+         print("Disabled plugin '%s'" % plugin.rdn)



  def generic_status(inst, basedn, log, args):

      plugin = args.plugin_cls(inst)

      if plugin.status() is True:

-         print("%s is enabled", plugin.rdn)

+         print("Plugin '%s' is enabled" % plugin.rdn)


-         print("%s is disabled", plugin.rdn)

+         print("Plugin '%s' is disabled" % plugin.rdn)



  def add_generic_plugin_parsers(subparser, plugin_cls):

@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ 


      inst_names = get_instance_list(args.remove_all)

      if len(inst_names) > 0:

-         answer = input("Are you sure you want to remove all the Directory Server instances? (Yes/no): ")

+         answer = input("Are you sure you want to remove all the Directory Server instances?  Enter \"Yes\" to continue: ")

          if answer != 'Yes':

              print("Aborted removal of all instances")


@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ 

  from lib389.utils import selinux_label_port



- def remove_ds_instance(dirsrv):

+ def remove_ds_instance(dirsrv, force=False):


      This will delete the instance as it is define. This must be a local instance.

@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ 

      remove_paths['log_dir'] = dirsrv.ds_paths.log_dir

      # remove_paths['run_dir'] = dirsrv.ds_paths.run_dir

      remove_paths['tmpfiles_d'] = dirsrv.ds_paths.tmpfiles_d + "/dirsrv-" + dirsrv.serverid + ".conf"

+     remove_paths['inst_dir'] = dirsrv.ds_paths.inst_dir


      marker_path = "%s/sysconfig/dirsrv-%s" % (dirsrv.ds_paths.sysconf_dir, dirsrv.serverid)

@@ -66,8 +67,9 @@ 

      for path_k in remove_paths:

          _log.debug("Removing %s" % remove_paths[path_k])

          shutil.rmtree(remove_paths[path_k], ignore_errors=True)


      # Remove parent (/var/lib/dirsrv/slapd-INST)

-     shutil.rmtree(remove_paths['db_dir'].replace('db', ''))

+     shutil.rmtree(remove_paths['db_dir'].replace('db', ''), ignore_errors=True)


      # Finally remove the sysconfig marker.

@@ -78,8 +80,16 @@ 

      subprocess.check_call(["systemctl", "disable", "dirsrv@{}".format(dirsrv.serverid)])


      # Remove selinux port label

-     if dirsrv.port is not None:

+     _log.debug("Removing the port label")

+     try:

          selinux_label_port(dirsrv.port, remove_label=True)

+     except ValueError as e:

+         if force:

+             pass

+         else:

+             _log.error(str(e))

+             raise e


      if dirsrv.sslport is not None:

          selinux_label_port(dirsrv.sslport, remove_label=True)


@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ 

  import subprocess

  import getpass

  import configparser

- from lib389 import _ds_shutil_copytree

+ import selinux

+ from lib389 import _ds_shutil_copytree, DirSrv

  from lib389._constants import *

  from lib389.properties import *

  from lib389.passwd import password_hash, password_generate
@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ 

  from lib389.instance.options import General2Base, Slapd2Base, Backend2Base

  from lib389.paths import Paths

  from lib389.saslmap import SaslMappings

+ from lib389.instance.remove import remove_ds_instance

  from lib389.utils import (


@@ -202,6 +204,36 @@ 


              assert_c(False, "Unsupported config_version in section [general]")


+     def _remove_failed_install(self, serverid):

+         """The install failed, remove the scraps

+         :param serverid - The server ID of the instance

+         """

+         inst = DirSrv()


+         # Allocate the instance based on name

+         insts = []

+         insts = inst.list(serverid=serverid)


+         if len(insts) != 1:

+             log.error("No such instance to remove {}".format(serverid))

+             return

+         inst.allocate(insts[0])

+         remove_ds_instance(inst, force=True)


+     def _server_id_taken(self, serverid, prefix='/usr'):

+         """Check if instance name is already taken

+         :param serverid - name of the server instance

+         :param prefix - name of prefix build location

+         :return True - if the serfver id is already in use

+                 False - if the server id is available

+         """

+         if prefix != "/usr":

+             inst_dir = prefix + "/etc/dirsrv/slapd-" + serverid

+         else:

+             inst_dir = "/etc/dirsrv/slapd-" + serverid


+         return os.path.isdir(inst_dir)


      def create_from_cli(self):

          # Ask questions to generate general, slapd, and backends

          print('Install Directory Server (interactive mode)')
@@ -268,8 +300,16 @@ 

          # Instance name - adjust defaults once set

          while 1:

              slapd['instance_name'] = general['full_machine_name'].split('.', 1)[0]


+             # Check if default server id is taken

+             if self._server_id_taken(slapd['instance_name'], prefix=slapd['prefix']):

+                 slapd['instance_name'] = ""


              val = input('\nEnter the instance name [{}]: '.format(slapd['instance_name']))

              if val != "":

+                 if not all(ord(c) < 128 for c in val):

+                     print("Server identifier can not contain non ascii characters")

+                     continue

                  if ' ' in val:

                      print("Server identifier can not contain a space")

@@ -284,21 +324,18 @@ 



                  # Check if server id is taken

-                 inst_dir = slapd['config_dir'] + "/" + val

-                 if os.path.isdir(inst_dir):

+                 if self._server_id_taken(val, prefix=slapd['prefix']):

                      print("Server identifier \"{}\" is already taken, please choose a new name".format(val))



                  # instance name is good

                  slapd['instance_name'] = val


+             elif slapd['instance_name'] == "":

+                 continue


                  # Check if default server id is taken

-                 if slapd['prefix'] != "/usr":

-                     inst_dir = slapd['prefix'] + slapd['config_dir'] + "/" + slapd['instance_name']

-                 else:

-                     inst_dir = slapd['config_dir'] + "/" + slapd['instance_name']

-                 if os.path.isdir(inst_dir):

+                 if self._server_id_taken(slapd['instance_name'], prefix=slapd['prefix']):

                      print("Server identifier \"{}\" is already taken, please choose a new name".format(slapd['instance_name']))


@@ -404,21 +441,22 @@ 



          # Add sample entries?

-         while 1:

-             val = input("\nCreate sample entries in the suffix [no]: ".format(suffix))

-             if val != "":

-                 if val.lower() == "no" or val.lower() == "n":

-                     break

-                 if val.lower() == "yes" or val.lower() == "y":

-                     backend['sample_entries'] = INSTALL_LATEST_CONFIG

+         if len(backends) > 0:

+             while 1:

+                 val = input("\nCreate sample entries in the suffix [no]: ".format(suffix))

+                 if val != "":

+                     if val.lower() == "no" or val.lower() == "n":

+                         break

+                     if val.lower() == "yes" or val.lower() == "y":

+                         backend['sample_entries'] = INSTALL_LATEST_CONFIG

+                         break


+                     # Unknown value

+                     print ("Value \"{}\" is invalid, please use \"yes\" or \"no\"".format(val))

+                     continue

+                 else:



-                 # Unknown value

-                 print ("Value \"{}\" is invalid, please use \"yes\" or \"no\"".format(val))

-                 continue

-             else:

-                 break


          # Are you ready?

          while 1:

              val = input('\nAre you ready to install? [no]: ')
@@ -574,7 +612,13 @@ 

              self.log.info("NOOP: Dry run requested")


              # Actually trigger the installation.

-             self._install_ds(general, slapd, backends)

+             try:

+                 self._install_ds(general, slapd, backends)

+             except ValueError as e:

+                 self.log.fatal("Error: " + str(e) + ", removing incomplete installation...")

+                 self._remove_failed_install(slapd['instance_name'])

+                 raise ValueError("Instance creation failed!")


              # Call the child api to do anything it needs.


          if self.verbose:
@@ -596,10 +640,12 @@ 

              for line in template_init.readlines():

                  initconfig += line.replace('{{', '{', 1).replace('}}', '}', 1).replace('-', '_')


-             os.makedirs("%s" % slapd['initconfig_dir'], mode=0o775)

+             # /etc/sysconfig

+             os.makedirs("%s" % slapd['initconfig_dir'], mode=0o770)

          except FileExistsError:


-         with open("%s/dirsrv-%s" % (slapd['initconfig_dir'], slapd['instance_name']), 'w') as f:

+         sysconfig_filename = "%s/dirsrv-%s" % (slapd['initconfig_dir'], slapd['instance_name'])

+         with open(sysconfig_filename, 'w') as f:



@@ -609,17 +655,25 @@ 




+         os.chmod(sysconfig_filename, 0o440)

+         os.chown(sysconfig_filename, slapd['user_uid'], slapd['group_gid'])


          # Create all the needed paths

-         # we should only need to make bak_dir, cert_dir, config_dir, db_dir, ldif_dir, lock_dir, log_dir, run_dir? schema_dir,

+         # we should only need to make bak_dir, cert_dir, config_dir, db_dir, ldif_dir, lock_dir, log_dir, run_dir?

          for path in ('backup_dir', 'cert_dir', 'config_dir', 'db_dir', 'ldif_dir', 'lock_dir', 'log_dir', 'run_dir'):

              if self.verbose:

                  self.log.info("ACTION: creating %s", slapd[path])


-                 os.makedirs(slapd[path], mode=0o775)

+                 os.umask(0o007)  # For parent dirs that get created -> sets 770 for perms

+                 os.makedirs(slapd[path], mode=0o770)

              except OSError:


              os.chown(slapd[path], slapd['user_uid'], slapd['group_gid'])


+         # /var/lock/dirsrv needs special attention...

+         parentdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(slapd['lock_dir'], os.pardir))

+         os.chown(parentdir, slapd['user_uid'], slapd['group_gid'])


          ### Warning! We need to down the directory under db too for .restore to work.

          # See dblayer.c for more!

          db_parent = os.path.join(slapd['db_dir'], '..')
@@ -632,18 +686,21 @@ 


          _ds_shutil_copytree(os.path.join(slapd['sysconf_dir'], 'dirsrv/schema'), slapd['schema_dir'])

          os.chown(slapd['schema_dir'], slapd['user_uid'], slapd['group_gid'])

+         os.chmod(slapd['schema_dir'], 0o770)


          # Copy in the collation

          srcfile = os.path.join(slapd['sysconf_dir'], 'dirsrv/config/slapd-collations.conf')

          dstfile = os.path.join(slapd['config_dir'], 'slapd-collations.conf')

          shutil.copy2(srcfile, dstfile)

          os.chown(dstfile, slapd['user_uid'], slapd['group_gid'])

+         os.chmod(dstfile, 0o440)


          # Copy in the certmap configuration

          srcfile = os.path.join(slapd['sysconf_dir'], 'dirsrv/config/certmap.conf')

          dstfile = os.path.join(slapd['config_dir'], 'certmap.conf')

          shutil.copy2(srcfile, dstfile)

          os.chown(dstfile, slapd['user_uid'], slapd['group_gid'])

+         os.chmod(dstfile, 0o440)


          # If we are on the correct platform settings, systemd

          if general['systemd'] and not self.containerised:
@@ -758,10 +815,17 @@ 

                  # Set selinux port label




-         # Selinux fixups?

-         # Restorecon of paths?

-         if not self.containerised and general['selinux']:

+         # Do selinux fixups

+         if not self.containerised and general['selinux'] and selinux.is_selinux_enabled():

+             selinux_paths = ('backup_dir', 'cert_dir', 'config_dir', 'db_dir', 'ldif_dir',

+                              'lock_dir', 'log_dir', 'run_dir', 'schema_dir', 'tmp_dir')

+             for path in selinux_paths:

+                 try:

+                     selinux.restorecon(slapd[path], recursive=True)

+                 except:

+                     self.log.debug("Failed to run restorecon on: " + slapd[path])

+                     pass




          # Start the server

file modified
+10 -4
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ 

          noise = password_generate(256)

          with open(fpath, 'w') as f:


+         os.chmod(fpath, 0o660)


      def reinit(self):

@@ -122,12 +123,17 @@ 

          # In the future we may add the needed option to avoid writing the pin

          # files.

          # Write the pin.txt, and the pwdfile.txt

-         if not os.path.exists('%s/%s' % (self._certdb, PIN_TXT)):

-             with open('%s/%s' % (self._certdb, PIN_TXT), 'w') as f:

+         pin_file = '%s/%s' % (self._certdb, PIN_TXT)

+         if not os.path.exists(pin_file):

+             with open(pin_file, 'w') as f:

                  f.write('Internal (Software) Token:%s' % self.dbpassword)

-         if not os.path.exists('%s/%s' % (self._certdb, PWD_TXT)):

-             with open('%s/%s' % (self._certdb, PWD_TXT), 'w') as f:

+             os.chmod(pin_file, 0o660)


+         pwd_text_file = '%s/%s' % (self._certdb, PWD_TXT)

+         if not os.path.exists(pwd_text_file):

+             with open(pwd_text_file, 'w') as f:

                  f.write('%s' % self.dbpassword)

+             os.chmod(pwd_text_file, 0o660)


          # Init the db.

          # 48886; This needs to be sql format ...

file modified
+6 -3
@@ -184,7 +184,8 @@ 

      :raises: ValueError: Error message



-     if not selinux.is_selinux_enabled() or port == 389 or port == 636:

+     selinux_default_ports = [389, 636, 3268, 3269, 7389]

+     if not selinux.is_selinux_enabled() or port in selinux_default_ports:



      label_set = False
@@ -204,12 +205,14 @@ 

                      # The port is within the range, just return



-         else:

+         elif not remove_label:

              # Port belongs to someone else (bad)

-             raise ValueError("Port " + port + " was already labelled with: " + policy['type'])

+             # This is only an issue during setting a label, not removing a label

+             raise ValueError("Port {} was already labelled with: ({})  Please choose a different port number".format(port, policy['type']))


      if (remove_label and label_set) or (not remove_label and not label_set):

          for i in range(3):



                  subprocess.check_call(["semanage", "port",

                                         "-d" if remove_label else "-a",

I have an issue with the installation (both dscreate and WebUI)

Dec 06 05:21:01 host-8-254-143.host.centralci.eng.rdu2.redhat.com ns-slapd[19311]: Error - Problem accessing the lockfile /var/lock/dirsrv/slapd-localhost/lock
Dec 06 05:21:01 host-8-254-143.host.centralci.eng.rdu2.redhat.com ns-slapd[19311]: [06/Dec/2018:05:21:01.577619120 -0500] - CRIT - main - Shutting down due to possible conflicts with other slapd processes


I have an issue with the installation (both dscreate and WebUI)
Dec 06 05:21:01 host-8-254-143.host.centralci.eng.rdu2.redhat.com ns-slapd[19311]: Error - Problem accessing the lockfile /var/lock/dirsrv/slapd-localhost/lock
Dec 06 05:21:01 host-8-254-143.host.centralci.eng.rdu2.redhat.com ns-slapd[19311]: [06/Dec/2018:05:21:01.577619120 -0500] - CRIT - main - Shutting down due to possible conflicts with other slapd processes

I saw this once in my testing but I can no longer reproduce this :-( This PR is currently working fine for me (I just triple checked it) :-/ What are your permissions on/var/lock/dirsrv and the child dirs?

I saw this once in my testing but I can no longer reproduce this :-( This PR is currently working fine for me (I just triple checked it) :-/ What are your permissions on/var/lock/dirsrv and the child dirs?

I've tested it on a fresh reserved machine with F28 and it has happened both times.

[root@host-8-247-253 ds]# ll /var/lock/dirsrv/
total 0
drwxr-x---. 2 dirsrv dirsrv 40 Dec  6 11:47 slapd-localhost

[root@host-8-247-253 ds]# ll /var/lock/dirsrv/slapd-localhost/
total 0

I'll reserve one more machine with the environment for you as you'll return.

rebased onto eb32933b8d319cfc14b1f6d58a21e472590c334c

5 years ago

I have an issue with the installation (both dscreate and WebUI)
Dec 06 05:21:01 host-8-254-143.host.centralci.eng.rdu2.redhat.com ns-slapd[19311]: Error - Problem accessing the lockfile /var/lock/dirsrv/slapd-localhost/lock
Dec 06 05:21:01 host-8-254-143.host.centralci.eng.rdu2.redhat.com ns-slapd[19311]: [06/Dec/2018:05:21:01.577619120 -0500] - CRIT - main - Shutting down due to possible conflicts with other slapd processes

Fixed please review...

There is no need for this line because the file 'f' will be closed after the last line of the block with open(args.pwdfile, "r") as f:

The rest looks good to me!

rebased onto 5ed5f87

5 years ago

Pull-Request has been merged by mreynolds

5 years ago

389-ds-base is moving from Pagure to Github. This means that new issues and pull requests
will be accepted only in 389-ds-base's github repository.

This pull request has been cloned to Github as issue and is available here:
- https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base/issues/3135

If you want to continue to work on the PR, please navigate to the github issue,
download the patch from the attachments and file a new pull request.

Thank you for understanding. We apologize for all inconvenience.

Pull-Request has been closed by spichugi

3 years ago