In developing a Java application using 389 directory as a back-end mainly for authentication, I've hit a problem which I feel is a bug. Starting with a user logging in and their password is no where near expiring, when they login there are no response controls sent back. Next when a user logins and their password is in the warning period, the server returns 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.5 in the response after successful login which is great. I can warn people that their password is expiring soon. Separately if a password is reset using ldappasspwd for example, on login, the server responds both 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.5 and 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.4 meaning the password is expiring and expired which is also good. Now going back to the first part when the password finally expires and they haven't changed their password yet, and we have grace logins on (allowing up to 3 logins after password expires for example), on login the server does not return 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.5 or 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.4. Therefore it seems like their password is not expiring soon or expired. I would think the server would return both similar to the password reset example or at least 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.4 noting the password is expired. Instead the only way I can tell the password is expiring during this period is to check the passwordExpiredTime attribute myself versus the server constraints.
batch update to FUTURE milestone
Would it be possible to get some example code which exhibits this bug?
Section of the password policy draft describes the correct behavior. To summarize, if a password is expired but grace logins are still permitted, the password policy response control should be returned with a warning stating the number of grace logins remaining:
Section states what the behavior should be when no grace logins are remaining.
Note that the controls mentioned by the reporter are very old. They were defined in the following draft in 1998:
The above draft has really been replaced by the following draft, which changed the OID of the controls since the contents changed:
set default ticket origin to Community
Added initial screened field value.
Need inestigate?
Testing with ldapmodify, the number of grace logins is returned, as well as the password being marked as expired. Note the "-e ppolicy" which requests the password response control. It must be requested or it is not returned:
{{{ ldapsearch -D "uid=mark,dc=example,dc=com" -w password -b "dc=example,dc=com" -xLLL -e ppolicy uid=mark + ldap_bind: Success (0) (Password expired, 1 grace logins remain) dn: uid=mark,dc=example,dc=com passwordExpirationTime: 20150616175346Z passwordExpWarned: 1 passwordGraceUserTime: 4 entrydn: uid=mark,dc=example,dc=com }}}
Closing as works for me.
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