#49078 aci allowing all rights in an attribute seems to allow full entry DEL rights
Closed: wontfix None Opened 7 years ago by nhosoi.

Description of problem:

I need to investigate a little more but it's as if an aci allowing all rights
on one attribute only for a certain user is allowing entry "delete" rights for
that user. I prefer to log this bug with my findings and close it afterwards if
I am wrong.

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


How reproducible: always.

I have no aci in my suffix and then, no rights for a certain user to delete

ldapdelete -D "uid=user878,ou=people,o=redhat" -w 'Secret12#' -p 1389 -h
localhost cn=user46,ou=people,o=redhat
ldap_delete: Insufficient access (50)
        additional info: Insufficient 'delete' privilege to delete the entry

Now, I add this aci, allowing a certain user all the rights on a certain
attribute only:

dn: o=redhat
aci: (targetattr = "mail") (version 3.0;acl "allow write of mail";allow
(all)(userdn = "ldap:///uid=user878,ou=people,o=redhat");)

ldapdelete -D "uid=user878,ou=people,o=redhat" -w 'Secret12#' -p 1389 -h
localhost cn=user44,ou=people,o=redhat

the delete is allowed and we see the evaluation of aci's in the logs:

[28/Dec/2016:10:41:45 +0100] NSACLPlugin - #### conn=5 op=1
[28/Dec/2016:10:41:45 +0100] NSACLPlugin - Searching AVL tree for
update:cn=user44,ou=people,o=redhat: container:-1
[28/Dec/2016:10:41:45 +0100] NSACLPlugin - Searching AVL tree for
update:ou=people,o=redhat: container:-1
[28/Dec/2016:10:41:45 +0100] NSACLPlugin - Searching AVL tree for
update:o=redhat: container:60
[28/Dec/2016:10:41:45 +0100] NSACLPlugin -     ************ RESOURCE INFO
STARTS *********
[28/Dec/2016:10:41:45 +0100] NSACLPlugin -     Client DN:
[28/Dec/2016:10:41:45 +0100] NSACLPlugin -     resource type:256(delete
target_DN )
[28/Dec/2016:10:41:45 +0100] NSACLPlugin -     Slapi_Entry DN:
[28/Dec/2016:10:41:45 +0100] NSACLPlugin -     ATTR: NULL
[28/Dec/2016:10:41:45 +0100] NSACLPlugin -     rights:delete
[28/Dec/2016:10:41:45 +0100] NSACLPlugin -     ************ RESOURCE INFO ENDS
[28/Dec/2016:10:41:45 +0100] NSACLPlugin - Using ACL Container:0 for evaluation
[28/Dec/2016:10:41:45 +0100] NSACLPlugin - ***BEGIN ACL INFO[ Name: "allow
write of mail"]***
[28/Dec/2016:10:41:45 +0100] NSACLPlugin - ACL Index:107   ACL_ELEVEL:2
[28/Dec/2016:10:41:45 +0100] NSACLPlugin - ACI type:(compare search read write
delete add self target_attr acltxt allow_rule )
[28/Dec/2016:10:41:46 +0100] NSACLPlugin - ACI RULE type:(userdn )
[28/Dec/2016:10:41:46 +0100] NSACLPlugin - Slapi_Entry DN:o=redhat
[28/Dec/2016:10:41:46 +0100] NSACLPlugin - ***END ACL
[28/Dec/2016:10:41:46 +0100] NSACLPlugin - Num of ALLOW Handles:1, DENY
[28/Dec/2016:10:41:46 +0100] NSACLPlugin - Processed attr:NULL for
[28/Dec/2016:10:41:46 +0100] NSACLPlugin - 1. Evaluating ALLOW aci(107) "
"allow write of mail""
[28/Dec/2016:10:41:46 +0100] NSACLPlugin - conn=5 op=1 (main): Allow delete on
entry(cn=user44,ou=people,o=redhat).attr(NULL) to
uid=user878,ou=people,o=redhat: allowed by aci(107): aciname= "allow write of
mail", acidn="o=redhat"
[28/Dec/2016:10:41:46 +0100] NSACLPlugin - No acis to remove in this entry

However, if we try to modify any attribute different to email, the aci is
evaluated well and the access is denied.

ldapmodify -D "uid=user878,ou=people,o=redhat" -w 'Secret12#' -p 1389 -h
dn: cn=user21,ou=people,o=redhat
changetype: modify
replace: description
description: new

modifying entry "cn=user21,ou=people,o=redhat"
ldap_modify: Insufficient access (50)
        additional info: Insufficient 'write' privilege to the 'description'
attribute of entry 'cn=user21,ou=people,o=redhat'.

The key point seems to be that "delete" operation is not involving a particular
attribute (NULL), so the compare with the targetattr is not possible.

[28/Dec/2016:10:41:46 +0100] NSACLPlugin - conn=5 op=1 (main): Allow delete on

The bug is also duplicated with the newer versions such as 1.3.5.

I think the aci:

aci: (targetattr = "mail") (version 3.0;acl "allow write of mail";allow
(all)(userdn = "ldap:///uid=user878,ou=people,o=redhat");)

Grants all rights to any entry having 'mail'. So I wonder if it is not an expected behavior it grants delete rights as the resource contains mail

Replying to [comment:3 tbordaz]:

I think the aci:

aci: (targetattr = "mail") (version 3.0;acl "allow write of mail";allow
(all)(userdn = "ldap:///uid=user878,ou=people,o=redhat");)

Grants all rights to any entry having 'mail'. So I wonder if it is not an expected behavior it grants delete rights as the resource contains mail

Hmmm. But aren't these contradictory to it?

1) ldapsearch returns only if the search filter is about "mail" and it only returns the mail attribute value...
$ ldapsearch ... -D 'uid=tuser777,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com' -W -b "dc=example,dc=com" "(mail=777)"
dn: uid=atest,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
mail: new777@example.com

2) move/ldapmodify the entry fails with Insufficient access.
modifying rdn of entry "uid=atest,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"
ldap_rename: Insufficient access (50)

3) And you cannot add/modify/delete any other attributes, but you can delete the entry itself...

Why just deleting the entry is allowed...?

I agree with your update (https://fedorahosted.org/389/ticket/49078#comment:5), it looks strange that among all rights, only DEL entry and add/mod/del on 'mail' are granted.

It is looking like 'plugin_call_acl_plugin' (ldbm_delete) calls aci evaluation without any attribute.
Also showed in

[28/Dec/2016:10:41:45 +0100] NSACLPlugin - ** RESOURCE INFO
[28/Dec/2016:10:41:45 +0100] NSACLPlugin - Client DN:
[28/Dec/2016:10:41:45 +0100] NSACLPlugin - resource type:256(delete
target_DN )
[28/Dec/2016:10:41:45 +0100] NSACLPlugin - Slapi_Entry DN:
[28/Dec/2016:10:41:45 +0100] NSACLPlugin - ATTR: NULL
[28/Dec/2016:10:41:45 +0100] NSACLPlugin - rights:delete
[28/Dec/2016:10:41:45 +0100] NSACLPlugin - ** RESOURCE INFO ENDS


So I wonder if deletion of the entry does not require any rights on any attribute and as a consequence DEL is granted.
In the opposite, MODRDN, MOD impacts attributes and it updates attributes not listed in 'targetattr' then the aci is not selected.

The RC should be easy to identified with the perfect testcase

I think the behaviour is as designed. In the aci you target entries and attributes, so if you do not use any specific target rule or target filter the entres below the aci are targeted - and then aci evaluation looks for the rights needed: entry level or attribute level rights.

In the admin guide it says in
Deleting an entry:

Grant delete permission on the entry to be deleted.
Grant write permission on the value of each attribute in the entry. This right is granted by default but could be restricted using the targattrfilters keyword.

and the same for adds.

if you want to change behaviour you should replace "all" by the desired rights

Replying to [comment:8 lkrispen]:

I think the behaviour is as designed. In the aci you target entries and attributes, so if you do not use any specific target rule or target filter the entres below the aci are targeted - and then aci evaluation looks for the rights needed: entry level or attribute level rights.

In the admin guide it says in
Deleting an entry:

Grant delete permission on the entry to be deleted.
Grant write permission on the value of each attribute in the entry. This right is granted by default but could be restricted using the targattrfilters keyword.

and the same for adds.

if you want to change behaviour you should replace "all" by the desired rights

I'm a bit confused... If we replace "all" with "compare,search,read,write,add,delete" as follows, the entry is still deleted by the account "uid=user878,ou=people,o=redhat". If you want to allow the account to do anything on the attribute "mail", but deny to delete the entry, how this aci should be modified?
aci: (targetattr = "mail") (version 3.0;acl "allow write of
mail";allow(compare,search,read,write,add,delete)(userdn =

From my tests, we need to include the "write" right and remove "delete".

the attribute will be modified but the entry cannot be deleted.

Replying to [comment:11 gparente]:

From my tests, we need to include the "write" right and remove "delete".

the attribute will be modified but the entry cannot be deleted.

This is correct. The "add" and "delete" rights apply to entries, the add,delete,modify of an attribute is controlled by the "write" right

Closing this ticket along with the original bug.

Thank you for your comments and testing, Ludwig and German! (Sorry about my confusion.)

Both of you are 100% correct. The Administration Guide clearly describes it.


Table 13.2. User Rights
Write - Indicates whether users can modify an entry by adding, modifying, or deleting attributes. This permission applies to the modify and modrdn operations.
Delete - Indicates whether users can delete an entry. This permission applies only to the delete operation.

Closing this bug as NOTABUG.

Metadata Update from @lkrispen:
- Issue set to the milestone:

7 years ago

389-ds-base is moving from Pagure to Github. This means that new issues and pull requests
will be accepted only in 389-ds-base's github repository.

This issue has been cloned to Github and is available here:
- https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base/issues/2137

If you want to receive further updates on the issue, please navigate to the github issue
and click on subscribe button.

Thank you for understanding. We apologize for all inconvenience.

Metadata Update from @spichugi:
- Issue close_status updated to: wontfix (was: Invalid)

3 years ago

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