cdd6267 Ticket 50898 - ldclt core dumped when run with -e genldif option

Authored and Committed by tbordaz 4 years ago
    Ticket 50898 - ldclt core dumped when run with -e genldif option
    Bug Description:
    	ldctl can generate ldif file. If the template file or option
    	-e <objectclass> (person/InetOrgPerson/emailPerson) is missing,
    	then the attribute value is not set.
    	When dereferencing attribute.mod_values it crashes
    Fix Description:
    	Test that attribute.mod_values is set. If it is not (tha
    	means the objectclass value was not provided) and return an error
    Reviewed by: ?
    Platforms tested: F29
    Flag Day: no
    Doc impact: no