Access log reports SSL/TLS info per connection as follows. [..] conn=11 fd=66 slot=66 SSL connection from to [..] conn=11 SSL 128-bit AES
It should report the protocolVersion, as well.
git patch file (master) 0001-Ticket-47945-Add-SSL-TLS-version-info-to-the-access-.patch
Description: Added the currently used SSL library version info per connection to the access log. Sample output: SSL [..] conn=3 fd=64 slot=64 SSL connection from ::1 to ::1 [..] conn=3 TLS1.2 128-bit AES-GCM
startTLS [..] conn=4 op=0 EXT oid="" name="startTLS" [..] conn=4 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=120 nentries=0 etime=0 [..] conn=4 TLS1.2 128-bit AES-GCM
I think the code that maps version numbers to strings should be in one place. We already have such a table in ssl.c - NSSVersion_list.
Also, for TLS, it seems that there could be a way to convert from the protocolVersion directly to a TLS version, so that we do not have to maintain (and update with new versions :P) a string to table mapping. I think we may have to for SSL, but maybe not for TLS.
{{{ FPRINTF(stderr, "strsclnt: SSL version %d.%d using %d-bit %s with %d-bit %s MAC\n", channel.protocolVersion >> 8, channel.protocolVersion & 0xff, suite.effectiveKeyBits, suite.symCipherName, suite.macBits, suite.macAlgorithmName); }}}
So it appears that protocolVersion is some sort of bitfield that encodes the version.
It is unfortunate that NSS doesn't provide an int-to-string (and vice versa) mapping . . .
Would it also be possible to log what version is used when a connection fails?
[07/Nov/2014:09:55:10 -0500] conn=1 fd=64 slot=64 connection from to [07/Nov/2014:09:55:10 -0500] conn=1 op=0 EXT oid="" name="startTLS" [07/Nov/2014:09:55:10 -0500] conn=1 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=120 nentries=0 etime=0 [07/Nov/2014:09:55:10 -0500] conn=1 op=-1 fd=64 closed - Cannot communicate securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s).
[07/Nov/2014:09:57:47 -0500] conn=3 fd=64 slot=64 SSL connection from to [07/Nov/2014:09:57:47 -0500] conn=3 op=-1 fd=64 closed - Cannot communicate securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s).
Would be nice to see what was attempted.
Replying to [comment:3 mreynolds]:
Would it also be possible to log what version is used when a connection fails? [07/Nov/2014:09:55:10 -0500] conn=1 fd=64 slot=64 connection from to [07/Nov/2014:09:55:10 -0500] conn=1 op=0 EXT oid="" name="startTLS" [07/Nov/2014:09:55:10 -0500] conn=1 op=0 RESULT err=0 tag=120 nentries=0 etime=0 [07/Nov/2014:09:55:10 -0500] conn=1 op=-1 fd=64 closed - Cannot communicate securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s). [07/Nov/2014:09:57:47 -0500] conn=3 fd=64 slot=64 SSL connection from to [07/Nov/2014:09:57:47 -0500] conn=3 op=-1 fd=64 closed - Cannot communicate securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s). Would be nice to see what was attempted. I also thought it's an excellent idea, but it seems NSS does not return the channel info including the version number if the SSL handshake is not successful... :(
I also thought it's an excellent idea, but it seems NSS does not return the channel info including the version number if the SSL handshake is not successful... :(
This is the channel info when "TLS error -12190:Peer reports incompatible or unsupported protocol version." is returned. protocolVersion is supposed to be 0x2, 0x300, or above. But no such meaningful value is returned. {{{ (gdb) p channelInfo $3 = {length = 80, protocolVersion = 0, cipherSuite = 0, authKeyBits = 0, keaKeyBits = 0, creationTime = 0, lastAccessTime = 0, expirationTime = 0, sessionIDLength = 0, sessionID = '\000' <repeats 31 times>, compressionMethodName = 0x0, compressionMethod = ssl_compression_null} }}}
Ok. Please file a bug against NSS for this. In the meantime, we'll just have to do without.
git patch file (master) -- To convert the SSL version number to string, instead of maintaining a mapping table, calculates the number and generates the version string 0001-Ticket-47945-Add-SSL-TLS-version-info-to-the-access-.2.patch
Note: I filed 2 RFEs against NSS. Bug 1161807 - [RFE] API to convert SSL version number to SSL version string Bug 1161808 - [RFE] method to get the SSL version info from the client regardless of the handshake result
One more optimization - give the function the ability to write the string to a given buffer + length e.g. slapi_getNSSVersion_str(protocolnum, char *buf, size_t bufsize)
If buf is NULL or bufsize is 0, do the smprintf, otherwise, snprintf(buf, bufsize, ...)
git patch file (master) -- slapi_getSSLVersion_str takes buf to return the SSL version string. 0001-Ticket-47945-Add-SSL-TLS-version-info-to-the-access-.3.patch
Replying to [comment:7 rmeggins]:
One more optimization - give the function the ability to write the string to a given buffer + length e.g. slapi_getNSSVersion_str(protocolnum, char *buf, size_t bufsize) If buf is NULL or bufsize is 0, do the smprintf, otherwise, snprintf(buf, bufsize, ...)
Thank you, Rich!! Updated the patch.
one small coding problem {{{ (void) slapi_getSSLVersion_str(enabledNSSVersions.max, emax, sizeof(emin)); }}} should be sizeof(emax)
Also, in restrict_SSLVersionRange() - I think you can just format all of the strings once at the top of the function. e.g. something like this: {{{ char mymin[VERSION_STR_LENGTH], mymax[VERSION_STR_LENGTH]; char emin[VERSION_STR_LENGTH], emax[VERSION_STR_LENGTH]; char recommendedmin[VERSION_STR_LENGTH];
(void) slapi_getSSLVersion_str(slapdNSSVersions.min, mymin, sizeof(mymin)); (void) slapi_getSSLVersion_str(slapdNSSVersions.max, mymax, sizeof(mymax)); (void) slapi_getSSLVersion_str(enabledNSSVersions.min, emin, sizeof(emin)); (void) slapi_getSSLVersion_str(enabledNSSVersions.max, emax, sizeof(emax)); (void) slapi_getSSLVersion_str(SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_1, recommendedmin, sizeof(recommendedmin));
}}} It would save a lot of code below.
Finally, we don't have to hardcode the "1" in "TLS1". Take a look at the definitions: {{{ #define SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_0 0x0301 #define SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_TLS_1_1 0x0302 }}} The major version ("1") is just (value >> 8) - 2. So for "TLS" we could format the string version like this: {{{ char slapi_getSSLVersion_str(PRUint16 vnum, char buf, size_t bufsize) { ... if (vnum >= SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_3_0) { / e.g. TLSv1.x, TLSv2.x, etc. / if (vnum & 0xff) { / TLS / if (buf && bufsize) { PR_snprintf(buf, bufsize, "TLS%d.%d", (vnum >> 8) - 2, (vnum & 0xff) - 1); } else { vstr = slapi_ch_smprintf("TLS%d.%d", (vnum >> 8) - 2, (vnum & 0xff) - 1); } ... }}} That should give us a few years of future-proofing if TLS 2.x comes out
git patch file (master) -- updated the patch following comment:9 by Rich 0001-Ticket-47945-Add-SSL-TLS-version-info-to-the-access-.4.patch
Thanks. Almost there {{{ if ((vnum & SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_3_0) == SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_3_0) { ... }}} This will only work for TLSv1.x. I would like to see support for TLSv2.x and later, something like this: {{{ if (vnum >= SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_3_0) { if (vnum == SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_3_0) { / SSL3 / if (buf && bufsize) { PR_snprintf(buf, bufsize, "SSL3"); } else { vstr = slapi_ch_smprintf("SSL3"); } } else { / TLS v X.Y / const char TLSFMT = "TLS%d.%d"; int minor_offset = 0; / e.g. 0x0401 -> TLS v 2.1, not 2.0 */
if ((vnum & SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_3_0) == SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_3_0) { minor_offset = 1; /* e.g. 0x0301 -> TLS v 1.0, not 1.1 */ } if (buf && bufsize) { PR_snprintf(buf, bufsize, TLSFMT, (vnum >> 8) - 2, (vnum & 0xff) - minor_offset); } else { vstr = slapi_ch_smprintf(TLSFMT, (vnum >> 8) - 2, (vnum & 0xff) - minor_offset); } } } else { /* SSL2 or unknown */ ... }
}}} That way, if vnum > SSL_LIBRARY_VERSION_3_0 (e.g. vnum == 0x0400 e.g. TLS v2.0) our code will support it with no changes.
git patch file (master) -- applied the change in comment:11 by Rich. 0001-Ticket-47945-Add-SSL-TLS-version-info-to-the-access-.5.patch
Looks good. Thanks!
One more thing - please open a ticket for to support parsing/showing/reporting different protocol versions
Replying to [comment:13 rmeggins]:
Done! Ticket #47949 (new enhancement) -- support parsing/showing/reporting different protocol versions
Reviewed by Rich (Thank you!!)
Pushed to master: 8f540a6..47868d3 master -> master commit a2e0de3
Pushed to 389-ds-base-1.3.3: d87202a..cb4f0cb 389-ds-base-1.3.3 -> 389-ds-base-1.3.3 commit 0d1087d - addresses the changes for the new access logging.
git patch file (1.2.11) -- Back-ported commit a2e0de3 0001-Ticket-47945-Add-SSL-TLS-version-info-to-the-access-.6.patch
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