39b6a18 Ticket 47714 - CI test: add test case for ticket 47713

Authored and Committed by nhosoi 10 years ago
    Ticket 47714 - CI test: add test case for ticket 47713
    Description: [RFE] Update lastLoginTime also in Account Policy
    plugin if account lockout is based on passwordExpirationTime.
    Test Description:
    1) Check this change has no inpact to the existing functionality.
    1-1. Set account policy config without the new attr alwaysRecordLoginAttr
    1-2. Bind as a test user
    1-3. Bind as the test user again and check the lastLoginTime is updated
    1-4. Waint longer than the accountInactivityLimit time and bind as the
         test user, which should fail with CONSTANT_VIOLATION.
    2) Verify a new config attr alwaysRecordLoginAttr
    2-1. Set account policy config with the new attr alwaysRecordLoginAttr:
         Note: bogus attr is set to stateattrname.
         altstateattrname type value is used for checking whether the account
         is idle or not.
    2-2. Bind as a test user
    2-3. Bind as the test user again and check the alwaysRecordLoginAttr:
         lastLoginTime is updated
    Reviewded by mreynolds@redhat.com (Thanks, Mark!!)