#49707 Ticket 49706 - Finish UI patternfly convertions
Closed 3 years ago by spichugi. Opened 5 years ago by mreynolds.
mreynolds/389-ds-base ticket49706  into  master

@@ -410,6 +410,21 @@ 

                "the available memory space for the DN cache. The DN cache is similar to the entry cache for a database, only its table stores only the entry ID and the entry DN (nsslapd-dncachememsize).">

                DN Cache Size (bytes)</label><input class="ds-input" type="text" id="nsslapd-dncachememsize" size="20"/>



+         </div>

+         <div class="ds-divider"></div>

+         <div class="ds-inline">

+           <div>

+             <input type="checkbox" class="ds-config-checkbox" id="nsslapd-readonly-suffix"><label

+               for="nsslapd-readonly-suffix" class="ds-label" title="Put database in Read-Only mode (nsslapd-readonly)."> Database Read-Only Mode</label>

+           </div>

+           <div>

+             <input type="checkbox" class="ds-config-checkbox" id="nsslapd-require-index" checked><label

+               for="nsslapd-require-index" class="ds-label" title="Block unindexed searches on this suffix (nsslapd-require-index)."> Block Unindexed Searches</label>

+           </div>

+         </div>

+       </div>




              <table id="referral-table" class="display ds-referral-table" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
@@ -422,29 +437,17 @@ 

                <tbody id="referral-tbody">



-                   <td><button class="btn btn-default  delete-referral-btn" type="button"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> Delete</button></td>

+                   <td class='ds-center'><button class="btn btn-default del-ref-btn" type="button"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> Delete</button></td>




-                   <td><button class="btn btn-default delete-referral-btn" type="button"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> Delete</button></td>

+                   <td class='ds-center'><button class="btn btn-default del-ref-btn" type="button"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> Delete</button></td>




              <button class="btn btn-default" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#create-ref-form" id="create-ref-btn" type="button">Create Referral</button>



-         </div>

-         <div class="ds-inline">

-           <div>

-             <input type="checkbox" class="ds-config-checkbox" id="nsslapd-readonly-suffix"><label

-               for="nsslapd-readonly-suffix" class="ds-label" title="Put database in Read-Only mode (nsslapd-readonly)."> Database Read-Only Mode</label>

-           </div>

-           <div>

-             <input type="checkbox" class="ds-config-checkbox" id="nsslapd-require-index" checked><label

-               for="nsslapd-require-index" class="ds-label" title="Block unindexed searches on this suffix (nsslapd-require-index)."> Block Unindexed Searches</label>

-           </div>

-         </div>

-       </div>



        <button class="accordion ds-accordion" id="db-system-index-accordion" type="button">&#9658 Show System Indexes </button>

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 

  389 Directory Server Management <div class="dropdown ds-server-action"> <select class="btn btn-default dropdown ds-dropdown-server" id="select-server">

-       </select></div><div class="dropdown ds-float-right"><button class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle ds-action-btn" 

+       </select></div><div class="dropdown ds-float-right"><button class="btn btn-primary dropdown-toggle ds-action-btn"

         type="button" id="server-list-menu" data-toggle="dropdown">Actions<span class="caret"></span>

        </button><ul class="dropdown-menu pull-right" role="menu">

          <li role=""><a role="menuitem" id="start-server-btn" href="#">Start Instance</a></li>

@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ 

  .ds-oc-must-buttons {

    padding 0 !important;

    padding-left: 3px;

-   margin-top: 5px;

+   margin-top: 70px;

    margin-bottom: 75px;

    margin-left: 5px;

    margin-right: 9px;
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ 

    height: 30px;

    width: 250px !important;

    text-align: left;

-   border-radius: 5px;

+   /* border-radius: 5px; */



  .ds-passwd-dropdown {
@@ -1036,7 +1036,7 @@ 


  .ds-may-must-list {

    width: 232px !important;

-   height: 160px !important;

+   height: 150px !important;

    margin: 0 !important;

    padding: 0 !important;

@@ -1110,7 +1110,7 @@ 

  .ds-action-btn {

    margin-left: 10px;

    margin-right: 0px;

-   border-radius: 5px !important;

+   /* border-radius: 5px !important; */

    padding: 0px 10px 0px 10px !important;

    min-height: 30px !important;

@@ -1350,3 +1350,7 @@ 

    margin-left: 10px;

    margin-top: -2px;



+ .ds-suffix-cfg-div {

+   min-width: 500px;

+ }

empty or binary file added
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ 

    <script src="js/ds.js"></script>



- <body hidden>node_modules/datatables/media/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js

+ <body hidden>

    <div class="ds-nav-bar">

      <div class="ds-logo">

        <h2 class="ds-logo-style" id="main-banner"></h2>
@@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ 

                <b class="caret"></b>


              <ul class="dropdown-menu ds-nav-item">

-               <li><a href="#0"class="ds-nav-choice" id="std-schema-btn" parent-id="schema-tab">Standard Schema</a></li>

-               <li><a href="#0"class="ds-nav-choice" id="custom-schema-btn" parent-id="schema-tab">Custom Schema</a></li>

+               <li><a href="#0"class="ds-nav-choice" id="objectclass-btn" parent-id="schema-tab">Objectclasses</a></li>

+               <li><a href="#0"class="ds-nav-choice" id="attribute-btn" parent-id="schema-tab">Attributes</a></li>

                <li><a href="#0" class="ds-nav-choice" id="schema-mr-btn" parent-id="schema-tab">Matching Rules</a></li>



@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 

  var prev_tree_node = null;

- var ref_del_html = "<button class=\"btn btn-default delete-referral-btn\" type=\"button\">Delete Referral</button>";

+ var ref_del_html = "<button class=\"btn btn-default del-ref-btn\" type=\"button\"><span class='glyphicon glyphicon-trash'></span> Delete</button>";

  var attr_encrypt_del_html = "<button class=\"btn btn-default attr-encrypt-delete-btn\" type=\"button\">Remove Attribute</button></td>";

  var index_btn_html = 

    '<div class="dropdown"> ' +
@@ -309,16 +309,19 @@ 

        "language": {

          "emptyTable": "No Referrals"


-       "columnDefs": [ {

-         "targets": 1,

-         "orderable": false

-       } ]

+       "columnDefs": [

+         {

+           "targets": 1,

+           "orderable": false,

+         },

+         {

+            "targets": 1,

+            "className": "ds-center"

+         }

+       ]







      $('#system-index-table').DataTable( {

        "paging": true,

        "bAutoWidth": false,
@@ -481,6 +484,21 @@ 




+     $(document).on('click', '.del-ref-btn', function(e) {

+       e.preventDefault();

+       var data = ref_table.row( $(this).parents('tr') ).data();

+       var del_ref_name = data[0];

+       var ref_row = $(this); // Store element for callback

+       bootpopup.confirm("Are you sure you want to delete referral:  " + del_ref_name, "Confirmation", function (yes) {

+         if (yes) {

+           // TODO Delete mapping from DS


+           // Update html table

+           ref_table.row( ref_row.parents('tr') ).remove().draw( false );

+         }

+       });

+     });


      $("#backend-config-save-btn").on("click", function () {

        var role = $("input[name=cache-role]:checked").val();

        if (role == "manual-cache") {
@@ -695,7 +713,6 @@ 

        var attr_encrypt_algo = $("#nsencryptionalgorithm").val();

        // TODO - add encrypted attr to DS


- console.log("Mark Save encrypted attribute");

        // Update table on success

        attr_encrypt_table.row.add( [

@@ -761,16 +778,16 @@ 



      $("#create-ref-save").on("click", function() {


        var ref = get_encoded_ref();

        // Do the actual save in DS

        // Update html

        var tr_row = ref_table.row.add( [



-       ] ).draw( false );

+       ] );

        $( tr_row ).addClass('ds-nowrap-td');


+       $( tr_row ).find("td:nth-child(1))").addClass('ds-center');

+       tr_row.draw(false);




@@ -103,13 +103,17 @@ 




- function check_repl_binddn_list () {

-   if( $("#nsds5replicabinddngroup").val() == "" && $("#repl-managers-list").has('option').length < 1) {

-     $("#repl-managers-list").css('border-color', 'red');

-   } else {

-     $("#repl-managers-list").css('border-color', binddn_list_color);

-   }

- }


+ function add_repl_mgr(dn){

+ 	$("#repl-mgr-table tbody").append(

+ 		"<tr>"+

+ 		"<td class='ds-td'>" + dn +"</td>"+

+     "<td class='ds-center'>"+

+     "<button type='button' class='btn btn-default ds-table-btn del-repl-mgr'>" +

+     "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-trash'></span> Remove</button></td>" +

+ 		"</tr>");

+ };



  $(document).ready( function() {

    $("#replication-content").load("replication.html", function () {
@@ -120,8 +124,6 @@ 


      // Load existing replication config (if any), set role, etc


-     // Check repl managers list and if empty give it a red border

-     check_repl_binddn_list();



      $("#repl-config-btn").on("click", function() {
@@ -361,6 +363,17 @@ 




+     $(document).on('click', '.del-repl-mgr', function(e) {

+       e.preventDefault();

+       var row = $(this).parent().parent(); //tr

+       var repl_dn = row.children("td:nth-child(1)");

+       bootpopup.confirm("Are you sure you want to delete replication manager:  " + repl_dn.html(), "Confirmation", function (yes) {

+         if (yes) {

+           row.remove();

+         }

+       });

+     });


      // Delete agreement

      $(document).on('click', '.agmt-del-btn', function(e) {

@@ -378,6 +391,7 @@ 





      // Edit Agreement

      $(document).on('click', '.agmt-edit-btn', function(e) {

@@ -732,14 +746,12 @@ 

        // Do the actual save in DS


        // Update html

-       $("#add-repl-mgr-form").css('display', 'none');

-       if (repl_dn != '') {

-         if ( $('#repl-managers-list option[value="' + repl_dn + '"]').val() === undefined) {

-           // It's not a duplicate

-           $('#repl-managers-list').append($("<option>").val(repl_dn).text(repl_dn));

-           check_repl_binddn_list();

-         }

-       }


+       add_repl_mgr(repl_dn);



+       $("#add-repl-mgr-form").modal('toggle');





@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ 

  var attr_btn_html = 

    '<div class="dropdown">' +

-     '<button class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle ds-agmt-dropdown-button" type="button" id="" data-toggle="dropdown">' +

+     '<button class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" type="button" data-toggle="dropdown">' +

        '  Choose Action...' +

        '<span class="caret"></span>' +

      '</button>' +
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ 


  var oc_btn_html = 

    '<div class="dropdown">' +

-     '<button class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle ds-agmt-dropdown-button" type="button" id="oc-action-btn" data-toggle="dropdown">' +

+     '<button class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" type="button"data-toggle="dropdown">' +

        ' Choose Action...' +

        '<span class="caret"></span>' +

      '</button>' +

-     '<ul class="dropdown-menu ds-agmt-dropdown" role="menu" aria-labelledby="oc-action-btn">' +

+     '<ul class="dropdown-menu ds-agmt-dropdown" role="menu">' +

        '<li role=""><a role="menuitem" tabindex="0" class="oc-edit-btn" href="#">Edit Objectclass</a></li>' +

        '<li role=""><a role="menuitem" tabindex="1" class="oc-del-btn" href="#">Delete Objectclass</a></li>' +

      '</ul>' +
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ 


  function clear_attr_form() {

    // Clear input fields and reset dropboxes

-   $(".ds-accordion-panel").css('display','none');

    $("#add-edit-attr-header").html('Add Attribute');

    $("#attr-name").attr('disabled', false);

@@ -57,36 +56,14 @@ 

      // TODO Get attributes, Objectclasses, syntaxes, and matching rules: populate tables and forms


      // Setup the tables: standard, custom, and Matching Rules

-     $('#standard-oc-table').DataTable({

-       "paging": true,

-       "bAutoWidth": false,

-       "dom": '<"pull-left"f><"pull-right"l>tip', // Moves the search box to the left

-       "lengthMenu": [[10, 25, 50, -1], [10, 25, 50, "All"]],

-       "language": {

-         "emptyTable": "No objectclasses available",

-         "search": "Search Objectclasses"

-       },

-     });


-     $('#standard-attr-table').DataTable( {

-       "paging": true,

-       "bAutoWidth": false,

-       "dom": '<"pull-left"f><"pull-right"l>tip', // Moves the search box to the left

-       "lengthMenu": [[10, 25, 50, -1], [10, 25, 50, "All"]],

-       "language": {

-         "emptyTable": "No attributes available",

-         "search": "Search Attributes"

-       },

-     });



-     var custom_oc_table = $('#custom-oc-table').DataTable ({

+     var oc_table = $('#oc-table').DataTable ({

        "paging": true,

        "bAutoWidth": false,

        "dom": '<"pull-left"f><"pull-right"l>tip',

        "lengthMenu": [[10, 25, 50, -1], [10, 25, 50, "All"]],

        "language": {

-         "emptyTable": "No custom objectclasses defined",

+         "emptyTable": "No objectclasses defined",

          "search": "Search Objectclasses"


        "columnDefs": [ {
@@ -94,13 +71,13 @@ 

          "orderable": false

        } ]


-     var custom_at_table = $('#custom-attr-table').DataTable({

+     var at_table = $('#attr-table').DataTable({

        "paging": true,

        "bAutoWidth": false,

        "dom": '<"pull-left"f><"pull-right"l>tip', // Moves the search box to the left

        "lengthMenu": [[10, 25, 50, -1], [10, 25, 50, "All"]],

        "language": {

-         "emptyTable": "No custom attributes defined",

+         "emptyTable": "No attributes defined",

          "search": "Search Attributes"


        "columnDefs": [ {
@@ -125,15 +102,15 @@ 

      // Sort schema list awhile

      sort_list( $("#schema-list") );


-     $("#std-schema-btn").on("click", function() {

+     $("#objectclass-btn").on("click", function() {



-       $("#std-schema-page").show();

+       $("#objectclass-page").show();


-     $("#custom-schema-btn").on("click", function() {

+     $("#attribute-btn").on("click", function() {



-       $("#custom-schema-page").show();

+       $("#attribute-page").show();


      $("#schema-mr-btn").on("click", function() {

@@ -141,21 +118,6 @@ 




-     // Accordions

-     $(".ds-accordion-panel").css('display','none');

-     var attr_opts_acc = document.getElementsByClassName("attr-opts-accordion");

-     for (var i = 0; i < attr_opts_acc.length; i++) {

-       attr_opts_acc[i].onclick = function() {

-         this.classList.toggle("active");

-         var panel = this.nextElementSibling;

-         if (panel.style.display == "block") {

-             panel.style.display = "none";

-         } else {

-             panel.style.display = "block";

-         }

-       }

-     }



      // Modals/Forms

@@ -167,24 +129,21 @@ 


      $("#add-oc-button").on("click", function() {


-       $("#add-edit-oc-form").css('display', 'block');

-     });


-     $("#add-edit-oc-close").on("click", function() {

-       $("#add-edit-oc-form").css('display', 'none');


-     $("#add-edit-oc-cancel").on("click", function() {

-       $("#add-edit-oc-form").css('display', 'none');

-     });

-     $("#add-edit-oc-save").on("click", function() {


-       // Do the actual save in DS


+     $("#save-oc-button").on("click", function() {

+       var edit = false;

+       var oc_name = $("#oc-name").val();


+       if ( $("#add-edit-oc-header").text().indexOf("Edit Objectclass") != -1){

+         edit = true;

+       }

+       // TODO - Do the actual save in DS


        // Update html

        // If save successful close down form, otherwise keep form up and return      

-       $("#add-edit-oc-form").css('display', 'none');

+       $("#add-edit-oc-form").modal('toggle');


        $("#oc-name").attr('disabled', false);


@@ -192,9 +151,15 @@ 

        var oc_required_list = $('#oc-required-list option').map(function() { return $(this).val(); }).get().join(', ');

        var oc_allowed_list = $('#oc-allowed-list option').map(function() { return $(this).val(); }).get().join(', ');


-       // Update html table

-       var oc_name = $("#oc-name").val();

-       custom_oc_table.row.add( [

+       // Add or edit?


+       // Update html table (if edit: delete old then add new)

+       if ( edit ) {

+         var selector = $('tr:contains(' + oc_name + ')');

+         oc_table.row(selector).remove().draw(false);

+       }


+       oc_table.row.add( [



@@ -261,15 +226,10 @@ 


      $("#create-attr-button").on("click", function() {


-       $("#add-edit-attr-form").css('display', 'block');



-     $("#attr-close").on("click", function() {

-       $("#add-edit-attr-form").css('display', 'none');

-     });

-     $("#attr-cancel").on("click", function() {

-       $("#add-edit-attr-form").css('display', 'none');

-     });

-     $("#attr-save").on("click", function() {


+     $("#save-attr-button").on("click", function() {

        var attr_name = $("#attr-name").val();

        var multiple = "no";

        var eq_mr= $('#attr-eq-mr-select').val();
@@ -279,15 +239,25 @@ 

        if ( $("#attr-multivalued").is(":checked") ) {

          multiple = "yes";


+       var edit = false;

+       if ( $("#add-edit-attr-header").text().indexOf("Edit Attribute") != -1){

+         edit = true;

+       }


        // Do the actual save in DS



        // if save in DS successful close down form, otherwise keep form visible and return ^^^

-       $("#add-edit-attr-form").css('display', 'none');

+       $("#add-edit-attr-form").modal('toggle');

        $("#attr-name").attr('disabled', false);


-       // Create attribute row to dataTable with correct edit button id

-       custom_at_table.row.add( [

+       // Update html table (if edit: delete old then add new)

+       if ( edit ) {

+         var selector = $('tr:contains(' + attr_name + ')');

+         at_table.row(selector).remove().draw(false);

+       }


+       // Create attribute row to dataTable

+       at_table.row.add( [



@@ -302,7 +272,7 @@ 

      $(document).on('click', '.attr-edit-btn', function(e) {



-         var data = custom_at_table.row( $(this).parents('tr') ).data();

+         var data = at_table.row( $(this).parents('tr') ).data();

          var edit_attr_name = data[0];

          var edit_attr_oid = "";

          var edit_attr_desc = "";
@@ -312,13 +282,12 @@ 

          var edit_attr_eq_mr = "";

          var edit_attr_order_mr = "";

          var edit_attr_sub_mr = "";


-         console.log("In edit attr,,,");


          $("#add-edit-attr-header").html('Edit Attribute: ' + edit_attr_name);


          $("#attr-name").attr('disabled', true);


-         $("#add-edit-attr-form").css('display', 'block');

+         $("#add-edit-attr-form").modal('toggle');


          // TODO Get fresh copy of attr to fill in edit form

@@ -327,7 +296,7 @@ 


      $(document).on('click', '.attr-del-btn', function(e) {


-       var data = custom_at_table.row( $(this).parents('tr') ).data();

+       var data = at_table.row( $(this).parents('tr') ).data();

        var del_attr_name = data[0];

        var at_row = $(this);

        bootpopup.confirm("Are you sure you want to delete attribute: " + del_attr_name, "Confirmation", function (yes) {
@@ -335,7 +304,7 @@ 

            // TODO Delete attr from DS


            // Update html table

-           custom_at_table.row( at_row.parents('tr') ).remove().draw( false );

+           at_table.row( at_row.parents('tr') ).remove().draw( false );



@@ -343,7 +312,7 @@ 

      $(document).on('click', '.oc-edit-btn', function(e) {



-       var data = custom_oc_table.row( $(this).parents('tr') ).data();

+       var data = oc_table.row( $(this).parents('tr') ).data();

        var edit_oc_name = data[0];

        var edit_oc_oid = "";

        var edit_oc_desc = "";
@@ -358,13 +327,13 @@ 

        // TODO Get fresh copy of objectclass for edit form


        // Update modal html header and fields and show()

-       $("#add-edit-oc-form").css('display', 'block');

+       $("#add-edit-oc-form").modal('toggle');


-     } );

+     });


      $(document).on('click', '.oc-del-btn', function(e) {


-       var data = custom_oc_table.row( $(this).parents('tr') ).data();

+       var data = oc_table.row( $(this).parents('tr') ).data();

        var del_oc_name = data[0];

        var oc_row = $(this);

@@ -373,7 +342,7 @@ 

            // TODO Delete attr from DS


            // Update html table

-           custom_oc_table.row( oc_row.parents('tr') ).remove().draw( false );

+           oc_table.row( oc_row.parents('tr') ).remove().draw( false );




@@ -965,7 +965,7 @@ 



        // Open form

-       $("#local-pwp-form").css('display', 'block');

+       $("#local-pwp-form").modal('toggle');




@@ -334,6 +334,7 @@ 




+               <p></p>

                <hr class="ds-hr">

                <div class="ds-inline">


@@ -26,8 +26,10 @@ 

          Replica ID</label><input class="ds-input" type="text" id="nsds5replicaid" size="15"/>





-       <table class="table table-bordered ds-mgr-table" title="Specifies entries that can perform replication updates on this server.  Also known as supplier DN, update DN, or Replication Manager">

+       <table class="table table-bordered ds-mgr-table" id="repl-mgr-table"

+         title="Specifies entries that can perform replication updates on this server.  Also known as supplier DN, update DN, or Replication Manager">



              <th>Replication Managers</th>
@@ -38,7 +40,7 @@ 


              <td class="ds-td">cn=replication manager,cn=config</td>

              <td class="ds-center">

-              <button type="button" class="btn btn-default ds-table-btn">

+              <button type="button" class="btn btn-default ds-table-btn del-repl-mgr">

                 <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> Remove



@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 

  Red Hat Directory Server Management <div class="dropdown ds-server-action"> <select class="btn btn-default dropdown ds-dropdown-server" id="select-server">

-       </select></div><div class="dropdown ds-float-right"><button class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle ds-action-btn" 

+       </select></div><div class="dropdown ds-float-right"><button class="btn btn-primary dropdown-toggle ds-action-btn"

         type="button" id="server-list-menu" data-toggle="dropdown">Actions<span class="caret"></span>

        </button><ul class="dropdown-menu pull-right" role="menu">

          <li role=""><a role="menuitem" id="start-server-btn" href="#">Start Instance</a></li>

@@ -1,82 +1,9 @@ 


  <div id="schema-content">


-   <div id="std-schema-page" class="all-pages" hidden>

-     <h3  class="ds-config-header">Standard Objectclasses</h3>

-     <table id="standard-oc-table" class="display ds-table" cellspacing="0" width="100%">

-       <thead>

-         <tr class="ds-table-header">

-           <th>Objectclass Name</th>

-           <th>OID</th>

-           <th>Parent</th>

-           <th>Required Attributes</th>

-           <th>Allowed Attributes</th>

-         </tr>

-       </thead>

-       <tbody id="standard-body">

-         <tr>

-           <td>person</td>

-           <td></td>

-           <td>top</td>

-           <td>cn givenname sn</td>

-           <td>description uid</td>

-         </tr>

-         <tr>

-           <td>demoPerson</td>

-           <td></td>

-           <td>top</td>

-           <td>cn givenname sn</td>

-           <td>uid</td>

-         </tr>

-         <tr>

-           <td>person</td>

-           <td></td>

-           <td>top</td>

-           <td>cn givenname sn uid userpassword mail</td>

-           <td>description homedir memberOf someOtherAttribute longdescprition certificateVocationList</td>

-         </tr>

-       </tbody>

-     </table>

-     <hr>

-     <h3 class="ds-config-header">Standard Attributes</h3>

-     <table id="standard-attr-table" class="display ds-table" cellspacing="0" width="100%">

-       <thead>

-         <tr class="ds-table-header">

-           <th>Attribute Name</th>

-           <th>OID</th>

-           <th>Syntax</th>

-           <th>Multivalued</th>

-           <th title="Equality matching rules">Equality Rules</th>

-           <th title="Ordering matching rules">Ordering Rules</th>

-           <th title="Substring matching rules">Substring  Rules</th>

-         </tr>

-       </thead>

-       <tbody id="standard-attr-body">

-         <tr>

-           <td>ssn</td>

-           <td></td>

-           <td>DirectoryString</td>

-           <td>no</td>

-           <td></td>

-           <td></td>

-           <td></td>

-         </tr>

-         <tr>

-           <td>ssn</td>

-           <td></td>

-           <td>DirectoryString</td>

-           <td>no</td>

-           <td></td>

-           <td></td>

-           <td></td>

-         </tr>

-       </tbody>

-     </table>

-   </div>


-   <div id="custom-schema-page" class="all-pages" hidden>

-     <h3 class="ds-config-header">Custom Objectclasses</h3>

-     <table id="custom-oc-table" class="display ds-repl-table" cellspacing="0" width="100%">

+   <div id="objectclass-page" class="all-pages" hidden>

+     <h3 class="ds-config-header">Objectclasses</h3>

+     <table id="oc-table" class="display ds-repl-table" cellspacing="0" width="100%">


          <tr class="ds-table-header">

            <th>Objectclass Name</th>
@@ -87,7 +14,7 @@ 




-       <tbody id="custom-body">

+       <tbody>



@@ -96,11 +23,11 @@ 

            <td>sn uid givenname description userpassword longDescription certificateRevocationList more</td>


              <div class="dropdown">

-               <button class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" type="button" id="dropdownMenu1" data-toggle="dropdown">

+               <button class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" type="button" data-toggle="dropdown">

                  Choose Action...

                  <span class="caret"></span>


-               <ul class="dropdown-menu ds-agmt-dropdown" role="menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenu1">

+               <ul class="dropdown-menu ds-agmt-dropdown" role="menu">

                  <li role=""><a role="menuitem" tabindex="0" class="oc-edit-btn" href="#">Edit Objectclass</a></li>

                  <li role=""><a role="menuitem" tabindex="1" class="oc-del-btn" href="#">Delete Objectclass</a></li>

@@ -116,11 +43,11 @@ 

            <td>sn member</td>


              <div class="dropdown">

-               <button class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" type="button" id="dropdownMenu2" data-toggle="dropdown">

+               <button class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" type="button" data-toggle="dropdown">

                  Choose Action...

                  <span class="caret"></span>


-               <ul class="dropdown-menu ds-agmt-dropdown" role="menu" aria-labelledby="dropdownMenu2">

+               <ul class="dropdown-menu ds-agmt-dropdown" role="menu">

                  <li role=""><a role="menuitem" tabindex="0" class="oc-edit-btn" href="#">Edit Objectclass</a></li>

                  <li role=""><a role="menuitem" tabindex="1" class="oc-del-btn" href="#">Delete Objectclass</a></li>

@@ -135,7 +62,7 @@ 

            <td>sn uid description</td>


              <div class="dropdown">

-               <button class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" type="button" id="dropdownMenu2" data-toggle="dropdown">

+               <button class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" type="button" data-toggle="dropdown">

                  Choose Action...

                  <span class="caret"></span>

@@ -148,10 +75,12 @@ 




-     <button id="add-oc-button" name="create-oc" class="btn btn-primary ds-button">Create Objectclass</button>

-     <hr>

-     <h3 class="ds-config-header">Custom Attributes</h3>

-     <table id="custom-attr-table" class="display ds-repl-table" cellspacing="0" width="100%">

+     <button id="add-oc-button" name="create-oc" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#add-edit-oc-form" class="btn btn-primary ds-button">Create Objectclass</button>

+   </div>


+   <div id="attribute-page" class="all-pages" hidden>

+     <h3 class="ds-config-header">Attributes</h3>

+     <table id="attr-table" class="display ds-repl-table" cellspacing="0" width="100%">


          <tr class="ds-table-header">

            <th>Attribute Name</th>
@@ -164,7 +93,7 @@ 




-       <tbody id="custom-attr-body">

+       <tbody>



@@ -186,7 +115,7 @@ 




-     <button id="create-attr-button" class="btn btn-primary ds-button">Create Attribute</button>

+     <button id="create-attr-button" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#add-edit-attr-form" class="btn btn-primary ds-button">Create Attribute</button>



    <div id="schema-mr" class="all-pages" hidden>
@@ -222,167 +151,164 @@ 


    <!-- Modals/Popups/Wizards -->



-   <!-- Add/Edit Objectclass.  we'll use this for our add and edit - JS will change the header -->

-   <div id="add-edit-oc-form" class="modal">

-     <form class="modal-content animate" action="#schema-tab">

-       <div class="container">

-         <h2><b id="add-edit-oc-header">Add Objectclass</b> <span class="close" id="add-edit-oc-close">&times;</span></h2>

-         <hr class="ds-hr">

-         <p></p>

-         <label for="oc-name" class="ds-label-sm" title="The objectclass name"><b

-           >Objectclass Name</b></label><input class="ds-input-lrg" type="text" id="oc-name" size="40" required />

-         <label for="oc-oid" class="ds-label-sm" title="Objectclass OID (optional)"><b

-           >OID (optional)</b></label><input class="ds-input-lrg" value="" type="text" id="oc-oid" size="40"/>

-         <label for="oc-parent" class="ds-label-sm" title="The parent objectclass"><b>Parent Objectclass</b></label><select

-           class="btn btn-default dropdown ds-oc-dropdown" id="oc-parent">

-             <option>Top</option>

-             <option>Person</option>

-             <option>Organizationalunit</option>

-             <option>Dynamically loaded at startup...</option>

-             <option>Top</option>

-             <option>Person</option>

-             <option>Organizationalunit</option>

-             <option>Dynamically loaded at startup...</option>

-             <option>Top</option>

-             <option>Person</option>

-             <option>Organizationalunit</option>

-             <option>Dynamically loaded at startup...</option>

-             <option>Top</option>

-             <option>Person</option>

-             <option>Organizationalunit</option>

-             <option>Dynamically loaded at startup...</option>

-             <option>Top</option>

-             <option>Person</option>

-             <option>Organizationalunit</option>

-             <option>Dynamically loaded at startupZZZZZZ</option>

-             <option>Top</option>

-             <option>Person</option>

-             <option>Organizationalunit</option>

-             <option>Dynamically loaded at startup...</option>

-             <option>Top</option>

-             <option>Person</option>

-             <option>Organizationalunit</option>

-             <option>Dynamically loaded at startup...</option>

-             <option>Top</option>

-             <option>Person</option>

-             <option>Organizationalunit</option>

-             <option>Dynamically loaded at startup...</option>

-             <option>Top</option>

-             <option>Person</option>

-             <option>Organizationalunit</option>

-             <option>Dynamically loaded at startup...</option>

-             <option>Top</option>

-             <option>Person</option>

-             <option>Organizationalunit</option>

-             <option>Dynamically loaded at startupZZZZZZ</option>

-           </select>

-         <p></p>

-         <p></p>

-         <div class="ds-container">

-           <div name="available-attrs">

-             <label class="ds-config-label" for="schema-list" title="The available attributes to choose from."><b>Available Attributes</b></label>

-             <select id="schema-list" class="ds-oc-form-list" name="availattrs" multiple>

-               <option value="alias">alias</option>

-               <option value="cn">cn</option>

-               <option value="uid">uid</option>

-               <option value="sn">sn</option>

-               <option value="ou">ou</option>

-               <option value="displayName">displayName</option>

-               <option value="legalname">legalname</option>

-             </select>

-           </div>


-           <div name="add-remove-buttons">

-             <div name="must buttons" class="btn-group ds-oc-must-buttons">

-               <input type="button" class="ds-oc-add-del-btn" id="oc-must-add-button" value="Add &nbsp; &#9658; &#9658; &#9658; "/>

-               <input type="button" class="ds-oc-add-del-btn" id="oc-must-remove-button" value="&#9668; &#9668; &#9668; &nbsp; Remove"/>

-             </div>

-             <p></p>

-             <div name="may buttons" class="btn-group ds-oc-may-buttons">

-               <input type="button" class="ds-oc-add-del-btn" id="oc-may-add-button" value="Add &nbsp; &#9658; &#9658; &#9658;"/>

-               <input type="button" class="ds-oc-add-del-btn" id="oc-may-remove-button" value="&#9668; &#9668; &#9668; &nbsp; Remove"/>

+   <!-- Add/edit Attribute modal -->

+   <div class="modal fade" id="add-edit-attr-form" data-backdrop="static" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="add-edit-attr-header" aria-hidden="true">

+     <div class="modal-dialog ds-modal">

+       <div class="modal-content">

+         <div class="modal-header">

+           <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true" aria-label="Close">

+             <span class="pficon pficon-close"></span>

+           </button>

+           <h4 class="modal-title" id="add-edit-attr-header">Add Attribute</h4>

+         </div>

+         <div class="modal-body">

+           <form class="form-horizontal">

+             <div class="ds-inline">

+               <div>

+                 <label for="attr-name" class="ds-config-label" title="The attribute name"><b

+                   >Attribute Name</b></label><input class="ds-input-lrg" type="text" id="attr-name" size="40" required />

+               </div>

+               <div>

+                 <label for="attr-syntax" class="ds-config-label" title="The attribute syntax"><b>Attribute Syntax</b></label><select

+                   class="btn btn-default dropdown ds-oc-dropdown" id="attr-syntax">

+                 </select>

+               </div>

+               <div>

+                 <input type="checkbox" class="ds-config-checkbox" id="attr-multivalued"><label

+                   for="attr-multivalued" class="ds-label"> Attribute Multi-Valued </label>

+               </div>

+               <div>

+                 <label for="attr-desc" class="ds-config-label" title="The attribute description"><b

+                   >Attribute Description</b></label><input class="ds-input-lrg" type="text" id="attr-desc" size="40"/>

+               </div>

+               <div>

+                 <label for="attr-oid" class="ds-config-label" title="The attribute name"><b

+                   >Attribute OID</b></label><input class="ds-input-lrg" type="text" id="attr-oid" size="40"/>

+               </div>

+               <div>

+                 <label for="attr-alias" class="ds-config-label" title="The attribute alias list separated by commas"><b

+                   >Attribute Alias</b></label><input class="ds-input-lrg" type="text" id="attr-alias" size="40"/>

+               </div>

+               <div>

+                 <label for="attr-eq-mr-select" class="ds-config-label"><b>Equality Matching Rule</b></label><select

+                   class="btn btn-default dropdown ds-oc-dropdown" id="attr-eq-mr-select">

+                   </select>

+               </div>

+               <div>

+                 <label for="attr-order-mr-select" class="ds-config-label"><b>Ordering Matching Rule</b></label><select

+                   class="btn btn-default dropdown ds-oc-dropdown" id="attr-order-mr-select">

+                   </select>

+               </div>

+               <div>

+                 <label for="attr-sub-mr-select" class="ds-config-label"><b>Substring Matching Rule</b></label><select

+                   class="btn btn-default dropdown ds-oc-dropdown" id="attr-sub-mr-select">

+                   </select>

+               </div>


-           </div>


-           <div name="may-must-lists">

-             <label class="ds-config-label" for="oc-required-list" title=

-               "Attributes required by the objectclass"><b>Required Attributes</b></label>

-             <select id="oc-required-list" class="ds-may-must-list" name="availattrs" multiple>

-               <option value="uid">uid</option>

-               <option value="cn">cn</option>

-             </select>

-             <p></p>

-             <label class="ds-config-label" for="oc-allowed-list" title=

-               "Attributes allowed by the objectclass"><b>Allowed Attributes</b></label>

-             <select id="oc-allowed-list" class="ds-may-must-list" name="availattrs" multiple>

-               <option value="alias">alias</option>

-               <option value="sn">sn</option>

-             </select>

-           </div>

+           </form>


-         <p></p>

-         <hr class="ds-hr">

-         <div class="clearfix ds-container">

-           <div class="ds-panel-left">

-             <button type="button" id="add-edit-oc-cancel" class="ds-button-left">Cancel</button>

-           </div>

-           <div class="ds-panel-right">

-             <button type="button" id="add-edit-oc-save" class="ds-button-right">Save</button>

-           </div>

+         <div class="modal-footer ds-modal-footer">

+           <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Cancel</button>

+           <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" id="save-attr-button" data-dismiss="modal">Save</button>



-     </form>

+     </div>



-   <div id="add-edit-attr-form" class="modal">

-     <form class="modal-content animate" action="#schema-tab">

-       <div class="container">

-         <h2><b id="add-edit-attr-header">Add Attribute</b> <span class="close" id="attr-close">&times;</span> </h2>

-         <hr class="ds-hr">

-         <p></p>

-         <label for="attr-name" class="ds-config-label" title="The attribute name"><b

-           >Attribute Name</b></label><input class="ds-input-lrg" type="text" id="attr-name" size="40" required />

-         <!-- ldapsearch -b cn=schema objectclass=subschema ldapsyntaxes   TODO LIB389 -->

-         <label for="attr-syntax" class="ds-config-label" title="The attribute syntax"><b>Attribute Syntax</b></label><select

-           class="btn btn-default dropdown ds-oc-dropdown" id="attr-syntax">

-         </select>

-         <input type="checkbox" class="ds-config-checkbox" id="attr-multivalued"><label

-           for="attr-multivalued" class="ds-label"> Attribute Multi-Valued </label>

-         <p></p>

-         <input type="button" class="accordion ds-accordion-spacing ds-agmt-wiz-button attr-opts-accordion" id="attr-opts-accordion" value="Optional Settings &#9660;"/>

-         <div class="ds-accordion-panel">

-           <label for="attr-desc" class="ds-config-label" title="The attribute description"><b

-             >Attribute Description</b></label><input class="ds-input-lrg" type="text" id="attr-desc" size="40"/>

-           <label for="attr-oid" class="ds-config-label" title="The attribute name"><b

-             >Attribute OID</b></label><input class="ds-input-lrg" type="text" id="attr-oid" size="40"/>

-           <label for="attr-alias" class="ds-config-label" title="The attribute alias list separated by commas"><b

-             >Attribute Alias</b></label><input class="ds-input-lrg" type="text" id="attr-alias" size="40"/>


-           <label for="attr-eq-mr-select" class="ds-config-label"><b>Equality Matching Rule</b></label><select

-             class="btn btn-default dropdown ds-oc-dropdown" id="attr-eq-mr-select">

-             </select>

-           <label for="attr-order-mr-select" class="ds-config-label"><b>Ordering Matching Rule</b></label><select

-             class="btn btn-default dropdown ds-oc-dropdown" id="attr-order-mr-select">

-             </select>

-           <label for="attr-sub-mr-select" class="ds-config-label"><b>Substring Matching Rule</b></label><select

-             class="btn btn-default dropdown ds-oc-dropdown" id="attr-sub-mr-select">

-             </select>


+   <!-- Add/Edit Objectclass -->

+   <div class="modal fade" id="add-edit-oc-form" data-backdrop="static" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="add-edit-oc-header" aria-hidden="true">

+     <div class="modal-dialog ds-modal">

+       <div class="modal-content">

+         <div class="modal-header">

+           <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true" aria-label="Close">

+             <span class="pficon pficon-close"></span>

+           </button>

+           <h4 class="modal-title" id="add-edit-oc-header">Add Objectclass</h4>


+         <div class="modal-body">

+           <form class="form-horizontal">

+             <div class="ds-inline">

+               <div>

+                 <label for="oc-name" class="ds-label-sm" title="The objectclass name"><b

+                   >Objectclass Name</b></label><input class="ds-input-lrg" type="text" id="oc-name" size="40" required />

+               </div>

+               <div>

+                 <label for="oc-oid" class="ds-label-sm" title="Objectclass OID (optional)"><b

+                   >OID (optional)</b></label><input class="ds-input-lrg" value="" type="text" id="oc-oid" size="40"/>

+               </div>

+               <div>

+                 <label for="oc-parent" class="ds-label-sm" title="The parent objectclass"><b>Parent Objectclass</b></label><select

+                   class="btn btn-default dropdown ds-oc-dropdown" id="oc-parent">

+                     <option>Top</option>

+                     <option>Person</option>

+                     <option>Organizationalunit</option>

+                     <option>Dynamically loaded at startup...</option>

+                     <option>Top</option>

+                     <option>Person</option>

+                     <option>Organizationalunit</option>

+                     <option>Dynamically loaded at startup...</option>

+                     <option>Top</option>

+                     <option>Person</option>

+                     <option>Organizationalunit</option>

+                     <option>Dynamically loaded at startup...</option>

+                     <option>Top</option>

+                     <option>Person</option>

+                     <option>Organizationalunit</option>

+                   </select>

+               </div>

+               <hr>

+               <div class="ds-container">

+                 <div name="available-attrs">

+                   <label class="ds-config-label" for="schema-list" title="The available attributes to choose from."><b>Available Attributes</b></label>

+                   <select id="schema-list" class="ds-oc-form-list" name="availattrs" multiple>

+                     <option value="alias">alias</option>

+                     <option value="cn">cn</option>

+                     <option value="uid">uid</option>

+                     <option value="sn">sn</option>

+                     <option value="ou">ou</option>

+                     <option value="displayName">displayName</option>

+                     <option value="legalname">legalname</option>

+                   </select>

+                 </div>


-         <p></p>

-         <hr class="ds-hr">

-         <div class="clearfix ds-container">

-           <div class="ds-panel-left">

-             <button type="button" id="attr-cancel" class="ds-button-left">Cancel</button>

-           </div>

-           <div class="ds-panel-right">

-             <button type="button" id="attr-save" class="ds-button-right">Save</button>

-           </div>

+                 <div name="add-remove-buttons">

+                   <div name="must buttons" class="btn-group ds-oc-must-buttons">

+                     <input type="button" class="ds-oc-add-del-btn" id="oc-must-add-button" value="Add &nbsp; &#9658; &#9658; &#9658; "/>

+                     <input type="button" class="ds-oc-add-del-btn" id="oc-must-remove-button" value="&#9668; &#9668; &#9668; &nbsp; Remove"/>

+                   </div>

+                   <p></p>

+                   <div name="may buttons" class="btn-group ds-oc-may-buttons">

+                     <input type="button" class="ds-oc-add-del-btn" id="oc-may-add-button" value="Add &nbsp; &#9658; &#9658; &#9658;"/>

+                     <input type="button" class="ds-oc-add-del-btn" id="oc-may-remove-button" value="&#9668; &#9668; &#9668; &nbsp; Remove"/>

+                   </div>

+                 </div>


+                 <div name="may-must-lists">

+                   <label class="ds-config-label" for="oc-required-list" title=

+                     "Attributes required by the objectclass"><b>Required Attributes</b></label>

+                   <select id="oc-required-list" class="ds-may-must-list" name="availattrs" multiple>

+                     <option value="uid">uid</option>

+                     <option value="cn">cn</option>

+                   </select>

+                   <p></p>

+                   <label class="ds-config-label" for="oc-allowed-list" title=

+                     "Attributes allowed by the objectclass"><b>Allowed Attributes</b></label>

+                   <select id="oc-allowed-list" class="ds-may-must-list" name="availattrs" multiple>

+                     <option value="alias">alias</option>

+                     <option value="sn">sn</option>

+                   </select>

+                 </div>

+               </div>

+             </div>

+           </form>

+         </div>

+         <div class="modal-footer ds-modal-footer">

+           <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Cancel</button>

+           <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" id="save-oc-button" data-dismiss="modal">Save</button>



-     </form>

+     </div>





@@ -1242,12 +1242,12 @@ 




-         </div> 

-         <div class="modal-footer ds-modal-footer">

-           <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Cancel</button>

-           <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" id="local-pwp-save">Save</button>



+       <div class="modal-footer ds-modal-footer">

+         <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Cancel</button>

+         <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" id="local-pwp-save">Save</button>

+       </div>




Description: A few modals were not converted to PF, and other minor issues
with JS and updating tables


Reviewed by: ?

Some tables use default serif font in their headers:
Server settings -> Logging -> Access Log -> Access Logging Levels
Server settings -> Logging -> Error Log -> Error Logging Levels
Security -> Allowed Ciphers
Replication -> Replication managers
Perhaps they should also be converted to PF.

Buttons at the top (instance selection and actions) also are rendered using custom style instead of PF.

The rest looks good.

Some tables use default serif font in their headers:
Server settings -> Logging -> Access Log -> Access Logging Levels
Server settings -> Logging -> Error Log -> Error Logging Levels
Security -> Allowed Ciphers
Replication -> Replication managers
Perhaps they should also be converted to PF.

Well these are bootstrap tables as recommended in PF docs:


Datatables are too busy for these IMO, but I could switch them to DT's. Perhaps I can strip off some of the datatable features...

Buttons at the top (instance selection and actions) also are rendered using custom style instead of PF.

This was intentional, I kind of want to keep them as is. It gives the banner "a little" character.
We aren't required to use 100% patternfly for everything - I think 99% is pretty good though :-) But if you feel strongly about it I will change it.

The rest looks good.

Here's how tables are rendered from the link you gave: https://vashirov.fedorapeople.org/share/pf_table.png
And here's how it looks in 389-console: https://vashirov.fedorapeople.org/share/ds_table.png

And buttons for me look like this: https://vashirov.fedorapeople.org/share/buttons.png
It's the first thing I notice, that the buttons look different from any other button in Cockpit. Perhaps we can give them more character but in a different way? I'm ok to merge this as it is right now, and we can revisit this in the future (we need a new issue tag - 'bikeshedding' :P ).

And I've just noticed, that we're still trying to load the fonts that we removed (woff2 and ttf files), they are mentioned in patternfly.css that is shipped with 389-console.

Here's how tables are rendered from the link you gave: https://vashirov.fedorapeople.org/share/pf_table.png
And here's how it looks in 389-console: https://vashirov.fedorapeople.org/share/ds_table.png
And buttons for me look like this: https://vashirov.fedorapeople.org/share/buttons.png

Weird! For me the tables look the same, but your png files are definitely different. What browser are you using? I was using chrome. I also did not add any styling/fonts to the tables btw.

It's the first thing I notice, that the buttons look different from any other button in Cockpit. Perhaps we can give them more character but in a different way? I'm ok to merge this as it is right now, and we can revisit this in the future (we need a new issue tag - 'bikeshedding' :P ).

haha! Perhaps we should

And I've just noticed, that we're still trying to load the fonts that we removed (woff2 and ttf files), they are mentioned in patternfly.css that is shipped with 389-console.

Maybe I'll add those font files back. I'd prefer to not edit the PF css

Weird! For me the tables look the same, but your png files are definitely different. What browser are you using? I was using chrome. I also did not add any styling/fonts to the tables btw.

These were taken in Chrome, but in Firefox I see similar issues. Looks like table header font falls back to sans-serif font if Open Sans, Helvetica or Arial are not found. I've added fonts back and it fixed the problem.

rebased onto 164a959

5 years ago

I changed the buttons/dropdowns in the banner, and added the font files back that the browser was complaining about

Pull-Request has been merged by mreynolds

5 years ago

389-ds-base is moving from Pagure to Github. This means that new issues and pull requests
will be accepted only in 389-ds-base's github repository.

This pull request has been cloned to Github as issue and is available here:
- https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base/issues/2766

If you want to continue to work on the PR, please navigate to the github issue,
download the patch from the attachments and file a new pull request.

Thank you for understanding. We apologize for all inconvenience.

Pull-Request has been closed by spichugi

3 years ago