806de71 Ticket 49557 - Add config option for checking CRL on outbound SSL Connections

7 files Authored by mreynolds 6 years ago, Committed by tbordaz 6 years ago,
    Ticket 49557 - Add config option for checking CRL on outbound SSL Connections
    Bug Description:  There are cases where a CRL is not available during an outbound
                      replication connection.  This is seen as an error by openldap,
                      and the connection fails.
    Fix Description:  Add on/off option for checking the CRL.  The default is not to
                      check the CRL.
    Reviewed by: wibrown, Ludwig Krispenz, Thierry Bordaz
dirsrvtests/tests/suites/tls/__init__.py dirsrvtests/tests/suites/ssl/__init__.py
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