acl_match_macro_in_target returns matched value with a trailing comma, e.g., ",". It's used to create a group DN, e.g., "cn=Domain Administrators,ou=Groups,,,o=ace industry,c=us".
Due to the duplicated commas, the bind unexpectedly fails with 50 (insufficient access).
Failure case: aci: (target="ldap:///ou=People, ($dn), o=ace industrtargety,c=us") (targetattr!="userPassword")(targetfilter=(objectClass=nsManagedPerson)) (version 3.0; acl "Admin access to all users in this and lower domains"; allow (write,read,search) groupdn="ldap:///cn=Domain Administrators, ou=Groups, [$dn], o=ace industry,c=us";) Bind DN:,ou=People,,o=ace industry,c=us The DN is a uniquemember of: cn=Domain Administrators,ou=Groups,,o=ace industry,c=us uniquemember:,ou=People,,o=ace industry,c=us Target DN:,ou=People,,o=ace industry,c=us Log with LDAP_DEBUG_ACL enabled. [..] NSACLPlugin - aclutil_evaluate_macro for aci ' "Admin access to all users in this and lower domains"' index '2' [..] NSACLPlugin - ACL info: found matched_val ( "Admin access to all users in this and lower domains") for aci index 2in macro ht [..] NSACLPlugin - Evaluating user,ou=people,,o=ace industry,c=us in group cn=Domain Administrators,ou=Groups,,,o=ace industry,c=us? [..] NSACLPlugin - -- Not in cn=Domain Administrators,ou=Groups,,,o=ace industry,c=us [..] NSACLPlugin - Evaluated ACL_FALSE
This behaviour was introduced by the fix for #48141 - aci with wildcard and macro not correctly evaluated.
git patch file (master) 0001-Ticket-48344-acl-regression-trailing-comma-in-macro-.patch
Reviewed by Mark (Thank you!!)
Pushed to master: 4fb5412..8e421fb master -> master commit 8e421fb
Pushed to 389-ds-base-1.3.4: 6180b91..1a6390d 389-ds-base-1.3.4 -> 389-ds-base-1.3.4 commit 1a6390d
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