#47765 unify group membership handling
Closed: wontfix 4 years ago by spichugi. Opened 10 years ago by lkrispen.

There are several components or plugins in DS handling group membership: memberof plugin, referential integrity plugin, acl code has a group cache, with ticket 4667 also replication will deal with groups of binddns.
There is a lot of comon functionality and the implementation of a general group handling/caching could be useful to all of these. Eventually also searches like "uniquemmber=<dn>" could benefit

during recent investigations about deadlocks in freeipa environments itwas discovered that group management was almost always contributing to the lock contention by executing lots of internal searches in memberof, automember or slapi-nis plugins.

Having a group cache and eventually an api to do group opereations or lookups from plugins could drastically reduce the internal searches and also reduce the lock contention.

Metadata Update from @lkrispen:
- Issue set to the milestone: 1.4 backlog

8 years ago

Metadata Update from @mreynolds:
- Custom field reviewstatus adjusted to None
- Issue close_status updated to: None
- Issue tagged with: RFE

7 years ago

Metadata Update from @mreynolds:
- Issue set to the milestone: 1.4.5 (was: 1.4 backlog)

4 years ago

389-ds-base is moving from Pagure to Github. This means that new issues and pull requests
will be accepted only in 389-ds-base's github repository.

This issue has been cloned to Github and is available here:
- https://github.com/389ds/389-ds-base/issues/1097

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Thank you for understanding. We apologize for all inconvenience.

Metadata Update from @spichugi:
- Issue close_status updated to: wontfix
- Issue status updated to: Closed (was: Open)

4 years ago

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